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H.B. 223





Chief Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper

Senate Sponsor: Michael G. Waddoups

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the Election Code and the Lieutenant Governor Chapter by
             10      establishing the Statewide Electronic Voter Information Website Program administered
             11      by the lieutenant governor.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    establishes the Statewide Electronic Voter Information Website Program
             15      administered by the lieutenant governor in cooperation with the county clerks;
             16          .    requires the lieutenant governor to develop and implement a website that includes
             17      all information currently provided in the voter information pamphlet and to include
             18      information on local races, candidates, and ballot propositions;
             19          .    requires local election officials to submit information to the lieutenant governor for
             20      each ballot label under the election official's direct responsibility so the information
             21      may be placed on the website;
             22          .    provides certain deadlines for submitting the election information;
             23          .    provides for the lieutenant governor's review of submitted information;
             24          .    requires certain frequently asked voter questions and answers to be included on the
             25      website;
             26          .    provides a deadline for the website to be ready for use;
             27          .    allows the expansion of the information to include other elections;

             28          .    requires the filing clerk to inform qualified candidates of the program;
             29          .    amends the duties of the lieutenant governor to provide election information to the
             30      public by providing it on the Internet; and
             31          .    makes technical changes.
             32      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             33          None
             34      Other Special Clauses:
             35          None
             36      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             37      AMENDS:
             38          20A-9-201, as last amended by Chapter 226, Laws of Utah 2006
             39          20A-9-203, as last amended by Chapters 28 and 226, Laws of Utah 2006
             40          67-1a-2, as last amended by Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 2005, First Special Session
             41      ENACTS:
             42          20A-7-801, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             44      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             45          Section 1. Section 20A-7-801 is enacted to read:
             46          20A-7-801. Statewide Electronic Voter Information Website Program -- Duties of
             47      the lieutenant governor -- Content -- Duties of local election officials -- Deadlines --
             48      Frequently asked voter questions -- Other elections.
             49          (1) There is established the Statewide Electronic Voter Information Website Program
             50      administered by the lieutenant governor in cooperation with the county clerks for general
             51      elections and municipal authorities for municipal elections.
             52          (2) In accordance with this section, and as resources become available, the lieutenant
             53      governor, in cooperation with county clerks, shall develop, establish, and maintain a
             54      state-provided Internet website designed to help inform the voters of the state of:
             55          (a) the offices and candidates up for election; and
             56          (b) the content, effect, operation, fiscal impact, and supporting and opposing arguments
             57      of ballot propositions submitted to the voters.
             58          (3) Except as provided under Subsection (6), the website shall include:

             59          (a) all information currently provided in the Utah voter information pamphlet under
             60      Title 20A, Chapter 7, Voter Information Pamphlet, including a section prepared, analyzed, and
             61      submitted by the Judicial Council describing the judicial selection and retention process;
             62          (b) all information submitted by election officers under Subsection (4) on local office
             63      races, local office candidates, and local ballot propositions; and
             64          (c) other information determined appropriate by the lieutenant governor that is
             65      currently being provided by law, rule, or ordinance in relation to candidates and ballot
             66      questions.
             67          (4) (a) An election official shall submit the following information for each ballot label
             68      under the election official's direct responsibility under this title:
             69          (i) a list of all candidates for each office;
             70          (ii) if submitted by the candidate to the election official's office on or before August 20
             71      at 5 p.m.:
             72          (A) a statement of qualifications, not exceeding 200 words in length, for each
             73      candidate;
             74          (B) the following biographical information if desired by the candidate, current:
             75          (I) age;
             76          (II) occupation;
             77          (III) city of residence;
             78          (IV) years of residence in current city; and
             79          (V) email address; and
             80          (C) a single web address where voters may access more information about the
             81      candidate and the candidate's views; and
             82          (iii) factual information pertaining to all ballot propositions submitted to the voters,
             83      including:
             84          (A) a copy of the number and ballot title of each ballot proposition;
             85          (B) the final vote cast for each ballot proposition, if any, by a legislative body if the
             86      vote was required to place the ballot proposition on the ballot;
             87          (C) a complete copy of the text of each ballot proposition, with all new language
             88      underlined and all deleted language placed within brackets; and
             89          (D) other factual information determined helpful by the election official.

