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H.B. 450

This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 11:05 AM by jeyring. -->              1     




Chief Sponsor: Mark W. Walker

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies provisions relating to special districts and local districts to establish a
             10      separate process for the creation of a county service area to provide extended police
             11      protection services.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    authorizes the creation of a county service area and a local district for extended
             15      police protection service by resolution of the legislative body of the participating
             16      county and the legislative body of participating municipalities without the necessity
             17      of voter approval under certain circumstances;
             18          .    adds extended police protection as a service that a local district may provide;
             19          .    provides for the composition of the board of trustees of a county service area for
             20      extended police protection services;
             21          .    authorizes law enforcement duties to be performed by law enforcement officers,
             22      rather than the county sheriff, operating under the direction of an interlocal entity or
             23      county service area in which the county is a participant;
             24          .    requires the county sheriff to establish service levels and service priorities for law
             25      enforcement services provided by a county service area or interlocal entity to the
             26      unincorporated area of the county;
             27          .    requires an interlocal agreement that creates an interlocal entity to provide law

             28      enforcement services to an unincorporated area of a county to provide that the county sheriff be
             29      a member of the local entity's governing body;
             30          .    establishes a higher tax rate limit than other county service areas for a county
             31      service area that provides extended police protection service;
             32          .    requires the county and the municipalities included within a county service area for
             33      extended police protection to reduce their certified tax rate to offset the cost of
             34      extended police protection services;
             35          .    imputes a tax imposed by a police district to the county or municipality included
             36      within the district for purposes of the county or municipality's tax limit;
             37          .    adds police districts to provisions that provide for:
             38              .    automatic annexation to the district when an area is annexed to a municipality
             39      within the district;
             40              .    automatic withdrawal from the district when an area within the district is
             41      annexed to a municipality that is not within the district; and
             42              .    an alternate method of withdrawing an area within a municipality from the
             43      district upon resolution of the municipal legislative body and a vote of voters
             44      within the municipality; and
             45          .    makes conforming changes.
             46      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             47          None
             48      Other Special Clauses:
             49          None
             50      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             51      AMENDS:
             52          10-2-406, as last amended by Chapters 211 and 257, Laws of Utah 2003
             53          10-2-419, as last amended by Chapter 233, Laws of Utah 2005
             54          11-13-206, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 286, Laws of Utah 2002
             55          17-22-2, as last amended by Chapters 140 and 219, Laws of Utah 2002
             56          17A-2-411, as last amended by Chapter 257, Laws of Utah 2003
             57          17A-2-414, as last amended by Chapter 13, Laws of Utah 2005, First Special Session
             58          17B-2-202, as last amended by Chapter 257, Laws of Utah 2003

             59          17B-2-214, as last amended by Chapter 6, Laws of Utah 2003, Second Special Session
             60          17B-2-515.5, as last amended by Chapters 71 and 233, Laws of Utah 2005
             61          17B-2-601, as last amended by Chapters 36 and 233, Laws of Utah 2005
             62          17B-2-603.5, as last amended by Chapter 233, Laws of Utah 2005
             63          59-2-924, as last amended by Chapters 26, 105 and 359, Laws of Utah 2006
             65      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             66          Section 1. Section 10-2-406 is amended to read:
             67           10-2-406. Notice of certification -- Publishing and providing notice of petition.
             68          (1) After receipt of the notice of certification from the city recorder or town clerk under
             69      Subsection 10-2-405 (2)(c)(i), the municipal legislative body shall:
             70          (a) (i) publish a notice at least once a week for three successive weeks, beginning no
             71      later than ten days after receipt of the notice of certification, in a newspaper of general
             72      circulation within:
             73          (A) the area proposed for annexation; and
             74          (B) the unincorporated area within 1/2 mile of the area proposed for annexation; or
             75          (ii) if there is no newspaper of general circulation within those areas, post written
             76      notices in conspicuous places within those areas that are most likely to give notice to residents
             77      within those areas; and
             78          (b) within 20 days of receipt of the notice of certification under Subsection 10-2-405 (2)
             79      (c)(i), mail written notice to each affected entity.
             80          (2) (a) The notice under Subsections (1)(a) and (b) shall:
             81          (i) state that a petition has been filed with the municipality proposing the annexation of
             82      an area to the municipality;
             83          (ii) state the date of the municipal legislative body's receipt of the notice of certification
             84      under Subsection 10-2-405 (2)(c)(i);
             85          (iii) describe the area proposed for annexation in the annexation petition;
             86          (iv) state that the complete annexation petition is available for inspection and copying
             87      at the office of the city recorder or town clerk;
             88          (v) state in conspicuous and plain terms that the municipality may grant the petition
             89      and annex the area described in the petition unless, within the time required under Subsection

             90      10-2-407 (2)(a)(i)(A), a written protest to the annexation petition is filed with the commission
             91      and a copy of the protest delivered to the city recorder or town clerk of the proposed annexing
             92      municipality;
             93          (vi) state the address of the commission or, if a commission has not yet been created in
             94      the county, the county clerk, where a protest to the annexation petition may be filed;
             95          (vii) state that the area proposed for annexation to the municipality will also
             96      automatically be annexed to a local district providing fire protection, paramedic, and
             97      emergency services or extended police protection service, as the case may be, as provided in
             98      Section 17B-2-515.5 , if:
             99          (A) the proposed annexing municipality is entirely within the boundaries of a local
             100      district:
             101          (I) that provides, as the case may be:
             102          (Aa) fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services; [and] or
             103          (Bb) extended police protection service; and
             104          (II) in the creation of which an election was not required because of Subsection
             105      17B-2-214 (3)(c); and
             106          (B) the area proposed to be annexed to the municipality is not already within the
             107      boundaries of the local district; and
             108          (viii) state that the area proposed for annexation to the municipality will be
             109      automatically withdrawn from a local district providing fire protection, paramedic, and
             110      emergency services or extended police protection service, as the case may be, as provided in
             111      Subsection 17B-2-601 (2), if:
             112          (A) the petition proposes the annexation of an area that is within the boundaries of a
             113      local district:
             114          (I) that provides, as the case may be:
             115          (Aa) fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services; [and] or
             116          (Bb) extended police protection service; and
             117          (II) in the creation of which an election was not required because of Subsection
             118      17B-2-214 (3)(c); and
             119          (B) the proposed annexing municipality is not within the boundaries of the local
             120      district.

             121          (b) The statement required by Subsection (2)(a)(v) shall state the deadline for filing a
             122      written protest in terms of the actual date rather than by reference to the statutory citation.
             123          (c) In addition to the requirements under Subsection (2)(a), a notice under Subsection
             124      (1)(a) for a proposed annexation of an area within a county of the first class shall include a
             125      statement that a protest to the annexation petition may be filed with the commission by
             126      property owners if it contains the signatures of the owners of private real property that:
             127          (i) is located in the unincorporated area within 1/2 mile of the area proposed for
             128      annexation;
             129          (ii) covers at least 25% of the private land area located in the unincorporated area
             130      within 1/2 mile of the area proposed for annexation; and
             131          (iii) is equal in value to at least 15% of all real property located in the unincorporated
             132      area within 1/2 mile of the area proposed for annexation.
             133          Section 2. Section 10-2-419 is amended to read:
             134           10-2-419. Boundary adjustment -- Notice and hearing -- Protest.
             135          (1) The legislative bodies of two or more municipalities having common boundaries
             136      may adjust their common boundaries as provided in this section.
             137          (2) (a) The legislative body of each municipality intending to adjust a boundary that is
             138      common with another municipality shall:
             139          (i) adopt a resolution indicating the intent of the municipal legislative body to adjust a
             140      common boundary;
             141          (ii) hold a public hearing on the proposed adjustment no less than 60 days after the
             142      adoption of the resolution under Subsection (2)(a)(i); and
             143          (iii) (A) publish notice at least once a week for three successive weeks in a newspaper
             144      of general circulation within the municipality; or
             145          (B) if there is no newspaper of general circulation within the municipality, post at least
             146      one notice per 1,000 population in places within the municipality that are most likely to give
             147      notice to residents of the municipality.
             148          (b) The notice required under Subsection (2)(a)(iii) shall:
             149          (i) state that the municipal legislative body has adopted a resolution indicating the
             150      municipal legislative body's intent to adjust a boundary that the municipality has in common
             151      with another municipality;

