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H.B. 352 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Melvin R. Brown

Senate Sponsor: Michael G. Waddoups

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies county and municipal land use development and management
             11      provisions relating to billboards.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    provides that a county or municipality is considered to have initiated the acquisition
             15      of a billboard structure by eminent domain if the county or municipality prevents a
             16      billboard owner from structurally modifying or upgrading a billboard or relocating a
             17      billboard to another specified location;
             18          .    provides that a relocated billboard may be erected to a certain height and angle;
             19          .    clarifies a provision allowing for a county or municipal issued billboard permit to
             20      remain valid until a period after a required state permit is issued; and
             21          .    makes technical changes
             22      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             23          None
             24      Other Special Clauses:
             25          None
             26      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             27      AMENDS:
             28          10-9a-511, as last amended by Chapters 7, 49 and renumbered and amended by Chapter
             29      254, Laws of Utah 2005

             30          10-9a-513, as enacted by Chapter 254, Laws of Utah 2005
             31          17-27a-510, as last amended by Chapters 7, 49 and renumbered and amended by
             32      Chapter 254, Laws of Utah 2005
             33          17-27a-512, as enacted by Chapter 254, Laws of Utah 2005
             35      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             36          Section 1. Section 10-9a-511 is amended to read:
             37           10-9a-511. Nonconforming uses and noncomplying structures.
             38          (1) (a) Except as provided in this section, a nonconforming use or noncomplying
             39      structure may be continued by the present or a future property owner.
             40          (b) A nonconforming use may be extended through the same building, provided no
             41      structural alteration of the building is proposed or made for the purpose of the extension.
             42          (c) For purposes of this Subsection (1), the addition of a solar energy device to a
             43      building is not a structural alteration.
             44          (2) The legislative body may provide for:
             45          (a) the establishment, restoration, reconstruction, extension, alteration, expansion, or
             46      substitution of nonconforming uses upon the terms and conditions set forth in the land use
             47      ordinance;
             48          (b) the termination of all nonconforming uses, except billboards, by providing a
             49      formula establishing a reasonable time period during which the owner can recover or amortize
             50      the amount of his investment in the nonconforming use, if any; and
             51          (c) the termination of a nonconforming use due to its abandonment.
             52          (3) (a) A municipality may not prohibit the reconstruction or restoration of a
             53      noncomplying structure or terminate the nonconforming use of a structure that is involuntarily
             54      destroyed in whole or in part due to fire or other calamity unless the structure or use has been
             55      abandoned.
             56          (b) A municipality may prohibit the reconstruction or restoration of a noncomplying
             57      structure or terminate the nonconforming use of a structure if:

             58          (i) the structure is allowed to deteriorate to a condition that the structure is rendered
             59      uninhabitable and is not repaired or restored within six months after written notice to the
             60      property owner that the structure is uninhabitable and that the noncomplying structure or
             61      nonconforming use will be lost if the structure is not repaired or restored within six months; or
             62          (ii) the property owner has voluntarily demolished a majority of the noncomplying
             63      structure or the building that houses the nonconforming use.
             64          (c) (i) Notwithstanding a prohibition in its zoning ordinance, a municipality may
             65      permit a billboard owner to relocate the billboard within the municipality's boundaries to a
             66      location that is mutually acceptable to the municipality and the billboard owner.
             67          (ii) If the municipality and billboard owner cannot agree to a mutually acceptable
             68      location within 60 days after the owner submits a written request to relocate the billboard, the
             69      provisions of Subsection 10-9a-513 (1)(a)(iv) apply.
             70          (4) (a) Unless the municipality establishes, by ordinance, a uniform presumption of
             71      legal existence for nonconforming uses, the property owner shall have the burden of
             72      establishing the legal existence of a noncomplying structure or nonconforming use.
             73          (b) Any party claiming that a nonconforming use has been abandoned shall have the
             74      burden of establishing the abandonment.
             75          (c) Abandonment may be presumed to have occurred if:
             76          (i) a majority of the primary structure associated with the nonconforming use has been
             77      voluntarily demolished without prior written agreement with the municipality regarding an
             78      extension of the nonconforming use;
             79          (ii) the use has been discontinued for a minimum of one year; or
             80          (iii) the primary structure associated with the nonconforming use remains vacant for a
             81      period of one year.
             82          (d) The property owner may rebut the presumption of abandonment under Subsection
             83      (4)(c), and shall have the burden of establishing that any claimed abandonment under
             84      Subsection (4)(c) has not in fact occurred.
             85          (5) A municipality may terminate the nonconforming status of a school district or

