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H.B. 262





Chief Sponsor: Scott L Wyatt

Senate Sponsor: Lyle W. Hillyard

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends the Utah Code of Criminal Procedure and related provisions to remove
             10      several provisions related to search warrants that will be incorporated into the Utah
             11      Rules of Criminal Procedure.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    repeals several code provisions related to search warrants;
             15          .    amends the Utah Controlled Substances Act, the Criminal Procedure chapter of the
             16      Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, the Utah Labor Code, and the Interception of
             17      Communications Act by providing that procedures relating to search warrants and
             18      administrative warrants are governed by the Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure; and
             19          .    makes technical changes.
             20      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             21          None
             22      Other Special Clauses:
             23          None
             24      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             25      AMENDS:
             26          32A-13-103, as last amended by Chapter 185, Laws of Utah 2002
             27          34A-6-301, as last amended by Chapter 145, Laws of Utah 2004

             28          58-37-10, as last amended by Chapter 92, Laws of Utah 1987
             29          77-23-205, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 142, Laws of Utah 1994
             30          77-23-210, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 142, Laws of Utah 1994
             31          77-23a-15.5, as last amended by Chapter 75, Laws of Utah 2005
             32      REPEALS:
             33          77-23-201, as last amended by Chapter 295, Laws of Utah 2001
             34          77-23-202, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 142, Laws of Utah 1994
             35          77-23-203, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 142, Laws of Utah 1994
             36          77-23-204, as repealed and reenacted by Chapter 87, Laws of Utah 2005
             37          77-23-206, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 142, Laws of Utah 1994
             38          77-23-207, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 142, Laws of Utah 1994
             39          77-23-208, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 142, Laws of Utah 1994
             40          77-23-209, as last amended by Chapter 87, Laws of Utah 2005
             41          77-23-211, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 142, Laws of Utah 1994
             42          77-23-212, as last amended by Chapter 215, Laws of Utah 1997
             44      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             45          Section 1. Section 32A-13-103 is amended to read:
             46           32A-13-103. Searches, seizures, and forfeitures.
             47          (1) The following are subject to forfeiture pursuant to the procedures and substantive
             48      protections established in Title 24, Chapter 1, Utah Uniform Forfeiture Procedures Act:
             49          (a) all alcoholic products possessed, used, offered for sale, sold, given, furnished,
             50      supplied, received, purchased, stored, warehoused, manufactured, adulterated, shipped, carried,
             51      transported, or distributed in violation of this title or commission rules;
             52          (b) all packages or property used or intended for use as a container for an alcoholic
             53      product in violation of this title or commission rules;
             54          (c) all raw materials, products, and equipment used, or intended for use, in
             55      manufacturing, processing, adulterating, delivering, importing, or exporting any alcoholic
             56      product in violation of this title or commission rules;
             57          (d) all implements, furniture, fixtures, or other personal property used or kept for any
             58      violation of this title or commission rules;

             59          (e) all conveyances including aircraft, vehicles, or vessels used or intended for use, to
             60      transport or in any manner facilitate the transportation, sale, receipt, possession, or
             61      concealment of property described in Subsection (1)(a), (b), (c), or (d); and
             62          (f) all books, records, receipts, ledgers, or other documents used or intended for use in
             63      violation of this title or commission rules.
             64          (2) Any of the property subject to forfeiture under this title may be seized by any peace
             65      officer of this state or any other person authorized by law upon process issued by any court
             66      having jurisdiction over the property in accordance with the [procedures provided in Title 77,
             67      Chapter 23, Part 2, Search Warrants] Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure relating to search
             68      warrants or administrative warrants. However, seizure without process may be made when:
             69          (a) the seizure is incident to an arrest or search under a search warrant or an inspection
             70      under an administrative inspection warrant;
             71          (b) the property subject to seizure has been the subject of a prior judgment in favor of
             72      the state in a criminal injunction or forfeiture proceeding under this title;
             73          (c) the peace officer or other person authorized by law has probable cause to believe
             74      that the property is directly or indirectly dangerous to health or safety; or
             75          (d) the peace officer or other person authorized by law has probable cause to believe
             76      that the property is being or has been used, intended to be used, held, or kept in violation of this
             77      title or commission rules.
             78          (3) If the property is seized pursuant to a search or administrative warrant, the peace
             79      officer or other person authorized by law shall [make a proper receipt, return, and inventory
             80      and ensure the safekeeping of the property as required by Sections 77-23-206 through
             81      77-23-208 . If the magistrate who issued the warrant is a justice court judge, upon the filing of
             82      the return the jurisdiction of the justice court shall cease and the magistrate shall certify the
             83      record and all files without delay to the district court of the county in which the property was
             84      located. From the time of this filing, the district court has jurisdiction of the case] comply with
             85      the requirements of the Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure.
             86          (4) In the event of seizure of property without process, the peace officer or other person
             87      authorized by law shall make a return of his acts without delay directly to the district court of
             88      the county in which the property was located, and the district court shall have jurisdiction of
             89      the case. The return shall describe all property seized, the place where it was seized, and any

