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H.J.R. 4

This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 11:17 AM by jeyring. -->              1     





Chief Sponsor: Stephen H. Urquhart

Senate Sponsor: John W. Hickman

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This joint resolution of the Legislature proposes to amend the Utah Constitution to
             11      modify provisions relating to succession in the offices of Governor and Lieutenant
             12      Governor.
             13      Highlighted Provisions:
             14          This resolution proposes to amend the Utah Constitution to:
             15          .    provide that the Lieutenant Governor becomes Governor upon a vacancy in the
             16      office of Governor, that the President of the Senate becomes Governor upon
             17      simultaneous vacancies in the offices of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, and
             18      that the Speaker of the House of Representatives becomes Governor upon
             19      simultaneous vacancies in the offices of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and
             20      President of the Senate;
             21          .    provide what constitutes a vacancy in the offices of Governor and Lieutenant
             22      Governor;
             23          .    provide for succession to the duties of the office of Governor during a temporary
             24      disability of the Governor;
             25          .    modify provisions relating to determining the disability of the Governor or person
             26      acting as Governor;
             27          .    modify the process for appointing a person to fill a vacancy in the office of

             28      Lieutenant Governor by requiring the consent of the Senate; and
             29          .    provide a process for determining the disability of the Lieutenant Governor.
             30      Special Clauses:
             31          This resolution directs the lieutenant governor to submit this proposal to voters.
             32          This resolution provides a contingent effective date of January 1, 2009 for this proposal.
             33      Utah Constitution Sections Affected:
             34      AMENDS:
             35          ARTICLE VII, SECTION 10
             36          ARTICLE VII, SECTION 11
             38      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, two-thirds of all members elected to each
             39      of the two houses voting in favor thereof:
             40          Section 1. It is proposed to amend Utah Constitution Article VII, Section 10, to read:
             41           Article VII, Section 10. [Governor's appointive power -- Vacancies.]
             42          (1) (a) The Governor shall nominate, and by and with consent of the Senate, appoint all
             43      State and district officers whose offices are established by this Constitution, or which may be
             44      created by law, and whose appointment or election is not otherwise provided for.
             45          (b) If, during the recess of the Senate, a vacancy occurs in any State or district office,
             46      the Governor shall appoint some qualified person to discharge the duties thereof until the next
             47      meeting of the Senate, when the Governor shall nominate some person to fill such office.
             48          (2) If the office of [Lieutenant Governor,] State Auditor, State Treasurer, or Attorney
             49      General be vacated by death, resignation, or otherwise, it shall be the duty of the Governor to
             50      fill the same by appointment, from the same political party [of] as the removed person; and the
             51      appointee shall hold office until a successor shall be elected and qualified, as provided by law.
             52          (3) (a) A vacancy in the office of Lieutenant Governor occurs when:
             53          (i) the Lieutenant Governor dies, resigns, is removed from office following
             54      impeachment, becomes Governor under Article VII, Section 11, ceases to reside within the
             55      State, or is determined, as provided in Subsection (3)(b), to have a disability that renders the
             56      Lieutenant Governor unable to discharge the duties of office for the remainder of the
             57      Lieutenant Governor's term of office; or
             58          (ii) the Lieutenant Governor-elect fails to take office because of the Lieutenant

             59      Governor-elect's death, failure to qualify for office, or disability, determined as provided in
             60      Subsection (3)(b), that renders the Lieutenant Governor-elect unable to discharge the duties of
             61      office for the Lieutenant Governor-elect's full term of office.
             62          (b) (i) Except when the disability of a Lieutenant Governor is determined under Article
             63      VII, Section 11, Subsection (6) because the Lieutenant Governor is acting as Governor under
             64      Article VII, Section 11, Subsection (5), the disability of a Lieutenant Governor or Lieutenant
             65      Governor-elect shall be determined by a written declaration stating that the Lieutenant
             66      Governor or Lieutenant Governor-elect is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the
             67      office.
             68          (ii) The written declaration under Subsection (3)(b)(i) shall be transmitted to the
             69      Supreme Court and shall be signed by:
             70          (A) the Governor; or
             71          (B) (I) the Lieutenant Governor, if the Lieutenant Governor is the subject of the
             72      declaration; or
             73          (II) the Lieutenant Governor-elect, if the Lieutenant Governor-elect is the subject of the
             74      declaration.
             75          (iii) If the Lieutenant Governor or Lieutenant Governor-elect, as the case may be,
             76      disputes a declaration transmitted by the Governor under Subsection (3)(b)(i), the Lieutenant
             77      Governor or Lieutenant Governor-elect may, within ten days after the declaration is transmitted
             78      to the Supreme Court, file a petition requesting the Supreme Court to determine whether a
             79      disability exists as stated in the Governor's declaration.
             80          (iv) In determining whether a disability exists, the Supreme Court shall follow
             81      procedures that the Court establishes, unless the Legislature by statute establishes procedures
             82      for the Supreme Court to follow in determining whether a disability exists.
             83          (v) A determination of disability under this Subsection (3)(b) is final and conclusive.
             84          (c) (i) If a vacancy in the office of Lieutenant Governor occurs, the Governor shall,
             85      with the consent of the Senate, appoint a person as Lieutenant Governor, to serve:
             86          (A) except as provided in Subsection (3)(c)(i)(B), the remainder of the unexpired term;
             87      or
             88          (B) until the first Monday in January of the year following the next regular general
             89      election after the vacancy occurs, if the vacancy occurs because the Lieutenant Governor

