Download Zipped Enrolled WordPerfect HB0206.ZIP
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H.B. 206 Enrolled
9 General Description:
10 This bill modifies the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure regarding the
11 release of jail inmates for work or education.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This bill:
14 . clarifies that the court may order whether the inmate is allowed to be released; and
15 . specifies that the custodial authority of the jail determines the terms and conditions
16 of an inmate's release.
17 Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
18 None
19 Other Special Clauses:
20 None
21 Utah Code Sections Affected:
23 76-3-403.5, as enacted by Chapter 204, Laws of Utah 2000
24 77-19-3, as enacted by Chapter 15, Laws of Utah 1980
25 77-19-4, as enacted by Chapter 15, Laws of Utah 1980
27 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
28 Section 1. Section 76-3-403.5 is amended to read:
29 76-3-403.5. Work or school release from county jail or facility -- Conditions.
30 When an inmate is [
31 detention facility, the custodial authority may [
32 policy of the facility, allow the inmate to work outside of the jail or facility as part of a jail or
33 facility supervised work detail, to seek or work at employment, or to attend an educational
34 institution, if the inmate's incarceration:
35 (1) is not for an offense for which release is prohibited under state law; and
36 [
37 order [
38 [
39 district judge has not entered an order [
40 section.
41 [
42 Section 2. Section 77-19-3 is amended to read:
43 77-19-3. Special release from city or county jail -- Purposes.
44 (1) Any person [
45 [
46 be released from jail during those hours which are reasonable and necessary to accomplish any
47 of the [
48 (a) the offense is not one for which release is prohibited under state law; and
49 (b) the judge has not entered an order prohibiting a special release.
50 (2) The custodial authority at the jail may release an inmate who qualifies under
51 Subsection (1) for:
52 [
53 [
54 (b) seeking employment;
55 [
56 [
57 [
58 the custodial authority of the jail.
59 Section 3. Section 77-19-4 is amended to read:
60 77-19-4. Special release from city or county jail -- Conditions and limitations.
61 (1) All released prisoners[
62 custody of the [
63 [
64 (2) The judge [
66 [
67 during the jail term to those persons he is legally responsible to support; or
68 [
70 (b) retain sufficient money to pay his costs of transportation, meals, and other
71 incidental and necessary expenses related to his special release.
72 (3) The custodial authority of the jail shall establish all other conditions of special
73 release.
74 (4) During all hours when the prisoner is not serving the function for which he is
75 awarded release time, he shall be confined to jail.
76 (5) The prisoner shall [
77 and from the place where he performs the function for which he is released.
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