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H.B. 76 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: DeMar Bud Bowman

Senate Sponsor: D. Chris Buttars

             7      Cosponsors:
             8      Brad L. DeeDavid Litvack
Curtis OdaJennifer M. Seelig
Larry B. Wiley              9     
             10      LONG TITLE
             11      General Description:
             12          This bill modifies the Utah State Personnel Management Act regarding the survey
             13      process for determining the salary range for public safety dispatchers employed by the
             14      state.
             15      Highlighted Provisions:
             16          This bill:
             17          .    requires that the salary range of public safety dispatchers employed by the
             18      Communications Bureau of the Department of Public Safety be based on a survey of
             19      comparable positions; and
             20          .    requires that a market comparability study include three special service districts or
             21      other political subdivision entities in Utah that employ public safety dispatchers in a
             22      similar consolidated operation.
             23      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             24          None
             25      Other Special Clauses:
             26          None
             27      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             28      AMENDS:
             29          67-19-12.3, as last amended by Chapter 25, Laws of Utah 2003

             31      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             32          Section 1. Section 67-19-12.3 is amended to read:
             33           67-19-12.3. Peace officer, correctional officer, and public safety dispatch
             34      personnel pay plans.
             35          To allow the state to recruit and retain the highest qualified law enforcement officers,
             36      correctional officers, and public safety dispatchers, the pay plans for law enforcement officers,
             37      as defined under Section 53-13-103 , correctional officers, as defined under Section 53-13-104 ,
             38      and public safety dispatchers, as defined under Section 53-6-102 , employed by the state shall
             39      comply with Section 67-19-12 , except that the market comparability of state salary ranges for
             40      these positions shall be based on a survey of salary ranges of respectively:
             41          (1) the three largest political subdivision law enforcement agencies in Utah;
             42          (2) the three largest political subdivision entities employing correctional officers in
             43      Utah; and
             44          [(3) the three largest political subdivision entities employing public safety dispatchers
             45      in Utah.]
             46          (3) the three largest special service district or other political subdivision entities in
             47      Utah employing public safety dispatchers in a similar consolidated operation.

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