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S.B. 4

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Senate 3rd Reading Amendments 1-22-2007 rd/sch
This document includes Senate 2nd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Mon, Jan 15, 2007 at 4:16 PM by rday. --> This document includes Senate 2nd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 11:13 AM by rday. --> This document includes Senate 3rd Reading Floor Amendments (CORRECTED) incorporated into the bill on Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 11:22 AM by rday. -->              1




Chief Sponsor: Carlene M. Walker

House Sponsor: Paul Ray


             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the Motor Vehicles Code and the Public Safety Code by amending
             11      provisions related to driving under the influence.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    clarifies the application of the ten-year look back period for felony driving under the
             15      influence violations;
             16          .    amends the definition of alcohol restricted driver;
             17          .    provides that a court shall order an ignition interlock system as a condition of
             18      probation for an alcohol restricted driver violation or describe why the order would
             19      not be appropriate;
             20          .    increases the fee for a license reinstatement application for an alcohol or
             21      drug-related offense;
             22          .    increases the administrative fee for license reinstatement after an alcohol or drug-
             23      related offense S. and increases the amount of revenue generated by the administrative fee that is
             23a      deposited in the State Laboratory Drug Testing restricted account
.S ;
             24          .    provides that the Driver License Division shall deny, suspend, disqualify, or revoke
             25      a person's license for certain violations;
             25a      S.     
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  . requires the Driver License Division to reinstate a person's license if the person's charges

             25b      for certain violations are reduced or dismissed within the suspension period;  
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             26          .    requires the Driver License Division to immediately revoke, deny, suspend, or
             27      disqualify a person's driver license upon receiving record of a person's conviction

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Senate 2nd Reading Amendments 1-15-2007 rd/sch
     for operating a vehicle without an ignition interlock system if the person is an interlock
             29      restricted driver; and
             30          .    makes technical changes.
             31      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             32          None
             33      Other Special Clauses:
             34          None
             35      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             36      AMENDS:
             37          41-6a-503, as enacted by Chapter 2 and last amended by Chapter 91, Laws of Utah
             38      2005
             39          41-6a-521, as enacted by Chapter 2 and last amended by Chapter 91, Laws of Utah
             40      2005
             41          41-6a-529, as last amended by Chapter 341, Laws of Utah 2006
             42          41-6a-530, as enacted by Chapter 91, Laws of Utah 2005
             43          53-3-105, as last amended by Chapter 201, Laws of Utah 2006
             44          53-3-106, as last amended by Chapter 201, Laws of Utah 2006
             45          53-3-220, as last amended by Chapter 168, Laws of Utah 2006
             46          53-3-223, as last amended by Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2005
             47          53-3-224, as last amended by Chapter 226, Laws of Utah 1999
             47a      S. 53-3-227, as last amended by Chapters 2, 91, and 220, Laws of Utah 2005 .S
             48          53-3-231, as last amended by Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2005
             49          53-3-418, as last amended by Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2005

             51      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             52          Section 1. Section 41-6a-503 is amended to read:
             53           41-6a-503. Penalties for driving under the influence violations.
             54          (1) A person convicted the first or second time of a violation of Section 41-6a-502 is
             55      guilty of a:
             56          (a) class B misdemeanor; or
             57          (b) class A misdemeanor if the person:
             58          (i) has also inflicted bodily injury upon another as a proximate result of having

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     operated the vehicle in a negligent manner;
             60          (ii) had a passenger under 16 years of age in the vehicle at the time of the offense; or
             61          (iii) was 21 years of age or older and had a passenger under 18 years of age in the
             62      vehicle at the time of the offense.
             63          (2) A person convicted of a violation of Section 41-6a-502 is guilty of a third degree
             64      felony if:
             65          (a) the person has also inflicted serious bodily injury upon another as a proximate
             66      result of having operated the vehicle in a negligent manner;
             67          (b) the person has two or more prior convictions as defined in Subsection
             68      41-6a-501 (2), each of which is within ten years of:
             69          (i) the current conviction under Section 41-6a-502 [is within ten years of two or more
             70      prior convictions as defined in Subsection 41-6a-501 (2)]; or
             71          (ii) the commission of the offense upon which the current conviction is based; or
             72          (c) the conviction under Section 41-6a-502 is at any time after a conviction of:
             73          (i) automobile homicide under Section 76-5-207 that is committed after July 1, 2001;
             74          (ii) a felony violation of Section 41-6a-502 or a statute previously in effect in this state
             75      that would constitute a violation of Section 41-6a-502 that is committed after July 1, 2001; or
             76          (iii) any conviction described in Subsection (2)(c)(i) or (ii) which judgment of
             77      conviction is reduced under Section 76-3-402 .
             78          Section 2. Section 41-6a-521 is amended to read:
             79           41-6a-521. Revocation hearing for refusal -- Appeal.
             80          (1) (a) A person who has been notified of the Driver License Division's intention to
             81      revoke the person's license under Section 41-6a-520 is entitled to a hearing.
             82          (b) A request for the hearing shall be made in writing within ten calendar days after the
             83      day on which notice is provided.
             84          (c) Upon request in a manner specified by the Driver License Division, the Driver
             85      License Division shall grant to the person an opportunity to be heard within 29 days after the
             86      date of arrest.
             87          (d) If the person does not make a request for a hearing before the Driver License
             88      Division under this Subsection (1), the person's privilege to operate a motor vehicle in the state
             89      is revoked beginning on the 30th day after the date of arrest for a period of:

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         (i) 18 months unless Subsection (1)(d)(ii) applies; or
             91          (ii) 24 months if the person has had a previous:
             92          (A) license sanction for an offense that occurred within the previous ten years from the
             93      date of arrest under Section 41-6a-517 , 41-6a-520 , 41-6a-530 , 53-3-223 , 53-3-231 , or
             94      53-3-232 ; or
             95          (B) conviction for an offense that occurred within the previous ten years from the date
             96      of arrest under Section 41-6a-502 or a statute previously in effect in this state that would
             97      constitute a violation of Section 41-6a-502 .
             98          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), if a hearing is requested by the person,
             99      the hearing shall be conducted by the Driver License Division in the county in which the
             100      offense occurred.
             101          (b) The Driver License Division may hold a hearing in some other county if the Driver
             102      License Division and the person both agree.
             103          (3) The hearing shall be documented and shall cover the issues of:
             104          (a) whether a peace officer had reasonable grounds to believe that a person was
             105      operating a motor vehicle in violation of Section 41-6a-502 , 41-6a-517 , 41-6a-530 , 53-3-231 ,
             106      or 53-3-232 ; and
             107          (b) whether the person refused to submit to the test or tests under Section 41-6a-520 .
             108          (4) (a) In connection with the hearing, the division or its authorized agent:
             109          (i) may administer oaths and may issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and
             110      the production of relevant books and papers; and
             111          (ii) shall issue subpoenas for the attendance of necessary peace officers.
             112          (b) The Driver License Division shall pay witness fees and mileage from the
             113      Transportation Fund in accordance with the rates established in Section 78-46-28 .
             114          (5) (a) If after a hearing, the Driver License Division determines that the person was
             115      requested to submit to a chemical test or tests and refused to submit to the test or tests, or if the
             116      person fails to appear before the Driver License Division as required in the notice, the Driver
             117      License Division shall revoke the person's license or permit to operate a motor vehicle in Utah
             118      beginning on the date the hearing is held for a period of:
             119          (i) 18 months unless Subsection (5)(a)(ii) applies; or
             120          (ii) 24 months if the person has had a previous:

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         (A) license sanction for an offense that occurred within the previous ten years from the
             122      date of arrest under Section 41-6a-517 , 41-6a-520 , 41-6a-530 , 53-3-223 , 53-3-231 , or
             123      53-3-232 ; or
             124          (B) conviction for an offense that occurred within the previous ten years from the date
             125      of arrest under Section 41-6a-502 or a statute previously in effect in this state that would
             126      constitute a violation of Section 41-6a-502 .
             127          (b) The Driver License Division shall also assess against the person, in addition to any
             128      fee imposed under Subsection 53-3-205 (13), a fee under Section 53-3-105 , which shall be paid
             129      before the person's driving privilege is reinstated, to cover administrative costs.
             130          (c) The fee shall be cancelled if the person obtains an unappealed court decision
             131      following a proceeding allowed under Subsection (2) that the revocation was improper.
             132          (6) (a) Any person whose license has been revoked by the Driver License Division
             133      under this section following an administrative hearing may seek judicial review.
             134          (b) Judicial review of an informal adjudicative proceeding is a trial.
             135          (c) Venue is in the district court in the county in which the offense occurred.
             136          Section 3. Section 41-6a-529 is amended to read:
             137           41-6a-529. Definitions -- Alcohol restricted drivers.
             138          (1) As used in this section and section 41-6a-530 , "alcohol restricted driver" means a
             139      person who:
             140          (a) within the last two years:
             141          (i) has been convicted of:
             142          (A) a misdemeanor violation of Section 41-6a-502 ;
             143          (B) alcohol, any drug, or a combination of both-related reckless driving under Section
             144      41-6a-512 ;
             145          (C) local ordinances similar to Section 41-6a-502 or alcohol, any drug, or a
             146      combination of both-related reckless driving adopted in compliance with Section 41-6a-510 ;
             147          (D) a violation described in Subsections (1)(a)(i)(A) through (C), which judgment of
             148      conviction is reduced under Section 76-3-402 ; or
             149          (E) statutes or ordinances previously in effect in this state or in effect in any other state,
             150      the United States, or any district, possession, or territory of the United States which would
             151      constitute a violation of Section 41-6a-502 or alcohol, any drug, or a combination of

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     both-related reckless driving if committed in this state, including punishments administered
             153      under 10 U.S.C. Sec. 815; or
             154          (ii) has had the person's driving privilege suspended under Section 53-3-223 for an
             155      alcohol-related offense based on an arrest which occurred on or after July 1, 2005;
             156          (b) within the last three years has been convicted of a violation of this section or
             157      Section 41-6a-518.2 ;
             158          [(b)] (c) within the last five years:
             159          (i) has had the person's driving privilege revoked for refusal to submit to a chemical
             160      test under Section 41-6a-520 , which refusal occurred on or after July 1, 2005; or
             161          (ii) (A) has been convicted of an offense described in Subsection (1)(a)(i); and
             162          (B) at the time of operation or actual physical control of a vehicle the person:
             163          (I) is 21 years of age or older; and
             164          (II) has a passenger under 16 years of age in the vehicle;
             165          [(c)] (d) within the last ten years:
             166          (i) has been convicted of an offense described in Subsection (1)(a)(i) which conviction
             167      was within ten years of a prior conviction for an offense described in Subsection (1)(a)(i); or
             168          (ii) has had the person's driving privilege revoked for refusal to submit to a chemical
             169      test and the refusal is within ten years after:
             170          (A) a prior refusal to submit to a chemical test under Section 41-6a-520 ; or
             171          (B) a prior conviction for an offense described in Subsection (1)(a)(i) which is not
             172      based on the same arrest as the refusal; or
             173          [(d)] (e) at any time has been convicted of:
             174          (i) automobile homicide under Section 76-5-207 for an offense that occurred on or
             175      after July 1, 2005; or
             176          (ii) a felony violation of Section 41-6a-502 for an offense that occurred on or after July
             177      1, 2005.
             178          (2) For purposes of this section and Section 41-6a-530 , a plea of guilty or no contest to
             179      a violation described in Subsection (1)(a)(i) which plea is held in abeyance under Title 77,
             180      Chapter 2a, Pleas in Abeyance, is the equivalent of a conviction, even if the charge has been
             181      subsequently reduced or dismissed in accordance with the plea in abeyance agreement.
             182          Section 4. Section 41-6a-530 is amended to read:

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          41-6a-530. Alcohol restricted drivers -- Prohibited from operating a vehicle while
             184      having any measurable or detectable amount of alcohol in the person's body -- Penalties.
             185          (1) An alcohol restricted driver who operates or is in actual physical control of a
             186      vehicle in this state with any measurable or detectable amount of alcohol in the person's body is
             187      guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
             188          (2) A "measurable or detectable amount" of alcohol in the person's body may be
             189      established by:
             190          (a) a chemical test;
             191          (b) evidence other than a chemical test; or
             192          (c) a combination of Subsections (2)(a) and (b).
             193          (3) For any person convicted of a violation of this section, the court shall order the
             194      installation of an ignition interlock system as a condition of probation in accordance with
             195      Section 41-6a-518 or describe on the record or in a minute entry why the order would not be
             196      appropriate.
             197          Section 5. Section 53-3-105 is amended to read:
             198           53-3-105. Fees for licenses, renewals, extensions, reinstatements, rescheduling,
             199      and identification cards.
             200          The following fees apply under this chapter:
             201          (1) An original class D license application under Section 53-3-205 is $20.
             202          (2) An original class M license application under Section 53-3-205 is $22.50.
             203          (3) An original provisional license application for a class D license under Section
             204      53-3-205 is $25.
             205          (4) An original provisional license application for a class M license under Section
             206      53-3-205 is $27.50.
             207          (5) An original application for a motorcycle endorsement under Section 53-3-205 is
             208      $7.50.
             209          (6) An original application for a taxicab endorsement under Section 53-3-205 is $5.
             210          (7) A learner permit application under Section 53-3-210.5 is $15.
             211          (8) A renewal of a class D license under Section 53-3-214 is $20 unless Subsection
             212      (14) applies.
             213          (9) A renewal of a class M license under Section 53-3-214 is $22.50.

