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S.B. 70 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: John L. Valentine

House Sponsor: David Clark

             7      Cosponsors:
             8      Gregory S. Bell
             9      Curtis S. Bramble
             10      D. Chris Buttars
             11      Allen M. Christensen
             12      Gene Davis
             13      Margaret Dayton
             14      Mike Dmitrich
             15      Dan R. EastmanFred J. Fife
Brent H. Goodfellow
Jon J. Greiner
John W. Hickman
Scott K. Jenkins
Patricia W. Jones
Sheldon L. Killpack
Peter C. Knudson
Mark B. MadsenEd Mayne
Scott D. McCoy
Wayne L. Niederhauser
Darin G. Peterson
Ross I. Romero
Howard A. Stephenson
Dennis E. Stowell
Kevin T. VanTassell
Carlene M. Walker              16     
             17      LONG TITLE
             18      General Description:
             19          This bill modifies the State System of Higher Education Code by changing the name of
             20      Utah Valley State College to Utah Valley University.
             21      Highlighted Provisions:
             22          This bill:
             23          .    changes the name of Utah Valley State College to Utah Valley University effective
             24      on July 1, 2008;
             25          .    clarifies the status of the university as a continuation of the college; and
             26          .    makes technical corrections.
             27      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             28          This bill appropriates:
             29          .    as an ongoing appropriation subject to future budget constraints, $8,000,000 from
             30      the General Fund for fiscal year 2007-08 to Utah Valley University.
             31      Other Special Clauses:

             32          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2007.
             33      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             34      AMENDS:
             35          53B-1-102, as last amended by Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 2001, First Special Session
             36          53B-2-101, as last amended by Chapters 89 and 227, Laws of Utah 2005
             37          53B-2-104, as last amended by Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 2001, First Special Session
             38          53B-2a-108, as last amended by Chapters 233 and 289, Laws of Utah 2003
             39          53B-3-102, as last amended by Chapter 7, Laws of Utah 2000
             40          53B-7-502, as enacted by Chapter 103, Laws of Utah 1998
             41          53B-8-101, as last amended by Chapter 172, Laws of Utah 2003
             42          53B-16-201, as last amended by Chapter 63, Laws of Utah 1994
             43          63-91-201, as last amended by Chapter 179, Laws of Utah 2000
             44          76-8-701, as last amended by Chapter 7, Laws of Utah 2000
             45      ENACTS:
             46          53B-2-110, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             48      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             49          Section 1. Section 53B-1-102 is amended to read:
             50           53B-1-102. State system of higher education.
             51          (1) The state system of higher education consists of the following institutions:
             52          (a) State Board of Regents;
             53          (b) the University of Utah;
             54          (c) Utah State University of Agricultural and Applied Science, hereafter referred to in
             55      this title as Utah State University;
             56          (d) Weber State University;
             57          (e) Southern Utah University;
             58          (f) Snow College;
             59          (g) Dixie State College of Utah;

             60          (h) the College of Eastern Utah;
             61          (i) Utah Valley [State College] University;
             62          (j) Salt Lake Community College;
             63          (k) the Utah College of Applied Technology; and
             64          (l) other public post-high school educational institutions as the Legislature may
             65      designate.
             66          (2) A change in the name of an institution within the system of higher education shall
             67      not be considered a change in the role or mission of the institution, unless otherwise authorized
             68      by the State Board of Regents.
             69          (3) It is not the intent of the Legislature to increase the number of research universities
             70      in the state beyond the University of Utah and Utah State University.
             71          (4) These institutions are empowered to sue and be sued and to contract and be
             72      contracted with.
             73          Section 2. Section 53B-2-101 is amended to read:
             74           53B-2-101. Institutions of higher education -- Corporate bodies -- Powers.
             75          (1) The following institutions of higher education are bodies politic and corporate with
             76      perpetual succession and with all rights, immunities, and franchises necessary to function as
             77      such:
             78          (a) the University of Utah;
             79          (b) Utah State University;
             80          (c) Weber State University;
             81          (d) Southern Utah University;
             82          (e) Snow College;
             83          (f) Dixie State College of Utah;
             84          (g) the College of Eastern Utah;
             85          (h) Utah Valley [State College] University;
             86          (i) Salt Lake Community College; and
             87          (j) the Utah College of Applied Technology.

