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S.B. 246 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Sheldon L. Killpack

House Sponsor: Brad L. Dee

             6      Cosponsors:
             7      Gregory S. Bell
             8      Curtis S. Bramble
             9      D. Chris Buttars
             10      Allen M. Christensen
             11      Dan R. Eastman
             12      Fred J. Fife
             13      Jon J. GreinerLyle W. Hillyard
Patricia W. Jones
Peter C. Knudson
Mark B. Madsen
Ed Mayne
Scott D. McCoy
Wayne L. NiederhauserRoss I. Romero
Howard A. Stephenson
Dennis E. Stowell
John L. Valentine
Kevin T. VanTassell
Michael G. Waddoups
Carlene M. Walker              14     
             15      LONG TITLE
             16      General Description:
             17          This bill modifies provisions in the Lobbyist Disclosure and Regulation Act, the Utah
             18      Public Officers' and Employees' Ethics Act, and the campaign finance requirements of
             19      the Election Code.
             20      Highlighted Provisions:
             21          This bill:
             22          .    requires that officeholders file annual campaign finance summary reports;
             23          .    provides and modifies definitions;
             24          .    removes reporting exemptions from certain travel, lodging, and meal expense
             25      reimbursements;
             26          .    clarifies disclosure requirements for public officials, elected officials of local
             27      governments, and certain state employees under the Lobbyist Disclosure and
             28      Regulation Act;
             29          .    requires that financial expenditure reports be filed on a quarterly schedule;
             30          .    requires the report due on January 10 to list total expenditures for the previous year;
             31          .    permits financial reports to be filed electronically, consistent with current practice;

             32          .    requires that lobbyists file quarterly expense reports even when no expenses have
             33      been made;
             34          .    requires that lobbyists and principals be subject to reporting requirements until they
             35      cease lobbying;
             36          .    requires a lobbyist, principal, government officer, or member of a lobbyist group to
             37      disclose a recipient's name, the amount of the benefit conferred on each recipient,
             38      and other information for the following:
             39              .    reimbursement or payment for travel or lodging costs;
             40              .    the cost of admission to a professional or collegiate sporting event;
             41              .    the cost of tangible personal property, if the aggregate daily expenditures made
             42      for the recipient are more than $10;
             43              .    the cost of food and beverage, if the aggregate daily expenditures made for the
             44      recipient are valued at more than $50; and
             45              .    the cost of any other expenditure, if the aggregate daily expenditures made for
             46      the recipient are more than $50;
             47          .    provides that other reportable expenditures are reported by public official type,
             48      rather than by name;
             49          .    establishes conflict of interest standards for lobbyists;
             50          .    modifies a provision in the Public Officers' and Employees' Ethics Act; and
             51          .    makes technical changes.
             52      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             53          None
             54      Other Special Clauses:
             55          This bill coordinates with H.B. 62, Lobbyist Disclosure Technical Amendments, by
             56      providing superseding amendments.
             57      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             58      AMENDS:
             59          20A-11-401, as last amended by Chapter 355, Laws of Utah 1997

             60          36-11-102, as last amended by Chapter 13, Laws of Utah 1998
             61          36-11-201, as last amended by Chapter 27, Laws of Utah 2003
             62          36-11-304, as enacted by Chapter 192, Laws of Utah 1995
             63          67-16-5, as last amended by Chapter 25, Laws of Utah 2005
             64      ENACTS:
             65          36-11-201.3, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             66          36-11-306, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             68      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             69          Section 1. Section 20A-11-401 is amended to read:
             70           20A-11-401. Officeholder financial reporting requirements -- Year-end summary
             71      report.
             72          (1) (a) Each officeholder shall file a summary report by January 5 of [the year after the
             73      regular general election] each year.
             74          (b) An officeholder that is required to file a summary report both as an officeholder and
             75      as a candidate for office under the requirements of this chapter may file a single summary
             76      report as a candidate and an officeholder, provided that the combined report meets the
             77      requirements of:
             78          (i) this section; and
             79          (ii) the section that provides the requirements for the summary report that must be filed
             80      by the officeholder in the officeholder's capacity of a candidate for office.
             81          (2) (a) Each summary report shall include the following information as of December 31
             82      of the last [regular general election] year:
             83          (i) the net balance of the last summary report, if any;
             84          (ii) a single figure equal to the total amount of receipts received since the last summary
             85      report, if any;
             86          (iii) a single figure equal to the total amount of expenditures made since the last
             87      summary report, if any;