             152          (ii) describe the area proposed to be adjusted;
             153          (iii) state the date, time, and place of the public hearing required under Subsection
             154      (2)(a)(ii);
             155          (iv) state in conspicuous and plain terms that the municipal legislative body will adjust
             156      the boundaries unless, at or before the public hearing under Subsection (2)(a)(ii), written
             157      protests to the adjustment are filed by the owners of private real property that:
             158          (A) is located within the area proposed for adjustment;
             159          (B) covers at least 25% of the total private land area within the area proposed for
             160      adjustment; and
             161          (C) is equal in value to at least 15% of the value of all private real property within the
             162      area proposed for adjustment; [and]
             163          (v) state that the area that is the subject of the boundary adjustment will, as provided in
             164      Section 17B-2-515.5 and because of the boundary adjustment, be automatically annexed to a
             165      local district providing fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services[, as provided in
             166      Section 17B-2-515.5 ] or extended police protection service, as the case may be, if:
             167          (A) the municipality to which the area is being added because of the boundary
             168      adjustment is entirely within the boundaries of a local district:
             169          (I) that provides, as the case may be:
             170          (Aa) fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services; [and] or
             171          (Bb) extended police protection service; and
             172          (II) in the creation of which an election was not required because of Subsection
             173      17B-2-214 (3)(c); and
             174          (B) the municipality from which the area is being taken because of the boundary
             175      adjustment is not within the boundaries of the local district; and
             176          (vi) state that the area proposed for annexation to the municipality will, as provided in
             177      Subsection H. [ 17B-2-602 ] 17B-2-601 .H (2), be automatically withdrawn from a local
             177a      district providing fire
             178      protection, paramedic, and emergency services[, as provided in Subsection 17B-2-601 (2)] or
             179      extended police protection service, as the case may be, if:
             180          (A) the municipality to which the area is being added because of the boundary
             181      adjustment is not within the boundaries of a local district:
             182          (I) that provides, as the case may be:

             183          (Aa) fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services; [and] or
             184          (Bb) extended police protection service; and
             185          (II) in the creation of which an election was not required because of Subsection
             186      17B-2-214 (3)(c); and
             187          (B) the municipality from which the area is being taken because of the boundary
             188      adjustment is entirely within the boundaries of the local district.
             189          (c) The first publication of the notice required under Subsection (2)(a)(iii)(A) shall be
             190      within 14 days of the municipal legislative body's adoption of a resolution under Subsection
             191      (2)(a)(i).
             192          (3) Upon conclusion of the public hearing under Subsection (2)(a)(ii), the municipal
             193      legislative body may adopt an ordinance adjusting the common boundary unless, at or before
             194      the hearing under Subsection (2)(a)(ii), written protests to the adjustment have been filed with
             195      the city recorder or town clerk, as the case may be, by the owners of private real property that:
             196          (a) is located within the area proposed for adjustment;
             197          (b) covers at least 25% of the total private land area within the area proposed for
             198      adjustment; and
             199          (c) is equal in value to at least 15% of the value of all private real property within the
             200      area proposed for adjustment.
             201          (4) The municipal legislative body shall comply with the requirements of Section
             202      10-2-425 as if the boundary change were an annexation.
             203          (5) An ordinance adopted under Subsection (3) becomes effective when each
             204      municipality involved in the boundary adjustment has adopted an ordinance under Subsection
             205      (3) and as determined under Subsection 10-2-425 (5) if the boundary change were an
             206      annexation.
             207          Section 3. Section 11-13-206 is amended to read:
             208           11-13-206. Requirements for agreements for joint or cooperative action.
             209          (1) Each agreement under Section 11-13-202 , 11-13-203 , or 11-13-205 shall specify:
             210          (a) its duration;
             211          (b) if the agreement creates an interlocal entity:
             212          (i) the precise organization, composition, and nature of the interlocal entity;
             213          (ii) the powers delegated to the interlocal entity;

             214          (iii) the manner in which the interlocal entity is to be governed; and
             215          (iv) subject to Subsection (2), the manner in which the members of its governing body
             216      are to be appointed or selected;
             217          (c) its purpose or purposes;
             218          (d) the manner of financing the joint or cooperative undertaking and of establishing
             219      and maintaining a budget for it;
             220          (e) the permissible method or methods to be employed in accomplishing the partial or
             221      complete termination of the agreement and for disposing of property upon such partial or
             222      complete termination; and
             223          (f) any other necessary and proper matters.
             224          (2) Each agreement under Section 11-13-203 or 11-13-205 that creates an interlocal
             225      entity shall require that Utah public agencies that are parties to the agreement have the right to
             226      appoint or select members of the interlocal entity's governing body with a majority of the
             227      voting power.
             228          (3) Each agreement under this chapter that creates an interlocal entity to provide law
             229      enforcement services to an area that includes an unincorporated area of a county shall require
             230      the sheriff of that county to be a member of the local entity's governing body.
             231          Section 4. Section 17-22-2 is amended to read:
             232           17-22-2. Sheriff -- General duties.
             233          (1) [The] Subject to Subsection (3), the sheriff shall:
             234          (a) preserve the peace;
             235          (b) make all lawful arrests;
             236          (c) attend in person or by deputy the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals when
             237      required or when the court is held within his county, all courts of record, and court
             238      commissioner and referee sessions held within his county, obey their lawful orders and
             239      directions, and comply with the court security rule, Rule 3-414, of the Utah Code of Judicial
             240      Administration;
             241          (d) upon request of the juvenile court, aid the court in maintaining order during
             242      hearings and transport a minor to and from youth corrections facilities, other institutions, or
             243      other designated places;
             244          (e) attend county justice courts if the judge finds that the matter before the court

             245      requires the sheriff's attendance for security, transportation, and escort of jail prisoners in his
             246      custody, or for the custody of jurors;
             247          (f) command the aid of as many inhabitants of his county as he considers necessary in
             248      the execution of these duties;
             249          (g) take charge of and keep the county jail and the jail prisoners;
             250          (h) receive and safely keep all persons committed to his custody, file and preserve the
             251      commitments of those persons, and record the name, age, place of birth, and description of
             252      each person committed;
             253          (i) release on the record all attachments of real property when the attachment he
             254      receives has been released or discharged;
             255          (j) endorse on all process and notices the year, month, day, hour, and minute of
             256      reception, and, upon payment of fees, issue a certificate to the person delivering process or
             257      notice showing the names of the parties, title of paper, and the time of receipt;
             258          (k) serve all process and notices as prescribed by law;
             259          (l) if he makes service of process or notice, certify on the process or notices the
             260      manner, time, and place of service, or, if he fails to make service, certify the reason upon the
             261      process or notice, and return them without delay;
             262          (m) extinguish fires occurring in the undergrowth, trees, or wooded areas on the public
             263      land within his county;
             264          (n) perform as required by any contracts between the county and private contractors for
             265      management, maintenance, operation, and construction of county jails entered into under the
             266      authority of Section 17-53-311 ;
             267          (o) manage search and rescue services in his county;
             268          (p) obtain saliva DNA specimens as required under Section 53-10-404 ;
             269          (q) on or before January 1, 2003, adopt a written policy that prohibits the stopping,
             270      detention, or search of any person when the action is solely motivated by considerations of
             271      race, color, ethnicity, age, or gender; and
             272          (r) perform any other duties that are required by law.
             273          (2) Violation of Subsection (1)(j) is a class C misdemeanor. Violation of any other
             274      Subsection under Subsection (1) is a class A misdemeanor.
             275          (3) (a) Subject to Subsection (3)(b), law enforcement duties under this section may be

