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First Substitute H.B. 392

Representative Douglas C. Aagard proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Douglas C. Aagard

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies procedures in the Election Code in relation to conducting presidential
             11      primaries.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    provides definitions;
             15          .    changes the name of Utah's Western States Presidential Primary to Utah's Western
             16      States Presidential Preference Poll;
             17          .    provides that political parties, rather than county clerks, shall administer the
             18      presidential preference poll;
             19          .    provides that absentee ballots will not be used in the presidential preference poll;
             20          .    eliminates canvassing requirements and procedures and provides that political
             21      parties shall count and announce poll results;
             22          .    eliminates the requirement for county legislative bodies to provide poll workers for
             23      the preference poll;
             24          .    requires the lieutenant governor to provide funding to each registered political party
             25      that makes a timely:

             26              .    declaration that it will participate in the preference poll;
             27              .    certification that it will comply with certain basic procedures and requirements
             28      for conducting the preference poll; and
             29              .    submission of a copy of provisions of the party's bylaws that govern those
             30      procedures and requirements of certain expenses;
             31          .    requires parties to submit a list of expenses to the lieutenant governor with a request
             32      for reimbursement of certain expenses;
             33          .    provides a formula for determining the amount of reimbursements provided to each
             34      participating registered political party;
             35          .    deletes provisions related to county clerks' responsibilities for declarations of
             36      candidacy, satellite registration, closed primaries, ballots, voting precincts, and
             37      voting and canvassing procedures; and
             38          .    makes technical changes.
             39      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             40          None
             41      Other Special Clauses:
             42          None
             43      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             44      AMENDS:
             45          11-14-203, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 105, Laws of Utah 2005
             46          20A-1-102, as last amended by Chapters 16, 264 and 326, Laws of Utah 2006
             47          20A-1-201.5, as last amended by Chapter 355, Laws of Utah 2006
             48          20A-1-204, as last amended by Chapter 371, Laws of Utah 2004
             49          20A-3-101, as last amended by Chapter 177, Laws of Utah 2002
             50          20A-3-201, as last amended by Chapter 326, Laws of Utah 2006
             51          20A-3-304, as last amended by Chapter 195, Laws of Utah 2004
             52          20A-4-301, as last amended by Chapter 355, Laws of Utah 2006
             53          20A-4-304, as last amended by Chapters 326 and 355, Laws of Utah 2006
             54          20A-4-306, as last amended by Chapter 355, Laws of Utah 2006
             55          20A-4-401, as last amended by Chapter 105, Laws of Utah 2005
             56          20A-5-102, as last amended by Chapter 116, Laws of Utah 2003

             57          20A-5-401, as last amended by Chapters 264 and 326, Laws of Utah 2006
             58          20A-5-601, as last amended by Chapter 1, Laws of Utah 2003, Second Special Session
             59          20A-9-801, as enacted by Chapter 22, Laws of Utah 1999
             60          20A-9-802, as last amended by Chapter 355, Laws of Utah 2006
             61      ENACTS:
             62          20A-9-810, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             63      REPEALS:
             64          20A-9-202.5, as enacted by Chapter 22, Laws of Utah 1999
             65          20A-9-803, as last amended by Chapter 355, Laws of Utah 2006
             66          20A-9-804, as last amended by Chapter 355, Laws of Utah 2006
             67          20A-9-805, as enacted by Chapter 22, Laws of Utah 1999
             68          20A-9-806, as last amended by Chapter 326, Laws of Utah 2006
             69          20A-9-807, as enacted by Chapter 22, Laws of Utah 1999
             70          20A-9-808, as last amended by Chapters 264 and 326, Laws of Utah 2006
             71          20A-9-809, as enacted by Chapter 22, Laws of Utah 1999
             73      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             74          Section 1. Section 11-14-203 is amended to read:
             75           11-14-203. Time for election -- Equipment -- Election officials -- Combining
             76      precincts.
             77          (1) (a) The local political subdivision shall ensure that bond elections are conducted
             78      and administered according to the procedures set forth in this chapter and the sections of the
             79      Election Code specifically referenced by this chapter.
             80          (b) When a local political subdivision complies with those procedures, there is a
             81      presumption that the bond election was properly administered.
             82          (2) (a) A bond election may be held, and the proposition for the issuance of bonds may
             83      be submitted, on the same date as any general or municipal election held in the local political
             84      subdivision calling the bond election, or at a special election called for the purpose on a date
             85      authorized by Section 20A-1-204 .
             86          (b) A bond election may not be held, nor a proposition for issuance of bonds be
             87      submitted, [at] on the date of the Western States Presidential [Primary election] Preference Poll

             88      established in Title 20A, Chapter 9, Part 8, Western States Presidential [Primary] Preference
             89      Poll.
             90          (3) (a) The bond election shall be conducted and administered by the election officer
             91      designated in Sections 20A-1-102 and 20A-5-400.5 .
             92          (b) (i) The duties of the election officer shall be governed by Title 20A, Chapter 5, Part
             93      4, Election Officer's Duties.
             94          (ii) The publishing requirement under Subsection 20A-5-405 (1)(j)(iii) does not apply
             95      when notice of a bond election has been provided according to the requirements of Section
             96      11-14-202 .
             97          (c) The hours during which the polls are to be open shall be consistent with Section
             98      20A-1-302 .
             99          (d) The appointment and duties of election judges shall be governed by Title 20A,
             100      Chapter 5, Part 6, Election Judges.
             101          (e) General voting procedures shall be conducted according to the requirements of Title
             102      20A, Chapter 3, Voting.
             103          (f) The designation of election crimes and offenses, and the requirements for the
             104      prosecution and adjudication of those crimes and offenses are set forth in Title 20A, Election
             105      Code.
             106          (4) When a bond election is being held on a day when no other election is being held in
             107      the local political subdivision calling the bond election, voting precincts may be combined for
             108      purposes of bond elections so long as no voter is required to vote outside the county in which
             109      the voter resides.
             110          (5) When a bond election is being held on the same day as any other election held in a
             111      local political subdivision calling the bond election, or in some part of that local political
             112      subdivision, the polling places and election officials serving for the other election may also
             113      serve as the polling places and election officials for the bond election, so long as no voter is
             114      required to vote outside the county in which the voter resides.
             115          Section 2. Section 20A-1-102 is amended to read:
             116           20A-1-102. Definitions.
             117          As used in this title:
             118          (1) "Active voter" means a registered voter who has not been classified as an inactive

             119      voter by the county clerk.
             120          (2) "Automatic tabulating equipment" means apparatus that automatically examines
             121      and counts votes recorded on paper ballots or ballot sheets and tabulates the results.
             122          (3) "Ballot" means the storage medium, whether paper, mechanical, or electronic, upon
             123      which a voter records his votes and includes ballot sheets, paper ballots, electronic ballots, and
             124      secrecy envelopes.
             125          (4) "Ballot sheet":
             126          (a) means a ballot that:
             127          (i) consists of paper or a card where the voter's votes are marked or recorded; and
             128          (ii) can be counted using automatic tabulating equipment; and
             129          (b) includes punch card ballots, and other ballots that are machine-countable.
             130          (5) "Ballot label" means the cards, papers, booklet, pages, or other materials that
             131      contain the names of offices and candidates and statements of ballot propositions to be voted
             132      on and which are used in conjunction with ballot sheets that do not display that information.
             133          (6) "Ballot proposition" means opinion questions specifically authorized by the
             134      Legislature, constitutional amendments, initiatives, referenda, and judicial retention questions
             135      that are submitted to the voters for their approval or rejection.
             136          (7) "Board of canvassers" means the entities established by Sections 20A-4-301 and
             137      20A-4-306 to canvass election returns.
             138          (8) "Bond election" means an election held for the purpose of approving or rejecting
             139      the proposed issuance of bonds by a government entity.
             140          (9) "Book voter registration form" means voter registration forms contained in a bound
             141      book that are used by election officers and registration agents to register persons to vote.
             142          (10) "By-mail voter registration form" means a voter registration form designed to be
             143      completed by the voter and mailed to the election officer.
             144          (11) "Canvass" means the review of election returns and the official declaration of
             145      election results by the board of canvassers.
             146          (12) "Canvassing judge" means a poll worker designated to assist in counting ballots at
             147      the canvass.
             148          (13) "Convention" means the political party convention at which party officers and
             149      delegates are selected.

