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H.B. 463 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Gage Froerer

Senate Sponsor: Jon J. Greiner

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill makes it a crime for a person to intentionally make a false representation that
             11      the person has been awarded a decoration, medal, or badge of the armed forces of the
             12      United States, or to, with the intent to defraud or to make a false representation, wear,
             13      ship, or make a service medal, or a colorable imitation thereof, or to take part in, or
             14      attempt to take part in, an exchange for a service medal or a colorable imitation thereof.
             15      Highlighted Provisions:
             16          This bill:
             17          .    defines terms;
             18          .    makes it a class C misdemeanor for a person to intentionally make a false
             19      representation that the person has been awarded a service medal; and
             20          .    makes it a class C misdemeanor for a person, without legal authorization, and with
             21      the intent to defraud or to falsely represent that the person or another person has
             22      been awarded a service medal, to wear, ship, or make a service medal, or a colorable
             23      imitation thereof, or to take part in, or attempt to take part in, an exchange for a
             24      service medal or a colorable imitation thereof.
             25      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             26          None
             27      Other Special Clauses:
             28          None
             29      Utah Code Sections Affected:

             30      ENACTS:
             31          76-9-706, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             33      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             34          Section 1. Section 76-9-706 is enacted to read:
             35          76-9-706. False representation of military award.
             36          (1) As used in this section, "service medal" means:
             37          (a) a congressional medal of honor, as defined in 18 U.S.C. 704(c)(2);
             38          (b) a distinguished service cross, as defined in 10 U.S.C 3742;
             39          (c) a Navy cross, as defined in 10 U.S.C. 6242;
             40          (d) an Air Force cross, as defined in 10 U.S.C. 8742;
             41          (e) a silver star, as defined in 10 U.S.C. 3746, 6244, or 8746;
             42          (f) a bronze star, as defined in 10 U.S.C. 1133;
             43          (g) a purple heart, as defined in 10 U.S.C. 1129;
             44          (h) any decoration or medal authorized by the Congress of the United States for the
             45      armed forces of the United States;
             46          (i) any service medal or badge awarded to members of the armed forces of the United
             47      States;
             48          (j) any ribbon, button, or rosette for a decoration, medal, or badge described in
             49      Subsections (1)(a) through (i); or
             50          (k) an imitation of a decoration, medal, badge, ribbon, button, or rosette described in
             51      Subsections (1)(a) through (j).
             52          (2) Any person who intentionally makes a false representation, verbally or in writing,
             53      that the person has been awarded a service medal is guilty of a class C misdemeanor.
             54          (3) Any person who wears, purchases, attempts to purchase, solicits for purchase,
             55      mails, ships, imports, exports, produces blank certificates of receipt for, manufactures, sells,
             56      attempts to sell, advertises for sale, trades, barters, or exchanges for anything of value a service
             57      medal, or any colorable imitation thereof, except when authorized by federal law, or under

             58      regulations made pursuant to federal law, with the intent to defraud, or to falsely represent that
             59      the person or another person has been awarded a service medal, is guilty of a class C
             60      misdemeanor.

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