             276      performed in a county of the first class by law enforcement officers operating under the
             277      direction of:
             278          (i) an interlocal entity created under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act,
             279      pursuant to an interlocal agreement to which the county is a party, to provide extended police
             280      protection service; or
             281          (ii) a county service area under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Part 4, County Service Area Act,
             282      created to provide extended police protection service and in the creation of which an election
             283      was not required under Subsection 17B-2-214 (3)(c).
             284          (b) The county sheriff shall establish service levels and service priorities for law
             285      enforcement services provided under Subsection (3)(a) within the unincorporated area of the
             286      county.
             287          Section 5. Section 17A-2-411 is amended to read:
             288           17A-2-411. Board of trustees -- Selection procedures -- Surety bonds -- Other
             289      provisions applicable -- Board membership for certain service areas providing fire
             290      protection, paramedic, and emergency services or extended police protection service.
             291          (1) Each service area authorized under this part shall be governed by a board of
             292      trustees.
             293          (2) (a) Except as provided in [Subsection] Subsections (11) and (12), upon the creation
             294      of a county service area, the county legislative body may adopt an ordinance declaring that the
             295      county legislative body of the county shall act as the trustees of the service area.
             296          (b) Upon passage of the ordinance, the county legislative body of the county shall act
             297      as trustees of the service area with all the powers, authority, and responsibility vested in the
             298      trustees under this part.
             299          (c) (i) The county legislative body, when acting as trustees, may use any existing
             300      county offices, officers, or employees for the purposes of the service area.
             301          (ii) The county legislative body shall charge costs of those services to the service area
             302      and require them to be paid to the county treasurer for the general fund of the county.
             303          (3) Except as provided in [Subsection] Subsections (11) and (12), at any time after the
             304      creation of a board of trustees as provided in Subsection (1), if no elected board has been
             305      established as provided in this section, the county legislative body of the county in which the
             306      service area is located may:

             307          (a) by ordinance, delegate its powers to an appointed or elected board of trustees as
             308      provided in Chapter 1, Part 3, Special District Board Selection Procedures; and
             309          (b) provide for the appointment or election of the board by following the procedures
             310      and requirements of Chapter 1, Part 3, Special District Board Selection Procedures.
             311          (4) Except as provided in [Subsection] Subsections (11) and (12), at any time after the
             312      creation of a board of trustees as provided in Subsections (2) and (3), the county legislative
             313      body shall hold an election for trustees by following the procedures and requirements of
             314      Chapter 1, Part 3, Special District Board Selection Procedures, if:
             315          (a) the county legislative body receives a petition requesting that an election for
             316      trustees be held that is:
             317          (i) signed by at least 10% of persons eligible to vote in an election in a service area
             318      authorized under this part; and
             319          (ii) filed with the county legislative body at least 30 days before the date set for a bond
             320      election or 90 days before the date set for any municipal election; or
             321          (b) territory located within a municipality is annexed into the county service area under
             322      Title 17B, Chapter 2, Part 5, Annexation.
             323          (5) (a) If there is no elected board of trustees at the time of the first bond election,
             324      trustees shall be elected in conjunction with that bond election, except as provided in
             325      [Subsection] Subsections (11) and (12).
             326          (b) Candidates for election to the board of trustees shall be taxpayers and qualified
             327      voters in the service area.
             328          (c) At any time within 30 days after the county legislative body has called a bond
             329      election, but not less than 15 days before the day of election, any person who is qualified to
             330      vote in the service area may file a signed statement with the county clerk announcing the
             331      person's candidacy to be one of the first elected trustees of the service area.
             332          (d) The board of trustees shall provide a ballot separate from the bond ballot that
             333      contains the names of the candidates and blanks in which the voters may write in additional
             334      names.
             335          (e) A voter at the election may vote for the number of trustee positions to be filled.
             336          (f) The persons receiving the highest number of votes at the election are members of
             337      the board of trustees.

             338          (6) (a) Each member of the board of trustees may vote on all questions, orders,
             339      resolutions, and ordinances coming before the board.
             340          (b) Notwithstanding Section 17B-2-404 , if the county legislative body acts as the board
             341      of trustees, no compensation may be paid to them as trustees.
             342          (c) Each trustee who is also a member of the county legislative body shall take the oath
             343      of office and shall give the bond that is required by law for members of the county legislative
             344      body.
             345          (7) All qualified voters in the service area may vote in elections to select trustees and in
             346      elections to approve the issuance of bonds.
             347          (8) Following the election or appointment of the first trustees, each elected trustee shall
             348      be elected according to the procedures and requirements of Chapter 1, Part 3, Special District
             349      Board Selection Procedures.
             350          (9) Each vacancy of an elected trustee in office shall be filled according to the
             351      procedures and requirements of Chapter 1, Part 3, Special District Board Selection Procedures.
             352          (10) (a) Except as provided in [Subsection] Subsections (11) and (12), the provisions
             353      of Title 17B, Chapter 2, Part 4, Board of Trustees, apply to each county service area to the
             354      same extent as if the county service area were a local district under Title 17B, Chapter 2, Local
             355      Districts.
             356          (b) (i) If a change in the number of board of trustees members is necessary to comply
             357      with the requirements of Subsection 17B-2-402 (1), the board of trustees may by majority vote,
             358      notwithstanding Subsection 17B-2-402 (3), change the number of board members to the next
             359      odd number higher or lower than the number of current board members.
             360          (ii) If a change under Subsection (10)(b)(i) decreases the number of board members,
             361      the change may not take effect until the expiration of the term of the member whose term next
             362      expires.
             363          (iii) If a change in the number of board members necessitated by Subsection
             364      17B-2-402 (1) would cause the district to violate a provision of bonds issued by the district, the
             365      number of board members may be modified to the extent necessary to avoid a violation.
             366          (c) (i) If a change in the expiration date of the term of a board of trustees member is
             367      necessary to comply with the requirements of Subsection 17B-2-403 (1), the term of each board
             368      member whose term expires on a day other than the first Monday in January shall be extended