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         (10) A renewal of a provisional license application for a class D license under Section
             215      53-3-214 is $20.
             216          (11) A renewal of a provisional license application for a class M license under Section
             217      53-3-214 is $22.50.
             218          (12) A renewal of a motorcycle endorsement under Section 53-3-214 is $7.50.
             219          (13) A renewal of a taxicab endorsement under Section 53-3-214 is $5.
             220          (14) A renewal of a class D license for a person 65 and older under Section 53-3-214 is
             221      $8.
             222          (15) An extension of a class D license under Section 53-3-214 is $15 unless Subsection
             223      (21) applies.
             224          (16) An extension of a class M license under Section 53-3-214 is $17.50.
             225          (17) An extension of a provisional license application for a class D license under
             226      Section 53-3-214 is $15.
             227          (18) An extension of a provisional license application for a class M license under
             228      Section 53-3-214 is $17.50.
             229          (19) An extension of a motorcycle endorsement under Section 53-3-214 is $7.50.
             230          (20) An extension of a taxicab endorsement under Section 53-3-214 is $5.
             231          (21) An extension of a class D license for a person 65 and older under Section
             232      53-3-214 is $6.
             233          (22) An original or renewal application for a commercial class A, B, or C license or an
             234      original or renewal of a provisional commercial class A or B license under Part 4, Uniform
             235      Commercial Driver License Act, is:
             236          (a) $35 for the knowledge test; and
             237          (b) $55 for the skills test.
             238          (23) Each original CDL endorsement for passengers, hazardous material, double or
             239      triple trailers, or tankers is $5.
             240          (24) An original CDL endorsement for a school bus under Part 4, Uniform Commercial
             241      Driver License Act, is $5.
             242          (25) A renewal of a CDL endorsement under Part 4, Uniform Commercial Driver
             243      License Act, is $5.
             244          (26) A retake of a CDL knowledge or a CDL skills test provided for in Section

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Senate 3rd Reading Amendments 1-22-2007 rd/sch
     53-3-205 is $15.
             246          (27) A retake of a CDL endorsement test provided for in Section 53-3-205 is $5.
             247          (28) A duplicate class A, B, C, D, or M license certificate under Section 53-3-215 is
             248      $13.
             249          (29) (a) A license reinstatement application under Section 53-3-205 is $25.
             250          (b) A license reinstatement application under Section 53-3-205 for an alcohol, drug, or
             251      combination of alcohol and any drug-related offense is [$25] $35 in addition to the fee under
             252      Subsection (29)(a).
             253          (30) (a) An administrative fee for license reinstatement after an alcohol, drug, or
             254      combination of alcohol and any drug-related offense under Section 41-6a-520 , 53-3-223 , or
             255      53-3-231 or an alcohol, drug, or combination of alcohol and any drug-related offense under
             256      Part 4, Uniform Commercial Driver License Act, is [$150] S. [ $160 ] $170 .S .
             257          (b) This administrative fee is in addition to the fees under Subsection (29).
             258          (31) (a) An administrative fee for providing the driving record of a driver under
             259      Section 53-3-104 or 53-3-420 is $4.
             260          (b) The division may not charge for a report furnished under Section 53-3-104 to a
             261      municipal, county, state, or federal agency.
             262          (32) A rescheduling fee under Section 53-3-205 or 53-3-407 is $25.
             263          (33) An identification card application under Section 53-3-808 is $8.
             264          Section 6. Section 53-3-106 is amended to read:
             265           53-3-106. Disposition of revenues under this chapter -- Restricted account created
             266      -- Uses as provided by appropriation -- Nonlapsing.
             267          (1) There is created within the Transportation Fund a restricted account known as the
             268      "Department of Public Safety Restricted Account."
             269          (2) The account consists of monies generated from the following revenue sources:
             270          (a) all monies received under this chapter;
             271          (b) administrative fees received according to the fee schedule authorized under this
             272      chapter and Section 63-38-3.2 ; and
             273          (c) any appropriations made to the account by the Legislature.
             274          (3) (a) The account shall earn interest.
             275          (b) All interest earned on account monies shall be deposited in the account.

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         (4) The expenses of the department in carrying out this chapter shall be provided for by
             277      legislative appropriation from this account.
             278          (5) The amount in excess of [$35] $45 of the fees collected under Subsection
             279      53-3-105 (30) shall be appropriated by the Legislature from this account to the department to
             280      implement the provisions of Section 53-1-117 , except that of the amount in excess of [$35]
             281      $45, S. [ $30 ] $40 .S shall be deposited in the State Laboratory Drug Testing restricted account
             281a      created in
             282      Section 26-1-34 .
             283          (6) All monies received under Subsection 41-6a-1406 (6)(b)(ii) shall be appropriated by
             284      the Legislature from this account to the department to implement the provisions of Section
             285      53-1-117 .
             286          (7) Appropriations to the department from the account are nonlapsing.
             287          Section 7. Section 53-3-220 is amended to read:
             288           53-3-220. Offenses requiring mandatory revocation, denial, suspension, or
             289      disqualification of license -- Offense requiring an extension of period -- Hearing --
             290      Limited driving privileges.
             291          (1) (a) The division shall immediately revoke or, when this chapter or Title 41, Chapter
             292      6a, Traffic Code, specifically provides for denial, suspension, or disqualification, the division
             293      shall deny, suspend, or disqualify the license of a person upon receiving a record of the person's
             294      conviction for any of the following offenses:
             295          (i) manslaughter or negligent homicide resulting from driving a motor vehicle, or
             296      automobile homicide under Section 76-5-207 ;
             297          (ii) driving or being in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the
             298      influence of alcohol, any drug, or combination of them to a degree that renders the person
             299      incapable of safely driving a motor vehicle as prohibited in Section 41-6a-502 or as prohibited
             300      in an ordinance that complies with the requirements of Subsection 41-6a-510 (1);
             301          (iii) driving or being in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while having a blood
             302      or breath alcohol content prohibited in Section 41-6a-502 or as prohibited in an ordinance that
             303      complies with the requirements of Subsection 41-6a-510 (1);
             304          (iv) perjury or the making of a false affidavit to the division under this chapter, Title
             305      41, Motor Vehicles, or any other law of this state requiring the registration of motor vehicles or
             306      regulating driving on highways;

