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First Substitute H.B. 172

Representative Ben C. Ferry proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Ben C. Ferry

Senate Sponsor: Mark B. Madsen

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill authorizes the State Board of Education to establish a virtual school for
             10      students in kindergarten through the eighth grade and modifies charter school
             11      provisions relating to virtual charter schools.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    provides definitions;
             15          .    requires the State Charter School Board and the State Board of Education to
             16      establish a virtual charter school that will begin operations in the 2007-08 school
             17      year;
             18          .    provides exemptions from certain statutes and requires a waiver of certain State
             19      Board of Education rules;
             20          .    provides for virtual charter school student participation in programs at other public
             21      schools;
             22          .    provides for the funding of virtual charter schools; and
             23          .    authorizes the State Board of Education to establish Utah K-8 Online, a virtual
             24      school;
             25          .    provides for the participation of Utah K-8 Online students in other public school

             26      programs;
             27          .    requires the State Board of Education to make certain rules;
             28          .    provides for the funding of Utah K-8 Online; and
             29          .    makes technical corrections.
             30      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             31          This bill appropriates:
             32          .     $200,000 from the Uniform School Fund for fiscal year 2007-08 only, to the State
             33      Board of Education.
             34      Other Special Clauses:
             35          This bill provides an immediate effective date.
             36      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             37      AMENDS:
             38          53A-1a-501.3, as enacted by Chapter 251, Laws of Utah 2004
             39          53A-15-1001, as enacted by Chapter 227, Laws of Utah 2006
             40          53A-15-1002, as enacted by Chapter 227, Laws of Utah 2006
             41      ENACTS:
             42          53A-1a-517, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             43          53A-1a-518, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             44          53A-1a-519, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             45          53A-15-1008, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             46          53A-15-1009, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             47          53A-15-1010, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             49      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             50          Section 1. Section 53A-1a-501.3 is amended to read:
             51           53A-1a-501.3. Definitions.
             52          As used in this part[, "chartering]:
             53          (1) "Chartering entity" means the entity that authorizes the establishment of a charter
             54      school.
             55          (2) "Virtual charter school" means a performance-based, charter school that delivers
             56      synchronous or asynchronous instruction from a teacher to a student primarily through the use

             57      of technology via the Internet in a virtual or remote setting.
             58          Section 2. Section 53A-1a-517 is enacted to read:
             59          53A-1a-517. Virtual charter school.
             60          (1) The State Charter School Board and the State Board of Education may authorize
             61      and approve virtual charter schools.
             62          (2) Notwithstanding the charter school caps under Section 53A-1a-502.5 and the
             63      application requirements under this part, the State Charter School Board and the State Board of
             64      Education shall authorize and approve a virtual charter school that:
             65          (a) begins operation in the 2007-08 school year; and
             66          (b) has a maximum full-time equivalent student capacity of 1,500 students for the
             67      2007-08 school year.
             68          (3) The State Board of Education shall waive any necessary rules to accommodate the
             69      authorization of a virtual charter school under Subsection (2).
             70          (4) The State Charter School Board and the State Board of Education may authorize
             71      and approve additional full-time equivalent student capacity for the virtual charter school
             72      authorized under Subsection (2) in subsequent school years.
             73          (5) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             74      State Board of Education shall make rules providing:
             75          (a) definitions and minimum standards for virtual charter schools and their operations;
             76      and
             77          (b) procedures for the distribution of funds appropriated for virtual charter schools.
             78          Section 3. Section 53A-1a-518 is enacted to read:
             79          53A-1a-518. Virtual charter school students -- Participation in other public
             80      schools.
             81          (1) A person having control of a minor under this part who is enrolled in a virtual
             82      charter school may also enroll the minor in another public school or public school program as
             83      provided in this section.
             84          (2) The minor may participate in any academic activity in the other public school
             85      available to students in the minor's grade or age group, subject to compliance with the same
             86      rules and requirements that apply to a full-time student's participation in the activity.
             87          (3) (a) A student who participates in another public school program in accordance with

             88      the provisions in this section is considered a student of that public school for purposes of the
             89      student's participation in that program.
             90          (b) The virtual charter school shall remit to the other public school one-sixth of the
             91      value of the weighted pupil unit provided in Subsection 53A-17a-103 (1) for each academic
             92      course that the virtual charter school student enrolls in at the other public school, up to a
             93      maximum of two courses.
             94          (4) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             95      State Board of Education shall make rules:
             96          (a) governing participation in programs as described in this section, including:
             97          (i) the sharing of costs as described in Subsection (3); and
             98          (ii) regulating the transferability of credits that are earned in a virtual charter school;
             99      and
             100          (b) providing the policies and procedures necessary to permit students enrolled in a
             101      virtual charter school to participate in public school extracurricular activities.
             102          Section 4. Section 53A-1a-519 is enacted to read:
             103          53A-1a-519. Virtual charter schools -- Charter authority required -- Funding.
             104          (1) A charter school may not operate as a virtual charter school unless the charter
             105      school has specific authority in its charter to operate as a virtual charter school.
             106          (2) A virtual charter school shall receive the funding for charter schools as provided in
             107      this part.
             108          Section 5. Section 53A-15-1001 is amended to read:
Part 10. Virtual Schools Act

