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First Substitute H.B. 149

Representative Karen W. Morgan proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Karen W. Morgan

Senate Sponsor: ____________

             7      Cosponsor:Carol Spackman Moss              8     
             9      LONG TITLE
             10      General Description:
             11          This bill modifies class size reduction provisions.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    increases the appropriation for class size reduction;
             15          .    provides a condition for school districts and charter schools to participate in the
             16      class size reduction appropriation of:
             17              .    meeting a class size cap for kindergarten through the third grade; or
             18              .    having a class size reduction plan approved by the State Board of Education;
             19          .    requires certain reports;
             20          .    requires the Legislature to provide for an annual adjustment in the appropriation for
             21      class size reduction; and
             22          .     makes technical corrections.
             23      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             24          None
             25      Other Special Clauses:

             26          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2007.
             27          This bill coordinates with H.B. 3 by providing that certain amendments in this bill
             28      supersede the amendments in H.B. 3 and that certain amendments in H.B. 3 supersede
             29      the amendments in this bill.
             30          This bill coordinates with H.B. 160 by providing that certain amendments in this bill
             31      supersede the amendments in H.B. 160 and that certain amendments in H.B. 160
             32      supersede the amendments in this bill.
             33      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             34      AMENDS:
             35          53A-17a-104, as last amended by Chapters 4 and 354, Laws of Utah 2006
             36          53A-17a-124.5, as last amended by Chapters 221 and 320, Laws of Utah 2003
             37      ENACTS:
             38          53A-17a-124.8, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             40      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             41          Section 1. Section 53A-17a-104 is amended to read:
             42           53A-17a-104. Amount of state's contribution toward minimum school program.
             43          (1) The total contribution of the state toward the cost of the minimum school program
             44      may not exceed the sum of $2,032,219,545 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006, except as
             45      otherwise provided by the Legislature through supplemental appropriations.
             46          (2) There is appropriated from state and local funds for fiscal year 2006-07 for
             47      distribution to school districts and charter schools, in accordance with this chapter, monies for
             48      the following purposes and in the following amounts:
             49          (a) basic program - kindergarten, $57,234,560 (23,680 WPUs);
             50          (b) basic program - grades 1-12, $1,118,053,443 (462,579 WPUs);
             51          (c) basic program - professional staff, $106,128,053 (43,909 WPUs);
             52          (d) basic program - administrative costs, $3,937,293 (1,629 WPUs);
             53          (e) basic program - necessarily existent small schools and units for consolidated
             54      schools, $18,487,633 (7,649 WPUs);
             55          (f) special education - regular program - add-on WPUs for students with disabilities,
             56      $136,350,221 (56,413 WPUs);

             57          (g) preschool special education program, $19,717,886 (8,158 WPUs);
             58          (h) self-contained regular WPUs, $32,148,517 (13,301 WPUs);
             59          (i) extended year program for severely disabled, $887,039 (367 WPUs);
             60          (j) special education programs in state institutions and district impact aid, $3,487,731
             61      (1,443 WPUs);
             62          (k) applied technology and technical education district programs, $59,934,349 (24,797
             63      WPUs), including $1,045,033 for summer applied technology agriculture programs;
             64          (l) applied technology district set-aside, $2,562,020 (1,060 WPUs);
             65          (m) class size reduction, [$74,378,341 (30,773 WPUs)] $79,378,341 (32,842 WPUs);
             66          (n) Social Security and retirement programs, $310,891,038;
             67          (o) pupil transportation to and from school, $62,601,763, of which not less than
             68      $2,173,569 shall be allocated to the Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind to pay for
             69      transportation costs of the schools' students;
             70          (p) guarantee transportation levy, $500,000;
             71          (q) Local Discretionary Block Grant Program, $21,820,748;
             72          (r) Interventions for Student Success Block Grant Program, $16,792,888;
             73          (s) Quality Teaching Block Grant Program, $62,993,704;
             74          (t) highly impacted schools, $5,123,207;
             75          (u) at-risk programs, $27,992,056;
             76          (v) adult education, $9,148,653;
             77          (w) accelerated learning programs, $12,010,853;
             78          (x) electronic high school, $1,300,000;
             79          (y) School LAND Trust Program, $15,000,000;
             80          (z) state-supported voted leeway, $196,085,303;
             81          (aa) state-supported board leeway, $54,704,476;
             82          (bb) charter schools, pursuant to Section 53A-1a-513 , $21,552,450;
             83          (cc) K-3 Reading Improvement Program, $12,500,000 ; and
             84          (dd) state-supported board leeway for K-3 Reading Improvement Program,
             85      $15,000,000.
             86          Section 2. Section 53A-17a-124.5 is amended to read:
             87           53A-17a-124.5. Appropriation for class size reduction.