             150          (14) "Counting center" means one or more locations selected by the election officer in
             151      charge of the election for the automatic counting of ballots.
             152          (15) "Counting judge" means a poll worker designated to count the ballots during
             153      election day.
             154          (16) "Counting poll watcher" means a person selected as provided in Section
             155      20A-3-201 to witness the counting of ballots.
             156          (17) "Counting room" means a suitable and convenient private place or room,
             157      immediately adjoining the place where the election is being held, for use by the counting
             158      judges to count ballots during election day.
             159          (18) "County executive" has the meaning as provided in Subsection 68-3-12 (2).
             160          (19) "County legislative body" has the meaning as provided in Subsection 68-3-12 (2).
             161          (20) "County officers" means those county officers that are required by law to be
             162      elected.
             163          (21) "Election" means a regular general election, a municipal general election, a
             164      statewide special election, a local special election, a regular primary election, a municipal
             165      primary election, and a special district election.
             166          (22) "Election Assistance Commission" means the commission established by Public
             167      Law 107-252, the Help America Vote Act of 2002.
             168          (23) "Election cycle" means the period beginning on the first day persons are eligible to
             169      file declarations of candidacy and ending when the canvass is completed.
             170          (24) "Election judge" means each canvassing judge, counting judge, and receiving
             171      judge.
             172          (25) "Election officer" means:
             173          (a) the lieutenant governor, for all statewide ballots;
             174          (b) the county clerk or clerks for all county ballots and for certain ballots and elections
             175      as provided in Section 20A-5-400.5 ;
             176          (c) the municipal clerk for all municipal ballots and for certain ballots and elections as
             177      provided in Section 20A-5-400.5 ;
             178          (d) the special district clerk or chief executive officer for certain ballots and elections
             179      as provided in Section 20A-5-400.5 ; and
             180          (e) the business administrator or superintendent of a school district for certain ballots

             181      or elections as provided in Section 20A-5-400.5 .
             182          (26) "Election official" means any election officer, election judge, poll worker, or
             183      satellite registrar.
             184          (27) "Election results" means, for bond elections, the count of those votes cast for and
             185      against the bond proposition plus any or all of the election returns that the board of canvassers
             186      may request.
             187          (28) "Election returns" includes the pollbook, all affidavits of registration, the military
             188      and overseas absentee voter registration and voting certificates, one of the tally sheets, any
             189      unprocessed absentee ballots, all counted ballots, all excess ballots, all unused ballots, all
             190      spoiled ballots, the ballot disposition form, and the total votes cast form.
             191          (29) "Electronic ballot" means a ballot that is recorded using a direct electronic voting
             192      device or other voting device that records and stores ballot information by electronic means.
             193          (30) "Electronic voting system" means a system in which a voting device is used in
             194      conjunction with ballots so that votes recorded by the voter are counted and tabulated by
             195      automatic tabulating equipment.
             196          (31) "Inactive voter" means a registered voter who has been sent the notice required by
             197      Section 20A-2-306 and who has failed to respond to that notice.
             198          (32) "Inspecting poll watcher" means a person selected as provided in this title to
             199      witness the receipt and safe deposit of voted and counted ballots.
             200          (33) "Judicial office" means the office filled by any judicial officer.
             201          (34) "Judicial officer" means any justice or judge of a court of record or any county
             202      court judge.
             203          (35) "Local election" means a regular municipal election, a local special election, a
             204      special district election, and a bond election.
             205          (36) "Local political subdivision" means a county, a municipality, a special district, or
             206      a local school district.
             207          (37) "Local special election" means a special election called by the governing body of a
             208      local political subdivision in which all registered voters of the local political subdivision may
             209      vote.
             210          (38) "Municipal executive" means:
             211          (a) the city council or town council in the traditional management arrangement

             212      established by Title 10, Chapter 3, Part 1, Governing Body;
             213          (b) the mayor in the council-mayor optional form of government defined in Section
             214      10-3-101 ; and
             215          (c) the manager in the council-manager optional form of government defined in
             216      Section 10-3-101 .
             217          (39) "Municipal general election" means the election held in municipalities and special
             218      districts on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each odd-numbered year
             219      for the purposes established in Section 20A-1-202 .
             220          (40) "Municipal legislative body" means:
             221          (a) the city council or town council in the traditional management arrangement
             222      established by Title 10, Chapter 3, Part 1, Governing Body;
             223          (b) the municipal council in the council-mayor optional form of government defined in
             224      Section 10-3-101 ; and
             225          (c) the municipal council in the council-manager optional form of government defined
             226      in Section 10-3-101 .
             227          (41) "Municipal officers" means those municipal officers that are required by law to be
             228      elected.
             229          (42) "Municipal primary election" means an election held to nominate candidates for
             230      municipal office.
             231          (43) "Official ballot" means the ballots distributed by the election officer to the poll
             232      workers to be given to voters to record their votes.
             233          (44) "Official endorsement" means:
             234          (a) the information on the ballot that identifies:
             235          (i) the ballot as an official ballot;
             236          (ii) the date of the election; and
             237          (iii) the facsimile signature of the election officer; and
             238          (b) the information on the ballot stub that identifies:
             239          (i) the poll worker's initials; and
             240          (ii) the ballot number.
             241          (45) "Official register" means the official record furnished to election officials by the
             242      election officer that contains the information required by Section 20A-5-401 .

             243          (46) "Paper ballot" means a paper that contains:
             244          (a) the names of offices and candidates and statements of ballot propositions to be
             245      voted on; and
             246          (b) spaces for the voter to record his vote for each office and for or against each ballot
             247      proposition.
             248          (47) "Political party" means an organization of registered voters that has qualified to
             249      participate in an election by meeting the requirements of Title 20A, Chapter 8, Political Party
             250      Formation and Procedures.
             251          (48) (a) "Poll worker" means a person assigned by an election official to assist with an
             252      election, voting, or counting votes.
             253          (b) "Poll worker" includes election judges.
             254          (c) "Poll worker" does not include a watcher.
             255          (49) "Pollbook" means a record of the names of voters in the order that they appear to
             256      cast votes.
             257          (50) "Polling place" means the building where voting is conducted.
             258          (51) "Position" means a square, circle, rectangle, or other geometric shape on a ballot
             259      in which the voter marks his choice.
             260          (52) "Provisional ballot" means a ballot voted provisionally by a person:
             261          (a) whose name is not listed on the official register at the polling place;
             262          (b) whose legal right to vote is challenged as provided in this title; or
             263          (c) whose identity was not sufficiently established by an election judge.
             264          (53) "Provisional ballot envelope" means an envelope printed in the form required by
             265      Section 20A-6-105 that is used to identify provisional ballots and to provide information to
             266      verify a person's legal right to vote.
             267          (54) "Primary convention" means the political party conventions at which nominees for
             268      the regular primary election are selected.
             269          (55) "Protective counter" means a separate counter, which cannot be reset, that is built
             270      into a voting machine and records the total number of movements of the operating lever.
             271          (56) "Qualify" or "qualified" means to take the oath of office and begin performing the
             272      duties of the position for which the person was elected.
             273          (57) "Receiving judge" means the poll worker that checks the voter's name in the

