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S.B. 147 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Mike Dmitrich

House Sponsor: Brad King

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill removes an exemption provision in the Utah Construction Trades Licensing
             11      Act related to the use of persons who would otherwise be subject to electrician
             12      licensure requirements and who are under contract with certain public or private
             13      entities.
             14      Highlighted Provisions:
             15          This bill:
             16          .    removes the electrician licensing exemption provision for a person who is under
             17      contract with a railroad corporation, telephone corporation, elevator contractor or
             18      constructor, street railway system, public service corporation, rural electrification
             19      association, or certain municipal utilities to do electrical work.
             20      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             21          None
             22      Other Special Clauses:
             23          None
             24      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             25      AMENDS:
             26          58-55-305, as last amended by Chapter 54, Laws of Utah 2005
             28      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             29          Section 1. Section 58-55-305 is amended to read:

             30           58-55-305. Exemptions from licensure.
             31          (1) In addition to the exemptions from licensure in Section 58-1-307 , the following
             32      persons may engage in acts or practices included within the practice of construction trades,
             33      subject to the stated circumstances and limitations, without being licensed under this chapter:
             34          (a) an authorized representative of the United States government or an authorized
             35      employee of the state or any of its political subdivisions when working on construction work of
             36      the state or the subdivision, and when acting within the terms of the person's trust, office, or
             37      employment;
             38          (b) a person engaged in construction or operation incidental to the construction and
             39      repair of irrigation and drainage ditches of regularly constituted irrigation districts, reclamation
             40      districts, and drainage districts or construction and repair relating to farming, dairying,
             41      agriculture, livestock or poultry raising, metal and coal mining, quarries, sand and gravel
             42      excavations, well drilling, as defined in Subsection 73-3-24 (3), hauling to and from
             43      construction sites, and lumbering;
             44          (c) public utilities operating under the rules of the Public Service Commission on
             45      construction work incidental to their own business;
             46          (d) sole owners of property engaged in building:
             47          (i) no more than one residential structure per year and no more than three residential
             48      structures per five years on their property for their own noncommercial, nonpublic use; except,
             49      a person other than the property owner or individuals described in Subsection (1)(e), who
             50      engages in building the structure must be licensed under this chapter if the person is otherwise
             51      required to be licensed under this chapter; or
             52          (ii) structures on their property for their own noncommercial, nonpublic use which are
             53      incidental to a residential structure on the property, including sheds, carports, or detached
             54      garages;
             55          (e) (i) a person engaged in construction or renovation of a residential building for
             56      noncommercial, nonpublic use if that person:
             57          (A) works without compensation other than token compensation that is not considered

             58      salary or wages; and
             59          (B) works under the direction of the property owner who engages in building the
             60      structure;
             61          (ii) for purposes of this Subsection (1)(e), "token compensation" means compensation
             62      paid by a sole owner of property exempted from licensure under Subsection (1)(d) to a person
             63      exempted from licensure under this Subsection (1)(e), that is:
             64          (A) minimal in value when compared with the fair market value of the services
             65      provided by the person;
             66          (B) not related to the fair market value of the services provided by the person; and
             67          (C) is incidental to providing of services by the person including paying for or
             68      providing meals or refreshment while services are being provided, or paying reasonable
             69      transportation costs incurred by the person in travel to the site of construction;
             70          (f) a person engaged in the sale or merchandising of personal property that by its design
             71      or manufacture may be attached, installed, or otherwise affixed to real property who has
             72      contracted with a person, firm, or corporation licensed under this chapter to install, affix, or
             73      attach that property;
             74          (g) a contractor submitting a bid on a federal aid highway project, if, before
             75      undertaking construction under that bid, the contractor is licensed under this chapter;
             76          (h) (i) a person engaged in the alteration, repair, remodeling, or addition to or
             77      improvement of a building with a contracted or agreed value of less than $1,000, including
             78      both labor and materials, and including all changes or additions to the contracted or agreed
             79      upon work;
             80          (ii) notwithstanding Subsection (1)(h)(i):
             81          (A) work in the plumbing and electrical trades must be performed by a licensed
             82      electrician or plumber except as otherwise provided in this section;
             83          (B) installation, repair, or replacement of a residential or commercial gas appliance or a
             84      combustion system must be performed by a person who has received certification under
             85      Subsection 58-55-308 (2) except as otherwise provided in Subsection 58-55-308 (2)(d) or

             86      58-55-308 (3); and
             87          (C) installation, repair, or replacement of water-based fire protection systems must be
             88      performed by a licensed fire suppression systems contractor or a licensed journeyman plumber;
             89          (i) a person practicing a specialty contractor classification or construction trade which
             90      is not classified by rule by the director as significantly impacting the public's health, safety, and
             91      welfare;
             92          (j) owners and lessees of property and persons regularly employed for wages by owners
             93      or lessees of property or their agents for the purpose of maintaining the property, are exempt
             94      from this chapter when doing work upon the property;
             95          (k) (i) a person engaged in minor plumbing work incidental to the replacement or
             96      repair of a fixture or an appliance in a residential or small commercial building, or structure
             97      used for agricultural use, as defined in Section 58-56-4 , provided that no modification is made
             98      to:
             99          (A) existing culinary water, soil, waste, or vent piping; or
             100          (B) a gas appliance or combustion system; and
             101          (ii) except as provided in Subsection (1)(e), installation for the first time of a fixture or
             102      an appliance is not included in the exemption provided under Subsection (1)(k)(i);
             103          (l) a person who ordinarily would be subject to the plumber licensure requirements
             104      under this chapter when installing or repairing a water conditioner or other water treatment
             105      apparatus if the conditioner or apparatus:
             106          (i) meets the appropriate state construction codes or local plumbing standards; and
             107          (ii) is installed or repaired under the direction of a person authorized to do the work
             108      under an appropriate specialty contractor license;
             109          (m) a person who ordinarily would be subject to the electrician licensure requirements
             110      under this chapter when employed by [or under contract with]:
             111          (i) railroad corporations, telephone corporations or their corporate affiliates, elevator
             112      contractors or constructors, or street railway systems; or
             113          (ii) public service corporations, rural electrification associations, or municipal utilities

             114      who generate, distribute, or sell electrical energy for light, heat, or power;
             115          (n) a person involved in minor electrical work incidental to a mechanical or service
             116      installation;
             117          (o) a student participating in construction trade education and training programs
             118      approved by the commission with the concurrence of the director under the condition that:
             119          (i) all work intended as a part of a finished product on which there would normally be
             120      an inspection by a building inspector is, in fact, inspected and found acceptable by a licensed
             121      building inspector; and
             122          (ii) a licensed contractor obtains the necessary building permits; and
             123          (p) a delivery person when replacing any of the following existing equipment with a
             124      new gas appliance, provided there is an existing gas shutoff valve at the appliance:
             125          (i) gas range;
             126          (ii) gas dryer;
             127          (iii) outdoor gas barbeque; or
             128          (iv) outdoor gas patio heater.
             129          (2) (a) A compliance agency as defined in Subsection 58-56-3 (4) that issues a building
             130      permit to any person requesting a permit as a sole owner of property referred to in Subsection
             131      (1)(d) shall notify the division, in writing or through electronic transmission, of the issuance of
             132      the permit.
             133          (b) The division shall evaluate the effectiveness of the notification requirement under
             134      Subsection (2)(a) and report its findings, including any recommendations for modification to or
             135      termination of the requirement, to the Legislature's Business and Labor Interim Committee
             136      prior to the 2008 General Session.

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