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H.B. 112 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Scott L Wyatt

Senate Sponsor: Ross I. Romero

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill creates a Council on Victims of Crime within the Governor's Office.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    creates a 24 member council on victims of crime;
             13          .    defines specific membership of the council and appointment responsibilities;
             14          .    sets out duties and requirements;
             15          .    provides for compensation of members; and
             16          .    requires the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice to provide staff to the
             17      council.
             18      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             19          None
             20      Other Special Clauses:
             21          None
             22      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             23      AMENDS:
             24          63-25a-406, as last amended by Chapter 256, Laws of Utah 2002
             25          77-37-5, as last amended by Chapter 352, Laws of Utah 1995
             26      ENACTS:
             27          63-25a-601, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             28          63-25a-602, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             29          63-25a-603, Utah Code Annotated 1953

             30          63-25a-604, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             31          63-25a-605, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             33      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             34          Section 1. Section 63-25a-406 is amended to read:
             35           63-25a-406. Functions of board.
             36          (1) The [board] Crime Victim Reparations Board shall:
             37          (a) adopt a description of the organization and prescribe the general operation of the
             38      board;
             39          (b) prescribe policy for the Office of Crime Victim Reparations [Office];
             40          (c) adopt rules to implement and administer Sections 63-25a-401 through 63-25a-428
             41      pursuant to Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, which may include
             42      setting of ceilings on reparations, defining of terms not specifically stated in this chapter, and
             43      establishing of rules governing attorney fees;
             44          (d) prescribe forms for applications for reparations;
             45          (e) review all awards made by the reparations staff, although the board may not reverse
             46      or modify awards authorized by the reparations staff;
             47          (f) render an annual report to the governor and the Legislature regarding the staff's and
             48      the board's activities;
             49          (g) cooperate with the director and his staff in formulating standards for the uniform
             50      application of Section 63-25a-409 , taking into consideration the rates and amounts of
             51      reparation payable for injuries and death under other laws of this state and the United States;
             52          [(h) advocate the adoption, repeal, or modification of laws or proposed legislation in
             53      the interest of victims of crime;]
             54          [(i)] (h) allocate monies available in the Crime Victim [Reparation] Reparations Fund
             55      to victims of criminally injurious conduct for reparations claims; and
             56          [(j)] (i) allocate monies available to other victim services as provided by administrative
             57      rule once a sufficient reserve has been established for reparation claims.

             58          (2) All rules, or other statements of policy, along with application forms specified by
             59      the board, are binding upon the director, the reparations officers, and other staff.
             60          Section 2. Section 63-25a-601 is enacted to read:
Part 6. Utah Council on Victims of Crime

             62          63-25a-601. Creation -- Members -- Chair.
             63          (1) There is created within the governor's office the Utah Council on Victims of Crime.
             64          (2) The Utah Council on Victims of Crime shall be composed of 24 voting members as
             65      follows:
             66          (a) a representative of the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice appointed by
             67      the executive director;
             68          (b) a representative of the Department of Corrections appointed by the executive
             69      director;
             70          (c) a representative of the Board of Pardons and Parole appointed by the chair;
             71          (d) a representative of the Department of Public Safety appointed by the commissioner;
             72          (e) a representative of the Division of Juvenile Justice Services appointed by the
             73      director;
             74          (f) a representative of the Office of Crime Victim Reparations appointed by the
             75      director;
             76          (g) a representative of the Office of the Attorney General appointed by the attorney
             77      general;
             78          (h) a representative of the United States Attorney for the district of Utah appointed by
             79      the United States Attorney;
             80          (i) professional or volunteer working in the area of violence against women and
             81      families appointed by the governor;
             82          (j) the chair of each judicial district's victims' rights committee;
             83          (k) the following members appointed to serve four-year terms:
             84          (i) a representative of the Statewide Association of Public Attorneys appointed by that
             85      association;

