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H.B. 29 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: James A. Dunnigan

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies provisions related to professional employer organizations and their
             11      clients.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    modifies definition provisions;
             15          .    provides for an alternative method of registration;
             16          .    provides for the designation of assurance organizations;
             17          .    addresses required filings;
             18          .    addresses insurance;
             19          .    addresses taxes and fees;
             20          .    addresses employment related economic incentives and procurement;
             21          .    repeals out-dated language; and
             22          .    makes technical changes.
             23      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             24          None
             25      Other Special Clauses:
             26          None
             27      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             28      AMENDS:
             29          58-59-102, as last amended by Chapter 260, Laws of Utah 2003

             30          58-59-302, as last amended by Chapter 260, Laws of Utah 2003
             31          58-59-303.5, as enacted by Chapter 260, Laws of Utah 2003
             32          58-59-306, as repealed and reenacted by Chapter 260, Laws of Utah 2003
             33      ENACTS:
             34          58-59-302.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             35          58-59-306.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             36      REPEALS:
             37          58-59-305, as repealed and reenacted by Chapter 260, Laws of Utah 2003
             39      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             40          Section 1. Section 58-59-102 is amended to read:
             41           58-59-102. Definitions.
             42          In addition to the definitions in Section 58-1-102 , as used in this chapter:
             43          (1) "Assurance organization" means a person designated as an assurance organization
             44      in accordance with Section 58-59-302.5 .
             45          [(1)] (2) "Client" or "client company" means a person [or entity] that enters into a
             46      professional employer agreement with a [professional employer organization] PEO.
             47          [(2)] (3) "Coemployer" means either a [professional employer organization] PEO or a
             48      client.
             49          [(3)] (4) "Coemployment relationship" means:
             50          (a) as between coemployers, a relationship:
             51          (i) whereby the rights, duties, and obligations of an employer which arise out of an
             52      employment relationship have been allocated between coemployers under a professional
             53      employer agreement and this chapter[,]; and [which]
             54          (ii) that is intended to be an ongoing relationship, rather than a temporary or
             55      project-specific relationship;
             56          (b) as between each PEO and a covered employee as to which a professional employer
             57      agreement applies, an employment relationship whereby the PEO is entitled to enforce those

             58      rights, and obligated to perform those duties and obligations, allocated to the PEO by the
             59      professional employer agreement and this chapter;
             60          (c) as between each client and a covered employee to which a professional employer
             61      agreement applies, an employment relationship [whereby] under which:
             62          (i) the client is entitled to enforce those rights, and obligated to provide and perform
             63      those employer obligations, allocated to the client by the professional employer agreement and
             64      this chapter; and
             65          (ii) the client is responsible for any employer right or obligation not otherwise allocated
             66      by the professional employer agreement or this chapter; and
             67          (d) as to those rights enforceable by an employee under state law[,]:
             68          (i) covered employees are entitled to enforce against the PEO those rights:
             69          [(i)] (A) allocated to the PEO by the professional employer agreement and this chapter;
             70      or
             71          [(ii)] (B) shared by the PEO and the client under the professional employer agreement
             72      and this chapter[. All other]; and
             73          (ii) any rights, duties, and obligations not described in Subsection (4)(d)(i) enforceable
             74      by an employee under state law [shall continue to be] are enforceable against the client under
             75      state law.
             76          [(4)] (5) (a) "Covered employee" means an individual having a coemployment
             77      relationship with a PEO and a client who meets all of the following criteria:
             78          [(a)] (i) the individual [has executed an employment agreement] receives written notice
             79      of the coemployment relationship with the PEO and the client;
             80          [(b)] (ii) the individual is a party to a coemployment relationship with [a] the PEO and
             81      [a] the client; and
             82          [(c)] (iii) the individual's coemployment relationship is pursuant to a professional
             83      employer agreement subject to this chapter. [Individuals who are officers, directors,
             84      shareholders, partners, and managers of the client are covered employees]
             85          (b) "Covered employee" includes an individual who is an officer, director, shareholder,