             369      to the first Monday in January after the normal expiration date next following the special
             370      district election date under Section 17A-1-305 .
             371          (ii) If a change in the length of the term of a board of trustees member is necessary to
             372      comply with the requirements of Subsection 17B-2-403 (2), the change may not take effect until
             373      the expiration of the term of the member whose term length is to be changed.
             374          (11) (a) This Subsection (11) applies to a county service area created on or after May 5,
             375      2003 if:
             376          (i) the county service area was created to provide fire protection, paramedic, and
             377      emergency services; and
             378          (ii) in the creation of the county service area, an election was not required under
             379      Subsection 17B-2-214 (3)(c).
             380          (b) (i) Each county whose unincorporated area is partially or fully included within the
             381      county service area, whether in conjunction with the creation of the county service area or by
             382      later annexation, shall appoint three members to the board of trustees.
             383          (ii) Each municipality whose area is included within the county service area, whether
             384      in conjunction with the creation of the county service area or by later annexation, shall appoint
             385      one member to the board of trustees.
             386          (iii) Each member appointed by a county under Subsection (11)(b)(i) shall be an
             387      elected official of the appointing county, and each member appointed by a municipality under
             388      Subsection (11)(b)(ii) shall be an elected official of the appointing municipality.
             389          (c) The number of members of a board of trustees of a county service area to which this
             390      Subsection (11) applies shall be the number resulting from application of Subsection (11)(b).
             391          (d) An employee of the county service area may not serve as a member of the board of
             392      trustees.
             393          (12) (a) As used in this Subsection (12):
             394          (i) "Jurisdictional boundaries" means:
             395          (A) for a county that is a police district participant, the unincorporated area of the
             396      county that is included within the police district; and
             397          (B) for a municipality that is a police district participant, the area within the boundaries
             398      of the municipality.
             399          (ii) "Police district" means a county service area:

             400          (A) created on or after April 30, 2007;
             401          (B) created to provide extended police protection service; and
             402          (C) in the creation of which an election was not required under Subsection
             403      17B-2-214 (3)(c).
             404          (iii) "Police district participant" means:
             405          (A) a county whose unincorporated area is partially or fully included within a police
             406      district, whether in conjunction with the creation of the police district or by later annexation; or
             407          (B) a municipality whose area is included within the police district, whether in
             408      conjunction with the creation of the police district or by later annexation.
             409          (b) Each police district participant shall appoint to the board of trustees of the police
             410      district:
             411          (i) one member, if the population within the jurisdictional boundaries of the police
             412      district participant does not exceed 50,000;
             413          (ii) two members, if the population within the jurisdictional boundaries of the police
             414      district participant exceeds 50,000 but does not exceed 100,000; and
             415          (iii) three members, if the population within the jurisdictional boundaries of the police
             416      district participant exceeds 100,000.
             417          (c) One of the members appointed under Subsection (12)(b) by a county that is a police
             418      district participant shall be the county sheriff.
             419          (d) Notwithstanding Subsection 17B-2-402 (1), the number of members of a police
             420      district board of trustees shall be the number resulting from application of Subsection (12)(b).
             421          (e) An employee of the police district may not serve as a member of the board of
             422      trustees.
             423          Section 6. Section 17A-2-414 is amended to read:
             424           17A-2-414. Tax rate -- Limitation.
             425          (1) Each year prior to the time the county legislative body fixes and levies taxes for
             426      county purposes, the board of trustees of each county service area within the county shall fix
             427      the rate of county service area taxes or charges or combination of both and shall certify the rate
             428      to the county legislative body.
             429          (2) Except as provided in Section 17A-2-424 , a tax levy rate certified for a county
             430      service area under Subsection (1) may not in any year exceed:

             431          (a) .0023 per dollar of taxable value of taxable property located in the county service
             432      area, if the county service area:
             433          (i) is located in a county of the first class; and
             434          (ii) provides:
             435          (A) fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services; or
             436          (B) extended police protection service; or
             437          (b) for each other county service area, .0014 per dollar of taxable value of taxable
             438      property located in the county service area.
             439          Section 7. Section 17B-2-202 is amended to read:
             440           17B-2-202. Local district may be created -- Services that may be provided --
             441      Limitations -- Name.
             442          (1) A local district may be created as provided in this part to provide within its
             443      boundaries service consisting of:
             444          (a) the operation of an airport;
             445          (b) the operation of a cemetery;
             446          (c) the operation of a system for the generation or distribution of electricity;
             447          (d) the operation of a system for the transmission of natural or manufactured gas that
             448      is:
             449          (i) connected to a gas plant, as defined in Section 54-2-1 , of a gas corporation, as
             450      defined in Section 54-2-1 , that is regulated under Section 54-4-1 ; and
             451          (ii) to be used to facilitate gas utility service within the district if such gas utility
             452      service is not available within the district prior to the acquisition or construction of such a
             453      system;
             454          (e) fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services;
             455          (f) garbage collection and disposal;
             456          (g) health care;
             457          (h) the operation of a library;
             458          (i) abatement or control of mosquitos and other insects;
             459          (j) the operation of parks or recreation facilities;
             460          (k) the operation of a sewage system;
             461          (l) street lighting;

             462          (m) the construction and maintenance of curb, gutter, and sidewalk;
             463          (n) transportation;
             464          (o) the operation of a system for the control of storm or flood waters;
             465          (p) the operation of an irrigation water system;
             466          (q) the operation of a culinary water system; [or]
             467          (r) the underground installation of an electric utility line or the conversion to
             468      underground of an existing electric utility line[.]; or
             469          (s) extended police protection.
             470          (2) For purposes of this section:
             471          (a) "Operation" means all activities involved in providing the indicated service
             472      including acquisition and ownership of property reasonably necessary to provide the indicated
             473      service and acquisition, construction, and maintenance of facilities and equipment reasonably
             474      necessary to provide the indicated service.
             475          (b) "System" means the aggregate of interrelated components that combine together to
             476      provide the indicated service including:
             477          (i) for a sewage system, collection and treatment; and
             478          (ii) for an irrigation or culinary water system, collection, retention, treatment, and
             479      distribution to either the end user or another that in turn distributes to the end user.
             480          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), a local district may be created to
             481      provide and may after its creation provide no more than two of the services listed in Subsection
             482      (1).
             483          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), a local district may be created to provide and
             484      may after its creation provide services consisting of:
             485          (i) the operation of some or all of the components of a sewage system;
             486          (ii) the operation of some or all of the components of an irrigation water system; and
             487          (iii) the operation of some or all of the components of a culinary water system.
             488          (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), a local district may not be created to
             489      provide and may not after its creation provide to an area the same service already being
             490      provided to that area by another political subdivision.
             491          (b) For purposes of Subsection (4)(a), a local district does not provide the same service
             492      as another political subdivision if it operates a component of a system that is different from a

             493      component operated by another political subdivision but within the same:
             494          (i) sewage system;
             495          (ii) irrigation water system; or
             496          (iii) culinary water system.
             497          (5) Except for a local district in the creation of which an election is not required under
             498      Subsection 17B-2-214 (3)(c), the area of a local district may include all or part of the
             499      unincorporated area of one or more counties and all or part of one or more municipalities.
             500          (6) The name of a local district:
             501          (a) may include words descriptive of the type of service provided by the local district;
             502      and
             503          (b) may not include the name of a county or municipality.
             504          Section 8. Section 17B-2-214 is amended to read:
             505           17B-2-214. Election -- Exceptions.
             506          (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3) and in Subsection 17B-2-213 (2)(a), an
             507      election on the question of whether the local district should be created shall be held by:
             508          (i) if the proposed local district is located entirely within a single county, the
             509      responsible clerk; or
             510          (ii) except as provided under Subsection (1)(b), if the proposed local district is located
             511      within more than one county, the clerk of each county in which part of the proposed local
             512      district is located, in cooperation with the responsible clerk.
             513          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(a)(ii), if the proposed local district is located
             514      within more than one county and the only area of a county that is included within the proposed
             515      local district is located within a single municipality, the election for that area shall be held by
             516      the municipal clerk or recorder, in cooperation with the responsible clerk.
             517          (2) Each election under Subsection (1) shall be held at the next special or regular
             518      general election date that is:
             519          (a) for an election pursuant to a property owner or registered voter petition, more than
             520      45 days after certification of the petition under Subsection 17B-2-209 (3)(b)(i); or
             521          (b) for an election pursuant to a resolution, more than 60 days after the latest hearing
             522      required under Section 17B-2-210 .
             523          (3) The election requirement of Subsection (1) does not apply to:

             524          (a) [to] a petition filed under Subsection 17B-2-203 (1)(a) if it contains the signatures of
             525      the owners of private real property that:
             526          (i) is located within the proposed local district;
             527          (ii) covers at least 67% of the total private land area within the proposed local district
             528      as a whole and within each applicable area; and
             529          (iii) is equal in value to at least 50% of the value of all private real property within the
             530      proposed local district as a whole and within each applicable area;
             531          (b) [to] a petition filed under Subsection 17B-2-203 (1)(b) if it contains the signatures
             532      of registered voters residing within the proposed local district as a whole and within each
             533      applicable area, equal in number to at least 67% of the number of votes cast in the proposed
             534      local district as a whole and in each applicable area, respectively, for the office of governor at
             535      the last general election prior to the filing of the petition; or
             536          (c) [to] a resolution [adopted] under Subsection 17B-2-203 (1)(c) [on or after May 5,
             537      2003] that:
             538          (i) (A) proposes the creation of a local district to provide fire protection, paramedic,
             539      and emergency services, if the proposed local district includes a majority of the unincorporated
             540      area of one or more counties[.]; and
             541          (B) was adopted on or after May 3, 2003; or
             542          (ii) (A) proposes the creation of a local district to provide extended police protection
             543      service, if the proposed local district includes:
             544          (I) a majority of the unincorporated area of a single county; and
             545          (II) no area of any other county, unless that area is entirely within a municipality whose
             546      boundaries are included in the local district and a majority of whose land area is located within
             547      the county whose unincorporated area is included in the local district; and
             548          (B) was adopted on or after April 30, 2007.
             549          (4) (a) If the proposed local district is located in more than one county, the responsible
             550      clerk shall coordinate with the clerk of each other county and the clerk or recorder of each
             551      municipality involved in an election under Subsection (1) so that the election is held on the
             552      same date and in a consistent manner in each jurisdiction.
             553          (b) The clerk of each county and the clerk or recorder of each municipality involved in
             554      an election under Subsection (1) shall cooperate with the responsible clerk in holding the

             555      election.
             556          (c) Except as otherwise provided in this part, each election under Subsection (1) shall
             557      be governed by Title 20A, Election Code.
             558          Section 9. Section 17B-2-515.5 is amended to read:
             559           17B-2-515.5. Automatic annexation to a district providing fire protection,
             560      paramedic, and emergency services.
             561          (1) An area outside the boundaries of a local district that is annexed to a municipality
             562      or added to a municipality by a boundary adjustment under Title 10, Chapter 2, Part 4,
             563      Annexation, is automatically annexed to the local district if:
             564          (a) the local district provides:
             565          (i) fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services; or
             566          (ii) extended police protection service;
             567          (b) an election for the creation of the local district was not required because of
             568      Subsection 17B-2-214 (3)(c); and
             569          (c) before the municipal annexation or boundary adjustment, the entire municipality
             570      that is annexing the area or adding the area by boundary adjustment was included within the
             571      local district.
             572          (2) The effective date of an annexation under this section is governed by Subsection
             573      17B-2-514 (3)(b).
             574          Section 10. Section 17B-2-601 is amended to read:
             575           17B-2-601. Withdrawal of area from local district -- Automatic withdrawal in
             576      certain circumstances -- Definitions.
             577          (1) An area within the boundaries of a local district may be withdrawn from the local
             578      district as provided in this part.
             579          (2) (a) An area within the boundaries of a local district is automatically withdrawn
             580      from the local district by the annexation of the area to a municipality or the adding of the area
             581      to a municipality by boundary adjustment under Title 10, Chapter 2, Part 4, Annexation, if:
             582          (i) the local district H. [ :
             583          (A)
] .H
provides H. :
             583a          (A) .H fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services; or
             584          (B) extended police protection service;
             585          (ii) an election for the creation of the local district was not required because of

             586      Subsection 17B-2-214 (3)(c); and
             587          (iii) before annexation or boundary adjustment, the boundaries of the local district do
             588      not include any of the annexing municipality.
             589          (b) The effective date of a withdrawal under this Subsection (2) is governed by
             590      Subsection 17B-2-610 (2)(b).
             591          (3) (a) An area within the boundaries of a local district located in a county of the first
             592      class is automatically withdrawn from the local district by the incorporation of a municipality
             593      whose boundaries include the area if:
             594          (i) the local district provides fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services;
             595          (ii) an election for the creation of the local district was not required because of
             596      Subsection 17B-2-214 (3)(c); and
             597          (iii) the legislative body of the newly incorporated municipality:
             598          (A) adopts a resolution approving the withdrawal that includes the legal description of
             599      the area to be withdrawn; and
             600          (B) delivers a copy of the resolution to the board of trustees of the local district.
             601          (b) The effective date of a withdrawal under this Subsection (3) is governed by
             602      Subsection 17B-2-610 (2)(a).
             603          (4) In addition to those definitions in Section 17B-2-101 , as used in this part,
             604      "receiving entity" means an entity that will, following a withdrawal, provide to the withdrawn
             605      area the service previously provided by the local district.
             606          Section 11. Section 17B-2-603.5 is amended to read:
             607           17B-2-603.5. Withdrawal of municipality in certain districts providing fire
             608      protection, paramedic, and emergency services.
             609          (1) (a) The process to withdraw an area from a local district may be initiated by a
             610      resolution adopted by the legislative body of a municipality that is entirely within the
             611      boundaries of a local district:
             612          (i) that provides:
             613          (A) fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services; [and] or
             614          (B) extended police protection service; and
             615          (ii) in the creation of which an election was not required because of Subsection
             616      17B-2-214 (3)(c).

             617          (b) Within ten days after adopting a resolution under Subsection (1)(a), the municipal
             618      legislative body shall submit to the board of trustees of the local district written notice of the
             619      adoption of the resolution, accompanied by a copy of the resolution.
             620          (2) If a resolution is adopted under Subsection (1)(a), the municipal legislative body
             621      shall hold an election at the next municipal general election that is more than 60 days after
             622      adoption of the resolution on the question of whether the municipality should withdraw from
             623      the local district.
             624          (3) If a majority of those voting on the question of withdrawal at an election held under
             625      Subsection (2) vote in favor of withdrawal, the municipality shall be withdrawn from the local
             626      district.
             627          (4) (a) Within ten days after the canvass of an election at which a withdrawal under this
             628      section is submitted to voters, the municipal legislative body shall send written notice to the
             629      board of the local district from which the municipality is proposed to withdraw.
             630          (b) Each notice under Subsection (4)(a) shall:
             631          (i) state the results of the withdrawal election; and
             632          (ii) if the withdrawal was approved by voters, be accompanied by a map or legal
             633      description of the area to be withdrawn, adequate for purposes of the county assessor and
             634      recorder.
             635          (5) The effective date of a withdrawal under this section is governed by Subsection
             636      17B-2-610 (2)(a).
             637          Section 12. Section 59-2-924 is amended to read:
             638           59-2-924. Report of valuation of property to county auditor and commission --
             639      Transmittal by auditor to governing bodies -- Certified tax rate -- Calculation of certified
             640      tax rate -- Rulemaking authority -- Adoption of tentative budget.
             641          (1) (a) Before June 1 of each year, the county assessor of each county shall deliver to
             642      the county auditor and the commission the following statements:
             643          (i) a statement containing the aggregate valuation of all taxable property in each taxing
             644      entity; and
             645          (ii) a statement containing the taxable value of any additional personal property
             646      estimated by the county assessor to be subject to taxation in the current year.
             647          (b) The county auditor shall, on or before June 8, transmit to the governing body of