             88          [(ii)] (iv) a detailed listing of each contribution and public service assistance received
             89      since the last summary report;
             90          [(iii)] (v) for each nonmonetary contribution, the fair market value of the contribution;
             91          [(iv)] (vi) a detailed listing of each expenditure made since the last summary report;
             92          [(v)] (vii) for each nonmonetary expenditure, the fair market value of the expenditure;
             93      and
             94          [(vi)] (viii) a net balance for the year consisting of the net balance from the last
             95      summary report plus all receipts minus all expenditures.
             96          (b) (i) For all individual contributions or public service assistance of $50 or less, a
             97      single aggregate figure may be reported without separate detailed listings.
             98          (ii) Two or more contributions from the same source that have an aggregate total of
             99      more than $50 may not be reported in the aggregate, but shall be reported separately.
             100          (c) In preparing the report, all receipts and expenditures shall be reported as of
             101      December 31 of the last [regular general election] calendar year.
             102          (3) The summary report shall contain a paragraph signed by the officeholder certifying
             103      that, to the best of the officeholder's knowledge, all receipts and all expenditures have been
             104      reported as of December 31 of the last [regular general election] calendar year and that there
             105      are no bills or obligations outstanding and unpaid except as set forth in that report.
             106          Section 2. Section 36-11-102 is amended to read:
             107           36-11-102. Definitions.
             108          As used in this chapter:
             109          (1) "Aggregate daily expenditures" means:
             110          (a) for a single lobbyist, principal, or government officer, the total of all expenditures
             111      made within a [24-hour period.] calendar day by the lobbyist, principal, or government officer
             112      for the benefit of an individual public official;
             113          (b) when an expenditure is made by a member of a lobbyist group, the total of all
             114      expenditures made within a calendar day by every member of the lobbyist group for the benefit
             115      of an individual public official; or

             116          (c) for a multiclient lobbyist, the total of all expenditures made by the multiclient
             117      lobbyist within a calendar day for the benefit of an individual public official, regardless of
             118      whether expenditures were attributed to different clients.
             119          (2) "Executive action" means:
             120          (a) nominations and appointments by the governor;
             121          (b) the proposal, drafting, amendment, enactment, or defeat by a state agency of any
             122      rule made in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act; and
             123          (c) agency ratemaking proceedings.
             124          (3) (a) "Expenditure" means any of the items listed in this Subsection (3)(a) when
             125      given to or for the benefit of a public official [or his immediate family]:
             126          (i) a purchase, payment, distribution, loan, gift, advance, deposit, subscription,
             127      forbearance, services, or goods, unless consideration of equal or greater value is received; and
             128          (ii) a contract, promise, or agreement, whether or not legally enforceable, to provide
             129      any of the items listed in Subsection (3)(a)(i).
             130          (b) "Expenditure" does not mean:
             131          (i) a commercially reasonable loan made in the ordinary course of business;
             132          (ii) a campaign contribution reported in accordance with Title 20A, Chapter 11,
             133      [Corrupt Practices in Elections] Campaign and Financial Reporting Requirements;
             134          (iii) printed informational material that is related to the performance of the recipient's
             135      official duties;
             136          (iv) a devise or inheritance;
             137          (v) any item listed in Subsection (3)(a) if given by a relative;
             138          (vi) a modest item of food or refreshment such as a beverage or pastry offered other
             139      than as part of a meal, the value of which does not exceed $5;
             140          (vii) a greeting card or other item of little intrinsic value that is intended solely for
             141      presentation; or
             142          (viii) plaques, commendations, or awards[; or] presented in public and having a cash
             143      value not exceeding $50.

