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H.B. 129 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Michael T. Morley

Senate Sponsor: Gregory S. Bell

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies county and municipal land use development and management
             10      provisions.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    modifies the standard that county and municipal land use authorities use in
             14      determining whether to vacate, alter, or amend a plat; and
             15          .    modifies the county and municipal officials who are involved in the process of
             16      vacating or altering a street or alley.
             17      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             18          None
             19      Other Special Clauses:
             20          This bill provides an immediate effective date.
             21      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             22      AMENDS:
             23          10-9a-609, as last amended by Chapter 163, Laws of Utah 2006
             24          10-9a-609.5, as enacted by Chapter 163, Laws of Utah 2006
             25          17-27a-609, as last amended by Chapter 163, Laws of Utah 2006
             26          17-27a-609.5, as enacted by Chapter 163, Laws of Utah 2006
             28      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             29          Section 1. Section 10-9a-609 is amended to read:

             30           10-9a-609. Land use authority consideration of petition to vacate or change a plat
             31      -- Criteria for vacating or changing a plat -- Recording the vacation or change.
             32          (1) If the land use authority is satisfied that neither the public interest nor any person
             33      will [not] be materially injured by the proposed vacation, alteration, or amendment, and that
             34      there is good cause for the vacation, alteration, or amendment, the land use authority may
             35      vacate, alter, or amend the plat or any portion of the plat, subject to Section 10-9a-609.5 .
             36          (2) The land use authority may approve the vacation, alteration, or amendment by
             37      signing an amended plat showing the vacation, alteration, or amendment.
             38          (3) The land use authority shall ensure that the amended plat showing the vacation,
             39      alteration, or amendment is recorded in the office of the county recorder in which the land is
             40      located.
             41          (4) If an entire subdivision is vacated, the legislative body shall ensure that a legislative
             42      body resolution containing a legal description of the entire vacated subdivision is recorded in
             43      the county recorder's office.
             44          Section 2. Section 10-9a-609.5 is amended to read:
             45           10-9a-609.5. Vacating or altering a street or alley.
             46          (1) (a) If a petition is submitted containing a request to vacate or alter any portion of a
             47      street or alley within a subdivision:
             48          (i) the [land use authority] planning commission shall, after providing notice pursuant
             49      to local ordinance and Section 10-9a-208 , make a recommendation to the [chief executive
             50      officer] land use authority concerning the request to vacate or alter; and
             51          (ii) the [chief executive officer] land use authority shall hold a public hearing in
             52      accordance with Section 10-9a-208 and determine whether good cause exists for the vacation
             53      or alteration.
             54          (b) Subsection (1)(a)(i) does not apply if the [chief executive officer] planning
             55      commission has been designated as a land use authority.
             56          (2) If the [chief executive officer] land use authority vacates or alters any portion of a
             57      street or alley, the [chief executive officer] land use authority shall ensure that the plat is

             58      recorded in the office of the recorder of the county in which the land is located.
             59          (3) The action of the [chief executive officer] land use authority vacating or narrowing
             60      a street or alley that has been dedicated to public use shall operate to the extent to which it is
             61      vacated or narrowed, upon the effective date of the vacating plat, as a revocation of the
             62      acceptance thereof, and the relinquishment of the city's fee therein, but the right-of-way and
             63      easements therein, if any, of any lot owner and the franchise rights of any public utility may not
             64      be impaired thereby.
             65          Section 3. Section 17-27a-609 is amended to read:
             66           17-27a-609. Land use authority consideration of petition to vacate or change a
             67      plat -- Criteria for vacating or changing a plat -- Recording the vacation or change.
             68          (1) If the land use authority is satisfied that neither the public interest nor any person
             69      will [not] be materially injured by the proposed vacation, alteration, or amendment, and that
             70      there is good cause for the vacation, alteration, or amendment, the land use authority may
             71      vacate, alter, or amend the plat or any portion of the plat, subject to Section 17-27a-609.5 .
             72          (2) The land use authority may approve the vacation, alteration, or amendment by
             73      signing an amended plat showing the vacation, alteration, or amendment.
             74          (3) The land use authority shall ensure that the amended plat showing the vacation,
             75      alteration, or amendment is recorded in the office of the county recorder in which the land is
             76      located.
             77          (4) If an entire subdivision is vacated, the legislative body shall ensure that a legislative
             78      body resolution containing a legal description of the entire vacated subdivision is recorded in
             79      the county recorder's office.
             80          Section 4. Section 17-27a-609.5 is amended to read:
             81           17-27a-609.5. Vacating or altering a street or alley.
             82          (1) (a) If a petition is submitted containing a request to vacate or alter any portion of a
             83      street or alley within a subdivision:
             84          (i) the [land use authority] planning commission shall, after providing notice pursuant
             85      to local ordinance and Section 17-27a-208 , make a recommendation to the [chief executive

             86      officer] land use authority concerning the request to vacate or alter; and
             87          (ii) the [chief executive officer] land use authority shall hold a public hearing in
             88      accordance with Section 17-27a-208 and determine whether good cause exists for the vacation
             89      or alteration.
             90          (b) Subsection (1)(a)(i) does not apply if the [chief executive officer] planning
             91      commission has been designated as a land use authority.
             92          (2) If the [chief executive officer] land use authority vacates or alters any portion of a
             93      street or alley, the [chief executive officer] land use authority shall ensure that the plat is
             94      recorded in the office of the recorder of the county in which the land is located.
             95          (3) The action of the [chief executive officer] land use authority vacating or narrowing
             96      a street or alley that has been dedicated to public use shall operate to the extent to which it is
             97      vacated or narrowed, upon the effective date of the vacating plat, as a revocation of the
             98      acceptance thereof, and the relinquishment of the county's fee therein, but the right-of-way and
             99      easements therein, if any, of any lot owner and the franchise rights of any public utility may not
             100      be impaired thereby.
             101          Section 5. Effective date.
             102          If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, this bill takes effect
             103      upon approval by the governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah
             104      Constitution Article VII, Section 8, without the governor's signature, or in the case of a veto,
             105      the date of veto override.

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