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S.B. 52
This document includes Senate Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Fri, Jan 19, 2007 at 11:10 AM by rday. --> This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Fri, Feb 9, 2007 at 9:12 AM by jeyring. --> 1
9 General Description:
10 This bill amends the Health Code to authorize the Department of Health to regulate
11 public tanning facilities.
12 Highlighted Provisions:
13 This bill:
14 . defines terms;
15 . authorizes local health departments to issue permits for tanning facilities; and
16 . requires a person younger than 18 to obtain parental consent before using a tanning
17 facility.
18 Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
19 None
20 Other Special Clauses:
21 None
22 Utah Code Sections Affected:
24 26-15-2, as enacted by Chapter 126, Laws of Utah 1981
26 26-15-13, Utah Code Annotated 1953
House Committee Amendments 2-9-2007 je/cjd
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:28
29 Section 1. Section 26-15-2 is amended to read:
30 26-15-2. Minimum rules of sanitation established by department.
31 The department shall establish and enforce, or provide for the enforcement of minimum
32 rules of sanitation necessary to protect the public health. Such rules shall include, but not be
33 limited to, rules necessary for the design, construction, operation, maintenance, or expansion
34 of:
35 (1) restaurants and all places where food or drink is handled, sold or served to the
36 public;
37 (2) public swimming pools;
38 (3) public baths including saunas, spas, massage parlors, and suntan parlors;
39 (4) public bathing beaches;
40 (5) schools which are publicly or privately owned or operated;
41 (6) recreational resorts, camps, and vehicle parks;
42 (7) amusement parks and all other centers and places used for public gatherings;
43 (8) mobile home parks and highway rest stops;
44 (9) construction or labor camps;
45 (10) jails, prisons and other places of incarceration or confinement;
46 (11) hotels and motels;
47 (12) lodging houses and boarding houses;
48 (13) service stations;
49 (14) barbershops and beauty shops;
50 (15) physician and dentist offices;
51 (16) public buildings and grounds; [
52 (17) public conveyances and terminals[
53 (18) H. commercial .H tanning facilities.
54 Section 2. Section 26-15-13 is enacted to read:
55 26-15-13. Regulation of tanning facilities.
56 (1) For purposes of this section:
57 (a) "Phototherapy device" means equipment that emits ultraviolet radiation used by a
58 health care professional in the treatment of disease.
House Committee Amendments 2-9-2007 je/cjd
Senate Committee Amendments 1-19-2007 rd/cjd
(b) (i) "Tanning device" means any equipment that emits electromagnetic radiation59
60 with wavelengths in the air between 200 and 400 nanometers used for tanning of the skin,
61 including:
62 (A) a sunlamp; and
63 (B) a tanning booth or bed.
64 (ii) "Tanning device" does not include a phototherapy device.
65 (c) "Tanning facility" means any H. commercial .H location, place, area, structure,
65a or business which
66 provides persons access to any tanning device.
67 (2) A tanning facility shall:
68 (a) annually obtain a permit to do business as a tanning facility from the local health
69 department with jurisdiction over the location in which the facility is located; and
70 (b) in accordance with Subsection (3) post a warning sign in a conspicuous location
71 that is readily visible to a person about to use a tanning device.
72 (3) The posted warning and written consent required by Subsections (2) and (5) shall
73 be developed by the department through administrative rules.
74 (4) It is unlawful for any operator of a tanning facility to allow a person younger than
75 18 years old to use a tanning device unless the minor's parent or legal guardian:
76 (a) appears in person at the tanning facility S. [
76a uses a tanning device S. , and at least once each 12 month period thereafter in which the minor uses
76b the tanning device .S ;
77 and
78 (b) signs the consent form required in Subsection (5).
79 (5) The written consent required by Subsection (4) shall be signed and dated, and shall
80 include at least:
81 (a) information concerning the health risks associated with the use of a tanning device;
82 (b) if the individual using the tanning device is a minor, a statement that:
83 (i) the parent or legal guardian of the minor has read and understood the warnings
84 given by the tanning facility, and consents to the minor's use of a tanning device; S. [
85 (ii) the parent or legal guardian agrees that the minor will use protective eye wear S. ; and
85a (iii) includes the number of tanning sessions within the 12 month period of time the parent is
85b authorizing for the minor .S .
86 (6) A violation of this section:
87 (a) is a class C misdemeanor; and
88 (b) may result in the revocation of a permit to do business as a tanning facility. S.
88a (7) This section supercedes any ordinance enacted by the governing body of a political
88b subdivision that imposes restrictions on access to a tanning device by a person younger than age 18
88c that is not essentially identical to the provisions of this section. .S
Legislative Review Note
as of 11-15-06 1:32 PM