             144          [(ix) reimbursement of reasonable expenses for or providing travel, lodging, or meals
             145      to a public official when:]
             146          [(A) those expenses are directly related to the public official's attendance and
             147      participation in a regularly scheduled meeting of an organization, association, or group; and]
             148          [(B) that organization, association, or group pays or provides those expenses.]
             149          (4) (a) "Government officer" means:
             150          (i) an individual elected to a position in state or local government, when acting within
             151      his official capacity; or
             152          (ii) an individual appointed to or employed in a full-time position by state or local
             153      government, when acting within the scope of his employment.
             154          (b) "Government officer" does not mean a member of the legislative branch of state
             155      government.
             156          (5) "Immediate family" means:
             157          (a) a spouse[,];
             158          (b) a child residing in the household[,]; or
             159          (c) an individual claimed as a dependent for tax purposes.
             160          (6) "Interested person" means an individual defined in Subsections (9)(b)[(ii)](iii) and
             161      (viii).
             162          (7) "Legislative action" means:
             163          (a) bills, resolutions, amendments, nominations, and other matters pending or proposed
             164      in either house of the Legislature or its committees or requested by a legislator; and
             165          (b) the action of the governor in approving or vetoing legislation.
             166          (8) "Lobbying" means communicating with a public official for the purpose of
             167      influencing the passage, defeat, amendment, or postponement of legislative or executive action.
             168          (9) (a) "Lobbyist" means:
             169          (i) an individual who is employed by a principal; or
             170          (ii) an individual who contracts for economic consideration, other than reimbursement
             171      for reasonable travel expenses, with a principal to lobby a public official.

             172          (b) "Lobbyist" does not include:
             173          [(i) a public official while acting in his official capacity on matters pertaining to his
             174      office or a state employee while acting within the scope of his employment;]
             175          (i) a government officer;
             176          (ii) a member or employee of the legislative branch of government;
             177          [(ii)] (iii) any person appearing at, or providing written comments to, a hearing
             178      conducted in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act or
             179      Title 63, Chapter 46b, Administrative Procedures Act;
             180          [(iii)] (iv) any person participating on or appearing before an advisory or study task
             181      force, commission, board, or committee, constituted by the Legislature or any agency or
             182      department of state government, except legislative standing, appropriation, or interim
             183      committees;
             184          [(iv)] (v) a representative of a political party;
             185          [(v)] (vi) an individual representing a bona fide church solely for the purpose of
             186      protecting the right to practice the religious doctrines of the church unless the individual or
             187      church makes an expenditure that confers a benefit on a public official;
             188          [(vi)] (vii) a newspaper, television station or network, radio station or network,
             189      periodical of general circulation, or book publisher for the purpose of publishing news items,
             190      editorials, other comments, or paid advertisements that directly or indirectly urge legislative or
             191      executive action; or
             192          [(vii) an elected official of a local government while acting within the scope of his
             193      official capacity on matters pertaining to his office or an employee of a local government while
             194      acting within the scope of his employment; or]
             195          (viii) an individual who appears on his own behalf before a committee of the
             196      Legislature or an executive branch agency solely for the purpose of testifying in support of or
             197      in opposition to legislative or executive action.
             198          (10) "Lobbyist group" means two or more lobbyists, principals, government officers,
             199      and any combination of lobbyists, principals, and officers who each contribute a portion of an

             200      expenditure made to benefit a public official or member of the public official's immediate
             201      family.
             202          (11) "Multiclient lobbyist" means a single lobbyist, principal, or government officer
             203      who represents two or more clients and divides the aggregate daily expenditure made to benefit
             204      a public official or member of the public official's immediate family between two or more of
             205      those clients.
             206          [(10)] (12) "Person" includes individuals, bodies politic and corporate, partnerships,
             207      associations, and companies.
             208          [(11)] (13) "Principal" means a person [who] that employs [a lobbyist] an individual to
             209      perform lobbying either as an employee or as an independent contractor.
             210          [(12)] (14) "Public official" means:
             211          (a) (i) a member of the Legislature;
             212          [(b)] (ii) an individual elected to a position in the executive branch; or
             213          [(c)] (iii) an individual appointed to or employed in the executive or legislative branch
             214      if that individual:
             215          [(i)] (A) occupies a policymaking position or makes purchasing or contracting
             216      decisions;
             217          [(ii)] (B) drafts legislation or makes rules;
             218          [(iii)] (C) determines rates or fees; or
             219          [(iv)] (D) makes adjudicative decisions[.]; or
             220          (b) an immediate family member of a person described in Subsection (14)(a).
             221          (15) "Public official type" means a notation to identify whether a public official is:
             222          (a) (i) a member of the Legislature;
             223          (ii) an individual elected to a position in the executive branch;
             224          (iii) an individual appointed to or employed in a position in the legislative branch who
             225      meets the definition of public official under Subsection (14)(a)(iii); or
             226          (iv) an individual appointed to or employed in a position in the executive branch who
             227      meets the definition of public official under Subsection (14)(a)(iii); or

