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H.B. 317






Chief Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper

Senate Sponsor: Carlene M. Walker

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill amends the Legislative Code to outline those areas of Capitol hill that are
             11      defined as legislative space.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    amends the Legislative Code to outline those areas of Capitol hill that are defined as
             15      legislative space;
             16          .    amends certain definitions;
             17          .    defines legislative space in the State Capitol, Senate Building, and House Building;
             18          .    provides exceptions as to Legislative Management Committee's jurisdiction over the
             19      legislative area; and
             20          .    makes technical changes.
             21      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          This bill provides an effective date.
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26      AMENDS:
             27          36-5-1, as last amended by Chapter 280, Laws of Utah 2005

             28          36-12-18, as last amended by Chapter 158, Laws of Utah 1977
             30      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             31          Section 1. Section 36-5-1 is amended to read:
             32           36-5-1. Reservation of area for Legislature -- Duties of Legislative Management
             33      Committee.
             34          (1) As used in this section:
             35          (a) "Architectural integrity" means the architectural elements, materials, color, and
             36      quality of the original building construction.
             37          (b) "Capitol hill" means the grounds, monuments, parking areas, buildings, and other
             38      man-made and natural objects within the area bounded by 300 North Street, Columbus Street,
             39      500 North Street, and East Capitol Boulevard, and includes:
             40          (i) the White Community Memorial Chapel and its grounds and parking areas, and the
             41      Council Hall Travel Information Center building and its grounds and parking areas;
             42          (ii) the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers building and its grounds and parking areas and
             43      other state-owned property included within the area bounded by Columbus Street, North Main
             44      Street, and Apricot Avenue;
             45          (iii) the state-owned property included within the area bounded by Columbus Street,
             46      Wall Street, and 400 North Street; and
             47          (iv) the state-owned property included within the area bounded by Columbus Street,
             48      West Capitol Street, and 500 North Street.
             49          (c) "House Building" means the west building on capitol hill that is located northwest
             50      of the State Capitol and southwest of the State Office Building.
             51          (d) "Legislative area" means the buildings, chambers, rooms, hallways, lounges,
             52      parking lots, and parking garages designated by this section as being subject to legislative
             53      control.
             54          (e) "Senate Building" means the east building on capitol hill that is located northeast of
             55      the State Capitol and southeast of the State Office Building.
             56          (f) "State Capitol" means the building dedicated as the Utah State Capitol in 1916.
             57          (g) "State Capitol Preservation Board" or "board" is as created in Section 63C-9-201 .
             58          (2) The legislative area on capitol hill includes:

             59          (a) in the State Capitol:
             60          [(i) the chambers, lounges, committee rooms, and galleries of both the Senate and the
             61      House;]
             62          [(ii) the offices adjacent to the Senate gallery on all sides;]
             63          [(iii) all rooms and office space between the Senate and House galleries; and]
             64          [(iv) all adjacent hallways, utility space, and facilities;]
             65          (i) on the fourth floor: the entire floor and the stairs and elevators on the east and west
             66      side, except the four art galleries and the four closets on the interior of the State Capitol which
             67      are immediately around the art galleries are under the supervision of the board;
             68          (ii) on the third floor: the entire floor, including the stairs and elevator on the east and
             69      west side of the third floor, except:
             70          (A) the Supreme Court chambers which is to be controlled and scheduled by the
             71      Legislature during any general or special session of the Legislature and on interim days and
             72      controlled and scheduled by the State Capitol Preservation Board on all other days;
             73          (B) one office on the southeast side by the Senate Rules Room which is to be
             74      controlled by the Supreme Court; and
             75          (C) the Senate Rules Room, which Senate Rules Room is to be controlled by the
             76      Legislature during any general or special session of the Legislature and on interim days, and
             77      shared with the Supreme Court as scheduled through the Legislature on all other days;
             78          (iii) on the second floor: a committee room on the northeast side which is to be
             79      controlled and scheduled by the Legislature during any general or special session of the
             80      Legislature and on interim days and controlled and scheduled by the State Capitol Preservation
             81      Board on all other days;
             82          (iv) on the first floor: no legislative space; and
             83          (v) on the basement level:
             84          (A) the Office of Legislative Printing; and
             85          (B) the two control rooms which are to be controlled and scheduled by the Legislature
             86      during any general or special session of the Legislature and on interim committee days, which
             87      control rooms shall be shared with the governor as controlled and scheduled through the State
             88      Capitol Preservation Board on all other days;
             89          (b) the entire House Building; [and]

