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Third Substitute H.B. 84

Senator Darin G. Peterson proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: James R. Gowans

Senate Sponsor: Darin G. Peterson

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill creates the Traumatic Brain Injury Fund within the Department of Human
             10      Services.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    creates the Traumatic Brain Injury Fund within the Department of Human Services
             14      to be administered by the executive director;
             15          .    directs the executive director to create an advisory committee to make
             16      recommendations for expenditures from the fund;
             17          .    increases the surcharge on DUIs and other offenses to provide monies for the fund;
             18          .    requires at least 50% of the fund to be expended each year to directly assist
             19      individuals with traumatic brain injury;
             20          .    specifies duties and responsibilities for the Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory
             21      Committee; and
             22          .    allows for a reimbursement to the courts for expenses related to implementation.
             23      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             24          None
             25      Other Special Clauses:

             26          None
             27      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             28      AMENDS:
             29          63-63a-1, as last amended by Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2005
             30          63-63a-2, as last amended by Chapter 156, Laws of Utah 2003
             31          63-63a-3, as last amended by Chapter 141, Laws of Utah 1999
             32          63-63a-4, as last amended by Chapter 12, Laws of Utah 2002, Fifth Special Session
             33          63-63a-5, as last amended by Chapter 171, Laws of Utah 1998
             34          63-63a-6, as last amended by Chapter 156, Laws of Utah 1993
             35          63-63a-7, as last amended by Chapter 8, Laws of Utah 2002, Fifth Special Session
             36          63-63a-8.5, as enacted by Chapter 194, Laws of Utah 1997
             37          63-63a-9, as last amended by Chapter 263, Laws of Utah 1998
             38      ENACTS:
             39          62A-16-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             40          62A-16-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             41          62A-16-201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             42          62A-16-202, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             43          63-63a-10, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             45      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             46          Section 1. Section 62A-16-101 is enacted to read:

Part 1. General Provisions

             49          62A-16-101. Title.
             50          This chapter is known as the Traumatic Brain Injury Fund.
             51          Section 2. Section 62A-16-102 is enacted to read:
             52          62A-16-102. Definitions.
             53          As used in this chapter:
             54          (1) "Committee" means the advisory committee created by the executive director
             55      pursuant to Section 62A-16-202 .
             56          (2) "Department" means the Department of Human Services.

             57          (3) "Executive Director" means the executive director of the Department of Human
             58      Services.
             59          (4) "Fund" means the Traumatic Brain Injury Fund created in Section 62A-16-201 .
             60          Section 3. Section 62A-16-201 is enacted to read:
Part 2. Traumatic Brain Injury Fund

             62          62A-16-201. Traumatic Brain Injury Fund.
             63          (1) There is created a restricted special revenue fund entitled the Traumatic Brain
             64      Injury Fund.
             65          (2) The fund shall consist of:
             66          (a) legislative appropriations in accordance with Section 63-63a-10 ;
             67          (b) gifts, grants, donations, or any other monies that may be made to the fund from
             68      private sources; and
             69          (c) additional amounts as appropriated by the Legislature.
             70          (3) The fund shall be administered by the executive director.
             71          (4) Fund monies may be used to:
             72          (a) educate the general public and professionals regarding understanding, treatment,
             73      and prevention of traumatic brain injury;
             74          (b) provide access to evaluations and coordinate short-term care to assist individuals in
             75      identifying services or support needs, resources, and benefits for which they may be eligible;
             76          (c) develop and support an information and referral system for persons with traumatic
             77      brain injuries and their families; and
             78          (d) provide grants to persons or organizations to provide the services in Subsections
             79      (4)(a), (b), and (c).
             80          (5) Not less that 50% of the fund shall be used each fiscal year to directly assist
             81      individuals who meet the qualifications in Subsection (6).
             82          (6) An individual who receives services either paid for by the fund or through an
             83      organization under contract with the fund shall:
             84          (a) be a resident of Utah;
             85          (b) have been diagnosed by a qualified professional with a traumatic brain injury which
             86      results in impairment of cognitive or physical function; and
             87          (c) have a need that can be met within the requirements of this chapter.

