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First Substitute S.B. 112

This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 1:33 PM by jeyring. -->

Senator D. Chris Buttars proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: D. Chris Buttars

House Sponsor: Michael T. Morley


             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the Utah Controlled Substance Precursor Act regarding the quantity
             11      of products containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine that may
             12      be sold or possessed at one time, and requires that retail distributors limit customers'
             13      access to these products. This bill requires retail distributors to keep a log of purchasers
             14      of these products. This bill also imposes a specified penalty for offenses related to
             15      clandestine drug laboratories.
             16      Highlighted Provisions:
             17          This bill:
             18          .    reduces the amount of products containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or
             19      phenylpropanolamine that may be possessed at one time from 12 grams to 9 grams;
             20          .    provides that products containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or
             21      phenylpropanolamine may not be sold as over-the-counter medications and requires:
             22              .    that any of these products sold in one day, regardless of the number of
             23      transactions, may not contain more than 3.6 grams of ephedrine,
             24      pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine;
             25              .    that any of these products sold by mobile retail vendors within 30 days,

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     regardless of the number of transactions, may not contain more than 7.5 grams of ephedrine,
             27      pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine;
             28              .    that the retailer keep the products in an area not accessible to customers, such as
             29      in a locked cabinet;
             30              .    that the purchaser provide identification that includes a photo and birth date;
             31              .    that the purchaser write into the log his name, address, date of birth, and time of
             32      transaction; and
             33              .    that the seller verify the information provided by the purchaser and enter the
             34      brand name and quantity of the product; and
             35              .    that the retailer keep a log of the transactions, including the date, identification
             36      of the purchaser, and the product purchased, for not less than two years;
             37          .    provides that any violation of these provisions is a class B misdemeanor, and that
             38      subsequent violations are class A misdemeanors; and
             39          .    provides that specified offenses involving clandestine drug laboratories, which are
             40      second degree felonies, are punishable by the specified penalty of imprisonment for
             41      an indeterminate term of not less than 3 years nor more than 15 years.
             42      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             43          None
             44      Other Special Clauses:
             45          None
             46      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             47      AMENDS:
             48          58-37c-8, as last amended by Chapter 271, Laws of Utah 2000
             49          58-37c-20, as last amended by Chapter 1, Laws of Utah 2000
             50          58-37d-4, as last amended by Chapter 90, Laws of Utah 2004
             51      ENACTS:
             52          58-37c-20.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953

             54      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             55          Section 1. Section 58-37c-8 is amended to read:
             56           58-37c-8. License -- Exceptions from licensure or regulation.

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         (1) Any person engaged in a regulated transaction must be appropriately licensed under
             58      this chapter as a regulated distributor and regulated purchaser unless excepted from licensure
             59      under this chapter.
             60          (2) The division shall:
             61          (a) establish the form of application for a license, the requirements for licensure, and
             62      fees for initial licensure and renewal; and
             63          (b) identify required information to be contained in the application as a condition of
             64      licensure.
             65          (3) A practitioner who holds a Utah Controlled Substance License and a Controlled
             66      Substance Registration issued by the Drug Enforcement Administration of the U.S.
             67      Government is excepted from licensure under this chapter.
             68          (4) Any purchase, sale, transfer, furnishing, or receipt of any drug intended for lawful
             69      use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other
             70      animals, which contains ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, norpseudoephedrine, or
             71      phenylpropanolamine, if [such] the drug is lawfully purchased, sold, transferred, or furnished
             72      as an over-the-counter medication without prescription pursuant to the federal Food, Drug and
             73      Cosmetic Act, 21 USC, Sec. 301 et seq., or regulations adopted [thereunder] under that act, are
             74      excepted from licensure, reporting, and recordkeeping under this chapter, except that products
             75      containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine are subject to Section
             76      58-37c-20.5 .
             77          (5) Any purchase, sale, transfer, receipt, or manufacture of any dietary supplement,
             78      vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other similar substances, including concentrates or extracts, which
             79      are not otherwise prohibited by law, and which may contain naturally occurring amounts of
             80      chemicals or substances listed in this chapter, or in rules adopted pursuant to Title 63, Chapter
             81      46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, are exempt from licensure under this chapter.
             82          (6) A purchaser of two ounces or less of crystal iodine in a single transaction is not
             83      required to be licensed as a regulated purchaser if the transaction complies with Section
             84      58-37c-18 .
             85          (7) Any purchase, sale, transfer, receipt, or manufacture of any product that contains
             86      any precursor chemical listed in Subsection 58-37c-3 (2)(ff) or (gg) and that is not intended for
             87      human consumption is exempt from licensure[,] or regulation[, or] and is not subject to

