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H.B. 134 Enrolled


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Chief Sponsor: John G. Mathis

Senate Sponsor: Darin G. Peterson

             8      Cosponsors:
             9      Kay L. McIffMichael E. NoelPatrick Painter              10     
             11      LONG TITLE
             12      General Description:
             13          This bill changes the distribution of mineral revenue generated from lands acquired by
             14      the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration from the federal government.
             15      Highlighted Provisions:
             16          This bill:
             17          .    defines terms;
             18          .    creates the Land Exchange Distribution Account;
             19          .    distributes the state's share of mineral revenues from school and institutional trust
             20      lands to:
             21              .    the counties from which the revenue is generated;
             22              .    the counties where school and institutional trust lands were relinquished to the
             23      United States;
             24              .    the Constitutional Defense Restricted Account;
             25              .    the Permanent Community Impact Fund;
             26              .    the State Board of Education;
             27              .    the Utah Geological Survey; and
             28              .    the Water Research Laboratory at Utah State University;
             29          .    designates how the state's share of mineral revenues from school and institutional

             30      trust lands are to be used;
             31          .    eliminates the contributions of mineral revenue from school and institutional trust
             32      lands to:
             33              .    the Rural Electronic Commerce Communications System Fund;
             34              .    the Rural Development Fund; and
             35              .    the Mineral Lease Account;
             36          .    changes how administrative costs are determined;
             37          .    provides for revenue generated on SITLA land exchanged with the federal
             38      government;
             39          .    directs the Division of Finance to transfer the balance of the Rural Development
             40      Fund and the Rural Electronic Commerce Communications System to the
             41      Permanent Community Impact Fund when the funds are repealed;
             42          .    repeals provisions relating to the Rural Development Fund;
             43          .    repeals provisions relating to the Rural Electronic Commerce Communications
             44      System Fund; and
             45          .    makes technical changes.
             46      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             47          None
             48      Other Special Clauses:
             49          This bill provides an effective date and a repeal date.
             50      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             51      AMENDS:
             52          9-4-302, as last amended by Chapters 10 and 299, Laws of Utah 2000
             53          9-4-303, as last amended by Chapter 175, Laws of Utah 2001
             54          9-4-307, as last amended by Chapters 10 and 299, Laws of Utah 2000
             55          9-15-102, as last amended by Chapter 256, Laws of Utah 2002
             56          11-14-308, as last amended by Chapter 83, Laws of Utah 2006
             57          53C-3-201, as last amended by Chapter 299, Laws of Utah 2000

             58          53C-3-202, as last amended by Chapter 292, Laws of Utah 2002
             59          59-21-1, as last amended by Chapter 299, Laws of Utah 2000
             60          59-21-2, as last amended by Chapter 148, Laws of Utah 2005
             61          63C-4-103, as last amended by Chapter 14, Laws of Utah 2006
             62      ENACTS:
             63          53C-3-203, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             64      REPEALS:
             65          9-14-101, as last amended by Chapter 18, Laws of Utah 2004
             66          9-14-102, as last amended by Chapter 256, Laws of Utah 2002
             67          9-14-103, as last amended by Chapter 176, Laws of Utah 2002
             68          9-14-104, as last amended by Chapter 14, Laws of Utah 2006
             69          9-14-105, as enacted by Chapter 368, Laws of Utah 1999
             70          9-14-106, as enacted by Chapter 368, Laws of Utah 1999
             71          9-15-101, as last amended by Chapter 18, Laws of Utah 2004
             72          9-15-102, as last amended by Chapter 256, Laws of Utah 2002
             73          9-15-103, as last amended by Chapter 176, Laws of Utah 2002
             74          9-15-104, as last amended by Chapter 14, Laws of Utah 2006
             75          9-15-105, as enacted by Chapter 368, Laws of Utah 1999
             76          9-15-106, as enacted by Chapter 368, Laws of Utah 1999
             77      Uncodified Material Affected:
             80      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             81          Section 1. Section 9-4-302 is amended to read:
             82           9-4-302. Definitions.
             83          As used in this part:
             84          [(1) "Acquired lands" is as defined in Section 53C-3-201 .]
             85          [(2) "Acquired mineral interests" is as defined in Section 53C-3-201 .]

             86          [(3)] (1) "Bonus payments" means[: (a)] that portion of the bonus payments received
             87      by the United States government under the Leasing Act paid to the state under Section 35 of
             88      the Leasing Act, 30 U.S.C. Sec. 191, together with any interest that had accrued on those
             89      payments[; or].
             90          [(b) bonus payments collected by the School and Institutional Trust Lands
             91      Administration created by Section 53C-1-201 from the lease of:]
             92          [(i) minerals on acquired lands; or]
             93          [(ii) acquired mineral interests.]
             94          [(4)] (2) "Impact board" means the Permanent Community Impact Fund Board created
             95      under Section 9-4-304 .
             96          [(5)] (3) "Impact fund" means the Permanent Community Impact Fund established by
             97      this chapter.
             98          [(6)] (4) "Interlocal Agency" means a legal or administrative entity created by a
             99      subdivision or combination of subdivisions under the authority of Title 11, Chapter 13,
             100      Interlocal Cooperation Act.
             101          [(7)] (5) "Leasing Act" means the Mineral Lands Leasing Act of 1920, 30 U.S.C. Sec.
             102      181 et seq.
             103          [(8)] (6) "Subdivision" means a county, city, town, county service area, special service
             104      district, special improvement district, water conservancy district, water improvement district,
             105      sewer improvement district, housing authority, building authority, school district, or public
             106      postsecondary institution organized under the laws of this state.
             107          Section 2. Section 9-4-303 is amended to read:
             108           9-4-303. Impact fund -- Deposits and contents -- Use of fund monies.
             109          (1) There is created an enterprise fund entitled the "Permanent Community Impact
             110      Fund."
             111          (2) The fund consists of:
             112          (a) all amounts appropriated to the impact fund under Section 59-21-2 ;
             113          (b) bonus payments deposited to the impact fund pursuant to Subsection 59-21-1 (2);

