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S.B. 177






Chief Sponsor: Wayne L. Niederhauser

House Sponsor: Stephen H. Urquhart

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill amends the Higher Education Savings Incentive Program chapter, the
             11      Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes chapter, and the Individual Income Tax Act
             12      relating to the taxation of investments and programs for higher education savings.
             13      Highlighted Provisions:
             14          This bill:
             15          .    provides and modifies definitions;
             16          .    addresses the taxation of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust and its income;
             17          .    addresses the maximum amount of a qualified investment in the Utah Educational
             18      Savings Plan Trust that a person, estate, or trust may:
             19              .    subtract from federal taxable income; or
             20              .    use as the basis for claiming a tax credit;
             21          .    provides income tax deductions, additions, and tax credits for a Section 529,
             22      Internal Revenue Code, college savings plan established and maintained by another
             23      state, the District of Columbia, or an agency or instrumentality of another state or
             24      the District of Columbia;
             25          .    modifies and clarifies the amount of a qualified investment in the Utah Educational
             26      Savings Plan Trust that a corporation may subtract from federal taxable income;
             27          .    modifies an addition to income for a corporation or a resident or nonresident

             28      individual who is an account owner under the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust for
             29      amounts not expended for higher education costs under certain circumstances;
             30          .    repeals an individual income tax subtraction for a qualified investment in the Utah
             31      Educational Savings Plan Trust;
             32          .    provides that a resident or nonresident estate or trust may subtract certain qualified
             33      investments in the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust from federal taxable
             34      income;
             35          .    requires a resident or nonresident estate or trust that is an account owner under the
             36      Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust to add to federal taxable income amounts not
             37      expended for higher education costs under certain circumstances;
             38          .    allows an individual income tax and single rate individual income tax credit for
             39      qualified investments in the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust Fund; and
             40          .    makes technical changes.
             41      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             42          None
             43      Other Special Clauses:
             44          This bill takes effect for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2008.
             45      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             46      AMENDS:
             47          53B-8a-102, as last amended by Chapter 109, Laws of Utah 2005
             48          53B-8a-103, as last amended by Chapter 109, Laws of Utah 2005
             49          53B-8a-104, as enacted by Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 1996, Second Special Session
             50          53B-8a-105, as last amended by Chapter 109, Laws of Utah 2005
             51          53B-8a-106, as last amended by Chapter 223, Laws of Utah 2006
             52          53B-8a-107, as last amended by Chapter 109, Laws of Utah 2005
             53          53B-8a-108, as last amended by Chapter 109, Laws of Utah 2005
             54          53B-8a-109, as last amended by Chapter 109, Laws of Utah 2005
             55          53B-8a-111, as enacted by Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 1996, Second Special Session
             56          53B-8a-112, as enacted by Chapter 4, Laws of Utah 1996, Second Special Session
             57          53B-8a-113, as last amended by Chapter 109, Laws of Utah 2005
             58          59-7-101, as last amended by Chapter 54, Laws of Utah 2004

             59          59-7-105, as last amended by Chapter 109, Laws of Utah 2005
             60          59-7-106, as last amended by Chapter 211, Laws of Utah 2002
             61          59-7-402, as last amended by Chapter 54, Laws of Utah 2004
             62          59-10-103, as last amended by Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2006, Fourth Special Session
             63          59-10-114, as last amended by Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2006, Fourth Special Session
             64          59-10-201, as last amended by Chapter 223, Laws of Utah 2006
             65          59-10-202, as last amended by Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2006, Fourth Special Session
             66          59-10-1204, as enacted by Chapter 2, Laws of Utah 2006, Fourth Special Session
             67      ENACTS:
             68          59-10-1015.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             69          59-10-1015.2, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             71      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             72          Section 1. Section 53B-8a-102 is amended to read:
             73           53B-8a-102. Definitions.
             74          As used in this chapter:
             75          (1) "Account agreement" means an agreement between an account owner and the Utah
             76      Educational Savings Plan Trust entered into under this chapter.
             77          (2) "Account owner" means [an individual, firm, corporation, or its legal representative
             78      or legal successor, who] a person, estate, or trust, if that person, estate, or trust has entered into
             79      an account agreement under this chapter for the advance payment of higher education costs on
             80      behalf of a beneficiary.
             81          (3) "Administrative fund" means the moneys used to administer the Utah Educational
             82      Savings Plan Trust.
             83          (4) "Beneficiary" means the individual designated in an account agreement to benefit
             84      from payments for higher education costs at an institution of higher education.
             85          (5) "Benefits" means the payment of higher education costs on behalf of a beneficiary
             86      by the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust during the beneficiary's attendance at an institution
             87      of higher education.
             88          (6) "Board" means the board of directors of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust
             89      which is the state Board of Regents acting in its capacity as the Utah Higher Education

             90      Assistance Authority under Title 53B, Chapter 12.
             91          (7) "Endowment fund" means the endowment fund established under Section
             92      53B-8a-107 which is held as a separate fund within the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust.
             93          (8) "Higher education costs" means [the certified costs of tuition, fees, room and board,
             94      books, supplies, and equipment required for the enrollment or attendance of a designated
             95      beneficiary at an institution of higher education] qualified higher education expenses as defined
             96      in Section 529(e)(3), Internal Revenue Code.
             97          (9) "Institution of higher education" means a qualified proprietary school approved by
             98      the board, a two-year or four-year public or regionally accredited private nonprofit college or
             99      university or a Utah college of applied technology, with regard to students enrolled in
             100      postsecondary training or education programs.
             101          (10) "Program administrator" means the administrator of the Utah Educational Savings
             102      Plan Trust appointed by the board to administer and manage the Utah Educational Savings Plan
             103      Trust.
             104          (11) "Program fund" means the program fund created under Section 53B-8a-107 ,
             105      which is held as a separate fund within the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust.
             106          (12) "Qualified investment" means an amount invested in accordance with an account
             107      agreement established under this chapter.
             108          [(12)] (13) "Tuition and fees" means the quarterly or semester charges imposed to
             109      attend an institution of higher education and required as a condition of enrollment.
             110          [(13)] (14) "Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust" [or "trust"] means the Utah
             111      Educational Savings Plan Trust created under Section 53B-8a-103 .
             112          [(14)] (15) "Vested account" means an account agreement which has been in full force
             113      and effect during eight continuous years of residency of the beneficiary in the state while
             114      participating in the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust.
             115          Section 2. Section 53B-8a-103 is amended to read:
             116           53B-8a-103. Creation of Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust.
             117          (1) There is created the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust.
             118          (2) The board is the trustee of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust.
             119          (3) The board, in the capacity of trustee, may:
             120          (a) exercise any authority granted by law to the Board of Regents;

             121          (b) make and enter into contracts necessary for the administration of the Utah
             122      Educational Savings Plan Trust created under this chapter;
             123          (c) adopt a corporate seal and change and amend it from time to time;
             124          (d) invest moneys within the program fund:
             125          (i) (A) in any investments that are determined by the board to be appropriate and are
             126      approved by the state treasurer; or
             127          (B) in mutual funds registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, consistent
             128      with the best interests of a designated beneficiary's higher education funding needs; and
             129          (ii) are in compliance with rules of the State Money Management Council applicable to
             130      gift funds;
             131          (e) invest moneys within the endowment fund in any investments that are:
             132          (i) determined by the board to be appropriate;
             133          (ii) approved by the state treasurer; and
             134          (iii) in compliance with rules of the State Money Management Council applicable to
             135      gift funds;
             136          (f) enter into agreements with any institution of higher education, any federal or state
             137      agency, or other entity as required to implement this chapter;
             138          (g) accept any grants, gifts, legislative appropriations, and other moneys from the state,
             139      any unit of federal, state, or local government, or any other person, firm, partnership, or
             140      corporation for deposit to the administrative fund, endowment fund, or the program fund;
             141          (h) enter into account agreements with account owners;
             142          (i) make payments to institutions of higher education pursuant to account agreements
             143      on behalf of beneficiaries;
             144          (j) make refunds to account owners upon the termination of account agreements
             145      pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;
             146          (k) appoint a program administrator and determine the duties of the program
             147      administrator and other staff as necessary and fix their compensation;
             148          (l) make provision for the payment of costs of administration and operation of the Utah
             149      Educational Savings Plan Trust; and
             150          (m) carry out the duties and obligations of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust
             151      pursuant to this chapter.

