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H.C.R. 7
10 General Description:
11 This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor honors victims and
12 family members impacted by the Trolley Square tragedy.
13 Highlighted Provisions:
14 This resolution:
15 . honors the victims of the Trolley Square shootings, both living and dead, their loved
16 ones, those who managed to flee to safety, those who prevented further loss of life,
17 and those who must carry on with tragic memories of the incident.
18 Special Clauses:
19 None
21 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
22 WHEREAS, a full measure of honor and remembrance is due to the victims, both living
23 and dead, of the Trolley Square tragedy of February 12, 2007;
24 WHEREAS, Kirsten Hinckley, a sophomore at Brighton High School, was talented at
25 painting, drawing, modern dance, and well known for her bright, positive nature;
26 WHEREAS, Kirsten was inspired by a trip to England some years ago to plan to return
27 to attend college there and study to be an architect;
28 WHEREAS, Kirsten was shopping with her mother, Carolyn Tuft, who continues to
29 struggle with severe wounds;
30 WHEREAS, Vanessa Quinn, who was about to meet her husband, Richard, to purchase
31 new wedding bands and buy a birthday gift for their nephew, came to Utah to work during the
32 2002 Winter Olympics but stayed because she fell in love with Utah's mountains;
33 WHEREAS, Vanessa was strong and athletic, and she and her husband loved to go
34 skiing, bike riding, and camping together;
35 WHEREAS, Teresa Ellis, an assistant manager at a West Valley branch of Chase Bank,
36 was always thinking of others, kind and loving, and always nonjudgmental;
37 WHEREAS, Teresa was excelling in her employment and excited about her
38 accomplishments and those with whom she worked;
39 WHEREAS, Jeffrey Walker and his son, AJ, stopped by Trolley Square to buy
40 Valentine's Day presents for family;
41 WHEREAS, Jeffrey distinguished himself with his outgoing nature and passion for his
42 wife, whom he doted upon;
43 WHEREAS, AJ, who is still struggling with his injuries, is a junior at Bingham High
44 School and is described as sweet and kind, with a magnetic personality;
45 WHEREAS, Brad Frantz, father of three-year old Deijah, worked as a certified welder
46 on construction jobs throughout the Mountain West and was at Trolley Square celebrating a
47 promotion;
48 WHEREAS, Brad's smile lit up a room, he never appeared sad, even if he had a bad
49 day, and enjoyed a great love for camping, snowboarding, skateboarding, wake boarding, riding
50 ATVs and water skiing, especially with his older brother, Brandon;
51 WHEREAS, Stacy Hanson, who was seriously injured at Trolley Square, is currently
52 fighting to recover from his wounds;
53 WHEREAS, after celebrating the birthday of one of his step children, Shawn Munns
54 was heading to a separate car when he was shot, but managed to call his wife and tell her to
55 drive away as quickly as she could;
56 WHEREAS, then Shawn, despite his wounds, rose to his feet and burst into an eating
57 establishment, warning everyone to lock the doors and call 911;
58 WHEREAS, Shawn will likely carry 75 to 100 pellets for the rest of his life because the
59 risk of infection from removing them is greater than from leaving them in his body;
60 WHEREAS, many shoppers at Trolley Square hurried out the exits when shots rang
61 out, and many others hid themselves in stores and waited for hours before being convinced that
62 the danger was passed;
63 WHEREAS, witnesses to the shootings struggle to recover from the terror of their
64 experience;
65 WHEREAS, for the families of the victims, hope for healing sustains them, but the
66 sudden shock and sorrow of separation, and the lingering, seemingly insatiable ache of
67 loneliness, is so very difficult to bear;
68 WHEREAS, a friend of one of the wounded spoke eloquently of the shock felt by so
69 many people when he stated, "You can't believe it . . . you think you're going to wake up and
70 think things will be the way they were";
71 WHEREAS, feelings of forgiveness for the perpetrator and his family emerged soon
72 after the tragedy;
73 WHEREAS, a loved one of one of those killed stated, "I want this to be about the
74 memory of the people who were lost and how great they were and not anything that boy did";
75 WHEREAS, another loved one stated, "we can feel no evil, no ill, no harm against this
76 man";
77 WHEREAS, our prayers and thoughts reach out to all those who lost loved ones, and to
78 those who love and nurture the injured, and to those who are shaken by the incident; and
79 WHEREAS, may we as fellow citizens bind up the wounds, whether they be physical,
80 emotional, or spiritual, and draw closer as a community that cares about each and every
81 individual:
82 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
83 Governor concurring therein, honor the victims of the Trolley Square shootings, both living
84 and dead, those who lost loved ones, those who managed to flee to safety, those who prevented
85 further loss of life, and those who must carry on with tragic memories of the incident.
86 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to immediate
87 family members of Kirsten Hinckley, Vanessa Quinn, Teresa Ellis, Jeffrey Walker, and Brad
88 Franz, and also to Carolyn Tuft, AJ Walker, Stacy Hanson, and Shawn Munns.
Legislative Review Note
as of 2-19-07 5:26 PM