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S.B. 176

This document includes Senate 2nd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 11:26 AM by rday. -->              1     





Chief Sponsor: Dennis E. Stowell

House Sponsor: Stephen D. Clark


             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill provides for the establishment and administration of a pilot business resource
             11      center by the Governor's Office of Economic Development and the Southern Utah
             12      Business Resource Center Board.
             13      Highlighted Provisions:
             14          This bill:
             15          .    enacts the Business Resource Center Pilot Act;
             16          .    provides that the Governor's Office of Economic Development may establish a pilot
             17      business resource center as a one-stop guidance center to provide business support,
             18      education, sources of funding, training, and networking to Utah businesses;
             19          .    provides for the composition and administration of the business resource center;                  
             20          .    provides duties and responsibilities for the centers; and
             21          .    creates the Southern Utah Business Resource Center Board.
             22      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             23          This bill appropriates:
             24          .    as an ongoing appropriation subject to future budget constraints, $200,000 from the
             25      General Fund for fiscal year 2007-08 to the Governor's Office of Economic
             26      Development.
             27      Other Special Clauses:

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         This bill takes effect on July 1, 2007.
             29      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             30      ENACTS:
             31          63-38f-2201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             32          63-38f-2202, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             33          63-38f-2203, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             34          63-38f-2204, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             35          63-38f-2205, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             36          63C-10-301, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             37          63C-10-302, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             38          63C-10-303, Utah Code Annotated 1953

             40      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             41          Section 1. Section 63-38f-2201 is enacted to read:
Part 22. Business Resource Center Pilot Act

             43          63-38f-2201. Title.
             44          This part is known as the "Business Resource Center Pilot Act."
             45          Section 2. Section 63-38f-2202 is enacted to read:
             46          63-38f-2202. Purpose.
             47          The Legislature recognizes that:
             48          (1) the development of and assistance to business in Utah is a state public purpose
             49      necessary to assure the growth of the state's economy and provide adequate employment
             50      opportunities for its citizens;
             51          (2) many start-up businesses in the state fail for lack of support and from not knowing
             52      where to go for support services that are available to help them succeed;
             53          (3) the state's economy will be improved if these start-up businesses receive assistance
             54      and support and grow into healthy tax paying entities;
             55          (4) businesses can receive needed assistance and support through the creation of
             56      business resource centers; and
             57          (5) Utah businesses in southern Utah can receive needed assistance and support
             58      through the creation of the Southern Utah Business Resource Center Board.

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         Section 3. Section 63-38f-2203 is enacted to read:
             60          63-38f-2203. Definitions.
             61          As used in this part, "pilot business resource center" means an entity established by the
             62      Governor's Office of Economic Development as a one-stop guidance center to provide support,
             63      education, sources of funding, training, technical and talent access, and networking for rural
             64      and southern Utah businesses.
             65          Section 4. Section 63-38f-2204 is enacted to read:
             66          63-38f-2204. Establishment and administration of pilot business resource center --
             67      Components.
             68          (1) The Governor's Office of Economic Development shall establish a pilot business
             69      resource center in southern Utah.
             70          (2) The office shall provide methodology and oversight for the center.
             71          (3) The Governor's Office of Economic Development shall work with the Southern
             72      Utah Business Resource Center Board, established under Section 63C-10-302 and hereafter
             73      referred to in this part as "the board," to select a business resource center director.
             74          (4) (a) The business resource center may be composed of state, local, and federal
             75      agencies and institutions, as well as private entities:
             76          (i) solicited by the board to participate in the activities of the center on a voluntary or
             77      aid basis; and
             78          (ii) encouraged by the board to provide personnel or other appropriate links to the
             79      center.
             80          (b) Other entities capable of providing supportive services to Utah businesses that are
             81      not directly solicited to participate under Subsection (4)(a)(i) may apply to the board to become
             82      a provider of services at the business resource center.
             83          (c) Entities identified in Subsection (4)(b) shall provide the board with a service plan to
             84      include funding which will be made available or supplied to cover the expenses of their
             85      services offered at a business resource center.
             86          (d) The board shall review each plan for approval as a precondition for providing the
             87      service being offered.
             88          (5) As components of the pilot business resource center program, the center may:
             89          (a) partner with the Governor's Office of Economic Development and other entities to

