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H.B. 18





Chief Sponsor: Julie Fisher

Senate Sponsor: Gregory S. Bell

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill provides exceptions for income withholding for child support collection.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    allows a court to approve a method of child support collection other than income
             13      withholding for good cause; and
             14          .    allows the Office of Recovery Services to enter into agreements with obligors for
             15      electronic payment of child support.
             16      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             17          None
             18      Other Special Clauses:
             19          This bill takes effect on January 1, 2008.
             20      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             21      AMENDS:
             22          62A-11-403, as last amended by Chapter 232, Laws of Utah 1997
             23          62A-11-502, as last amended by Chapter 232, Laws of Utah 1997
             24      ENACTS:
             25          62A-11-403.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             26          62A-11-502.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953

             28      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             29          Section 1. Section 62A-11-403 is amended to read:
             30           62A-11-403. Provision for income withholding in child support order --
             31      Immediate income withholding.
             32          (1) Whenever a child support order is issued or modified in this state the obligor's
             33      income is subject to immediate income withholding for the child support described in the order
             34      in accordance with the provisions of this chapter[.], unless:
             35          (a) the court or administrative body which entered the order finds that one of the
             36      parties has demonstrated good cause so as not to require immediate income withholding; and
             37          (b) a written agreement which provides an alternative payment arrangement is executed
             38      by the obligor and obligee, and reviewed and entered in the record by the court or
             39      administrative body.
             40          (2) In every child support order issued or modified on or after January 1, 1994, the
             41      court or administrative body shall include a provision that the income of an obligor is subject to
             42      immediate income withholding in accordance with this chapter[; however, if]. If for any reason
             43      other than the provisions of Subsection (1) that provision is not included in the child support
             44      order the obligor's income is nevertheless subject to immediate income withholding.
             45          (3) In determining "good cause," the court or administrative body may, in addition to
             46      any other requirement it considers appropriate, consider whether the obligor has:
             47          (a) obtained a bond, deposited money in trust for the benefit of the dependent children,
             48      or otherwise made arrangements sufficient to guarantee child support payments for at least two
             49      months;
             50          (b) arranged to deposit all child support payments into a checking account belonging to
             51      the obligee, or made arrangements insuring that a reliable and independent record of the date
             52      and place of child support payments will be maintained; or
             53          (c) arranged for electronic transfer of funds on a regular basis to meet court-ordered
             54      child support obligations.
             55          Section 2. Section 62A-11-403.1 is enacted to read:
             56          62A-11-403.1. Alternative payment through electronic funds transfer.
             57          (1) The office may enter into a written alternative payment agreement with an obligor
             58      which provides for electronic payment of child support. Electronic payment shall be

             59      accomplished through an automatic withdrawal from the obligor's account at a financial
             60      institution.
             61          (2) The alternative payment agreement shall:
             62          (a) provide for electronic payment of child support in lieu of income withholding;
             63          (b) specify the date on which electronic payments will be withdrawn from an obligor's
             64      account; and
             65          (c) specify the amount which will be withdrawn.
             66          (3) The office may terminate the agreement and initiate immediate income withholding
             67      if:
             68          (a) required to meet federal or state requirements or guidelines;
             69          (b) funds available in the account at the scheduled time of withdrawal are insufficient
             70      to satisfy the agreement; or
             71          (c) requested by the obligor.
             72          (4) If the payment amount requires adjusting, the office may initiate a new written
             73      agreement with the obligor. If, for any reason, the office and obligor fail to agree on the terms,
             74      the office may terminate the agreement and initiate income withholding.
             75          (5) If an agreement is terminated for insufficient funds, a new agreement may not be
             76      entered into between the office and obligor for a period of at least 12 months.
             77          (6) The office shall make rules specifying eligibility requirements for obligors to enter
             78      into alternative payment agreements.
             79          Section 3. Section 62A-11-502 is amended to read:
             80           62A-11-502. Child support orders issued or modified on or after January 1, 1994
             81      -- Immediate income withholding.
             82          (1) With regard to obligees or obligors who are not receiving IV-D services, each child
             83      support order issued or modified on or after January 1, 1994, subjects the income of an obligor
             84      to immediate income withholding as of the effective date of the order, regardless of whether a
             85      delinquency occurs unless:
             86          (a) the court or administrative body that entered the order finds that one of the parties
             87      has demonstrated good cause so as not to require immediate income withholding; or
             88          (b) a written agreement [that] which provides an alternative payment arrangement is
             89      executed by the obligor and obligee, and reviewed and entered in the record by the court or

