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First Substitute S.B. 136

Senator Michael G. Waddoups proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Michael G. Waddoups

House Sponsor: Gage Froerer

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill makes changes to provisions concerning the unlawful detainer of real property.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    changes and clarifies time limits related to unlawful detainer actions;
             13          .    provides that a person is guilty of unlawful detainer for committing a criminal act
             14      on the property;
             15          .    addresses notice provisions related to a violation of a lease that cannot be made
             16      compliant;
             17          .    requires a lease signer to be made a party defendant to an unlawful detainer action;
             18          .    addresses the time allowed by a summons for a defendant's appearance in an
             19      unlawful detainer action;
             20          .    addresses requirements for the payment of a bond ordered in an unlawful detainer
             21      action;
             22          .    outlines judicial conduct of certain unlawful detainer actions;
             23          .    provides that a lessee is obligated for lease payments after forfeiture of the lease;
             24      and
             25          .    makes technical changes.

             26      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             27          None
             28      Other Special Clauses:
             29          None
             30      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             31      AMENDS:
             32          78-36-3, as last amended by Chapter 141, Laws of Utah 1992
             33          78-36-7, as last amended by Chapter 141, Laws of Utah 1992
             34          78-36-8, as last amended by Chapter 123, Laws of Utah 1987
             35          78-36-8.5, as last amended by Chapter 123, Laws of Utah 1987
             36          78-36-10, as last amended by Chapter 225, Laws of Utah 1994
             37          78-36-10.5, as last amended by Chapters 131 and 204, Laws of Utah 2003
             38      ENACTS:
             39          78-36-9.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             41      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             42          Section 1. Section 78-36-3 is amended to read:
             43           78-36-3. Unlawful detainer by tenant for term less than life.
             44          (1) A tenant of real property, for a term less than life, is guilty of an unlawful detainer:
             45          (a) when he continues in possession, in person or by subtenant, of the property or any
             46      part of it, after the expiration of the specified term or period for which it is let to him, which
             47      specified term or period, whether established by express or implied contract, or whether written
             48      or parol, shall be terminated without notice at the expiration of the specified term or period;
             49          (b) when, having leased real property for an indefinite time with monthly or other
             50      periodic rent reserved:
             51          (i) he continues in possession of it in person or by subtenant after the end of any month
             52      or period, in cases where the owner, his designated agent, or any successor in estate of the
             53      owner, 15 calendar days or more prior to the end of that month or period, has served notice
             54      requiring him to quit the premises at the expiration of that month or period; or
             55          (ii) in cases of tenancies at will, where he remains in possession of the premises after
             56      the expiration of a notice of not less than five calendar days;

             57          (c) when he continues in possession, in person or by subtenant, after default in the
             58      payment of any rent or other amounts due and after a notice in writing requiring in the
             59      alternative the payment of the rent and other amounts due or the surrender of the detained
             60      premises, has remained uncomplied with for a period of three calendar days after service,
             61      which notice may be served at any time after the rent becomes due;
             62          (d) when he assigns or sublets the leased premises contrary to the covenants of the
             63      lease, or commits or permits waste on the premises, or when he sets up or carries on any
             64      unlawful business on or in the premises, or when he suffers, permits, or maintains on or about
             65      the premises any nuisance, including nuisance as defined in Section 78-38-9 , or when the
             66      tenant commits a criminal act on the premises and remains in possession after service upon him
             67      of a three calendar days' notice to quit; or
             68          (e) when he continues in possession, in person or by subtenant, after a neglect or failure
             69      to perform any condition or covenant of the lease or agreement under which the property is
             70      held, other than those previously mentioned, and after notice in writing requiring in the
             71      alternative the performance of the conditions or covenant or the surrender of the property,
             72      served upon him and upon any subtenant in actual occupation of the premises remains
             73      uncomplied with for three calendar days after service. Within three calendar days after the
             74      service of the notice, the tenant, any subtenant in actual occupation of the premises, any
             75      mortgagee of the term, or other person interested in its continuance may perform the condition
             76      or covenant and thereby save the lease from forfeiture, except that if the covenants and
             77      conditions of the lease violated by the lessee cannot afterwards be performed, [then no notice
             78      need be given] or the violation cannot be brought into compliance, the notice provided for in
             79      Subsection (1)(d) may be given.
             80          (2) Unlawful detainer by an owner resident of a mobile home is determined under Title
             81      57, Chapter 16, Mobile Home Park Residency Act.
             82          (3) The notice provisions for nuisance in Subsection [ 78-36-3 ] (1)(d) are not applicable
             83      to nuisance actions provided in Sections 78-38-9 through 78-38-16 only.
             84          Section 2. Section 78-36-7 is amended to read:
             85           78-36-7. Necessary parties defendant.
             86          (1) No person other than the tenant of the premises, a lease signer, and subtenant if
             87      there is one in the actual occupation of the premises when the action is commenced, shall be