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     criminal penalties under this chapter.
             89          Section 2. Section 58-37c-20 is amended to read:
             90           58-37c-20. Possession of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine --
             91      Penalties.
             92          (1) Any person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor:
             93          (a) who is not licensed to engage in regulated transactions and is not excepted from
             94      licensure; and
             95          (b) who, under circumstances not amounting to a violation of Subsection
             96      58-37c-3 (12)(k) or Subsection 58-37d-4 (1)(a), possesses more than [12] 9 grams of ephedrine
             97      [or], pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine, their salts, isomers, or salts of isomers, or a
             98      combination of any of these substances[, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor].
             99          (2) [(a)] It is an affirmative defense to a charge under Subsection (1) that the person in
             100      possession of ephedrine [or], pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine, or a combination of
             101      these two substances:
             102          (a) (i) is a physician, pharmacist, retail distributor, wholesaler, manufacturer,
             103      warehouseman, or common carrier, or an agent of any of these persons; and
             104          (ii) possesses the substances in the regular course of lawful business activities[.]; or
             105          (b) possesses the substance pursuant to a valid prescription as defined in Section
             106      58-37-2 .
             107          [(b) (i)] (3) (a) The defendant shall provide written notice of intent to claim an
             108      affirmative defense under this section as soon as practicable, but not later than ten days prior to
             109      trial. The court may waive the notice requirement in the interest of justice for good cause
             110      shown, if the prosecutor is not unfairly prejudiced by the lack of timely notice.
             111          [(ii)] (b) The notice shall include the specifics of the asserted defense.
             112          [(iii)] (c) The defendant shall establish the affirmative defense by a preponderance of
             113      the evidence. If the defense is established, it is a complete defense to the charges.
             114          [(3)] (4) This section does not apply to dietary supplements, herbs, or other natural
             115      products, including concentrates or extracts, which:
             116          (a) are not otherwise prohibited by law; and
             117          (b) may contain naturally occurring ephedrine, ephedrine alkaloids, or
             118      pseudoephedrine, or their salts, isomers, or salts of isomers, or a combination of these

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     substances, that:
             120          (i) are contained in a matrix of organic material; and
             121          (ii) do not exceed 15% of the total weight of the natural product.
             122          Section 3. Section 58-37c-20.5 is enacted to read:
             123          58-37c-20.5. Pseudoephedrine products -- Limitations on retail sale.
             124          (1) As used in this section:
             125          (a) "Mobile retail vendor" means a person or entity that sells product at retail from a
             126      stand that is intended to be temporary, or that is capable of being moved from one location to
             127      another, whether the stand is located within or on the premises of a fixed facility or is located
             128      on unimproved real estate; and.
             129          (b) "Product" means any product, mixture, or preparation, or any combination of
             130      products that contain ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine their salts or
             131      isomers, or salts of optical isomers, or a combination of any of these substances.
             132          (2) A retail distributor or a mobile retail vendor may not distribute or sell any product
             133      that exceeds the threshold amount of 3.6 grams of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or
             134      phenylpropanolamine, or any combination of these, regardless of the number of transactions,
             135      during any 24-hour period.
             136          (3) A mobile retail vendor may not distribute or sell any product that exceeds the
             137      threshold amount of 7.5 grams of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine,
             138      regardless of the number of transactions, during any 30-day period.
             139          (4) A retail distributor or a mobile retail vendor may not distribute or sell any product,
             140      unless the retail distributor or mobile retail vendor:
             141          (a) stores the product in an area not accessible to customers prior to the sale, which
             142      area may include a locked cabinet to display the product in an area accessible to customers, if
             143      the locked cabinet may be opened only by the retail distributor or mobile retail vendor or its
             144      employees;
             145          (b) stores all non-liquid scheduled listed chemical products in packaging containing
             146      blister packs, with each blister containing no more than two dosage units;
             147          (c) requires the purchaser of the product to provide photo identification issued by a
             148      governmental agency and that includes the purchaser's date of birth;
             149          (d) maintains a written or electronic log under Subsection (5) of the sales made under

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House Committee Amendments 2-13-2007 je/sca
     this section; and
             151          (e) provides a notice concerning federal penalties for making false statements or
             152      misrepresentations, as provided in Subsection (5)(d).
             153          (5) Each retail distributor or mobile retail vendor shall maintain an electronic or written
             154      log that contains the following information regarding each person to whom product is
             155      distributed or sold under this section. The log shall include:
             156          (a) the following information, H. provided or .H written in the log by the purchaser:
             157          (i) the purchaser's name, address, and date of birth, as demonstrated by a form of
             158      personal identification issued by the state or the federal government and that provides an
             159      identifying photograph of the person;
             160          (ii) the date and time of the transaction; and
             161          (iii) the purchaser's signature; and
             162          (b) the following information verified or written in by the retail distributor or the
             163      mobile retail vendor:
             164          (i) verification of the identity of the purchaser as indicated by the form of identification
             165      presented by the purchaser;
             166          (ii) verification that the date and time of the transaction as entered in the log is correct;
             167      and
             168          (iii) entry of the brand name and the quantity of the product sold in the transaction.
             169          (c) The retail distributor or the mobile retail vendor shall maintain the information
             170      required to be recorded in a log under Subsections (5)(a) and (b) for not less than two years
             171      from the most recent date contained in the log .
             172          (d) In addition to the log information required under this Subsection (5), the log, or a
             173      prominently displayed sign, shall contain the following statement verbatim which shall be
             174      visible to purchasers of product:
             175          "WARNING: Section 1001 of Title 18, United States Code, states that whoever, with
             176      respect to the information to be provided in this log, knowingly and willfully falsifies,
             177      conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact, or makes any materially
             178      false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation, or makes or uses any false writing or
             179      document, knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement
             180      or entry, shall be fined not more than $250,000 if an individual or $500,000 if an organization,

