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S.C.R. 7

This document includes Senate 2nd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 10:37 AM by rday. -->              1     





Chief Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

House Sponsor: David Clark


             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor gives approval to the
             11      Utah Department of Health to enter into a settlement agreement to resolve a pending
             12      lawsuit.
             13      Highlighted Provisions:
             14          This resolution:
             15          .    gives approval to the Utah Department of Health to execute a settlement agreement
             16      with the Plaintiffs in the case of B.C.B.U, Inc., doing business as Rocky Mountain
             17      Care-Bountiful, et al. v. State of Utah, Department of Health, Division of Health
             18      Care Financing, Civil No. 020914469 (Third District Court).
             19      Special Clauses:
             20          None

             22      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
             23          WHEREAS, the Utah Department of Health (UDOH) was sued in 2002 by several
             24      commonly owned nursing homes in the Rocky Mountain group seeking recovery of
             25      approximately $16 million, plus interest, in additional reimbursement for the periods July 1,
             26      1991 through December 31, 2002;
             27          WHEREAS, multiple efforts by UDOH to have the case dismissed or decided by

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Senate 2nd Reading Amendments 2-20-2007 rd/mgt
     summary judgment were rejected by the Court;
             29          WHEREAS, to avoid the additional expense and uncertainty of a two-week jury trial,
             30      the parties have entered into an agreement to resolve the case, subject to necessary federal and
             31      state approvals;
             32          WHEREAS, the federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) agreed in
             33      writing on October 25, 2006, to pay S. [ $4,953,200 ] $4,909,800 .S of the settlement amount;
             34          WHEREAS, the state's share of the settlement is an additional S. [ $2,046,800 ] $2,090,200 .S ;
             35          WHEREAS, Utah Code Section 63-38b-202 requires any settlement of more than
             36      $1,000,000 must be approved by the Governor and the Legislature before a government agency
             37      may sign the agreement;
             38          WHEREAS, on February 1, 2007, the Legislative Management Committee met and
             39      heard testimony from the executive director of the Utah Department of Health, David N.
             40      Sundwall, Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, and Assistant Attorney General Doug
             41      Springmeyer;
             42          WHEREAS, in that meeting, the Legislative Management Committee recommended
             43      the settlement of this lawsuit as it had been proposed to them by the Attorney General;
             44          WHEREAS, this concurrent resolution of the Legislature and Governor is necessary to
             45      affirm their approval of UDOH entering into this settlement agreement; and
             46          WHEREAS, the state's portion of this settlement, S. [ $2,046,800 ] $2,090,200 .S , is to be
             46a      allocated to the
             47      Utah Department of Health to coordinate with federal matching funds through an appropriation
             48      in a 2007 appropriations act:
             49          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislature, the Governor concurring
             50      therein, that the Utah Department of Health be approved to enter into a settlement agreement as
             51      outlined and approved by the Legislative Management Committee in its February 1, 2007
             52      meeting.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-5-07 10:32 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Legislative Committee Note

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    as of 02-05-07 3:33 PM

The Legislative Management Committee recommended this bill.

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