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H.J.R. 9 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: David Clark

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This resolution modifies the membership of the Executive Appropriations Committee.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This resolution:
             13          .    modifies the membership of the Executive Appropriations Committee to allow the
             14      vice chairs to be voting members of the Committee; and
             15          .    makes technical corrections.
             16      Special Clauses:
             17          None
             18      Legislative Rules Affected:
             19      AMENDS:
             20          JR3-2-401
             22      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             23          Section 1. JR3-2-401 is amended to read:
             24           JR3-2-401. Executive Appropriations -- Creation -- Membership -- Quorum and
             25      Voting Requirements.
             26          (1) There is created an Executive Appropriations Committee consisting of 20 members
             27      composed of:
             28          (a) three members of the majority leadership of the Senate and four members of the
             29      majority leadership of the House;

             30          (b) two members of the minority leadership of the Senate and three members of the
             31      minority leadership of the House;
             32          (c) the chair and vice chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chair and
             33      vice chair of the House Appropriations Committee; and
             34          (d) (i) one member from the majority party of the Senate as appointed by the President
             35      of the Senate or as chosen by the Senate majority caucus;
             36          (ii) two members from the minority party of the Senate as appointed by the Senate
             37      minority leader or as chosen by the Senate minority caucus; and
             38          (iii) one member from the minority party of the House as appointed by the House
             39      minority leader or as chosen by the House minority caucus.
             40          (2) [(a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), a] A member of the Executive
             41      Appropriations Committee, whose membership is determined under Subsection (1)(a) or (b),
             42      may appoint a designee to permanently serve in that individual's place if:
             43          [(i)] (a) the person is a member of the majority party and the designee is approved by
             44      the Speaker or the President; or
             45          [(ii)] (b) the person is a member of the minority party and the designee is approved by
             46      the House or Senate minority party leader.
             47          [(b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b)(ii), the Senate vice chair and the House
             48      vice chair may not vote, unless either has been appointed as a designee under Subsection
             49      (2)(a).]
             50          [(ii) When the Senate or House chair of the Executive Appropriations Committee is
             51      absent, the Senate vice chair or the House vice chair may vote.]
             52          (3) (a) A majority of the Executive Appropriations Committee is a quorum for the
             53      transaction of business.
             54          (b) In determining a committee quorum, a majority is at least 50% in one house and
             55      more than 50% in the other.
             56          (4) (a) In all decisions of the Executive Appropriations Committee, a majority vote
             57      prevails.

             58          (b) A majority vote is at least 50% of the members of one house and more than 50% of
             59      the members of the other house in attendance.
             60          (5) The Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall staff the Executive Appropriations
             61      Committee and its subcommittees.

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