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Senate 2nd Reading Amendments 2-20-2007 rd/
     develop and establish web-based access to virtual pilot business resource center services over
             91      the Internet to assist in establishing and growing businesses in the state, and particularly in
             92      rural areas of the state, in those situations where traveling to the pilot business resource center
             93      site is not possible or practical; and
             94          (b) develop programs for outreach to entrepreneurs in rural areas of the region and
             95      state.
             96          Section 5. Section 63-38f-2205 is enacted to read:
             97          63-38f-2205. Duties and responsibilities.
             98          (1) The pilot business resource center shall:
             99          (a) be a focal point to provide businesses assistance in partnering with governmental
             100      entities and other business resources;
             101          (b) initiate and encourage business education programs, including programs in
             102      coordination and collaboration with public, private, and governmental institutions;
             103          (c) work with local business leaders and government officials to help them formulate
             104      and implement sound economic development decisions for their communities; and
             105          (d) use existing physical facilities, in conjunction with local, state, or federal agencies,
             106      if appropriate, secured through leases, rentals, donations, shared facilities, or other
             107      arrangements through which they shall provide the services described in this part.
             108          (2) The center may provide:
             109          (a) research, development, or training programs for new or alternative businesses,
             110      industries, or high technology business located within the state;
             111          (b) needs assessment relating to new or alternative businesses, industries, or high
             112      technology business in conjunction with other public or private economic development
             113      programs or initiatives; S. [ and ] .S
             114          (c) business incubator space or services, or both, to businesses based on criteria
             115      established by the board S. and
             115a      (d) report, in conjunction with the Southern Utah Business Resource Center Board, to the
             115b      Legislature's Workforce Services and Community and Economic Development Interim
             115c      Committee by November, 2007, and every two years thereafter:
             115d      (i) the performance of the pilot business resource center in carrying out its duties and
             115e      responsibilities as provided in UCA Section 63-38f-2205; and
             115f      (ii) the performance of the Southern Utah Business Resource Center Board in carrying out its
             115g      duties as provided in UCA Section 63C-10-303 .S .
             116          Section 6. Section 63C-10-301 is enacted to read:

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Senate 2nd Reading Amendments 2-20-2007 rd/
Part 3. Southern Utah Business Resource Center Board

             118          63C-10-301. Title.
             119          This part is known as the "Southern Utah Business Resource Center Board."
             120          Section 7. Section 63C-10-302 is enacted to read:

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         63C-10-302. Southern Utah Business Resource Center Board -- Creation --
             122      Membership --Vacancies -- Chairs -- Expenses.
             123          (1) There is created the Southern Utah Business Resource Center Board, hereafter
             124      referred to in this part as "the board," composed of 11 members as follows:
             125          (a) the director of the Governor's Office of Economic Development or the director's
             126      designee;
             127          (b) the president of Southern Utah University or the president's designee;
             128          (c) the director of the Utah Center for Rural Life or the director's designee;
             129          (d) the director of the Utah Small Business Development Centers or the director's
             130      designee;
             131          (e) the director of the Utah Science Technology and Research initiative or the director's
             132      designee;
             133          (f) two representatives of private business selected and appointed by the Utah Center
             134      for Rural Life, at least one of which shall be a representative from a rural private business;
             135          (g) the director of the Southwest Applied Technology College or the director's
             136      designee;
             137          (h) the mayor of Cedar City or the mayor's designee;
             138          (i) the president of the Cedar City Chamber of Commerce or the president's designee;
             139      and
             140          (j) one member of the Governor's Rural Partnership Board appointed by the Governor's
             141      Rural Partnership Board.
             142          (2) (a) Except as required by Subsection (2)(b), board members identified in
             143      Subsection (1) shall be appointed for four-year terms.
             144          (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (2)(a), the board shall, at the time
             145      of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of these
             146      members are staggered so that approximately half of the nine members are appointed every two
             147      years.
             148          (c) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
             149      appointed for the unexpired term in the same manner as the vacated member was chosen.
             150          (3) The board shall elect one of its members as a chair of the board for a two-year term.
             151          (4) The board shall meet at the call of the chair, but at least semiannually.

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         (5) (a) A majority of the members of the board constitute a quorum.
             153          (b) The action of a majority of a quorum constitutes the action of the board.
             154          Section 8. Section 63C-10-303 is enacted to read:
             155          63C-10-303. Duties.
             156          The board shall:
             157          (1) have the authority to hire and fire the director;
             158          (2) oversee the operations and activities of the pilot business resource center
             159      established under Section 63-38f-2204 ;
             160          (3) approve budgets and expenditures of the business resource center;
             161          (4) solicit state, local, and federal agencies and institutions, as well as private entities:
             162          (a) to participate in the activities of the business resource center on a voluntary or paid
             163      basis; and
             164          (b) to provide personnel or other appropriate links to the business resource center;
             165          (5) receive and approve applications from other entities capable of providing
             166      supportive services to Utah businesses that are not directly solicited to participate under
             167      Subsection (4) to become a provider of services at the business resource center; and
             168          (6) establish criteria for business participation in business incubator space or services,
             169      or both, provided by the business resource center.
             170          Section 9. Appropriation.
             171          As an ongoing appropriation subject to future budget constraints, there is appropriated
             172      from the General Fund for fiscal year 2007-08, $200,000 to the Governor's Office of Economic
             173      Development to fund the Business Resource Center Pilot Act.
             174          Section 10. Effective date.
             175          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2007.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-30-07 10:56 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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