             114          (c) [bonus payments deposited] all amounts appropriated to the impact fund [pursuant
             115      to] under Section [ 53C-3-202 ] 53C-3-203 ;
             116          (d) all amounts received for the repayment of loans made by the impact board under
             117      this chapter; and
             118          (e) all other monies appropriated or otherwise made available to the impact fund by the
             119      Legislature.
             120          (3) The state treasurer shall:
             121          (a) invest the monies in the impact fund by following the procedures and requirements
             122      of Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act; and
             123          (b) deposit all interest or other earnings derived from those investments into the impact
             124      fund.
             125          (4) The amounts in the impact fund available for loans, grants, administrative costs, or
             126      other purposes of this part shall be limited to that which the Legislature appropriates for these
             127      purposes.
             128          (5) Federal mineral lease revenue received by the state under the Leasing Act that is
             129      deposited into the impact fund shall be used:
             130          (a) in a manner consistent with:
             131          (i) the Leasing Act; and
             132          (ii) this part; and
             133          (b) for loans, grants, or both to state agencies or subdivisions that are socially or
             134      economically impacted by the leasing of minerals under the Leasing Act.
             135          [(6) Mineral lease revenue collected by the School and Institutional Trust Lands
             136      Administration from the lease of minerals on acquired lands or the lease of acquired mineral
             137      interests that is deposited into the impact fund shall be used:]
             138          [(a) in a manner consistent with this part; and]
             139          [(b) for loans, grants, or both to state agencies or subdivisions socially or economically
             140      impacted by the leasing of:]
             141          [(i) minerals on acquired lands; or]

             142          [(ii) acquired mineral interests.]
             143          (6) The monies described in Subsection (2)(c) shall be used for grants to political
             144      subdivisions of the state to mitigate the impacts resulting from the development or use of
             145      school and institutional trust lands.
             146          Section 3. Section 9-4-307 is amended to read:
             147           9-4-307. Impact fund administered by impact board -- Eligibility for assistance --
             148      Review by board -- Administration costs -- Annual report.
             149          (1) (a) The impact board shall:
             150          (i) administer the impact fund in a manner that will keep a portion of the impact fund
             151      revolving;
             152          (ii) determine provisions for repayment of loans; and
             153          (iii) establish criteria for determining eligibility for assistance under this part.
             154          (b) (i) Criteria for awarding loans or grants made from funds described in Subsection
             155      9-4-303 (5) shall be consistent with Subsection 9-4-303 (5).
             156          (ii) Criteria for awarding [loans or] grants made from funds described in Subsection
             157      9-4-303 [(6)] (2)(c) shall be consistent with [Subsections] Subsection 9-4-303 (6) [and
             158      9-4-305 (1)(a)].
             159          (c) In order to receive assistance under this part, subdivisions and interlocal agencies
             160      shall submit formal applications containing the information that the impact board requires.
             161          (2) In determining eligibility for loans and grants under this part, the impact board shall
             162      consider the following:
             163          (a) the subdivision's or interlocal agency's current mineral lease production;
             164          (b) the feasibility of the actual development of a resource that may impact the
             165      subdivision or interlocal agency directly or indirectly;
             166          (c) current taxes being paid by the subdivision's or interlocal agency's residents;
             167          (d) the borrowing capacity of the subdivision or interlocal agency, its ability and
             168      willingness to sell bonds or other securities in the open market, and its current and authorized
             169      indebtedness;

             170          (e) all possible additional sources of state and local revenue, including utility user
             171      charges;
             172          (f) the availability of federal assistance funds;
             173          (g) probable growth of population due to actual or prospective natural resource
             174      development in an area;
             175          (h) existing public facilities and services;
             176          (i) the extent of the expected direct or indirect impact upon public facilities and
             177      services of the actual or prospective natural resource development in an area; and
             178          (j) the extent of industry participation in an impact alleviation plan, either as specified
             179      in Title 63, Chapter 51, Resource Development, or otherwise.
             180          (3) The impact board may not fund any education project that could otherwise have
             181      reasonably been funded by a school district through a program of annual budgeting, capital
             182      budgeting, bonded indebtedness, or special assessments.
             183          (4) The impact board may restructure all or part of the agency's or subdivision's
             184      liability to repay loans for extenuating circumstances.
             185          (5) The impact board shall:
             186          (a) review the proposed uses of the impact fund for loans or grants before approving
             187      them and may condition its approval on whatever assurances that the impact board considers to
             188      be necessary to ensure that the proceeds of the loan or grant will be used in accordance with the
             189      Leasing Act and this part; and
             190          (b) ensure that each loan specifies the terms for repayment and is evidenced by general
             191      obligation, special assessment, or revenue bonds, notes, or other obligations of the appropriate
             192      subdivision or interlocal agency issued to the impact board under whatever authority for the
             193      issuance of those bonds, notes, or obligations exists at the time of the loan.
             194          (6) The impact board shall allocate from the impact fund to the department those funds
             195      that are appropriated by the Legislature for the administration of the impact fund, but this
             196      amount may not exceed 2% of the annual receipts to the impact fund.
             197          (7) The department shall make an annual report to the Legislature concerning the