             648      each taxing entity:
             649          (i) the statements described in Subsections (1)(a)(i) and (ii);
             650          (ii) an estimate of the revenue from personal property;
             651          (iii) the certified tax rate; and
             652          (iv) all forms necessary to submit a tax levy request.
             653          (2) (a) (i) The "certified tax rate" means a tax rate that will provide the same ad
             654      valorem property tax revenues for a taxing entity as were budgeted by that taxing entity for the
             655      prior year.
             656          (ii) For purposes of this Subsection (2), "ad valorem property tax revenues" do not
             657      include:
             658          (A) collections from redemptions;
             659          (B) interest; and
             660          (C) penalties.
             661          (iii) (A) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(a)(v), the certified tax rate shall be
             662      calculated by dividing the ad valorem property tax revenues budgeted for the prior year by the
             663      taxing entity by the amount calculated under Subsection (2)(a)(iii)(B).
             664          (B) For purposes of Subsection (2)(a)(iii)(A), the legislative body of a taxing entity
             665      shall calculate an amount as follows:
             666          (I) calculate for the taxing entity the difference between:
             667          (Aa) the aggregate taxable value of all property taxed; and
             668          (Bb) any redevelopment adjustments for the current calendar year;
             669          (II) after making the calculation required by Subsection (2)(a)(iii)(B)(I), calculate an
             670      amount determined by increasing or decreasing the amount calculated under Subsection
             671      (2)(a)(iii)(B)(I) by the average of the percentage net change in the value of taxable property for
             672      the equalization period for the three calendar years immediately preceding the current calendar
             673      year;
             674          (III) after making the calculation required by Subsection (2)(a)(iii)(B)(II), calculate the
             675      product of:
             676          (Aa) the amount calculated under Subsection (2)(a)(iii)(B)(II); and
             677          (Bb) the percentage of property taxes collected for the five calendar years immediately
             678      preceding the current calendar year; and

             679          (IV) after making the calculation required by Subsection (2)(a)(iii)(B)(III), calculate an
             680      amount determined by subtracting from the amount calculated under Subsection
             681      (2)(a)(iii)(B)(III) any new growth as defined in this section:
             682          (Aa) within the taxing entity; and
             683          (Bb) for the current calendar year.
             684          (C) For purposes of Subsection (2)(a)(iii)(B)(I), the aggregate taxable value of all
             685      property taxed includes:
             686          (I) the total taxable value of the real and personal property contained on the tax rolls;
             687      and
             688          (II) the taxable value of any additional personal property estimated by the county
             689      assessor to be subject to taxation in the current year.
             690          (D) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
             691      the commission may prescribe rules for calculating redevelopment adjustments for a calendar
             692      year.
             693          (iv) (A) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking
             694      Act, the commission shall make rules determining the calculation of ad valorem property tax
             695      revenues budgeted by a taxing entity.
             696          (B) For purposes of Subsection (2)(a)(iv)(A), ad valorem property tax revenues
             697      budgeted by a taxing entity shall be calculated in the same manner as budgeted property tax
             698      revenues are calculated for purposes of Section 59-2-913 .
             699          (v) The certified tax rates for the taxing entities described in this Subsection (2)(a)(v)
             700      shall be calculated as follows:
             701          (A) except as provided in Subsection (2)(a)(v)(B), for new taxing entities the certified
             702      tax rate is zero;
             703          (B) for each municipality incorporated on or after July 1, 1996, the certified tax rate is:
             704          (I) in a county of the first, second, or third class, the levy imposed for municipal-type
             705      services under Sections 17-34-1 and 17-36-9 ; and
             706          (II) in a county of the fourth, fifth, or sixth class, the levy imposed for general county
             707      purposes and such other levies imposed solely for the municipal-type services identified in
             708      Section 17-34-1 and Subsection 17-36-3 (22); and
             709          (C) for debt service voted on by the public, the certified tax rate shall be the actual levy

             710      imposed by that section, except that the certified tax rates for the following levies shall be
             711      calculated in accordance with Section 59-2-913 and this section:
             712          (I) school leeways provided for under Sections 11-2-7 , 53A-16-110 , 53A-17a-125 ,
             713      53A-17a-127 , 53A-17a-133 , 53A-17a-134 , 53A-17a-143 , 53A-17a-145 , and 53A-21-103 ; and
             714          (II) levies to pay for the costs of state legislative mandates or judicial or administrative
             715      orders under Section 59-2-906.3 .
             716          (vi) (A) A judgment levy imposed under Section 59-2-1328 or 59-2-1330 shall be
             717      established at that rate which is sufficient to generate only the revenue required to satisfy one
             718      or more eligible judgments, as defined in Section 59-2-102 .
             719          (B) The ad valorem property tax revenue generated by the judgment levy shall not be
             720      considered in establishing the taxing entity's aggregate certified tax rate.
             721          (b) (i) For the purpose of calculating the certified tax rate, the county auditor shall use
             722      the taxable value of property on the assessment roll.
             723          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (2)(b)(i), the taxable value of property on the
             724      assessment roll does not include new growth as defined in Subsection (2)(b)(iii).
             725          (iii) "New growth" means:
             726          (A) the difference between the increase in taxable value of the taxing entity from the
             727      previous calendar year to the current year; minus
             728          (B) the amount of an increase in taxable value described in Subsection (2)(b)(iv).
             729          (iv) Subsection (2)(b)(iii)(B) applies to the following increases in taxable value:
             730          (A) the amount of increase to locally assessed real property taxable values resulting
             731      from factoring, reappraisal, or any other adjustments; or
             732          (B) the amount of an increase in the taxable value of property assessed by the
             733      commission under Section 59-2-201 resulting from a change in the method of apportioning the
             734      taxable value prescribed by:
             735          (I) the Legislature;
             736          (II) a court;
             737          (III) the commission in an administrative rule; or
             738          (IV) the commission in an administrative order.
             739          (c) Beginning January 1, 1997, if a taxing entity receives increased revenues from
             740      uniform fees on tangible personal property under Section 59-2-404 , 59-2-405 , 59-2-405.1 ,