             86      charter school use or structure when the property associated with the school district or charter
             87      school use or structure ceases to be used for school district or charter school purposes for a
             88      period established by ordinance.
             89          Section 2. Section 10-9a-513 is amended to read:
             90           10-9a-513. Municipality's acquisition of billboard by eminent domain -- Removal
             91      without providing compensation -- Limit on allowing nonconforming billboards to be
             92      rebuilt.
             93          (1) (a) A municipality is considered to have initiated the acquisition of a billboard
             94      structure by eminent domain if the municipality prevents a billboard owner from:
             95          (i) rebuilding, maintaining, repairing, or restoring a billboard structure that is damaged
             96      by casualty, an act of God, or vandalism; [or]
             97          (ii) except as provided in Subsection (1)[(b)](c), relocating or rebuilding a billboard
             98      structure, or taking other measures, to correct a mistake in the placement or erection of a
             99      billboard for which the municipality has issued a permit, if the proposed relocation, rebuilding,
             100      or other measure is consistent with the intent of that permit[.];
             101          (iii) structurally modifying or upgrading a billboard; or
             102          (iv) relocating a billboard into any commercial, industrial, or manufacturing zone
             103      within the municipality's boundaries, if the relocated billboard is:
             104          (A) within 2,640 feet of its previous location;
             105          (B) no closer than 500 feet from an off-premise sign existing on the same side of the
             106      street or highway; and
             107          (C) (I) the billboard owner has submitted a written request under Subsection
             108      10-9a-511 (3)(c); and
             109          (II) the municipality and billboard owner are unable to agree, within the time provided
             110      in Subsection 10-9a-511 (3)(c), to a mutually acceptable location.
             111          (b) A billboard owner structurally modifying or upgrading a billboard under Subsection
             112      (1)(a)(iii) or relocating the billboard under Subsection (1)(a)(iv):
             113          (i) may, as the owner determines:

             114          (A) erect the billboard:
             115          (I) to a height that is at least the same as, but no higher than, the previous use or
             116      structure, unless the municipality's ordinances allow or the municipality consents to a higher
             117      structure; and
             118          (II) to a height and angle to make it clearly visible to traffic on the main traveled way
             119      of the street or highway on which the billboard is located; and
             120          (B) install a sign face on the billboard that is at least the same size as, but no larger
             121      than, the sign face on the billboard before its relocation; and
             122          (ii) shall comply with Title 72, Chapter 7, Part 5, Utah Outdoor Advertising Act, to the
             123      extent applicable.
             124          [(b)] (c) A municipality's denial of a billboard owner's request to relocate or rebuild a
             125      billboard structure, or to take other measures, in order to correct a mistake in the placement or
             126      erection of a billboard does not constitute the initiation of acquisition by eminent domain under
             127      Subsection (1)(a) if the mistake in placement or erection of the billboard is determined by clear
             128      and convincing evidence to have resulted from an intentionally false or misleading statement:
             129          (i) by the billboard applicant in the application; and
             130          (ii) regarding the placement or erection of the billboard.
             131          (2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1) and Section 10-9a-512 , a municipality may remove
             132      a billboard without providing compensation if:
             133          (a) the municipality determines:
             134          (i) by clear and convincing evidence that the applicant for a permit intentionally made a
             135      false or misleading statement in the applicant's application regarding the placement or erection
             136      of the billboard; or
             137          (ii) by substantial evidence that the billboard:
             138          (A) is structurally unsafe;
             139          (B) is in an unreasonable state of repair; or
             140          (C) has been abandoned for at least 12 months;
             141          (b) the municipality notifies the owner in writing that the owner's billboard meets one

             142      or more of the conditions listed in Subsections (2)(a)(i) and (ii);
             143          (c) the owner fails to remedy the condition or conditions within:
             144          (i) except as provided in Subsection (2)(c)(ii), 90 days following the billboard owner's
             145      receipt of written notice under Subsection (2)(b); or
             146          (ii) if the condition forming the basis of the municipality's intention to remove the
             147      billboard is that it is structurally unsafe, ten business days, or a longer period if necessary
             148      because of a natural disaster, following the billboard owner's receipt of written notice under
             149      Subsection (2)(b); and
             150          (d) following the expiration of the applicable period under Subsection (2)(c) and after
             151      providing the owner with reasonable notice of proceedings and an opportunity for a hearing,
             152      the municipality finds:
             153          (i) by clear and convincing evidence, that the applicant for a permit intentionally made
             154      a false or misleading statement in the application regarding the placement or erection of the
             155      billboard; or
             156          (ii) by substantial evidence that the billboard is structurally unsafe, is in an
             157      unreasonable state of repair, or has been abandoned for at least 12 months.
             158          (3) A municipality may not allow a nonconforming billboard to be rebuilt or replaced
             159      by anyone other than its owner or the owner acting through its contractors.
             160          (4) A permit issued, extended, or renewed by a municipality for a billboard remains
             161      valid [for a period of] from the time the municipality issues, extends, or renews the permit until
             162      180 days after a required state permit is issued for the billboard if:
             163          (a) the billboard requires a state permit; and
             164          (b) an application for the state permit is filed within 30 days after the municipality
             165      issues, extends, or renews a permit for the billboard.
             166          Section 3. Section 17-27a-510 is amended to read:
             167           17-27a-510. Nonconforming uses and noncomplying structures.
             168          (1) (a) Except as provided in this section, a nonconforming use or a noncomplying
             169      structure may be continued by the present or a future property owner.

