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H.B. 333 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Aaron Tilton

Senate Sponsor: Margaret Dayton

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies criminal provisions related to materials harmful to minors.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    defines and modifies terms;
             13          .    provides as an affirmative defense the use of blinder racks or other physical means
             14      preventing the display of outer portions of materials harmful to minors;
             15          .    allows for local regulation of the use of blinder racks;
             16          .    addresses provisions related to indecent public displays to minors; and
             17          .    makes technical and conforming amendments.
             18      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             19          None
             20      Other Special Clauses:
             21          None
             22      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             23      AMENDS:
             24          76-10-1201, as last amended by Chapter 9, Laws of Utah 2001
             25          76-10-1208, as enacted by Chapter 92, Laws of Utah 1977
             26          76-10-1210, as last amended by Chapter 92, Laws of Utah 1977
             27          76-10-1227, as last amended by Chapter 46, Laws of Utah 2002
             28          76-10-1228, as last amended by Chapter 46, Laws of Utah 2002

             30      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             31          Section 1. Section 76-10-1201 is amended to read:
             32           76-10-1201. Definitions.
             33          For the purpose of this part:
             34          (1) "Blinder rack" means an opaque cover that covers the lower 2/3 of a material so
             35      that the lower 2/3 of the material is concealed from view.
             36          [(1)] (2) "Contemporary community standards" means those current standards in the
             37      vicinage where an offense alleged under this [act] part has occurred, is occurring, or will occur.
             38          [(2)] (3) "Distribute" means to transfer possession of materials whether with or without
             39      consideration.
             40          [(3)] (4) "Exhibit" means to show.
             41          [(4)] (5) (a) "Harmful to minors" means that quality of any description or
             42      representation, in whatsoever form, of nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or
             43      sadomasochistic abuse when it:
             44          [(a)] (i) taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest in sex of minors;
             45          [(b)] (ii) is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community as a whole
             46      with respect to what is suitable material for minors; and
             47          [(c)] (iii) taken as a whole, does not have serious value for minors.
             48          (b) Serious value includes only serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value for
             49      minors.
             50          [(5)] (6) "Knowingly" means an awareness, whether actual or constructive, of the
             51      character of material or of a performance. A person has constructive knowledge if a reasonable
             52      inspection or observation under the circumstances would have disclosed the nature of the
             53      subject matter and if a failure to inspect or observe is either for the purpose of avoiding the
             54      disclosure or is criminally negligent.
             55          [(6)] (7) "Material" means anything printed or written or any picture, drawing,
             56      photograph, motion picture, or pictorial representation, or any statue or other figure, or any
             57      recording or transcription, or any mechanical, chemical, or electrical reproduction, or anything

             58      which is or may be used as a means of communication. Material includes undeveloped
             59      photographs, molds, printing plates, and other latent representational objects.
             60          [(7)] (8) "Minor" means any person less than [eighteen] 18 years of age.
             61          [(8)] (9) "Nudity" means:
             62          (a) the showing of the human male or female genitals, pubic area, or buttocks, with less
             63      than an opaque covering[, or];
             64          (b) the showing of a female breast with less than an opaque covering, or any portion
             65      [thereof] of the female breast below the top of the [nipple,] areola; or
             66          (c) the depiction of covered male genitals in a discernibly turgid state.
             67          [(9)] (10) "Performance" means any physical human bodily activity, whether engaged
             68      in alone or with other persons, including [but not limited to] singing, speaking, dancing, acting,
             69      simulating, or pantomiming.
             70          [(10)] (11) "Public place" includes a place to which admission is gained by payment of
             71      a membership or admission fee, however designated, notwithstanding its being designated a
             72      private club or by words of like import.
             73          [(11)] (12) "Sado-masochistic abuse" means:
             74          (a) flagellation or torture by or upon a person who is nude or clad in undergarments, a
             75      mask, or in a revealing or bizarre costume[,]; or
             76          (b) the condition of being fettered, bound, or otherwise physically restrained on the part
             77      of [one so clothed] a person clothed as described in Subsection (12)(a).
             78          [(12)] (13) "Sexual conduct" means acts of masturbation, sexual intercourse, or any
             79      touching of a person's clothed or unclothed genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or, if the person is a
             80      female, breast, whether alone or between members of the same or opposite sex or between
             81      humans and animals in an act of apparent or actual sexual stimulation or gratification.
             82          [(13)] (14) "Sexual excitement" means a condition of human male or female genitals
             83      when in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal, or the sensual experiences of humans engaging
             84      in or witnessing sexual conduct or nudity.
             85          Section 2. Section 76-10-1208 is amended to read:

