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S.B. 126






Chief Sponsor: Sheldon L. Killpack

House Sponsor: Melvin R. Brown

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies provisions related to Labor in General to enact the Sales
             11      Representative Commission Payment Act.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    enacts the Sales Representative Commission Payment Act;
             15          .    defines terms;
             16          .    addresses jurisdiction;
             17          .    addresses void provisions;
             18          .    requires written agreements;
             19          .    provides for payment requirements, including upon termination and settlement;
             20          .    addresses revocable commission offers; and
             21          .    addresses remedies.
             22      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             23          None
             24      Other Special Clauses:
             25          None
             26      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             27      ENACTS:

             28          34-44-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             29          34-44-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             30          34-44-103, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             31          34-44-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             32          34-44-201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             33          34-44-202, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             34          34-44-203, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             35          34-44-301, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             36          34-44-302, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             38      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             39          Section 1. Section 34-44-101 is enacted to read:

Part 1. General Provisions

             42          34-44-101. Title.
             43          This chapter is known as the "Sales Representative Commission Payment Act."
             44          Section 2. Section 34-44-102 is enacted to read:
             45          34-44-102. Definitions.
             46          As used in this chapter:
             47          (1) "Business relationship" means an agreement that governs the relationship of
             48      principal and sales representative.
             49          (2) "Commission" means:
             50          (a) compensation:
             51          (i) that accrues to a sales representative;
             52          (ii) for payment by a principal; and
             53          (iii) at a rate expressed as a percentage of the dollar amount of sales, orders, or profits;
             54      or
             55          (b) any other method of compensation agreed to between a sales representative and a
             56      principal including:
             57          (i) fees for services; and
             58          (ii) a retainer.

             59          (3) "Principal" means a person who:
             60          (a) engages in any of the following activities with regard to a product or service:
             61          (i) manufactures;
             62          (ii) produces;
             63          (iii) imports;
             64          (iv) sells; or
             65          (v) distributes;
             66          (b) establishes a business relationship with a sales representative to solicit orders for a
             67      product or a service described in Subsection (3)(a); and
             68          (c) agrees to compensate a sales representative, in whole or in part, by commission.
             69          (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), "sales representative" means a person
             70      who enters into a business relationship with a principal:
             71          (i) to solicit orders for a product or a service described in Subsection (3)(a); and
             72          (ii) under which the person is compensated, in whole or in part, by commission.
             73          (b) "Sales representative" does not include:
             74          (i) an employee of a principal;
             75          (ii) a person licensed under Title 31A, Insurance Code;
             76          (iii) a person licensed under Title 61, Chapter 2, Division of Real Estate; or
             77          (iv) a person who provides a product or service under a business relationship with a
             78      principal that is incident to the purchase or sale of real property.
             79          (5) "Terminates" or "termination" means the end of a business relationship between a
             80      sales representative and a principal, whether by:
             81          (a) agreement;
             82          (b) expiration of a time period; or
             83          (c) exercise of a right of termination by either the principal or the sales representative.
             84          Section 3. Section 34-44-103 is enacted to read:
             85          34-44-103. Jurisdiction in courts.
             86          An action under this chapter may be brought against a principal in a court of this state
             87      if:
             88          (1) the principal enters into a business relationship in this state with a sales
             89      representative to solicit orders for a product or a service; or

             90          (2) (a) a product of the principal is:
             91          (i) manufactured, distributed, sold, or received in this state; or
             92          (ii) imported to or from this state; or
             93          (b) a service of the principal is provided in this state.
             94          Section 4. Section 34-44-104 is enacted to read:
             95          34-44-104. Void provisions.
             96          Any of the following provisions in an agreement between a sales representative and a
             97      principal is void:
             98          (1) an express waiver of any right under this chapter;
             99          (2) for a writing required by Section 34-44-201 that is entered into in this state, a
             100      provision that makes the sales representative subject to the laws of another state; or
             101          (3) a requirement that the sales representative pursue a claim under this chapter in a
             102      court not located in the state.
             103          Section 5. Section 34-44-201 is enacted to read:
Part 2. Requirements and Prohibitions

             105          34-44-201. Written business relationship.
             106          (1) The business relationship between a sales representative and a principal shall be in
             107      a writing signed by both the principal and the sales representative.
             108          (2) The writing required by Subsection (1) shall set forth the method by which the sales
             109      representative's commission is:
             110          (a) computed; and
             111          (b) paid.
             112          (3) The principal shall provide the sales representative with a copy of the signed
             113      writing required by Subsection (1).
             114          Section 6. Section 34-44-202 is enacted to read:
             115          34-44-202. Payment of commission -- Payment on termination -- Settlement.
             116          (1) The principal shall pay a sales representative all commissions due to the sales
             117      representative during the time the business relationship between the principal and sales
             118      representative is in effect in accordance with the writing required by Section 34-44-201 .
             119          (2) If a business relationship between a principal and sales representative terminates,
             120      the principal shall pay to the sales representative:

             121          (a) within 30 days after the day on which the termination is effective, all commissions
             122      due on the day on which the termination is effective; and
             123          (b) within 14 days after the day on which a commission becomes due if the
             124      commission is due after the day on which the termination is effective.
             125          (3) (a) Unless payment is made pursuant to a binding and final written settlement
             126      agreement and release, the acceptance by a sales representative of a partial commission paid by
             127      the principal under the business relationship does not constitute a release as to the balance of
             128      any commission that the sales representative claims is due because of the business relationship.
             129          (b) A full release of all commission claims required by a principal as a condition to a
             130      partial commission payment is void.
             131          Section 7. Section 34-44-203 is enacted to read:
             132          34-44-203. Revocable offer of commission.
             133          If a principal makes a revocable offer of a commission to a sales representative, the
             134      sales representative is entitled to the commission agreed upon under the business relationship
             135      if:
             136          (1) the principal revokes the offer of commission;
             137          (2) the sales representative establishes that the revocation is for a purpose of avoiding
             138      payment of the commission;
             139          (3) the revocation occurs after the principal obtains an order for the principal's product
             140      or service through the efforts of the sales representative; and
             141          (4) the principal's product or service that is the subject of the order is provided to and
             142      paid for by a customer.
             143          Section 8. Section 34-44-301 is enacted to read:
Part 3. Remedies

             145          34-44-301. Failure to pay commission.
             146          (1) A sales representative may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction
             147      against a principal for failure by the principal to comply with:
             148          (a) any provision of an agreement relating to the payment of commission; or
             149          (b) Subsection 34-44-202 (1) or (2).
             150          (2) If a principal is found liable under Subsection (1), the principal is liable to the sales
             151      representative for:

             152          (a) three times an amount calculated by:
             153          (i) determining the sum of unpaid commission owed to the sales representative; and
             154          (ii) subtracting from the amount determined under Subsection (2)(a)(i) monies the sales
             155      representative owes the principal;
             156          (b) reasonable attorney fees; and
             157          (c) court costs.
             158          Section 9. Section 34-44-302 is enacted to read:
             159          34-44-302. Other remedies.
             160          This chapter does not:
             161          (1) invalidate or restrict any alternative or additional right or remedy available to a
             162      sales representative; or
             163          (2) preclude a sales representative from seeking to recover in an action on all claims
             164      against a principal.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-12-07 4:08 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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