             90          (b) The information under Subsection (4)(a) shall be submitted to the lieutenant
             91      governor no later than one business day after the deadline under Subsection (4)(a) for each
             92      general election year and each municipal election year.
             93          (c) The lieutenant governor shall:
             94          (i) review the information submitted under this section prior to placing it on the
             95      website to determine compliance under this section;
             96          (ii) refuse to post information submitted under this section on the website if it is not in
             97      compliance with the provisions of this section; and
             98          (iii) organize, format, and arrange the information submitted under this section for the
             99      website.
             100          (d) The lieutenant governor may refuse to include information the lieutenant governor
             101      determines is not in keeping with:
             102          (i) Utah voter needs;
             103          (ii) public decency; or
             104          (iii) the purposes, organization, or uniformity of the website.
             105          (e) A refusal under Subsection (4)(d) is subject to appeal in accordance with
             106      Subsection (5).
             107          (5) (a) A person whose information is refused under Subsection (4), and who is
             108      aggrieved by the determination, may appeal by submitting a written notice of appeal to the
             109      lieutenant governor within ten business days after the date of the determination. A notice of
             110      appeal submitted under this Subsection (5)(a) shall contain:
             111          (i) a listing of each objection to the lieutenant governor's determination; and
             112          (ii) the basis for each objection.
             113          (b) The lieutenant governor shall review the notice of appeal and shall issue a written
             114      response within ten business days after the notice of appeal is submitted.
             115          (c) An appeal of the response of the lieutenant governor shall be made to the district
             116      court, which shall review the matter de novo.
             117          (6) (a) The lieutenant governor shall ensure that each voter will be able to conveniently
             118      enter the voter's address information on the website to retrieve information on which offices,
             119      candidates, and ballot propositions will be on the voter's ballot at the next general election or
             120      municipal election.

             121          (b) The information on the website will anticipate and answer frequent voter questions
             122      including the following:
             123          (i) what offices are up in the current year for which the voter may cast a vote;
             124          (ii) who is running for what office and who is the incumbent, if any;
             125          (iii) what address each candidate may be reached at and how the candidate may be
             126      contacted;
             127          (iv) for partisan races only, what, if any, is each candidate's party affiliation;
             128          (v) what qualifications have been submitted by each candidate;
             129          (vi) where additional information on each candidate may be obtained;
             130          (vii) what ballot propositions will be on the ballot; and
             131          (viii) what judges are up for retention election.
             132          (7) By not later than March 1, 2008, the lieutenant governor shall have the Statewide
             133      Electronic Voter Information Website Program ready for use in the next election in accordance
             134      with this section.
             135          (8) As resources are made available and in cooperation with the county clerks, the
             136      lieutenant governor may expand the electronic voter information website program to include
             137      the same information as provided under this section for special elections and primary elections.
             138          Section 2. Section 20A-9-201 is amended to read:
             139           20A-9-201. Declarations of candidacy -- Candidacy for more than one office or of
             140      more than one political party prohibited with exceptions -- General filing and form
             141      requirements.
             142          (1) Before filing a declaration of candidacy for election to any office, a person shall:
             143          (a) be a United States citizen; and
             144          (b) meet the legal requirements of that office.
             145          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), a person may not:
             146          (i) file a declaration of candidacy for, or be a candidate for, more than one office in
             147      Utah during any election year; or
             148          (ii) appear on the ballot as the candidate of more than one political party.
             149          (b) A person may file a declaration of candidacy for, or be a candidate for, President or
             150      Vice President of the United States and another office, if the person resigns the person's
             151      candidacy for the other office after the person is officially nominated for President or Vice