             90      administrative body.
             91          (2) For purposes of this section:
             92          (a) an action on or after January 1, 1994, to reduce child support arrears to judgment,
             93      without a corresponding establishment of or modification to a base child support amount, is not
             94      sufficient to trigger immediate income withholding;
             95          (b) "good cause" shall be based on, at a minimum:
             96          (i) a determination and explanation on the record by the court or administrative body
             97      that implementation of income withholding would not be in the best interest of the child; and
             98          (ii) proof of timely payment of any previously ordered support;
             99          (c) in determining "good cause," the court or administrative body may, in addition to
             100      any other requirement [that] it [deems] considers appropriate, consider whether the obligor has:
             101          (i) obtained a bond, deposited money in trust for the benefit of the dependent children,
             102      or otherwise made arrangements sufficient to guarantee child support payments for at least two
             103      months; [and]
             104          (ii) arranged to deposit all child support payments into a checking account belonging to
             105      the obligee, or made arrangements insuring that a reliable and independent record of the date
             106      and place of child support payments will be maintained[.]; or
             107          (iii) arranged for electronic transfer of funds on a regular basis to meet court-ordered
             108      child support obligations.
             109          (3) In cases where the court or administrative body that entered the order finds a
             110      demonstration of good cause or enters a written agreement that immediate income withholding
             111      is not required, in accordance with this section, any party may subsequently pursue income
             112      withholding on the earliest of the following dates:
             113          (a) the date payment of child support becomes delinquent;
             114          (b) the date the obligor requests;
             115          (c) the date the obligee requests if a written agreement under Subsection (1)(b) exists;
             116      or
             117          (d) the date the court or administrative body so modifies that order.
             118          (4) The court shall include in every child support order issued or modified on or after
             119      January 1, 1994, a provision that the income of an obligor is subject to income withholding in
             120      accordance with this chapter; however, if for any reason that provision is not included in the

             121      child support order, the obligor's income is nevertheless subject to income withholding.
             122          (5) (a) In any action to establish or modify a child support order after July 1, 1997, the
             123      court, upon request by the obligee or obligor, shall commence immediate income withholding
             124      by ordering the clerk of the court or the requesting party to:
             125          (i) mail written notice to the payor at the payor's last-known address that contains the
             126      information required by Section 62A-11-506 ; and
             127          (ii) mail a copy of the written notice sent to the payor under Subsection (5)(a)(i) and a
             128      copy of the support order to the office.
             129          (b) If neither the obligee nor obligor requests commencement of income withholding
             130      under Subsection (5)(a), the court shall include in the order to establish or modify child support
             131      a provision that the obligor or obligee may commence income withholding by:
             132          (i) applying for IV-D services with the office; or
             133          (ii) filing an ex parte motion with a district court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to
             134      Section 62A-11-504 .
             135          (c) A payor who receives written notice under Subsection (5)(a)(i) shall comply with
             136      the requirements of Section 62A-11-507 .
             137          Section 4. Section 62A-11-502.1 is enacted to read:
             138          62A-11-502.1. Alternative payment through electronic funds transfer.
             139          (1) The office may enter into a written alternative payment agreement with an obligor
             140      which provides for electronic payment of child support. Electronic payment shall be
             141      accomplished through an automatic withdrawal from the obligor's account at a financial
             142      institution.
             143          (2) The alternative payment agreement shall:
             144          (a) provide for electronic payment of child support in lieu of income withholding;
             145          (b) specify the date on which electronic payments will be withdrawn from an obligor's
             146      account; and
             147          (c) specify the amount which will be withdrawn.
             148          (3) The office may terminate the agreement and initiate immediate income withholding
             149      if:
             150          (a) required to meet federal or state requirements or guidelines;
             151          (b) funds available in the account at the scheduled time of withdrawal are insufficient

             152      to satisfy the agreement; or
             153          (c) requested by the obligor.
             154          (4) If the payment amount requires adjusting, the office may initiate a new written
             155      agreement with the obligor. If, for any reason, the office and obligor fail to agree on the terms,
             156      the office may terminate the agreement and initiate income withholding.
             157          (5) If an agreement is terminated for insufficient funds, a new agreement may not be
             158      entered into between the office and obligor for a period of at least 12 months.
             159          (6) The office shall make rules specifying eligibility requirements for obligors to enter
             160      into alternative payment agreements.
             161          Section 5. Effective date.
             162          This bill takes effect on January 1, 2008.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-15-06 5:00 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Interim Committee Note
    as of 12-19-06 9:53 AM

The Judiciary Interim Committee recommended this bill.

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