             198      number and type of loans and grants made as well as a list of subdivisions and interlocal
             199      agencies that received this assistance.
             200          Section 4. Section 9-15-102 is amended to read:
             201           9-15-102. Rural Electronic Commerce Communications System Fund -- Deposits
             202      and contents -- Interest -- Administration.
             203          (1) In order to preserve and promote communications systems, such as broadcast
             204      television, in the rural areas of the state, there is created a restricted special revenue fund
             205      entitled the "Rural Electronic Commerce Communications System Fund."
             206          (2) The fund shall consist of:
             207          (a) monies deposited to the fund under this chapter; and
             208          [(b) monies deposited to the fund under Section 53C-3-202 ; and]
             209          [(c)] (b) bond proceeds from the issuance and sale of revenue bonds authorized under
             210      Subsection 9-15-104 (2).
             211          (3) The fund shall earn interest, which shall be deposited in the fund.
             212          (4) Any unallocated balance in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall be nonlapsing.
             213          (5) The division may use fund monies for administration of the fund, but not to exceed
             214      2% of the annual receipts to the fund.
             215          Section 5. Section 11-14-308 is amended to read:
             216           11-14-308. Special service district bonds secured by federal mineral lease
             217      payments -- Use of bond proceeds -- Bond resolution -- Nonimpairment of appropriation
             218      formula -- Issuance of bonds.
             219          (1) Special service districts may:
             220          (a) issue bonds payable, in whole or in part, from federal mineral lease payments which
             221      are to be deposited into the Mineral Lease Account under Section 59-21-1 and distributed to
             222      special service districts under Subsection 59-21-2 [(3)](2)(h); or
             223          (b) pledge all or any part of the mineral lease payments referred to in Subsection (1)(a)
             224      as an additional source of payment for their general obligation bonds.
             225          (2) The proceeds of these bonds may be used:

             226          (a) to construct, repair, and maintain streets and roads;
             227          (b) to fund any reserves and costs incidental to the issuance of the bonds and pay any
             228      associated administrative costs; and
             229          (c) for capital projects of the special service district.
             230          (3) (a) The special service district board shall enact a resolution authorizing the
             231      issuance of bonds which, until the bonds have been paid in full:
             232          (i) shall be irrevocable; and
             233          (ii) may not be amended in any manner that would:
             234          (A) impair the rights of the bond holders; or
             235          (B) jeopardize the timely payment of principal or interest when due.
             236          (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the resolution may contain
             237      covenants with the bond holder regarding:
             238          (i) mineral lease payments, or their disposition;
             239          (ii) the issuance of future bonds; or
             240          (iii) other pertinent matters considered necessary by the governing body to:
             241          (A) assure the marketability of the bonds; or
             242          (B) insure the enforcement, collection, and proper application of mineral lease
             243      payments.
             244          (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), the state may not alter, impair, or limit
             245      the statutory appropriation formula provided in Subsection 59-21-2 [(3)](2)(h), in a manner that
             246      reduces the amounts to be distributed to the special service district until the bonds and the
             247      interest on the bonds are fully met and discharged. Each special service district may include
             248      this pledge and undertaking of the state in these bonds.
             249          (b) Nothing in this section:
             250          (i) may preclude the alteration, impairment, or limitation of these bonds if adequate
             251      provision is made by law for the protection of the bond holders; or
             252          (ii) shall be construed:
             253          (A) as a pledge guaranteeing the actual dollar amount ultimately received by individual

             254      special service districts;
             255          (B) to require the Department of Transportation to allocate the mineral lease payments
             256      in a manner contrary to the general allocation method described in Subsection
             257      59-21-2 [(3)](2)(h); or
             258          (C) to limit the Department of Transportation in making rules or procedures allocating
             259      mineral lease payments pursuant to Subsection 59-21-2 [(3)](2)(h).
             260          (5) (a) The average annual installments of principal and interest on bonds to which
             261      mineral lease payments have been pledged as the sole source of payment may not at any one
             262      time exceed:
             263          (i) 80% of the total mineral lease payments received by the issuing entity during the
             264      fiscal year of the issuing entity immediately preceding the fiscal year in which the resolution
             265      authorizing the issuance of bonds is adopted; or
             266          (ii) if the bonds are issued during the first fiscal year the issuing entity is eligible to
             267      receive funds, 60% of the amount estimated by the Department of Transportation to be
             268      appropriated to the issuing entity in that fiscal year.
             269          (b) The Department of Transportation shall not be liable for any loss or damage
             270      resulting from reliance on the estimates.
             271          (6) The final maturity date of the bonds may not exceed 15 years from the date of their
             272      issuance.
             273          (7) Bonds may not be issued under this section after December 31, 2010.
             274          (8) Bonds which are payable solely from a special fund into which mineral lease
             275      payments are deposited constitute a borrowing based solely upon the credit of the mineral lease
             276      payments received or to be received by the special service district and do not constitute an
             277      indebtedness or pledge of the general credit of the special service district or the state.
             278          Section 6. Section 53C-3-201 is amended to read:
             279           53C-3-201. Definitions.
             280          As used in this part:
             281          (1) "Acquired lands" means those lands acquired by the administration under the