             86      partner, or manager of a client:
             87          (i) to the extent the PEO and the client have expressly agreed in the professional
             88      employer agreement that the [individuals would be covered employees and provided the
             89      individuals meet] individual is a covered employee; and
             90          (ii) the individual:
             91          (A) meets the criteria of [this] Subsection [(4)] (5)(a); and [act]
             92          (B) (I) acts as an operational [managers] manager; or [perform]
             93          (II) performs services for the client.
             94          (6) (a) "Employment related economic incentive" means:
             95          (i) (A) a credit against or exemption from taxes due the state or a political subdivision
             96      of the state; or
             97          (B) an economic inducement, including a loan or a grant; and
             98          (ii) if the credit, exemption, or economic inducement:
             99          (A) is offered by the state or a political subdivision of the state; and
             100          (B) has an eligibility requirement that relates in whole or in part on employment
             101      including:
             102          (I) the number of employees; or
             103          (II) the nature of the employment.
             104          [(5)] (7) "Engage in practice as a professional employer organization" means to:
             105          (a) hold oneself out as a professional employer organization[, to];
             106          (b) coemploy an employee with another person[, or to];
             107          (c) receive any consideration for providing professional employer services; or [to]
             108          (d) expect payment of any consideration for providing professional employer services.
             109          [(6)] (8) "Organization" means any individual, partnership, corporation, limited
             110      liability company, association, or any other form of legally recognized entity.
             111          [(7)] (9) "Professional employer agreement" means a written contract by and between a
             112      client and a PEO that provides:
             113          (a) for the coemployment of covered employees;

             114          (b) for the allocation and sharing between the client and the PEO of employer
             115      responsibilities[,] with respect to the covered employees including hiring, firing, and
             116      disciplining[, with respect to the covered employees]; and
             117          (c) that the PEO and the client assume the responsibilities required by this chapter.
             118          [(8) (a)] (10) (a) "Professional employer organization" or "PEO" means any
             119      organization engaged in the business of providing professional employer services.
             120          [(b) An organization engaged in the business of providing professional employer
             121      services is subject to registration under this chapter regardless of its use of the term
             122      "professional employer organization," "PEO," "staff leasing company," "registered staff leasing
             123      company," "employee leasing company," or any other name.]
             124          [(c)] (b) The following are not considered to be professional employer organizations or
             125      professional employment services for purposes of this chapter:
             126          (i) arrangements [wherein] where an organization[, whose principal business activity is
             127      not entering into professional employer arrangements and which does not hold itself out as a
             128      PEO,] shares employees with a commonly owned company within the meaning of Sections
             129      414(b) and (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended[;], if the organization:
             130          (A) does not have as a principal business activity entering into professional employer
             131      arrangements; and
             132          (B) does not hold itself out as a PEO;
             133          (ii) arrangements by which an organization:
             134          (A) assumes responsibility for the product produced or service performed by the person
             135      or the person's agents; and
             136          (B) retains and exercises primary direction and control over the work performed by the
             137      individuals whose services are supplied under the arrangements; or
             138          (iii) providing temporary help services.
             139          [(9)] (11) "Professional employer services" means the service of entering into
             140      coemployment relationships under this chapter in which all or a majority of the employees
             141      providing services to a client or to a division or work unit of a client are covered employees.

             142          [(10)] (12) "Temporary help services" means services consisting of an organization:
             143          (a) recruiting and hiring its own employees;
             144          (b) finding other organizations that need the services of those employees;
             145          (c) assigning those employees to perform work at or services for the other
             146      organizations:
             147          (i) to support or supplement the other organizations' workforces[, or];
             148          (ii) to provide assistance in special work situations such as employee absences, skill
             149      shortages, or seasonal workloads[,]; or
             150          (iii) to perform special assignments or projects with a definite ending date; and
             151          (d) customarily attempting to reassign the employees to other organizations when they
             152      finish each assignment by a definite ending date.
             153          [(11)] (13) "Unlawful conduct" is as defined in Sections 58-1-501 and 58-59-501 .
             154          Section 2. Section 58-59-302 is amended to read:
             155           58-59-302. Registration process.
             156          (1) [Each registrant] A person engaged in practice as a professional employer
             157      organization shall register under this chapter. A person registering or renewing a registration
             158      as a professional employer organization shall:
             159          (a) (i) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division; [and] or
             160          (ii) file a certification in accordance with Subsection (2); and
             161          (b) pay a fee as determined by the department under Section 63-38-3.2 .
             162          (2) (a) A person may comply with Subsection (1) by filing with the division:
             163          (i) a certification that an assurance organization certifies the qualifications of the PEO;
             164          (ii) the information required by Subsections 58-59-303.5 (1)(a) through (c); and
             165          (iii) any changes to the information required by Subsection (2)(a)(ii) within 30 days of
             166      the day on which the information changes.
             167          (b) A PEO that meets the requirements of Subsection (1) by complying with this
             168      Subsection (2) is not required:
             169          (i) to renew its registration until the day on which the assurance organization no longer