             228          (b) an immediate family member of a person described in Subsection (14)(b).
             229          (16) "Quarterly reporting period" means the three-month period covered by each
             230      financial report required under Subsection 36-11-201 (2)(a).
             231          [(13)] (17) "Related person" means any person, or agent or employee of a person, who
             232      knowingly and intentionally assists a lobbyist, principal, or government officer in lobbying.
             233          [(14)] (18) "Relative" means a spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother,
             234      sister, parent-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, aunt, uncle, first cousin, or
             235      spouse of any of these individuals.
             236          (19) (a) "Tangible personal property" means an item having a description that is
             237      consistent with the meaning of tangible personal property found in the Utah Constitution,
             238      Article XIII.
             239          (b) "Tangible personal property" does not include the admission price or cost for
             240      events, meals, recreation, outings, or functions.
             241          Section 3. Section 36-11-201 is amended to read:
             242           36-11-201. Lobbyist, principal, and government officer financial reporting
             243      requirements -- Prohibition for related person to make expenditures.
             244          [(1) As used in this section, "public official type" means a notation to identify whether
             245      the public official is:]
             246          [(a) a member of the Legislature;]
             247          [(b) an individual elected to a position in the executive branch;]
             248          [(c) an individual appointed to or employed in a position in the legislative branch who
             249      meets the definition of public official in Section 36-11-102 ; or]
             250          [(d) an individual appointed to or employed in a position in the executive branch who
             251      meets the definition of public official in Section 36-11-102 .]
             252          [(2) (a) (i) Each lobbyist, principal, and government officer shall file an annual
             253      financial report with the lieutenant governor on January 10 of each year or on the next
             254      succeeding business day if January 10 falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. The report
             255      shall be considered timely filed if postmarked on its due date.]

             256          [(ii) The report shall disclose expenditures made to benefit public officials or members
             257      of their immediate families as provided in this section.]
             258          [(iii) If the lobbyist made no expenditures since the last expenditure reported on the
             259      last report filed, the lobbyist shall file a financial report listing the amount of expenditures as
             260      "none."]
             261          [(b) The January 10 report shall contain:]
             262          [(i) (A) the total amount of expenditures made to benefit public officials during the last
             263      calendar year ; and]
             264          [(B) the total amount of expenditures made to benefit public officials by public official
             265      type during the last calendar year ;]
             266          [(ii) (A) the total travel expenditures that the lobbyist, principal, or government officer
             267      made to benefit public officials and their immediate families during the last calendar year; and]
             268          [(B) the total travel expenditures that the lobbyist, principal, or government officer
             269      made to benefit public officials and their immediate families by public official type during the
             270      last calendar year ; and]
             271          [(C) a travel expenditure statement that:]
             272          [(I) describes the destination of each trip and its purpose;]
             273          [(II) identifies the total amount of expenditures made to benefit each public official and
             274      members of the public official's immediate family for each trip;]
             275          [(III) names all individuals that took each trip;]
             276          [(IV) identifies the public official type to which each public official belongs;]
             277          [(V) provides the name and address of the organization that sponsored each trip; and]
             278          [(VI) identifies specific expenditures for food, lodging, gifts, and sidetrips;]
             279          [(iii) for aggregate daily expenditures made to benefit public officials or members
             280      of their immediate families that are not reportable under Subsection (2)(b):]
             281          [(A) when the amount does not exceed $50 per person:]
             282          [(I) the date of the expenditure;]
             283          [(II) the purpose of the expenditure;]