             90      persons in apparent possession of the property. The officer or other person shall also promptly
             91      deliver a written inventory of anything seized to any person in apparent authority at the
             92      premises where the seizure was made, or post it in a conspicuous place at the premises. The
             93      inventory shall state the place where the property is being held.
             94          (5) Property taken or detained under this section is not repleviable but is considered in
             95      custody of the law enforcement agency making the seizure subject only to the orders of the
             96      court or the official having jurisdiction. When property is seized under this title, the
             97      appropriate person or agency may:
             98          (a) place the property under seal;
             99          (b) remove the property to a place designated by it or the warrant under which it was
             100      seized; or
             101          (c) take custody of the property and remove it to an appropriate location for disposition
             102      in accordance with law.
             103          (6) When any property is subject to forfeiture under this section, proceedings shall be
             104      instituted in accordance with the procedures and substantive protections of Title 24, Chapter 1,
             105      Utah Uniform Forfeiture Procedures Act.
             106          (7) When any property is ordered forfeited under Title 24, Chapter 1, Utah Uniform
             107      Forfeiture Procedures Act, by a finding of the court that no person is entitled to recover the
             108      property, the property, if an alcoholic product or a package used as a container for an alcoholic
             109      product, shall be disposed of as follows:
             110          (a) If the alcoholic product is unadulterated, pure, and free from crude, unrectified, or
             111      impure form of ethylic alcohol, or any other deleterious substance or liquid, and is otherwise in
             112      saleable condition, sold in accordance with Section [ 24-1-16 ] 24-1-17 .
             113          (b) If the alcoholic product is impure, adulterated, or otherwise unfit for sale, it and its
             114      package or container shall be destroyed by the department under competent supervision.
             115          Section 2. Section 34A-6-301 is amended to read:
             116           34A-6-301. Inspection and investigation of workplace, worker injury, illness, or
             117      complaint -- Warrants -- Attendance of witnesses -- Recordkeeping by employers --
             118      Employer and employee representatives -- Request for inspection -- Compilation and
             119      publication of reports and information -- Rules.
             120          (1) (a) The division or its representatives, upon presenting appropriate credentials to

             121      the owner, operator, or agent in charge, may:
             122          (i) enter without delay at reasonable times any workplace where work is performed by
             123      an employee of an employer;
             124          (ii) inspect and investigate during regular working hours and at other reasonable times
             125      in a reasonable manner, any workplace, worker injury, occupational disease, or complaint and
             126      all pertinent methods, operations, processes, conditions, structures, machines, apparatus,
             127      devices, equipment, and materials in the workplace; and
             128          (iii) question privately any such employer, owner, operator, agent, or employee.
             129          (b) The division, upon an employer's refusal to permit an inspection, may seek a
             130      warrant [under Section 77-23-211 ] pursuant to the Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure.
             131          (2) (a) The division or its representatives may require the attendance and testimony of
             132      witnesses and the production of evidence under oath.
             133          (b) Witnesses shall receive fees and mileage in accordance with Section 78-46-28 .
             134          (c) (i) If any person fails or refuses to obey an order of the division to appear, any
             135      district court within the jurisdiction of which such person is found, or resides or transacts
             136      business, upon the application by the division, shall have jurisdiction to issue to any person an
             137      order requiring that person to:
             138          (A) appear to produce evidence if, as, and when so ordered; and
             139          (B) give testimony relating to the matter under investigation or in question.
             140          (ii) Any failure to obey an order of the court described in this Subsection (2)(c) may be
             141      punished by the court as a contempt.
             142          (3) (a) The commission shall make rules in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a,
             143      Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, requiring employers:
             144          (i) to keep records regarding activities related to this chapter considered necessary for
             145      enforcement or for the development of information about the causes and prevention of
             146      occupational accidents and diseases; and
             147          (ii) through posting of notices or other means, to inform employees of their rights and
             148      obligations under this chapter including applicable standards.
             149          (b) The commission shall make rules in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             150      Administrative Rulemaking Act, requiring employers to keep records regarding any
             151      work-related death and injury and any occupational disease as provided in this Subsection