             152      President of the United States.
             153          (3) If the final date established for filing a declaration of candidacy is a Saturday or
             154      Sunday, the filing time shall be extended until 5 p.m. on the following business day.
             155          (4) (a) (i) Except for presidential candidates, before the filing officer may accept any
             156      declaration of candidacy, the filing officer shall:
             157          (A) read to the prospective candidate the constitutional and statutory qualification
             158      requirements for the office that the candidate is seeking; and
             159          (B) require the candidate to state whether or not the candidate meets those
             160      requirements.
             161          (ii) Before accepting a declaration of candidacy for the office of county attorney, the
             162      county clerk shall ensure that the person filing that declaration of candidacy is:
             163          (A) a United States citizen;
             164          (B) an attorney licensed to practice law in Utah who is an active member in good
             165      standing of the Utah State Bar;
             166          (C) a registered voter in the county in which he is seeking office; and
             167          (D) a current resident of the county in which he is seeking office and either has been a
             168      resident of that county for at least one year or was appointed and is currently serving as county
             169      attorney and became a resident of the county within 30 days after appointment to the office.
             170          (iii) Before accepting a declaration of candidacy for the office of district attorney, the
             171      county clerk shall ensure that, as of the date of the election, the person filing that declaration of
             172      candidacy is:
             173          (A) a United States citizen;
             174          (B) an attorney licensed to practice law in Utah who is an active member in good
             175      standing of the Utah State Bar;
             176          (C) a registered voter in the prosecution district in which he is seeking office; and
             177          (D) a current resident of the prosecution district in which he is seeking office and either
             178      will have been a resident of that prosecution district for at least one year as of the date of the
             179      election or was appointed and is currently serving as district attorney and became a resident of
             180      the prosecution district within 30 days after receiving appointment to the office.
             181          (iv) Before accepting a declaration of candidacy for the office of county sheriff, the
             182      county clerk shall ensure that the person filing the declaration of candidacy:

             183          (A) as of the date of filing:
             184          (I) is a United States citizen;
             185          (II) is a registered voter in the county in which the person seeks office;
             186          (III) (Aa) has successfully met the standards and training requirements established for
             187      law enforcement officers under Title 53, Chapter 6, Part 2, Peace Officer Training and
             188      Certification Act; or
             189          (Bb) has passed a certification examination as provided in Section 53-6-206 ; and
             190          (IV) is qualified to be certified as a law enforcement officer, as defined in Section
             191      53-13-103 ; and
             192          (B) as of the date of the election, shall have been a resident of the county in which the
             193      person seeks office for at least one year.
             194          (b) If the prospective candidate states that he does not meet the qualification
             195      requirements for the office, the filing officer may not accept the prospective candidate's
             196      declaration of candidacy.
             197          (c) If the candidate states that he meets the requirements of candidacy, the filing officer
             198      shall:
             199          (i) provide the candidate with a copy of Section 20A-7-801 regarding the Statewide
             200      Electronic Voter Information Website Program and inform the candidate of the submission
             201      deadline under Subsection 20A-7-801 (4)(a);
             202          [(i)] (ii) provide the candidate with a copy of the pledge of fair campaign practices
             203      described under Section 20A-9-206 and inform the candidate that:
             204          (A) signing the pledge is voluntary; and
             205          (B) signed pledges shall be filed with the filing officer;
             206          [(ii)] (iii) accept the candidate's declaration of candidacy; and
             207          [(iii)] (iv) if the candidate has filed for a partisan office, provide a certified copy of the
             208      declaration of candidacy to the chair of the county or state political party of which the
             209      candidate is a member.
             210          (d) If the candidate elects to sign the pledge of fair campaign practices, the filing
             211      officer shall:
             212          (i) accept the candidate's pledge; and
             213          (ii) if the candidate has filed for a partisan office, provide a certified copy of the

             214      candidate's pledge to the chair of the county or state political party of which the candidate is a
             215      member.
             216          (5) Except for presidential candidates, the form of the declaration of candidacy shall be
             217      substantially as follows:
             218          "State of Utah, County of ____
             219          I, ______________, declare my intention of becoming a candidate for the office of
             220      ____ as a candidate for the ____ party. I do solemnly swear that: I can qualify to hold that
             221      office, both legally and constitutionally, if selected; I reside at _____________ in the City or
             222      Town of ____, Utah, Zip Code ____ Phone No. ____; I will not knowingly violate any law
             223      governing campaigns and elections; and I will qualify for the office if elected to it. The
             224      mailing address that I designate for receiving official election notices is
             225      ___________________________.
             226      ____________________________________________________________________
             227          Subscribed and sworn before me this __________(month\day\year).
Notary Public (or other officer qualified to administer oath.)"

