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H.B. 238 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill amends the Municipal Telecommunications License Tax Act to address the
             11      rate at which the tax is imposed or collected, to address notice requirements, and to
             12      repeal obsolete language.
             13      Highlighted Provisions:
             14          This bill:
             15          .    beginning on July 1, 2007, reduces the municipal telecommunications license tax
             16      rate from a maximum rate of 4% to a maximum rate of 3.5%;
             17          .    exempts a municipality from providing notice to the State Tax Commission before
             18      changing the rate of a municipal telecommunications license tax under certain
             19      circumstances;
             20          .    modifies notice requirements for a municipality to change the rate of a municipal
             21      telecommunications license tax under certain circumstances;
             22          .    addresses the rate at which the State Tax Commission shall collect a municipal
             23      telecommunications license tax;
             24          .    repeals obsolete language requiring a report on rate information; and
             25          .    makes technical changes.
             26      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             27          None
             28      Other Special Clauses:
             29          None

             30      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             31      AMENDS:
             32          10-1-403, as last amended by Chapter 255, Laws of Utah 2004
             33          10-1-405, as last amended by Chapter 253, Laws of Utah 2006
             34          59-1-403, as last amended by Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2006, Third Special Session
             35          62A-11-328, as last amended by Chapter 55, Laws of Utah 2006
             36      REPEALS:
             37          10-1-409, as enacted by Chapter 253, Laws of Utah 2003
             39      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             40          Section 1. Section 10-1-403 is amended to read:
             41           10-1-403. Municipality may levy municipal telecommunications license tax --
             42      Recovery from customers -- Enactment, repeal, or change in rate of tax -- Annexation.
             43          (1) (a) Subject to the provisions of this section, beginning July 1, 2004, a municipality
             44      may levy on and provide that there is collected from a telecommunications provider a
             45      municipal telecommunications license tax on the telecommunications provider's gross receipts
             46      from telecommunications service that are attributed to the municipality in accordance with
             47      Section 10-1-407 .
             48          (b) To levy and provide for the collection of a municipal telecommunications license
             49      tax under this part, the municipality shall adopt an ordinance that complies with the
             50      requirements of Section 10-1-404 .
             51          (c) [A] Beginning on July 1, 2007, a municipal telecommunications license tax
             52      imposed under this part shall be at a rate of up to [4%] 3.5% of the telecommunications
             53      provider's gross receipts from telecommunications service that are attributed to the
             54      municipality in accordance with Section 10-1-407 .
             55          (2) A telecommunications provider may recover the amounts paid in municipal
             56      telecommunications license taxes from the customers of the telecommunications provider
             57      within the municipality imposing the municipal telecommunications license tax through a

             58      charge that is separately identified in the statement of the transaction with the customer as the
             59      recovery of a tax.
             60          (3) (a) For purposes of this Subsection (3):
             61          (i) "Annexation" means an annexation to a municipality under Title 10, Chapter 2, Part
             62      4, Annexation.
             63          (ii) "Annexing area" means an area that is annexed into a municipality.
             64          (b) (i) If, on or after July 1, 2004, a municipality enacts or repeals a tax or changes the
             65      rate of the tax under this part, the enactment, repeal, or change shall take effect:
             66          (A) on the first day of a calendar quarter; and
             67          (B) after a 90-day period beginning on the date the commission receives notice meeting
             68      the requirements of Subsection (3)(b)(ii) from the municipality.
             69          (ii) The notice described in Subsection (3)(b)(i)(B) shall state:
             70          (A) that the municipality will enact or repeal a tax under this part or change the rate of
             71      the tax;
             72          (B) the statutory authority for the tax described in Subsection (3)(b)(ii)(A);
             73          (C) the effective date of the tax described in Subsection (3)(b)(ii)(A); and
             74          (D) if the municipality enacts the municipal telecommunications license tax or changes
             75      the rate of the tax, the new rate of the tax.
             76          (c) (i) If, for an annexation that occurs on or after July 1, 2004, the annexation will
             77      result in a change in the rate of the tax under this part for an annexing area, the change shall
             78      take effect:
             79          (A) on the first day of a calendar quarter; and
             80          (B) after a 90-day period beginning on the date the commission receives notice meeting
             81      the requirements of Subsection (3)(c)(ii) from the municipality that annexes the annexing area.
             82          (ii) The notice described in Subsection (3)(c)(i)(B) shall state:
             83          (A) that the annexation described in Subsection (3)(c)(i) will result in a change in the
             84      rate of a tax under this part for the annexing area;
             85          (B) the statutory authority for the tax described in Subsection (3)(c)(ii)(A);