             170          (b) A nonconforming use may be extended through the same building, provided no
             171      structural alteration of the building is proposed or made for the purpose of the extension.
             172          (c) For purposes of this Subsection (1), the addition of a solar energy device to a
             173      building is not a structural alteration.
             174          (2) The legislative body may provide for:
             175          (a) the establishment, restoration, reconstruction, extension, alteration, expansion, or
             176      substitution of nonconforming uses upon the terms and conditions set forth in the land use
             177      ordinance;
             178          (b) the termination of all nonconforming uses, except billboards, by providing a
             179      formula establishing a reasonable time period during which the owner can recover or amortize
             180      the amount of his investment in the nonconforming use, if any; and
             181          (c) the termination of a nonconforming use due to its abandonment.
             182          (3) (a) A county may not prohibit the reconstruction or restoration of a noncomplying
             183      structure or terminate the nonconforming use of a structure that is involuntarily destroyed in
             184      whole or in part due to fire or other calamity unless the structure or use has been abandoned.
             185          (b) A county may prohibit the reconstruction or restoration of a noncomplying structure
             186      or terminate the nonconforming use of a structure if:
             187          (i) the structure is allowed to deteriorate to a condition that the structure is rendered
             188      uninhabitable and is not repaired or restored within six months after written notice to the
             189      property owner that the structure is uninhabitable and that the noncomplying structure or
             190      nonconforming use will be lost if the structure is not repaired or restored within six months; or
             191          (ii) the property owner has voluntarily demolished a majority of the noncomplying
             192      structure or the building that houses the nonconforming use.
             193          (c) (i) Notwithstanding a prohibition in its zoning ordinance, a county may permit a
             194      billboard owner to relocate the billboard within the county's unincorporated area to a location
             195      that is mutually acceptable to the county and the billboard owner.
             196          (ii) If the county and billboard owner cannot agree to a mutually acceptable location
             197      within 60 days after the owner submits a written request to relocate the billboard, the

             198      provisions of Subsection 17-27a-512 (1)(a)(iv) apply.
             199          (4) (a) Unless the county establishes, by ordinance, a uniform presumption of legal
             200      existence for nonconforming uses, the property owner shall have the burden of establishing the
             201      legal existence of a noncomplying structure or nonconforming use.
             202          (b) Any party claiming that a nonconforming use has been abandoned shall have the
             203      burden of establishing the abandonment.
             204          (c) Abandonment may be presumed to have occurred if:
             205          (i) a majority of the primary structure associated with the nonconforming use has been
             206      voluntarily demolished without prior written agreement with the county regarding an extension
             207      of the nonconforming use;
             208          (ii) the use has been discontinued for a minimum of one year; or
             209          (iii) the primary structure associated with the nonconforming use remains vacant for a
             210      period of one year.
             211          (d) The property owner may rebut the presumption of abandonment under Subsection
             212      (4)(c), and shall have the burden of establishing that any claimed abandonment under
             213      Subsection (4)(c) has not in fact occurred.
             214          (5) A county may terminate the nonconforming status of a school district or charter
             215      school use or structure when the property associated with the school district or charter school
             216      use or structure ceases to be used for school district or charter school purposes for a period
             217      established by ordinance.
             218          Section 4. Section 17-27a-512 is amended to read:
             219           17-27a-512. County's acquisition of billboard by eminent domain -- Removal
             220      without providing compensation -- Limit on allowing nonconforming billboard to be
             221      rebuilt.
             222          (1) (a) A county is considered to have initiated the acquisition of a billboard structure
             223      by eminent domain if the county prevents a billboard owner from:
             224          (i) rebuilding, maintaining, repairing, or restoring a billboard structure that is damaged
             225      by casualty, an act of God, or vandalism; [or]

