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First Substitute H.B. 372

Representative Rebecca D. Lockhart proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Rebecca D. Lockhart

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies provisions related to local districts that provide transportation
             10      service.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    removes a restriction against a local district providing the same service as another
             14      political subdivision if the service the district provides is transportation; and
             15          .    prohibits transit district sales and use tax revenues already pledged to pay bonded
             16      indebtedness from being paid to or used by a later created public transit district.
             17      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             18          None
             19      Other Special Clauses:
             20          None
             21      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             22      AMENDS:
             23          17B-2-202, as last amended by Chapter 257, Laws of Utah 2003
             24          59-12-501, as last amended by Chapter 253, Laws of Utah 2006
             25          59-12-502, as last amended by Chapters 253 and 329, Laws of Utah 2006

             27      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             28          Section 1. Section 17B-2-202 is amended to read:
             29           17B-2-202. Local district may be created -- Services that may be provided --
             30      Limitations -- Name.
             31          (1) A local district may be created as provided in this part to provide within its
             32      boundaries service consisting of:
             33          (a) the operation of an airport;
             34          (b) the operation of a cemetery;
             35          (c) the operation of a system for the generation or distribution of electricity;
             36          (d) the operation of a system for the transmission of natural or manufactured gas that
             37      is:
             38          (i) connected to a gas plant, as defined in Section 54-2-1 , of a gas corporation, as
             39      defined in Section 54-2-1 , that is regulated under Section 54-4-1 ; and
             40          (ii) to be used to facilitate gas utility service within the district if such gas utility
             41      service is not available within the district prior to the acquisition or construction of such a
             42      system;
             43          (e) fire protection, paramedic, and emergency services;
             44          (f) garbage collection and disposal;
             45          (g) health care;
             46          (h) the operation of a library;
             47          (i) abatement or control of mosquitos and other insects;
             48          (j) the operation of parks or recreation facilities;
             49          (k) the operation of a sewage system;
             50          (l) street lighting;
             51          (m) the construction and maintenance of curb, gutter, and sidewalk;
             52          (n) transportation;
             53          (o) the operation of a system for the control of storm or flood waters;
             54          (p) the operation of an irrigation water system;
             55          (q) the operation of a culinary water system; or
             56          (r) the underground installation of an electric utility line or the conversion to

             57      underground of an existing electric utility line.
             58          (2) For purposes of this section:
             59          (a) "Operation" means all activities involved in providing the indicated service
             60      including acquisition and ownership of property reasonably necessary to provide the indicated
             61      service and acquisition, construction, and maintenance of facilities and equipment reasonably
             62      necessary to provide the indicated service.
             63          (b) "System" means the aggregate of interrelated components that combine together to
             64      provide the indicated service including:
             65          (i) for a sewage system, collection and treatment; and
             66          (ii) for an irrigation or culinary water system, collection, retention, treatment, and
             67      distribution to either the end user or another that in turn distributes to the end user.
             68          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), a local district may be created to
             69      provide and may after its creation provide no more than two of the services listed in Subsection
             70      (1).
             71          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), a local district may be created to provide and
             72      may after its creation provide services consisting of:
             73          (i) the operation of some or all of the components of a sewage system;
             74          (ii) the operation of some or all of the components of an irrigation water system; and
             75          (iii) the operation of some or all of the components of a culinary water system.
             76          (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), a local district may not be created to
             77      provide and may not after its creation provide to an area the same service already being
             78      provided to that area by another political subdivision.
             79          (b) For purposes of Subsection (4)(a), a local district does not provide the same service
             80      as another political subdivision if:
             81          (i) it operates a component of a system that is different from a component operated by
             82      another political subdivision but within the same:
             83          [(i)] (A) sewage system;
             84          [(ii)] (B) irrigation water system; or
             85          [(iii)] (C) culinary water system[.]; or
             86          (ii) the service the district provides is transportation.
             87          (5) Except for a local district in the creation of which an election is not required under

             88      Subsection 17B-2-214 (3)(c), the area of a local district may include all or part of the
             89      unincorporated area of one or more counties and all or part of one or more municipalities.
             90          (6) The name of a local district:
             91          (a) may include words descriptive of the type of service provided by the local district;
             92      and
             93          (b) may not include the name of a county or municipality, unless the service the district
             94      provides is transportation.
             95          Section 2. Section 59-12-501 is amended to read:
             96           59-12-501. Public transit tax -- Base -- Rate -- Voter approval.
             97          (1) (a) (i) In addition to other sales and use taxes, any county, city, or town within a
             98      transit district organized under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Part 10, Utah Public Transit District Act,
             99      may impose a sales and use tax of up to .25% on the transactions described in Subsection
             100      59-12-103 (1) located within the county, city, or town, to fund a public transportation system.
             101          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(a)(i), a county, city, or town may not impose a tax
             102      under this section on:
             103          (A) the sales and uses described in Section 59-12-104 to the extent the sales and uses
             104      are exempt from taxation under Section 59-12-104 ; and
             105          (B) any amounts paid or charged by a seller that collects a tax under Subsection
             106      59-12-107 (1)(b).
             107          (b) For purposes of this Subsection (1), the location of a transaction shall be
             108      determined in accordance with Section 59-12-207 .
             109          (c) (i) A county, city, or town may impose a tax under this section only if the governing
             110      body of the county, city, or town, by resolution, submits the proposal to all the qualified voters
             111      within the county, city, or town for approval at a general or special election conducted in the
             112      manner provided by statute.
             113          (ii) An election under Subsection 17B-2-512 (3)(a)(ii) approving the annexation of an
             114      area to a public transit district or local district and approving for that annexed area the sales and
             115      use tax authorized by this section satisfies the election requirement of Subsection (1)(c)(i) for
             116      the area to be annexed to the public transit district or local district.
             117          (2) (a) If only a portion of a county is included within a public transit district, the
             118      proposal may be submitted only to the qualified voters residing within the boundaries of the