             88          (2) (a) Each institution may have and use a corporate seal and may, subject to Section
             89      53B-20-103 , take, hold, lease, sell, and convey real and personal property as the interest of the
             90      institution requires.
             91          (b) Each institution is vested with all the property, franchises, and endowments of, and
             92      is subject to, all the contracts, obligations, and liabilities of its respective predecessor.
             93          (c) (i) Each institution may enter into business relationships or dealings with private
             94      seed or venture capital entities or partnerships consistent with Utah Constitution Article VI,
             95      Section 29, Subsection (2).
             96          (ii) A business dealing or relationship entered into under Subsection (2)(c)(i) does not
             97      preclude the private entity or partnership from participating in or receiving benefits from a
             98      venture capital program authorized or sanctioned by the laws of this state, unless otherwise
             99      precluded by the specific law that authorizes or sanctions the program.
             100          (iii) Subsections (2)(c)(i) and (ii) also apply to the Utah College of Applied
             101      Technology created in Title 53B, Chapter 2a, Utah College of Applied Technology.
             102          Section 3. Section 53B-2-104 is amended to read:
             103           53B-2-104. Memberships of board of trustees -- Terms -- Vacancies -- Oath --
             104      Officers -- Bylaws -- Quorum -- Committees -- Compensation.
             105          (1) (a) The board of trustees of an institution of higher education consists of the
             106      following:
             107          (i) eight persons appointed by the governor and approved by the Senate; and
             108          (ii) two ex officio members who are the president of the institution's alumni
             109      association, and the president of the associated students of the institution.
             110          (b) The appointed members of the boards of trustees for Utah Valley [State College]
             111      University and Salt Lake Community College shall be representative of the interests of
             112      business, industry, and labor.
             113          (2) (a) The governor shall appoint four members of each board of trustees during each
             114      odd-numbered year to four-year terms commencing on July 1 of the year of appointment.
             115          (b) An appointed member holds office until a successor is appointed and qualified.

             116          (c) The ex officio members serve for the same period as they serve as presidents and
             117      until their successors have qualified.
             118          (3) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
             119      appointed for the unexpired term.
             120          (4) (a) Each member shall take the official oath of office prior to assuming the office.
             121          (b) The oath shall be filed with the Division of Archives and Records Services.
             122          (5) Each board of trustees shall elect a chair and vice chair, who serve for two years
             123      and until their successors are elected and qualified.
             124          (6) (a) Each board of trustees may enact bylaws for its own government, including
             125      provision for regular meetings.
             126          (b) (i) The board of trustees may provide for an executive committee in its bylaws.
             127          (ii) If established, the committee shall have full authority of the board of trustees to act
             128      upon routine matters during the interim between board of trustees meetings.
             129          (iii) The committee may act on nonroutine matters only under extraordinary and
             130      emergency circumstances.
             131          (iv) The committee shall report its activities to the board of trustees at its next regular
             132      meeting following the action.
             133          (c) Copies of the board of trustees' bylaws shall be filed with the board.
             134          (7) A quorum is required to conduct business and consists of six members.
             135          (8) A board of trustees may establish advisory committees.
             136          (9) (a) (i) Members who are not government employees shall receive no compensation
             137      or benefits for their services, but may receive per diem and expenses incurred in the
             138      performance of the member's official duties at the rates established by the Division of Finance
             139      under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             140          (ii) Members may decline to receive per diem and expenses for their service.
             141          (b) (i) State government officer and employee members who do not receive salary, per
             142      diem, or expenses from their agency for their service may receive per diem and expenses
             143      incurred in the performance of their official duties from the board at the rates established by the