             274      official register, provides the voter with a ballot, and removes the ballot stub from the ballot
             275      after the voter has voted.
             276          (58) "Registration days" means the days designated in Section 20A-2-203 when a voter
             277      may register to vote with a satellite registrar.
             278          (59) "Registration form" means a book voter registration form and a by-mail voter
             279      registration form.
             280          (60) "Regular ballot" means a ballot that is not a provisional ballot.
             281          (61) "Regular general election" means the election held throughout the state on the first
             282      Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even-numbered year for the purposes
             283      established in Section 20A-1-201 .
             284          (62) "Regular primary election" means the election on the fourth Tuesday of June of
             285      each even-numbered year, at which candidates of political parties and nonpolitical groups are
             286      voted for nomination.
             287          (63) "Resident" means a person who resides within a specific voting precinct in Utah.
             288          (64) "Sample ballot" means a mock ballot similar in form to the official ballot printed
             289      and distributed as provided in Section 20A-5-405 .
             290          (65) "Satellite registrar" means a person appointed under Section 20A-5-201 to register
             291      voters and perform other duties.
             292          (66) "Scratch vote" means to mark or punch the straight party ticket and then mark or
             293      punch the ballot for one or more candidates who are members of different political parties.
             294          (67) "Secrecy envelope" means the envelope given to a voter along with the ballot into
             295      which the voter places the ballot after he has voted it in order to preserve the secrecy of the
             296      voter's vote.
             297          (68) "Special district" means those local government entities created under the
             298      authority of Title 17A.
             299          (69) "Special district officers" means those special district officers that are required by
             300      law to be elected.
             301          (70) "Special election" means an election held as authorized by Section 20A-1-204 .
             302          (71) "Spoiled ballot" means each ballot that:
             303          (a) is spoiled by the voter;
             304          (b) is unable to be voted because it was spoiled by the printer or a poll worker; or

             305          (c) lacks the official endorsement.
             306          (72) "Statewide special election" means a special election called by the governor or the
             307      Legislature in which all registered voters in Utah may vote.
             308          (73) "Stub" means the detachable part of each ballot.
             309          (74) "Substitute ballots" means replacement ballots provided by an election officer to
             310      the poll workers when the official ballots are lost or stolen.
             311          (75) "Ticket" means each list of candidates for each political party or for each group of
             312      petitioners.
             313          (76) "Transfer case" means the sealed box used to transport voted ballots to the
             314      counting center.
             315          (77) "Vacancy" means the absence of a person to serve in any position created by
             316      statute, whether that absence occurs because of death, disability, disqualification, resignation,
             317      or other cause.
             318          (78) "Valid voter identification" means:
             319          (a) a form of identification that bears the name and photograph of the voter which may
             320      include:
             321          (i) a currently valid Utah driver license;
             322          (ii) a currently valid identification card that is issued by:
             323          (A) the state;
             324          (B) a local government within the state; or
             325          (C) a branch, department, or agency of the United States;
             326          (iii) an identification card that is issued by an employer for an employee;
             327          (iv) a currently valid identification card that is issued by a college, university, technical
             328      school, or professional school that is located within the state;
             329          (v) a currently valid Utah permit to carry a concealed weapon;
             330          (vi) a currently valid United States passport; or
             331          (vii) a valid tribal identification card; or
             332          (b) two forms of identification that bear the name of the voter and provide evidence
             333      that the voter resides in the voting precinct, which may include:
             334          (i) a voter identification card;
             335          (ii) a current utility bill or a legible copy thereof;

             336          (iii) a bank or other financial account statement, or a legible copy thereof;
             337          (iv) a certified birth certificate;
             338          (v) a valid Social Security card;
             339          (vi) a check issued by the state or the federal government or a legible copy thereof;
             340          (vii) a paycheck from the voter's employer, or a legible copy thereof;
             341          (viii) a currently valid Utah hunting or fishing license;
             342          (ix) a currently valid United States military identification card;
             343          (x) certified naturalization documentation;
             344          (xi) a currently valid license issued by an authorized agency of the United States;
             345          (xii) a certified copy of court records showing the voter's adoption or name change;
             346          (xiii) a Bureau of Indian Affairs card;
             347          (xiv) a tribal treaty card;
             348          (xv) a valid Medicaid card, Medicare card, or Electronic Benefits Transfer Card; or
             349          (xvi) a form of identification listed in Subsection [(76)] (78)(a) that does not contain a
             350      photograph, but establishes the name of the voter and provides evidence that the voter resides
             351      in the voting precinct.
             352          (79) "Valid write-in candidate" means a candidate who has qualified as a write-in
             353      candidate by following the procedures and requirements of this title.
             354          (80) "Voter" means a person who meets the requirements for voting in an election,
             355      meets the requirements of election registration, is registered to vote, and is listed in the official
             356      register book.
             357          (81) "Voter registration deadline" means the registration deadline provided in Section
             358      20A-2-102.5 .
             359          (82) "Voting area" means the area within six feet of the voting booths, voting
             360      machines, and ballot box.
             361          (83) "Voting booth" means:
             362          (a) the space or compartment within a polling place that is provided for the preparation
             363      of ballots, including the voting machine enclosure or curtain; or
             364          (b) a voting device that is free standing.
             365          (84) "Voting device" means:
             366          (a) an apparatus in which ballot sheets are used in connection with a punch device for

             367      piercing the ballots by the voter;
             368          (b) a device for marking the ballots with ink or another substance;
             369          (c) a device used to make selections and cast a ballot electronically, or any component
             370      thereof;
             371          (d) an automated voting system under Section 20A-5-302 ; or
             372          (e) any other method for recording votes on ballots so that the ballot may be tabulated
             373      by means of automatic tabulating equipment.
             374          (85) "Voting machine" means a machine designed for the sole purpose of recording
             375      and tabulating votes cast by voters at an election.
             376          (86) "Voting poll watcher" means a person appointed as provided in this title to
             377      witness the distribution of ballots and the voting process.
             378          (87) "Voting precinct" means the smallest voting unit established as provided by law
             379      within which qualified voters vote at one polling place.
             380          (88) "Watcher" means a voting poll watcher, a counting poll watcher, an inspecting
             381      poll watcher, and a testing watcher.
             382          (89) "Western States Presidential [Primary"] Preference Poll" means the [election]
             383      preference poll established in Title 20A, Chapter 9, Part 8.
             384          (90) "Write-in ballot" means a ballot containing any write-in votes.
             385          (91) "Write-in vote" means a vote cast for a person whose name is not printed on the
             386      ballot according to the procedures established in this title.
             387          Section 3. Section 20A-1-201.5 is amended to read:
             388           20A-1-201.5. Primary election dates.
             389          (1) A regular primary election shall be held throughout the state on the fourth Tuesday
             390      of June of each even numbered year as provided in Section 20A-9-403 , to nominate persons for
             391      national, state, school board, and county offices.
             392          (2) A municipal primary election shall be held, if necessary, on the Tuesday following
             393      the first Monday in October before the regular municipal election to nominate persons for
             394      municipal and special district offices.
             395          [(3) The Western States Presidential Primary election shall be held throughout the state
             396      on the first Tuesday in February in the year in which a presidential election will be held.]
             397          Section 4. Section 20A-1-204 is amended to read:

             398           20A-1-204. Date of special election -- Legal effect.
             399          (1) (a) The governor, Legislature, or the legislative body of a local political subdivision
             400      calling a statewide special election or local special election under Section 20A-1-203 shall
             401      schedule the special election to be held on:
             402          (i) the fourth Tuesday in June; or
             403          (ii) the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
             404          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(c), the governor, Legislature, or the legislative
             405      body of a local political subdivision calling a statewide special election or local special election
             406      under Section 20A-1-203 may not schedule a special election to be held on any other date.
             407          (c) (i) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (1)(b), the legislative body of a
             408      local political subdivision may call a local special election on a date other than those specified
             409      in this section if the legislative body:
             410          (A) determines and declares that there is a disaster, as defined in Section 63-5-2 ,
             411      requiring that a special election be held on a date other than the ones authorized in statute;
             412          (B) identifies specifically the nature of the disaster, as defined in Section 63-5-2 , and
             413      the reasons for holding the special election on that other date; and
             414          (C) votes unanimously to hold the special election on that other date.
             415          (ii) The legislative body of a local political subdivision may not call a local special
             416      election for the date established in Title 20A, Chapter 9, Part 8, Western States Presidential
             417      [Primary] Preference Poll, for Utah's Western States Presidential [Primary] Preference Poll.
             418          (d) Nothing in this section prohibits:
             419          (i) the governor or Legislature from submitting a matter to the voters at the regular
             420      general election if authorized by law; or
             421          (ii) a local government from submitting a matter to the voters at the regular municipal
             422      election if authorized by law.
             423          (2) (a) Two or more entities shall comply with Subsection (2)(b) if those entities hold a
             424      special election within a county on the same day as:
             425          (i) another special election;
             426          (ii) a regular general election; or
             427          (iii) a municipal general election.
             428          (b) Entities described in Subsection (2)(a) shall, to the extent practicable, coordinate:

             429          (i) polling places;
             430          (ii) ballots;
             431          (iii) election officials; and
             432          (iv) other administrative and procedural matters connected with the election.
             433          Section 5. Section 20A-3-101 is amended to read:
             434           20A-3-101. Residency and age requirements of voters.
             435          (1) A person may vote in any regular general election or statewide special election if
             436      that person:
             437          (a) is a citizen of the United States;
             438          (b) is a resident of Utah;
             439          (c) will, on the date of that election:
             440          (i) be at least 18 years old; and
             441          (ii) have been a resident of Utah for 30 days immediately before that election; and
             442          (d) has registered to vote.
             443          (2) A person may vote in [the Western States Presidential Primary election or] a
             444      regular primary election if that person:
             445          (a) is a citizen of the United States;
             446          (b) is a resident of Utah;
             447          (c) will, on the date of that election:
             448          (i) be at least 18 years old; and
             449          (ii) have been a resident of Utah for 30 days immediately before that election;
             450          (d) has registered to vote; and
             451          (e) whose political party affiliation, or unaffiliated status, allows the voter to vote in
             452      the election.
             453          (3) A person may vote in a municipal general election, municipal primary, in a local
             454      special election, in a special district election, and in a bond election if that person:
             455          (a) is a citizen of the United States;
             456          (b) is a resident of Utah;
             457          (c) is a resident of the local entity that is holding the election;
             458          (d) will, on the date of the election:
             459          (i) be at least 18 years old; and

             460          (ii) have been a resident of Utah for 30 days immediately before the election; and
             461          (e) has registered to vote.
             462          Section 6. Section 20A-3-201 is amended to read:
             463           20A-3-201. Watchers.
             464          (1) (a) (i) For each regular general election or statewide special election, and for each
             465      regular primary [and Western States Presidential Primary] election, each registered political
             466      party and any person interested in a ballot proposition appearing on the ballot may appoint one
             467      person to act as a voting poll watcher to observe the casting of ballots, another person to act as
             468      a counting poll watcher to observe the counting of ballots, and another person to act as an
             469      inspecting poll watcher to inspect the condition and observe the securing of ballot packages.
             470          (ii) Each party poll watcher shall be designated, and his selection made known to the
             471      poll workers, by an affidavit made by the county chair of each of the parties.
             472          (iii) Each issue poll watcher shall be designated, and his selection made known to the
             473      poll workers, by an affidavit made by the individual appointing him.
             474          (b) (i) For each municipal general election, municipal primary, local special election, or
             475      bond election that uses paper ballots, each candidate and any person interested in an issue
             476      appearing on the ballot may appoint one person to act as a voting poll watcher to observe the
             477      casting of ballots, another person to act as a counting poll watcher to observe the counting of
             478      ballots, and another person to act as an inspecting poll watcher to inspect the condition and
             479      observe the securing of ballot packages.
             480          (ii) For each municipal general election, municipal primary, local special election, or
             481      bond election that uses ballot sheets, each candidate and any person interested in an issue
             482      appearing on the ballot may appoint one person to act as a voting poll watcher to observe the
             483      casting of ballots, another person to act as a counting poll watcher to observe the counting of
             484      ballots, and another person to act as an inspecting poll watcher to inspect the condition and
             485      observe the securing of ballot packages.
             486          (iii) Each candidate poll watcher shall be designated, and his selection made known to
             487      the poll workers, by an affidavit made by the candidate appointing him.
             488          (iv) Each issue poll watcher shall be designated, and his selection made known to the
             489      poll workers, by an affidavit made by the individual appointing him.
             490          (2) If an appointed poll watcher is temporarily absent for meals, or is sick or otherwise

             491      absent, that poll watcher may substitute some other watcher of similar political beliefs by
             492      informing the poll workers of the substitution by affidavit.
             493          (3) Voting poll watchers may watch and observe the voting process, and may make a
             494      written memorandum, but they may not interfere in any way with the process of voting except
             495      to challenge a voter as provided in this part.
             496          (4) The counting poll watcher shall remain in the counting room, except in the case of
             497      necessity, until the close of the polls and may not divulge the progress of the count until the
             498      count is completed.
             499          (5) (a) It is unlawful for a counting poll watcher to communicate in any manner,
             500      directly or indirectly, by word or sign, the progress of the count, the result so far, or any other
             501      information about the count.
             502          (b) Any person who violates this Subsection is guilty of a third degree felony.
             503          (6) The inspecting poll watcher may be present in the office of the clerk or recorder to
             504      whom ballots are delivered after elections to:
             505          (a) inspect the condition of the packages containing the ballots upon their arrival; and
             506          (b) observe the placement of these packages in a safe and secure place.
             507          (7) (a) Prior to each election in which a ballot sheet or electronic ballot is used, any
             508      interested person may act as a testing watcher to observe a demonstration of logic and accuracy
             509      testing of the voting devices prior to the commencement of voting.
             510          (b) The election officer shall give prior notice of the logic and accuracy testing
             511      demonstration at least two days prior to the date of the demonstration by publishing notice of
             512      the date, time, and location of the demonstration in at least one newspaper of general
             513      circulation in the jurisdiction holding the election.
             514          (c) An election official shall provide, upon request, a copy of testing results to a testing
             515      watcher.
             516          Section 7. Section 20A-3-304 is amended to read:
             517           20A-3-304. Application for absentee ballot -- Time for filing and voting.
             518          (1) Any registered voter who wishes to vote an absentee ballot may either:
             519          (a) file an absentee ballot application with the appropriate election officer for an
             520      official absentee ballot as provided in this section; or
             521          (b) vote in person at the office of the appropriate election officer as provided in Section

             522      20A-3-306 .
             523          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), each election officer shall prepare
             524      blank applications for absentee ballot applications in substantially the following form:
             525          "I, ____, a qualified elector, residing at ____ Street, ____ City, ____ County, Utah
             526      apply for an official absentee ballot to be voted by me at the election.
             527          Date ________ (month\day\year) Signed ___________________________
             528                                      Voter"
             529          (b) Each election officer shall prepare blank applications for absentee ballot
             530      applications for regular primary elections and for the Western States Presidential Primary in
             531      substantially the following form:
             532          "I, ____, a qualified elector, residing at ____ Street, ____ City, ____ County, Utah
             533      apply for an official absentee ballot for the _______________ political party to be voted by me
             534      at the primary election.
             535          I understand that I must be affiliated with or authorized to vote the political party's
             536      ballot that I request.
             537          Dated _________ (month\day\year) ____ Signed ___________________________
             538                                          Voter"
             539          (c) If requested by the applicant, the election officer shall:
             540          (i) mail or fax the application blank to the absentee voter; or
             541          (ii) deliver the application blank to any voter who personally applies for it at the office
             542      of the election officer.
             543          (3) (a) (i) Except as provided in [Subsections] Subsection (3)(a)(ii) [and (iii)], the
             544      voters shall file the application for an absentee ballot with the appropriate election officer no
             545      later than the Friday before election day.
             546          (ii) Overseas applicants shall file their applications with the appropriate election officer
             547      no later than 20 days before the day of election.
             548          [(iii) Voters applying for an absentee ballot for the Western States Presidential Primary
             549      shall file the application for an absentee ballot with the appropriate election officer not later
             550      than the Tuesday before election day.]
             551          (b) Persons voting an absentee ballot at the office of the election officer shall apply for
             552      and cast their ballot no later than the day before the election.