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     imprisoned for not more than five years, or both."
             182          (6) (a) A person may not knowingly and intentionally use, release, publish, or
             183      otherwise make available to any person or entity any information in or obtained from a log
             184      maintained by a retail distributor or a mobile retail vendor under this section for any purpose
             185      other than those specified in Subsection (6)(b).
             186          (b) The retail distributor or its designee shall make information in the log available
             187      only to:
             188          (i) federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities engaged as a duty of their
             189      employment in enforcing laws regulating controlled substances; and
             190          (ii) an individual:
             191          (A) whose request is for records in the log of that individual's purchase or receipt of
             192      product; and
             193          (B) who has provided evidence satisfactory to the retail distributor that the individual is
             194      in fact the person regarding whom the requested log entry is made.
             195          (c) Any person who knowingly and intentionally releases or modifies any information
             196      in the log in violation of this Subsection (6) is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
             197          (7) (a) A person may not purchase product that exceeds the threshold amount of 3.6
             198      grams of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine, or any combination of these,
             199      regardless of the number of transactions, during any 24-hour period.
             200          (b) A person may not purchase product that exceeds the threshold amount of 9 grams
             201      of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine, or any combination of these,
             202      regardless of the number of transactions, during any 30-day period.
             203          (c) A violation of this Subsection (7) is a class B misdemeanor.
             204          (8) This section does not apply to any quantity of product possessed by:
             205          (a) a physician, pharmacist, veterinarian, retail distributor, wholesaler, manufacturer,
             206      warehouseman, or common carrier, or any agent of these persons, who possess the product in
             207      the regular course of lawful business activities; or
             208          (b) a person who possesses the product pursuant to a valid prescription as defined in
             209      Section 58-37-2 .
             210          (9) This section does not apply to dietary supplements, herbs, or other natural products,
             211      including concentrates or extracts, which:

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         (a) are not otherwise prohibited by law; and
             213          (b) may contain naturally occurring ephedrine, ephedrine alkaloids, or
             214      pseudoephedrine, or their salts, isomers, or salts of isomers, or a combination of these
             215      substances, that:
             216          (i) are contained in a matrix of organic material; and
             217          (ii) do not exceed 15% of the total weight of the natural product.
             218          (10) This section does not apply to an individual sales transaction in which the
             219      purchaser purchases a single package containing no more than 60 mg of pseudoephedrine.
             220          (11) (a) A violation of this section is a class B misdemeanor, and a second or
             221      subsequent violation of this section is a class A misdemeanor.
             222          (b) For purposes of this section, a plea of guilty or no contest to a violation of this
             223      section which is held in abeyance under Title 77, Chapter 2a, Pleas in Abeyance, is the
             224      equivalent of a conviction for a violation of this section, even if the charge has been
             225      subsequently reduced or dismissed in accordance with a plea in abeyance agreement.
             226          Section 4. Section 58-37d-4 is amended to read:
             227           58-37d-4. Prohibited acts -- Second degree felony.
             228          (1) It is unlawful for any person to knowingly or intentionally:
             229          (a) possess a controlled substance precursor with the intent to engage in a clandestine
             230      laboratory operation;
             231          (b) possess laboratory equipment or supplies with the intent to engage in a clandestine
             232      laboratory operation;
             233          (c) sell, distribute, or otherwise supply a precursor chemical, laboratory equipment, or
             234      laboratory supplies, knowing or having reasonable cause to believe [it] any of these items will
             235      be used for a clandestine laboratory operation;
             236          (d) evade the recordkeeping provisions of Title 58, Chapter 37c, Utah Controlled
             237      Substance Precursor Act, or the [regulations] administrative rules issued under that [act]
             238      chapter, knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that the material distributed or received
             239      will be used for a clandestine laboratory operation;
             240          (e) conspire with or aid another to engage in a clandestine laboratory operation;
             241          (f) produce or manufacture, or possess with intent to produce or manufacture a
             242      controlled or counterfeit substance except as authorized under Title 58, Chapter 37, Utah

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     Controlled Substances Act;
             244          (g) transport or convey a controlled or counterfeit substance with the intent to
             245      distribute or to be distributed by the person transporting or conveying the controlled or
             246      counterfeit substance or by any other person regardless of whether the final destination for the
             247      distribution is within this state or any other location; or
             248          (h) engage in compounding, synthesis, concentration, purification, separation,
             249      extraction, or other physical or chemical processing of any substance, including a controlled
             250      substance precursor, or the packaging, repackaging, labeling, or relabeling of a container
             251      holding a substance that is a product of any of these activities, knowing or having reasonable
             252      cause to believe that the substance is a product of any of these activities and will be used in the
             253      illegal manufacture of specified controlled substances.
             254          (2) A person who violates any provision of Subsection (1) is guilty of a second degree
             255      felony punishable by imprisonment for an indeterminate term of not less than 3 years nor more
             256      than 15 years.

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