             119      proposed or existing public transit district.
             120          (b) Notice of any such election shall be given by the county, city, or town governing
             121      body 15 days in advance in the manner prescribed by statute.
             122          (c) If a majority of the voters voting in such election approve the proposal, it shall
             123      become effective on the date provided by the county, city, or town governing body.
             124          (3) This section may not be construed to require an election in jurisdictions where
             125      voters have previously approved a public transit sales or use tax.
             126          (4) Revenues from a sales and use tax imposed under this section that are pledged
             127      before April 30, 2007 to pay for bonded indebtedness may not be paid to or used by a later
             128      created public transit district that includes within its boundaries the same area as the county,
             129      city, or town that has imposed a sales and use tax under this section.
             130          Section 3. Section 59-12-502 is amended to read:
             131           59-12-502. Additional public transit tax for expanded system and fixed guideway
             132      and interstate improvements -- Base -- Rate -- Voter approval.
             133          (1) (a) (i) In addition to other sales and use taxes, including the public transit district tax
             134      authorized by Section 59-12-501 , a county, city, or town within a transit district organized
             135      under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Part 10, Utah Public Transit District Act, may impose a sales and
             136      use tax of .25% on the transactions described in Subsection 59-12-103 (1) located within the
             137      county, city, or town, to fund a fixed guideway and expanded public transportation system.
             138          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(a)(i), a county, city, or town may not impose a tax
             139      under this section on:
             140          (A) the sales and uses described in Section 59-12-104 to the extent the sales and uses
             141      are exempt from taxation under Section 59-12-104 ; and
             142          (B) any amounts paid or charged by a seller that collects a tax under Subsection
             143      59-12-107 (1)(b).
             144          (b) For purposes of this Subsection (1), the location of a transaction shall be
             145      determined in accordance with Section 59-12-207 .
             146          (c) (i) A county, city, or town may impose the tax under this section only if the
             147      governing body of the county, city, or town submits, by resolution, the proposal to all the
             148      qualified voters within the county, city, or town for approval at a general or special election
             149      conducted in the manner provided by statute.

             150          (ii) Notice of the election under Subsection (1)(c)(i) shall be given by the county, city,
             151      or town governing body 15 days in advance in the manner prescribed by statute.
             152          (2) If the majority of the voters voting in this election approve the proposal, it shall
             153      become effective on the date provided by the county, city, or town governing body.
             154          (3) (a) This section may not be construed to require an election in jurisdictions where
             155      voters have previously approved a public transit sales or use tax.
             156          (b) This section shall be construed to require an election to impose the sales and use
             157      tax authorized by this section, including jurisdictions where the voters have previously
             158      approved the sales and use tax authorized by Section 59-12-501 , but this section may not be
             159      construed to affect the sales and use tax authorized by Section 59-12-501 .
             160          (4) No public funds shall be spent to promote the required election.
             161          (5) (a) Notwithstanding the designated use of revenues in Subsection (1), of the
             162      revenues generated by the tax imposed under this section by any county of the first class:
             163          (i) 75% shall be allocated to fund a fixed guideway and expanded public transportation
             164      system; and
             165          (ii) except as provided in Subsection (5)(b), 25% shall be allocated to fund new
             166      construction, major renovations, and improvements to Interstate 15 and state highways within
             167      the county and to pay any debt service and bond issuance costs related to those projects.
             168          (b) Notwithstanding the designated use of revenues in Subsection (1), beginning on
             169      July 1, 2006, and ending on July 1, 2007, a county of the first class may expend an amount not
             170      to exceed $3,500,000 of the revenues described in Subsection (5)(a)(ii) for expenses relating to
             171      reconfiguring railroad curves within that county to reduce rail congestion.
             172          (6) A county of the first class may, through an interlocal agreement, authorize the
             173      deposit or transfer of the portion of the revenues described in Subsection (5)(a)(ii) to the Public
             174      Transportation System Tax Highway Fund created in Section 72-2-121 .
             175          (7) Revenues from a sales and use tax imposed under this section that are pledged
             176      before April 20, 2007 to pay for bonded indebtedness may not be paid to or used by a later
             177      created public transit district that includes within its boundaries the same area as the county,
             178      city, or town that has imposed a sales and use tax under this section.

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