             88      made a party defendant in the proceeding, except as provided in Section 78-38-13 , nor shall
             89      any proceeding abate, nor the plaintiff be nonsuited, for the nonjoinder of any person who
             90      might have been made a party defendant; but when it appears that any of the parties served with
             91      process or appearing in the proceedings are guilty, judgment shall be rendered against those
             92      parties.
             93          (2) If a person has become subtenant of the premises in controversy after the service of
             94      any notice as provided in this chapter, the fact that such notice was not served on the subtenant
             95      is not a defense to the action. All persons who enter under the tenant after the commencement
             96      of the action shall be bound by the judgment the same as if they had been made parties to the
             97      action.
             98          (3) A landlord, owner, or designated agent is a necessary party defendant only in an
             99      abatement by eviction action for an unlawful drug house as provided in Section 78-38-13 .
             100          Section 3. Section 78-36-8 is amended to read:
             101           78-36-8. Allegations permitted in complaint -- Time for appearance -- Service of
             102      summons.
             103          The plaintiff in his complaint, in addition to setting forth the facts on which he seeks to
             104      recover, may set forth any circumstances of fraud, force, or violence which may have
             105      accompanied the alleged forcible entry, or forcible or unlawful detainer, and claim damages
             106      therefor or compensation for the occupation of the premises, or both. If the unlawful detainer
             107      charged is after default in the payment of rent, the complaint shall state the amount of rent due.
             108      [The court] A judge, court clerk, or plaintiff's counsel shall indorse on the summons the
             109      number of days within which the defendant is required to appear and defend the action, which
             110      shall [not] be [less than] three [or more than 20] business days from the date of service, unless
             111      the court determines that the facts of the case should allow more time. The court may authorize
             112      service by publication or mail for cause shown. Service by publication is complete one week
             113      after publication. Service by mail is complete three days after mailing. The summons shall be
             114      changed in form to conform to the time of service as ordered, and shall be served as in other
             115      cases.
             116          Section 4. Section 78-36-8.5 is amended to read:
             117           78-36-8.5. Possession bond of plaintiff -- Alternative remedies.
             118          (1) At any time between the filing of his complaint and the entry of final judgment, the

             119      plaintiff may execute and file a possession bond. The bond may be in the form of a corporate
             120      bond, a cash bond, certified funds, or a property bond executed by two persons who own real
             121      property in the state and who are not parties to the action. The court shall approve the bond in
             122      an amount that is the probable amount of costs of suit and damages which may result to the
             123      defendant if the suit has been improperly instituted. The bond shall be payable to the clerk of
             124      the court for the benefit of the defendant for all costs and damages actually adjudged against
             125      the plaintiff. The plaintiff shall notify the defendant that he has filed a possession bond. This
             126      notice shall be served in the same manner as service of summons and shall inform the
             127      defendant of all of the alternative remedies and procedures under Subsection (2).
             128          (2) The following are alternative remedies and procedures applicable to an action if the
             129      plaintiff files a possession bond under Subsection (1):
             130          (a) With respect to an unlawful detainer action based solely upon nonpayment of rent
             131      or [utilities] other amounts due, the existing contract shall remain in force and the complaint
             132      shall be dismissed if the defendant, within three calendar days of the service of the notice of the
             133      possession bond, pays accrued rent, [utility charges, any late fee] all other amounts due, and
             134      other costs, including [attorney's] attorney fees, as provided in the rental agreement.
             135          (b) (i) The defendant may remain in possession if he executes and files a counter bond
             136      in the form of a corporate bond, a cash bond, certified funds, or a property bond executed by
             137      two persons who own real property in the state and who are not parties to the action.
             138          (ii) The form of the bond is at the defendant's option.
             139          (iii) The bond shall be payable to the clerk of the court.
             140          (iv) The defendant shall file the bond prior to the later of the expiration of three
             141      business days from the date he is served with notice of the filing of plaintiff's possession bond
             142      or within 24 hours after the court sets the bond amount.
             143          (v) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(b)(iv), the court may allow a period of up to 72
             144      hours for the posting of the counter bond.
             145          (vi) The court shall approve the bond in an amount that is the probable amount of costs
             146      of suit, including attorney fees and actual damages that may result to the plaintiff if the
             147      defendant has improperly withheld possession.
             148          (vii) The court shall consider prepaid rent to the owner as a portion of the defendant's
             149      total bond.