             88          (7) The fund may not duplicate any services or support mechanisms being provided to
             89      an individual by any other government or private agency.
             90          (8) All actual and necessary operating expenses for the committee and staff shall be
             91      paid by the fund.
             92          (9) The department shall reimburse the Administrative Office of the Courts from the
             93      fund a one-time only amount not to exceed $20,000 for costs associated with the collection and
             94      distribution of the surcharge amounts. Reimbursement shall occur as soon as funds are
             95      available.
             96          Section 4. Section 62A-16-202 is enacted to read:
             97          62A-16-202. Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Committee -- Membership -- Time
             98      limit.
             99          (1) On or after July 1 of each year, the executive director may create a Traumatic Brain
             100      Injury Advisory Committee of not more than nine members.
             101          (2) The committee shall be composed of members of the community who are familiar
             102      with traumatic brain injury; its causes, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and support services
             103      such as:
             104          (a) persons with a traumatic brain injury;
             105          (b) family members of a person with a traumatic brain injury;
             106          (c) representatives of an association which advocates for persons with traumatic brain
             107      injuries;
             108          (d) specialists in a profession that works with brain injury patients; and
             109          (e) department representatives.
             110          (3) The Division of Services for People with Disabilities shall provide staff to the
             111      committee.
             112          (4) (a) If a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, a replacement may be
             113      appointed for the unexpired term.
             114          (b) The committee shall elect a chairperson from the membership.
             115          (c) A majority of the committee constitutes a quorum at any meeting, and, if a quorum
             116      exists, the action of the majority of members present shall be the action of the committee.
             117          (d) The committee may adopt bylaws governing its activities.
             118          (e) A committee member may be removed by the executive director:

             119          (i) if the member is unable or unwilling to carry out their assigned responsibilities; or
             120          (ii) for good cause.
             121          (5) The committee shall comply with the procedures and requirements of:
             122          (a) Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act; and
             123          (b) Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act.
             124          (6) (a) Members shall receive no compensation or benefits for their services, but may
             125      receive per diem and expenses incurred in the performance of the member's official duties at
             126      the rates established by the Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             127          (b) Members may decline to receive per diem and expenses for their service.
             128          (7) Not later than November 30 of each year the committee shall provide a written
             129      report summarizing the activities of the committee to:
             130          (a) the executive director of the department;
             131          (b) the Health and Human Services Interim Committee; and
             132          (c) the Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee.
             133          (8) The committee shall cease to exist on December 31 of each year, unless the
             134      executive director determines it necessary to continue.
             135          Section 5. Section 63-63a-1 is amended to read:
             136           63-63a-1. Surcharge -- Application and exemptions.
             137          (1) (a) A surcharge shall be paid on all criminal fines, penalties, and forfeitures
             138      imposed by the courts.
             139          (b) The surcharge shall be:
             140          (i) [85%] 90% upon conviction of a:
             141          (A) felony;
             142          (B) class A misdemeanor;
             143          (C) violation of Title 41, Chapter 6a, Part 5, Driving Under the Influence and Reckless
             144      Driving; or
             145          (D) class B misdemeanor not classified within Title 41, Motor Vehicles, including
             146      violation of comparable county or municipal ordinances; or
             147          (ii) 35% upon conviction of any other offense, including violation of county or
             148      municipal ordinances not subject to the [85%] 90% surcharge.
             149          (2) The surcharge may not be imposed:

             150          (a) upon nonmoving traffic violations;
             151          (b) upon court orders when the offender is ordered to perform compensatory service
             152      work in lieu of paying a fine; and
             153          (c) upon penalties assessed by the juvenile court as part of the nonjudicial adjustment
             154      of a case under Section 78-3a-502 .
             155          (3) (a) The surcharge and the exceptions under Subsections (1) and (2) also apply to
             156      all fines, penalties, and forfeitures imposed on juveniles for conduct that would be criminal if
             157      committed by an adult.
             158          (b) However, the surcharge does not include amounts assessed or collected separately
             159      by juvenile courts for the Juvenile Restitution Account, which is independent of this chapter
             160      and does not affect the imposition or collection of the surcharge.
             161          (4) The surcharge under this section shall be imposed in addition to the fine charged
             162      for a civil or criminal offense, and no reduction may be made in the fine charged due to the
             163      surcharge imposition.
             164          (5) Fees, assessments, and surcharges related to criminal or traffic offenses shall be
             165      authorized and managed by this chapter rather than attached to particular offenses.
             166          Section 6. Section 63-63a-2 is amended to read:
             167           63-63a-2. Division of collected monies retained by state treasurer and local
             168      governmental collecting entity -- Purpose of surcharge -- Allocation of collections --
             169      Financial information.
             170          (1) The amount of the surcharge imposed under this chapter by courts of record shall
             171      be collected before any fine and deposited with the state treasurer.
             172          (2) The amount of the surcharge and the amount of criminal fines, penalties, and
             173      forfeitures imposed under this chapter by courts not of record shall be collected concurrently.
             174          (a) As monies are collected on criminal fines, penalties, and forfeitures subject to the
             175      [85%] 90% surcharge, the monies shall be divided pro rata so that the local governmental
             176      collecting entity retains 54% of the collected monies and the state retains 46% of the collected
             177      monies.
             178          (b) As monies are collected on criminal fines, penalties, and forfeitures subject to the
             179      35% surcharge, the monies shall be divided pro rata so that the local governmental collecting
             180      entity retains 74% of the collected monies and the state retains 26% of the collected monies.