             86           76-10-1208. Affirmative defenses.
             87          (1) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this part that the distribution of
             88      pornographic material [was] is restricted to institutions or persons having scientific,
             89      educational, governmental, or other similar justification for possessing pornographic material.
             90          (2) It is not a defense to prosecution under this part that the actor [was] is a motion
             91      picture projectionist, usher, ticket-taker, bookstore employee, or otherwise [was] is required to
             92      violate [any provision of] this part incident to [his] the person's employment.
             93          (3) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under Section 76-10-1206 , 76-10-1227 ,
             94      or 76-10-1228 for displaying or exhibiting an outer portion of material, that the material is:
             95          (a) in a sealed opaque wrapper that covers at least the lower 2/3 of the material so that
             96      the lower 2/3 of the material is concealed from view;
             97          (b) placed behind a blinder rack; or
             98          (c) displayed in an area from which a minor is physically excluded if the material
             99      cannot be viewed by the minor from an area in which a minor is allowed.
             100          Section 3. Section 76-10-1210 is amended to read:
             101           76-10-1210. Relation to other laws.
             102          (1) (a) It is not the intent of this part to prescribe or limit the regulation of pornographic
             103      materials or materials harmful to minors, and counties, cities, and other political subdivisions
             104      [of the State of Utah] are specifically given the right [hereby] to further regulate the materials.
             105      [Specifically, without]
             106          (b) Without limitation, [these] a political [subdivisions] subdivision may further
             107      regulate materials by ordinances relating to:
             108          (i) zoning[,];
             109          (ii) licensing[,];
             110          (iii) public nuisances[, or relating to];
             111          (iv) a specific type of business such as adult bookstores or drive-in movies[.]; or
             112          (v) use of blinder racks.
             113          (2) It is not the intent of this part to preclude the application of other laws of [the State

             114      of Utah] this state to pornographic materials or materials harmful to minors. Specifically,
             115      without limitation, this part is not in derogation of Sections 76-10-803 and 76-10-806 .
             116          (3) The commission of a crime under this part shall be [deemed] considered to offend
             117      public decency under Section 76-10-803 . It is the intent of this part to give the broadest
             118      meaning permissible under the federal and state constitutions to the words "offends public
             119      decency" in Section 76-10-803 .
             120          Section 4. Section 76-10-1227 is amended to read:
             121           76-10-1227. Indecent public displays -- Definitions.
             122          (1) For purposes of this [part] section and Section 76-10-1228 :
             123          [(1)] (a) "Description or [depictions] depiction of illicit sex or sexual immorality"
             124      means:
             125          [(a)] (i) human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal;
             126          [(b)] (ii) acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse, or sodomy;
             127          [(c)] (iii) fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals or pubic region; or
             128          [(d)] (iv) fondling or other erotic touching of the human buttock or female breast.
             129          [(2)] (b) "Nude or partially denuded [figures] figure" means:
             130          [(a)] (i) less than completely and opaquely [covered] covering human:
             131          [(i)] (A) [human] genitals;
             132          [(ii)] (B) pubic regions;
             133          [(iii)] (C) buttock; and
             134          [(iv)] (D) female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and
             135          [(b)] (ii) human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and
             136      opaquely covered.
             137          [(3)] (2) (a) [This] Subject to Subsection (2)(c), this section [does] and Section
             138      76-10-1228 do not apply to any material which, when taken as a whole, has serious value for
             139      [persons younger than 18 years of age, except as provided under Subsection (3)(c)] minors.
             140          (b) As used in Subsection [(3)] (2)(a), "serious value" means having serious literary,
             141      artistic, political, or scientific value for [persons younger than 18 years of age] minors, taking

             142      into consideration the ages of all minors who could be exposed to the material.
             143          (c) [Descriptions or depictions] A description or depiction of illicit sex or sexual
             144      immorality as defined in Subsection (1)(a)(i), [(b)] (ii), or [(c) have] (iii) has no serious value
             145      for [persons younger than 18 years of age] minors.
             146          Section 5. Section 76-10-1228 is amended to read:
             147           76-10-1228. Indecent public displays -- Prohibitions -- Penalty.
             148          (1) [A] Subject to the affirmative defense in Subsection 76-10-1208 (3), a person is
             149      guilty of a class A misdemeanor who willfully or knowingly:
             150          (a) engages in the business of selling, lending, giving away, showing, advertising for
             151      sale, or distributing to [any person under the age of 18] a minor or has in [his] the person's
             152      possession with intent to engage in that business or to otherwise offer for sale or commercial
             153      distribution to [any individual under the age of 18] a minor any material with [descriptions or
             154      depictions]:
             155          (i) a description or depiction of illicit sex[,] or sexual immorality[,]; or
             156          (ii) a nude or partially denuded [figures] figure; or
             157          (b) publicly displays at newsstands or any other establishment frequented by minors
             158      [under the age of 18], or where the minors are or may be invited as a part of the general public,
             159      any motion picture, or any live, taped, or recorded performance, or any still picture or
             160      photograph, or any book, pocket book, pamphlet, or magazine the cover or content of which:
             161          (i) exploits, is devoted to, or is principally made up of [indecent] one or more
             162      descriptions or depictions of illicit sex or sexual immorality[,]; or [that]
             163          (ii) consists of one or more pictures of nude or partially denuded figures [posed or
             164      presented in a manner to provoke or arouse lust or passion or to exploit lust or perversion].
             165          (2) (a) A violation of this section is punishable by:
             166          (i) a minimum mandatory fine of not less than $500; and [by]
             167          (ii) incarceration, without suspension of sentence in any way, for a term of not less than
             168      30 days.
             169          (b) This section supersedes Section 77-18-1 .


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