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First Substitute H.B. 348

Representative Melvin R. Brown proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Melvin R. Brown

Senate Sponsor: Michael G. Waddoups

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies county government provisions.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    prohibits the election of county officers on a nonpartisan basis;
             13          .    authorizes voters to petition for and then vote on a repeal of a previously adopted
             14      optional plan to return the county's form of government to the form the county
             15      operated under before the optional plan was adopted; and
             16          .    makes technical changes.
             17      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             18          None
             19      Other Special Clauses:
             20          None
             21      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             22      AMENDS:
             23          17-52-203, as last amended by Chapter 241, Laws of Utah 2001
             24          17-53-101, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 133, Laws of Utah 2000
             25      ENACTS:

             26          17-52-405, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             28      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             29          Section 1. Section 17-52-203 is amended to read:
             30           17-52-203. Registered voter initiation of adoption of optional plan -- Procedure.
             31          (1) Registered voters of a county may initiate the process of adopting an optional plan
             32      by filing a petition for the establishment of a study committee as provided in Section
             33      17-52-301 .
             34          (2) Each petition under Subsection (1) shall:
             35          (a) be signed by registered voters residing in the county equal in number to at least
             36      10% of the total number of votes cast in the county at the most recent election for governor;
             37          (b) designate up to five of the petition signers as sponsors, one of whom shall be
             38      designated as the contact sponsor, with the mailing address and telephone number of each; and
             39          (c) be filed in the office of the clerk of the county in which the petition signers reside.
             40          (3) (a) Within 30 days of the filing of a petition under Subsection (1) or an amended or
             41      supplemental petition under Subsection [(2)] (3)(b), the county clerk shall:
             42          (i) determine whether the petition or amended or supplemental petition has been signed
             43      by the required number of registered voters; and
             44          (ii) (A) if so:
             45          (I) certify the petition or amended or supplemental petition and deliver it to the county
             46      legislative body; and
             47          (II) notify in writing the contact sponsor of the certification; or
             48          (B) if not, reject the petition or the amended or supplemental petition and notify in
             49      writing the county legislative body and the contact sponsor of the rejection and the reasons for
             50      the rejection.
             51          (b) If a county clerk rejects a petition or an amended or supplemental petition under
             52      Subsection (3)(a)(ii)(B), the petition may be amended or supplemented or an amended or
             53      supplemental petition may be further amended or supplemented with additional signatures and
             54      refiled within 20 days of the date of rejection.
             55          (4) With the unanimous approval of petition sponsors, a petition filed under Subsection
             56      (1) may be withdrawn at any time within 90 days after petition certification but no later than 45

             57      days before an election under Section 17-52-206 if:
             58          (a) the petition notified signers in conspicuous language that the petition sponsors are
             59      authorized to withdraw the petition; and
             60          (b) there are at least three sponsors of the petition.
             61          Section 2. Section 17-52-405 is enacted to read:
             62          17-52-405. Repeal of optional plan.
             63          (1) An optional plan adopted under this chapter may be repealed as provided in this
             64      section.
             65          (2) Registered voters of a county that has adopted an optional plan may initiate the
             66      process of repealing an optional plan by filing a petition for the repeal of the optional plan.
             67          (3) A petition to repeal an optional plan may not be filed within two years after the
             68      election of county officers under Section 17-52-207 .
             69          (4) (a) Each petition under Subsection (2) shall:
             70          (i) be signed by registered voters residing in the county equal in number to at least 10%
             71      of the total number of votes cast in the county at the most recent election for governor;
             72          (ii) designate up to five of the petition signers as sponsors, one of whom shall be
             73      designated as the contact sponsor, with the mailing address and telephone number of each; and
             74          (iii) be filed in the office of the clerk of the county in which the petition signers reside.
             75          (b) (i) Within 30 days after the filing of a petition under Subsection (2) or an amended
             76      or supplemental petition under Subsection (4)(b)(ii), the county clerk shall:
             77          (A) determine whether the petition or amended or supplemental petition has been
             78      signed by the required number of registered voters; and
             79          (B) (I) if so:
             80          (Aa) certify the petition or amended or supplemental petition and deliver it to the
             81      county legislative body; and
             82          (Bb) notify in writing the contact sponsor of the certification; or
             83          (II) if not, reject the petition or the amended or supplemental petition and notify in
             84      writing the county legislative body and the contact sponsor of the rejection and the reasons for
             85      the rejection.
             86          (ii) If a county clerk rejects a petition or an amended or supplemental petition under
             87      Subsection (3)(b)(i)(B)(II), the petition may be amended or supplemented or an amended or