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         (v) any felony under the motor vehicle laws of this state;
             308          (vi) any other felony in which a motor vehicle is used to facilitate the offense;
             309          (vii) failure to stop and render aid as required under the laws of this state if a motor
             310      vehicle accident results in the death or personal injury of another;
             311          (viii) two charges of reckless driving committed within a period of 12 months; but if
             312      upon a first conviction of reckless driving the judge or justice recommends suspension of the
             313      convicted person's license, the division may after a hearing suspend the license for a period of
             314      three months;
             315          (ix) failure to bring a motor vehicle to a stop at the command of a peace officer as
             316      required in Section 41-6a-210 ;
             317          (x) any offense specified in Part 4, Uniform Commercial Driver License Act, that
             318      requires disqualification;
             319          (xi) discharging or allowing the discharge of a firearm from a vehicle in violation of
             320      Subsection 76-10-508 (2);
             321          (xii) using, allowing the use of, or causing to be used any explosive, chemical, or
             322      incendiary device from a vehicle in violation of Subsection 76-10-306 (4)(b);
             323          (xiii) operating or being in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while having any
             324      measurable controlled substance or metabolite of a controlled substance in the person's body in
             325      violation of Section 41-6a-517 ;
             326          (xiv) until July 30, 2015, operating or being in actual physical control of a motor
             327      vehicle while having any alcohol in the person's body in violation of Section 53-3-232 ;
             328          (xv) operating or being in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while having any
             329      measurable or detectable amount of alcohol in the person's body in violation of Section
             330      41-6a-530 ; [and]
             331          (xvi) engaging in a motor vehicle speed contest or exhibition of speed on a highway in
             332      violation of Section 41-6a-606 [.]; and
             333          (xvii) operating or being in actual physical control of a motor vehicle in this state
             334      without an ignition interlock system in violation of Section 41-6a-518.2 .
             335          (b) The division shall immediately revoke the license of a person upon receiving a
             336      record of an adjudication under Title 78, Chapter 3a, Juvenile Court Act of 1996, for any of the
             337      following offenses:

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         (i) discharging or allowing the discharge of a firearm from a vehicle in violation of
             339      Subsection 76-10-508 (2); and
             340          (ii) using, allowing the use of, or causing to be used any explosive, chemical, or
             341      incendiary device from a vehicle in violation of Subsection 76-10-306 (4)(b).
             342          (c) Except when action is taken under Section 53-3-219 for the same offense, the
             343      division shall immediately suspend for six months the license of a person upon receiving a
             344      record of conviction for any of the following offenses:
             345          (i) any violation of:
             346          (A) Title 58, Chapter 37, Utah Controlled Substances Act;
             347          (B) Title 58, Chapter 37a, Utah Drug Paraphernalia Act;
             348          (C) Title 58, Chapter 37b, Imitation Controlled Substances Act;
             349          (D) Title 58, Chapter 37c, Utah Controlled Substance Precursor Act; or
             350          (E) Title 58, Chapter 37d, Clandestine Drug Lab Act; or
             351          (ii) any criminal offense that prohibits:
             352          (A) possession, distribution, manufacture, cultivation, sale, or transfer of any substance
             353      that is prohibited under the acts described in Subsection (1)(c)(i); or
             354          (B) the attempt or conspiracy to possess, distribute, manufacture, cultivate, sell, or
             355      transfer any substance that is prohibited under the acts described in Subsection (1)(c)(i).
             356          (2) The division shall extend the period of the first denial, suspension, revocation, or
             357      disqualification for an additional like period, to a maximum of one year for each subsequent
             358      occurrence, upon receiving:
             359          (a) a record of the conviction of any person on a charge of driving a motor vehicle
             360      while the person's license is denied, suspended, revoked, or disqualified;
             361          (b) a record of a conviction of the person for any violation of the motor vehicle law in
             362      which the person was involved as a driver;
             363          (c) a report of an arrest of the person for any violation of the motor vehicle law in
             364      which the person was involved as a driver; or
             365          (d) a report of an accident in which the person was involved as a driver.
             366          (3) When the division receives a report under Subsection (2)(c) or (d) that a person is
             367      driving while the person's license is denied, suspended, disqualified, or revoked, the person is
             368      entitled to a hearing regarding the extension of the time of denial, suspension, disqualification,

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     or revocation originally imposed under Section 53-3-221 .
             370          (4) (a) The division may extend to a person the limited privilege of driving a motor
             371      vehicle to and from the person's place of employment or within other specified limits on
             372      recommendation of the trial judge in any case where a person is convicted of any of the
             373      offenses referred to in Subsections (1) and (2) except:
             374          (i) automobile homicide under Subsection (1)(a)(i);
             375          (ii) those offenses referred to in Subsections (1)(a)(ii), (a)(iii), (a)(xi), (a)(xii), (a)(xiii),
             376      (1)(b), and (1)(c); and
             377          (iii) those offenses referred to in Subsection (2) when the original denial, suspension,
             378      revocation, or disqualification was imposed because of a violation of Section 41-6a-502 ,
             379      41-6a-517 , a local ordinance which complies with the requirements of Subsection
             380      41-6a-510 (1), Section 41-6a-520 , or Section 76-5-207 , or a criminal prohibition that the person
             381      was charged with violating as a result of a plea bargain after having been originally charged
             382      with violating one or more of these sections or ordinances.
             383          (b) This discretionary privilege is limited to when undue hardship would result from a
             384      failure to grant the privilege and may be granted only once to any individual during any single
             385      period of denial, suspension, revocation, or disqualification, or extension of that denial,
             386      suspension, revocation, or disqualification.
             387          (c) A limited CDL may not be granted to an individual disqualified under Part 4,
             388      Uniform Commercial Driver License Act, or whose license has been revoked, suspended,
             389      cancelled, or denied under this chapter.
             390          Section 8. Section 53-3-223 is amended to read:
             391           53-3-223. Chemical test for driving under the influence -- Temporary license --
             392      Hearing and decision -- Suspension and fee -- Judicial review.
             393          (1) (a) If a peace officer has reasonable grounds to believe that a person may be
             394      violating or has violated Section 41-6a-502 , prohibiting the operation of a vehicle with a
             395      certain blood or breath alcohol concentration and driving under the influence of any drug,
             396      alcohol, or combination of a drug and alcohol or while having any measurable controlled
             397      substance or metabolite of a controlled substance in the person's body in violation of Section
             398      41-6a-517 , the peace officer may, in connection with arresting the person, request that the
             399      person submit to a chemical test or tests to be administered in compliance with the standards