             741      59-2-405.2 , or 59-2-405.3 as a result of any county imposing a sales and use tax under Chapter
             742      12, Part 11, County Option Sales and Use Tax, the taxing entity shall decrease its certified tax
             743      rate to offset the increased revenues.
             744          (d) (i) Beginning July 1, 1997, if a county has imposed a sales and use tax under
             745      Chapter 12, Part 11, County Option Sales and Use Tax, the county's certified tax rate shall be:
             746          (A) decreased on a one-time basis by the amount of the estimated sales and use tax
             747      revenue to be distributed to the county under Subsection 59-12-1102 (3); and
             748          (B) increased by the amount necessary to offset the county's reduction in revenue from
             749      uniform fees on tangible personal property under Section 59-2-404 , 59-2-405 , 59-2-405.1 ,
             750      59-2-405.2 , or 59-2-405.3 as a result of the decrease in the certified tax rate under Subsection
             751      (2)(d)(i)(A).
             752          (ii) The commission shall determine estimates of sales and use tax distributions for
             753      purposes of Subsection (2)(d)(i).
             754          (e) Beginning January 1, 1998, if a municipality has imposed an additional resort
             755      communities sales tax under Section 59-12-402 , the municipality's certified tax rate shall be
             756      decreased on a one-time basis by the amount necessary to offset the first 12 months of
             757      estimated revenue from the additional resort communities sales and use tax imposed under
             758      Section 59-12-402 .
             759          (f) For the calendar year beginning on January 1, 1999, and ending on December 31,
             760      1999, a taxing entity's certified tax rate shall be adjusted by the amount necessary to offset the
             761      adjustment in revenues from uniform fees on tangible personal property under Section
             762      59-2-405.1 as a result of the adjustment in uniform fees on tangible personal property under
             763      Section 59-2-405.1 enacted by the Legislature during the 1998 Annual General Session.
             764          (g) For purposes of Subsections (2)(h) through (j):
             765          (i) "1998 actual collections" means the amount of revenues a taxing entity actually
             766      collected for the calendar year beginning on January 1, 1998, under Section 59-2-405 for:
             767          (A) motor vehicles required to be registered with the state that weigh 12,000 pounds or
             768      less; and
             769          (B) state-assessed commercial vehicles required to be registered with the state that
             770      weigh 12,000 pounds or less.
             771          (ii) "1999 actual collections" means the amount of revenues a taxing entity actually

             772      collected for the calendar year beginning on January 1, 1999, under Section 59-2-405.1 .
             773          (h) For the calendar year beginning on January 1, 2000, the commission shall make the
             774      following adjustments:
             775          (i) the commission shall make the adjustment described in Subsection (2)(i)(i) if, for
             776      the calendar year beginning on January 1, 1999, a taxing entity's 1998 actual collections were
             777      greater than the sum of:
             778          (A) the taxing entity's 1999 actual collections; and
             779          (B) any adjustments the commission made under Subsection (2)(f);
             780          (ii) the commission shall make the adjustment described in Subsection (2)(i)(ii) if, for
             781      the calendar year beginning on January 1, 1999, a taxing entity's 1998 actual collections were
             782      greater than the taxing entity's 1999 actual collections, but the taxing entity's 1998 actual
             783      collections were less than the sum of:
             784          (A) the taxing entity's 1999 actual collections; and
             785          (B) any adjustments the commission made under Subsection (2)(f); and
             786          (iii) the commission shall make the adjustment described in Subsection (2)(i)(iii) if, for
             787      the calendar year beginning on January 1, 1999, a taxing entity's 1998 actual collections were
             788      less than the taxing entity's 1999 actual collections.
             789          (i) (i) For purposes of Subsection (2)(h)(i), the commission shall increase a taxing
             790      entity's certified tax rate under this section and a taxing entity's certified revenue levy under
             791      Section 59-2-906.1 by the amount necessary to offset the difference between:
             792          (A) the taxing entity's 1998 actual collections; and
             793          (B) the sum of:
             794          (I) the taxing entity's 1999 actual collections; and
             795          (II) any adjustments the commission made under Subsection (2)(f).
             796          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (2)(h)(ii), the commission shall decrease a taxing
             797      entity's certified tax rate under this section and a taxing entity's certified revenue levy under
             798      Section 59-2-906.1 by the amount necessary to offset the difference between:
             799          (A) the sum of:
             800          (I) the taxing entity's 1999 actual collections; and
             801          (II) any adjustments the commission made under Subsection (2)(f); and
             802          (B) the taxing entity's 1998 actual collections.

             803          (iii) For purposes of Subsection (2)(h)(iii), the commission shall decrease a taxing
             804      entity's certified tax rate under this section and a taxing entity's certified revenue levy under
             805      Section 59-2-906.1 by the amount of any adjustments the commission made under Subsection
             806      (2)(f).
             807          (j) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, for
             808      purposes of Subsections (2)(f) through (i), the commission may make rules establishing the
             809      method for determining a taxing entity's 1998 actual collections and 1999 actual collections.
             810          (k) (i) (A) For fiscal year 2000, the certified tax rate of each county required under
             811      Subsection 17-34-1 (4)(a) to provide advanced life support and paramedic services to the
             812      unincorporated area of the county shall be decreased by the amount necessary to reduce
             813      revenues in that fiscal year by an amount equal to the difference between the amount the county
             814      budgeted in its 2000 fiscal year budget for advanced life support and paramedic services
             815      countywide and the amount the county spent during fiscal year 2000 for those services,
             816      excluding amounts spent from a municipal services fund for those services.
             817          (B) For fiscal year 2001, the certified tax rate of each county to which Subsection
             818      (2)(k)(i)(A) applies shall be decreased by the amount necessary to reduce revenues in that fiscal
             819      year by the amount that the county spent during fiscal year 2000 for advanced life support and
             820      paramedic services countywide, excluding amounts spent from a municipal services fund for
             821      those services.
             822          (ii) (A) A city or town located within a county of the first class to which Subsection
             823      (2)(k)(i) applies may increase its certified tax rate by the amount necessary to generate within
             824      the city or town the same amount of revenues as the county would collect from that city or
             825      town if the decrease under Subsection (2)(k)(i) did not occur.
             826          (B) An increase under Subsection (2)(k)(ii)(A), whether occurring in a single fiscal
             827      year or spread over multiple fiscal years, is not subject to the notice and hearing requirements
             828      of Sections 59-2-918 and 59-2-919 .
             829          (l) (i) The certified tax rate of each county required under Subsection 17-34-1 (4)(b) to
             830      provide detective investigative services to the unincorporated area of the county shall be
             831      decreased:
             832          (A) in fiscal year 2001 by the amount necessary to reduce revenues in that fiscal year
             833      by at least $4,400,000; and

             834          (B) in fiscal year 2002 by the amount necessary to reduce revenues in that fiscal year
             835      by an amount equal to the difference between $9,258,412 and the amount of the reduction in
             836      revenues under Subsection (2)(l)(i)(A).
             837          (ii) (A) (I) Beginning with municipal fiscal year 2002, a city or town located within a
             838      county to which Subsection (2)(l)(i) applies may increase its certified tax rate to generate
             839      within the city or town the same amount of revenue as the county would have collected during
             840      county fiscal year 2001 from within the city or town except for Subsection (2)(l)(i)(A).
             841          (II) Beginning with municipal fiscal year 2003, a city or town located within a county
             842      to which Subsection (2)(l)(i) applies may increase its certified tax rate to generate within the
             843      city or town the same amount of revenue as the county would have collected during county
             844      fiscal year 2002 from within the city or town except for Subsection (2)(l)(i)(B).
             845          (B) (I) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(l)(ii)(B)(II), an increase in the city or
             846      town's certified tax rate under Subsection (2)(l)(ii)(A), whether occurring in a single fiscal year
             847      or spread over multiple fiscal years, is subject to the notice and hearing requirements of
             848      Sections 59-2-918 and 59-2-919 .
             849          (II) For an increase under this Subsection (2)(l)(ii) that generates revenue that does not
             850      exceed the same amount of revenue as the county would have collected except for Subsection
             851      (2)(l)(i), the requirements of Sections 59-2-918 and 59-2-919 do not apply if the city or town:
             852          (Aa) publishes a notice that meets the size, type, placement, and frequency
             853      requirements of Section 59-2-919 , reflects that the increase is a shift of a tax from one imposed
             854      by the county to one imposed by the city or town, and explains how the revenues from the tax
             855      increase will be used; and
             856          (Bb) holds a public hearing on the tax shift that may be held in conjunction with the
             857      city or town's regular budget hearing.
             858          (m) (i) This Subsection (2)(m) applies to each county that:
             859          (A) establishes a countywide special service district under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Part
             860      13, Utah Special Service District Act, to provide jail service, as provided in Subsection
             861      17A-2-1304 (1)(a)(x); and
             862          (B) levies a property tax on behalf of the special service district under Section
             863      17A-2-1322 .
             864          (ii) (A) The certified tax rate of each county to which this Subsection (2)(m) applies