             284          [(III) the public official type to which each public official belongs; and]
             285          [(IV) the total monetary worth of the benefit conferred on the public officials or
             286      members of their immediate families;]
             287          [(B) when the amount exceeds $50 per person:]
             288          [(I) the date, location, and purpose of the event, activity, or expenditure;]
             289          [(II) the name of the public official or member of the public official's immediate family
             290      who attended the event or activity or received the benefit of the expenditure;]
             291          [(III) the public official type to which each public official belongs; and]
             292          [(IV) the total monetary worth of the benefit conferred on the public official or member
             293      of the public official's immediate family ;]
             294          (1) (a) (i) Each lobbyist shall file quarterly financial reports with the lieutenant
             295      governor on or before the due dates under Subsection (2)(a).
             296          (ii) If the lobbyist has not made an expenditure during the quarterly reporting period,
             297      the lobbyist shall file a quarterly financial report listing the amount of expenditures as "none."
             298          (b) Each government officer or principal that makes an expenditure during any of the
             299      quarterly reporting periods under Subsection (2)(a) shall file a quarterly financial report with
             300      the lieutenant governor on or before the date that a report for that quarter is due.
             301          (2) (a) Quarterly expense reports shall be due on the following dates:
             302          (i) April 10, for the period of January 1 through March 31;
             303          (ii) July 10, for the period of April 1 through June 30;
             304          (iii) October 10, for the period of July 1 through September 30; and
             305          (iv) January 10, for the period of October 1 through December 31 of the previous year.
             306          (b) If the due date for a financial report falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday,
             307      the report shall be considered to be due on the next succeeding business day.
             308          (c) A financial report shall be considered timely filed if it is:
             309          (i) postmarked on its due date; or
             310          (ii) filed electronically on or before the due date.
             311          (3) A quarterly financial report shall contain:

             312          (a) the total amount of expenditures made to benefit any public official during the
             313      quarterly reporting period;
             314          (b) the total amount of expenditures made, by public official type, during the quarterly
             315      reporting period;
             316          (c) for the report due on January 10:
             317          (i) the total amount of expenditures made to benefit any public official during the last
             318      calendar year; and
             319          (ii) the total amount of expenditures made, by public official type, during the last
             320      calendar year;
             321          (d) a disclosure of each expenditure made during the quarterly reporting period to
             322      reimburse or pay for the travel or lodging expenses of a public official, including for each trip:
             323          (i) the purpose and each destination of the trip;
             324          (ii) the name of each public official that participated in the trip;
             325          (iii) the public official type of each public official named;
             326          (iv) for each public official named, a listing of the amount and purpose of each
             327      expenditure made for travel or lodging that benefitted the public official; and
             328          (v) the total amount of expenditures made to benefit each public official named;
             329          (e) a disclosure of each expenditure made during the quarterly reporting period that
             330      was not disclosed under Subsection (3)(d), to be provided as follows:
             331          (i) using Schedule A under Section 36-11-201.3 , a disclosure of each of the following
             332      expenditures:
             333          (A) an expenditure made for the cost or value of admission to a professional or
             334      collegiate sporting event;
             335          (B) an expenditure made for tangible personal property, if the aggregate daily
             336      expenditures benefitting the public official are greater than $10;
             337          (C) an expenditure made for food or beverage, if the aggregate daily expenditures
             338      benefitting the public official are greater than $50; and
             339          (D) any expenditure not otherwise reported in Subsection (3)(d), or this Subsection

             340      (3)(e)(i), if the aggregate daily expenditures benefitting the public official are greater than $50;
             341      and
             342          (ii) using Schedule B under Section 36-11-201.3 , a disclosure of every expenditure not
             343      reported in Subsection (3)(d) or (3)(e)(i);
             344          [(iv) a list of] (f) for each public official who was employed by the lobbyist, principal,
             345      or government officer or who performed work as an independent contractor for the lobbyist,
             346      principal, or government officer during the last year [that details], a list that provides:
             347          (i) the name of the public official; and
             348          (ii) the nature of the employment or contract with the public official;
             349          [(v)] (g) each bill or resolution, by number and short title, on behalf of which the
             350      lobbyist, principal, or government officer made an expenditure to a public official for which a
             351      report is required by this section, if any;
             352          [(vi)] (h) a description of each executive action on behalf of which the lobbyist,
             353      principal, or government officer made an expenditure to a public official for which a report is
             354      required by this section, if any; [and]
             355          [(vii)] (i) the general purposes, interests, and nature of the organization or
             356      organizations that the lobbyist, principal, or government officer filing the report represents[.];
             357      and
             358          (j) for a lobbyist, a certification that the information provided in the report is true,
             359      accurate, and complete to the lobbyist's best knowledge and belief.
             360          [(c)] (4) In reporting expenditures under this section for events to which all legislators
             361      are invited, each lobbyist, principal, and government officer:
             362          [(i)] (a) may not divide the cost of the event by the number of legislators who actually
             363      attend the event and report that cost as an expenditure made to those legislators;
             364          [(ii)] (b) shall divide the total cost by the total number of Utah legislators and others
             365      invited to the event and report that quotient as the amount expended for each legislator who
             366      actually attended the event; and
             367          [(iii)] (c) may not report any expenditure as made to a legislator who did not attend the