             90      becomes Governor under Article VII, Section 11, Subsection (2).
             91          (ii) The person appointed as Lieutenant Governor under Subsection (3)(c)(i) shall be
             92      from the same political party as the Governor.
             93          (iii) Neither the President of the Senate nor the Speaker of the House of
             94      Representatives may, while acting as Governor under Article VII, Section 11, Subsection (4),
             95      appoint a person as Lieutenant Governor to fill a vacancy in that office.
             96          Section 2. It is proposed to amend Utah Constitution Article VII, Section 11, to read:
             97           Article VII, Section 11. [Vacancy in office of Governor -- Determination of
             98      disability.]
             99          [In case of the death of the Governor, impeachment, removal from office, resignation,
             100      or disability to discharge the duties of the office, or in case of a Governor-elect who fails to
             101      take office, the powers and duties of the Governor shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor
             102      until the disability ceases or until the next general election, when the vacancy shall be filled by
             103      election. If, during a vacancy in the office of Governor, the Lieutenant Governor resigns, dies,
             104      is removed, or becomes incapable of performing the duties of the office, the President of the
             105      Senate shall act as Governor until the vacancy is filled or disability ceases. If in this case the
             106      President of the Senate resigns, dies, is removed, or becomes incapable of performing the
             107      duties of the office, the Speaker of the House shall act as Governor until the vacancy is filled or
             108      disability ceases. While performing the duties of the Governor as provided in this section, the
             109      Lieutenant Governor, the President of the Senate, or the Speaker of the House, as the case may
             110      be, shall be entitled to the salary and emoluments of the Governor, except in cases of temporary
             111      disability. The]
             112          (1) A vacancy in the office of Governor occurs when:
             113          (a) the Governor dies, resigns, is removed from office following impeachment, ceases
             114      to reside within the state, or is determined, as provided in Subsection (6), to have a disability
             115      that renders the Governor unable to discharge the duties of office for the remainder of the
             116      Governor's term of office; or
             117          (b) the Governor-elect fails to take office because of the Governor-elect's death, failure
             118      to qualify for office, or disability, determined as provided in Subsection (6), that renders the
             119      Governor-elect unable to discharge the duties of office for the Governor-elect's full term of
             120      office.

             121          (2) If a vacancy in the office of Governor occurs, the Lieutenant Governor shall
             122      become Governor, to serve:
             123          (a) until the first Monday in January of the year following the next regular general
             124      election after the vacancy occurs, if the vacancy occurs H. [ 600 or fewer days after the beginning ]
             124a      during the first year .H of
             125      the term of office; or
             126          (b) for the remainder of the unexpired term, if the vacancy occurs H. [ more than
             126a      600 days ] .H
             127      after the H. [ beginning ] first year .H of the term of office.
             128          (3) (a) In the event of simultaneous vacancies in the offices of Governor and
             129      Lieutenant Governor, the President of the Senate shall become Governor, to serve:
             130          (i) until the first Monday in January of the year following the next regular general
             131      election after the vacancy occurs, if the vacancy occurs H. [ 600 or fewer days after the beginning ]
             131a      during the first year .H of
             132      the term of office; or
             133          (ii) for the remainder of the unexpired term, if the vacancy occurs H. [ more than
             133a      600 days ] .H
             134      after the H. [ beginning ] first year .H of the term of office.
             135          (b) In the event of simultaneous vacancies in the offices of Governor, Lieutenant
             136      Governor, and President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall
             137      become Governor, to serve:
             138          (i) until the first Monday in January of the year following the next regular general
             139      election after the vacancy occurs, if the vacancy occurs H. [ 600 or fewer days after the beginning ]
             139a      during the first year .H of
             140      the term of office; or
             141          (ii) for the remainder of the unexpired term, if the vacancy occurs H. [ more than
             141a      600 days ] .H
             142      after the H. [ beginning ] first year .H of the term of office.
             143          (4) If a vacancy in the office of Governor occurs H. [ 600 or fewer days after the beginning ]
             143a      during the first year .H
             144      of the term of office, an election shall be held at the next regular general election after the
             145      vacancy occurs to elect a Governor and Lieutenant Governor, as provided in Article VII,
             146      Section 2 H. , to serve the remainder of the unexpired term .H .
             147          (5) (a) If the Governor is temporarily unable to discharge the duties of the office