             152          Section 3. Section 53B-8a-104 is amended to read:
             153           53B-8a-104. Office facilities, clerical, and administrative support for the Utah
             154      Educational Savings Plan Trust.
             155          (1) The board shall provide to the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust, by agreement,
             156      administrative and clerical support and office facilities and space.
             157          (2) Reasonable charges or fees may be levied against the Utah Educational Savings
             158      Plan Trust pursuant to the agreement for the services provided by the board.
             159          Section 4. Section 53B-8a-105 is amended to read:
             160           53B-8a-105. Additional powers of board as to the Utah Educational Savings Plan
             161      Trust.
             162          The board has all powers necessary to carry out and effectuate the purposes, objectives,
             163      and provisions of this chapter pertaining to the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust, including
             164      the power to:
             165          (1) engage:
             166          (a) one or more investment advisors, registered under the Investment Advisors Act of
             167      1940, with at least 5,000 advisory clients and at least $1,000,000,000 under management, to
             168      provide investment advice to the board with respect to the assets held in each account;
             169          (b) an administrator to perform recordkeeping functions on behalf of the Utah
             170      Educational Savings Plan Trust; and
             171          (c) a custodian for the safekeeping of the assets of the Utah Educational Savings Plan
             172      Trust;
             173          (2) carry out studies and projections in order to advise account owners regarding
             174      present and estimated future higher education costs and levels of financial participation in the
             175      Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust required in order to enable account owners to achieve
             176      their educational funding objective;
             177          (3) contract for goods and services and engage personnel as necessary, including
             178      consultants, actuaries, managers, counsel, and auditors for the purpose of rendering
             179      professional, managerial, and technical assistance and advice, all of which contract obligations
             180      and services shall be payable from any moneys of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust;
             181          (4) participate in any other way in any federal, state, or local governmental program for
             182      the benefit of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust;

             183          (5) promulgate, impose, and collect administrative fees and charges in connection with
             184      transactions of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust, and provide for reasonable service
             185      charges, including penalties for cancellations and late payments;
             186          (6) procure insurance against any loss in connection with the property, assets, or
             187      activities of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust;
             188          (7) administer the funds of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust;
             189          (8) solicit and accept for the benefit of the endowment fund gifts, grants, and other
             190      moneys, including general fund moneys from the state and grants from any federal or other
             191      governmental agency;
             192          (9) procure insurance indemnifying any member of the board from personal loss or
             193      accountability arising from liability resulting from a member's action or inaction as a member
             194      of the board; and
             195          (10) make rules and regulations for the administration of the Utah Educational Savings
             196      Plan Trust.
             197          Section 5. Section 53B-8a-106 is amended to read:
             198           53B-8a-106. Account agreements.
             199          The Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust may enter into account agreements with
             200      account owners on behalf of beneficiaries under the following terms and agreements:
             201          (1) (a) An account agreement may require an account owner to agree to invest a
             202      specific amount of money in the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust for a specific period of
             203      time for the benefit of a specific beneficiary, not to exceed an amount determined by the
             204      program administrator.
             205          (b) Account agreements may be amended to provide for adjusted levels of payments
             206      based upon changed circumstances or changes in educational plans.
             207          (c) An account owner may make additional optional payments as long as the total
             208      payments for a specific beneficiary do not exceed the total estimated higher education costs as
             209      determined by the program administrator.
             210          (d) Subject to Subsection (1)(f), the maximum amount of a qualified investment that a
             211      corporation that is an account owner may subtract from unadjusted income for a taxable year in
             212      accordance with Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, is $1,620 for each
             213      individual beneficiary for the taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2007, but beginning

             214      on or before December 31, 2007.
             215          [(d) The] (e) Subject to Subsection (1)(f), the maximum amount of [investments] a
             216      qualified investment that may be subtracted from federal taxable income [of a resident or
             217      nonresident individual under Subsection 59-10-114 (2)(i) shall be $1,510] of a resident or
             218      nonresident estate or trust for a taxable year in accordance with Section 59-10-202 or used as
             219      the basis for claiming a tax credit by a resident or nonresident individual in accordance with
             220      Section 59-10-1015.1 or 59-10-1206 , is:
             221          (i) for a resident or nonresident estate or trust that is an account owner, $1,620 for each
             222      individual beneficiary for the [2005 calendar year and an amount adjusted annually thereafter
             223      to reflect increases in the Consumer Price Index.] taxable year beginning on or after January 1,
             224      2007, but beginning on or before December 31, 2007;
             225          (ii) for a resident or nonresident individual that is an account owner, other than a
             226      husband and wife who file a single return jointly, $1,620 for each individual beneficiary for the
             227      taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2007, but beginning on or before December 31,
             228      2007; or
             229          (iii) for a husband and wife who are account owners and file a single return jointly,
             230      $3,240 for each individual beneficiary:
             231          (A) for the taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2007, but beginning on or
             232      before December 31, 2007; and
             233          (B) regardless of whether the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust has entered into:
             234          (I) a separate account agreement with each spouse; or
             235          (II) a single account agreement with both spouses jointly.
             236          (f) (i) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2008, the program
             237      administrator shall increase or decrease the maximum amount of a qualified investment
             238      described in Subsections (1)(d) and (1)(e)(i) and (ii), by a percentage equal to the percentage
             239      difference between the consumer price index for the preceding calendar year and the consumer
             240      price index for the calendar year 2006.
             241          (ii) After making an increase or decrease required by Subsection (1)(f)(i), the program
             242      administrator shall:
             243          (A) round the maximum amount of the qualified investments described in Subsections
             244      (1)(d) and (1)(e)(i) and (ii) increased or decreased under Subsection (1)(f)(i) to the nearest ten

             245      dollar increment; and
             246          (B) increase or decrease the maximum amount of the qualified investment described in
             247      Subsection (1)(e)(iii) so that the maximum amount of the qualified investment described in
             248      Subsection (1)(e)(iii) is equal to the product of:
             249          (I) the maximum amount of the qualified investment described in Subsection (1)(e)(ii)
             250      as rounded under Subsection (1)(f)(ii)(A); and
             251          (II) two.
             252          (iii) For purposes of Subsections (1)(f)(i) and (ii), the program administrator shall
             253      calculate the consumer price index as provided in Sections 1(f)(4) and 1(f)(5), Internal Revenue
             254      Code.
             255          (2) (a) (i) Beneficiaries designated in account agreements must be designated after
             256      birth and before age 19 for [the participant] an account owner to:
             257          (A) subtract [allowable investments] a qualified investment from [federal taxable]
             258      income under [Subsection 59-10-114 (2)(i).]:
             259          (I) Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes; or
             260          (II) Section 59-10-202 ; or
             261          (B) use a qualified investment as the basis for claiming a tax credit in accordance with:
             262          (I) Section 59-10-1015.1 ; or
             263          (II) Section 59-10-1206 .
             264          (ii) If the beneficiary is designated after birth and before age 19, the payment of
             265      benefits provided under the account agreement must begin not later than the beneficiary's 27th
             266      birthday.
             267          (b) (i) Account owners may designate beneficiaries age 19 or older, but investments for
             268      those beneficiaries are not eligible for subtraction from federal taxable income.
             269          (ii) If a beneficiary age 19 or older is designated, the payment of benefits provided
             270      under the account agreement must begin not later than ten years from the account agreement
             271      date.
             272          (3) Each account agreement shall state clearly that there are no guarantees regarding
             273      moneys in the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust as to the return of principal and that losses
             274      could occur.
             275          (4) Each account agreement shall provide that:

             276          (a) no contributor to, or designated beneficiary under, an account agreement may direct
             277      the investment of any contributions or earnings on contributions;
             278          (b) no part of the money in any account may be used as security for a loan; and
             279          (c) no account owner may borrow from the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust.
             280          (5) The execution of an account agreement by the trust may not guarantee in any way
             281      that higher education costs will be equal to projections and estimates provided by the Utah
             282      Educational Savings Plan Trust or that the beneficiary named in any participation agreement
             283      will:
             284          (a) be admitted to an institution of higher education;
             285          (b) if admitted, be determined a resident for tuition purposes by the institution of
             286      higher education, unless the account agreement is vested;
             287          (c) be allowed to continue attendance at the institution of higher education following
             288      admission; or
             289          (d) graduate from the institution of higher education.
             290          (6) Beneficiaries may be changed as permitted by the rules and regulations of the board
             291      upon written request of the account owner prior to the date of admission of any beneficiary
             292      under an account agreement by an institution of higher education so long as the substitute
             293      beneficiary is eligible for participation.
             294          (7) Account agreements may be freely amended throughout their terms in order to
             295      enable account owners to increase or decrease the level of participation, change the designation
             296      of beneficiaries, and carry out similar matters as authorized by rule.
             297          (8) Each account agreement shall provide that:
             298          (a) the account agreement may be canceled upon the terms and conditions, and upon
             299      payment of the fees and costs set forth and contained in the board's rules and regulations; and
             300          (b) the program administrator may amend the agreement unilaterally and retroactively,
             301      if necessary, to maintain the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust as a qualified tuition
             302      program under Section 529 Internal Revenue Code.
             303          Section 6. Section 53B-8a-107 is amended to read:
             304           53B-8a-107. Program, endowment, and administrative funds -- Investment and
             305      payments from funds.
             306          (1) (a) The board shall segregate moneys received by the Utah Educational Savings

             307      Plan Trust into three funds, the program fund, the endowment fund, and the administrative
             308      fund.
             309          (b) No more than two percentage points of the interest earned annually in the
             310      endowment fund may be transferred to the administrative fund for the purpose of paying
             311      operating costs associated with administering the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust and as
             312      required under Sections 53B-8a-103 through 53B-8a-105 .
             313          (c) Transfers may be made from the program fund to the administrative fund to pay
             314      operating costs:
             315          (i) associated with administering the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust and as
             316      required under Sections 53B-8a-103 through 53B-8a-105 ; and
             317          (ii) as included in the budget approved by the board of directors of the Utah
             318      Educational Savings Plan Trust.
             319          (d) All moneys paid by account owners in connection with account agreements shall be
             320      deposited as received into separate accounts within the program fund which shall be promptly
             321      invested and accounted for separately.
             322          (e) All moneys received by the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust from the proceeds
             323      of gifts and other endowments for the purposes of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust
             324      shall be deposited as received into the endowment fund, which shall be promptly invested and
             325      accounted for separately.
             326          (f) Any gifts, grants, or donations made by any governmental unit or any person, firm,
             327      partnership, or corporation to the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust for deposit to the
             328      endowment fund shall be a grant, gift, or donation to the state for the accomplishment of a
             329      valid public eleemosynary, charitable, and educational purpose and shall not be included in the
             330      income of the donor for Utah tax purposes.
             331          (2) (a) Through March 31, 2005, each account owner under an account agreement may
             332      receive an interest in a portion, as determined by policy, of the investment income derived by
             333      the endowment fund in any year during which funds are invested in the program fund on behalf
             334      of the beneficiary, to be payable as provided in Subsection (2)(c).
             335          (b) The interest in the investment income derived by the endowment fund that accrues
             336      to a beneficiary in any year shall be in the ratio that the principal amount paid by the account
             337      owner under the account agreement and investment income earned to date under the agreement

             338      bears to the principal amount of all moneys, funds, and securities then held in the program fund
             339      during the year.
             340          (c) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(c)(ii), at the time any payments or
             341      disbursements for higher education costs are made from the Utah Educational Savings Plan
             342      Trust to any institution of higher education under an account agreement, the Utah Educational
             343      Savings Plan Trust shall add to that payment from endowment fund income a pro rata portion
             344      of the amount calculated pursuant to Subsection (2)(b), which shall be transferred directly to
             345      the institution of higher education simultaneously with the payment made from the program
             346      fund and shall be used for payment of the higher education costs of the beneficiary, but not to
             347      exceed the amount which, in combination with the current payment due from the program
             348      fund, equals the beneficiary's higher education costs for the current period of enrollment.
             349          (ii) Effective March 31, 2005, any interest income on the endowment fund accruing to
             350      a beneficiary that has not been transferred to an institution of higher education pursuant to
             351      Subsection (2)(c)(i) shall be transferred to the beneficiary's program fund account.
             352          (3) Beginning on April 1, 2005:
             353          (a) interest income on the endowment fund may be used to enhance the savings of low
             354      income account owners investing in the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust, as provided by
             355      rules of the board; and
             356          (b) the original principal in the endowment fund may be transferred to the
             357      administrative fund upon approval by the board.
             358          (4) Endowment fund earnings not accruing to a beneficiary under a participation
             359      agreement or not transferred to the administrative fund shall be reinvested in the endowment
             360      fund.
             361          (5) Moneys accrued by account owners in the program fund of the Utah Educational
             362      Savings Plan Trust may be used for payments to any institution of higher education.
             363          (6) No rights to any moneys derived from the endowment fund shall exist if moneys
             364      payable under the account agreement are paid to an education institution which is not an
             365      institution of higher education as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 .
             366          Section 7. Section 53B-8a-108 is amended to read:
             367           53B-8a-108. Cancellation of agreements.
             368          (1) Any account owner may cancel an account agreement at will.

             369          (2) If an account agreement is cancelled by the account owner, the current account
             370      balance shall be disbursed to the account owner less:
             371          (a) an administrative refund fee, which may be charged by the Utah Educational
             372      Savings Plan Trust, except as provided in Subsection (3); and
             373          (b) any penalty or tax required to be withheld by the Internal Revenue Code.
             374          (3) An administration refund fee may not be levied by the Utah Educational Savings
             375      Plan Trust if the account agreement is cancelled due to:
             376          (a) the death of the beneficiary; or
             377          (b) the permanent disability or mental incapacity of the beneficiary.
             378          (4) The board shall make rules for the disposition of monies transferred to an account
             379      pursuant to Subsection 53A-8a-107 (2)(c)(ii) and the earnings on those monies when an account
             380      agreement is cancelled.
             381          Section 8. Section 53B-8a-109 is amended to read:
             382           53B-8a-109. Repayment and ownership of payments and investment income --
             383      Transfer of ownership rights.
             384          (1) (a) The account owner retains ownership of all payments made under the account
             385      agreement until utilized to pay higher education costs for the beneficiary.
             386          (b) All income derived from the investment of the payments made by the account
             387      owner shall be considered to be held in trust for the benefit of the beneficiary.
             388          (2) The institution of higher education shall obtain ownership of the payments made
             389      for the higher education costs paid to the institution at the time each payment is made to the
             390      institution.
             391          (3) Any amounts that may be paid pursuant to the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust
             392      that are not listed in this section are owned by the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust.
             393          (4) (a) An account owner may transfer ownership rights to another eligible person.
             394          (b) The transfer shall be affected and the property distributed in accordance with
             395      administrative regulations promulgated by the board or the terms of the account agreement.
             396          Section 9. Section 53B-8a-111 is amended to read:
             397           53B-8a-111. Annual audited financial report to governor, Legislature, and state
             398      auditor.
             399          (1) The board shall submit an annual audited financial report, prepared in accordance

             400      with generally accepted accounting principles, on the operations of the Utah Educational
             401      Savings Plan Trust by November 1 to the governor, the Legislature, and the state auditor.
             402          (2) The annual audit shall be made either by the state auditor or by an independent
             403      certified public accountant designated by the state auditor and shall include direct and indirect
             404      costs attributable to the use of outside consultants, independent contractors, and any other
             405      persons who are not state employees.
             406          (3) The annual audit shall be supplemented by the following information prepared by
             407      the board:
             408          (a) any studies or evaluations prepared in the preceding year;
             409          (b) a summary of the benefits provided by the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust
             410      including the number of participants and beneficiaries in the Utah Educational Savings Plan
             411      Trust; and
             412          (c) any other information which is relevant in order to make a full, fair, and effective
             413      disclosure of the operations of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust.
             414          Section 10. Section 53B-8a-112 is amended to read:
             415           53B-8a-112. Tax considerations.
             416          (1) For tax purposes the property of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust and its
             417      income are governed by [Sections 59-7-105 , 59-7-106 , 59-10-114 , and] Section 59-10-201 .
             418          (2) The tax commission, in consultation with the board, may adopt rules necessary to
             419      monitor and implement the tax provisions referred to in Subsection (1) as related to the
             420      property of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust and its income.
             421          Section 11. Section 53B-8a-113 is amended to read:
             422           53B-8a-113. Property rights to assets in Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust.
             423          (1) The assets of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust, including the program fund
             424      and the endowment fund, shall at all times be preserved, invested, and expended solely and
             425      only for the purposes of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust and shall be held in trust for
             426      the account owners and beneficiaries.
             427          (2) No property rights in the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust shall exist in favor
             428      of the state.
             429          (3) The assets may not be transferred or used by the state for any purposes other than
             430      the purposes of the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust.