             86          (C) the effective date of the tax described in Subsection (3)(c)(ii)(A); and
             87          (D) the new rate of the tax described in Subsection (3)(c)(ii)(A).
             88          (4) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(b), for purposes of a change in a municipal
             89      telecommunications license tax rate that takes effect on July 1, 2007, a municipality is not
             90      subject to the notice requirements of Subsection (3)(b) if:
             91          (a) on June 30, 2007, the municipality has in effect an ordinance that levies a municipal
             92      telecommunications license tax at a rate that exceeds 3.5%; and
             93          (b) on July 1, 2007, the municipality has in effect an ordinance that levies a municipal
             94      telecommunications license tax at a rate of 3.5%.
             95          (5) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(b), for purposes of a change in a municipal
             96      telecommunications license tax rate that takes effect on July 1, 2007, the 90-day period
             97      described in Subsection (3)(b)(i)(B) is considered to be a 30-day period if:
             98          (a) on June 30, 2007, the municipality has in effect an ordinance that levies a municipal
             99      telecommunications license tax at a rate that exceeds 3.5%; and
             100          (b) on July 1, 2007, the municipality has in effect an ordinance that levies a municipal
             101      telecommunications license tax at a rate that is less than 3.5%.
             102          Section 2. Section 10-1-405 is amended to read:
             103           10-1-405. Collection of taxes by commission -- Uniform interlocal agreement --
             104      Rulemaking authority -- Charge for services.
             105          (1) Subject to the other provisions of this section, the commission shall collect,
             106      enforce, and administer any municipal telecommunications license tax imposed under this part
             107      pursuant to:
             108          (a) the same procedures used in the administration, collection, and enforcement of the
             109      state sales and use tax under:
             110          (i) Title 59, Chapter 1, General Taxation Policies; and
             111          (ii) Title 59, Chapter 12, Part 1, Tax Collection:
             112          (A) except for:
             113          (I) Subsection 59-12-103 (2)(e);

             114          (II) Section 59-12-104 ;
             115          (III) Section 59-12-104.1 ;
             116          (IV) Section 59-12-104.2 ; and
             117          (V) Section 59-12-107.1 ; and
             118          (B) except that for purposes of Section 59-12-110 , the term "taxpayer" may include a
             119      customer from whom a municipal telecommunications license tax is recovered in accordance
             120      with Subsection 10-1-403 (2); and
             121          (b) a uniform interlocal agreement:
             122          (i) between:
             123          (A) the municipality that imposes the municipal telecommunications license tax; and
             124          (B) the commission;
             125          (ii) that is executed under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act;
             126          (iii) that complies with Subsection (2)(a); and
             127          (iv) that is developed by rule in accordance with Subsection (2)(b).
             128          (2) (a) The uniform interlocal agreement described in Subsection (1) shall provide that
             129      the commission shall:
             130          (i) transmit monies collected under this part:
             131          (A) monthly; and
             132          (B) by electronic funds transfer by the commission to the municipality;
             133          (ii) conduct audits of the municipal telecommunications license tax;
             134          (iii) charge the municipality for the commission's services under this section in an
             135      amount:
             136          (A) sufficient to reimburse the commission for the cost to the commission in rendering
             137      the services; and
             138          (B) that may not exceed an amount equal to 1.5% of the municipal telecommunications
             139      license tax imposed by the ordinance of the municipality; and
             140          (iv) collect, enforce, and administer the municipal telecommunications license tax
             141      authorized under this part pursuant to the same procedures used in the administration,