             170      certifies the qualifications of the PEO; and
             171          (ii) to provide the information in Subsections 58-59-303.5 (1)(d) through (f).
             172          (c) If a PEO that meets the requirements of Subsection (1) by complying with
             173      Subsection (2) receives a new or renewed certification by the assurance organization, the PEO
             174      shall file with the division a new certification within 30 days from the day on which the PEO
             175      receives the new or renewed certification from the assurance organization.
             176          (d) This Subsection (2) does not modify the division's authority or responsibility to
             177      accept, renew, or terminate a registration.
             178          (e) (i) If a PEO authorizes an assurance organization to act on behalf of the PEO for
             179      purposes of registration under this Subsection (2), the division shall accept the assurance
             180      organization's filing of the information required by Subsection (2)(a)(ii), (2)(a)(iii), or (2)(b) if
             181      the information otherwise complies with this Subsection (2) and division rules.
             182          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(e)(i), if the assurance organization fails to make a
             183      required filing under this Subsection (2), the PEO's registration may be not accepted, not
             184      renewed, or terminated.
             185          [(2)] (3) (a) Any two or more professional employer organizations held under the
             186      common control of any other person or persons acting in concert may be registered as a
             187      professional employer organization group.
             188          (b) A professional employer organization group may satisfy any reporting and financial
             189      requirements under this chapter on a consolidated basis.
             190          (4) An organization engaged in the business of providing professional employer
             191      services is subject to registration under this chapter regardless of its use of the term:
             192          (a) "professional employer organization";
             193          (b) "PEO";
             194          (c) "staff leasing company";
             195          (d) "registered staff leasing company";
             196          (e) "employee leasing company"; or
             197          (f) any other name.

             198          Section 3. Section 58-59-302.5 is enacted to read:
             199          58-59-302.5. Assurance organization.
             200          (1) The division shall designate one or more assurance organizations by rule:
             201          (a) consistent with this section; and
             202          (b) made in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking
             203      Act.
             204          (2) The division shall require that an assurance organization designated by the division
             205      be licensed by one or more states other than Utah to certify the qualifications of a PEO.
             206          (3) The qualifications certified by an assurance organization designated by the division
             207      shall include at a minimum that a PEO:
             208          (a) ensure that each controlling person of the PEO:
             209          (i) be competent to manage a PEO;
             210          (ii) be responsible in the controlling person's finances; and
             211          (iii) not have a history of or be engaged in unlawful activities;
             212          (b) have a history that is verifiable that the PEO:
             213          (i) complies with regulatory requirements; and
             214          (ii) engages in financially responsible conduct;
             215          (c) has or is able to obtain audited financial statements;
             216          (d) has an adjusted net worth equal to or in excess of the greater of:
             217          (i) $100,000; or
             218          (ii) 5% of total adjusted liabilities;
             219          (e) has liquid assets that are sufficient to pay short-term liabilities as demonstrated by a
             220      ratio determined by dividing current assets by current liabilities or a similar formula;
             221          (f) has on its books adequate financial reserves for all local, state, and federal
             222      self-insurance and any insurance policy or plan in which the final cost of coverage is affected
             223      by claim losses;
             224          (g) operates in conformity with all applicable laws and regulations including those laws
             225      and regulations in addition to this chapter;