             90          (c) in the Senate Building:
             91          (i) on the third floor: no legislative space;
             92          (ii) on the second floor: the entire floor, including the secured elevator, are legislative
             93      space;
             94          (iii) on the first floor: the secured corridor to the secured elevator is legislative and
             95      executive space controlled by the State Capitol Preservation Board; and
             96          (iv) on the basement level: the secured elevator is legislative space; and
             97          [(c)] (d) (i) the parking stalls in the underground parking facility located directly east of
             98      the House Building and below the central plaza[.];
             99          (ii) 52 of the parking stalls in the above ground parking lot known as Lot G located
             100      north of the House Building and west of the State Office Building;
             101          (iii) 26 of the parking stalls in the underground parking located directly under the
             102      Senate Building; and
             103          (iv) 47 of the parking stalls in the underground parking facility directly east of the
             104      Senate Building.
             105          (3) (a) The legislative area is reserved for the use and occupancy of the Legislature and
             106      its committees and for legislative functions.
             107          (b) The Legislative Management Committee shall delegate oversight of designated
             108      portions of the legislative parking areas to the State Capitol Preservation Board for use by the
             109      executive branch on nonlegislative days.
             110          (4) The Legislative Management Committee shall exercise complete jurisdiction over
             111      the legislative area, except for the following, which are the responsibility of the State Capitol
             112      Preservation Board:
             113          (a) the architectural integrity of the legislative area[;], including:
             114          (i) restored historic architectural or design features;
             115          (ii) historic color schemes, decorative finishes, and stenciling;
             116          (iii) decorative light fixtures; and
             117          (iv) flooring;
             118          (b) control of the central mechanical and electrical core of the House Building, Senate
             119      Building, and State Capitol Building on all floors;
             120          (c) control of the enclosure of the House Building, Senate Building, and State Capitol

             121      Building from the exterior of the building to the interior of the exterior wall;
             122          (d) the roof of the House Building, Senate Building, and State Capitol Building;
             123          (e) the utility and security [tunnel] tunnels between the underground parking structure
             124      and the House Building[; and], Senate Building, and State Capitol Building;
             125          (f) rest rooms of the House Building, Senate Building, and State Capitol Building;
             126          (g) maintenance of all the elevators and stairways in the House Building, Senate
             127      Building, and State Capitol Building; and
             128          [(f)] (h) those functions [it] the Legislative Management Committee delegates in
             129      writing to be performed by the State Capitol Preservation Board.
             130          (5) The communications and data centers in the House Building, Senate Building, and
             131      State Capitol Building which are associated with the House, Senate, or legislative staff space
             132      are the shared responsibility of the State Capitol Preservation Board and the Legislature.
             133          Section 2. Section 36-12-18 is amended to read:
             134           36-12-18. Offices for Legislative Management Committee and professional
             135      legislative staff -- Hours -- Library facilities available -- Documents, reports, and
             136      information available.
             137          The Legislative Management Committee and the professional legislative staff shall be
             138      provided with adequate quarters in the State Capitol Complex convenient to the members of
             139      the Legislature and other persons having official business with them. The offices shall be open
             140      during the time provided by law for other state offices, and when the Legislature is in session,
             141      at such hours as are convenient to the legislators. The facilities of the state library and other
             142      libraries maintained by the state shall be available for use by all legislative committees and
             143      subcommittees and the professional legislative staff. Each department, division, commission,
             144      agency, or other instrumentality of state government shall furnish to all the legislative
             145      committees and subcommittees and the professional legislative staff upon request any
             146      document, reports, or information available within the department.
             147          Section 3. Effective date.
             148          (1) Subsections 36-5-1 (1), (2)(a), (b), and (d), and (3) through (5) take effect on
             149      December 1, 2007.
             150          (2) Subsection 36-5-1(2)(c) takes effect August 1, 2008.
             151          (3) Section 36-12-18 takes effect on April 30, 2007.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-19-07 12:20 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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