             144      Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             145          (ii) State government officer and employee members may decline to receive per diem
             146      and expenses for their service.
             147          (c) (i) Higher education members who do not receive salary, per diem, or expenses
             148      from the entity that they represent for their service may receive per diem and expenses incurred
             149      in the performance of their official duties from the committee at the rates established by the
             150      Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             151          (ii) Higher education members may decline to receive per diem and expenses for their
             152      service.
             153          (10) This section does not apply to the Utah College of Applied Technology.
             154          Section 4. Section 53B-2-110 is enacted to read:
             155          53B-2-110. Utah Valley University -- Institutional name change.
             156          (1) Beginning July 1, 2008, Utah Valley State College shall be known as Utah Valley
             157      University.
             158          (2) The university is a continuation of Utah Valley State College and shall:
             159          (a) possess all rights, title, privileges, powers, immunities, franchises, endowments,
             160      property, and claims of the college; and
             161          (b) fulfill and perform all obligations of the college, including obligations relating to
             162      outstanding bonds and notes.
             163          Section 5. Section 53B-2a-108 is amended to read:
             164           53B-2a-108. Campus boards of directors -- Membership -- Appointments.
             165          Each campus shall have a campus board of directors appointed as follows:
             166          (1) the Bridgerland Applied Technology College Campus Board of Directors shall be
             167      composed of the following 13 members:
             168          (a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             169      Box Elder School District;
             170          (b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             171      Cache School District;

             172          (c) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             173      Logan School District;
             174          (d) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             175      Rich School District;
             176          (e) one member of the Utah State University board of trustees;
             177          (f) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State
             178      Board of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
             179          (g) seven representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by
             180      the members appointed under Subsections (1)(a) through (f);
             181          (2) the Ogden-Weber Applied Technology College Campus Board of Directors shall be
             182      composed of the following 11 members:
             183          (a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             184      Ogden City School District;
             185          (b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             186      Weber School District;
             187          (c) one elected local school board member jointly appointed by the boards of education
             188      for the Ogden City School District and the Weber School District;
             189          (d) one member of the Weber State University board of trustees;
             190          (e) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State
             191      Board of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
             192          (f) six representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by the
             193      members appointed under Subsections (2)(a) through (e);
             194          (3) the Davis Applied Technology College Campus Board of Directors shall be
             195      composed of the following 11 members:
             196          (a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             197      Davis School District;
             198          (b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             199      Morgan School District;

             200          (c) one elected local school board member jointly appointed by the boards of education
             201      for the Davis School District and the Morgan School District;
             202          (d) one member of the Weber State University board of trustees;
             203          (e) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State
             204      Board of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
             205          (f) six representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by the
             206      members appointed under Subsections (3)(a) through (e);
             207          (4) the Salt Lake/Tooele Applied Technology College Campus Board of Directors shall
             208      be composed of the following 15 members:
             209          (a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             210      Salt Lake City School District;
             211          (b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             212      Granite School District;
             213          (c) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             214      Jordan School District;
             215          (d) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             216      Murray School District;
             217          (e) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             218      Tooele School District;
             219          (f) one member of the Salt Lake Community College board of trustees;
             220          (g) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State
             221      Board of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
             222          (h) eight representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by
             223      the members appointed under Subsections (4)(a) through (g);
             224          (5) the Mountainland Applied Technology College Campus Board of Directors shall be
             225      composed of the following 19 members:
             226          (a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             227      Alpine School District;

             228          (b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             229      Nebo School District;
             230          (c) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             231      Provo School District;
             232          (d) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             233      South Summit School District;
             234          (e) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             235      North Summit School District;
             236          (f) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             237      Wasatch School District;
             238          (g) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             239      Park City School District;
             240          (h) one member of the Utah Valley [State College] University board of trustees;
             241          (i) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State
             242      Board of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
             243          (j) ten representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by the
             244      members appointed under Subsections (5)(a) through (i);
             245          (6) the Uintah Basin Applied Technology College Campus Board of Directors shall be
             246      composed of the following 11 members:
             247          (a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             248      Daggett School District;
             249          (b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             250      Duchesne School District;
             251          (c) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             252      Uintah School District;
             253          (d) one member of the Utah State University board of trustees;
             254          (e) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State
             255      Board of Regents to serve a one-year term; and