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     under Section 41-6a-520 .
             401          (b) In this section, a reference to Section 41-6a-502 includes any similar local
             402      ordinance adopted in compliance with Subsection 41-6a-510 (1).
             403          (2) The peace officer shall advise a person prior to the person's submission to a
             404      chemical test that a test result indicating a violation of Section 41-6a-502 or 41-6a-517 shall,
             405      and the existence of a blood alcohol content sufficient to render the person incapable of safely
             406      driving a motor vehicle may, result in suspension or revocation of the person's license to drive
             407      a motor vehicle.
             408          (3) If the person submits to a chemical test and the test results indicate a blood or
             409      breath alcohol content in violation of Section 41-6a-502 or 41-6a-517, or if a peace officer
             410      makes a determination, based on reasonable grounds, that the person is otherwise in violation
             411      of Section 41-6a-502 , a peace officer shall, on behalf of the division and within 24 hours of
             412      arrest, give notice of the division's intention to suspend the person's license to drive a motor
             413      vehicle.
             414          (4) (a) When a peace officer gives notice on behalf of the division, the peace officer
             415      shall:
             416          (i) take the Utah license certificate or permit, if any, of the driver;
             417          (ii) issue a temporary license certificate effective for only 29 days from the date of
             418      arrest; and
             419          (iii) supply to the driver, in a manner specified by the division, basic information
             420      regarding how to obtain a prompt hearing before the division.
             421          (b) A citation issued by a peace officer may, if provided in a manner specified by the
             422      division, also serve as the temporary license certificate.
             423          (5) As a matter of procedure, a peace officer shall send to the division within ten
             424      calendar days after the day on which notice is provided:
             425          (a) the person's license certificate;
             426          (b) a copy of the citation issued for the offense;
             427          (c) a signed report in a manner specified by the division indicating the chemical test
             428      results, if any; and
             429          (d) any other basis for the peace officer's determination that the person has violated
             430      Section 41-6a-502 or 41-6a-517 .

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         (6) (a) Upon request in a manner specified by the division, the division shall grant to
             432      the person an opportunity to be heard within 29 days after the date of arrest. The request to be
             433      heard shall be made within ten calendar days of the day on which notice is provided under
             434      Subsection (5).
             435          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (6)(b)(ii), a hearing, if held, shall be before the
             436      division in the county in which the arrest occurred.
             437          (ii) The division may hold a hearing in some other county if the division and the person
             438      both agree.
             439          (c) The hearing shall be documented and shall cover the issues of:
             440          (i) whether a peace officer had reasonable grounds to believe the person was driving a
             441      motor vehicle in violation of Section 41-6a-502 or 41-6a-517 ;
             442          (ii) whether the person refused to submit to the test; and
             443          (iii) the test results, if any.
             444          (d) (i) In connection with a hearing the division or its authorized agent:
             445          (A) may administer oaths and may issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and
             446      the production of relevant books and papers; or
             447          (B) may issue subpoenas for the attendance of necessary peace officers.
             448          (ii) The division shall pay witness fees and mileage from the Transportation Fund in
             449      accordance with the rates established in Section 78-46-28 .
             450          (e) The division may designate one or more employees to conduct the hearing.
             451          (f) Any decision made after a hearing before any designated employee is as valid as if
             452      made by the division.
             453          [(g) After the hearing, the division shall order whether the person's license to drive a
             454      motor vehicle is suspended or not.]
             455          [(h) If the person for whom the hearing is held fails to appear before the division as
             456      required in the notice, the division shall order whether the person's license to drive a motor
             457      vehicle is suspended or not.]
             458          [(7) (a) A first suspension, whether ordered or not challenged under this Subsection
             459      (7), is for a period of 90 days, beginning on the 30th day after the date of the arrest.]
             460          [(b) A second or subsequent suspension for an offense that occurred within the
             461      previous ten years under this Subsection (7) is for a period of one year, beginning on the 30th

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     day after the date of arrest.]
             463          (7) S. (a) .S If, after a hearing, the division determines that S. [ the person violated ] a
             463a      peace officer
             463a      had reasonable grounds to believe that the person was driving a motor vehicle in violation of
             463b      Section
             464      41-6a-502 or 41-6a-517 , if the person failed to appear before the division as required in the
             465      notice, or if a hearing is not requested under this section, the division shall suspend the person's
             466      license or permit to operate a motor vehicle for a period of:
             467           S. [ (a) ] (i) .S 90 days beginning on the 30th day after the date of arrest for a first
             467a      suspension; or
             468           S. [ (b) ] (ii) .S one year beginning on the 30th day after the date of arrest for a second or
             469      subsequent suspension for an offense that occurred within the previous ten years.
             469a      S. (b)(i) Notwithstanding the provisions in Subsection (7)(a)(i), the division shall reinstate a person's
             469b      license prior to completion of the 90 day suspension period imposed under Subsection (7)(a)(i) if the
             469c      person's charge for a violation of Section 41-6a-502 or 41-6a-517 is reduced or dismissed prior to
             469d      completion of the suspension period.
             469e          (ii) The division shall immediately reinstate a person's license upon receiving written
             469f      verification of the person's dismissal of a charge for a violation of Section 41-6a-502 or 41-6a-517.
             469g          (iii) The division shall reinstate a person's license no sooner than 60 days beginning on the 30th
             469h      day after the date of arrest upon receiving written verification of the person's reduction of a charge for
             469i      a violation of Section 41-6a-502 or 41-6a-517.
             469j          (iv) If a person's license is reinstated under this Subsection (7)(b), the person is required to pay
             469k      the license reinstatement fees under Subsections 53-3-105(29) and (30).
             470          (8) (a) The division shall assess against a person, in addition to any fee imposed under
             471      Subsection 53-3-205 (13) for driving under the influence, a fee under Section 53-3-105 to cover
             472      administrative costs, which shall be paid before the person's driving privilege is reinstated.
             472a      This
             473      fee shall be cancelled if the person obtains an unappealed division hearing or court decision
             474      that the suspension was not proper.
             475          (b) A person whose license has been suspended by the division under this section
             476      following an administrative hearing may file a petition within 30 days after the suspension for a
             477      hearing on the matter which, if held, is governed by Section 53-3-224 .
             478          Section 9. Section 53-3-224 is amended to read:
             479           53-3-224. Filing a petition for hearing -- Judicial review of license cancellation,
             480      revocation, or suspension -- Scope of review.
             481          (1) A person denied a license or whose license has been cancelled, suspended, or
             482      revoked by the division following an administrative hearing may seek judicial review of the