             142      collection, and enforcement of the state sales and use tax as provided in Subsection (1)(a).
             143          (b) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             144      commission shall develop a uniform interlocal agreement that meets the requirements of this
             145      section.
             146          (3) The administrative fee charged under Subsection (2)(a) shall be:
             147          (a) deposited in the Sales and Use Tax Administrative Fees Account; and
             148          (b) used for administration of municipal telecommunications license taxes under this
             149      part.
             150          (4) If, on July 1, 2007, a municipality has in effect an ordinance that levies a municipal
             151      telecommunications license tax under this part at a rate that exceeds 3.5%:
             152          (a) except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), beginning on July 1, 2007, the commission
             153      shall collect the municipal telecommunications license tax:
             154          (i) within the municipality;
             155          (ii) at a rate of 3.5%; and
             156          (iii) from a telecommunications provider required to pay the municipal
             157      telecommunications license tax on or after July 1, 2007; and
             158          (b) the commission shall collect a municipal telecommunications license tax within the
             159      municipality at the rate imposed by the municipality if:
             160          (i) after July 1, 2007, the municipality has in effect an ordinance that levies a municipal
             161      telecommunications license tax under this part at a rate of up to 3.5%;
             162          (ii) the municipality meets the requirements of Subsection 10-1-403 (3)(b) in changing
             163      the rate of the municipal telecommunications license tax; and
             164          (iii) a telecommunications provider is required to pay the municipal
             165      telecommunications license tax on or after the day on which the ordinance described in
             166      Subsection (4)(b)(ii) takes effect.
             167          Section 3. Section 59-1-403 is amended to read:
             168           59-1-403. Confidentiality -- Exceptions -- Penalty -- Application to property tax.
             169          (1) (a) Any of the following may not divulge or make known in any manner any

             170      information gained by that person from any return filed with the commission:
             171          (i) a tax commissioner;
             172          (ii) an agent, clerk, or other officer or employee of the commission; or
             173          (iii) a representative, agent, clerk, or other officer or employee of any county, city, or
             174      town.
             175          (b) An official charged with the custody of a return filed with the commission is not
             176      required to produce the return or evidence of anything contained in the return in any action or
             177      proceeding in any court, except:
             178          (i) in accordance with judicial order;
             179          (ii) on behalf of the commission in any action or proceeding under:
             180          (A) this title; or
             181          (B) other law under which persons are required to file returns with the commission;
             182          (iii) on behalf of the commission in any action or proceeding to which the commission
             183      is a party; or
             184          (iv) on behalf of any party to any action or proceeding under this title if the report or
             185      facts shown by the return are directly involved in the action or proceeding.
             186          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(b), a court may require the production of, and may
             187      admit in evidence, any portion of a return or of the facts shown by the return, as are specifically
             188      pertinent to the action or proceeding.
             189          (2) This section does not prohibit:
             190          (a) a person or that person's duly authorized representative from receiving a copy of
             191      any return or report filed in connection with that person's own tax;
             192          (b) the publication of statistics as long as the statistics are classified to prevent the
             193      identification of particular reports or returns; and
             194          (c) the inspection by the attorney general or other legal representative of the state of the
             195      report or return of any taxpayer:
             196          (i) who brings action to set aside or review a tax based on the report or return;
             197          (ii) against whom an action or proceeding is contemplated or has been instituted under