             368      event.
             369          [(3) (a) As used in this Subsection (3):]
             370          [(i) "Lobbyist group" means two or more lobbyists, principals, government officers,
             371      and any combination of lobbyists, principals, and officers who each contribute a portion of an
             372      expenditure made to benefit a public official or member of his immediate family.]
             373          [(ii) "Multiclient lobbyist" means a single lobbyist, principal, or government officer
             374      who represents two or more clients and divides the aggregate daily expenditure made to benefit
             375      a public official or member of his immediate family between two or more of those clients.]
             376          [(b) When a lobbyist group combines to make aggregate daily expenditures to benefit
             377      public officials or members of their immediate families, and the total aggregate daily
             378      expenditure of the lobbyist group exceeds $50 per person, each member of the lobbyist group
             379      shall disclose on the reports required by this section:]
             380          [(i) the date, location, and purpose of the event, activity, or expenditure;]
             381          [(ii) the name of the public official or member of the public official's immediate family
             382      who attended the event or activity or received the benefit of the expenditure;]
             383          [(iii) the public official type to which each public official belongs;]
             384          [(iv) the total monetary worth of the benefit conferred on the public official or member
             385      of the public official's immediate family by the lobbyist group and the total monetary worth of
             386      the benefit conferred upon the public official or member of the public official's immediate
             387      family by the lobbyist, principal, or government officer filing the report;]
             388          [(v) each bill or resolution by number and short title on behalf of which the lobbyist,
             389      principal, or government officer made an expenditure to a public official for which a report is
             390      required by this section, if any;]
             391          [(vi) a description of each executive action on behalf of which the lobbyist, principal,
             392      or government officer made an expenditure to a public official for which a report is required by
             393      this section, if any; and]
             394          [(vii) the general purposes, interests, and nature of the organization or organizations
             395      that the lobbyist, principal, or government officer filing the report represents.]

             396          [(c) When a multiclient lobbyist makes aggregate daily expenditures to benefit public
             397      officials or members of their immediate families, and the sum of the total aggregate daily
             398      expenditure for all of the lobbyist's clients exceeds $50 for a public official or family member,
             399      the multiclient lobbyist shall, for each client, disclose on the reports required by this section:]
             400          [(i) the date, location, and purpose of the event, activity, or expenditure;]
             401          [(ii) the name of the public official or member of the public official's immediate family
             402      who attended the event or activity or received the benefit of the expenditure;]
             403          [(iii) the public official type to which each public official belongs;]
             404          [(iv) the total monetary worth of the benefit conferred on the public official or member
             405      of the public official's immediate family by all clients and the total monetary worth of the
             406      benefit conferred on the public official or member of the public official's immediate family by
             407      the client upon whose behalf the report is filed;]
             408          [(v) each bill or resolution by number and short title on behalf of which the lobbyist,
             409      principal, or government officer made an expenditure to a public official for which a report is
             410      required by this section, if any;]
             411          [(vi) a description of each executive action on behalf of which the lobbyist, principal,
             412      or government officer made an expenditure to a public official for which a report is required by
             413      this section, if any; and]
             414          [(vii) the general purposes, interests, and nature of the organization or organizations
             415      that the lobbyist, principal, or government officer filing the report represents.]
             416          [(4)] (5) A related person may not, while assisting a lobbyist, principal, or government
             417      officer in lobbying, make an expenditure that benefits a public official [or member of the
             418      public official's immediate family] under circumstances which would otherwise fall within the
             419      disclosure requirements of this chapter if the expenditure was made by the lobbyist, principal,
             420      or government officer.
             421          [(5) (a) Each lobbyist, principal, and government officer who makes expenditures
             422      totaling $50 or more to benefit public officials or members of their immediate families since
             423      the date of the last financial report filed shall file a financial report with the lieutenant governor

