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H.J.R. 16 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Paul Ray

Senate Sponsor: Dan R. Eastman

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This joint resolution of the Legislature supports the formation of the Utah Governor's
             11      Child and Family Cabinet Council.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This resolution:
             14          .    supports the formation of the Utah Governor's Child and Family Cabinet Council to
             15      focus on the issues of child abuse, substance abuse, neglect, and domestic violence
             16      and their threat to Utah's children and families.
             17      Special Clauses:
             18          None
             20      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             21          WHEREAS, the children of Utah are our future, and investing in their general welfare,
             22      safety, and livelihood is of utmost priority;
             23          WHEREAS, the children of Utah are our future workforce in whom we will rely on to
             24      keep Utah competitive in the global economy;
             25          WHEREAS, the protecting of children and the strengthening of families should be a
             26      concern and responsibility of all Utahns;
             27          WHEREAS, statistics show the threat to Utah's children and families, which crosses
             28      over several program lines and consumes considerable resources to combat, is very real;
             29          WHEREAS, the Division of Child and Family Resources receives 41.8 abuse

             30      allegations per 1,000 Utah children;
             31          WHEREAS, domestic violence-related child abuse continues to be the most prevalent
             32      form of child abuse in Utah;
             33          WHEREAS, the incidence of sexual abuse of children is the second most common form
             34      of abuse;
             35          WHEREAS, substance abuse by the caregiver is a contributing factor to the placement
             36      of 60 % of the children in the custody of the Division of Child and Family Services;
             37          WHEREAS, domestic violence is defined as a pattern of coercive tactics that can
             38      include physical, psychological, sexual, and emotional abuse perpetrated by one person against
             39      a cohabitant with the goal of control and power over the victim;
             40          WHEREAS, sexual violence is defined as one person forcing another person to have
             41      sex or perform sexual acts through coercion, manipulation, threats, physical restraint, or
             42      physical violence;
             43          WHEREAS, existing programs that maintain child safety and well being are dependent
             44      on broad community support; and
             45          WHEREAS, a proactive and coordinated approach to preventing abuse, neglect, and
             46      violence against children and families is needed:
             47          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
             48      supports the formation, by Governor Huntsman, of a council known as the Utah Governor's
             49      Child and Family Cabinet Council to focus on a coordinated approach to preventing abuse,
             50      neglect, and domestic violence threatening Utah's children and families.
             51          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to Governor
             52      Huntsman and the Division of Child and Family Services.

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