             282      agreement.
             283          (2) "Acquired mineral interests" means mineral interests acquired by the administration
             284      pursuant to Section 3(F), (K), (L), or (M) of the agreement.
             285          (3) "Agreement" means the Agreement to Exchange Utah School Trust Lands Between
             286      the State of Utah and the United States of America, signed May 8, 1998, as ratified by the Utah
             287      School and Lands Exchange Act of 1998, Pub. L. No. 105-335.
             288          (4) "Exchange" means any land or mineral interest exchange by the administration and
             289      the United States of America after March 1, 2007.
             290          (5) "Exchanged lands" means those lands acquired by the administration through an
             291      exchange.
             292          (6) "Exchanged mineral interests" means mineral interests acquired by the
             293      administration through an exchange.
             294          [(4)] (7) "Identified tracts" means the tracts identified in Section 3(F), (G), (J), (K), (L),
             295      and (M) of the agreement, generally referred to as the Cottonwood Tract, Westridge Coal Tract,
             296      Ferron Field, Mill Fork Tract, Dugout Canyon Tract, Muddy Tract, and North Horn Coal Tract.
             297          [(5)] (8) "Subject mineral" means any mineral that is covered by the Mineral Lands
             298      Leasing Act, 30 U.S.C. Sec. 181 et seq., as amended through May 3, 1999.
             299          Section 7. Section 53C-3-202 is amended to read:
             300           53C-3-202. Collection and distribution of revenues from federal land exchange
             301      parcels.
             302          (1) The director [is responsible for the collection of] shall collect all bonus payments,
             303      rentals, and royalties from the lease of:
             304          (a) minerals on acquired lands; [and]
             305          (b) acquired mineral interests[.];
             306          (c) minerals on exchanged lands; and
             307          (d) exchanged mineral interests.
             308          (2) The director shall:
             309          (a) [except as provided in Subsections (3) and (4),] no later than the last day of the

             310      second month following each calendar quarter, distribute all bonus payments received during
             311      the calendar quarter from the lease of coal, oil and gas, and coalbed methane on the identified
             312      tracts as follows:
             313          (i) 50% to the United States; and
             314          [(ii) 12.16% to the Permanent Community Impact Fund created in Section 9-4-303 ;]
             315          [(iii) 20% to the Constitutional Defense Restricted Account created in Section
             316      63C-4-103 ;]
             317          [(iv) 15% to the Rural Electronic Commerce Communications System Fund created by
             318      Section 9-15-102 ; and]
             319          [(v) 2.84% to the Rural Development Fund created under Section 9-14-102 ; and]
             320          (ii) 50% to the Land Exchange Distribution Account created in Section 53C-3-203 ;
             321          (b) [except as provided in Subsections (3) and (4),] no later than the last day of the
             322      second month following each calendar quarter, distribute all rentals and royalties received
             323      during the calendar quarter from the lease of subject minerals on the acquired lands and the
             324      lease of acquired mineral interests as follows:
             325          (i) 50% to the Land Grant Management Fund created by Section 53C-3-101 ; and
             326          [(ii) 39.5% to the Mineral Lease Account created by Subsection 59-21-2 (3);]
             327          [(iii) 4.5% to the Constitutional Defense Restricted Account created by Section
             328      63C-4-103 ;]
             329          [(iv) 3.0% to the Rural Electronic Commerce Communications System Fund created by
             330      Section 9-15-102 ; and]
             331          [(v) 3.0% to the Rural Development Fund created by Section 9-14-102 .]
             332          [(3) Notwithstanding Subsections (2)(a), (2)(b), and (4), if the distribution required by
             333      Subsection (2)(a)(iii), (2)(b)(iii), or (4) would cause the balance of the Constitutional Defense
             334      Restricted Account to exceed $2,000,000, the director shall distribute to the Permanent
             335      Community Impact Fund an amount equal to the difference between:]
             336          [(a) what the total balance of the Constitutional Defense Restricted Account would be
             337      if, but for this Subsection (3), a distribution described in Subsection (2)(a)(iii), (2)(b)(iii), or (4)

             338      was made; and]
             339          [(b) $2,000,000.]
             340          [(4) Notwithstanding Subsections (2)(a) and (b), and except as provided in Subsection
             341      (3), for each fiscal year the director shall deposit:]
             342          [(a) the first $750,000 of distributions required by Subsections (2)(a)(iv) and (2)(b)(iv)
             343      into the Rural Electronic Commerce Communications System Fund; and]
             344          [(b) any amounts exceeding the $750,000 described in Subsection (4)(a) that would be
             345      distributed into the Rural Electronic Commerce Communications System Fund but for this
             346      Subsection (4) into the Constitutional Defense Restricted Account.]
             347          (ii) 50% to the Land Exchange Distribution Account created in Section 53C-3-203 ; and
             348          (c) no later than the last day of the second month following each calendar quarter,
             349      deposit the state's share of the mineral bonus, rental, and royalty revenue generated from the
             350      lease of minerals on exchanged lands or exchanged mineral interests in the Land Exchange
             351      Distribution Account created in Section 53C-3-203 .
             352          [(5)] (3) (a) The director may retain up to 3% of the monies collected under Subsection
             353      (1) to pay for administrative costs incurred under Subsection (1).
             354          (b) The director may deduct administrative costs [may be deducted prior to] before the
             355      distributions made under Subsections (2)(a) and (b).
             356          (c) The director shall keep the administrative cost deductions in separate accounts.
             357          (d) (i) For purposes of this section, administrative costs[: (A)] include:
             358          [(I)] (A) direct costs incurred by the administration; and
             359          [(II)] (B) out-of-pocket expenditures incurred by the administration that are directly
             360      attributable to leasing or management of the acquired lands for subject minerals or acquired
             361      mineral interests[; and].
             362          [(B) shall be determined in a manner similar to that used by the federal government
             363      pursuant to 30 U.S.C. Sec. 191(b).]
             364          (ii) If the administration includes out-of-pocket expenditures under Subsection [(5)]
             365      (3)(d)(i) in determining its costs, those expenditures may not be included in its general