             553          (4) (a) A county clerk may establish a permanent absentee voter list.
             554          (b) The clerk shall place on the list the name of any person who:
             555          (i) requests permanent absentee voter status; and
             556          (ii) meets the requirements of this section.
             557          (c) (i) Each year, the clerk shall mail a questionnaire to each person whose name is on
             558      the absentee voter list.
             559          (ii) The questionnaire shall allow the absentee person to verify the voter's residence.
             560          (iii) The clerk may remove the names of any voter from the absentee voter registration
             561      list if:
             562          (A) the voter is no longer listed in the official register; or
             563          (B) the voter fails to verify the voter's residence and absentee status.
             564          (d) The clerk shall provide a copy of the permanent absentee voter list to election
             565      officers for use in elections.
             566          Section 8. Section 20A-4-301 is amended to read:
             567           20A-4-301. Board of canvassers.
             568          (1) (a) Each county legislative body is the board of county canvassers for:
             569          (i) the county; and
             570          (ii) each special district whose election is conducted by the county.
             571          (b) [(i) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b)(ii), the] The board of county canvassers
             572      shall meet to canvass the returns at the usual place of meeting of the county legislative body, at
             573      a date and time determined by the county clerk that is no sooner than seven days after the
             574      election and no later than 14 days after the election.
             575          [(ii) When canvassing returns for the Western States Presidential Primary, the board of
             576      county canvassers shall meet to canvass the returns at the usual place of meeting of the county
             577      legislative body, at noon on the Tuesday after the election.]
             578          (c) If one or more of the county legislative body fails to attend the meeting of the board
             579      of county canvassers, the remaining members shall replace the absent member by appointing in
             580      the order named:
             581          (i) the county treasurer;
             582          (ii) the county assessor; or
             583          (iii) the county sheriff.

             584          (d) The board of county canvassers shall always consist of three acting members.
             585          (e) The county clerk is the clerk of the board of county canvassers.
             586          (2) (a) The mayor and the municipal legislative body are the board of municipal
             587      canvassers for the municipality.
             588          (b) The board of municipal canvassers shall meet to canvass the returns at the usual
             589      place of meeting of the municipal legislative body:
             590          (i) for canvassing of returns from a municipal general election, no sooner than seven
             591      days after the election and no later than 14 days after the election; or
             592          (ii) for canvassing of returns from a municipal primary election, no sooner than three
             593      days after the election and no later than seven days after the election.
             594          (3) (a) The legislative body of the entity authorizing a bond election is the board of
             595      canvassers for each bond election.
             596          (b) The board of canvassers for the bond election shall comply with the canvassing
             597      procedures and requirements of Section 11-14-207 .
             598          Section 9. Section 20A-4-304 is amended to read:
             599           20A-4-304. Declaration of results -- Canvassers' report.
             600          (1) Each board of canvassers shall:
             601          (a) declare "elected" or "nominated" those persons who:
             602          (i) had the highest number of votes; and
             603          (ii) sought election or nomination to an office completely within the board's
             604      jurisdiction;
             605          (b) declare:
             606          (i) "approved" those ballot propositions that:
             607          (A) had more "yes" votes than "no" votes; and
             608          (B) were submitted only to the voters within the board's jurisdiction;
             609          (ii) "rejected" those ballot propositions that:
             610          (A) had more "no" votes than "yes" votes or an equal number of "no" votes and "yes"
             611      votes; and
             612          (B) were submitted only to the voters within the board's jurisdiction;
             613          (c) certify the vote totals for persons and for and against ballot propositions that were
             614      submitted to voters within and beyond the board's jurisdiction and transmit those vote totals to

             615      the lieutenant governor; and
             616          (d) if applicable, certify the results of each special district election to the special district
             617      clerk.
             618          (2) (a) As soon as the result is declared, the election officer shall prepare a report of the
             619      result, which shall contain:
             620          (i) the total number of votes cast in the board's jurisdiction;
             621          (ii) the names of each candidate whose name appeared on the ballot;
             622          (iii) the title of each ballot proposition that appeared on the ballot;
             623          (iv) each office that appeared on the ballot;
             624          (v) from each voting precinct:
             625          (A) the number of votes for each candidate; and
             626          (B) the number of votes for and against each ballot proposition;
             627          (vi) the total number of votes given in the board's jurisdiction to each candidate, and
             628      for and against each ballot proposition; and
             629          (vii) a statement certifying that the information contained in the report is accurate.
             630          (b) The election officer and the board of canvassers shall:
             631          (i) review the report to ensure that it is correct; and
             632          (ii) sign the report.
             633          (c) The election officer shall:
             634          (i) record or file the certified report in a book kept for that purpose;
             635          (ii) prepare and transmit a certificate of nomination or election under the officer's seal
             636      to each nominated or elected candidate;
             637          (iii) publish a copy of the certified report in a newspaper with general circulation in the
             638      board's jurisdiction and post it in a conspicuous place within the jurisdiction; and
             639          (iv) file a copy of the certified report with the lieutenant governor.
             640          (3) When there has been a regular general or a statewide special election for statewide
             641      officers, for officers that appear on the ballot in more than one county, or for a statewide or two
             642      or more county ballot proposition, each board of canvassers shall:
             643          (a) prepare a separate report detailing the number of votes for each candidate and the
             644      number of votes for and against each ballot proposition; and
             645          (b) transmit it by registered mail to the lieutenant governor.

             646          (4) In each county election, municipal election, school election, special district
             647      election, and local special election, the election officer shall transmit the reports to the
             648      lieutenant governor within 14 days after the date of the election.
             649          (5) In regular primary elections [and in the Western States Presidential Primary], the
             650      board shall transmit:
             651          (a) the county totals for multi-county races to the lieutenant governor[: (a) the county
             652      totals for multi-county races, to], which shall be telephoned or faxed to the lieutenant
             653      governor[: (i)] not later than the second Tuesday after the primary election [for the regular
             654      primary election]; and
             655          [(ii) not later than the Tuesday following the election for the Western States
             656      Presidential Primary; and]
             657          (b) a complete tabulation showing voting totals for all primary races, precinct by
             658      precinct, [to be] which shall be mailed to the lieutenant governor on or before the third Friday
             659      following the primary election.
             660          Section 10. Section 20A-4-306 is amended to read:
             661           20A-4-306. Statewide canvass.
             662          (1) (a) The state board of canvassers shall convene:
             663          (i) on the fourth Monday of November, at noon; or
             664          (ii) at noon on the day following the receipt by the lieutenant governor of the last of the
             665      returns of a statewide special election.
             666          (b) The state auditor, the state treasurer, and the attorney general are the state board of
             667      canvassers.
             668          (2) (a) The state board of canvassers shall:
             669          (i) meet in the lieutenant governor's office; and
             670          (ii) compute and determine the vote for officers and for and against any ballot
             671      propositions voted upon by the voters of the entire state or of two or more counties.
             672          (b) The lieutenant governor, as secretary of the board shall file a report in his office
             673      that details:
             674          (i) for each statewide officer and ballot proposition:
             675          (A) the name of the statewide office or ballot proposition that appeared on the ballot;
             676          (B) the candidates for each statewide office whose names appeared on the ballot, plus