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     division's order.
             484          (2) (a) Venue for judicial review of informal adjudicative proceedings is in the district
             485      court in the county where the offense occurred, which resulted in the cancellation, suspension,
             486      or revocation.
             487          (b) Persons not residing in the state shall file in Salt Lake County or the county where
             488      the offense occurred, which resulted in the cancellation, suspension, or revocation.
             488a      S. Section 10. Section 53-3-227 is amended to read:
             488b          53-3-227.   Driving a motor vehicle prohibited while driving privilege denied, suspended,
             488c      disqualified, or revoked -- Penalties.
             488d          (1) A person whose driving privilege has been denied, suspended, disqualified, or revoked
             488e      under this chapter or under the laws of the state in which the person's driving privilege was granted
             488f      and who drives any motor vehicle upon the highways of this state while that driving privilege is
             488g      denied, suspended, disqualified, or revoked shall be punished as provided in this section.
             488h          (2) A person convicted of a violation of Subsection (1), other than a violation specified in
             488i      Subsection (3), is guilty of a class C misdemeanor.
             488j          (3) (a) A person is guilty of a class B misdemeanor if the person's conviction under Subsection
             488k      (1) is based on the person driving a motor vehicle while the person's driving privilege is suspended,
             488l      disqualified, or revoked for:
             488m          (i) a refusal to submit to a chemical test under Section 41-6a-520;
             488n          (ii) a violation of Section 41-6a-502;
             488o          (iii) a violation of a local ordinance that complies with the requirements of Section 41-6a-510;
             488p          (iv) a violation of Section 41-6a-517;
             488q          (v) a violation of Section 76-5-207;
             488r          (vi) a criminal action that the person plead guilty to as a result of a plea bargain after having
             488s      been originally charged with violating one or more of the sections or ordinances under this Subsection
             488t      (3);
             488u          (vii) a revocation or suspension which has been extended under Subsection 53-3-220(2);
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             488w          (viii) where disqualification is the result of driving a commercial motor vehicle while the
             488x      person's CDL is disqualified, suspended, canceled, or revoked under Subsection 53-3-414(1)
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             488y      or
             488z          (ix) a violation of Section 41-6a-530.  
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             488aa          (b) A person is guilty of a class B misdemeanor if the person's conviction under Subsection (1)
             488ab      is based on the person driving a motor vehicle while the person's driving privilege is suspended,
             488ac      disqualified, or revoked by any state, the United States, or any district, possession, or territory of the
             488ad      United States for violations corresponding to the violations listed in Subsections (3)(a)(i) through (viii).
             488ae          (c) A fine imposed under this Subsection (3) shall be at least the maximum fine for a class C
             488af      misdemeanor under Section 76-3-301. .S
             489          Section 10. Section 53-3-231 is amended to read:
             490          53-3-231. Person under 21 may not operate a vehicle or motorboat with
             491      detectable alcohol in body -- Chemical test procedures -- Temporary license -- Hearing

             492      and decision -- Suspension of license or operating privilege -- Fees -- Judicial review --

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     Referral to local substance abuse authority or program.
             494          (1) (a) As used in this section:
             495          (i) "Local substance abuse authority" has the same meaning as provided in Section
             496      62A-15-102 .
             497          (ii) "Substance abuse program" means any substance abuse program licensed by the
             498      Department of Human Services or the Department of Health and approved by the local
             499      substance abuse authority.
             500          (b) Calculations of blood, breath, or urine alcohol concentration under this section shall
             501      be made in accordance with the procedures in Subsection 41-6a-502 (1).
             502          (2) (a) A person younger than 21 years of age may not operate or be in actual physical
             503      control of a vehicle or motorboat with any measurable blood, breath, or urine alcohol
             504      concentration in the person's body as shown by a chemical test.
             505          (b) [(i)] A person [with a valid operator license] who violates Subsection (2)(a), in
             506      addition to any other applicable penalties arising out of the incident, shall have the person's
             507      operator license denied or suspended as provided in Subsection [(2)(b)(ii)] (8).
             508          [(ii) (A) For a first offense under Subsection (2)(a), the division shall deny the person's
             509      operator license if ordered or not challenged under this section for a period of 90 days
             510      beginning on the 30th day after the date of the arrest under Section 32A-12-209 .]
             511          [(B) For a second or subsequent offense under Subsection (2)(a), within three years of
             512      a prior denial or suspension, the division shall suspend the person's operator license for a
             513      period of one year beginning on the 30th day after the date of arrest.]
             514          [(c) (i) A person who has not been issued an operator license who violates Subsection
             515      (2)(a), in addition to any other penalties arising out of the incident, shall be punished as
             516      provided in Subsection (2)(c)(ii).]
             517          [(ii) For one year or until the person is 17, whichever is longer, a person may not
             518      operate a vehicle and the division may not issue the person an operator license or learner's
             519      permit.]
             520          (3) (a) When a peace officer has reasonable grounds to believe that a person may be
             521      violating or has violated Subsection (2), the peace officer may, in connection with arresting the
             522      person for a violation of Section 32A-12-209 , request that the person submit to a chemical test
             523      or tests to be administered in compliance with the standards under Section 41-6a-520 .