             256          (f) six representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by the
             257      members appointed under Subsections (6)(a) through (e);
             258          (7) the Southwest Applied Technology College Campus Board of Directors shall be
             259      composed of the following 13 members:
             260          (a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             261      Beaver School District;
             262          (b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             263      Garfield School District;
             264          (c) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             265      Iron School District;
             266          (d) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             267      Kane School District;
             268          (e) one member of the Southern Utah University board of trustees;
             269          (f) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State
             270      Board of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
             271          (g) seven representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by
             272      the members appointed under Subsections (7)(a) through (f);
             273          (8) the Dixie Applied Technology College Campus Board of Directors shall be
             274      composed of the following 11 members:
             275          (a) three elected local school board members appointed by the board of education for
             276      the Washington School District;
             277          (b) one member of the Dixie State College of Utah board of trustees;
             278          (c) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State
             279      Board of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
             280          (d) six representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by the
             281      members appointed under Subsections (8)(a) through (c);
             282          (9) the Southeast Applied Technology College Campus Board of Directors shall be
             283      composed of the following 13 members:

             284          (a) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             285      Carbon School District;
             286          (b) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             287      Emery School District;
             288          (c) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             289      Grand School District;
             290          (d) one elected local school board member appointed by the board of education for the
             291      San Juan School District;
             292          (e) one member of the College of Eastern Utah board of trustees;
             293          (f) one member of the State Board of Regents designated by the chair of the State
             294      Board of Regents to serve a one-year term; and
             295          (g) seven representatives of business or industry within the region appointed jointly by
             296      the members appointed under Subsections (9)(a) through (f); and
             297          (10) the representatives of business or industry shall be appointed jointly by the
             298      designated members from a list of names provided by local organizations or associations whose
             299      members employ workers with applied technology education.
             300          Section 6. Section 53B-3-102 is amended to read:
             301           53B-3-102. "State institution of higher education" defined.
             302          (1) As used in this chapter, "state institution of higher education" means the University
             303      of Utah, Utah State University, Southern Utah University, Weber State University, Snow
             304      College, Dixie State College of Utah, the College of Eastern Utah, Utah Valley [State College]
             305      University, Salt Lake Community College, and any other university or college which may be
             306      established and maintained by the state.
             307          (2) It includes any branch or affiliated institution and any campus or facilities owned,
             308      operated, or controlled by the governing board of the university or college.
             309          Section 7. Section 53B-7-502 is amended to read:
             310           53B-7-502. Higher Education Tuition Assistance Program.
             311          (1) There is created the "Utah Higher Education Tuition Assistance Program," hereafter

             312      referred to in this part as the program.
             313          (2) The board shall administer the program.
             314          (3) The program shall be funded through appropriations by the Legislature.
             315          (4) Money appropriated for the program shall be available only for matching grants for
             316      scholarship endowments to higher education institutions under this part.
             317          (5) (a) The board shall adopt rules for administration of the program, in accordance
             318      with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
             319          (b) The rules shall include the requirements that money appropriated to the program for
             320      a specific fiscal year, plus any remaining balance at the end of the preceding fiscal year, shall
             321      be allocated to eligible institutions on the following basis:
             322          (i) the board shall distribute 50% of the amount available for allocation each fiscal year
             323      in equal proportions to:
             324          (A) Snow College, main campus and extensions;
             325          (B) Dixie College, main campus and extensions;
             326          (C) College of Eastern Utah, main campus and extensions;
             327          (D) College of Eastern Utah, San Juan Campus and extensions;
             328          (E) Utah Valley [State College] University, main campus and extensions;
             329          (F) Salt Lake Community College, Taylorsville campus and extensions; and
             330          (G) Salt Lake Community College, South City Campus; and
             331          (ii) the board shall distribute 50% of the amount available for allocation each fiscal
             332      year to the Utah State University for its instructional centers at Roosevelt, Blanding, Randolph,
             333      Price, Moab, Brigham City, Tooele, Richfield, and Ephraim, and other centers as may be
             334      determined by the board.
             335          (6) Higher education institutions may submit proposals to the board, for specific
             336      eligible entities, for one-to-one matching grants for endowment of scholarship programs for
             337      students with demonstrated financial need, determined by criteria established by the board.
             338          (7) An institution may submit a proposal under Subsection (6) only when it has raised,
             339      from nonappropriated sources other than federal funds or reimbursed overhead funds, the