             229          (6) (a) Except for presidential candidates, the fee for filing a declaration of candidacy
             230      is:
             231          (i) $25 for candidates for the local school district board; and
             232          (ii) 1/8 of 1% of the total salary for the full term of office legally paid to the person
             233      holding the office, but not less than $5, for all other federal, state, and county offices.
             234          (b) Except for presidential candidates, the filing officer shall refund the filing fee to
             235      any candidate:
             236          (i) who is disqualified; or
             237          (ii) who the filing officer determines has filed improperly.
             238          (c) (i) The county clerk shall immediately pay to the county treasurer all fees received
             239      from candidates.
             240          (ii) The lieutenant governor shall:
             241          (A) apportion to and pay to the county treasurers of the various counties all fees
             242      received for filing of nomination certificates or acceptances; and
             243          (B) ensure that each county receives that proportion of the total amount paid to the
             244      lieutenant governor from the congressional district that the total vote of that county for all

             245      candidates for representative in Congress bears to the total vote of all counties within the
             246      congressional district for all candidates for representative in Congress.
             247          (d) (i) Each person who is unable to pay the filing fee may file a declaration of
             248      candidacy without payment upon a prima facie showing of impecuniosity as evidenced by an
             249      affidavit of impecuniosity filed with the filing officer.
             250          (ii) The filing officer shall ensure that the affidavit of impecuniosity is printed in
             251      substantially the following form:
             252          "Affidavit of Impecuniosity
             253      Individual Name
             254      ____________________________Address_____________________________
             255      Phone Number _________________
             256      I,__________________________(name), do solemnly [swear] [affirm] that, owing to my
             257      poverty, I am unable to pay the filing fee required by law.
             258      Date ______________ Signature________________________________________________
             259      Affiant
             260      Subscribed and sworn to before me on ___________ (month\day\year)


             263          Name and Title of Officer Authorized to Administer Oath

             264          (7) Any person who fails to file a declaration of candidacy or certificate of nomination
             265      within the time provided in this chapter is ineligible for nomination to office.
             266          Section 3. Section 20A-9-203 is amended to read:
             267           20A-9-203. Declarations of candidacy -- Municipal general elections.
             268          (1) (a) A person may become a candidate for any municipal office if the person is a
             269      registered voter and:
             270          (i) the person has resided within the municipality in which that person seeks to hold
             271      elective office for the 12 consecutive months immediately before the date of the election; or
             272          (ii) if the territory in which the person resides was annexed into the municipality, the
             273      person has resided within the annexed territory or the municipality for 12 months.
             274          (b) In addition to the requirements of Subsection (1)(a), candidates for a municipal
             275      council position under the council-mayor or council-manager alternative forms of municipal

             276      government shall, if elected from districts, be residents of the council district from which they
             277      are elected.
             278          (c) In accordance with Utah Constitution Article IV, Section 6, any mentally
             279      incompetent person, any person convicted of a felony, or any person convicted of treason or a
             280      crime against the elective franchise may not hold office in this state until the right to hold
             281      elective office is restored under Section 20A-2-101.5 .
             282          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b) or (2)(c), each person seeking to
             283      become a candidate for a municipal office shall file a declaration of candidacy in person with
             284      the city recorder or town clerk during office hours and not later than 5 p.m. between July 15
             285      and August 15 of any odd numbered year and pay the filing fee, if one is required by municipal
             286      ordinance.
             287          (b) (i) As used in this Subsection (2)(b), "registered voters" means the number of
             288      persons registered to vote in the municipality on the January 1 of the municipal election year.
             289          (ii) A third, fourth, or fifth class city that used the convention system to nominate
             290      candidates in the last municipal election as authorized by Subsection 20A-9-404 (3) or used the
             291      process contained in this Subsection (2)(b) in the last municipal election or a town that used the
             292      convention system to nominate candidates in the last municipal election as authorized by
             293      Subsection 20A-9-404 (3) or used the process contained in this Subsection (2)(b) in the last
             294      municipal election may, by ordinance, require, in lieu of the convention system, that candidates
             295      for municipal office file a nominating petition signed by a percentage of registered voters at the
             296      same time that the candidate files a declaration of candidacy.
             297          (iii) The ordinance shall specify the number of signatures that the candidate must
             298      obtain on the nominating petition in order to become a candidate for municipal office under
             299      this Subsection (2), but that number may not exceed 5% of registered voters.
             300          (c) Any resident of a municipality may nominate a candidate for a municipal office by
             301      filing a nomination petition with the city recorder or town clerk during office hours but not
             302      later than 5 p.m. between July 15 and August 15 of any odd numbered year and pay the filing
             303      fee, if one is required by municipal ordinance.
             304          (d) When August 15 is a Saturday or Sunday, the filing time shall be extended until 5
             305      p.m. on the following Monday.
             306          (3) (a) Before the filing officer may accept any declaration of candidacy or nomination