             148      because of the Governor's temporary disability, as determined under Subsection (6), or if the
             149      Governor-elect is temporarily unable to assume the office of Governor because of the
             150      Governor-elect's temporary disability, as determined under Subsection (6), the powers and
             151      duties of the Governor shall be discharged by the Lieutenant Governor who, in addition to

             152      discharging the duties of the office of Lieutenant Governor, shall, without additional
             153      compensation, act as Governor until the disability ceases.
             154          (b) (i) If, during a temporary disability of the Governor or Governor-elect, as
             155      determined under Subsection (6), a vacancy in the office of Lieutenant Governor occurs or the
             156      Lieutenant Governor is temporarily unable to discharge the duties of the office of Governor
             157      because of the Lieutenant Governor's temporary disability, as determined under Subsection (6),
             158      the powers and duties of the Governor shall be discharged by the President of the Senate who
             159      shall act as Governor until the Governor or Governor-elect's disability ceases or, in the case of
             160      the Lieutenant Governor's temporary disability, the Lieutenant Governor's disability ceases,
             161      whichever occurs first.
             162          (ii) If, during a temporary disability of the Governor or Governor-elect, as determined
             163      under Subsection (6), neither the Lieutenant Governor nor the President of the Senate is able to
             164      discharge the duties of the office of Governor because of a vacancy in the office of Lieutenant
             165      Governor or President of the Senate, or both, or because of a temporary disability of either or
             166      both officers, as determined under Subsection (6), or a combination of vacancy and temporary
             167      disability, the powers and duties of the Governor shall be discharged by the Speaker of the
             168      House of Representatives who shall act as Governor until the Governor's disability ceases or
             169      until the vacancy, if applicable, in the office of President of the Senate is filled or the
             170      temporary disability, if applicable, of the Lieutenant Governor or President of the Senate
             171      ceases, whichever occurs first.
             172          (c) (i) During the time that the President of the Senate acts as Governor under this
             173      Subsection (5), the President may not exercise the powers and duties of President of the Senate
             174      or Senator. The powers and duties of President of the Senate may be exercised during that time
             175      by an acting President, chosen by the Senate.
             176          (ii) During the time that the Speaker of the House of Representatives acts as Governor
             177      under this Subsection (5), the Speaker may not exercise the powers and duties of Speaker of the
             178      House of Representatives or Representative. The powers and duties of Speaker of the House of
             179      Representatives may be exercised during that time by an acting Speaker, chosen by the House
             180      of Representatives.
             181          (d) When acting as Governor under this Subsection (5), the President of the Senate or
             182      Speaker of the House of Representatives, as the case may be, shall be entitled to receive the

             183      salary and emoluments of the office of Governor.
             184          (6) (a) A disability of the Governor, Governor-elect, or person acting as Governor shall
             185      be determined by [either a]:
             186          (i) the written declaration of the Governor, Governor-elect, or person acting as
             187      Governor, transmitted to the Supreme Court [by the Governor], stating an inability to discharge
             188      the powers and duties of the office; or [by]
             189          (ii) a majority of the Supreme Court [on] upon the joint request of the President or, if
             190      applicable, acting President of the Senate and the Speaker or, if applicable, acting Speaker of
             191      the House of Representatives. [Such determination shall be final and conclusive. Thereafter,
             192      when the Governor transmits to the Supreme Court a written declaration that no disability
             193      exists, the]
             194          (b) The Governor or person acting as Governor shall resume or, in the case of a
             195      Governor-elect, shall assume the powers and duties of the office following a temporary
             196      disability upon the written declaration of the Governor, Governor-elect, or person acting as
             197      Governor, transmitted to the Supreme Court, that no disability exists, unless the Supreme
             198      Court, upon the joint request of the President or, if applicable, acting President of the Senate
             199      and the Speaker or, if applicable, acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, or upon its
             200      own initiative, determines that the temporary disability continues and that the Governor,
             201      Governor-elect, or person acting as Governor is unable to discharge the powers and duties of
             202      the office. [The Lieutenant Governor shall then continue to discharge these powers and duties
             203      as acting Governor.]
             204          (c) Each determination of a disability under Subsection (6)(a) shall be final and
             205      conclusive.
             206          (7) The Supreme Court has exclusive jurisdiction to determine all questions arising
             207      under this section.
             208          Section 3. Submittal to voters.
             209          The lieutenant governor is directed to submit this proposed amendment to the voters of
             210      the state at the next regular general election in the manner provided by law.
             211          Section 4. Effective date.
             212          If the amendment proposed by this joint resolution is approved by a majority of those
             213      voting on it at the next regular general election, the amendment shall take effect on January 1,

             214      2009.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-16-06 5:01 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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