             226          (h) does not engage in deceptive trade practices or misrepresentations of an employer's
             227      obligation or liability;
             228          (i) has a written professional employer agreement with each client;
             229          (j) has or is willing to obtain a written acknowledgment, as part of an existing form or
             230      separately, from each covered employee stating that the covered employee understands and
             231      accepts the nature, terms, and conditions of the coemployment relationship;
             232          (k) establishes and maintains a coemployment relationship by assuming key employer
             233      attributes with respect to covered employees as demonstrated by the professional employer
             234      agreement and employment forms, policies, and procedures;
             235          (l) provides all covered employees with a written copy of the PEO's employment
             236      policies and procedures;
             237          (m) ensures that all covered employees are covered in a regulatory compliant manner
             238      by workers' compensation insurance;
             239          (n) does not knowingly use the coemployment relationship to assist a client to evade or
             240      avoid the client's obligations under:
             241          (i) the National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 151 et seq.;
             242          (ii) the federal Railway Labor Act, 45 U.S.C. Sec. 151 et seq.; or
             243          (iii) any collective bargaining agreement;
             244          (o) except through a licensed insurance agent, does not:
             245          (i) represent or imply that it can sell insurance;
             246          (ii) attempt to sell insurance; or
             247          (iii) sell insurance;
             248          (p) markets and provides, or is willing to market and provide professional employer
             249      organization services under a separate and distinct trade name from any affiliated PEO that is
             250      not certified by the assurance organization;
             251          (q) does not allow any person not certified by the assurance organization to use the
             252      PEO's trade name in the sale or delivery of the PEO's professional employer organization
             253      services;

             254          (r) does not guarantee, participate in, transfer between, or otherwise share liabilities
             255      with any other PEO that is not certified by the assurance organization:
             256          (i) in the employment of covered employees; or
             257          (ii) in any employee benefit or insurance policy or plan that is not fully insured and
             258      fully funded; and
             259          (s) has the ability to provide a regulatory agency or insurance carrier upon request with:
             260          (i) a client's name, address, and tax identification number;
             261          (ii) payroll data by:
             262          (A) client;
             263          (B) (I) client SIC Code of the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification Manual of the
             264      federal Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget; or
             265          (II) client classification under the 2002 North American Industry Classification System
             266      of the federal Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget; and
             267          (C) workers' compensation classification;
             268          (iii) the names of covered employees by:
             269          (A) the worksite of a client; and
             270          (B) workers' compensation classification; and
             271          (iv) workers' compensation certificates of insurance.
             272          Section 4. Section 58-59-303.5 is amended to read:
             273           58-59-303.5. Information to be filed by PEO.
             274          (1) [Each registrant] A person engaged in practice as a professional employer
             275      organization shall file the following information with the division with its initial application
             276      and with each renewal application:
             277          (a) the name or names under which the PEO conducts business;
             278          (b) the address of the principal place of business of the PEO and the address of each
             279      office it maintains in the state;
             280          (c) the PEO's taxpayer or employer identification number;
             281          (d) a list by jurisdiction of each name under which the PEO has operated in the

             282      preceding five years, including any alternative names, names of predecessors, and, if known,
             283      successor business entities;
             284          (e) a statement of ownership, which shall include the name of all individuals that,
             285      individually or acting in concert with one or more other persons, owns or controls, directly or
             286      indirectly, 10% or more of the equity interests of the PEO; and
             287          (f) a statement of management, which shall include the name of all officers and any
             288      person who has the authority to act as a senior executive officer of the PEO.
             289          (2) (a) A [professional employer organization which] PEO that is domiciled outside of
             290      the state and employs less than 50 employees who are employed or domiciled in the state is not
             291      required to file the information required under Subsections (1)(e) and (f).
             292          (b) A PEO that complies with Subsection 58-59-302 (2) is not required to file the
             293      information required under Subsections (1)(d) through (f).
             294          Section 5. Section 58-59-306 is amended to read:
             295           58-59-306. Financial requirements, contractual relations, and allocation of rights,
             296      duties, and obligations -- Taxes and fees.
             297          (1) Nothing contained in this chapter or in any professional employer agreement shall
             298      affect, modify, or amend:
             299          (a) any collective bargaining agreement[,]; or
             300          (b) the rights or obligations of any client, PEO, or covered employee under:
             301          (i) the federal National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 151 et seq.;
             302          (ii) the federal Railway Labor Act, 45 U.S.C. Sec. 151 et seq.; or
             303          (iii) similar state law.
             304          (2) Nothing contained in this chapter or any professional employer agreement shall
             305      affect, modify, or amend any state, local, or federal licensing, registration, or certification
             306      requirement applicable to any client or covered employee.
             307          (a) A covered employee who must be licensed, registered, or certified according to law
             308      or regulation is considered solely an employee of the client for purposes of license, registration,
             309      or certification requirement.