             307      petition, the filing officer shall:
             308          (i) read to the prospective candidate or person filing the petition the constitutional and
             309      statutory qualification requirements for the office that the candidate is seeking; and
             310          (ii) require the candidate or person filing the petition to state whether or not the
             311      candidate meets those requirements.
             312          (b) If the prospective candidate does not meet the qualification requirements for the
             313      office, the filing officer may not accept the declaration of candidacy or nomination petition.
             314          (c) If it appears that the prospective candidate meets the requirements of candidacy, the
             315      filing officer shall:
             316          (i) provide the candidate with a copy of Section 20A-7-801 regarding the Statewide
             317      Electronic Voter Information Website Program and inform the candidate of the submission
             318      deadline under Subsection 20A-7-801 (4)(a);
             319          [(i)] (ii) provide the candidate with a copy of the pledge of fair campaign practices
             320      described under Section 20A-9-206 and inform the candidate that:
             321          (A) signing the pledge is voluntary; and
             322          (B) signed pledges shall be filed with the filing officer; and
             323          [(ii)] (iii) accept the declaration of candidacy or nomination petition.
             324          (d) If the candidate elects to sign the pledge of fair campaign practices, the filing
             325      officer shall:
             326          (i) accept the candidate's pledge; and
             327          (ii) if the candidate has filed for a partisan office, provide a certified copy of the
             328      candidate's pledge to the chair of the county or state political party of which the candidate is a
             329      member.
             330          (4) The declaration of candidacy shall substantially comply with the following form:
             331          "I, (print name) ____, being first sworn, say that I reside at ____ Street, City of ____,
             332      County of ____, state of Utah, Zip Code ____, Telephone Number (if any) ____; that I am a
             333      registered voter; and that I am a candidate for the office of ____ (stating the term). I request
             334      that my name be printed upon the applicable official ballots. (Signed) _______________
             335          Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me by ____ on this
             336      __________(month\day\year).
             337          (Signed) _______________ (Clerk or other officer qualified to administer oath)"

             338          (5) (a) In all first and second class cities, and in third, fourth, or fifth class cities that
             339      have not passed the ordinance authorized by Subsection (2)(b) and in towns that have not
             340      passed the ordinance authorized by Subsection (2)(b), any registered voter may be nominated
             341      for municipal office by submitting a petition signed by:
             342          (i) 25 residents of the municipality who are at least 18 years old; or
             343          (ii) 20% of the residents of the municipality who are at least 18 years old.
             344          (b) (i) The petition shall substantially conform to the following form:

             346          The undersigned residents of (name of municipality) being 18 years old or older
             347      nominate (name of nominee) to the office of ____ for the (two or four-year term, whichever is
             348      applicable)."
             349          (ii) The remainder of the petition shall contain lines and columns for the signatures of
             350      persons signing the petition and their addresses and telephone numbers.
             351          (6) (a) In third, fourth, and fifth class cities that have passed the ordinance authorized
             352      by Subsection (2)(b), and in towns that have passed the ordinance authorized by Subsection
             353      (2)(b), any registered voter may be nominated for municipal office by submitting a petition
             354      signed by the same percentage of registered voters in the municipality as required by the
             355      ordinance passed under authority of Subsection (2)(b).
             356          (b) (i) The petition shall substantially conform to the following form:
             357          "NOMINATION PETITION
             358          The undersigned residents of (name of municipality) being 18 years old or older
             359      nominate (name of nominee) to the office of (name of office) for the (two or four-year term,
             360      whichever is applicable)."
             361          (ii) The remainder of the petition shall contain lines and columns for the signatures of
             362      persons signing the petition and their addresses and telephone numbers.
             363          (7) If the declaration of candidacy or nomination petition fails to state whether the
             364      nomination is for the two or four-year term, the clerk shall consider the nomination to be for
             365      the four-year term.
             366          (8) (a) The clerk shall verify with the county clerk that all candidates are registered
             367      voters.
             368          (b) Any candidate who is not registered to vote is disqualified and the clerk may not

