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H.B. 240






Chief Sponsor: Ronda Rudd Menlove

Senate Sponsor: Howard A. Stephenson

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the Public Education Job Enhancement Program.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    allows elementary teachers in grades four through six to qualify for cash awards and
             14      scholarships to obtain mathematics endorsements.
             15      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             16          None
             17      Other Special Clauses:
             18          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2007.
             19      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             20      AMENDS:
             21          53A-1a-601, as last amended by Chapter 174, Laws of Utah 2005
             22          53A-1a-602, as last amended by Chapter 174, Laws of Utah 2005
             24      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             25          Section 1. Section 53A-1a-601 is amended to read:
             26           53A-1a-601. Job enhancements for mathematics, science, technology, and special
             27      education training.

             28          (1) The Public Education Job Enhancement Program is established to attract, train, and
             29      retain highly qualified:
             30          (a) secondary teachers with expertise in mathematics, physics, chemistry, physical
             31      science, learning technology, or information technology; [and]
             32          (b) special education teachers[.]; and
             33          (c) elementary teachers in grades four through six with mathematics endorsements.
             34          (2) The program shall provide for the following:
             35          (a) application by a school district superintendent or the principal of a school on behalf
             36      of a qualified teacher;
             37          (b) an award of up to $20,000 or a scholarship to cover the tuition costs for a master's
             38      degree, an endorsement, or graduate education in the areas identified in Subsection (1) to be
             39      given to selected public school teachers on a competitive basis:
             40          (i) whose applications are approved under Subsection 53A-1a-602 (4); and
             41          (ii) who teach in the state's public education system for four years in the areas
             42      identified in Subsection (1);
             43          (c) (i) as to the cash awards under Subsection (2)(b), payment of the award in two
             44      installments, with an initial payment of up to $10,000 at the beginning of the term and up to
             45      $10,000 at the conclusion of the term;
             46          (ii) repayment of a portion of the initial payment by the teacher if the teacher fails to
             47      complete two years of the four-year teaching term in the areas identified in Subsection (1) as
             48      provided by rule of the State Board of Education in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a,
             49      Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, unless waived for good cause by the Job Enhancement
             50      Committee created in Section 53A-1a-602 ; and
             51          (iii) nonpayment of the second installment if the teacher fails to complete the four-year
             52      teaching term; and
             53          (d) (i) as to the scholarships awarded under Subsection (2)(b), provision for the
             54      providing institution to certify adequate performance in obtaining the master's degree,
             55      endorsement, or graduate education in order for the teacher to maintain the scholarship; and
             56          (ii) repayment by the teacher of a prorated portion of the scholarship, if the teacher fails
             57      to complete the authorized classes or program or to teach in the state system of public
             58      education in the areas identified in Subsection (1) for four years after obtaining the master's

             59      degree, the endorsement, or graduate education.
             60          (3) An individual teaching in the public schools under a letter of authorization may
             61      participate in the cash award program if:
             62          (a) the individual has taught under the letter of authorization for at least one year in the
             63      areas referred to in Subsection (1); and
             64          (b) the application made under Subsection (2)(a) is based in large part upon the
             65      individual receiving a superior evaluation as a classroom teacher.
             66          (4) (a) The program may provide for the expenditure of up to $1,000,000 of available
             67      monies, if at least an equal amount of matching monies become available, to provide
             68      professional development training to superintendents, administrators, and principals in the
             69      effective use of technology in public schools.
             70          (b) An award granted under this Subsection (4) shall be made in accordance with
             71      criteria developed and adopted by the Job Enhancement Committee created in Section
             72      53A-1a-602 .
             73          (c) An amount up to $120,000 of the $1,000,000 authorized in Subsection (4)(a) may
             74      be expended, regardless of the matching monies being available.
             75          Section 2. Section 53A-1a-602 is amended to read:
             76           53A-1a-602. Job Enhancement Committee -- Composition -- Duties --
             77      Appropriation.
             78          (1) There is created a Job Enhancement Committee to implement and administer the
             79      Public Education Job Enhancement Program established in Section 53A-1a-601 .
             80          (2) (a) The committee shall consist of:
             81          (i) two members of the State Board of Education selected by the board;
             82          (ii) two members of the State Board of Regents selected by the board;
             83          (iii) six members of the general public who have business experience in mathematics,
             84      physics, chemistry, physical science, learning technology, or information technology selected
             85      by the governor;
             86          (iv) a master high school teacher, who has teaching experience in mathematics,
             87      physics, chemistry, physical science, learning technology, or information technology, selected
             88      by the superintendent of public instruction; [and]
             89          (v) a master special education teacher, selected by the superintendent of public

             90      instruction[.]; and
             91          (vi) a master elementary teacher in grades four through six with a mathematics
             92      endorsement, selected by the superintendent of public instruction.
             93          (b) Committee members shall receive no compensation or benefits for their service on
             94      the committee, but may receive per diem and expenses incurred in the performance of their
             95      duties at rates established by the Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and
             96      63A-3-107 .
             97          (3) (a) The committee shall receive and review applications submitted for participation
             98      in the Public Education Job Enhancement Program established under Section 53A-1a-601 .
             99          (b) In reviewing applications, the committee shall focus on:
             100          (i) the prioritized critical areas of need identified under Subsection (5)(a); and
             101          (ii) the awards being made on a competitive basis.
             102          (c) If the committee approves an application received under Subsection (3)(a), it shall
             103      contract directly with the teacher applicant to receive the award or the scholarship for a
             104      master's degree, an endorsement, or graduate education, subject to Section 53A-1a-601 .
             105          (d) The State Board of Education, through the superintendent of public instruction,
             106      shall provide staff support for the committee and adequate and reliable data on the state's
             107      supply of and demand for qualified:
             108          (i) secondary teachers with expertise in mathematics, physics, chemistry, physical
             109      science, learning technologies, or information technology; [and]
             110          (ii) special education teachers[.]; and
             111          (iii) elementary teachers in grades four through six with mathematics endorsements.
             112          (4) The committee may apply for grants and matching monies to enhance funding
             113      available for the program established in Section 53A-1a-601 .
             114          (5) The committee shall make a rule in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             115      Administrative Rulemaking Act, establishing policies and procedures for:
             116          (a) making the awards and offering the scholarships in accordance with prioritized
             117      critical areas of need as determined by the committee;
             118          (b) timelines for the submission and approval of applications under Subsection (3); and
             119          (c) the distribution of the awards and scholarships to successful applicants based on
             120      available monies provided by legislative appropriation.

             121          (6) Subject to future budget constraints, the Legislature shall make an annual
             122      appropriation to the State Board of Education to fund the Public Education Job Enhancement
             123      Program established under Section 53A-1a-601 .
             124          Section 3. Effective date.
             125          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2007.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 12-5-06 1:47 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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