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H.B. 304 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: David Clark

Senate Sponsor: Dan R. Eastman

             6      Cosponsors:
             7      Douglas C. Aagard
             8      Sheryl L. Allen
             9      Sylvia S. Andersen
             10      DeMar Bud Bowman
             11      Melvin R. Brown
             12      D. Gregg Buxton
             13      Stephen D. Clark
             14      Greg J. Curtis
             15      Bradley M. Daw
             16      Brad L. Dee
             17      Glenn A. Donnelson
             18      Jack R. Draxler
             19      Carl W. Duckworth
             20      James A. Dunnigan
             21      Janice M. Fisher
             22      Julie FisherLorie D. Fowlke
Gage Froerer
Kevin S. Garn
James R. Gowans
Keith Grover
Wayne A. Harper
Lynn N. Hemingway
Kory M. Holdaway
Fred R. Hunsaker
Eric K. Hutchings
Christine A. Johnson
Brad King
Bradley G. Last
David Litvack
Steven R. Mascaro
Rosalind J. McGee
Karen W. MorganCarol Spackman Moss
Paul A. Neuenschwander
Merlynn T. Newbold
Michael E. Noel
Curtis Oda
Patrick Painter
Paul Ray
Phil Riesen
Stephen E. Sandstrom
Jennifer M. Seelig
LaWanna Lou Shurtliff
Kenneth W. Sumsion
Aaron Tilton
Mark W. Walker
Mark A. Wheatley
Richard W. Wheeler
Larry B. Wiley              23     
             24      LONG TITLE
             25      General Description:
             26          This bill modifies the salary for the state treasurer.
             27      Highlighted Provisions:
             28          This bill:
             29          .    establishes the salary of the state treasurer at 95% of the governor's salary; and
             30          .    makes technical corrections.
             31      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             32          None
             33      Other Special Clauses:
             34          None

             35      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             36      AMENDS:
             37          67-22-1, as last amended by Chapter 283, Laws of Utah 2006
             39      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             40          Section 1. Section 67-22-1 is amended to read:
             41           67-22-1. Compensation -- Constitutional offices.
             42          (1) The Legislature fixes salaries for the constitutional offices as follows:
             43          (a) governor:                 $104,100;
             44          (b) lieutenant governor:        95% of the governor's salary
             45                                  [beginning July 1, 2006];
             46          (c) attorney general:            95% of the governor's salary;
             47          (d) state auditor:            $83,500; and
             48          (e) state treasurer:            [$81,000] 95% of the governor's salary beginning
             49                                  July 1, 2007.
             50          (2) The Legislature fixes benefits for the constitutional offices as follows:
             51          (a) Governor:
             52          (i) a vehicle for official and personal use;
             53          (ii) housing;
             54          (iii) household and security staff;
             55          (iv) household expenses;
             56          (v) retirement benefits as provided in Title 49;
             57          (vi) health insurance;
             58          (vii) dental insurance;
             59          (viii) basic life insurance;
             60          (ix) workers' compensation;
             61          (x) required employer contribution to Social Security;
             62          (xi) long-term disability income insurance; and

             63          (xii) the same additional state paid life insurance available to other noncareer service
             64      employees.
             65          (b) Lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor, and state treasurer:
             66          (i) a vehicle for official and personal use;
             67          (ii) the option of participating in a state retirement system established by Title 49,
             68      Chapter 12, Public Employees' Contributory Retirement Act, or Chapter 13, Public Employees'
             69      Noncontributory Retirement Act, or in a deferred compensation plan administered by the State
             70      Retirement Office, in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code and its accompanying rules
             71      and regulations;
             72          (iii) health insurance;
             73          (iv) dental insurance;
             74          (v) basic life insurance;
             75          (vi) workers' compensation;
             76          (vii) required employer contribution to Social Security;
             77          (viii) long-term disability income insurance; and
             78          (ix) the same additional state paid life insurance available to other noncareer service
             79      employees.
             80          (c) Each constitutional office shall pay the cost of the additional state-paid life
             81      insurance for its constitutional officer from its existing budget.

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