             431          Section 12. Section 59-7-101 is amended to read:
             432           59-7-101. Definitions.
             433          As used in this chapter:
             434          (1) "Adjusted income" means unadjusted income as modified by Sections 59-7-105
             435      and 59-7-106 .
             436          (2) (a) "Affiliated group" means one or more chains of corporations that are connected
             437      through stock ownership with a common parent corporation that meet the following
             438      requirements:
             439          (i) at least 80% of the stock of each of the corporations in the group, excluding the
             440      common parent corporation, is owned by one or more of the other corporations in the group;
             441      and
             442          (ii) the common parent directly owns at least 80% of the stock of at least one of the
             443      corporations in the group.
             444          (b) "Affiliated group" does not include corporations that are qualified to do business
             445      but are not otherwise doing business in this state.
             446          (c) For purposes of this Subsection (2), "stock" does not include nonvoting stock which
             447      is limited and preferred as to dividends.
             448          (3) "Apportionable income" means adjusted income less nonbusiness income net of
             449      related expenses, to the extent included in adjusted income.
             450          (4) "Apportioned income" means apportionable income multiplied by the
             451      apportionment fraction as determined in Section 59-7-311 .
             452          (5) "Business income" is as defined in Section 59-7-302 .
             453          (6) "Corporate return" or "return" includes a combined report.
             454          (7) (a) "Common ownership" means the direct or indirect control or ownership of more
             455      than 50% of the outstanding voting stock of:
             456          (i) a parent-subsidiary controlled group as defined in Section 1563, Internal Revenue
             457      Code, except that 50% shall be substituted for 80%;
             458          (ii) a brother-sister controlled group as defined in Section 1563, Internal Revenue
             459      Code, except that 50% shall be substituted for 80%; or
             460          (iii) three or more corporations each of which is a member of a group of corporations
             461      described in Subsection (2)(a)(i) or (2)(a)(ii), and one of which is:

             462          (A) a common parent corporation included in a group of corporations described in
             463      Subsection (2)(a)(i); and
             464          (B) included in a group of corporations described in Subsection (2)(a)(ii).
             465          (b) Ownership of outstanding voting stock shall be determined by Section 1563,
             466      Internal Revenue Code.
             467          (8) "Corporation" includes:
             468          (a) entities defined as corporations under Sections 7701(a) and 7704, Internal Revenue
             469      Code; and
             470          (b) other organizations that are taxed as corporations for federal income tax purposes
             471      under the Internal Revenue Code.
             472          (9) "Designated beneficiary" is as defined in Section 529(e)(1), Internal Revenue Code.
             473          [(9)] (10) "Dividend" means any distribution, including money or other type of
             474      property, made by a corporation to its shareholders out of its earnings or profits accumulated
             475      after December 31, 1930.
             476          [(10)] (11) (a) "Doing business" includes any transaction in the course of its business
             477      by a domestic corporation, or by a foreign corporation qualified to do or doing intrastate
             478      business in this state.
             479          (b) Except as provided in Subsection 59-7-102 (2), "doing business" includes:
             480          (i) the right to do business through incorporation or qualification;
             481          (ii) the owning, renting, or leasing of real or personal property within this state; and
             482          (iii) the participation in joint ventures, working and operating agreements, the
             483      performance of which takes place in this state.
             484          [(11)] (12) "Domestic corporation" means a corporation that is incorporated or
             485      organized under the laws of this state.
             486          [(12)] (13) (a) "Farmers' cooperative" means an association, corporation, or other
             487      organization that is:
             488          (i) (A) an association, corporation, or other organization of:
             489          (I) farmers; or
             490          (II) fruit growers; or
             491          (B) an association, corporation, or other organization that is similar to an association,
             492      corporation, or organization described in Subsection [(12)] (13)(a)(i)(A); and

             493          (ii) organized and operated on a cooperative basis to:
             494          (A) (I) market the products of members of the cooperative or the products of other
             495      producers; and
             496          (II) return to the members of the cooperative or other producers the proceeds of sales
             497      less necessary marketing expenses on the basis of the quantity of the products of a member or
             498      producer or the value of the products of a member or producer; or
             499          (B) (I) purchase supplies and equipment for the use of members of the cooperative or
             500      other persons; and
             501          (II) turn over the supplies and equipment described in Subsection [(12)]
             502      (13)(a)(ii)(B)(I) at actual costs plus necessary expenses to the members of the cooperative or
             503      other persons.
             504          (b) (i) Subject to Subsection [(12)] (13)(b)(ii), for purposes of this Subsection [(12)]
             505      (13), the commission by rule, made in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             506      Administrative Rulemaking Act, shall define:
             507          (A) the terms:
             508          (I) "member"; and
             509          (II) "producer"; and
             510          (B) what constitutes an association, corporation, or other organization that is similar to
             511      an association, corporation, or organization described in Subsection [(12)] (13)(a)(i)(A).
             512          (ii) The rules made under this Subsection [(12)] (13)(b) shall be consistent with the
             513      filing requirements under federal law for a farmers' cooperative.
             514          [(13)] (14) "Foreign corporation" means a corporation that is not incorporated or
             515      organized under the laws of this state.
             516          [(14)] (15) (a) "Foreign operating company" means a corporation that:
             517          (i) is incorporated in the United States; and
             518          (ii) 80% or more of whose business activity, as determined under Section 59-7-401 , is
             519      conducted outside the United States.
             520          (b) "Foreign operating company" does not include a corporation that qualifies for the
             521      Puerto Rico and Possession Tax Credit as provided in Section 936, Internal Revenue Code.
             522          [(15)] (16) "Income" includes losses.
             523          [(16)] (17) "Internal Revenue Code" means Title 26 of the United States Code as

             524      effective during the year in which Utah taxable income is determined.
             525          [(17)] (18) "Nonbusiness income" is as defined in Section 59-7-302 .
             526          [(18)] (19) "Nonresident shareholder" means any shareholder of an S corporation who
             527      on the last day of the taxable year of the S corporation, is:
             528          (a) an individual not domiciled in Utah; or
             529          (b) a nonresident trust or nonresident estate, as defined in Section 59-10-103 .
             530          (20) (a) "Other state Section 529 college savings plan" means a program:
             531          (i) established and maintained by any of the following entities:
             532          (A) a state, other than this state;
             533          (B) the District of Columbia; or
             534          (C) an agency or instrumentality of Subsections (20)(a)(i)(A) or (B);
             535          (ii) under which a person may make contributions to an account that is established for
             536      the purpose of meeting the higher education costs, as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 , of a
             537      designated beneficiary of the account; and
             538          (iii) that meets the requirements of:
             539          (A) a qualified tuition program under Section 529, Internal Revenue Code; and
             540          (B) the entity described in Subsection (20)(a)(i) that establishes and maintains the
             541      program.
             542          (b) "Other state Section 529 college savings plan" does not include a plan described in
             543      Section 529(b)(1)(A)(i), Internal Revenue Code.
             544          [(19)] (21) "Related expenses" means:
             545          (a) expenses directly attributable to nonbusiness income; and
             546          (b) the portion of interest or other expense indirectly attributable to both nonbusiness
             547      and business income which bears the same ratio to the aggregate amount of such interest or
             548      other expense, determined without regard to this Subsection [(19)] (21), as the average amount
             549      of the asset producing the nonbusiness income bears to the average amount of all assets of the
             550      taxpayer within the taxable year.
             551          [(20)] (22) "Resident shareholder" means any shareholder of an S corporation who is
             552      not a nonresident shareholder.
             553          [(21)] (23) "S corporation" means an S corporation as defined in Section 1361, Internal
             554      Revenue Code.