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         (b) The peace officer shall advise a person prior to the person's submission to a
             525      chemical test that a test result indicating a violation of Subsection (2)(a) will result in denial or
             526      suspension of the person's license to operate a motor vehicle or a refusal to issue a license.
             527          (c) If the person submits to a chemical test and the test results indicate a blood, breath,
             528      or urine alcohol content in violation of Subsection (2)(a), or if a peace officer makes a
             529      determination, based on reasonable grounds, that the person is otherwise in violation of
             530      Subsection (2)(a), a peace officer shall, on behalf of the division and within 24 hours of the
             531      arrest, give notice of the division's intention to deny or suspend the person's license to operate a
             532      vehicle or refusal to issue a license under [Subsection (2)] this section.
             533          (4) When a peace officer gives notice on behalf of the division, the peace officer shall:
             534          (a) take the Utah license certificate or permit, if any, of the operator;
             535          (b) issue a temporary license certificate effective for only 29 days from the date of
             536      arrest if the driver had a valid operator's license; and
             537          (c) supply to the operator, in a manner specified by the division, basic information
             538      regarding how to obtain a prompt hearing before the division.
             539          (5) A citation issued by a peace officer may, if provided in a manner specified by the
             540      division, also serve as the temporary license certificate under Subsection (4)(b).
             541          (6) As a matter of procedure, a peace officer shall send to the division within ten
             542      calendar days after the day on which notice is provided:
             543          (a) the person's driver license certificate, if any;
             544          (b) a copy of the citation issued for the offense;
             545          (c) a signed report in a manner specified by the Driver License Division indicating the
             546      chemical test results, if any; and
             547          (d) any other basis for a peace officer's determination that the person has violated
             548      Subsection (2).
             549          (7) (a) (i) Upon request in a manner specified by the division, the Driver License
             550      Division shall grant to the person an opportunity to be heard within 29 days after the date of
             551      arrest under Section 32A-12-209 .
             552          (ii) The request shall be made within ten calendar days of the day on which notice is
             553      provided.
             554          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (7)(b)(ii), a hearing, if held, shall be before the

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     division in the county in which the arrest occurred.
             556          (ii) The division may hold a hearing in some other county if the division and the person
             557      both agree.
             558          (c) The hearing shall be documented and shall cover the issues of:
             559          (i) whether a peace officer had reasonable grounds to believe the person was operating
             560      a motor vehicle or motorboat in violation of Subsection (2)(a);
             561          (ii) whether the person refused to submit to the test; and
             562          (iii) the test results, if any.
             563          (d) In connection with a hearing, the division or its authorized agent may administer
             564      oaths and may issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant
             565      books and papers and records as defined in Section 46-4-102 .
             566          (e) One or more members of the division may conduct the hearing.
             567          (f) Any decision made after a hearing before any number of the members of the
             568      division is as valid as if made after a hearing before the full membership of the division.
             569          [(g) After the hearing, the division shall order whether the person:]
             570          [(i) with a valid license to operate a motor vehicle will have the person's license denied
             571      or not or suspended or not; or]
             572          [(ii) without a valid operator license will be refused a license under Subsection (2)(c).]
             573          [(h) If the person for whom the hearing is held fails to appear before the division as
             574      required in the notice, the division shall order whether the person shall have the person's
             575      license denied, suspended, or not denied or suspended, or whether an operator license will be
             576      refused or not refused.]
             577          (8) If, after a hearing, the division determines that S. [ the person violated ] a peace officer
             577a      had reasonable grounds to believe that the person was driving a motor vehicle in violation of
             577b      Subsection
             578      (2)(a), if the person fails to appear before the division as required in the notice, or if the person
             579      does not request a hearing under this section, the division shall:
             580          (a) deny the person's license for a period of 90 days beginning on the 30th day after the
             581      date of arrest for a first offense under Subsection (2)(a);
             582          (b) suspend the person's license for a period of one year beginning on the 30th day after
             583      the date of arrest for a second or subsequent offense under Subsection (2)(a) within three years
             584      of a prior denial or suspension; or
             585          (c) deny the person's application for a license or learner's permit until the person is 17

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     years of age or for a period of one year, whichever is longer, if the person has not been issued
             587      an operator license.
             588          [(8)] (9) (a) (i) Following denial or suspension the division shall assess against a
             589      person, in addition to any fee imposed under Subsection 53-3-205 (13), a fee under Section
             590      53-3-105 , which shall be paid before the person's driving privilege is reinstated, to cover
             591      administrative costs.
             592          (ii) This fee shall be canceled if the person obtains an unappealed division hearing or
             593      court decision that the suspension was not proper.
             594          (b) A person whose operator license has been denied, suspended, or postponed by the
             595      division under this section following an administrative hearing may file a petition within 30
             596      days after the suspension for a hearing on the matter which, if held, is governed by Section
             597      53-3-224 .
             598          [(9)] (10) After reinstatement of an operator license for a first offense under this
             599      section, a report authorized under Section 53-3-104 may not contain evidence of the denial or
             600      suspension of the person's operator license under this section if the person has not been
             601      convicted of any other offense for which the denial or suspension may be extended.
             602          [(10)] (11) (a) In addition to the penalties in Subsection [(2)] (8), a person who violates
             603      Subsection (2)(a) shall:
             604          (i) obtain an assessment and recommendation for appropriate action from a substance
             605      abuse program, but any associated costs shall be the person's responsibility; or
             606          (ii) be referred by the division to the local substance abuse authority for an assessment
             607      and recommendation for appropriate action.
             608          (b) (i) Reinstatement of the person's operator license or the right to obtain an operator
             609      license is contingent upon successful completion of the action recommended by the local
             610      substance abuse authority or the substance abuse program.
             611          (ii) The local substance abuse authority's or the substance abuse program's
             612      recommended action shall be determined by an assessment of the person's alcohol abuse and
             613      may include:
             614          (A) a targeted education and prevention program;
             615          (B) an early intervention program; or
             616          (C) a substance abuse treatment program.