             110           53A-15-1001. Title.
             111          This part is known as the "[Electronic High School] Virtual Schools Act."
             112          Section 6. Section 53A-15-1002 is amended to read:
             113           53A-15-1002. Definitions.
             114          As used in this part:
             115          (1) "Board" means the State Board of Education.
             116          (2) "Electronic High School" means a rigorous program offering grade 9 - 12 level
             117      courses delivered over the Internet and coordinated by the board.
             118          (3) "Home-schooled student" means a student:

             119          (a) who attends a home school;
             120          (b) is exempt from school attendance pursuant to Section 53A-11-102 ; and
             121          (c) attends no more than two regularly scheduled classes or courses in a public school
             122      per semester.
             123          (4) "Open-entry, open-exit" means:
             124          (a) a method of instructional delivery that allows for flexible scheduling in response to
             125      individual student needs or requirements and demonstrated competency when knowledge and
             126      skills have been mastered; and
             127          (b) students have the flexibility to begin or end study at any time, progress through
             128      course material at their own pace, and demonstrate competency when knowledge and skills
             129      have been mastered.
             130          (5) "Utah K-8 Online" means the virtual school coordinated by the board for students
             131      in kindergarten through the eighth grade in accordance with the provisions of this part.
             132          (6) "Virtual school" means a school that uses technology in order to provide a
             133      preponderance of its curriculum and instruction to its students through the Internet or other
             134      electronic means in a manner that fosters on-demand, interactive, self-paced, and
             135      individualized instruction.
             136          Section 7. Section 53A-15-1008 is enacted to read:
             137          53A-15-1008. Utah K-8 Online -- Authorization -- State board rulemaking.
             138          (1) The board is authorized to establish and coordinate the operations of Utah K-8
             139      Online, a virtual school for students in kindergarten through the eighth grade.
             140          (2) (a) Utah K-8 Online may:
             141          (i) begin operation in the 2007-08 school year; and
             142          (ii) have a maximum full-time equivalent student capacity of 1,500 students for the
             143      2007-08 school year.
             144          (b) The board may authorize and approve additional full-time equivalent student
             145      capacity for Utah K-8 Online in subsequent school years.
             146          (3) The board may contract with school districts, public schools, regional service
             147      centers, or private entities to provide services for Utah K-8 Online.
             148          (4) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             149      board shall make rules providing:

             150          (a) minimum standards, definitions, and coordination of Utah K-8 Online; and
             151          (b) procedures for the distribution of funds appropriated for Utah K-8 Online.
             152          Section 8. Section 53A-15-1009 is enacted to read:
             153          53A-15-1009. Utah K-8 Online -- Participation in other public schools.
             154          (1) A person having control of a minor who is enrolled in Utah K-8 Online may also
             155      enroll the minor in another public school or public school program.
             156          (2) The minor may participate in any academic activity in the other public school
             157      available to students in the minor's grade or age group, subject to compliance with the same
             158      rules and requirements that apply to a full-time student's participation in the activity.
             159          (3) (a) A student who participates in another public school program is considered a
             160      student of that public school for purposes of the student's participation in that program.
             161          (b) Utah K-8 Online and the other public school shall enter into an agreement to cover
             162      the reasonable costs of participation in the program.
             163          (4) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             164      board shall make rules:
             165          (a) governing participation in programs as described in this section, including:
             166          (i) the sharing of costs as described in Subsection (3); and
             167          (ii) regulating the transferability of credits that are earned in Utah K-8 Online; and
             168          (b) providing the policies and procedures necessary to permit students enrolled in Utah
             169      K-8 Online to participate in public school extracurricular activities.
             170          Section 9. Section 53A-15-1010 is enacted to read:
             171          53A-15-1010. Utah K-8 Online -- Funding.
             172          (1) Money shall be allocated to Utah K-8 Online in the amount of 1.4 times the value
             173      of the weighted pupil unit, as provided in Subsection 53A-17a-103 (1), for each full-time
             174      equivalent student.
             175          (2) Utah K-8 Online may not receive any other funding provided in this title, except as
             176      the funding is specifically made available to Utah K-8 Online.
             177          Section 10. Appropriation.
             178          (1) There is appropriated $200,000 from the Uniform School Fund for fiscal year
             179      2006-07 only, to the State Board of Education.
             180          (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that the appropriation in Subsection (1) shall be

             181      used to provide start-up costs for Utah K-8 Online and virtual charter schools.
             182          Section 11. Effective date.
             183          If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, this bill takes effect
             184      upon approval by the governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah
             185      Constitution Article VII, Section 8, without the governor's signature, or in the case of a veto,
             186      the date of veto override.

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