             555          [(22)] (24) "Safe harbor lease" means a lease that qualified as a safe harbor lease under
             556      Section 168, Internal Revenue Code.
             557          [(23)] (25) "State of the United States" includes any of the 50 states or the District of
             558      Columbia and "United States" includes the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
             559          [(24)] (26) (a) "Taxable year" means the calendar year or the fiscal year ending during
             560      such calendar year upon the basis of which the adjusted income is computed.
             561          (b) In the case of a return made for a fractional part of a year under this chapter or
             562      under rules prescribed by the commission, "taxable year" includes the period for which such
             563      return is made.
             564          [(25)] (27) "Taxpayer" means any corporation subject to the tax imposed by this
             565      chapter.
             566          [(26)] (28) "Threshold level of business activity" means business activity in the United
             567      States equal to or greater than 20% of the corporation's total business activity as determined
             568      under Section 59-7-401 .
             569          [(27)] (29) "Unadjusted income" means federal taxable income as determined on a
             570      separate return basis before intercompany eliminations as determined by the Internal Revenue
             571      Code, before the net operating loss deduction and special deductions for dividends received.
             572          [(28)] (30) (a) "Unitary group" means a group of corporations that:
             573          (i) are related through common ownership; and
             574          (ii) by a preponderance of the evidence as determined by a court of competent
             575      jurisdiction or the commission, are economically interdependent with one another as
             576      demonstrated by the following factors:
             577          (A) centralized management;
             578          (B) functional integration; and
             579          (C) economies of scale.
             580          (b) "Unitary group" does not include S corporations.
             581          [(29)] (31) "Utah net loss" means the current year Utah taxable income before Utah net
             582      loss deduction, if determined to be less than zero.
             583          [(30)] (32) "Utah net loss deduction" means the amount of Utah net losses from other
             584      taxable years that may be carried back or carried forward to the current taxable year in
             585      accordance with Section 59-7-110 .

             586          [(31)] (33) (a) "Utah taxable income" means Utah taxable income before net loss
             587      deduction less Utah net loss deduction.
             588          (b) "Utah taxable income" includes income from tangible or intangible property located
             589      or having situs in this state, regardless of whether carried on in intrastate, interstate, or foreign
             590      commerce.
             591          [(32)] (34) "Utah taxable income before net loss deduction" means apportioned income
             592      plus nonbusiness income allocable to Utah net of related expenses.
             593          [(33)] (35) (a) "Water's edge combined report" means a report combining the income
             594      and activities of:
             595          (i) all members of a unitary group that are:
             596          (A) corporations organized or incorporated in the United States, including those
             597      corporations qualifying for the Puerto Rico and Possession Tax Credit as provided in Section
             598      936, Internal Revenue Code, in accordance with Subsection [(33)] (35)(b); and
             599          (B) corporations organized or incorporated outside of the United States meeting the
             600      threshold level of business activity; and
             601          (ii) an affiliated group electing to file a water's edge combined report under Subsection
             602      59-7-402 (2).
             603          (b) There is a rebuttable presumption that a corporation which qualifies for the Puerto
             604      Rico and Possession Tax Credit provided in Section 936, Internal Revenue Code, is part of a
             605      unitary group.
             606          [(34)] (36) "Worldwide combined report" means the combination of the income and
             607      activities of all members of a unitary group irrespective of the country in which the
             608      corporations are incorporated or conduct business activity.
             609          Section 13. Section 59-7-105 is amended to read:
             610           59-7-105. Additions to unadjusted income.
             611          In computing adjusted income the following amounts shall be added to unadjusted
             612      income:
             613          (1) interest from bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness issued by any state
             614      of the United States, including any agency and instrumentality of a state of the United States;
             615          (2) the amount of any deduction taken on a corporation's federal return for taxes paid
             616      by a corporation:

             617          (a) to Utah for taxes imposed by this chapter; and
             618          (b) to another state of the United States, a foreign country, a United States possession,
             619      or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for taxes imposed for the privilege of doing business, or
             620      exercising its corporate franchise, including income, franchise, corporate stock and business
             621      and occupation taxes;
             622          (3) the safe harbor lease adjustment required under Subsections 59-7-111 (1)(a) and
             623      (2)(a);
             624          (4) capital losses that have been deducted on a Utah corporate return in previous years;
             625          (5) any deduction on the federal return that has been previously deducted on the Utah
             626      return;
             627          (6) the amount of contributions claimed as a tax credit pursuant to Section 59-7-602 ;
             628          (7) the amount of the deduction taken pursuant to Section 59-7-603 for sophisticated
             629      technological equipment;
             630          (8) charitable contributions, to the extent deducted on the federal return when
             631      determining federal taxable income;
             632          (9) the amount of gain or loss determined under Section 59-7-114 relating to a target
             633      corporation under Section 338, Internal Revenue Code, unless such gain or loss has already
             634      been included in the unadjusted income of the target corporation;
             635          (10) the amount of gain or loss determined under Section 59-7-115 relating to
             636      corporations treated for federal purposes as having disposed of its assets under Section 336(e),
             637      Internal Revenue Code, unless such gain or loss has already been included in the unadjusted
             638      income of the target corporation;
             639          (11) adjustments to gains, losses, depreciation expense, amortization expense, and
             640      similar items due to a difference between basis for federal purposes and basis as computed
             641      under Section 59-7-107 ; [and]
             642          (12) the amount [disbursed to] withdrawn under Title 53B, Chapter 8a, Higher
             643      Education Savings Incentive Program, from the account of a corporation that is an account
             644      owner [under Title 53B, Chapter 8a, Higher Education Savings Incentive Program, to the
             645      extent deducted on a Utah return in previous years and not used for qualified higher education
             646      costs of the beneficiary, in the year in which the amount is disbursed.] as defined in Section
             647      53B-8a-102 , for the taxable year for which the amount is withdrawn, if that amount withdrawn

             648      from the account of the corporation that is the account owner:
             649          (a) is not expended for higher education costs as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 ; and
             650          (b) is subtracted by the corporation:
             651          (i) that is the account owner; and
             652          (ii) in accordance with Subsection 59-7-106 (18); and
             653          (13) the amount withdrawn from an other state Section 529 college savings plan, from
             654      the account of a corporation that owns the account, for the taxable year for which the amount is
             655      withdrawn, if that amount withdrawn from the account of the corporation that owns the
             656      account:
             657          (a) is not expended for higher education costs as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 ; and
             658          (b) is subtracted by the corporation:
             659          (i) that owns the account; and
             660          (ii) in accordance with Subsection 59-7-106 (19).
             661          Section 14. Section 59-7-106 is amended to read:
             662           59-7-106. Subtractions from unadjusted income.
             663          In computing adjusted income the following amounts shall be subtracted from
             664      unadjusted income:
             665          (1) the foreign dividend gross-up included in gross income for federal income tax
             666      purposes under Section 78, Internal Revenue Code;
             667          (2) the net capital loss, as defined for federal purposes, if the taxpayer elects to deduct
             668      the loss on the current Utah return. The deduction shall be made by claiming the deduction on
             669      the current Utah return which shall be filed by the due date of the return, including extensions.
             670      For the purposes of this Subsection all capital losses in a given year must be:
             671          (a) deducted in the year incurred; or
             672          (b) carried forward as provided in Sections 1212(a)(1)(B) and (C), Internal Revenue
             673      Code;
             674          (3) the decrease in salary expense deduction for federal income tax purposes due to
             675      claiming the federal jobs credit under Section 51, Internal Revenue Code;
             676          (4) the decrease in qualified research and basic research expense deduction for federal
             677      income tax purposes due to claiming the federal research and development credit under Section
             678      41, Internal Revenue Code;