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         (iii) Successful completion of the recommended action shall be determined by
             618      standards established by the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health.
             619          (c) At the conclusion of the penalty period imposed under Subsection (2), the local
             620      substance abuse authority or the substance abuse program shall notify the division of the
             621      person's status regarding completion of the recommended action.
             622          (d) The local substance abuse authorities and the substance abuse programs shall
             623      cooperate with the division in:
             624          (i) conducting the assessments;
             625          (ii) making appropriate recommendations for action; and
             626          (iii) notifying the division about the person's status regarding completion of the
             627      recommended action.
             628          (e) (i) The local substance abuse authority is responsible for the cost of the assessment
             629      of the person's alcohol abuse, if the assessment is conducted by the local substance abuse
             630      authority.
             631          (ii) The local substance abuse authority or a substance abuse program selected by a
             632      person is responsible for:
             633          (A) conducting an assessment of the person's alcohol abuse; and
             634          (B) for making a referral to an appropriate program on the basis of the findings of the
             635      assessment.
             636          (iii) (A) The person who violated Subsection (2)(a) is responsible for all costs and fees
             637      associated with the recommended program to which the person selected or is referred.
             638          (B) The costs and fees under Subsection [(10)] (11)(e)(iii)(A) shall be based on a
             639      sliding scale consistent with the local substance abuse authority's policies and practices
             640      regarding fees for services or determined by the substance abuse program.
             641          Section 11. Section 53-3-418 is amended to read:
             642           53-3-418. Prohibited alcohol level for drivers -- Procedures, including hearing.
             643          (1) A person who holds or is required to hold a CDL may not drive a commercial
             644      motor vehicle in this state if the person:
             645          (a) has sufficient alcohol in the person's body that a subsequent chemical test shows
             646      that the person has a blood or breath alcohol concentration of .04 grams or greater at the time
             647      of the test after the alleged driving of the commercial motor vehicle;

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         (b) is under the influence of alcohol, any drug, or the combined influence of alcohol
             649      and any drug to degree that renders the person incapable of safely driving a commercial motor
             650      vehicle; or
             651          (c) has a blood or breath alcohol concentration of .04 grams or greater at the time of
             652      driving the commercial motor vehicle.
             653          (2) A person who holds or is required to hold a CDL and who drives a commercial
             654      motor vehicle in this state is considered to have given the person's consent to a test or tests of
             655      the person's blood, breath, or urine to determine the concentration of alcohol or the presence of
             656      other drugs in the person's physical system.
             657          (3) If a peace officer or port-of-entry agent has reasonable cause to believe that a
             658      person may be violating this section, the peace officer or port-of-entry agent may request the
             659      person to submit to a chemical test to be administered in compliance with Section 41-6a-515 .
             660          (4) When a peace officer or port-of-entry agent requests a person to submit to a test
             661      under this section, the peace officer or port-of-entry agent shall advise the person that test
             662      results indicating .04 grams or greater alcohol concentration or refusal to submit to any test
             663      requested will result in the person's disqualification under Section 53-3-414 from driving a
             664      commercial motor vehicle.
             665          (5) If test results under this section indicate .04 grams or greater of alcohol
             666      concentration or the person refuses to submit to any test requested under this section, a peace
             667      officer or port-of-entry agent shall, on behalf of the division and within 24 hours of the arrest,
             668      give the person notice of the division's intention to disqualify the person's privilege to drive a
             669      commercial motor vehicle.
             670          (6) When a peace officer or port-of-entry agent gives notice under Subsection (5), the
             671      peace officer or port-of-entry agent shall:
             672          (a) take any Utah license certificate or permit held by the driver;
             673          (b) issue to the driver a temporary license certificate effective for 29 days from the date
             674      of arrest;
             675          (c) provide the driver, in a manner specified by the division, basic information
             676      regarding how to obtain a prompt hearing before the division; and
             677          (d) issue a 24-hour out-of-service order.
             678          (7) A notice of disqualification issued under Subsection (6) may serve also as the

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     temporary license certificate under that subsection, if provided in a manner specified by the
             680      division.
             681          (8) As a matter of procedure, a peace officer or port-of-entry agent shall, within ten
             682      calendar days after the day on which notice is provided, send to the division the person's
             683      license certificate, a copy of the notice, and a report signed by the peace officer or port-of-entry
             684      agent that indicates the results of any chemical test administered or that the person refused a
             685      test.
             686          (9) (a) A person disqualified under this section has the right to a hearing regarding the
             687      disqualification.
             688          (b) The request for the hearing shall be submitted to the division in a manner specified
             689      by the division and shall be made within ten calendar days of the date the notice was issued. If
             690      requested, the hearing shall be conducted within 29 days after the date of arrest.
             691          (10) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (10)(a)(ii), a hearing held under this
             692      section shall be held before the division and in the county where the notice was issued.
             693          (ii) The division may hold a hearing in some other county if the division and the person
             694      both agree.
             695          (b) The hearing shall be documented and shall determine:
             696          (i) whether the peace officer or port-of-entry agent had reasonable grounds to believe
             697      the person had been driving a motor vehicle in violation of this section;
             698          (ii) whether the person refused to submit to any requested test; and
             699          (iii) any test results obtained.
             700          (c) In connection with a hearing the division or its authorized agent may administer
             701      oaths and may issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant
             702      books and documents.
             703          (d) One or more members of the division may conduct the hearing.
             704          (e) A decision made after a hearing before any number of members of the division is as
             705      valid as if the hearing were held before the full membership of the division.
             706          (f) After a hearing under this section the division shall indicate by order if the person's
             707      CDL is disqualified.
             708          (g) If the person for whom the hearing is held fails to appear before the division as
             709      required in the notice, the division shall indicate by order if the person's CDL is disqualified.

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         (11) (a) If the division disqualifies a person under this section following an
             711      administrative hearing, the person may petition for a hearing under Section 53-3-224 .
             712          (b) The petition shall be filed within 30 days after the division issues the
             713      disqualification.
             714          (12) (a) A person who violates this section shall be punished in accordance with
             715      Section 53-3-414 .
             716          (b) (i) In accordance with Section 53-3-414 , the first disqualification under this section
             717      shall be for one year, and a second disqualification shall be for life.
             718          (ii) A disqualification under Section 53-3-414 begins on the 30th day after the date of
             719      arrest.
             720          (13) (a) In addition to the fees imposed under Section 53-3-205 for reinstatement of a
             721      CDL, a fee under Section 53-3-105 to cover administrative costs shall be paid before the
             722      driving privilege is reinstated.
             723          (b) The fees under Sections 53-3-105 and 53-3-205 shall be canceled if an unappealed
             724      hearing at the division or court level determines the disqualification was not proper.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-15-06 4:45 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Interim Committee Note
    as of 12-12-06 9:41 AM

The Transportation Interim Committee recommended this bill.

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