             152      (3)(b).
             153          (i) Each employer shall investigate or cause to be investigated all work-related injuries
             154      and occupational diseases and any sudden or unusual occurrence or change of conditions that
             155      pose an unsafe or unhealthful exposure to employees.
             156          (ii) Each employer shall, within eight hours of occurrence, notify the division of any:
             157          (A) work-related fatality;
             158          (B) disabling, serious, or significant injury; or
             159          (C) occupational disease incident.
             160          (iii) (A) Each employer shall file a report with the Division of Industrial Accidents
             161      within seven days after the occurrence of an injury or occupational disease, after the employer's
             162      first knowledge of the occurrence, or after the employee's notification of the same, in the form
             163      prescribed by the Division of Industrial Accidents, of any work-related fatality or any
             164      work-related injury or occupational disease resulting in:
             165          (I) medical treatment;
             166          (II) loss of consciousness;
             167          (III) loss of work;
             168          (IV) restriction of work; or
             169          (V) transfer to another job.
             170          (B) (I) Each employer shall file a subsequent report with the Division of Industrial
             171      Accidents of any previously reported injury or occupational disease that later resulted in death.
             172          (II) The subsequent report shall be filed with the Division of Industrial Accidents
             173      within seven days following the death or the employer's first knowledge or notification of the
             174      death.
             175          (iv) A report is not required for minor injuries, such as cuts or scratches that require
             176      first-aid treatment only, unless a treating physician files, or is required to file, the Physician's
             177      Initial Report of Work Injury or Occupational Disease with the Division of Industrial
             178      Accidents.
             179          (v) A report is not required:
             180          (A) for occupational diseases that manifest after the employee is no longer employed
             181      by the employer with which the exposure occurred; or
             182          (B) where the employer is not aware of an exposure occasioned by the employment

             183      which results in a compensable occupational disease as defined by Section 34A-3-103 .
             184          (vi) Each employer shall provide the employee with:
             185          (A) a copy of the report submitted to the Division of Industrial Accidents; and
             186          (B) a statement, as prepared by the Division of Industrial Accidents, of the employee's
             187      rights and responsibilities related to the industrial injury or occupational disease.
             188          (vii) Each employer shall maintain a record in a manner prescribed by the commission
             189      of all work-related fatalities or work-related injuries and of all occupational diseases resulting
             190      in:
             191          (A) medical treatment;
             192          (B) loss of consciousness;
             193          (C) loss of work;
             194          (D) restriction of work; or
             195          (E) transfer to another job.
             196          (viii) The commission shall make rules in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             197      Administrative Rulemaking Act, to implement this Subsection (3)(b) consistent with nationally
             198      recognized rules or standards on the reporting and recording of work-related injuries and
             199      occupational diseases.
             200          (c) (i) The commission shall make rules in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             201      Administrative Rulemaking Act, requiring employers to keep records regarding exposures to
             202      potentially toxic materials or harmful physical agents required to be measured or monitored
             203      under Section 34A-6-202 .
             204          (ii) (A) The rules made under Subsection (3)(c)(i) shall provide for employees or their
             205      representatives:
             206          (I) to observe the measuring or monitoring; and
             207          (II) to have access to the records of the measuring or monitoring, and to records that
             208      indicate their exposure to toxic materials or harmful agents.
             209          (B) Each employer shall promptly notify employees being exposed to toxic materials or
             210      harmful agents in concentrations that exceed prescribed levels and inform any such employee
             211      of the corrective action being taken.
             212          (4) Information obtained by the division shall be obtained with a minimum burden
             213      upon employers, especially those operating small businesses.