             310          (b) A PEO may not be considered to engage in any occupation, trade, profession, or
             311      other activity that is subject to licensing, registration, or certification requirements, or is
             312      otherwise regulated by a governmental entity solely by entering into and maintaining a
             313      coemployment relationship with a covered employee who is subject to the requirements or
             314      regulation.
             315          (c) Unless otherwise expressly agreed to by the client in the professional employer
             316      agreement, a client has the sole right to direct and control the professional or licensed activities
             317      of covered employees and of the client's business.
             318          [(3) With respect to a bid, contract, purchase order, or agreement entered into with the
             319      state or a political subdivision of the state, a client company's status or certification as a small,
             320      minority-owned, disadvantaged, or woman-owned business enterprise or as a historically
             321      underutilized business is not affected because the client company has entered into an agreement
             322      with a registrant or uses the services of a registrant.]
             323          [(4)] (3) (a) At least quarterly, a PEO shall have an independent certified public
             324      accountant, licensed to practice in the jurisdiction in which the PEO is domiciled, review the
             325      PEO's records and prepare a statement indicating whether all federal, state, and local
             326      withholding taxes, unemployment taxes, FICA taxes, workers' compensation premiums, and
             327      employee benefit plan premiums have been paid.
             328          (b) The PEO must provide the statement to a client upon request from the client.
             329          [(5)] (4) (a) Except as specifically provided in this chapter, the coemployment
             330      relationship between the client and the PEO, and between each coemployer and each covered
             331      employee, shall be governed by the professional employer agreement.
             332          (b) Nothing contained in any professional employer agreement or this chapter shall be
             333      considered to:
             334          (i) diminish, abolish, or remove the rights of covered employees as to clients or
             335      obligations of the client as to a covered employee, existing prior to the effective date of a
             336      professional employer agreement;
             337          (ii) terminate an employment relationship existing prior to the effective date of a

             338      professional employer agreement; or
             339          (iii) create any new or additional enforceable right of a covered employee against a
             340      PEO not specifically allocated to the PEO in the professional employer agreement or this
             341      chapter.
             342          (c) Each professional employer agreement shall include the following:
             343          (i) (A) the PEO shall reserve a right of direction and control over the covered
             344      employees; and
             345          (B) the client may retain the right to exercise the direction and control over covered
             346      employees as is necessary to:
             347          (I) conduct the client's business[, to];
             348          (II) discharge any fiduciary responsibility which it may have[,]; or [to]
             349          (III) comply with any applicable licensure requirements;
             350          (ii) the PEO shall have responsibility to:
             351          (A) pay agreed upon wages and salaries to covered employees;
             352          (B) withhold, collect, report, and remit payroll-related and unemployment taxes; and
             353          (C) the extent the PEO has assumed responsibility in the professional employer
             354      agreement, to make payments for employee benefits for covered employees;
             355          (iii) the PEO and the client shall both have a right to hire, terminate, and discipline the
             356      covered employees; and
             357          (iv) the responsibility to obtain workers' compensation coverage for covered
             358      employees, from a carrier licensed to do business in Utah and otherwise in compliance with all
             359      applicable requirements, shall be specifically allocated to the client in the professional
             360      employer agreement.
             361          (d) Except as specifically provided in this chapter or in the professional employer
             362      agreement, in each coemployment relationship:
             363          (i) the client may exercise all rights and is obligated to perform all duties and
             364      responsibilities otherwise applicable to an employer in an employment relationship;
             365          (ii) (A) the PEO may exercise only those rights, and is obligated to perform only those

             366      duties and responsibilities, specifically required by this chapter or set forth in the professional
             367      employer agreement; and
             368          (B) the rights, duties, and obligations of the PEO as coemployer with respect to any
             369      covered employee is limited to those arising under the professional employer agreement and
             370      this chapter during the term of coemployment by the PEO of the covered employee; and
             371          (iii) unless otherwise expressly agreed by the PEO and the client in a professional
             372      employer agreement, the client retains the exclusive right to direct and control the covered
             373      employees as is necessary to:
             374          (A) conduct the client's business, to discharge any of the client's fiduciary
             375      responsibilities[,]; or [to]
             376          (B) comply with any licensure requirements applicable to the client or to the covered
             377      employees.
             378          (e) With respect to each professional employer agreement entered into by a PEO, the
             379      PEO shall provide written notice to each covered employee affected by the agreement of the
             380      general nature of the coemployment relationship between and among the PEO, the client, and
             381      the covered employee.
             382          (f) (i) Except to the extent otherwise expressly provided by the applicable professional
             383      employer agreement:
             384          (A) a client is solely responsible for the quality, adequacy, or safety of the goods or
             385      services produced or sold in the client's business;
             386          (B) a client is solely responsible for directing, supervising, training, and controlling the
             387      work of the covered employees with respect to the business activities of the client and solely
             388      responsible for the acts, errors, or omissions of the covered employees with regard to those
             389      activities; and
             390          (C) a client is not liable for the acts, errors, or omissions of a PEO, or of any covered
             391      employee of the client and a PEO when the covered employee is acting under the express
             392      direction and control of the PEO.
             393          (ii) Nothing in this Subsection [(5)] (4)(f) [shall serve]:

             394          (A) serves to limit any contractual liability or obligation specifically provided in a
             395      professional employer agreement[, nor shall this Subsection (5)(f)]; or
             396          (B) in any way [limit] limits the liabilities and obligations of any PEO or client as
             397      defined elsewhere in this chapter.
             398          (iii) [A] (A) Subject to Subsection (4)(f)(i)(B), a covered employee is not, solely as the
             399      result of being a covered employee of a PEO, an employee of the PEO for purposes of:
             400          (I) general liability insurance[,];
             401          (II) fidelity bonds[,];
             402          (III) surety bonds[,];
             403          (IV) employer's liability which is not covered by workers' compensation[,]; or
             404          (V) liquor liability insurance [carried by the PEO, unless].
             405          (B) This Subsection (4)(f)(iii) does not apply if the covered employee is included by
             406      specific reference in both the:
             407          (I) professional employer agreement; and
             408          (II) applicable prearranged employment contract, insurance contract, or bond.
             409          (g) A [registrant under this chapter] PEO is not engaged in the sale of insurance by
             410      offering, marketing, selling, administering, or providing PEO services or employee benefit
             411      plans for covered employees.
             412          (h) (i) (A) Covered employees whose services are subject to sales tax are considered
             413      the employees of the client for purposes of collecting and levying sales tax on the services
             414      performed by the covered employees.
             415          (B) Nothing contained in this chapter shall relieve a client of any sales tax liability with
             416      respect to its goods or services.
             417          (ii) No portion of a PEO fee to a client that represents pass-through amounts to be paid
             418      for covered employee wages, employment-related taxes, withholding, or benefits is subject to
             419      any sales or excise tax.
             420          (i) (i) A client and a PEO shall each be considered an employer for purposes of
             421      sponsoring retirement and welfare benefit plans for its covered employees.

             422          (ii) A fully insured welfare benefit plan offered to the covered employees of a single
             423      PEO is considered a single employer welfare benefit plan and may not be considered a multiple
             424      employer welfare arrangement, and is exempt from the licensing requirements contained in
             425      Title 31A, Insurance Code.
             426          (iii) PEOs are exempt from Title 31A, Chapter 30, Individual, Small Employer, and
             427      Group [Employer] Health Insurance Act.
             428          (iv) (A) Any PEO offering workers' compensation coverage, a health benefit plan, or
             429      any other insurance plan, must comply with all federal and state laws applicable to these
             430      products.
             431          (B) If the PEO chooses to use a third party administrator for the receipt and payment of
             432      health benefit claims, that third party administrator must be licensed to do business in the state
             433      under Title 31A, Insurance Code.
             434          (C) Anything pertaining to the insurance products referred to in this section or the use
             435      of an unlicensed third party administrator is subject to administrative penalties and forfeitures
             436      under Title 31A, Insurance Code.
             437          (v) If a PEO offers to its covered employees any health benefit plan which is not fully
             438      insured by an authorized insurer, the plan shall:
             439          (A) [utilize] use a third party administrator licensed by the Utah State Insurance
             440      Department; and
             441          (B) hold all plan assets, including participant contributions, in a trust account.
             442          (vi) If a PEO offers to its covered employees any health benefit plan [which] that is not
             443      fully insured by an authorized insurer, the PEO shall:
             444          (A) represent that [such] the plan is not fully insured; and
             445          (B) deliver to each plan participant a summary plan description that accurately
             446      describes the terms of the plan, including disclosure that the plan is self-funded or partially
             447      self-funded.
             448          (vii) (A) The Department of Insurance may audit on a random basis, or upon finding a
             449      reasonable need, any health benefit plan [which] that is not fully insured by an authorized