             150          (c) The defendant, upon demand, shall be granted a hearing to be held [prior to the
             151      expiration of three days] as soon as possible, but not later than seven calendar days, from the
             152      date the defendant is served with notice of the filing of plaintiff's possession bond.
             153          (3) If the defendant does not elect and comply with a remedy under Subsection (2)
             154      within the required time, the plaintiff, upon ex parte motion, shall be granted an order of
             155      restitution. [The] A constable [of the precinct] or the sheriff of the county where the property
             156      is situated shall return possession of the property to the plaintiff promptly.
             157          (4) If the defendant demands a hearing under Subsection (2) (c), and if the court rules
             158      after the hearing that the plaintiff is entitled to possession of the property, the constable or
             159      sheriff shall promptly return possession of the property to the plaintiff. If at the hearing the
             160      court allows the defendant to remain in possession and further issues remain to be adjudicated
             161      between the parties, the court shall require the defendant to post a bond as required in
             162      Subsection (2) (b) and shall expedite all further proceedings, including beginning the trial no
             163      later than 30 days from the posting of the plaintiff's bond, unless the parties otherwise agree. If
             164      at the hearing the court rules that all issues between the parties can be adjudicated without
             165      further court proceedings, the court shall, upon adjudicating those issues, enter judgment on the
             166      merits.
             167          Section 5. Section 78-36-9.5 is enacted to read:
             168          78-36-9.5. Court procedures.
             169          (1) In an action under this chapter in which the tenant remains in possession of the
             170      property:
             171          (a) the court shall expedite the proceedings, including the resolution of motions and
             172      trial; and
             173          (b) the court shall begin the trial within 60 days after the day on which the complaint is
             174      served, unless the parties agree otherwise.
             175          (c) If this chapter requires a hearing to be held within a specified time, the time may be
             176      extended to the first date thereafter on which a judge is available to hear the case in a
             177      jurisdiction in which a judge is not always available.
             178          (2) (a) In an action for unlawful detainer where the claim is for nonpayment of rent, the
             179      court shall hold an evidentiary hearing, upon request of either party, within ten days after the
             180      day on which the defendant files the defendant's answer.

             181          (b) At the evidentiary hearing held in accordance with Subsection (2)(a):
             182          (i) the court shall determine who has the right of occupancy during the litigation's
             183      pendency; and
             184          (ii) if the court determines that all issues between the parties can be adjudicated
             185      without further proceedings, the court shall adjudicate those issues and enter judgment on the
             186      merits.
             187          (3) (a) In an action for unlawful detainer in which the claim is for nuisance and alleges
             188      an act that would be considered criminal under the laws of this state, the court shall hold an
             189      evidentiary hearing within ten days after the day on which the complaint is filed to determine
             190      whether the alleged act occurred.
             191          (b) The hearing required by Subsection (3)(a) shall be set at the time the complaint is
             192      filed and notice of the hearing shall be served upon the defendant with the summons at least
             193      three calendar days before the scheduled time of the hearing.
             194          (c) If the court, at an evidentiary hearing held in accordance with Subsection (3)(a),
             195      determines that it is more likely than not that the alleged act occurred, the court shall issue an
             196      order of restitution.
             197          (d) If an order of restitution is issued in accordance with Subsection (3)(c), a constable
             198      or the sheriff of the county where the property is situated shall return possession of the property
             199      to the plaintiff immediately.
             200          (e) The court may allow a period of up to 72 hours before restitution may be made
             201      under Subsection (3)(d) if the court determines the time is appropriate under the circumstances.
             202          (f) At the evidentiary hearing held in accordance with Subsection (3)(a), if the court
             203      determines that all issues between the parties can be adjudicated without further proceedings,
             204      the court shall adjudicate those issues and enter judgment on the merits.
             205          (g) "An act that would be considered criminal under the laws of this state" under
             206      Subsection (3)(a) includes only the following:
             207          (i) an act that would be considered a felony under the laws of this state;
             208          (ii) an act that would be considered criminal affecting the health or safety of a tenant,
             209      the landlord, the landlord's agent, or other person on the landlord's property;
             210          (iii) an act that would be considered criminal that causes damage or loss to any tenant's
             211      property or the landlord's property;