             366      calculation of direct costs.
             367          (e) (i) At the end of each fiscal year, the director shall reconcile the amount actually
             368      spent under Subsection [(5)] (3)(d) with the amount retained under Subsection [(5)] (3)(a).
             369          (ii) The monies retained under Subsection [(5)] (3)(a) are nonlapsing.
             370          Section 8. Section 53C-3-203 is enacted to read:
             371          53C-3-203. Land Exchange Distribution Account.
             372          (1) As used in this section, "account" means the Land Exchange Distribution Account
             373      created in Subsection (2)(a).
             374          (2) (a) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the Land
             375      Exchange Distribution Account.
             376          (b) The account shall consist of all revenue deposited in the account as required by
             377      Subsections 53C-3-202 (2)(a)(ii) and (2)(b)(ii).
             378          (3) For fiscal years beginning on or after fiscal year 2007-08, because the revenue is
             379      not derived from taxes, the Legislature shall annually appropriate from the account:
             380          (a) 55% of all deposits made to the account to counties in amounts proportionate to the
             381      amounts of mineral revenue generated from the acquired land, exchanged land, acquired
             382      mineral interests, or exchanged mineral interests located in each county, to be used to mitigate
             383      the impacts caused by mineral development;
             384          (b) 25% of all deposits made to the account to counties in amounts proportionate to the
             385      total surface and mineral acreage within each county that was conveyed to the United States
             386      under the agreement or an exchange, to be used to mitigate the loss of mineral development
             387      opportunities resulting from the agreement or exchange;
             388          (c) 1.68% of all deposits made to the account to the State Board of Education, to be
             389      used for education research and experimentation in the use of staff and facilities designed to
             390      improve the quality of education in Utah;
             391          (d) 1.66% of all deposits made to the account to the Geological Survey, to be used for
             392      natural resources development in the state;
             393          (e) 1.66% of all deposits made to the account to the Water Research Laboratory at Utah

             394      State University, to be used for water development in the state; and
             395          (f) 7.5% of all deposits made to the account to the Constitutional Defense Restricted
             396      Account created in Section 63C-4-103 .
             397          (4) For fiscal years 2007-08 and 2008-09, the Legislature shall annually appropriate
             398      from the account 7.5% of all deposits made to the account to the Geological Survey, to be used
             399      for test wells and other hydrologic studies in the West Desert.
             400          (5) For fiscal years beginning on or after fiscal year 2009-10, the Legislature shall
             401      annually appropriate from the account 7.5% of all deposits made to the account to the
             402      Permanent Community Impact Fund created in Section 9-4-303 , to be used for grants to
             403      political subdivisions of the state to mitigate the impacts resulting from the development or use
             404      of school and institutional trust lands.
             405          Section 9. Section 59-21-1 is amended to read:
             406           59-21-1. Disposition of federal mineral lease monies -- Priority to political
             407      subdivisions impacted by mineral development -- Disposition of mineral bonus payments
             408      -- Appropriation of monies attributable to royalties from extraction of minerals on
             409      federal land located within boundaries of Grand Staircase-Escalante National
             410      Monument.
             411          (1) Except as provided in Subsections (2) through (4), all monies received from the
             412      United States under the provisions of the Mineral Lands Leasing Act, 30 U.S.C. Sec. 181 et
             413      seq., shall:
             414          (a) be deposited in the Mineral Lease Account of the General Fund; and
             415          (b) be appropriated by the Legislature giving priority to those subdivisions of the state
             416      socially or economically impacted by development of minerals leased under the Mineral Lands
             417      Leasing Act, for:
             418          (i) planning;
             419          (ii) construction and maintenance of public facilities; and
             420          (iii) provision of public services.
             421          (2) Seventy percent of money received from federal mineral lease bonus payments

             422      shall be deposited into the Permanent Community Impact Fund and shall be used as provided
             423      in Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 3, Community Impact Alleviation.
             424          (3) Thirty percent of money received from federal mineral lease bonus payments shall
             425      be deposited in the Mineral Bonus Account created by Subsection 59-21-2 [(2)](1) and
             426      appropriated as provided in that subsection.
             427          (4) (a) For purposes of this Subsection (4):
             428          (i) the "boundaries of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument" means the
             429      boundaries:
             430          (A) established by Presidential Proclamation No. 6920, 61 Fed. Reg. 50,223 (1996);
             431      and
             432          (B) modified by:
             433          (I) Pub. L. No. 105-335, 112 Stat. 3139; and
             434          (II) Pub. L. No. 105-355, 112 Stat. 3247; and
             435          (ii) a special service district, school district, or federal land is considered to be located
             436      within the boundaries of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument if a portion of the
             437      special service district, school district, or federal land is located within the boundaries
             438      described in Subsection (4)(a)(i).
             439          (b) Beginning on July 1, 1999, the Legislature shall appropriate, as provided in
             440      Subsections (4)(c) through (g), monies received from the United States that are attributable to
             441      royalties from the extraction of minerals on federal land that, on September 18, 1996, was
             442      located within the boundaries of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.
             443          (c) The Legislature shall annually appropriate 40% of the monies described in
             444      Subsection (4)(b) to the Department of Transportation to be distributed by the Department of
             445      Transportation to special service districts that are:
             446          (i) established by counties under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Part 13, Utah Special Service
             447      District Act;
             448          (ii) socially or economically impacted by the development of minerals under the
             449      Mineral Lands Leasing Act; and