             677      any recorded write-in candidates;
             678          (C) the number of votes from each county cast for each candidate and for and against
             679      each ballot proposition;
             680          (D) the total number of votes cast statewide for each candidate and for and against each
             681      ballot proposition; and
             682          (E) the total number of votes cast statewide; and
             683          (ii) for each officer or ballot proposition voted on in two or more counties:
             684          (A) the name of each of those offices and ballot propositions that appeared on the
             685      ballot;
             686          (B) the candidates for those offices, plus any recorded write-in candidates;
             687          (C) the number of votes from each county cast for each candidate and for and against
             688      each ballot proposition; and
             689          (D) the total number of votes cast for each candidate and for and against each ballot
             690      proposition.
             691          (c) The lieutenant governor shall:
             692          (i) prepare certificates of election for:
             693          (A) each successful candidate; and
             694          (B) each of the presidential electors of the candidate for president who received a
             695      majority of the votes;
             696          (ii) authenticate each certificate with his seal; and
             697          (iii) deliver a certificate of election to:
             698          (A) each candidate who had the highest number of votes for each office; and
             699          (B) each of the presidential electors of the candidate for president who received a
             700      majority of the votes.
             701          (3) If the lieutenant governor has not received election returns from all counties on the
             702      fifth day before the day designated for the meeting of the state board of canvassers, the
             703      lieutenant governor shall:
             704          (a) send a messenger to the clerk of the board of county canvassers of the delinquent
             705      county;
             706          (b) instruct the messenger to demand a certified copy of the board of canvasser's report
             707      required by Section 20A-4-304 from the clerk; and

             708          (c) pay the messenger the per diem provided by law as compensation.
             709          (4) The state board of canvassers may not withhold the declaration of the result or any
             710      certificate of election because of any defect or informality in the returns of any election if the
             711      board can determine from the returns, with reasonable certainty, what office is intended and
             712      who is elected to it.
             713          (5) (a) At noon on the fourth Monday after the regular primary election, the lieutenant
             714      governor shall:
             715          (i) canvass the returns for all multicounty candidates required to file with the office of
             716      the lieutenant governor; and
             717          (ii) publish and file the results of the canvass in the lieutenant governor's office.
             718          (b) The lieutenant governor shall certify the results of the primary canvass to the
             719      county clerks not later than the August 1 after the primary election.
             720          [(6) (a) At noon on the Tuesday that falls two weeks after the Western States
             721      Presidential Primary election, the lieutenant governor shall:]
             722          [(i) canvass the returns; and]
             723          [(ii) publish and file the results of the canvass in the lieutenant governor's office.]
             724          [(b) The lieutenant governor shall certify the results of the Western States Presidential
             725      Primary canvass to each registered political party that participated in the primary not later than
             726      the April 15 after the primary election, or the following business day if April 15 falls on a
             727      Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday.]
             728          Section 11. Section 20A-4-401 is amended to read:
             729           20A-4-401. Recounts -- Procedure.
             730          (1) (a) (i) For any regular primary, regular general, or municipal general election, [or
             731      the Western States Presidential primary,] when any candidate loses by not more than a total of
             732      one vote per voting precinct, the candidate may file a request for a recount within seven days
             733      after the canvass with:
             734          (A) the municipal clerk, if the election is a municipal election;
             735          (B) the special district clerk, if the election is a special district election;
             736          (C) the county clerk, for races or ballot propositions voted on entirely within a single
             737      county; or
             738          (D) the lieutenant governor, for statewide races and ballot propositions and for

             739      multicounty races and ballot propositions.
             740          (ii) For any municipal primary election, when any candidate loses by not more than a
             741      total of one vote per voting precinct, the candidate may file a request for a recount with the
             742      appropriate election officer within three days after the canvass.
             743          (b) The election officer shall:
             744          (i) supervise the recount;
             745          (ii) recount all ballots cast for that office;
             746          (iii) reexamine all unopened absentee ballots to ensure compliance with Chapter 3, Part
             747      3, Absentee Voting; and
             748          (iv) declare elected the person receiving the highest number of votes on the recount.
             749          (2) (a) Any ten voters who voted in an election when any ballot proposition or bond
             750      proposition was on the ballot may file a request for a recount with the appropriate election
             751      officer within seven days of the canvass.
             752          (b) The election officer shall:
             753          (i) supervise the recount;
             754          (ii) recount all ballots cast for that ballot proposition or bond proposition;
             755          (iii) reexamine all unopened absentee ballots to ensure compliance with Chapter 3, Part
             756      3, Absentee Voting; and
             757          (iv) declare the ballot proposition or bond proposition to have "passed" or "failed"
             758      based upon the results of the recount.
             759          (c) Proponents and opponents of the ballot proposition or bond proposition may
             760      designate representatives to witness the recount.
             761          (d) The voters requesting the recount shall pay the costs of the recount.
             762          (3) Costs incurred by recount under Subsection (1) may not be assessed against the
             763      person requesting the recount.
             764          (4) (a) Upon completion of the recount, the election officer shall immediately convene
             765      the board of canvassers.
             766          (b) The board of canvassers shall:
             767          (i) canvass the election returns for the race or proposition that was the subject of the
             768      recount; and
             769          (ii) with the assistance of the election officer, prepare and sign the report required by

             770      Section 20A-4-304 or Section 20A-4-306 .
             771          (c) If the recount is for a statewide or multicounty race or for a statewide proposition,
             772      the board of county canvassers shall prepare and transmit a separate report to the lieutenant
             773      governor as required by Subsection 20A-4-304 (3).
             774          (d) The canvassers' report prepared as provided in this Subsection (4) is the official
             775      result of the race or proposition that is the subject of the recount.
             776          Section 12. Section 20A-5-102 is amended to read:
             777           20A-5-102. Voting instructions.
             778          (1) Each election officer shall:
             779          (a) print instruction cards for voters;
             780          (b) ensure that the cards are printed in English in large clear type; and
             781          (c) ensure that the cards instruct voters:
             782          (i) about how to obtain ballots for voting;
             783          (ii) about special political party affiliation requirements for voting [in the Western
             784      States Presidential Primary or] in a regular primary election;
             785          (iii) about how to prepare ballots for deposit in the ballot box;
             786          (iv) about how to record write-in votes;
             787          (v) about how to obtain a new ballot in the place of one spoiled by accident or mistake;
             788          (vi) about how to obtain assistance in marking ballots;
             789          (vii) about obtaining a new ballot if the voter's ballot is defaced;
             790          (viii) that identification marks or the spoiling or defacing of a ballot will make it
             791      invalid;
             792          (ix) about how to obtain and vote a provisional ballot;
             793          (x) about whom to contact to report election fraud;
             794          (xi) about applicable federal and state laws regarding:
             795          (A) voting rights and the appropriate official to contact if the voter alleges his rights
             796      have been violated; and
             797          (B) prohibitions on acts of fraud and misrepresentation;
             798          (xii) about procedures governing mail-in registrants and first-time voters; and
             799          (xiii) about the date of the election and the hours that the polls are open on election
             800      day.

             801          (2) Each election officer shall:
             802          (a) provide the election judges of each voting precinct with sufficient instruction cards
             803      to instruct voters in the preparation of their ballots;
             804          (b) direct the election judges to post:
             805          (i) general voting instructions in each voting booth; and
             806          (ii) at least three instruction cards and at least one sample ballot elsewhere in and about
             807      the polling place.
             808          Section 13. Section 20A-5-401 is amended to read:
             809           20A-5-401. Official register and posting book -- Preparation -- Contents.
             810          (1) (a) Before the registration days for each regular general, municipal general, regular
             811      primary, municipal primary, or Western States Presidential [Primary election] Preference Poll,
             812      each county clerk shall prepare an official register of voters for each voting precinct that will
             813      participate in the election.
             814          (b) The county clerk shall ensure that the official register is prepared for the
             815      alphabetical entry of names and contains entry fields to provide for the following information:
             816          (i) registered voter's name;
             817          (ii) party affiliation;
             818          (iii) grounds for challenge;
             819          (iv) name of person challenging a voter;
             820          (v) primary, November, special;
             821          (vi) date of birth;
             822          (vii) place of birth;
             823          (viii) place of current residence;
             824          (ix) street address;
             825          (x) zip code;
             826          (xi) identification and provisional ballot information as required under Subsection
             827      (1)[(d)] (c); and
             828          (xii) space for the voter to sign his name for each election.
             829          [(c) When preparing the official register for the Western States Presidential Primary,
             830      the county clerk shall include:]
             831          [(i) an entry field to record the name of the political party whose ballot the voter voted;