             865      shall be decreased by the amount necessary to reduce county revenues by the same amount of
             866      revenues that will be generated by the property tax imposed on behalf of the special service
             867      district.
             868          (B) Each decrease under Subsection (2)(m)(ii)(A) shall occur contemporaneously with
             869      the levy on behalf of the special service district under Section 17A-2-1322 .
             870          (n) (i) As used in this Subsection (2)(n):
             871          (A) "Annexing county" means a county whose unincorporated area is partially or fully
             872      included within a fire district or police district by annexation.
             873          (B) "Annexing municipality" means a municipality whose area is included within a fire
             874      district by annexation.
             875          (C) "Equalized [fire protection] tax rate" means the tax rate that results from:
             876          (I) calculating, for each participating county and each participating municipality, the
             877      property tax revenue necessary to cover all of the costs associated with providing fire
             878      protection, paramedic, and emergency services or extended police protection service, as the
             879      case may be:
             880          (Aa) for a participating county, in that part of the unincorporated area of the county that
             881      is included within the fire district or police district, as the case may be; and
             882          (Bb) for a participating municipality, in the municipality; and
             883          (II) adding all the amounts calculated under Subsection (2)(n)(i)(C)(I) for all
             884      participating counties and all participating municipalities and then dividing that sum by the
             885      aggregate taxable value of the property, as adjusted in accordance with Section 59-2-913 :
             886          (Aa) for participating counties, in that part of the unincorporated area of all
             887      participating counties that is included within the fire district or police district, as the case may
             888      be; and
             889          (Bb) for participating municipalities, in all the participating municipalities.
             890          (D) "Fire district" means a county service area under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Part 4,
             891      County Service Area Act, created to provide fire protection, paramedic, and emergency
             892      services and in the creation of which an election was not required under Subsection
             893      17B-2-214 (3)(c).
             894          (E) "Fire protection tax rate" means:
             895          (I) for an annexing county, the property tax rate that, when applied to taxable property

             896      in the unincorporated area of the county that is included within the fire district, generates
             897      enough property tax revenue to cover all the costs associated with providing fire protection,
             898      paramedic, and emergency services in [the] that unincorporated area of the county; and
             899          (II) for an annexing municipality, the property tax rate that generates enough property
             900      tax revenue in the municipality to cover all the costs associated with providing fire protection,
             901      paramedic, and emergency services in the municipality.
             902          (F) "Participating county" means a county whose unincorporated area is included
             903      within a fire district or police district at the time of the creation of the fire district or police
             904      district, respectively.
             905          (G) "Participating municipality" means a municipality whose area is included within a
             906      fire district or police district at the time of the creation of the fire district or police district,
             907      respectively.
             908          (H) "Police district" means a county service area under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Part 4,
             909      County Service Area Act, created to provide extended police protection service and in the
             910      creation of which an election was not required under Subsection 17B-2-214 (3)(c).
             911          (I) "Police protection tax rate" means:
             912          (I) for an annexing county, the property tax rate that, when applied to the taxable
             913      property in the unincorporated area of the county that is included within the police district,
             914      generates enough property tax revenue to cover all the costs associated with providing
             915      extended police protection service in that unincorporated area of the county; and
             916          (II) for an annexing municipality, the property tax rate that generates enough property
             917      tax revenue in the municipality to cover all the costs associated with providing extended police
             918      protection service in the municipality.
             919          (ii) (A) In the first year following creation of a fire district, the certified tax rate of each
             920      participating county and each participating municipality shall be decreased by the amount of
             921      the equalized [fire protection] tax rate.
             922          (B) In the first year following creation of a police district, the certified tax rate
             923      applicable to each participating county's unincorporated area that is included within the police
             924      district and the certified tax rate of each participating municipality shall be decreased by the
             925      amount of the equalized tax rate.
             926          (iii) (A) In the first year following annexation to a fire district, the certified tax rate of

             927      each annexing county and each annexing municipality shall be decreased by the fire protection
             928      tax rate.
             929          (B) (I) In the first year following the annexation of some or all of a county's
             930      unincorporated area to a police district, the certified tax rate applicable to that unincorporated
             931      area shall be decreased by the amount of the equalized tax rate.
             932          (II) In the first year following a municipality's annexation to a police district, the
             933      certified tax rate of the annexing municipality shall be decreased by the amount of the
             934      equalized tax rate.
             935          (iv) Each tax levied under this section by a fire district or police district shall be
             936      considered to be levied by:
             937          (A) each participating county and each annexing county for purposes of the county's
             938      tax limitation under Section 59-2-908 ; and
             939          (B) each participating municipality and each annexing municipality for purposes of the
             940      municipality's tax limitation under Section 10-5-112 , for a town, or Section 10-6-133 , for a
             941      city.
             942          (3) (a) On or before June 22, each taxing entity shall annually adopt a tentative budget.
             943          (b) If the taxing entity intends to exceed the certified tax rate, it shall notify the county
             944      auditor of:
             945          (i) its intent to exceed the certified tax rate; and
             946          (ii) the amount by which it proposes to exceed the certified tax rate.
             947          (c) The county auditor shall notify all property owners of any intent to exceed the
             948      certified tax rate in accordance with Subsection 59-2-919 (2).
             949          (4) (a) The taxable value for the base year under Subsection 17C-1-102 (6) shall be
             950      reduced for any year to the extent necessary to provide a community development and renewal
             951      agency established under Title 17C, Limited Purpose Local Government Entities - Community
             952      Development and Renewal Agencies, with approximately the same amount of money the
             953      agency would have received without a reduction in the county's certified tax rate if:
             954          (i) in that year there is a decrease in the certified tax rate under Subsection (2)(c) or
             955      (2)(d)(i);
             956          (ii) the amount of the decrease is more than 20% of the county's certified tax rate of the
             957      previous year; and

             958          (iii) the decrease results in a reduction of the amount to be paid to the agency under
             959      Section 17C-1-403 or 17C-1-404 .
             960          (b) The base taxable value under Subsection 17C-1-102 (6) shall be increased in any
             961      year to the extent necessary to provide a community development and renewal agency with
             962      approximately the same amount of money as the agency would have received without an
             963      increase in the certified tax rate that year if:
             964          (i) in that year the base taxable value under Subsection 17C-1-102 (6) is reduced due to
             965      a decrease in the certified tax rate under Subsection (2)(c) or (2)(d)(i); and
             966          (ii) The certified tax rate of a city, school district, or special district increases
             967      independent of the adjustment to the taxable value of the base year.
             968          (c) Notwithstanding a decrease in the certified tax rate under Subsection (2)(c) or
             969      (2)(d)(i), the amount of money allocated and, when collected, paid each year to a community
             970      development and renewal agency established under Title 17C, Limited Purpose Local
             971      Government Entities - Community Development and Renewal Agencies, for the payment of
             972      bonds or other contract indebtedness, but not for administrative costs, may not be less than that
             973      amount would have been without a decrease in the certified tax rate under Subsection (2)(c) or
             974      (2)(d)(i).

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-15-07 11:29 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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