             214          (5) A representative of the employer and a representative authorized by employees
             215      shall be given an opportunity to accompany the division's authorized representative during the
             216      physical inspection of any workplace. If there is no authorized employee representative, the
             217      division's authorized representative shall consult with a reasonable number of employees
             218      concerning matters of health and safety in the workplace.
             219          (6) (a) (i) (A) Any employee or representative of employees who believes that a
             220      violation of an adopted safety or health standard exists that threatens physical harm, or that an
             221      imminent danger exists, may request an inspection by giving notice to the division's authorized
             222      representative of the violation or danger. The notice shall be:
             223          (I) in writing, setting forth with reasonable particularity the grounds for notice; and
             224          (II) signed by the employee or representative of employees.
             225          (B) A copy of the notice shall be provided the employer or the employer's agent no
             226      later than at the time of inspection.
             227          (C) Upon request of the person giving notice, the person's name and the names of
             228      individual employees referred to in the notice shall not appear in the copy or on any record
             229      published, released, or made available pursuant to Subsection (7).
             230          (ii) (A) If upon receipt of the notice the division's authorized representative determines
             231      there are reasonable grounds to believe that a violation or danger exists, the authorized
             232      representative shall make a special inspection in accordance with this section as soon as
             233      practicable to determine if a violation or danger exists.
             234          (B) If the division's authorized representative determines there are no reasonable
             235      grounds to believe that a violation or danger exists, the authorized representative shall notify
             236      the employee or representative of the employees in writing of that determination.
             237          (b) (i) Prior to or during any inspection of a workplace, any employee or representative
             238      of employees employed in the workplace may notify the division or its representative of any
             239      violation of a standard that they have reason to believe exists in the workplace.
             240          (ii) The division shall:
             241          (A) by rule, establish procedures for informal review of any refusal by a representative
             242      of the division to issue a citation with respect to any alleged violation; and
             243          (B) furnish the employees or representative of employees requesting review a written
             244      statement of the reasons for the division's final disposition of the case.

             245          (7) (a) The division may compile, analyze, and publish, either in summary or detailed
             246      form, all reports or information obtained under this section, subject to the limitations set forth
             247      in Section 34A-6-306 .
             248          (b) The commission shall make rules in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             249      Administrative Rulemaking Act, necessary to carry out its responsibilities under this chapter,
             250      including rules for information obtained under this section, subject to the limitations set forth
             251      in Section 34A-6-306 .
             252          (8) Any employer who refuses or neglects to make reports, to maintain records, or to
             253      file reports with the commission as required by this section is guilty of a class C misdemeanor
             254      and subject to citation under Section 34A-6-302 and a civil assessment as provided under
             255      Section 34A-6-307 , unless the commission finds that the employer has shown good cause for
             256      submitting a report later than required by this section.
             257          Section 3. Section 58-37-10 is amended to read:
             258           58-37-10. Search warrants -- Administrative inspection warrants -- Inspections
             259      and seizures of property without warrant.
             260          (1) Search warrants relating to offenses involving controlled substances may be
             261      authorized [in the same manner as provided in Title 77, Chapter 23] pursuant to the Utah Rules
             262      of Criminal Procedure.
             263          (2) Issuance and execution of administrative inspection warrants shall be as follows:
             264          (a) Any judge or magistrate of this state within his jurisdiction upon proper oath or
             265      affirmation showing probable cause, may issue warrants for the purpose of conducting
             266      administrative inspections authorized by this act or regulations thereunder and seizures of
             267      property appropriate to such inspections. Probable cause for purposes of this act exists upon
             268      showing a valid public interest in the effective enforcement of the act or rules promulgated
             269      thereunder sufficient to justify administrative inspection of the area, premises, building, or
             270      conveyance in the circumstances specified in the application for the warrant.
             271          (b) A warrant shall issue only upon an affidavit of an officer or employee duly
             272      designated and having knowledge of the facts alleged sworn to before a judge or magistrate
             273      which establish the grounds for issuing the warrant. If the judge or magistrate is satisfied that
             274      grounds for the application exist or that there is probable cause to believe they exist, he shall
             275      issue a warrant identifying the area, premises, building, or conveyance to be inspected, the

