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H.B. 83





Chief Sponsor: Douglas C. Aagard

Senate Sponsor: Darin G. Peterson

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the Criminal Code regarding elements of the offense of forgery.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    provides that the crime of forgery includes situations where a person, acting with
             13      the intent to defraud, makes a writing and claims to be representing a third party and
             14      claims to have the third party's consent; and
             15          .    also provides that this offense includes a writing the person signs with his or her
             16      own name when the person does not have authority to sign the writing.
             17      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             18          None
             19      Other Special Clauses:
             20          None
             21      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             22      AMENDS:
             23          76-6-501, as last amended by Chapter 205, Laws of Utah 1996
             25      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             26          Section 1. Section 76-6-501 is amended to read:
             27           76-6-501. Forgery -- Elements of offense -- "Writing" defined.

             28          (1) As used in this section, "writing" includes printing, electronic storage or
             29      transmission, or any other method of recording valuable information including forms such as:
             30          (a) checks, tokens, stamps, seals, credit cards, badges, trademarks, money, and any
             31      other symbols of value, right, privilege, or identification;
             32          (b) a security, revenue stamp, or any other instrument or writing issued by a
             33      government or any agency; or
             34          (c) a check, an issue of stocks, bonds, or any other instrument or writing representing
             35      an interest in or claim against property, or a pecuniary interest in or claim against any person or
             36      enterprise.
             37          [(1)] (2) A person is guilty of forgery if, with purpose to defraud anyone, or with
             38      knowledge that he is facilitating a fraud to be perpetrated by anyone, he:
             39          (a) alters any writing of another without his authority or utters [any such] the altered
             40      writing; or
             41          (b) makes, completes, executes, authenticates, issues, transfers, publishes, or utters any
             42      writing so that the writing or the making, completion, execution, authentication, issuance,
             43      transference, publication, or utterance:
             44          (i) purports to be the act of another, whether the person is existent or nonexistent[, or];
             45          (ii) purports to be an act on behalf of another party with the authority of that other
             46      party; or
             47          (iii) purports to have been executed at a time or place or in a numbered sequence other
             48      than was in fact the case, or to be a copy of an original when [no such] an original [existed] did
             49      not exist.
             50          [(2) As used in this section, "writing" includes printing, electronic storage or
             51      transmission, or any other method of recording valuable information including forms such as:]
             52          [(a) checks, tokens, stamps, seals, credit cards, badges, trademarks, money, and any
             53      other symbols of value, right, privilege, or identification;]
             54          [(b) a security, revenue stamp, or any other instrument or writing issued by a
             55      government or any agency; or]
             56          [(c) a check, an issue of stocks, bonds, or any other instrument or writing representing
             57      an interest in or claim against property, or a pecuniary interest in or claim against any person or
             58      enterprise.]

             59          (3) It is not a defense to a charge of forgery under Subsection (2)(b)(ii) if an actor signs
             60      his own name to the writing if the actor does not have authority to make, complete, execute,
             61      authenticate, issue, transfer, publish, or utter the writing on behalf of the party for whom the
             62      actor purports to act.
             63          [(3)] (4) Forgery is a third degree felony [of the third degree].

Legislative Review Note
    as of 12-21-06 1:10 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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