             226          (ii) except as provided in Subsection (1)[(b)](c), relocating or rebuilding a billboard
             227      structure, or taking other measures, to correct a mistake in the placement or erection of a
             228      billboard for which the county has issued a permit, if the proposed relocation, rebuilding, or
             229      other measure is consistent with the intent of that permit[.];
             230          (iii) structurally modifying or upgrading a billboard; or
             231          (iv) relocating a billboard into any commercial, industrial, or manufacturing zone
             232      within the unincorporated area of the county, if the relocated billboard is:
             233          (A) within 2,640 feet of its previous location;
             234          (B) no closer than 500 feet from an off-premise sign existing on the same side of the
             235      street or highway; and
             236          (C) (I) the billboard owner has submitted a written request under Subsection
             237      17-27a-510 (3)(c); and
             238          (II) the county and billboard owner are unable to agree, within the time provided in
             239      Subsection 17-27a-510 (3)(c), to a mutually acceptable location.
             240          (b) A billboard owner structurally modifying or upgrading a billboard under Subsection
             241      (1)(a)(iii) or relocating the billboard under Subsection (1)(a)(iv):
             242          (i) may, as the owner determines:
             243          (A) erect the billboard:
             244          (I) to a height that is at least the same as, but no higher than, the previous use or
             245      structure, unless the county's ordinances allow or the county consents to a higher structure; and
             246          (II) to a height and angle to make it clearly visible to traffic on the main traveled way
             247      of the street or highway on which the billboard is located; and
             248          (B) install a sign face on the billboard that is at least the same size as, but no larger
             249      than, the sign face on the billboard before its relocation; and
             250          (ii) shall comply with Title 72, Chapter 7, Part 5, Utah Outdoor Advertising Act, to the
             251      extent applicable.
             252          [(b)] (c) A county's denial of a billboard owner's request to relocate or rebuild a
             253      billboard structure, or to take other measures, in order to correct a mistake in the placement or

             254      erection of a billboard does not constitute the initiation of acquisition by eminent domain under
             255      Subsection (1)(a) if the mistake in placement or erection of the billboard is determined by clear
             256      and convincing evidence to have resulted from an intentionally false or misleading statement:
             257          (i) by the billboard applicant in the application; and
             258          (ii) regarding the placement or erection of the billboard.
             259          (2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1) and Section 17-27a-511 , a county may remove a
             260      billboard without providing compensation if:
             261          (a) the county determines:
             262          (i) by clear and convincing evidence that the applicant for a permit intentionally made a
             263      false or misleading statement in the applicant's application regarding the placement or erection
             264      of the billboard; or
             265          (ii) by substantial evidence that the billboard:
             266          (A) is structurally unsafe;
             267          (B) is in an unreasonable state of repair; or
             268          (C) has been abandoned for at least 12 months;
             269          (b) the county notifies the owner in writing that the owner's billboard meets one or
             270      more of the conditions listed in Subsections (2)(a)(i) and (ii);
             271          (c) the owner fails to remedy the condition or conditions within:
             272          (i) except as provided in Subsection (2)(c)(ii), 90 days following the billboard owner's
             273      receipt of written notice under Subsection (2)(b); or
             274          (ii) if the condition forming the basis of the county's intention to remove the billboard
             275      is that it is structurally unsafe, ten business days, or a longer period if necessary because of a
             276      natural disaster, following the billboard owner's receipt of written notice under Subsection
             277      (2)(b); and
             278          (d) following the expiration of the applicable period under Subsection (2)(c) and after
             279      providing the owner with reasonable notice of proceedings and an opportunity for a hearing,
             280      the county finds:
             281          (i) by clear and convincing evidence, that the applicant for a permit intentionally made

             282      a false or misleading statement in the application regarding the placement or erection of the
             283      billboard; or
             284          (ii) by substantial evidence that the billboard is structurally unsafe, is in an
             285      unreasonable state of repair, or has been abandoned for at least 12 months.
             286          (3) A county may not allow a nonconforming billboard to be rebuilt or replaced by
             287      anyone other than its owner or the owner acting through its contractors.
             288          (4) A permit issued, extended, or renewed by a [municipality] county for a billboard
             289      remains valid [for a period of] from the time the county issues, extends, or renews the permit
             290      until 180 days after a required state permit is issued for the billboard if:
             291          (a) the billboard requires a state permit; and
             292          (b) an application for the state permit is filed within 30 days after the [municipality]
             293      county issues, extends, or renews a permit for the billboard.

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