             450          (iii) located within the boundaries of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National
             451      Monument.
             452          (d) The Department of Transportation shall distribute the money described in
             453      Subsection (4)(c) in amounts proportionate to the amount of federal mineral lease money
             454      generated by the county in which a special service district is located.
             455          (e) The Legislature shall annually appropriate 40% of the monies described in
             456      Subsection (4)(b) to the State Board of Education to be distributed equally to school districts
             457      that are:
             458          (i) socially or economically impacted by the development of minerals under the
             459      Mineral Lands Leasing Act; and
             460          (ii) located within the boundaries of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National
             461      Monument.
             462          (f) The Legislature shall annually appropriate 2.25% of the monies described in
             463      Subsection (4)(b) to the Utah Geological Survey to facilitate the development of energy and
             464      mineral resources in counties that are:
             465          (i) socially or economically impacted by the development of minerals under the
             466      Mineral Lands Leasing Act; and
             467          (ii) located within the boundaries of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National
             468      Monument.
             469          (g) Seventeen and three-fourths percent of the monies described in Subsection (4)(b)
             470      shall be deposited annually into the State School Fund established by Utah Constitution Article
             471      X, Section 5.
             472          Section 10. Section 59-21-2 is amended to read:
             473           59-21-2. Definitions -- Mineral Bonus Account created -- Contents -- Use of
             474      Mineral Bonus Account money -- Mineral Lease Account created -- Contents --
             475      Appropriation of monies from Mineral Lease Account.
             476          [(1) As used in this section:]
             477          [(a) "Acquired lands" is as defined in Section 53C-3-201 .]

             478          [(b) "Acquired mineral interests" is as defined in Section 53C-3-201 .]
             479          [(2)] (1) (a) The Mineral Bonus Account is created within the General Fund.
             480          (b) The Mineral Bonus Account consists of federal mineral lease bonus payments
             481      deposited pursuant to Subsection 59-21-1 (3).
             482          (c) The Legislature shall make appropriations from the Mineral Bonus Account in
             483      accordance with Section 35 of the Mineral Lands Leasing Act of 1920, 30 U.S.C. Sec. 191.
             484          (d) The state treasurer shall:
             485          (i) invest the money in the Mineral Bonus Account by following the procedures and
             486      requirements of Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act; and
             487          (ii) deposit all interest or other earnings derived from the account into the Mineral
             488      Bonus Account.
             489          [(3)] (2) (a) The Mineral Lease Account is created within the General Fund.
             490          (b) The Mineral Lease Account consists of[: (i)] federal mineral lease money deposited
             491      pursuant to Subsection 59-21-1 (1)[; and].
             492          [(ii) rentals and royalties from the lease of the following deposited pursuant to Section
             493      53C-3-202 :]
             494          [(A) minerals on acquired lands; or]
             495          [(B) acquired mineral interests.]
             496          (c) The Legislature shall make appropriations from the Mineral Lease Account as
             497      provided in Subsection 59-21-1 (1) and this Subsection [(3)] (2).
             498          (d) The Legislature shall annually appropriate 32.5% of all deposits made to the
             499      Mineral Lease Account to the Permanent Community Impact Fund established by Section
             500      9-4-303 .
             501          (e) The Legislature shall annually appropriate 2.25% of all deposits made to the
             502      Mineral Lease Account to the State Board of Education, to be used for education research and
             503      experimentation in the use of staff and facilities designed to improve the quality of education in
             504      Utah.
             505          (f) The Legislature shall annually appropriate 2.25% of all deposits made to the

             506      Mineral Lease Account to the Utah Geological Survey, to be used for activities carried on by
             507      the survey having as a purpose the development and exploitation of natural resources in the
             508      state.
             509          (g) The Legislature shall annually appropriate 2.25% of all deposits made to the
             510      Mineral Lease Account to the Water Research Laboratory at Utah State University, to be used
             511      for activities carried on by the laboratory having as a purpose the development and exploitation
             512      of water resources in the state.
             513          (h) (i) The Legislature shall annually appropriate to the Department of Transportation
             514      40% of all deposits made to the Mineral Lease Account to be distributed as provided in
             515      Subsection [(3)] (2)(h)(ii) to:
             516          (A) counties;
             517          (B) special service districts established:
             518          (I) by counties;
             519          (II) under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Part 13, Utah Special Service District Act; and
             520          (III) for the purpose of constructing, repairing, or maintaining roads; or
             521          (C) special service districts established:
             522          (I) by counties;
             523          (II) under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Part 13, Utah Special Service District Act; and
             524          (III) for other purposes authorized by statute.
             525          (ii) The Department of Transportation shall allocate the funds specified in Subsection
             526      [(3)] (2)(h)(i):
             527          (A) in amounts proportionate to the amount of mineral lease money generated by each
             528      county; and
             529          (B) to a county or special service district established by a county under Title 17A,
             530      Chapter 2, Part 13, Utah Special Service District Act, as determined by the county legislative
             531      body.
             532          (i) (i) The Legislature shall annually appropriate 5% of all deposits made to the
             533      Mineral Lease Account to the Department of Community and Culture to be distributed to:

             534          (A) special service districts established:
             535          (I) by counties;
             536          (II) under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Part 13, Utah Special Service District Act; and
             537          (III) for the purpose of constructing, repairing, or maintaining roads; or
             538          (B) special service districts established:
             539          (I) by counties;
             540          (II) under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Part 13, Utah Special Service District Act; and
             541          (III) for other purposes authorized by statute.
             542          (ii) The Department of Community and Culture may distribute the amounts described
             543      in Subsection [(3)] (2)(i)(i) only to special service districts established under Title 17A,
             544      Chapter 2, Part 13, Utah Special Service District Act, by counties:
             545          (A) of the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth class;
             546          (B) in which 4.5% or less of the mineral lease moneys within the state are generated;
             547      and
             548          (C) that are significantly socially or economically impacted as provided in Subsection
             549      (3)(i)(iii) by the development of[: (I)] minerals under the Mineral Lands Leasing Act, 30
             550      U.S.C. Sec. 181 et seq.[;]
             551          [(II) minerals on acquired lands; or]
             552          [(III) acquired mineral interests.]
             553          (iii) The significant social or economic impact required under Subsection [(3)]
             554      (2)(i)(ii)(C) shall be as a result of:
             555          (A) the transportation within the county of hydrocarbons, including solid hydrocarbons
             556      as defined in Section 59-5-101 ;
             557          (B) the employment of persons residing within the county in hydrocarbon extraction,
             558      including the extraction of solid hydrocarbons as defined in Section 59-5-101 ; or
             559          (C) a combination of Subsections [(3)] (2)(i)(iii)(A) and (B).
             560          (iv) For purposes of distributing the appropriations under this Subsection [(3)] (2)(i) to
             561      special service districts established by counties under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Part 13, Utah

             562      Special Service District Act, the Department of Community and Culture shall:
             563          (A) (I) allocate 50% of the appropriations equally among the counties meeting the
             564      requirements of Subsections [(3)] (2)(i)(ii) and (iii); and
             565          (II) allocate 50% of the appropriations based on the ratio that the population of each
             566      county meeting the requirements of Subsections [(3)] (2)(i)(ii) and (iii) bears to the total
             567      population of all of the counties meeting the requirements of Subsections [(3)] (2)(i)(ii) and
             568      (iii); and
             569          (B) after making the allocations described in Subsection [(3)] (2)(i)(iv)(A), distribute
             570      the allocated revenues to special service districts established by the counties under Title 17A,
             571      Chapter 2, Part 13, Utah Special Service District Act, as determined by the executive director
             572      of the Department of Community and Culture after consulting with the county legislative
             573      bodies of the counties meeting the requirements of Subsections [(3)] (2)(i)(ii) and (iii).
             574          (v) The executive director of the Department of Community and Culture:
             575          (A) shall determine whether a county meets the requirements of Subsections [(3)]
             576      (2)(i)(ii) and (iii);
             577          (B) shall distribute the appropriations under Subsection [(3)] (2)(i)(i) to special service
             578      districts established by counties under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Part 13, Utah Special Service
             579      District Act, that meet the requirements of Subsections [(3)] (2)(i)(ii) and (iii); and
             580          (C) in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
             581      may make rules:
             582          (I) providing a procedure for making the distributions under this Subsection [(3)] (2)(i)
             583      to special service districts; and
             584          (II) defining the term "population" for purposes of Subsection [(3)] (2)(i)(iv).
             585          (j) (i) The Legislature shall annually make the following appropriations from the
             586      Mineral Lease Account:
             587          (A) an amount equal to 52 cents multiplied by the number of acres of school or
             588      institutional trust lands, lands owned by the Division of Parks and Recreation, and lands owned
             589      by the Division of Wildlife Resources that are not under an in lieu of taxes contract, to each

             590      county in which those lands are located;
             591          (B) to each county in which school or institutional trust lands are transferred to the
             592      federal government after December 31, 1992, an amount equal to the number of transferred
             593      acres in the county multiplied by a payment per acre equal to the difference between 52 cents
             594      per acre and the per acre payment made to that county in the most recent payment under the
             595      federal payment in lieu of taxes program, 31 U.S.C. Sec. 6901 et seq., unless the federal
             596      payment was equal to or exceeded the 52 cents per acre, in which case a payment under this
             597      Subsection [(3)] (2)(j)(i)(B) may not be made for the transferred lands;
             598          (C) to each county in which federal lands, which are entitlement lands under the federal
             599      in lieu of taxes program, are transferred to the school or institutional trust, an amount equal to
             600      the number of transferred acres in the county multiplied by a payment per acre equal to the
             601      difference between the most recent per acre payment made under the federal payment in lieu of
             602      taxes program and 52 cents per acre, unless the federal payment was equal to or less than 52
             603      cents per acre, in which case a payment under this Subsection [(3)] (2)(j)(i)(C) may not be
             604      made for the transferred land; and
             605          (D) to a county of the fifth or sixth class, an amount equal to the product of:
             606          (I) $1,000; and
             607          (II) the number of residences described in Subsection [(3)] (2)(j)(iv) that are located
             608      within the county.
             609          (ii) A county receiving money under Subsection [(3)] (2)(j)(i) may, as determined by
             610      the county legislative body, distribute the money or a portion of the money to:
             611          (A) special service districts established by the county under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Part
             612      13, Utah Special Service District Act;
             613          (B) school districts; or
             614          (C) public institutions of higher education.
             615          (iii) (A) Beginning in fiscal year 1994-95 and in each year after fiscal year 1994-95, the
             616      Division of Finance shall increase or decrease the amounts per acre provided for in Subsections
             617      [(3)] (2)(j)(i)(A) through (C) by the average annual change in the Consumer Price Index for all