             832      and]
             833          [(ii) an entry field for the poll worker to record changes in the voter's party affiliation.]
             834          [(d)] (c) When preparing the official register for any regular general election, municipal
             835      general election, statewide special election, local special election, regular primary election,
             836      municipal primary election, special district election, or election for federal office, the county
             837      clerk shall include:
             838          (i) an entry field that indicates if the voter is required to show identification before
             839      voting;
             840          (ii) an entry field for the poll worker to record the type of identification provided by the
             841      voter;
             842          (iii) a column for the poll worker to record the provisional envelope ballot number for
             843      voters who receive a provisional ballot; and
             844          (iv) a space for the poll worker to record the type of identification that was provided by
             845      voters who receive a provisional ballot.
             846          (2) (a) (i) For regular and municipal elections, primary elections, regular municipal
             847      elections, special district elections, and bond elections, the county clerk shall make an official
             848      register only for voting precincts affected by the primary, municipal, special district, or bond
             849      election.
             850          (ii) If a polling place to be used in a bond election serves both voters residing in the
             851      local political subdivision calling the bond election and voters residing outside of that local
             852      political subdivision, the official register shall designate whether each voter resides in or
             853      outside of the local political subdivision.
             854          (iii) Each county clerk, with the assistance of the clerk of each affected special district,
             855      shall provide a detailed map or an indication on the registration list or other means to enable a
             856      poll worker to determine the voters entitled to vote at an election of special district officers.
             857          (b) Municipalities shall pay the costs of making the official register for municipal
             858      elections.
             859          Section 14. Section 20A-5-601 is amended to read:
             860           20A-5-601. Election judges -- Appointment for regular general elections and
             861      primary elections.
             862          (1) (a) By March 1 of each even-numbered year, each county clerk shall provide to the

             863      county chair of each registered political party a list of the number of election judges that the
             864      party must nominate for each voting precinct.
             865          (b) (i) By April 1 of each even-numbered year, the county chair and secretary of each
             866      registered political party shall file a list with the county clerk containing, for each voting
             867      precinct, the names of registered voters in the county who are willing to be election judges and
             868      who are competent and trustworthy.
             869          (ii) The county chair and secretary shall submit, for each voting precinct, names equal
             870      in number to the number required by the county clerk plus one.
             871          (2) Each county legislative body shall provide for the appointment of persons to serve
             872      as election judges at the regular primary election[,] and the regular general election[, and the
             873      Western States Presidential Primary].
             874          (3) For regular general elections, each county legislative body shall provide for the
             875      appointment of:
             876          (a) (i) three registered voters from the list to serve as receiving judges for each voting
             877      precinct when ballots will be counted after the polls close; or
             878          (ii) three registered voters from the list to serve as receiving judges in each voting
             879      precinct and three registered voters from the list to serve as counting judges in each voting
             880      precinct when ballots will be counted throughout election day; and
             881          (b) three registered voters from the list for each 100 absentee ballots to be counted to
             882      serve as canvassing judges.
             883          (4) For regular primary elections [and for the Western States Presidential Primary
             884      election], each county legislative body shall provide for the appointment of:
             885          (a) (i) two or three registered voters, or one or two registered voters and one person 17
             886      years old who will be 18 years old by the date of the next regular general election, from the list
             887      to serve as receiving judges for each voting precinct when ballots will be counted after the
             888      polls close; or
             889          (ii) two or three registered voters, or one or two registered voters and one person 17
             890      years old who will be 18 years old by the date of the next regular general election, from the list
             891      to serve as receiving judges in each voting precinct and two or three registered voters, or one or
             892      two registered voters and one person 17 years old who will be 18 years old by the date of the
             893      next regular general election, from the list to serve as counting judges in each voting precinct

             894      when ballots will be counted throughout election day; and
             895          (b) two or three registered voters, or one or two registered voters and one person 17
             896      years old who will be 18 years old by the date of the next regular general election, from the list
             897      for each 100 absentee ballots to be counted to serve as canvassing judges.
             898          (5) Each county legislative body may provide for the appointment of:
             899          (a) three registered voters from the list to serve as inspecting judges at the regular
             900      general election to observe the clerk's receipt and deposit of the ballots for safekeeping; and
             901          (b) two or three registered voters, or one or two registered voters and one person 17
             902      years old who will be 18 years old by the date of the next regular general election, from the list
             903      to serve as inspecting judges at the regular primary election to observe the clerk's receipt and
             904      deposit of the ballots for safekeeping.
             905          (6) (a) For each set of three counting or receiving judges to be appointed for each
             906      voting precinct for the regular primary election[,] and the regular general election, [and the
             907      Western States Presidential Primary election,] the county legislative body shall ensure that:
             908          (i) two judges are appointed from the political party that cast the highest number of
             909      votes for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor, and state treasurer,
             910      excluding votes for unopposed candidates, in the voting precinct at the last regular general
             911      election before the appointment of the election judges; and
             912          (ii) one judge is appointed from the political party that cast the second highest number
             913      of votes for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor, and state treasurer,
             914      excluding votes for unopposed candidates, in the voting precinct at the last regular general
             915      election before the appointment of the election judges.
             916          (b) For each set of two counting or receiving judges to be appointed for each voting
             917      precinct for the regular primary election [and Western States Presidential Primary election], the
             918      county legislative body shall ensure that:
             919          (i) one judge is appointed from the political party that cast the highest number of votes
             920      for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor, and state treasurer, excluding
             921      votes for unopposed candidates, in the voting precinct at the last regular general election before
             922      the appointment of the election judges; and
             923          (ii) one judge is appointed from the political party that cast the second highest number
             924      of votes for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor, and state treasurer,

             925      excluding votes for unopposed candidates, in the voting precinct at the last regular general
             926      election before the appointment of the election judges.
             927          (7) When the voting precinct boundaries have been changed since the last regular
             928      general election, the county legislative body shall ensure that:
             929          (a) for the regular primary election [and the Western States Presidential Primary
             930      election], when the county legislative body is using three receiving, counting, and canvassing
             931      judges, and regular general election, not more than two of the judges are selected from the
             932      political party that cast the highest number of votes for the offices of governor, lieutenant
             933      governor, attorney general, state auditor, and state treasurer in the territory that formed the
             934      voting precinct at the time of appointment; and
             935          (b) for the regular primary election [and the Western States Presidential Primary
             936      election], when the county legislative body is using two receiving, counting, and canvassing
             937      judges, not more than one of the judges is selected from the political party that cast the highest
             938      number of votes for the offices of governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor,
             939      and state treasurer in the territory that formed the voting precinct at the time of appointment.
             940          (8) The county legislative body shall provide for the appointment of any qualified
             941      county voter as an election judge when:
             942          (a) a political party fails to file the election judge list by the filing deadline; or
             943          (b) the list is incomplete.
             944          (9) A registered voter of the county may serve as an election judge in any voting
             945      precinct of the county.
             946          (10) If a person serves as an election judge outside the voting precinct where the person
             947      is registered, that person may vote an absentee voter ballot.
             948          (11) The county clerk shall fill all vacancies in the office of election judge.
             949          (12) If a conflict arises over the right to certify the election judge lists for any political
             950      party, the county legislative body may decide between conflicting lists, but may only select
             951      names from a properly submitted list.
             952          (13) The county legislative body shall establish compensation for election judges.
             953          (14) The county clerk may appoint additional judges to serve in the polling place as
             954      needed.
             955          Section 15. Section 20A-9-801 is amended to read:

             956           20A-9-801. Definitions.
             957          As used in this part[, "registered]:
             958          (1) "Party poll worker" means an individual that is designated by a registered political
             959      party to assist the political party in performing or administering that party's presidential
             960      preference poll.
             961          (2) "Preference poll" means a survey conducted by one or more registered political
             962      parties to determine the presidential candidate preference of registered voters.
             963          (3) "Qualified expenses" means expenses incurred by a registered political party that
             964      are directly related to the party's participation in the Western States Presidential Preference
             965      Poll, and are limited to expenses for the following purposes:
             966          (a) printing poll questionnaires or ballots;
             967          (b) printing forms for signed statements required under Subsection 20A-9-802 (2)(b)(i);
             968      and
             969          (c) rent for polling locations provided that the polling location is not located at a
             970      residence.
             971          (4) "Registered political party" means a political party that has complied with the
             972      requirements of Title 20A, Chapter 8, Political Party Formation and Procedures, to become a
             973      political party officially recognized by the state.
             974          Section 16. Section 20A-9-802 is amended to read:
             975           20A-9-802. Western States Presidential Preference Poll established -- Other
             976      ballot issues prohibited -- Registration requirements -- Participation by parties.
             977          (1) [(a)] Contingent upon legislative appropriation, there is established a Western
             978      States Presidential [Primary election] Preference Poll to be held on the first Tuesday in
             979      February in the year in which a presidential election will be held.
             980          [(b) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, county clerks shall
             981      administer the Western States Presidential Primary according to the provisions of Title 20A,
             982      Election Code, including:]
             983          [(i) Title 20A, Chapter 1, General Provisions;]
             984          [(ii) Title 20A, Chapter 2, Voter Registration;]
             985          [(iii) Title 20A, Chapter 3, Voting;]
             986          [(iv) Title 20A, Chapter 4, Election Returns and Election Contests;]

             987          [(v) Title 20A, Chapter 5, Election Administration; and]
             988          [(vi) Title 20A, Chapter 6, Ballot Form.]
             989          [(c) (i) The county clerks shall ensure that the ballot voted by the voters at the Western
             990      States Presidential Primary contains only the names of candidates for President of the United
             991      States who have qualified as provided in this part.]
             992          [(ii) The county clerks may not present any other items to the voters to be voted upon
             993      at this election.]
             994          [(2) Registered political parties, and candidates for President of the United States who
             995      are affiliated with a registered political party, may participate in the Western States Presidential
             996      Primary established by this part.]
             997          [(3) As a condition for using the state's election system, each registered political party
             998      wishing to participate in Utah's Western States Presidential Primary shall:]
             999          (2) No later than 5 p.m. on the last business day in June of the year prior to the year of
             1000      the presidential election, each registered political party that desires to participate in Utah's
             1001      Western States Presidential Preference Poll shall:
             1002          (a) declare to the lieutenant governor, in writing, their intent to participate in the
             1003      Western States Presidential [Primary] Preference Poll;
             1004          [(b) identify one or more registered political parties whose members may vote for the
             1005      registered political party's candidates and whether or not persons identified as unaffiliated with
             1006      a political party may vote for the registered political party's candidates; and]
             1007          (b) certify to the lieutenant governor, in writing, that the party will:
             1008          (i) prepare and require a uniform statement to be used in the party's preference poll
             1009      that:
             1010          (A) is separate from the ballot used to record each person's presidential preference;
             1011          (B) requires each person participating in the party's preference poll to certify that the
             1012      person:
             1013          (I) is registered to vote in Utah; and
             1014          (II) has not participated in any other party's presidential preference poll on that date;
             1015          (C) must be signed by each person requesting to express the person's preference in the
             1016      party's preference poll as a precondition to receiving a ballot or poll questionnaire; and
             1017          (D) includes a space for a party poll worker to enter a description of the valid voter

             1018      identification, if any, that is presented by the person requesting to express the person's
             1019      presidential preference;
             1020          (ii) have uniform procedures for collecting, storing, counting, and determining the
             1021      validity of votes cast in the party's preference poll;
             1022          (iii) make efforts to establish common locations and poll hours with any other
             1023      registered political parties that will participate in the preference poll;
             1024          (iv) establish a period for a candidate to request that the candidate's name appear on the
             1025      preference poll ballot or poll questionnaire; and
             1026          (v) specify the fee, if any, that will be payable to the registered political party by a
             1027      candidate who wishes to affiliate with the registered political party for the purposes of
             1028      appearing on the ballot or poll questionnaire; and
             1029          [(c) certify that information to the lieutenant governor no later than 5 p.m. on the June
             1030      30 of the year before the year in which the presidential primary will be held, or the following
             1031      business day if June 30 falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday.]
             1032          (c) provide the lieutenant governor with a copy of those sections of the registered
             1033      political party's bylaws that implement the requirements of Subsection (2)(b).
             1034          (3) No later than the first business day in January of the year of the presidential
             1035      election, each registered political party participating in the Western States Presidential
             1036      Preference Poll shall submit to the lieutenant governor a listing of the name and address of
             1037      each polling place that the party will use when conducting the preference poll.
             1038          (4) No later than 14 days before the date of the Western States Presidential Preference
             1039      Poll, the lieutenant governor shall mail a notice of the preference poll to each person in the
             1040      state of Utah that was registered to vote as of the date that falls 28 days before the date of the
             1041      preference poll.
             1042          (5) A person wishing to express a preference for a presidential candidate shall express
             1043      that preference:
             1044          (a) in person;
             1045          (b) on the date of Utah's Western States Presidential Preference Poll established in
             1046      Subsection (1); and
             1047          (c) at any polling location in the state that is designated as a polling place for the
             1048      preferred candidate's political party.

             1049          Section 17. Section 20A-9-810 is enacted to read:
             1050          20A-9-810. Funding grants -- Submission of reimbursement request and
             1051      statements -- Reimbursement of qualified expenses.
             1052          (1) No later than the first business day in October of the year before the year in which
             1053      the Western States Presidential Preference Poll will be held, the lieutenant governor shall pay
             1054      to each registered political party that meets the requirements of Subsection 20A-9-802 (2) a
             1055      grant equal to 3% of the total legislative appropriation made for the next scheduled Western
             1056      States Presidential Preference Poll.
             1057          (2) No later than the first regular business day in March of the year in which a
             1058      presidential election will be held, a registered political party that participates in the Western
             1059      States Presidential Preference Poll shall submit to the lieutenant governor:
             1060          (a) a written request for reimbursement for qualified expenses that lists, for each
             1061      qualified expense:
             1062          (i) a description of the expense;
             1063          (ii) the amount of the expense;
             1064          (iii) the name and address of the creditor that the party owes for the expense or has
             1065      paid for the expense; and
             1066          (iv) a copy of a receipt or other verification of the expense;
             1067          (b) a statement containing the total number of votes cast for each presidential candidate
             1068      in the party's presidential preference poll, that is signed and certified by an officer of the
             1069      political party; and
             1070          (c) all statements collected by the participating registered political party as required by
             1071      Subsection 20A-9-802 (2)(b)(i).
             1072          (3) A registered political party that fails to comply with the requirements of Subsection
             1073      (2) may not receive any reimbursement for qualified expenses under Subsection (4).
             1074          (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), a participating registered political party
             1075      that complies with the requirements of Subsection (2) shall receive reimbursements for
             1076      qualified expenses in an amount equal to the amount appropriated by the Legislature for the
             1077      Western States Presidential Preference Poll, minus those amounts paid by the lieutenant
             1078      governor to provide notice under Section 20A-9-802 (4) and minus those amounts previously
             1079      distributed under Subsection (1), with the resulting total being multiplied by the fraction equal

             1080      to the total of votes cast in the party's preference poll divided by the total votes cast in all
             1081      parties' preference polls.
             1082          (b) Reimbursements made to a registered political party under this section shall not
             1083      exceed the total amount of qualified expenses submitted by that registered political party under
             1084      Subsection (2).
             1085          Section 18. Repealer.
             1086          This bill repeals:
             1087          Section 20A-9-202.5, Declaration of candidacy -- Western States Presidential
             1088      Primary.
             1089          Section 20A-9-803, Declaration of candidacy -- Filing fee -- Form.
             1090          Section 20A-9-804, Satellite registration provisions not applicable -- Registration
             1091      with county clerk.
             1092          Section 20A-9-805, Closed primary -- Determining party affiliation -- Changing
             1093      party affiliation.
             1094          Section 20A-9-806, Ballots.
             1095          Section 20A-9-807, Combining voting precincts.
             1096          Section 20A-9-808, Voting.
             1097          Section 20A-9-809, Counting votes -- Canvass -- Certification of results.

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