             340      one-to-one match for the amount of program moneys requested in the proposal.
             341          (8) Money allocated for a specific eligible entity from a specific fiscal year
             342      appropriation shall remain in reserve for proposals for the specific eligible entity for a period of
             343      three fiscal years, and any money reserved for which the institution does not submit an eligible
             344      proposal by the end of the three-year period shall be returned to the pool of program money
             345      available for allocation for the following fiscal year.
             346          (9) (a) An institution shall provide that, if grant money is received from the program,
             347      the institution shall establish a specific restricted college endowment fund, separate and distinct
             348      from any foundation funds, for scholarships for students with demonstrated financial need, who
             349      are enrolled at the specific eligible entity covered by the proposal, in accordance with board
             350      rules adopted for the program.
             351          (b) Money in the college endowment funds shall be invested in compliance with rules
             352      of the State Money Management Council applicable to gift funds.
             353          (c) Principle of the institutional endowment funds established under the program may
             354      not be expended and up to 50% of the money earned on principle in the endowment funds in a
             355      fiscal year may be retained and capitalized as endowment principle, but at least 50% of the
             356      money shall be used for scholarships for students with demonstrated financial need in the
             357      following fiscal year.
             358          Section 8. Section 53B-8-101 is amended to read:
             359           53B-8-101. Waiver of tuition.
             360          (1) (a) The president of each institution may waive all or part of the tuition in behalf of
             361      meritorious or impecunious resident students to an amount not exceeding 10% of the total
             362      amount of tuition which, in the absence of the waivers, would have been collected from all
             363      Utah resident students at the institution.
             364          (b) Two and a half percent of the waivers designated in Subsection (1)(a) shall be set
             365      aside for members of the Utah National Guard. Waivers shall be preserved by the student at
             366      least 60 days before the beginning of an academic term.
             367          (2) (a) Each academic year the president of each of the following institutions may

             368      waive all or part of the resident portion of the tuition in behalf of the additional number of
             369      meritorious nonresident students set forth below who are not current recipients of the waiver:
             370                                      Number of Nonresident
             371           Institution                        Students
             372          the University of Utah                     190
             373          Utah State University                         165
             374          Weber State University                     135
             375          Southern Utah University                     68
             376          Snow College                             18
             377          Dixie State College of Utah                     30
             378          the College of Eastern Utah                     18
             379          Utah Valley [State College] University             114
             380          Salt Lake Community College                 43
             381          (b) (i) The president may continue to waive the resident portion of the tuition during
             382      the entire time the affected meritorious nonresident student remains an undergraduate student
             383      in good standing at the institution.
             384          (ii) The resident portion of the tuition for each nonresident student is equal to the
             385      tuition for resident students at the institution.
             386          (c) The president may waive the nonresident portion of tuition for a meritorious
             387      nonresident student receiving a waiver under Subsection (2)(a) after completion of the student's
             388      first year of full-time study at the institution.
             389          (d) (i) In addition to the waivers authorized by Subsections (2)(a) and (c), the president
             390      may waive all or part of the nonresident portion of tuition for a meritorious nonresident student
             391      during the student's first year of full-time study at the institution.
             392          (ii) The number of these nonresident waivers for each institution is limited to the
             393      percentage of nonresident students at each institution times the nonresident student number
             394      allowed under Subsection (2)(a).
             395          (3) Upon recommendation of the board, the president may grant additional full or