             679          (5) the decrease in qualified clinical testing expense deduction for federal income tax
             680      purposes due to claiming the federal orphan drug credit under Section 28, Internal Revenue
             681      Code;
             682          (6) any decrease in any expense deduction for federal income tax purposes due to
             683      claiming any other federal credit;
             684          (7) the safe harbor lease adjustment required under Subsections 59-7-111 (1)(b) and
             685      (2)(b);
             686          (8) any income on the federal corporate return that has been previously taxed by Utah;
             687          (9) amounts included in federal taxable income that are due to refunds of taxes
             688      imposed for the privilege of doing business, or exercising a corporate franchise, including
             689      income, franchise, corporate stock and business and occupation taxes paid by the corporation to
             690      Utah, another state of the United States, a foreign country, a United States possession, or the
             691      Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to the extent that the taxes were added to unadjusted income
             692      under Section 59-7-105 ;
             693          (10) charitable contributions, to the extent allowed as a subtraction under Section
             694      59-7-109 ;
             695          (11) (a) 50% of the dividends deemed received or received from subsidiaries which are
             696      members of the unitary group and are organized or incorporated outside of the United States
             697      unless such subsidiaries are included in a combined report under Section 59-7-402 or 59-7-403 .
             698      In arriving at the amount of the dividend exclusion, the taxpayer shall first deduct from the
             699      dividends deemed received or received, the expense directly attributable to those dividends.
             700      Interest expense attributable to excluded dividends shall be determined by multiplying interest
             701      expense by a fraction, the numerator of which is the taxpayer's average investment in such
             702      dividend paying subsidiaries, and the denominator of which is the taxpayer's average total
             703      investment in assets;
             704          (b) in determining income apportionable to this state, a portion of the factors of a
             705      foreign subsidiary whose dividends are partially excluded under Subsection (11)(a) shall be
             706      included in the combined report factors. The portion to be included shall be determined by
             707      multiplying each factor of the foreign subsidiary by a fraction, but not to exceed 100%, the
             708      numerator of which is the amount of the dividend paid by the foreign subsidiary which is
             709      included in adjusted income, and the denominator of which is the current year earnings and

             710      profits of the foreign subsidiary as determined under the Internal Revenue Code;
             711          (12) (a) 50% of the adjusted income of a foreign operating company unless the
             712      taxpayer has elected to file a worldwide combined report as provided in Section 59-7-403 . For
             713      purposes of this Subsection, when calculating the adjusted income of a foreign operating
             714      company, a foreign operating company may not deduct the subtractions allowable under this
             715      Subsection (12) and Subsection (11);
             716          (b) in determining income apportionable to this state, the factors for a foreign operating
             717      company shall be included in the combined report factors in the same percentage its adjusted
             718      income is included in the combined adjusted income;
             719          (13) the amount of gain or loss which is included in unadjusted income but not
             720      recognized for federal purposes on stock sold or exchanged by a member of a selling
             721      consolidated group as defined in Section 338, Internal Revenue Code, if an election has been
             722      made pursuant to Section 338(h)(10), Internal Revenue Code;
             723          (14) the amount of gain or loss which is included in unadjusted income but not
             724      recognized for federal purposes on stock sold, exchanged, or distributed by a corporation
             725      pursuant to Section 336(e), Internal Revenue Code, if an election under Section 336(e), Internal
             726      Revenue Code, has been made for federal purposes;
             727          (15) (a) adjustments to gains, losses, depreciation expense, amortization expense, and
             728      similar items due to a difference between basis for federal purposes and basis as computed
             729      under Section 59-7-107 ; and
             730          (b) if there has been a reduction in federal basis for a federal tax credit where there is
             731      no corresponding Utah tax credit, the amount of the reduction in basis shall be allowed as an
             732      expense in the year of the federal credit;
             733          (16) any interest expense not deducted on the federal corporate return under Section
             734      265(b) or 291(e), Internal Revenue Code;
             735          (17) 100% of the dividends received from subsidiaries which are insurance companies
             736      exempt from this chapter under Subsection 59-7-102 (1)(c) and are under "common ownership"
             737      as defined by Subsection 59-7-101 (7); [and]
             738          [(18) any amount included in unadjusted income that was derived from money paid by
             739      the taxpayer to the program fund and investment income earned on those payments under Title
             740      53B, Chapter 8a, Higher Education Savings Incentive Program, that is included in federal

             741      taxable income, but only when the monies are used for qualified higher education costs of the
             742      beneficiary.]
             743          (18) subject to Subsection 59-7-105 (12), the amount of a qualified investment as
             744      defined in Section 53B-8a-102 that:
             745          (a) a corporation that is an account owner as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 makes
             746      during the taxable year;
             747          (b) the corporation described in Subsection (18)(a) does not deduct on a federal
             748      corporation income tax return; and
             749          (c) does not exceed the maximum amount of the qualified investment that may be
             750      subtracted from unadjusted income for a taxable year in accordance with Subsections
             751      53B-8a-106 (1)(d) and (f); and
             752          (19) subject to Subsection 59-7-105 (13), the amount of an investment in an other state
             753      Section 529 college savings plan that:
             754          (a) a corporation that owns the account makes during the taxable year;
             755          (b) the corporation described in Subsection (19)(a) does not deduct on a federal
             756      corporation income tax return; and
             757          (c) does not exceed the maximum amount that may be subtracted from unadjusted
             758      income for a taxable year in accordance with Subsections 53B-8a-106 (1)(d) and (f) for
             759      purposes of a qualified investment in the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust.
             760          Section 15. Section 59-7-402 is amended to read:
             761           59-7-402. Water's edge combined report.
             762          (1) Except as provided in Section 59-7-403 , if any corporation listed in Subsection
             763      59-7-101 [(33)](35)(a) is doing business in Utah, the unitary group shall file a water's edge
             764      combined report.
             765          (2) (a) A group of corporations that are not otherwise a unitary group may elect to file a
             766      water's edge combined report if each member of the group is:
             767          (i) doing business in Utah;
             768          (ii) part of the same affiliated group; and
             769          (iii) qualified, under Section 1501, Internal Revenue Code, to file a federal
             770      consolidated return.
             771          (b) Each corporation within the affiliated group that is doing business in Utah must

             772      consent to filing a combined report. If an affiliated group elects to file a combined report, each
             773      corporation within the affiliated group that is doing business in Utah must file a combined
             774      report.
             775          (c) Corporations that elect to file a water's edge combined report under this section may
             776      not thereafter elect to file a separate return without the consent of the commission.
             777          Section 16. Section 59-10-103 is amended to read:
             778           59-10-103. Definitions.
             779          (1) As used in this chapter:
             780          (a) "Adjusted gross income":
             781          (i) for a resident or nonresident individual, is as defined in Section 62, Internal
             782      Revenue Code; or
             783          (ii) for a resident or nonresident estate or trust, is as calculated in Section 67(e),
             784      Internal Revenue Code.
             785          (b) "Adoption expenses" means:
             786          (i) any actual medical and hospital expenses of the mother of the adopted child which
             787      are incident to the child's birth;
             788          (ii) any welfare agency fees or costs;
             789          (iii) any child placement service fees or costs;
             790          (iv) any legal fees or costs; or
             791          (v) any other fees or costs relating to an adoption.
             792          (c) "Adult with a disability" means an individual who:
             793          (i) is 18 years of age or older;
             794          (ii) is eligible for services under Title 62A, Chapter 5, Services for People with
             795      Disabilities; and
             796          (iii) is not enrolled in:
             797          (A) an education program for students with disabilities that is authorized under Section
             798      53A-15-301 ; or
             799          (B) a school established under Title 53A, Chapter 25, Schools for the Deaf and Blind.
             800          (d) (i) For purposes of Subsection 59-10-114 (2)[(l)](k), "capital gain transaction"
             801      means a transaction that results in a:
             802          (A) short-term capital gain; or