             276      purpose of the inspection, and if appropriate, the type of property to be inspected, if any. The
             277      warrant shall:
             278          (i) state the grounds for its issuance and the name of each person whose affidavit has
             279      been taken to support it;
             280          (ii) be directed to a person authorized by Section 58-37-9 of this act to execute it;
             281          (iii) command the person to whom it is directed to inspect the area, premises, building,
             282      or conveyance identified for the purpose specified and if appropriate, direct the seizure of the
             283      property specified;
             284          (iv) identify the item or types of property to be seized, if any; and
             285          (v) direct that it be served during normal business hours and designate the judge or
             286      magistrate to whom it shall be returned.
             287          (c) A warrant issued pursuant to this section must be executed and returned within ten
             288      days after its date unless, upon a showing of a need for additional time, the court instructs
             289      otherwise in the warrant. If property is seized pursuant to a warrant, the person executing the
             290      warrant shall give to the person from whom or from whose premises the property was taken a
             291      copy of the warrant and a receipt for the property taken or leave the copy and receipt at the
             292      place where the property was taken. Return of the warrant shall be made promptly and be
             293      accompanied by a written inventory of any property taken. The inventory shall be made in the
             294      presence of the person executing the warrant and of the person from whose possession or
             295      premises the property was taken, if they are present, or in the presence of at least one credible
             296      person other than the person executing the warrant. A copy of the inventory shall be delivered
             297      to the person from whom or from whose premises the property was taken and to the applicant
             298      for the warrant.
             299          (d) The judge or magistrate who issued the warrant under this section shall attach a
             300      copy of the return and all other papers to the warrant and file them with the court.
             301          (3) The department is authorized to make administrative inspections of controlled
             302      premises in accordance with the following provisions:
             303          (a) For purposes of this section only, "controlled premises" means:
             304          (i) Places where persons licensed or exempted from licensing requirements under this
             305      act are required to keep records.
             306          (ii) Places including factories, warehouses, establishments, and conveyances where

             307      persons licensed or exempted from licensing requirements are permitted to possess,
             308      manufacture, compound, process, sell, deliver, or otherwise dispose of any controlled
             309      substance.
             310          (b) When authorized by an administrative inspection warrant a law enforcement officer
             311      or employee designated in Section 58-37-9 , upon presenting the warrant and appropriate
             312      credentials to the owner, operator, or agent in charge, has the right to enter controlled premises
             313      for the purpose of conducting an administrative inspection.
             314          (c) When authorized by an administrative inspection warrant, a law enforcement
             315      officer or employee designated in Section 58-37-9 has the right:
             316          (i) To inspect and copy records required by this [act] chapter.
             317          (ii) To inspect within reasonable limits and a reasonable manner, the controlled
             318      premises and all pertinent equipment, finished and unfinished material, containers, and labeling
             319      found, and except as provided in Subsection (3)(e), all other things including records, files,
             320      papers, processes, controls, and facilities subject to regulation and control by this [act] chapter
             321      or by rules promulgated by the department.
             322          (iii) To inventory and stock of any controlled substance and obtain samples of any
             323      substance.
             324          (d) This section shall not be construed to prevent the inspection of books and records
             325      without a warrant pursuant to an administrative subpoena issued by a court or the department
             326      nor shall it be construed to prevent entries and administrative inspections including seizures of
             327      property without a warrant:
             328          (i) with the consent of the owner, operator, or agent in charge of the controlled
             329      premises;
             330          (ii) in situations presenting imminent danger to health or safety;
             331          (iii) in situations involving inspection of conveyances where there is reasonable cause
             332      to believe that the mobility of the conveyance makes it impracticable to obtain a warrant;
             333          (iv) in any other exceptional or emergency circumstance where time or opportunity to
             334      apply for a warrant is lacking; and
             335          (v) in all other situations where a warrant is not constitutionally required.
             336          (e) No inspection authorized by this section shall extend to financial data, sales data,
             337      other than shipment data, or pricing data unless the owner, operator, or agent in charge of the