             88          (1) Money appropriated to the State Board of Education in Section 53A-17a-104 for
             89      class size reduction shall be used to reduce the average class size in kindergarten through the
             90      eighth grade in the state's public schools as provided in this section and Section
             91      53A-17a-124.8 .
             92          (2) Each district or charter school shall receive its allocation based upon prior year
             93      average daily membership in kindergarten through grade eight plus growth as determined under
             94      Subsection 53A-17a-106 (3) as compared to the state total.
             95          (3) (a) A district or charter schoolmay use its allocation to reduce class size in any one
             96      or all of the grades referred to under this section, except as otherwise provided in Subsection
             97      (3)(b).
             98          (b) (i) Each district or charter school shall use 50% of its allocation to reduce class
             99      size in any one or all of grades kindergarten through grade two, with an emphasis on improving
             100      student reading skills.
             101          (ii) If a district's or charter school's average class size is below 18 in grades
             102      kindergarten through two, it may petition the state board for, and the state board may grant, a
             103      waiver to use its allocation under Subsection (3)(b)(i) for class size reduction in the other
             104      grades.
             105          (4) Schools may use nontraditional innovative and creative methods to reduce class
             106      sizes with this appropriation and may use part of their allocation to focus on class size
             107      reduction for specific groups, such as at risk students, or for specific blocks of time during the
             108      school day.
             109          (5) (a) A school district or charter school may use up to 20% of its allocation under
             110      Subsection (1) for capital facilities projects if such projects would help to reduce class size.
             111          (b) If a school district's or charter school's student population increases by 5% or 700
             112      students from the previous school year, the school district or charter school may use up to 50%
             113      of any allocation it receives under this section for classroom construction.
             114          (6) This appropriation is to supplement any other appropriation made for class size
             115      reduction.
             116          (7) The Legislature shall provide for an annual adjustment in the appropriation
             117      authorized under this section in proportion to the increase in the number of students in the state
             118      in kindergarten through grade eight.

             119          Section 3. Section 53A-17a-124.8 is enacted to read:
             120          53A-17a-124.8. Class size restrictions -- K-3.
             121          (1) To participate in the appropriation for class size reduction provided in Section
             122      53A-17a-124.5 , a school district or charter school shall meet the class size requirements in
             123      Subsection (2) or submit a plan that meets the requirements in Subsection (3).
             124          (2) A school district or charter school may not have:
             125          (a) for kindergarten or first grade:
             126          (i) an average class size that exceeds 20 students; and
             127          (ii) a class in the school district or charter school that exceeds 22 students; and
             128          (b) for second or third grade:
             129          (i) an average class size that exceeds 22 students; and
             130          (ii) a class in the school district or charter school that exceeds 24 students.
             131          (3) (a) A school district or charter school that does not meet the class size requirements
             132      in Subsection (2) shall, prior to using class size reduction monies under Section
             133      53A-17a-124.5 :
             134          (i) submit a class size reduction plan to the State Board of Education that specifies how
             135      the school district or charter school will comply with the requirements in Subsection (2) within
             136      the next two fiscal years; and
             137          (ii) receive approval of the plan from the State Board of Education.
             138          (b) The State Board of Education shall provide model plans which a school district or
             139      charter school may adapt and use, or the district or school may develop its own plan.
             140          (c) (i) If a school district or charter school does not meet or exceed the benchmarks
             141      from the plan approved under Subsection (3)(a), the school district or charter school shall
             142      prepare a new plan which corrects the deficiencies.
             143          (ii) The new plan must be approved by the State Board of Education before the school
             144      district or charter school receives an allocation for the next year.
             145          (d) If after three fiscal years a school district fails to meet the requirements in
             146      Subsection (2), the school district may not participate in the appropriation for class size
             147      reduction provided in Section 53A-17a-124.5 .
             148          (4) (a) Each school district and charter school shall annually submit a report to the
             149      State Board of Education accounting for its expenditure of class size reduction monies and, if