             181          (c) The court shall deposit with the state treasurer the surcharge portion of all monies
             182      as they are collected.
             183          (3) Courts of record, courts not of record, and administrative traffic proceedings shall
             184      collect financial information to determine:
             185          (a) the total number of cases in which:
             186          (i) a final judgment has been rendered;
             187          (ii) surcharges and fines are paid by partial or installment payment; and
             188          (iii) the judgment is fulfilled by an alternative method upon the court's order;
             189          (b) the total dollar amounts of surcharges owed to the state and fines owed to the state
             190      and county or municipality, including:
             191          (i) waived surcharges;
             192          (ii) uncollected surcharges; and
             193          (iii) collected surcharges.
             194          (4) The courts of record, courts not of record, and administrative traffic proceedings
             195      shall report all collected financial information monthly to the Administrative Office of the
             196      Courts. The collected information shall be categorized by cases subject to the [85%] 90% and
             197      35% surcharge.
             198          (5) The purpose of the surcharge is to finance the trust funds and support accounts as
             199      provided in this chapter.
             200          (6) (a) From the surcharge, the Division of Finance shall allocate in the manner and for
             201      the purposes described in Sections 63-63a-3 through [ 63-63a-9 ] 63-63a-10 .
             202          (b) The balance of the collected surcharge shall be deposited in the General Fund.
             203          (c) Allocations shall be made on a fiscal year basis.
             204          (7) The provisions of Sections 63-63a-1 and 63-63a-2 may not impact the distribution
             205      and allocation of fines and forfeitures imposed in accordance with Sections 23-14-13 ,
             206      78-3-14.5 , and 78-5-116 .
             207          Section 7. Section 63-63a-3 is amended to read:
             208           63-63a-3. EMS share of surcharge -- Accounting.
             209          (1) The Division of Finance shall allocate 14% of the collected surcharge established in
             210      Section 63-63a-1 , excluding the amount of the surcharge allocated under Section 63-63a-10 ,
             211      but not to exceed the amount appropriated by the Legislature, to the Emergency Medical

             212      Services (EMS) Grants Program Account under Section 26-8a-207 .
             213          (2) The amount shall be recorded by the Department of Health as a dedicated credit.
             214          Section 8. Section 63-63a-4 is amended to read:
             215           63-63a-4. Distribution of surcharge amounts.
             216          (1) In this section:
             217          (a) "Reparation fund" means the Crime Victim Reparation Fund.
             218          (b) "Safety account" means the Public Safety Support Account.
             219          (2) (a) There is created a restricted special revenue fund known as the "Crime Victim
             220      Reparation Fund" to be administered and distributed as provided in this chapter by the
             221      Reparations Office under Title 63, Chapter 25a, Part 4, Crime Victims' Reparations Act, in
             222      cooperation with the Division of Finance.
             223          (b) Monies deposited in this fund are for victim reparations, criminal justice and
             224      substance abuse, other victim services, and, as appropriated, for administrative costs of the
             225      Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice under Title 63, Chapter 25a.
             226          (3) (a) There is created a restricted account in the General Fund known as the "Public
             227      Safety Support Account" to be administered and distributed by the Department of Public Safety
             228      in cooperation with the Division of Finance as provided in this chapter.
             229          (b) Monies deposited in this account shall be appropriated to:
             230          (i) the Division of Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) as described in Title
             231      53, Chapter 6, Peace Officer Standards and Training Act; and
             232          (ii) the Office of the Attorney General for the support of the Utah Prosecution Council
             233      established in Title 67, Chapter 5a, and the fulfillment of the council's duties.
             234          (4) The Division of Finance shall allocate from the collected surcharge established in
             235      Section 63-63a-1 , excluding the amount of the surcharge allocated under Section 63-63a-10 :
             236          (a) 35% to the reparation fund;
             237          (b) 18.5% to the safety account for POST, but not to exceed the amount appropriated
             238      by the Legislature; and
             239          (c) 3% to the safety account for support of the Utah Prosecution Council, but not to
             240      exceed the amount appropriated by the Legislature.
             241          (5) (a) In addition to the funding provided by other sections of this chapter, a
             242      percentage of the income earned by inmates working for correctional industries in a federally