             338      controlled premises consents in writing.
             339          Section 4. Section 77-23-205 is amended to read:
             340           77-23-205. Officer may request assistance.
             341          [(1) The magistrate shall insert a direction in the warrant that it be served in the
             342      daytime, unless the affidavits or oral testimony state a reasonable cause to believe a search is
             343      necessary in the night to seize the property prior to it being concealed, destroyed, damaged,
             344      altered, or for other good reason; in which case he may insert a direction that it be served any
             345      time of the day or night.] An officer who is serving a search warrant may request other persons
             346      to assist [him] in conducting the search.
             347          [(2) The search warrant shall be served within ten days from the date of issuance. Any
             348      search warrant not executed within this time shall be void and shall be returned to the court or
             349      magistrate as not executed.]
             350          Section 5. Section 77-23-210 is amended to read:
             351           77-23-210. Force used in executing warrant -- When notice of authority is
             352      required as a prerequisite.
             353          When a search warrant has been issued authorizing entry into any building, room,
             354      conveyance, compartment, or other enclosure, the officer executing the warrant may use such
             355      force as is reasonably necessary to enter:
             356          (1) if, after notice of [his] the officer's authority and purpose, there is no response or
             357      [he] the officer is not admitted with reasonable promptness; or
             358          (2) without notice of [his] the officer's authority and purpose, if the magistrate issuing
             359      the warrant directs in the warrant that the officer need not give notice. [The magistrate shall so
             360      direct only upon proof, under oath, that the object of the search may be quickly destroyed,
             361      disposed of, or secreted, or that physical harm may result to any person if notice were given.]
             362          Section 6. Section 77-23a-15.5 is amended to read:
             363           77-23a-15.5. Mobile tracking device authorization.
             364          (1) As used in this section, "mobile tracking device" means an electronic or mechanical
             365      device emitting only an electronic locator signal which permits the tracking of the movement of
             366      a person or an object.
             367          (2) An investigative or law enforcement officer may make application to a district
             368      judge for an order authorizing or approving the installation and use of a mobile tracking device.

             369      The application must be in writing and signed by the investigative or law enforcement officer
             370      and sworn to or affirmed by that officer before the district judge.
             371          (3) An application under Subsection (2) must include:
             372          (a) a statement of the identity of the applicant and the identity of the law enforcement
             373      agency conducting the investigation;
             374          (b) a certification by the applicant that the information likely to be obtained is relevant
             375      to an ongoing criminal investigation being conducted by the investigating agency;
             376          (c) a statement of the offense to which the information likely to be obtained relates;
             377          (d) a statement whether it may be necessary to use and monitor the mobile tracking
             378      device outside the jurisdiction of the court from which authorization is being sought; and
             379          (e) a statement identifying the vehicle, container, or item to which, in which, or on
             380      which the mobile tracking device is to be attached or placed and, if known to the applicant, a
             381      statement identifying the owner or possessor of that vehicle, container, or item.
             382          (4) Upon application made as provided under Subsection [(3)] (2), the court, if it finds
             383      that the certification and statement required by Subsection (3) have been made in the
             384      application, may enter an ex parte order authorizing the installation and use of a mobile
             385      tracking device. The order may authorize the use of the device within the jurisdiction of the
             386      court and outside that jurisdiction but within the state if the device is installed within the
             387      jurisdiction of the court.
             388          (5) The district judge who issued the order shall be notified by the applicant, in writing,
             389      within ten days after the mobile tracking device has been activated in place on or within the
             390      vehicle, container, or item. If no notice is received within ten days after issuance of the order,
             391      the order shall be returned to the district judge to be recalled.
             392          (6) For the purpose of placing a mobile tracking device, entry upon private property,
             393      the passenger compartment of a vehicle, or any other area subject to a reasonable expectation
             394      of privacy is prohibited unless the applicant first obtains consent or authority for such an entry
             395      pursuant to [the provisions of Title 77, Chapter 23, Search and Administrative Warrants] Utah
             396      Rules of Criminal Procedure.
             397          (7) The order authorizing use of a mobile tracking device shall expire 60 days after the
             398      date the mobile tracking device was activated in place. For good cause shown, the district
             399      judge may grant an extension for an additional 60-day period.

             400          (8) This part does not prohibit any person, whether or not the person is an investigative
             401      or law enforcement officer as defined in Subsection 77-23a-3 (11), from installing and using a
             402      mobile tracking device upon or with property belonging to and under the lawful dominion and
             403      control of that person.
             404          Section 7. Repealer.
             405          This bill repeals:
             406          Section 77-23-201, Definitions.
             407          Section 77-23-202, Grounds for issuance.
             408          Section 77-23-203, Conditions precedent to issuance.
             409          Section 77-23-204, Remotely communicated search warrants served in written
             410      form.
             411          Section 77-23-206, Receipt for property taken.
             412          Section 77-23-207, Return -- Inventory of property taken.
             413          Section 77-23-208, Safekeeping of property.
             414          Section 77-23-209, Return of recorded testimony and warrant to district court.
             415          Section 77-23-211, Violation of health, safety, building, or animal cruelty laws or
             416      ordinances -- Warrants to obtain evidence.
             417          Section 77-23-212, Evidence seized pursuant to warrant not excluded unless
             418      unlawful search or seizure substantial -- "Substantial" defined.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-12-07 6:45 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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