             396      partial tuition waivers to encourage students to enroll for instruction in occupations critical to
             397      the state for which trained personnel are in short supply.
             398          (4) The president may waive all or part of the difference between resident and
             399      nonresident tuition in the case of meritorious graduate students and nonresident summer school
             400      students.
             401          (5) The board shall submit annual budget appropriation requests for each institution
             402      which include requests for funds sufficient in amount to equal the estimated loss of dedicated
             403      credits that would be realized if all of the tuition waivers authorized by Subsection (2) were
             404      granted.
             405          Section 9. Section 53B-16-201 is amended to read:
             406           53B-16-201. Degrees and certificates that may be conferred.
             407          (1) Utah Valley [State College] University and Salt Lake Community College may
             408      confer certificates of completion and degrees as determined by the State Board of Regents.
             409          (2) The board shall develop evaluative criteria as a means of carefully monitoring the
             410      impact of degree programs on the vocational mission of the colleges.
             411          Section 10. Section 63-91-201 is amended to read:
             412           63-91-201. Internal auditing programs -- State agencies.
             413          (1) (a) The Departments of Administrative Services, Agriculture, Commerce,
             414      Community and Culture, Corrections, Workforce Services, Environmental Quality, Health,
             415      Human Services, Natural Resources, Public Safety, and Transportation; and the State Tax
             416      Commission shall conduct various types of auditing procedures as determined by the agency
             417      head or governor.
             418          (b) The governor may, by executive order, require other state agencies to establish an
             419      internal audit program.
             420          (c) An agency head may establish an internal audit program for his agency if the
             421      agency administers programs that:
             422          (i) might pose a high liability risk to the state; or
             423          (ii) are essential to the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Utah.

             424          (2) (a) The Office of the Court Administrator shall conduct various types of auditing
             425      procedures as determined by the Judicial Council, including auditing procedures for courts not
             426      of record.
             427          (b) The Judicial Council may, by rule, require other judicial agencies to establish an
             428      internal audit program.
             429          (c) An agency head within the judicial branch may establish an internal audit program
             430      for his agency if the agency administers programs that:
             431          (i) might pose a high liability risk to the state; or
             432          (ii) are essential to the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Utah.
             433          (3) (a) The University of Utah, Utah State University, Salt Lake Community College,
             434      Utah Valley [State College] University, and Weber State University shall conduct various types
             435      of auditing procedures as determined by the Board of Regents.
             436          (b) The Board of Regents may issue policies requiring other higher education entities
             437      or programs to establish an internal audit program.
             438          (c) An agency head within higher education may establish an internal audit program for
             439      his agency if the agency administers programs that:
             440          (i) might pose a high liability risk to the state; or
             441          (ii) are essential to the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Utah.
             442          (4) The State Office of Education shall conduct various types of auditing procedures as
             443      determined by the State Board of Education.
             444          Section 11. Section 76-8-701 is amended to read:
             445           76-8-701. Definitions.
             446          For the purposes of this part:
             447          (1) "Chief administrative officer" means the president of a private or state institution of
             448      higher education or the officer designated by the president or by the governing board of the
             449      institution to administer the affairs of a campus or other facility owned by the institution or
             450      operated or controlled by the governing board of the institution.
             451          (2) "School" or "institution of higher education" means any private institution of higher

             452      education or any state institution of higher education as defined in Section 53B-1-102 .
             453          (3) "State institution of higher education" includes the University of Utah, Utah State
             454      University, Southern Utah University, Weber State University, Snow College, Dixie State
             455      College of Utah, the College of Eastern Utah, Utah Valley [State College] University, Salt
             456      Lake Community College, and any other university or college which may be established and
             457      maintained by the state, and includes any branch or affiliated institution and any campus or
             458      facility owned, operated, or controlled by the governing board of the university or college.
             459          Section 12. Appropriation.
             460          (1) As an ongoing appropriation subject to future budget constraints, there is
             461      appropriated from the General Fund for fiscal year 2007-08, $8,000,000 to Utah Valley
             462      University.
             463          (2) It is the intent of the Legislature that the appropriation under Subsection (1) shall be
             464      used to fund improvements at Utah Valley University consistent with its change in institutional
             465      name and mission status, including increasing the number of full-time faculty members,
             466      establishing graduate programs, and enhancing student services.
             467          Section 13. Effective date.
             468          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2007.

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