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H.B. 137
9 General Description:
10 This bill modifies Title 26, Chapter 1, Department of Health Organization, establishing
11 a two-year program in the department to reduce deaths and other harm from
12 prescription opiates utilized for chronic pain.
13 Highlighted Provisions:
14 This bill:
15 . requires the Utah Department of Health to coordinate with the Utah attorney
16 general, the Labor Commission, and the Division of Occupational and Professional
17 Licensure to:
18 . investigate causes and risk factors and solutions for deaths and nonfatal
19 complications of prescription opiate use and misuse in Utah by using the Utah
20 Controlled Substance Database;
21 . study risks associated with prescription opiate medications used for chronic
22 pain; and
23 . educate health care providers, patients, insurers, and the general public on the
24 appropriate management of pain; and
25 . requires the department to report to the legislative Health and Human Services
26 Interim Committee and the legislative Business and Labor Interim Committee no
27 later than the November meetings in 2007 and 2008 and present its
28 recommendations on:
29 . the use of the Utah Controlled Substances Database to identify and prevent:
30 . misuse of opiates;
31 . inappropriate prescribing; and
32 . adverse outcomes of prescription opiate medications;
33 . interventions to prevent the diversion of prescription opiate medications; and
34 . medical treatment and quality care guidelines.
35 Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
36 This bill appropriates to the Utah Department of Health for this two-year program:
37 . $250,000 from the General Fund for fiscal year 2007-08 only and $250,000 from
38 the General Fund for fiscal year 2008-09 only; and
39 . $250,000 from the Workplace Safety Account created in Section 34A-2-701 for
40 fiscal year 2007-08 only and $250,000 from the Workplace Safety Account for
41 fiscal year 2008-09 only.
42 Other Special Clauses:
43 This bill takes effect on July 1, 2007.
44 Utah Code Sections Affected:
46 26-1-36, Utah Code Annotated 1953
48 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
49 Section 1. Section 26-1-36 is enacted to read:
50 26-1-36. Duty to establish program to reduce deaths and other harm from
51 prescription opiates used for chronic noncancer pain.
52 (1) As used in this section, "opiate" means any drug or other substance having an
53 addiction-forming or addiction-sustaining liability similar to morphine or being capable of
54 conversion into a drug having addiction-forming or addiction-sustaining liability.
55 (2) In addition to the duties listed in Section 26-1-30 , the department shall develop
56 and implement a two-year program in coordination with the Division of Professional
57 Licensing, the Utah Labor Commission, and the Utah attorney general, to:
58 (a) investigate the causes of and risk factors for death and nonfatal complications of
59 prescription opiate use and misuse in Utah for chronic pain by utilizing the Utah Controlled
60 Substance Database created in Section 58-37-7.5 ;
61 (b) study the risks, warning signs, and solutions to the risks associated with
62 prescription opiate medications for chronic pain, including risks and prevention of misuse and
63 diversion of those medications; and
64 (c) provide education to health care providers, patients, insurers, and the general public
65 on the appropriate management of chronic pain, including the effective use of medical
66 treatment and quality care guidelines that are scientifically based and peer reviewed.
67 (3) The department shall report on the development and implementation of the
68 program required in Subsection (2) to the legislative Health and Human Services Interim
69 Committee and the legislative Business and Labor Interim Committee no later than the
70 November interim meetings in 2007 and 2008. Each report shall include:
71 (a) recommendations on:
72 (i) use of the Utah Controlled Substances Database created in Section 58-37-7.5 to
73 identify and prevent:
74 (A) misuse of opiates;
75 (B) inappropriate prescribing; and
76 (C) adverse outcomes of prescription opiate medications;
77 (ii) interventions to prevent the diversion of prescription opiate medications; and
78 (iii) medical treatment and quality care guidelines that are:
79 (A) scientifically based; and
80 (B) peer reviewed; and
81 (b) (i) a measure of results against expectations under the program as of the date of the
82 report; and
83 (ii) an analysis of the application of the program, use of the appropriated funds, and the
84 impact and results of the use of the funds.
85 (4) The report provided under Subsection (3) for the 2008 interim shall also provide a
86 final cumulative analysis of the measurable effectiveness of the program implemented under
87 this section.
88 Section 2. Appropriation.
89 There is appropriated to the Utah Department of Health to implement the two-year
90 program created in Section 26-1-36 :
91 (1) $250,000 from the General Fund for fiscal year 2007-08 only and $250,000 from
92 the General Fund for fiscal year 2008-09 only; and
93 (2) $250,000 from the Workplace Safety Account created in Section 34A-2-701 for
94 fiscal year 2007-08 only and $250,000 from the Workplace Safety Account for fiscal year
95 2008-09 only.
96 Section 3. Effective date.
97 This bill takes effect on July 1, 2007.
Legislative Review Note
as of 1-19-07 6:22 AM