             88      supplemental petition may be further amended or supplemented with additional signatures and
             89      refiled within 20 days of the date of rejection.
             90          (5) (a) If a petition under Subsection (2) is certified, the county legislative body shall:
             91          (i) consider the petition; and
             92          (ii) within 60 days after petition certification, adopt a resolution:
             93          (A) rejecting the petition and deciding not hold an election on the proposal to repeal
             94      the optional plan; or
             95          (B) granting the petition and deciding to hold an election on the proposal to repeal the
             96      optional plan.
             97          (b) If the county legislative body decides to hold an election on the proposal, the
             98      county legislative body shall hold the election at the next regular general election date that is at
             99      least two months after the legislative body's decision.
             100          (6) (a) If a county legislative body adopts a resolution under Subsection (5)(a)(ii)(A)
             101      deciding not to hold an election on the proposal to repeal the optional plan, registered voters in
             102      the county may file another petition or a supplemental petition requesting the county legislative
             103      body to hold an election to allow voters to vote on the proposed repeal.
             104          (b) (i) Subsection (4) applies to the other or supplemental petition, except that the
             105      petition may not be certified unless it is signed by registered voters residing in the county equal
             106      in number to at least 15% of the total number of votes cast in the county at the most recent
             107      election for governor.
             108          (ii) Signatures on a supplemental petition under Subsection (2) may be used toward the
             109      signature requirement of Subsection (6)(b).
             110          (c) If a petition under Subsection (6)(a) is certified, the county legislative body shall
             111      hold an election at the next regular general election date that is at least two months after
             112      petition certification.
             113          (7) If, at an election held under Subsection (5)(b) or (6)(c), a majority of voters voting
             114      on the proposal to repeal the optional plan vote in favor of repealing:
             115          (a) the optional plan is repealed, effective January 1 of the year following the election
             116      of county officers under Subsection (7)(c);
             117          (b) upon the effective date of the repeal under Subsection (7)(a), the form of
             118      government under which the county operates reverts to the form it had before the optional plan

             119      was adopted; and
             120          (c) the county officers under the form of government to which the county reverts, who
             121      are different than the county officers under the repealed optional plan, shall be elected at the
             122      next regular general election following the election under Subsection (5)(b) or (6)(c).
             123          Section 3. Section 17-53-101 is amended to read:
             124           17-53-101. County officers enumerated.
             125          (1) The elected officers of a county are:
             126          (a) (i) in a county operating under a county commission or expanded county
             127      commission form of government, county commission members; or
             128          (ii) in a county operating under one of the other forms of county government under
             129      Subsection 17-52-402 (1)(a), county legislative body members and the county executive;
             130          (b) a county treasurer, a sheriff, a county clerk, a county auditor, a county recorder, a
             131      county attorney, a district attorney in a county which is part of a prosecution district, a county
             132      surveyor, and a county assessor; and
             133          (c) any others provided by law.
             134          (2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), in counties having a taxable value of less than
             135      $100,000,000 the county clerk shall be ex officio auditor of the county and shall perform the
             136      duties of the office without extra compensation.
             137          (3) Elected county officers may not be elected in a nonpartisan election.

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