             86          (ii) a representative of the Utah Chiefs of Police Association appointed by the president
             87      of that association;
             88          (iii) a representative of the Utah Sheriffs' Association appointed by the president of that
             89      association;
             90          (iv) a representative of a Children's Justice Center appointed by the Advisory Board on
             91      Children's Justice; and
             92          (v) a citizen representative appointed by the governor; and
             93          (l) the following members appointed by the members in Subsections (2)(a) through
             94      (2)(k) to serve four-year terms:
             95          (i) an individual who works professionally with victims of crime; and
             96          (ii) a victim of crime.
             97          (3) The council shall annually elect one member to serve as chair.
             98          Section 3. Section 63-25a-602 is enacted to read:
             99          63-25a-602. Reappointment -- Vacancies.
             100          (1) Members appointed to serve four-year terms shall be eligible for reappointment one
             101      time.
             102          (2) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
             103      appointed for the unexpired term.
             104          Section 4. Section 63-25a-603 is enacted to read:
             105          63-25a-603. Duties.
             106          (1) The council shall:
             107          (a) make recommendations to the Legislature, the governor, and the Judicial Council
             108      on the following:
             109          (i) enforcing existing rights of victims of crime;
             110          (ii) enhancing rights of victims of crime;
             111          (iii) the role of victims of crime in the criminal justice system;
             112          (iv) victim restitution;
             113          (v) educating and training criminal justice professionals on the rights of victims of

             114      crime; and
             115          (vi) enhancing services to victims of crimes;
             116          (b) provide training on the rights of victims of crime; and
             117          (c) establish a subcommittee to consider complaints not resolved by the Victims'
             118      Rights Committee established in Section 77-37-5 .
             119          (2) The council shall advocate the adoption, repeal, or modification of laws or
             120      proposed legislation in the interest of victims of crime.
             121          (3) The council may establish additional subcommittees to assist in accomplishing its
             122      duties.
             123          Section 5. Section 63-25a-604 is enacted to read:
             124          63-25a-604. Compensation of members.
             125          (1) (a) Members who are not government employees shall receive no compensation or
             126      benefits for their services, but may receive per diem and expenses incurred in the performance
             127      of the member's official duties at the rates established by the Division of Finance under
             128      Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             129          (b) Members may decline to receive per diem and expenses for their services.
             130          (2) (a) State government officer and employee members who do not receive salary, per
             131      diem, or expenses from their agency for their service may receive per diem and expenses
             132      incurred in the performance of their official duties at the rates established by the Division of
             133      Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             134          (b) State government officer and employee members may decline to receive per diem
             135      and expenses for their service.
             136          Section 6. Section 63-25a-605 is enacted to read:
             137          63-25a-605. Staffing.
             138          The Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice shall provide staff to the council and
             139      any subcommittees established by the council.
             140          Section 7. Section 77-37-5 is amended to read:
             141           77-37-5. Remedies -- Victims' Rights Committee.

             142          [Remedies available are:]
             143          (1) In each judicial district, the presiding district court judge shall appoint a person
             144      who shall establish and chair a victims' rights committee consisting of:
             145          (a) a county attorney or district attorney;
             146          (b) a sheriff;
             147          (c) a corrections field services administrator;
             148          (d) an appointed victim advocate;
             149          (e) a municipal attorney;
             150          (f) a municipal chief of police; and
             151          (g) other representatives as appropriate.
             152          (2) The committee shall meet at least semiannually to review progress and problems
             153      related to this chapter, Title 77, Chapter 38, Rights of Crime Victims Act, and Utah
             154      Constitution Article I, Section 28. Victims and other interested parties may submit matters of
             155      concern to the victims' rights committee. The committee may hold a hearing open to the public
             156      on any appropriate matter of concern and may publish its findings. These matters shall also be
             157      considered at the meetings of the victims' rights committee. The committee shall forward
             158      minutes of all meetings to the Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice and the Office of
             159      Crime [Victims'] Victim Reparations for review and other appropriate action.
             160          (3) If a victims' rights committee is unable to resolve a complaint, it may refer the
             161      complaint to the Utah Council on Victims of Crime, established in Section 63-25a-601 , for
             162      further consideration.
             163          [(3)] (4) The Office of Crime [Victims'] Victim Reparations shall provide materials to
             164      local law enforcement to inform every victim of a sexual offense of the right to request testing
             165      of the convicted sexual offender and of the victim as provided in Section 76-5-502 .
             166          [(4)] (5) If a person acting under color of state law willfully or wantonly fails to
             167      perform duties so that the rights in this chapter are not provided, an action for injunctive relief
             168      may be brought against the individual and the government entity that employs the individual.
             169      The failure to provide the rights in this chapter or Title 77, Chapter 38, Rights of Crime

             170      Victims Act, does not constitute cause for a judgment against the state or any government
             171      entity, or any individual employed by the state or any government entity, for monetary
             172      damages, attorney's fees, or the costs of exercising any rights under this chapter.
             173          [(5)] (6) The person accused of and subject to prosecution for the crime or the act
             174      which would be a crime if committed by a competent adult, has no standing to make a claim
             175      concerning any violation of the provisions of this chapter.

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