             424      on:]
             425          [(i) the date ten days after the last day of each annual general session;]
             426          [(ii) the date seven days before a regular general election; and]
             427          [(iii) the date seven days after the end of a special session or veto override session.]
             428          [(b) (i) If any date specified in this Subsection (5) falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal
             429      holiday, the report is due on the next business day or on the next succeeding business day, if
             430      the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.]
             431          [(ii) The report shall be considered timely filed if it is postmarked on its due date.]
             432          [(c) Each report shall contain a listing of all expenditures made since the last
             433      expenditure reported on the last report filed in the form specified in Subsection (2)(b) and,
             434      when applicable, Subsection (3).]
             435          [(d) In preparing each financial report, all expenditures shall be reported as of five days
             436      before the required filing date of the report.]
             437          [(6) Each financial report filed by a lobbyist shall contain a certification that the
             438      information provided in the report is true, accurate, and complete to the lobbyist's best
             439      knowledge and belief.]
             440          [(7)] (6) The lieutenant governor shall:
             441          (a) (i) develop preprinted [suggested] forms for all [statements] financial reports
             442      required by this section; and
             443          [(b)] (ii) make copies of the forms available to each person who requests them[.]; and
             444          (b) provide a reporting system that allows financial reports to be submitted via the
             445      Internet.
             446          [(8)] (7) (a) Each lobbyist and each principal shall continue to file the quarterly
             447      financial reports required by this section [until the lobbyist or principal has filed the report due
             448      on the first January 10 that is more than 12 months after the date that the lobbyist surrenders,]
             449      until the lobbyist or principal files a statement with the lieutenant governor that:
             450          (i) states:
             451          (A) for a lobbyist, that the lobbyist has ceased lobbying activities; or

             452          (B) for a principal, that the principal no longer employs an individual as a lobbyist;
             453          (ii) in the case of a lobbyist, states that the lobbyist is surrendering the lobbyist's
             454      license;
             455          (iii) contains a listing, as required by this section, of all previously unreported
             456      expenditures that have been made through the date of the statement; and
             457          (iv) states that the lobbyist or principal will not make any additional expenditure that is
             458      not disclosed on the statement unless the lobbyist or principal complies with the disclosure and
             459      licensing requirements of this chapter.
             460          (b) A lobbyist that fails to renew[,] the lobbyist's license or otherwise ceases to be
             461      licensed[.] shall be required to file quarterly reports until the lobbyist files the statement
             462      required by Subsection (7)(a).
             463          Section 4. Section 36-11-201.3 is enacted to read:
             464          36-11-201.3. Expenditure reporting schedules.
             465          The schedules in this section shall be used to report expenditures made to benefit a
             466      public official as required by Section 36-11-201 .
             467          (1) Schedule A:
             468          (a) the date and purpose of the expenditure;
             469          (b) the location of the expenditure;
             470          (c) the name of the public official benefitted by the expenditure;
             471          (d) the public official type of the public official; and
             472          (e) the total monetary worth of the benefit that the expenditure conferred on the public
             473      official; and
             474          (2) Schedule B:
             475          (a) the date and purpose of the expenditure;
             476          (b) the public official type of the public official benefitted by the expenditure; and
             477          (c) the total monetary worth of the benefit that the expenditure conferred on the public
             478      official.
             479          Section 5. Section 36-11-304 is amended to read:

             480           36-11-304. Prohibition on certain gifts of real or tangible personal property.
             481          (1) As used in this section:
             482          (a) "Gift" means a transfer of real property or tangible personal property for less than
             483      fair and adequate consideration.
             484          (b) "Gift" does not include a plaque, commendation, or award that is presented in
             485      public.
             486          [(1) A] (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), a lobbyist, principal, or government
             487      officer may not offer to or give any public official [or member of his immediate family] any
             488      gift or loan if the public official has been, or is now, or in the near future may be involved in
             489      any governmental action directly affecting the donor or lender.
             490          [(2)] (3) Subsection [(1)] (2) does not apply to the following:
             491          (a) an occasional nonpecuniary gift, having a value of not in excess of $50 per
             492      individual;
             493          (b) an award publicly presented in recognition of public services;
             494          (c) any bona fide loan made in the ordinary course of business; or
             495          (d) gifts to a relative.
             496          [(3) For the purposes of this section:]
             497          [(a) "Gift" means a transfer of real or tangible personal property for less than fair and
             498      adequate consideration. It does not include plaques, commendations, or awards.]
             499          [(b) "Tangible personal property" does not include the admission price for events,
             500      meals, recreation, outings, or functions, and is intended to be interpreted consistent with the
             501      meaning of tangible personal property found in the Utah Constitution Article XIII.]
             502          Section 6. Section 36-11-306 is enacted to read:
             503          36-11-306. Conflicts of interest.
             504          (1) As used in this section, "conflict of interest" means a circumstance where:
             505          (a) the representation of one principal or client will be directly adverse to another
             506      principal or client; or
             507          (b) there is a significant risk that the representation of one or more principals or clients

             508      will be materially limited by the lobbyist's responsibilities to:
             509          (i) another principal or client; or
             510          (ii) a personal interest of the lobbyist.
             511          (2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), a lobbyist may not represent a principal or
             512      client if the representation involves a conflict of interest.
             513          (3) Notwithstanding the existence of a conflict of interest, a lobbyist may represent a
             514      principal or client if:
             515          (a) the lobbyist reasonably believes that the lobbyist will be able to provide competent
             516      and diligent representation to each principal or client;
             517          (b) the representation is not otherwise prohibited by law;
             518          (c) the representation does not require the lobbyist to assert a position on behalf of one
             519      principal or client that is opposed to the position of another principal or client represented by
             520      the lobbyist involving the same legislative issue; and
             521          (d) each affected principal or client gives informed consent to the conflict of interest in
             522      writing.
             523          Section 7. Section 67-16-5 is amended to read:
             524           67-16-5. Accepting gift, compensation, or loan -- When prohibited.
             525          (1) As used in this section, "economic benefit tantamount to a gift" includes:
             526          (a) a loan at an interest rate that is substantially lower than the commercial rate then
             527      currently prevalent for similar loans; and
             528          (b) compensation received for private services rendered at a rate substantially
             529      exceeding the fair market value of the services.
             530          (2) It is an offense for a public officer[,] or public employee, [or legislator,] under
             531      circumstances not amounting to a violation of Section 63-56-1001 or 76-8-105 , to knowingly
             532      receive, accept, take, seek, or solicit, directly or indirectly for himself or another a gift of
             533      substantial value or a substantial economic benefit tantamount to a gift:
             534          (a) that would tend improperly to influence a reasonable person in the person's position
             535      to depart from the faithful and impartial discharge of the person's public duties;

             536          (b) that the person knows or that a reasonable person in that position should know
             537      under the circumstances is primarily for the purpose of rewarding the person for official action
             538      taken; or
             539          (c) if he recently has been, is now, or in the near future may be involved in any
             540      governmental action directly affecting the donor or lender, unless a disclosure of the gift,
             541      compensation, or loan and other relevant information has been made in the manner provided in
             542      Section 67-16-6 .
             543          (3) Subsection (2) does not apply to:
             544          (a) an occasional nonpecuniary gift, having a value of not in excess of $50;
             545          (b) an award publicly presented in recognition of public services;
             546          (c) any bona fide loan made in the ordinary course of business; or
             547          (d) a political campaign contribution.
             548          Section 8. Coordinating S.B. 246 with H.B. 62 -- Superseding amendments.
             549          If this S.B. 246 and H.B. 62, Lobbyist Disclosure Technical Amendments, both pass, it
             550      is the intent of the Legislature that the amendments to Section 36-11-201 in this bill supersede
             551      the amendments to Section 36-11-201 in H.B. 62 when the Office of Legislative Research and
             552      General Counsel prepares the Utah Code database for publication.

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