             150      applicable, a description of its progress in reducing class sizes in accordance with the plan
             151      approved under Subsection (3).
             152          (b) If a school district or charter school uses class size reduction monies in a manner
             153      that is inconsistent with the provisions of Section 53A-17a-124.5 , this section, or the plan
             154      approved under Subsection (3), the school district or charter school is liable for reimbursing the
             155      State Board of Education for the amount of class size reduction monies improperly used, up to
             156      the amount of class size reduction monies received from the State Board of Education.
             157          (5) The State Board of Education shall provide a report by December 1 of each year to
             158      the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee that provides a detailed class size reduction
             159      proposal and its costs, including a proposal for targeted secondary core classes.
             160          (6) The Legislature shall provide for an annual adjustment in the appropriation for
             161      class size reduction authorized under Section 53A-17a-124.5 based upon the report under
             162      Subsection (5) and the requirements of school districts and charter schools under this section.
             163          Section 4. Effective date.
             164          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2007.
             165          Section 5. Coordinating H.B. 149 with H.B. 3 -- Substantively superseding
             166      amendments.
             167          If this H.B. 149 and H.B. 3, Minimum School Program Base Budget Amendments, both
             168      pass, it is the intent of the Legislature that when the Office of Legislative Research and General
             169      Counsel prepares the Utah Code database for publication:
             170          (1) the appropriation for class size reduction under Subsection 53A-17a-104 (2)(m) in
             171      H.B. 3 supersedes the appropriation for class size reduction under Subsection
             172      53A-17a-104 (2)(m) in this bill, except that the appropriation for class size reduction under
             173      Subsection 53A-17a-104 (2)(m) in H.B. 3 shall be increased by $5,000,000;
             174          (2) the WPUs for class size reduction under Subsection 53A-17a-104 (2)(m) in H.B. 3
             175      supersedes the WPUs for class size reduction under Subsection 53A-17a-104 (2)(m) in this bill,
             176      except that the WPUs for class size reduction under Subsection 53A-17a-104 (2)(m) in H.B. 3
             177      shall be increased by the quotient of 5,000,000 divided by the value of the WPU provided in
             178      Subsection 53A-17a-103 (1) in H.B. 3, rounded to the nearest whole number; and
             179          (3) the appropriation under Subsection 53A-17a-104 (1) in H.B. 3 supersedes the
             180      appropriation in Subsection 53A-17a-104 (1) in this bill, except that the appropriation under

             181      Subsection 53A-17a-104 (1) in H.B. 3 shall be increased by $5,000,000.
             182          Section 6. Coordinating H.B. 149 with H.B. 160 --Substantively superseding
             183      amendments.
             184          If this H.B. 149 and H.B. 160, Minimum School Program Budget Amendments, both
             185      pass, it is the intent of the Legislature that when the Office of Legislative Research and General
             186      Counsel prepares the Utah Code database for publication:
             187          (1) the appropriation for class size reduction under Subsection 53A-17a-104 (2)(m) in
             188      H.B. 160 supersedes the appropriation for class size reduction under Subsection
             189      53A-17a-104 (2)(m) in this bill, except that the appropriation for class size reduction under
             190      Subsection 53A-17a-104 (2)(m) in H.B. 160 shall be increased by $5,000,000;
             191          (2) the WPUs for class size reduction under Subsection 53A-17a-104 (2)(m) in H.B.
             192      160 supersedes the WPUs for class size reduction under Subsection 53A-17a-104 (2)(m) in this
             193      bill, except that the WPUs for class size reduction under Subsection 53A-17a-104 (2)(m) in
             194      H.B. 160 shall be increased by the quotient of 5,000,000 divided by the value of the WPU
             195      provided in Subsection 53A-17a-103 (1) in H.B. 160, rounded to the nearest whole number;
             196      and
             197          (3) the appropriation under Subsection 53A-17a-104 (1) in H.B. 160 supersedes the
             198      appropriation in Subsection 53A-17a-104 (1) in this bill, except that the appropriation under
             199      Subsection 53A-17a-104 (1) in H.B. 160 shall be increased by $5,000,000.

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