             450      insurer.
             451          (B) The cost of the audit under this Subsection (4)(i)(vii) shall be borne by the PEO if
             452      there is material noncompliance.
             453          (j) (i) The client in a coemployment relationship shall secure workers' compensation
             454      benefits for the covered employees by complying with Subsection 34A-2-201 (1) or (2) and
             455      commission rules under Subsection 34A-2-103 (3)(a).
             456          (ii) Every authorized insurer who offers or provides Workers' Compensation Insurance
             457      coverage to a PEO, its client companies, or both shall comply with Title 31A, Chapter 19a,
             458      Utah Rate Regulation Act, and Chapter 21, Insurance Contracts in General, prior to the
             459      issuance of an insurance policy.
             460          (iii) The exclusive remedy provisions of Sections 34A-2-105 and 34A-3-102 apply to
             461      both the client company and the PEO in a coemployer relationship under this section.
             462          (k) (i) For purposes of Title 35A, Chapter 4, Employment Security Act, covered
             463      employees of a registered PEO are considered the employees of the PEO[, which].
             464          (ii) The PEO described in Subsection (4)(k)(i) shall be responsible for the payment of
             465      contributions, penalties, and interest on wages paid by the PEO to its covered employees during
             466      the term of the applicable professional employer agreement.
             467          [(ii)] (iii) The PEO shall report and pay all required contributions to the unemployment
             468      compensation fund using its state employer account number and the contribution rate of the
             469      PEO.
             470          [(iii)] (iv) On the termination of a contract between a PEO and a client or the failure by
             471      a PEO to submit reports or make tax payments as required by this chapter, the client shall be
             472      treated as a new employer without a previous experience record unless that client is otherwise
             473      eligible for an experience rating.
             474          (5) (a) A tax or fee assessed on a client or PEO on the basis of the number of
             475      employees shall be assessed:
             476          (i) against the client for the covered employees under the professional employer
             477      agreement with the PEO; and

             478          (ii) against the PEO for the employees of the PEO who are not covered employees in a
             479      coemployment relationship with any client.
             480          (b) For a tax imposed or calculated upon the basis of total payroll, a PEO may apply
             481      any small business allowance or exemption available to the client for the covered employees
             482      for purposes of computing the tax.
             483          Section 6. Section 58-59-306.5 is enacted to read:
             484          58-59-306.5. Employment related economic incentives -- Employment information
             485      -- Client's status.
             486          (1) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this chapter, for purposes of determining
             487      eligibility for an employment related economic incentive, a covered employee is considered
             488      only an employee of the client.
             489          (2) (a) If eligibility for an employment related economic incentive relates to a covered
             490      employee, the client is entitled to the employment related economic incentive if the client is
             491      otherwise eligible for the employment related economic incentive.
             492          (b) A PEO is not eligible for an employment related economic incentive described in
             493      Subsection (2)(a).
             494          (3) If eligibility for or the amount of an employment related economic incentive is
             495      determined on the basis of the number of employees, a client is treated as:
             496          (a) employing only those covered employees coemployed by the client under the
             497      professional employer agreement; and
             498          (b) not employing covered employees working for other clients of the PEO.
             499          (4) Subject to any confidentiality provisions provided by federal or state law, a PEO
             500      shall provide employment information:
             501          (a) upon the request of:
             502          (i) the client; or
             503          (ii) the governmental entity administering an employment related economic incentive;
             504      and
             505          (b) reasonably required for:

             506          (i) administration of an employment related economic incentive; or
             507          (ii) necessary to support any of the following by a client seeking an employment related
             508      economic incentive:
             509          (A) a request;
             510          (B) a claim;
             511          (C) an application; or
             512          (D) other action.
             513          (5) With respect to a bid, contract, purchase order, or agreement entered into with the
             514      state or a political subdivision of the state, the fact that the client enters into a professional
             515      employer agreement does not affect the client's status or certification as a:
             516          (a) small business;
             517          (b) minority-owned business;
             518          (c) disadvantaged business;
             519          (d) woman-owned business; or
             520          (e) historically underutilized business.
             521          Section 7. Repealer.
             522          This bill repeals:
             523          Section 58-59-305, Conversion from licensee to registrant.

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