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H.B. 212 Enrolled
8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies the State System of Public Education Code by directing the state
10 superintendent of public instruction to research methods of motivating and providing
11 incentives to students.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This bill:
14 . directs the state superintendent of public instruction, in cooperation with school
15 districts and charter schools, to:
16 . research methods of motivating and providing incentives to students and
17 evaluate the benefits and costs of those methods;
18 . publish a report that incorporates the research findings, provides model plans
19 with suggested resource pools, and makes recommendations for local school
20 boards and school personnel;
21 . submit the report to the Education Interim Committee; and
22 . maintain data for purposes of accountability, later reporting, and future analysis.
23 Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
24 None
25 Other Special Clauses:
26 None
27 Utah Code Sections Affected:
29 53A-11-906, as last amended by Chapter 318, Laws of Utah 1996
31 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
32 Section 1. Section 53A-11-906 is amended to read:
33 53A-11-906. Alternatives to suspension or expulsion.
34 (1) Each local school board shall establish:
35 (a) policies providing that prior to suspending or expelling a student for repeated acts
36 of willful disobedience, defiance of authority, or disruptive behavior which are not of such a
37 violent or extreme nature that immediate removal is required, good faith efforts shall be made
38 to implement a remedial discipline plan that would allow the student to remain in school; and
39 (b) alternatives to suspension, including policies that allow a student to remain in
40 school under an in-school suspension program or under a program allowing the parent or
41 guardian, with the consent of the student's teacher or teachers, to attend class with the student
42 for a period of time specified by a designated school official.
43 (2) If the parent or guardian does not agree or fails to attend class with the student, the
44 student shall be suspended in accordance with the conduct and discipline policies of the district
45 or the school.
46 (3) The parent or guardian of a suspended student and the designated school official
47 may enlist the cooperation of the Division of Child and Family Services, the juvenile court, or
48 other appropriate state agencies, if necessary, in dealing with the student's suspension.
49 (4) The state superintendent of public instruction, in cooperation with school districts
50 and charter schools, shall:
51 (a) research methods of motivating and providing incentives to students that:
52 (i) directly and regularly reward or recognize appropriate behavior;
53 (ii) impose immediate and direct consequences on students who fail to comply with
54 district or school standards of conduct; and
55 (iii) keep the students in school, or otherwise continue student learning with
56 appropriate supervision or accountability;
57 (b) explore funding resources to implement methods of motivating and providing
58 incentives to students that meet the criteria specified in Subsection (4)(a);
59 (c) evaluate the benefits and costs of methods of motivating and providing incentives
60 to students that meet the criteria specified in Subsection (4)(a);
61 (d) publish a report that incorporates the research findings, provides model plans with
62 suggested resource pools, and makes recommendations for local school boards and school
63 personnel;
64 (e) submit the report described in Subsection (4)(d) to the Education Interim
65 Committee; and
66 (f) maintain data for purposes of accountability, later reporting, and future analysis.
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