             212          (iv) a drug- or gang-related act that would be considered criminal;
             213          (v) an act or threat of violence against any tenant or other person on the premises, or
             214      against the landlord or the landlord's agent; and
             215          (vi) any other act that would be considered criminal that the court determines directly
             216      impacts the peaceful enjoyment of the premises by any tenant.
             217          (4) (a) At any hearing held in accordance with this chapter in which the tenant after
             218      receiving notice fails to appear, the court shall issue an order of restitution.
             219          (b) If an order of restitution is issued in accordance with Subsection (4)(a), a constable
             220      or the sheriff of the county where the property is situated shall return possession of the property
             221      to the plaintiff immediately.
             222          (5) A court adjudicating matters under this chapter may make other orders as are
             223      appropriate and proper.
             224          Section 6. Section 78-36-10 is amended to read:
             225           78-36-10. Judgment for restitution, damages, and rent -- Immediate enforcement
             226      -- Treble damages.
             227          (1) (a) A judgment may be entered upon the merits or upon default.
             228          (b) A judgment entered in favor of the plaintiff shall include an order for the restitution
             229      of the premises as provided in Section 78-36-10.5 .
             230          (c) If the proceeding is for unlawful detainer after neglect or failure to perform any
             231      condition or covenant of the lease or agreement under which the property is held, or after
             232      default in the payment of rent, the judgment shall also declare the forfeiture of the lease or
             233      agreement.
             234          (d) (i) A forfeiture under Subsection (1)(c) does not release a defendant from any
             235      obligation for payments on a lease for the remainder of the lease's term.
             236          (ii) Subsection (1)(d)(i) does not change any obligation on either party to mitigate
             237      damages.
             238          (2) The jury or the court, if the proceeding is tried without a jury or upon the
             239      defendant's default, shall also assess the damages resulting to the plaintiff from any of the
             240      following:
             241          (a) forcible entry;
             242          (b) forcible or unlawful detainer;

             243          (c) waste of the premises during the defendant's tenancy, if waste is alleged in the
             244      complaint and proved at trial;
             245          (d) the [amount of rent] amounts due under the contract, if the alleged unlawful
             246      detainer is after default in the [payment of rent] payment of amounts due under the contract;
             247      and
             248          (e) the abatement of the nuisance by eviction as provided in Sections 78-38-9 through
             249      78-38-16 .
             250          (3) The judgment shall be entered against the defendant for the rent, for three times the
             251      amount of the damages assessed under Subsections (2)(a) through (2)[(c)] (e), and for
             252      reasonable [attorneys'] attorney fees[, if they are provided for in the lease or agreement].
             253          (4) (a) If the proceeding is for unlawful detainer [after default in the payment of the
             254      rent], execution upon the judgment shall be issued immediately after the entry of the judgment.
             255          (b) In all cases, the judgment may be issued and enforced immediately.
             256          Section 7. Section 78-36-10.5 is amended to read:
             257           78-36-10.5. Order of restitution -- Service -- Enforcement -- Disposition of
             258      personal property -- Hearing.
             259          (1) Each order of restitution shall:
             260          (a) direct the defendant to vacate the premises, remove his personal property, and
             261      restore possession of the premises to the plaintiff, or be forcibly removed by a sheriff or
             262      constable;
             263          (b) advise the defendant of the time limit set by the court for the defendant to vacate
             264      the premises, which shall be three [business] calendar days following service of the order,
             265      unless the court determines that a longer or shorter period is appropriate under the
             266      circumstances; and
             267          (c) advise the defendant of the defendant's right to a hearing to contest the manner of
             268      its enforcement.
             269          (2) (a) A copy of the order of restitution and a form for the defendant to request a
             270      hearing as listed on the form shall be served in accordance with Section 78-36-6 by a person
             271      authorized to serve process pursuant to Subsection 78-12a-2 (1). If personal service is
             272      impossible or impracticable, service may be made by:
             273          (i) mailing a copy of the order and the form to the defendant's last-known address and