             803          (B) long-term capital gain.
             804          (ii) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
             805      the commission may by rule define the term "transaction."
             806          (e) "Commercial domicile" means the principal place from which the trade or business
             807      of a Utah small business corporation is directed or managed.
             808          (f) "Corporation" includes:
             809          (i) associations;
             810          (ii) joint stock companies; and
             811          (iii) insurance companies.
             812          (g) "Dependent child with a disability" means an individual 21 years of age or younger
             813      who:
             814          (i) (A) is diagnosed by a school district representative under rules adopted by the State
             815      Board of Education as having a disability classified as:
             816          (I) autism;
             817          (II) deafness;
             818          (III) preschool developmental delay;
             819          (IV) dual sensory impairment;
             820          (V) hearing impairment;
             821          (VI) intellectual disability;
             822          (VII) multidisability;
             823          (VIII) orthopedic impairment;
             824          (IX) other health impairment;
             825          (X) traumatic brain injury; or
             826          (XI) visual impairment;
             827          (B) is not receiving residential services from:
             828          (I) the Division of Services for People with Disabilities created under Section
             829      62A-5-102 ; or
             830          (II) a school established under Title 53A, Chapter 25, Schools for the Deaf and Blind;
             831      and
             832          (C) is enrolled in:
             833          (I) an education program for students with disabilities that is authorized under Section

             834      53A-15-301 ; or
             835          (II) a school established under Title 53A, Chapter 25, Schools for the Deaf and Blind;
             836      or
             837          (ii) is identified under guidelines of the Department of Health as qualified for:
             838          (A) Early Intervention; or
             839          (B) Infant Development Services.
             840          (h) "Designated beneficiary" is as defined in Section 529(e)(1), Internal Revenue Code.
             841          [(h)] (i) "Distributable net income" is as defined in Section 643, Internal Revenue
             842      Code.
             843          [(i)] (j) "Employee" is as defined in Section 59-10-401 .
             844          [(j)] (k) "Employer" is as defined in Section 59-10-401 .
             845          [(k)] (l) "Federal taxable income":
             846          (i) for a resident or nonresident individual, means taxable income as defined by Section
             847      63, Internal Revenue Code; or
             848          (ii) for a resident or nonresident estate or trust, is as calculated in Section 641(a) and
             849      (b), Internal Revenue Code.
             850          [(l)] (m) "Fiduciary" means:
             851          (i) a guardian;
             852          (ii) a trustee;
             853          (iii) an executor;
             854          (iv) an administrator;
             855          (v) a receiver;
             856          (vi) a conservator; or
             857          (vii) any person acting in any fiduciary capacity for any individual.
             858          [(m)] (n) "Homesteaded land diminished from the Uintah and Ouray Reservation"
             859      means the homesteaded land that was held to have been diminished from the Uintah and Ouray
             860      Reservation in Hagen v. Utah, 510 U.S. 399 (1994).
             861          [(n)] (o) "Individual" means a natural person and includes aliens and minors.
             862          [(o)] (p) "Irrevocable trust" means a trust in which the settlor may not revoke or
             863      terminate all or part of the trust without the consent of a person who has a substantial beneficial
             864      interest in the trust and the interest would be adversely affected by the exercise of the settlor's

             865      power to revoke or terminate all or part of the trust.
             866          [(p)] (q) For purposes of Subsection 59-10-114 (2)[(l)](k), "long-term capital gain" is as
             867      defined in Section 1222, Internal Revenue Code.
             868          [(q)] (r) "Nonresident individual" means an individual who is not a resident of this
             869      state.
             870          [(r)] (s) "Nonresident trust" or "nonresident estate" means a trust or estate which is not
             871      a resident estate or trust.
             872          (t) (i) "Other state Section 529 college savings plan" means a program:
             873          (A) established and maintained by any of the following entities:
             874          (I) a state, other than this state;
             875          (II) the District of Columbia; or
             876          (III) an agency or instrumentality of Subsection (1)(t)(i)(A)(I) or (II);
             877          (B) under which a person may make contributions to an account that is established for
             878      the purpose of meeting the higher education costs, as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 , of a
             879      designated beneficiary of the account; and
             880          (C) that meets the requirements of:
             881          (I) a qualified tuition program under Section 529, Internal Revenue Code; and
             882          (II) the entity described in Subsection (1)(t)(i)(A) that establishes and maintains the
             883      program.
             884          (ii) "Other state Section 529 college savings plan" does not include a plan described in
             885      Section 529(b)(1)(A)(i), Internal Revenue Code.
             886          [(s)] (u) (i) "Partnership" includes a syndicate, group, pool, joint venture, or other
             887      unincorporated organization:
             888          (A) through or by means of which any business, financial operation, or venture is
             889      carried on; and
             890          (B) which is not, within the meaning of this chapter:
             891          (I) a trust;
             892          (II) an estate; or
             893          (III) a corporation.
             894          (ii) "Partnership" does not include any organization not included under the definition of
             895      "partnership" in Section 761, Internal Revenue Code.

             896          (iii) "Partner" includes a member in a syndicate, group, pool, joint venture, or
             897      organization described in Subsection (1)[(s)] (u)(i).
             898          [(t)] (v) "Qualifying military servicemember" means a member of:
             899          (i) The Utah Army National Guard;
             900          (ii) The Utah Air National Guard; or
             901          (iii) the following if the member is assigned to a unit that is located in the state:
             902          (A) The Army Reserve;
             903          (B) The Naval Reserve;
             904          (C) The Air Force Reserve;
             905          (D) The Marine Corps Reserve; or
             906          (E) The Coast Guard Reserve.
             907          [(u)] (w) "Qualifying stock" means stock that is:
             908          (i) (A) common; or
             909          (B) preferred;
             910          (ii) as defined by the commission by rule, originally issued to:
             911          (A) a resident or nonresident individual; or
             912          (B) a partnership if the resident or nonresident individual making a subtraction from
             913      federal taxable income in accordance with Subsection 59-10-114 (2)[(l)](k):
             914          (I) was a partner when the stock was issued; and
             915          (II) remains a partner until the last day of the taxable year for which the resident or
             916      nonresident individual makes the subtraction from federal taxable income in accordance with
             917      Subsection 59-10-114 (2)[(l)](k); and
             918          (iii) issued:
             919          (A) by a Utah small business corporation;
             920          (B) on or after January 1, 2003; and
             921          (C) for:
             922          (I) money; or
             923          (II) other property, except for stock or securities.
             924          [(v)] (x) (i) "Resident individual" means:
             925          (A) an individual who is domiciled in this state for any period of time during the
             926      taxable year, but only for the duration of the period during which the individual is domiciled in

             927      this state; or
             928          (B) an individual who is not domiciled in this state but:
             929          (I) maintains a permanent place of abode in this state; and
             930          (II) spends in the aggregate 183 or more days of the taxable year in this state.
             931          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (1)[(v)](x)(i)(B), a fraction of a calendar day shall be
             932      counted as a whole day.
             933          [(w)] (y) "Resident estate" or "resident trust" is as defined in Section 75-7-103 .
             934          [(x)] (z) For purposes of Subsection 59-10-114 (2)[(l)](k), "short-term capital gain" is
             935      as defined in Section 1222, Internal Revenue Code.
             936          [(y)] (aa) "Taxable income" or "state taxable income":
             937          (i) subject to Subsection 59-10-302 (2), for a resident individual other than a resident
             938      individual described in Subsection (1)[(y)](aa)(iii), means the resident individual's federal
             939      taxable income after making the:
             940          (A) additions and subtractions required by Section 59-10-114 ; and
             941          (B) adjustments required by Section 59-10-115 ;
             942          (ii) for a nonresident individual other than a nonresident individual described in
             943      Subsection (1)[(y)](aa)(iii), is as defined in Section 59-10-116 ;
             944          (iii) for a resident or nonresident individual that collects and pays a tax described in
             945      Part 12, Single Rate Individual Income Tax Act, is as defined in Section 59-10-1202 ;
             946          (iv) for a resident estate or trust, is as calculated under Section 59-10-201.1 ; and
             947          (v) for a nonresident estate or trust, is as calculated under Section 59-10-204 .
             948          [(z)] (bb) "Taxpayer" means any individual, estate, or trust or beneficiary of an estate
             949      or trust, whose income is subject in whole or part to the tax imposed by this chapter.
             950          [(aa)] (cc) "Uintah and Ouray Reservation" means the lands recognized as being
             951      included within the Uintah and Ouray Reservation in:
             952          (i) Hagen v. Utah, 510 U.S. 399 (1994); and
             953          (ii) Ute Indian Tribe v. Utah, 114 F.3d 1513 (10th Cir. 1997).
             954          [(bb)] (dd) (i) "Utah small business corporation" means a corporation that:
             955          (A) is a small business corporation as defined in Section 1244(c)(3), Internal Revenue
             956      Code;
             957          (B) except as provided in Subsection (1)[(bb)](dd)(ii), meets the requirements of