             243      certified private sector/prison industries enhancement program shall be deposited in the
             244      reparation fund.
             245          (b) The percentage of income deducted from inmate pay under Subsection (5)(a) shall
             246      be determined by the executive director of the Department of Corrections in accordance with
             247      the requirements of the private sector/prison industries enhancement program.
             248          (6) (a) In addition to other monies collected from the surcharge, judges are encouraged
             249      to, and may in their discretion, impose additional reparations to be paid into the reparation fund
             250      by convicted criminals.
             251          (b) The additional discretionary reparations may not exceed the statutory maximum
             252      fine permitted by Title 76, Utah Criminal Code, for that offense.
             253          Section 9. Section 63-63a-5 is amended to read:
             254           63-63a-5. Substance Abuse Prevention Account established -- Funding -- Uses.
             255          (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the
             256      Substance Abuse Prevention Account.
             257          (2) (a) The Division of Finance shall allocate to the Substance Abuse Prevention
             258      Account from the collected surcharge established in Section 63-63a-1 , excluding the amount of
             259      the surcharge allocated under Section 63-63a-10 :
             260          (i) 2.5% for the juvenile court, but not to exceed the amount appropriated by the
             261      Legislature; and
             262          (ii) 2.5% for the State Office of Education, but not to exceed the amount appropriated
             263      by the Legislature.
             264          (b) The juvenile court shall use the allocation to pay for community service programs
             265      required by Subsection 78-3a-118 (2)(m).
             266          (c) The State Office of Education shall use the allocation in public school programs
             267      for:
             268          (i) substance abuse prevention and education;
             269          (ii) substance abuse prevention training for teachers and administrators; and
             270          (iii) district and school programs to supplement, not supplant, existing local prevention
             271      efforts in cooperation with local substance abuse authorities.
             272          Section 10. Section 63-63a-6 is amended to read:
             273           63-63a-6. Victims of Domestic Violence Services Account established -- Funding

             274      -- Uses.
             275          (1) There is created a restricted account in the General Fund known as the Victims of
             276      Domestic Violence Services Account.
             277          (2) (a) The Division of Finance shall allocate to the Victims of Domestic Violence
             278      Services Account from the collected surcharge established in Section 63-63a-1 , excluding the
             279      amount of the surcharge allocated under Section 63-63a-10 :
             280          (i) 4% for the Division for Domestic Violence Services, but not to exceed the amount
             281      appropriated by the Legislature; and
             282          (ii) .5% for the Office of the Attorney General, but not to exceed the amount
             283      appropriated by the Legislature.
             284          (b) The attorney general shall use the allocation for training municipal and county
             285      attorneys in the prosecution of domestic violence offenses.
             286          Section 11. Section 63-63a-7 is amended to read:
             287           63-63a-7. Intoxicated Driver Rehabilitation Account share of surcharge.
             288          The Division of Finance shall allocate 7.5% of the collected surcharge established in
             289      Section 63-63a-1 , excluding the amount of the surcharge allocated under Section 63-63a-10 ,
             290      but not to exceed the amount appropriated by the Legislature, to the Intoxicated Driver
             291      Rehabilitation Account established by Section 62A-15-503 .
             292          Section 12. Section 63-63a-8.5 is amended to read:
             293           63-63a-8.5. Guardian Ad Litem Services Account established -- Funding -- Uses.
             294          There is created in the General Fund a restricted account known as the Guardian Ad
             295      Litem Services Account, for the purpose of funding the Office of the Guardian Ad Litem
             296      Director, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 78-3a-911 and 78-3a-912 . The
             297      Division of Finance shall allocate 1.75% of the collected surcharge established in Section
             298      63-63a-1 , excluding the amount of the surcharge allocated under Section 63-63a-10 , to the
             299      Guardian Ad Litem Services Account. That amount may not, however, exceed the amount
             300      appropriated by the Legislature.
             301          Section 13. Section 63-63a-9 is amended to read:
             302           63-63a-9. Statewide Warrant Operations Account -- Share of surcharge -- Use.
             303          (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the
             304      Statewide Warrant Operations Account.

             305          (2) The Division of Finance shall allocate 2.5% of the collected surcharge established
             306      under Section 63-63a-1 , excluding the amount of the surcharge allocated under Section
             307      63-63a-10 , but not to exceed the amount appropriated by the Legislature, to this account.
             308          (3) The Legislature may appropriate money from the restricted account to the
             309      Department of Public Safety to pay for statewide warrant system costs incurred under Section
             310      53-10-208 .
             311          Section 14. Section 63-63a-10 is enacted to read:
             312          63-63a-10. Traumatic Brain Injury Fund share of surcharge.
             313          The Division of Finance shall allocate 5% of the collected surcharge established in
             314      Subsection 63-63a-1 (1)(b)(i) not to exceed $500,000 per fiscal year to the Traumatic Brain
             315      Injury Fund established in Section 62A-16-201 .

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