             274      posting a copy of the order and the form at a conspicuous place on the premises; or
             275          (ii) mailing a copy of the order and the form to the commercial tenant defendant's
             276      last-known place of business and posting a copy of the order and the form at a conspicuous
             277      place on the business premises.
             278          (b) A request for hearing by the defendant may not stay enforcement of the restitution
             279      order unless:
             280          (i) the defendant furnishes a corporate bond, cash bond, certified funds, or a property
             281      bond to the clerk of the court in an amount approved by the court according to the formula set
             282      forth in Subsection 78-36-8.5 (2)(b); and
             283          (ii) the court orders that the restitution order be stayed.
             284          (c) The date of service, the name, title, signature, and telephone number of the person
             285      serving the order and the form shall be legibly endorsed on the copy of the order and the form
             286      served on the defendant.
             287          (d) [Within ten days of service, the] The person serving the order and the form shall
             288      file proof of service in accordance with Rule 4(e), Utah Rules of Civil Procedure.
             289          (3) (a) If the defendant fails to comply with the order within the time prescribed by the
             290      court, a sheriff or constable at the plaintiff's direction may enter the premises by force using the
             291      least destructive means possible to remove the defendant.
             292          (b) Any personal property of the defendant may be removed from the premises by the
             293      sheriff or constable and transported to a suitable location for safe storage. The sheriff or
             294      constable may delegate responsibility for storage to the plaintiff, who shall store the personal
             295      property in a suitable place and in a reasonable manner.
             296          (c) The personal property removed and stored shall be inventoried by the sheriff or
             297      constable or the plaintiff who shall keep the original inventory and personally deliver or mail
             298      the defendant a copy of the inventory immediately after the personal property is removed.
             299          (4) (a) After demand made by the defendant within 30 days of removal of personal
             300      property from the premises, the sheriff or constable or the plaintiff shall promptly return all of
             301      the defendant's personal property upon payment of the reasonable costs incurred for its removal
             302      and storage.
             303          (b) The person storing the personal property may sell the property remaining in storage
             304      at a public sale if:

             305          (i) the defendant does not request a hearing or demand return of the personal property
             306      within 30 days of its removal from the premises; or
             307          (ii) the defendant fails to pay the reasonable costs incurred for the removal and storage
             308      of the personal property.
             309          (c) In advance of the sale, the person storing the personal property shall mail to the
             310      defendant's last-known address a written notice of the time and place of the sale.
             311          (d) If the defendant is present at the sale, he may specify the order in which the
             312      personal property shall be sold, and only so much personal property shall be sold as to satisfy
             313      the costs of removal, storage, advertising, and conducting the sale. The remainder of the
             314      personal property, if any, shall be released to the defendant. If the defendant is not present at
             315      the sale, the proceeds, after deduction of the costs of removal, storage, advertising, and
             316      conducting the sale shall be paid to the plaintiff up to the amount of any judgment the plaintiff
             317      obtained against the defendant. Any surplus shall be paid to the defendant, if the defendant's
             318      whereabouts are known. If the defendant's whereabouts are not known, any surplus shall be
             319      disposed of in accordance with Title 67, Chapter 4a, Unclaimed Property Act.
             320          (e) The plaintiff may donate the property to charity if:
             321          (i) the defendant does not request a hearing or demand return of the personal property
             322      within 30 days of its removal from the premises; or
             323          (ii) the defendant fails to pay the reasonable costs incurred for the removal and storage
             324      of the personal property; and
             325          (iii) donation is a commercially reasonable alternative.
             326          (f) If the property belonging to a person who is not a defendant is removed and stored
             327      in accordance with this section, that person may claim the property by delivering a written
             328      demand for its release to the sheriff or constable or the plaintiff. If the claimant provides
             329      proper identification and evidence of ownership, the sheriff or constable or the plaintiff shall
             330      promptly release the property at no cost to the claimant.
             331          (5) In the event of a dispute concerning the manner of enforcement of the restitution
             332      order, the defendant or any person claiming to own stored personal property may file a request
             333      for a hearing. The court shall set the matter for hearing within ten calendar days from the filing
             334      of the request, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and shall mail notice of the hearing to the
             335      parties.

             336          (6) The Judicial Council shall draft the forms necessary to implement this section.

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