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H.B. 356





Chief Sponsor: David Litvack

Senate Sponsor: Lyle W. Hillyard

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the Public Safety Code regarding procedures and funding for
             10      convicted persons' requests for DNA testing.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    provides that when a convicted person requests a DNA analysis in order to prove
             14      innocence, the test:
             15              .    must be made using a scientifically accepted procedure; and
             16              .    will be paid for from monies appropriated to the DNA Specimen Restricted
             17      Account for use of the Department of Corrections, if:
             18                  .    the court has ordered the DNA test upon petition from the defendant;
             19                  .    the state crime laboratory does not have the resources to conduct the
             20      ordered DNA test; and
             21                  .    the defendant is incarcerated and indigent.
             22      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             23          None
             24      Other Special Clauses:
             25          None
             26      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             27      AMENDS:

             28          53-10-407, as last amended by Chapter 171, Laws of Utah 2003
             29          78-35a-301, as enacted by Chapter 261, Laws of Utah 2001
             31      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             32          Section 1. Section 53-10-407 is amended to read:
             33           53-10-407. DNA Specimen Restricted Account.
             34          (1) There is created the DNA Specimen Restricted Account, which is referred to in this
             35      section as "the account."
             36          (2) The sources of monies for the account are:
             37          (a) DNA collection fees paid under Section 53-10-404 ;
             38          (b) any appropriations made to the account by the Legislature; and
             39          (c) all federal monies provided to the state for the purpose of funding the collection or
             40      analysis of DNA specimens collected under Section 53-10-403 .
             41          (3) The account shall earn interest, and this interest shall be deposited in the account.
             42          (4) The Legislature may appropriate monies from the account solely for the following
             43      purposes:
             44          (a) to the Department of Corrections for the costs of:
             45          (i) collecting DNA specimens as required under Section 53-10-403 ; and
             46          (ii) DNA testing which cannot be performed by the Utah State Crime Lab, as provided
             47      in Subsection 78-35a-301 (8);
             48          (b) to the juvenile court for the costs of collecting DNA specimens as required under
             49      Sections 53-10-403 and 78-3a-118 ;
             50          (c) to the Division of Juvenile Justice Services for the costs of collecting DNA
             51      specimens as required under Sections 53-10-403 and 62A-7-104 ; and
             52          (d) to the Department of Public Safety for the costs of storing and analyzing DNA
             53      specimens in accordance with the requirements of this part.
             54          (5) Appropriations from the account to the Department of Corrections, the juvenile
             55      court, the Division of Juvenile Justice Services, and to the Department of Public Safety are
             56      nonlapsing.
             57          Section 2. Section 78-35a-301 is amended to read:
             58           78-35a-301. Postconviction testing of DNA -- Petition -- Sufficient allegations --

             59      Notification of victim.
             60          (1) As used in this part, "DNA" means deoxyribonucleic acid.
             61          (2) A person convicted of a felony offense may at any time file a petition for
             62      postconviction DNA testing in the trial court that entered the judgment of conviction against
             63      him if the person asserts his actual innocence under oath and the petition alleges:
             64          (a) evidence has been obtained regarding the person's case which is still in existence
             65      and is in a condition that allows DNA testing to be conducted;
             66          (b) the chain of custody is sufficient to establish that the evidence has not been altered
             67      in any material aspect;
             68          (c) the person identifies the specific evidence to be tested and states a theory of
             69      defense, not inconsistent with theories previously asserted at trial, that the requested DNA
             70      testing would support;
             71          (d) the evidence was not previously subjected to DNA testing, or if the evidence was
             72      tested previously, the evidence was not subjected to the testing that is now requested, and the
             73      new testing may resolve an issue not resolved by the prior testing;
             74          (e) the proposed DNA testing is generally accepted as valid in the scientific field or is
             75      otherwise admissible under Utah law;
             76          [(e)] (f) the evidence that is the subject of the request for testing has the potential to
             77      produce new, noncumulative evidence that will establish the person's actual innocence; and
             78          [(f)] (g) the person is aware of the consequences of filing the petition, including:
             79          (i) those specified in Sections 78-35a-302 and 78-35a-304 [,]; and
             80          (ii) that the person is waiving any statute of limitations in all jurisdictions as to any
             81      felony offense he has committed which is identified through DNA database comparison.
             82          (3) The petition under Subsection (2) shall be in compliance with Rule 65C, Utah
             83      Rules of Civil Procedure, including providing the underlying criminal case number.
             84          (4) The court may not order DNA testing in cases in which DNA testing was available
             85      at the time of trial and the person did not request DNA testing or present DNA evidence for
             86      tactical reasons.
             87          (5) After a petition is filed under this section, prosecutors, law enforcement officers,
             88      and crime laboratory personnel have a duty to cooperate in preserving evidence and in
             89      determining the sufficiency of the chain of custody of the evidence which may be subject to

             90      DNA testing.
             91          (6) (a) A person who files a petition under this section shall serve notice upon the
             92      office of the prosecutor who obtained the conviction, and upon the state attorney general. The
             93      attorney general shall, within 30 days after receipt of service of a copy of the petition, or within
             94      any additional period of time the court allows, answer or otherwise respond to all proceedings
             95      initiated under this part.
             96          (b) After the attorney general is given an opportunity to respond to a petition for
             97      postconviction DNA testing, the court shall order DNA testing if it finds by a preponderance of
             98      the evidence that all criteria of Subsection (2) have been met.
             99          (7) (a) If the court grants the petition for testing, the DNA test shall be performed by
             100      the Utah State Crime Laboratory within the Criminal Investigations and Technical Services
             101      Division created in Section 53-10-103 , unless the person establishes that the state crime
             102      laboratory has a conflict of interest or does not have the capability to perform the necessary
             103      testing.
             104          (b) If the court orders that the testing be conducted by any laboratory other than the
             105      state crime laboratory, the court shall require that the testing be performed:
             106          (i) under reasonable conditions designed to protect the state's interests in the integrity
             107      of the evidence[,]; and [that the testing be performed]
             108          (ii) according to accepted scientific standards and procedures.
             109          (8) (a) DNA testing under this section shall be paid for from funds appropriated to the
             110      Department of Corrections under Subsection 53-10-407 (4)(a) from the DNA Specimen
             111      Restricted Account created in Section 53-10-407 if:
             112          (i) the court ordered the DNA testing under this section;
             113          (ii) the Utah State Crime Laboratory within the Criminal Investigations and Technical
             114      Services Division has a conflict of interest or does not have the capability to perform the
             115      necessary testing; and
             116          (iii) the petitioner who has filed for postconviction DNA testing under Section
             117      78-35a-201 is serving a sentence of imprisonment and is indigent.
             118          (b) Under this Subsection (8), costs of DNA testing include those necessary to
             119      transport the evidence, prepare samples for analysis, analyze the evidence, and prepare reports
             120      of findings.

             121          [(8)] (9) If the person is serving a sentence of imprisonment and is indigent, the state
             122      shall pay for the costs of the testing under this part, but if the result is not favorable to the
             123      person the court may order the person to reimburse the state for the costs of the testing,
             124      pursuant to the provisions of Subsections 78-35a-302 (4) and 78-35a-304 (1)(b).
             125          [(9)] (10) Any victim of the crime regarding which the person petitions for DNA
             126      testing, who has elected to receive notice under Section 77-38-3 shall be notified by the state's
             127      attorney of any hearing regarding the petition and testing, even though the hearing is a civil
             128      proceeding.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-23-07 10:56 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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