             369      print the candidate's name on the ballot.
             370          (9) Immediately after expiration of the period for filing a declaration of candidacy, the
             371      clerk shall:
             372          (a) cause the names of the candidates as they will appear on the ballot to be published
             373      in at least two successive publications of a newspaper with general circulation in the
             374      municipality; and
             375          (b) notify the lieutenant governor of the names of the candidates as they will appear on
             376      the ballot.
             377          (10) (a) A declaration of candidacy or nomination petition filed under this section is
             378      valid unless a written objection is filed with the clerk within five days after the last day for
             379      filing.
             380          (b) If an objection is made, the clerk shall:
             381          (i) mail or personally deliver notice of the objection to the affected candidate
             382      immediately; and
             383          (ii) decide any objection within 48 hours after it is filed.
             384          (c) If the clerk sustains the objection, the candidate may correct the problem by
             385      amending the declaration or petition within three days after the objection is sustained or by
             386      filing a new declaration within three days after the objection is sustained.
             387          (d) (i) The clerk's decision upon objections to form is final.
             388          (ii) The clerk's decision upon substantive matters is reviewable by a district court if
             389      prompt application is made to the district court.
             390          (iii) The decision of the district court is final unless the Supreme Court, in the exercise
             391      of its discretion, agrees to review the lower court decision.
             392          (11) Any person who filed a declaration of candidacy and was nominated, and any
             393      person who was nominated by a nomination petition, may, any time up to 23 days before the
             394      election, withdraw the nomination by filing a written affidavit with the clerk.
             395          Section 4. Section 67-1a-2 is amended to read:
             396           67-1a-2. Duties enumerated.
             397          (1) The lieutenant governor shall:
             398          (a) perform duties delegated by the governor, including assignments to serve in any of
             399      the following capacities:

             400          (i) as the head of any one department, if so qualified, with the consent of the Senate,
             401      and, upon appointment at the pleasure of the governor and without additional compensation;
             402          (ii) as the chairperson of any cabinet group organized by the governor or authorized by
             403      law for the purpose of advising the governor or coordinating intergovernmental or
             404      interdepartmental policies or programs;
             405          (iii) as liaison between the governor and the state Legislature to coordinate and
             406      facilitate the governor's programs and budget requests;
             407          (iv) as liaison between the governor and other officials of local, state, federal, and
             408      international governments or any other political entities to coordinate, facilitate, and protect the
             409      interests of the state;
             410          (v) as personal advisor to the governor, including advice on policies, programs,
             411      administrative and personnel matters, and fiscal or budgetary matters; and
             412          (vi) as chairperson or member of any temporary or permanent boards, councils,
             413      commissions, committees, task forces, or other group appointed by the governor;
             414          (b) serve on all boards and commissions in lieu of the governor, whenever so
             415      designated by the governor;
             416          (c) serve as the chief election officer of the state as required by Subsection (2);
             417          (d) keep custody of the Great Seal of Utah;
             418          (e) keep a register of, and attest, the official acts of the governor;
             419          (f) affix the Great Seal, with an attestation, to all official documents and instruments to
             420      which the official signature of the governor is required; and
             421          (g) furnish a certified copy of all or any part of any law, record, or other instrument
             422      filed, deposited, or recorded in the office of the lieutenant governor to any person who requests
             423      it and pays the fee.
             424          (2) (a) As the chief election officer, the lieutenant governor shall:
             425          (i) exercise general supervisory authority over all elections;
             426          (ii) exercise direct authority over the conduct of elections for federal, state, and
             427      multicounty officers and statewide or multicounty ballot propositions and any recounts
             428      involving those races;
             429          (iii) assist county clerks in unifying the election ballot;
             430          (iv) (A) prepare election information for the public [and] as required by statute and as

             431      determined appropriate by the lieutenant governor;
             432          (B) make [that] the information under Subsection (2)(a)(iv)(A) available to the public
             433      and to news media on the Internet and in other forms as required by statute or as determined
             434      appropriate by the lieutenant governor;
             435          (v) receive and answer election questions and maintain an election file on opinions
             436      received from the attorney general;
             437          (vi) maintain election returns and statistics;
             438          (vii) certify to the governor the names of those persons who have received the highest
             439      number of votes for any office;
             440          (viii) ensure that all voting equipment purchased by the state complies with the
             441      requirements of Subsection 20A-5-302 (2) and Sections 20A-5-402.5 and 20A-5-402.7 ; and
             442          (ix) perform other election duties as provided in Title 20A, Election Code.
             443          (b) As chief election officer, the lieutenant governor may not assume the
             444      responsibilities assigned to the county clerks, city recorders, town clerks, or other local election
             445      officials by Title 20A, Election Code.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-22-06 8:00 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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