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S.B. 26 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Patricia W. Jones

House Sponsor: Eric K. Hutchings

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends provisions relating to the Utah Commission on Aging and extends the
             10      commission until July 1, 2009.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    defines terms;
             14          .    extends the sunset date for the Utah Commission on Aging to July 1, 2009;
             15          .    modifies the membership of the commission;
             16          .    provides for the replacement of an appointed member of the commission if the
             17      member has three consecutive unexcused absences;
             18          .    provides that the Center on Aging within the University of Utah shall:
             19              .    pay the salary, and oversee the performance of, the executive director of the
             20      commission;
             21              .    provide staff support for the executive director of the commission and the
             22      commission; and
             23              .    provide office space, furnishings, and supplies to the commission, the         
             24      executive director of the commission, and support staff;
             25          .    provides that the executive director of the commission will be appointed by the
             26      executive director of the Center on Aging and that the appointment must be ratified
             27      by the governor;
             28          .    provides that the funds appropriated by the Legislature for the commission may only
             29      be used for the purposes described in the chapter relating to the commission; and

             30          .    makes technical changes.
             31      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             32          None
             33      Other Special Clauses:
             34          None
             35      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             36      AMENDS:
             37          63-55-263, as last amended by Chapters 82 and 86, Laws of Utah 2006
             38          63-99-102, as enacted by Chapter 279, Laws of Utah 2005
             39          63-99-104, as enacted by Chapter 279, Laws of Utah 2005
             40          63-99-105, as enacted by Chapter 279, Laws of Utah 2005
             41      REPEALS AND REENACTS:
             42          63-99-110, as enacted by Chapter 279, Laws of Utah 2005
             44      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             45          Section 1. Section 63-55-263 is amended to read:
             46           63-55-263. Repeal dates, Titles 63 to 63E.
             47          (1) Title 63, Chapter 25a, Part 3, Sentencing Commission, is repealed January 1, 2012.
             48          (2) The Crime Victims' Reparations Board, created in Section 63-25a-404 , is repealed
             49      July 1, 2007.
             50          (3) The Resource Development Coordinating Committee, created in Section
             51      63-38d-501 , is repealed July 1, 2015.
             52          (4) Title 63, Chapter 38f, Part 4, Enterprise Zone Act, is repealed July 1, 2008.
             53          (5) (a) Title 63, Chapter 38f, Part 11, Recycling Market Development Zone Act, is
             54      repealed July 1, 2010.
             55          (b) Sections 59-7-610 and 59-10-1007 regarding tax credits for certain persons in
             56      recycling market development zones, are repealed for taxable years beginning on or after
             57      January 1, 2011.

             58          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(b), a person may not claim a tax credit under
             59      Section 59-7-610 or 59-10-1007 :
             60          (i) for the purchase price of machinery or equipment described in Section 59-7-610 or
             61      59-10-1007 , if the machinery or equipment is purchased on or after July 1, 2010; or
             62          (ii) for an expenditure described in Subsection 59-7-610 (1)(b) or 59-10-1007 (1)(b), if
             63      the expenditure is made on or after July 1, 2010.
             64          (d) Notwithstanding Subsections (5)(b) and (c), a person may carry forward a tax credit
             65      in accordance with Section 59-7-610 or 59-10-1007 if:
             66          (i) the person is entitled to a tax credit under Section 59-7-610 or 59-10-1007 ; and
             67          (ii) (A) for the purchase price of machinery or equipment described in Section
             68      59-7-610 or 59-10-1007 , the machinery or equipment is purchased on or before June 30, 2010;
             69      or
             70          (B) for an expenditure described in Subsection 59-7-610 (1)(b) or 59-10-1007 (1)(b), the
             71      expenditure is made on or before June 30, 2010.
             72          (6) Title 63, Chapter 47, Utah Commission for Women and Families, is repealed July
             73      1, 2011.
             74          (7) Title 63, Chapter 75, Families, Agencies, and Communities Together for Children
             75      and Youth At Risk Act, is repealed July 1, 2016.
             76          (8) Title 63, Chapter 88, Navajo Trust Fund, is repealed July 1, 2008.
             77          (9) Title 63, Chapter 99, Utah Commission on Aging, is repealed July 1, [2007] 2009.
             78          (10) [(a)] Section 63A-4-204 , authorizing the Risk Management Fund to provide
             79      coverage to any public school district that chooses to participate, is repealed July 1, 2016.
             80          [(b) Section 63A-4-205 , authorizing the Risk Management Fund to provide coverage to
             81      any local health department that chooses to participate, is repealed July 1, 2006.]
             82          (11) Section 63C-8-106 , Rural residency training program, is repealed July 1, 2015.
             83          Section 2. Section 63-99-102 is amended to read:
             84           63-99-102. Definitions.
             85          As used in this chapter:

             86          (1) "Aging" and "aged" are as defined in Section 62A-3-101 .
             87          (2) "Center on Aging" means the Center on Aging within the University of Utah.
             88          [(2)] (3) "Commission" means the Utah Commission on Aging, created in Section
             89      63-99-103 .
             90          Section 3. Section 63-99-104 is amended to read:
             91           63-99-104. Composition -- Appointments -- Terms -- Removal.
             92          (1) The commission shall be composed of 21 voting members as follows:
             93          (a) one senator, appointed by the president of the Senate;
             94          (b) one representative, appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives;
             95          (c) the executive director of the Department of Health;
             96          (d) the executive director of the Department of Human Services;
             97          (e) the executive director of the [Department of Community and Culture] Governor's
             98      Office of Economic Development;
             99          (f) the executive director of the Department of Workforce Services; and
             100          (g) 15 voting members, appointed by the governor, representing each of the following:
             101          (i) the Utah Association of Area Agencies on Aging;
             102          (ii) higher education in Utah;
             103          (iii) the business community;
             104          (iv) the Utah Association of Counties;
             105          (v) the Utah League of Cities and Towns;
             106          (vi) charitable organizations;
             107          (vii) the health care provider industry;
             108          (viii) financial institutions;
             109          (ix) the legal profession;
             110          (x) the public safety sector;
             111          (xi) public transportation;
             112          (xii) ethnic minorities;
             113          (xiii) the industry that provides long-term care for the elderly;

             114          (xiv) organizations or associations that advocate for the aging population; and
             115          (xv) the general public.
             116          (2) (a) A member appointed under Subsection (1)(g) shall serve a two-year term.
             117          (b) Notwithstanding the term requirements of Subsection (2)(a), the governor may
             118      adjust the length of the initial commission members' terms to ensure that the terms are
             119      staggered so that approximately 1/2 of the members appointed under Subsection (1)(g) are
             120      appointed each year.
             121          (c) When, for any reason, a vacancy occurs in a position appointed by the governor
             122      under Subsection (1)(g), the governor shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the
             123      unexpired term of the commission member being replaced.
             124          (d) Members appointed under Subsection (1)(g) may be removed by the governor for
             125      cause.
             126          (e) A member appointed under Subsection (1)(g) shall be removed from the
             127      commission and replaced by the governor if the member is absent for three consecutive
             128      meetings of the commission without being excused by the chair of the commission.
             129          (3) In appointing the members under Subsection (1)(g), the governor shall:
             130          (a) take into account the geographical makeup of the commission; and
             131          (b) strive to appoint members who are knowledgeable or have an interest in issues
             132      relating to the aging population.
             133          Section 4. Section 63-99-105 is amended to read:
             134           63-99-105. Executive director -- Qualifications -- Appointment -- Functions.
             135          (1) (a) Subject to [Subsection] Subsections (1)(b) and (c), the [governor] executive
             136      director of the Center on Aging shall appoint an executive director of the commission.
             137          (b) The executive director appointed under Subsection (1)(a) shall be a person
             138      knowledgeable and experienced in matters relating to:
             139          (i) management; and
             140          (ii) the aging population.
             141          (c) The appointment described in Subsection (1)(a) is not effective until ratified by the

             142      governor.
             143          (2) The executive director of the commission, under the direction of the commission
             144      and the executive director of the Center on Aging, shall administer the duties of the
             145      commission.
             146          Section 5. Section 63-99-110 is repealed and reenacted to read:
             147          63-99-110. Oversight -- Executive director salary -- Staff support -- Use of funds.
             148          (1) The Center on Aging shall:
             149          (a) pay the salary, and oversee the performance of, the executive director of the
             150      commission;
             151          (b) provide staff support for the executive director of the commission and the
             152      commission; and
             153          (c) provide office space, furnishings, and supplies to the commission, the executive
             154      director of the commission, and support staff.
             155          (2) The funds appropriated by the Legislature for the commission may only be used for
             156      the purposes described in this chapter.

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