             198      this title; or
             199          (iii) against whom the state has an unsatisfied money judgment.
             200          (3) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (1) and for purposes of administration, the
             201      commission may by rule, made in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative
             202      Rulemaking Act, provide for a reciprocal exchange of information with:
             203          (i) the United States Internal Revenue Service; or
             204          (ii) the revenue service of any other state.
             205          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (1) and for all taxes except individual income tax and
             206      corporate franchise tax, the commission may by rule, made in accordance with Title 63,
             207      Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, share information gathered from returns
             208      and other written statements with the federal government, any other state, any of the political
             209      subdivisions of another state, or any political subdivision of this state, except as limited by
             210      Sections 59-12-209 and 59-12-210 , if the political subdivision, other state, or the federal
             211      government grant substantially similar privileges to this state.
             212          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (1) and for all taxes except individual income tax and
             213      corporate franchise tax, the commission may by rule, in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a,
             214      Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, provide for the issuance of information concerning the
             215      identity and other information of taxpayers who have failed to file tax returns or to pay any tax
             216      due.
             217          (d) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the commission shall provide to the Solid and
             218      Hazardous Waste Control Board executive secretary, as defined in Section 19-6-102 , as
             219      requested by the executive secretary, any records, returns, or other information filed with the
             220      commission under Chapter 13, Motor and Special Fuel Tax Act, or Section 19-6-410.5
             221      regarding the environmental assurance program participation fee.
             222          (e) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), at the request of any person the commission shall
             223      provide that person sales and purchase volume data reported to the commission on a report,
             224      return, or other information filed with the commission under:
             225          (i) Chapter 13, Part 2, Motor Fuel; or

             226          (ii) Chapter 13, Part 4, Aviation Fuel.
             227          (f) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), upon request from a tobacco product manufacturer,
             228      as defined in Section 59-22-202 , the commission shall report to the manufacturer:
             229          (i) the quantity of cigarettes, as defined in Section 59-22-202 , produced by the
             230      manufacturer and reported to the commission for the previous calendar year under Section
             231      59-14-407 ; and
             232          (ii) the quantity of cigarettes, as defined in Section 59-22-202 , produced by the
             233      manufacturer for which a tax refund was granted during the previous calendar year under
             234      Section 59-14-401 and reported to the commission under Subsection 59-14-401 (1)(a)(v).
             235          (g) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the commission shall notify manufacturers,
             236      distributors, wholesalers, and retail dealers of a tobacco product manufacturer that is prohibited
             237      from selling cigarettes to consumers within the state under Subsection 59-14-210 (2).
             238          (h) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the commission may:
             239          (i) provide to the Division of Consumer Protection within the Department of
             240      Commerce and the attorney general data:
             241          (A) reported to the commission under Section 59-14-212 ; or
             242          (B) related to a violation under Section 59-14-211 ; and
             243          (ii) upon request provide to any person data reported to the commission under
             244      Subsections 59-14-212 (1)(a) through (c) and Subsection 59-14-212 (1)(g).
             245          (i) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the commission shall, at the request of a committee
             246      of the Legislature, Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst, or Governor's Office of Planning
             247      and Budget, provide to the committee or office the total amount of revenues collected by the
             248      commission under Chapter 24, Radioactive Waste Facility Tax Act, for the time period
             249      specified by the committee or office.
             250          (j) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the commission shall at the request of the
             251      Legislature provide to the Legislature the total amount of sales or uses exempt under
             252      Subsection 59-12-104 (46) reported to the commission in accordance with Section 59-12-105 .
             253          (k) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the commission shall make the directory required