             618      urban consumers published by the Department of Labor.
             619          (B) For fiscal years beginning on or after fiscal year 2001-02, the Division of Finance
             620      shall increase or decrease the amount described in Subsection [(3)] (2)(j)(i)(D)(I) by the
             621      average annual change in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers published by the
             622      Department of Labor.
             623          (iv) Residences for purposes of Subsection [(3)] (2)(j)(i)(D)(II) are residences that are:
             624          (A) owned by:
             625          (I) the Division of Parks and Recreation; or
             626          (II) the Division of Wildlife Resources;
             627          (B) located on lands that are owned by:
             628          (I) the Division of Parks and Recreation; or
             629          (II) the Division of Wildlife Resources; and
             630          (C) are not subject to taxation under:
             631          (I) Chapter 2, Property Tax Act; or
             632          (II) Chapter 4, Privilege Tax.
             633          (k) The Legislature shall annually appropriate to the Permanent Community Impact
             634      Fund all deposits remaining in the Mineral Lease Account after making the appropriations
             635      provided for in Subsections [(3)] (2)(d) through (j).
             636          [(4)] (3) (a) Each agency, board, institution of higher education, and political
             637      subdivision receiving money under this chapter shall provide the Legislature, through the
             638      Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst, with a complete accounting of the use of that money
             639      on an annual basis.
             640          (b) The accounting required under Subsection [(4)] (3)(a) shall:
             641          (i) include actual expenditures for the prior fiscal year, budgeted expenditures for the
             642      current fiscal year, and planned expenditures for the following fiscal year; and
             643          (ii) be reviewed by the Economic Development and Human Resources Appropriation
             644      Subcommittee as part of its normal budgetary process under Title 63, Chapter 38, Budgetary
             645      Procedures Act.

             646          Section 11. Section 63C-4-103 is amended to read:
             647           63C-4-103. Creation of Constitutional Defense Restricted Account -- Sources of
             648      funds -- Uses of funds -- Reports.
             649          (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the
             650      Constitutional Defense Restricted Account.
             651          (2) The account consists of monies from the following revenue sources:
             652          (a) monies deposited to the account as required by Section [ 53C-3-202 ] 53C-3-203 ;
             653          (b) voluntary contributions;
             654          (c) monies received by the Constitutional Defense Council from other state agencies;
             655      and
             656          (d) appropriations made by the Legislature.
             657          (3) Funds in the account shall be nonlapsing.
             658          (4) The account balance may not exceed $2,000,000.
             659          (5) The Legislature may annually appropriate monies from the Constitutional Defense
             660      Restricted Account to one or more of the following:
             661          (a) the Constitutional Defense Council to carry out its duties in Section 63C-4-102 ;
             662          (b) the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office to carry out its duties in Section
             663      63-38d-603 ;
             664          (c) the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Council to carry out its duties in Section
             665      63-38d-605 [.];
             666          (d) the Office of the Governor, to be used only for the purpose of asserting, defending,
             667      or litigating state and local government rights under R.S. 2477, in accordance with a plan
             668      developed and approved as provided in Section 63C-4-104 ;
             669          (e) a county or association of counties to assist counties, consistent with the purposes
             670      of the council, in pursuing issues affecting the counties; or
             671          (f) the Office of the Attorney General, to be used only for public lands counsel and
             672      assistance and litigation to the state or local governments including asserting, defending, or
             673      litigating state and local government rights under R.S. 2477 in accordance with a plan

             674      developed and approved as provided in Section 63C-4-104 .
             675          (6) (a) The Constitutional Defense Council shall require that any entity that receives
             676      monies from the Constitutional Defense Restricted Account provide financial reports and
             677      litigation reports to the Council.
             678          (b) Nothing in this Subsection (6) prohibits the council from closing a meeting under
             679      Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act, or prohibits the council from complying
             680      with Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act.
             681          Section 12. Repealer.
             682          This bill repeals:
             683          Section 9-14-101, Definitions.
             684          Section 9-14-102, Rural Development Fund -- Deposits and contents -- Interest --
             685      Administration.
             686          Section 9-14-103, Rural Development Fund Board -- Members -- Terms -- Chair --
             687      Quorum -- Expenses.
             688          Section 9-14-104, Board duties and powers.
             689          Section 9-14-105, Eligibility for assistance -- Application -- Review by board.
             690          Section 9-14-106, Division to distribute grant money -- Annual report.
             691          Section 9-15-101, Definitions.
             692          Section 9-15-102, Rural Electronic Commerce Communications System Fund --
             693      Deposits and contents -- Interest -- Administration.
             694          Section 9-15-103, Rural Electronic Commerce Communications System Fund
             695      Board -- Members -- Terms -- Chair -- Quorum -- Expenses.
             696          Section 9-15-104, Board duties and powers.
             697          Section 9-15-105, Eligibility for assistance -- Application -- Review by board.
             698          Section 9-15-106, Division to distribute grant money -- Annual report.
             699          Section 13. Disposition of money.
             700          When Sections 9-14-102 and 9-15-102 are repealed on July 1, 2008, the Division of
             701      Finance shall transfer any money remaining in the Rural Development Fund and the Rural

             702      Electronic Commerce Communications System Fund to the Permanent Community Impact
             703      Fund.
             704          Section 14. Effective date -- Repeal date.
             705          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), if approved by two-thirds of all the members
             706      elected to each house, this bill takes effect upon approval by the governor, or the day following
             707      the constitutional time limit of Utah Constitution Article VII, Section 8, without the governor's
             708      signature, or in the case of a veto, the date of veto override.
             709          (2) Sections 9-14-102 , 9-14-106 , 9-15-102 , and 9-15-106 are repealed July 1, 2008.

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