             254      by Section 59-14-603 available for public inspection.
             255          [(l) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the commission shall comply with the reporting
             256      requirements of Section 10-1-409 .]
             257          [(m)] (l) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the commission may share information with
             258      federal, state, or local agencies as provided in Subsection 59-14-606 (3).
             259          [(n)] (m) (i) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the commission shall provide the Office
             260      of Recovery Services within the Department of Human Services any relevant information
             261      obtained from a return filed under Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act, regarding a taxpayer
             262      who has become obligated to the Office of Recovery Services.
             263          (ii) The information described in Subsection (3)[(n)](m)(i) may be provided by the
             264      Office of Recovery Services to any other state's child support collection agency involved in
             265      enforcing that support obligation.
             266          [(o)] (n) (i) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), upon request from the state court
             267      administrator, the commission shall provide to the state court administrator, the name, address,
             268      telephone number, county of residence, and Social Security number on resident returns filed
             269      under Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act.
             270          (ii) The state court administrator may use the information described in Subsection
             271      (3)[(o)](n)(i) only as a source list for the master jury list described in Section 78-46-10 .
             272          [(p)] (o) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the commission shall at the request of a
             273      committee, commission, or task force of the Legislature provide to the committee, commission,
             274      or task force of the Legislature any information relating to a tax imposed under Chapter 9,
             275      Taxation of Admitted Insurers, relating to the study required by Section 59-9-101 .
             276          [(q)] (p) (i) As used in this Subsection (3)[(q)](p), "office" means the:
             277          (A) Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst; or
             278          (B) Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel.
             279          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (1) and except as provided in Subsection
             280      (3)[(q)](p)(iii), the commission shall at the request of an office provide to the office all
             281      information:

             282          (A) gained by the commission; and
             283          (B) required to be attached to or included in returns filed with the commission.
             284          (iii) (A) An office may not request and the commission may not provide to an office a
             285      person's:
             286          (I) address;
             287          (II) name;
             288          (III) Social Security number; or
             289          (IV) taxpayer identification number.
             290          (B) The commission shall in all instances protect the privacy of a person as required by
             291      Subsection (3)[(q)](p)(iii)(A).
             292          (iv) An office may provide information received from the commission in accordance
             293      with this Subsection (3)[(q)](p) only:
             294          (A) as:
             295          (I) a fiscal estimate;
             296          (II) fiscal note information; or
             297          (III) statistical information; and
             298          (B) if the information is classified to prevent the identification of a particular return.
             299          (v) (A) A person may not request information from an office under Title 63, Chapter 2,
             300      Government Records Access and Management Act, or this section, if that office received the
             301      information from the commission in accordance with this Subsection (3)[(q)](p).
             302          (B) An office may not provide to a person that requests information in accordance with
             303      Subsection (3)[(q)](p)(v)(A) any information other than the information the office provides in
             304      accordance with Subsection (3)[(q)](p)(iv).
             305          (4) (a) Reports and returns shall be preserved for at least three years.
             306          (b) After the three-year period provided in Subsection (4)(a) the commission may
             307      destroy a report or return.
             308          (5) (a) Any person who violates this section is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
             309          (b) If the person described in Subsection (5)(a) is an officer or employee of the state,

             310      the person shall be dismissed from office and be disqualified from holding public office in this
             311      state for a period of five years thereafter.
             312          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(a) or (b), an office that requests information in
             313      accordance with Subsection (3)[(q)](p)(iii) or a person that requests information in accordance
             314      with Subsection (3)[(q)](p)(v):
             315          (i) is not guilty of a class A misdemeanor; and
             316          (ii) is not subject to:
             317          (A) dismissal from office in accordance with Subsection (5)(b); or
             318          (B) disqualification from holding public office in accordance with Subsection (5)(b).
             319          (6) Except as provided in Section 59-1-404 , this part does not apply to the property tax.
             320          Section 4. Section 62A-11-328 is amended to read:
             321           62A-11-328. Information received from State Tax Commission provided to other
             322      states' child support collection agencies.
             323          The office shall, upon request, provide to any other state's child support collection
             324      agency the information which it receives from the State Tax Commission under Subsection
             325      59-1-403 (3)[(n)] (m), with regard to a support debt which that agency is involved in enforcing.
             326          Section 5. Repealer.
             327          This bill repeals:
             328          Section 10-1-409, Report on rate information.

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