             958      Section 1244(c)(1)(C), Internal Revenue Code; and
             959          (C) has its commercial domicile in this state.
             960          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)[(bb)](dd)(i)(B), the time period described in
             961      Section 1244(c)(1)(C) and Section 1244(c)(2), Internal Revenue Code, for determining the
             962      source of a corporation's aggregate gross receipts shall end on the last day of the taxable year
             963      for which the resident or nonresident individual makes a subtraction from federal taxable
             964      income in accordance with Subsection 59-10-114 (2)[(l)](k).
             965          [(cc)] (ee) "Ute tribal member" means a person who is enrolled as a member of the Ute
             966      Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation.
             967          [(dd)] (ff) "Ute tribe" means the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation.
             968          [(ee)] (gg) "Wages" is as defined in Section 59-10-401 .
             969          (2) (a) Any term used in this chapter has the same meaning as when used in
             970      comparable context in the laws of the United States relating to federal income taxes unless a
             971      different meaning is clearly required.
             972          (b) Any reference to the Internal Revenue Code or to the laws of the United States shall
             973      mean the Internal Revenue Code or other provisions of the laws of the United States relating to
             974      federal income taxes that are in effect for the taxable year.
             975          (c) Any reference to a specific section of the Internal Revenue Code or other provision
             976      of the laws of the United States relating to federal income taxes shall include any
             977      corresponding or comparable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code as hereafter amended,
             978      redesignated, or reenacted.
             979          Section 17. Section 59-10-114 is amended to read:
             980           59-10-114. Additions to and subtractions from federal taxable income of an
             981      individual.
             982          (1) There shall be added to federal taxable income of a resident or nonresident
             983      individual:
             984          (a) the amount of any income tax imposed by this or any predecessor Utah individual
             985      income tax law and the amount of any income tax imposed by the laws of another state, the
             986      District of Columbia, or a possession of the United States, to the extent deducted from adjusted
             987      gross income in determining federal taxable income;
             988          (b) a lump sum distribution that the taxpayer does not include in adjusted gross income

             989      on the taxpayer's federal individual income tax return for the taxable year;
             990          (c) for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2002, the amount of a child's
             991      income calculated under Subsection (5) that:
             992          (i) a parent elects to report on the parent's federal individual income tax return for the
             993      taxable year; and
             994          (ii) the parent does not include in adjusted gross income on the parent's federal
             995      individual income tax return for the taxable year;
             996          (d) 25% of the personal exemptions, as defined and calculated in the Internal Revenue
             997      Code;
             998          (e) a withdrawal from a medical care savings account and any penalty imposed in the
             999      taxable year if:
             1000          (i) the resident or nonresident individual did not deduct or include the amounts on the
             1001      resident or nonresident individual's federal individual income tax return pursuant to Section
             1002      220, Internal Revenue Code;
             1003          (ii) the withdrawal is subject to Subsections 31A-32a-105 (1) and (2); and
             1004          (iii) the withdrawal is deducted by the resident or nonresident individual under
             1005      Subsection (2)(h);
             1006          (f) the amount [disbursed to] withdrawn under Title 53B, Chapter 8a, Higher
             1007      Education Savings Incentive Program, from the account of a resident or nonresident individual
             1008      who is an account owner [under Title 53B, Chapter 8a, Higher Education Savings Incentive
             1009      Program] as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 , for the taxable year for which the amount is
             1010      [disbursed] withdrawn, if that amount [disbursed to] withdrawn from the account of the
             1011      resident or nonresident individual who is the account owner:
             1012          (i) is not expended for higher education costs as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 ; and
             1013          (ii) is:
             1014          (A) deducted by the account owner [under Subsection (2)(i);] on an individual income
             1015      tax return:
             1016          (I) under this chapter; and
             1017          (II) filed for a taxable year beginning on or before December 31, 2007; or
             1018          (B) used as the basis for the resident or nonresident individual who is the account
             1019      owner to claim a tax credit under Section 59-10-1015.1 ;

             1020          (g) except as provided in Subsection (6), for taxable years beginning on or after
             1021      January 1, 2003, for bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness acquired on or after
             1022      January 1, 2003, the interest from bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness issued by
             1023      one or more of the following entities:
             1024          (i) a state other than this state;
             1025          (ii) the District of Columbia;
             1026          (iii) a political subdivision of a state other than this state; or
             1027          (iv) an agency or instrumentality of an entity described in Subsections (1)(g)(i) through
             1028      (iii);
             1029          (h) subject to Subsection (2)[(n)](m), any distribution received by a resident
             1030      beneficiary of a resident trust of income that was taxed at the trust level for federal tax
             1031      purposes, but was subtracted from state taxable income of the trust pursuant to Subsection
             1032      59-10-202 (2)(c);
             1033          (i) any distribution received by a resident beneficiary of a nonresident trust of
             1034      undistributed distributable net income realized by the trust on or after January 1, 2004, if that
             1035      undistributed distributable net income was taxed at the trust level for federal tax purposes, but
             1036      was not taxed at the trust level by any state, with undistributed distributable net income
             1037      considered to be distributed from the most recently accumulated undistributed distributable net
             1038      income; [and]
             1039          (j) any adoption expense:
             1040          (i) for which a resident or nonresident individual receives reimbursement from another
             1041      person; and
             1042          (ii) to the extent to which the resident or nonresident individual deducts that adoption
             1043      expense:
             1044          (A) under Subsection (2)(c); or
             1045          (B) from federal taxable income on a federal individual income tax return[.]; and
             1046          (k) the amount withdrawn from an other state Section 529 college savings plan, from
             1047      the account of a resident or nonresident individual who owns the account, for the taxable year
             1048      for which the amount is withdrawn, if that amount withdrawn from the account of the resident
             1049      or nonresident individual who owns the account is:
             1050          (i) not expended for higher education costs as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 ; and

             1051          (ii) used as the basis for the resident or nonresident individual who owns the account to
             1052      claim a tax credit under Section 59-10-1015.2 .
             1053          (2) There shall be subtracted from federal taxable income of a resident or nonresident
             1054      individual:
             1055          (a) the interest or a dividend on obligations or securities of the United States and its
             1056      possessions or of any authority, commission, or instrumentality of the United States, to the
             1057      extent that interest or dividend is included in gross income for federal income tax purposes for
             1058      the taxable year but exempt from state income taxes under the laws of the United States, but
             1059      the amount subtracted under this Subsection (2)(a) shall be reduced by any interest on
             1060      indebtedness incurred or continued to purchase or carry the obligations or securities described
             1061      in this Subsection (2)(a), and by any expenses incurred in the production of interest or dividend
             1062      income described in this Subsection (2)(a) to the extent that such expenses, including
             1063      amortizable bond premiums, are deductible in determining federal taxable income;
             1064          (b) 1/2 of the net amount of any income tax paid or payable to the United States after all
             1065      allowable credits, as reported on the United States individual income tax return of the taxpayer
             1066      for the same taxable year;
             1067          (c) the amount of adoption expenses for one of the following taxable years as elected
             1068      by the resident or nonresident individual:
             1069          (i) regardless of whether a court issues an order granting the adoption, the taxable year
             1070      in which the adoption expenses are:
             1071          (A) paid; or
             1072          (B) incurred;
             1073          (ii) the taxable year in which a court issues an order granting the adoption; or
             1074          (iii) any year in which the resident or nonresident individual may claim the federal
             1075      adoption expenses credit under Section 23, Internal Revenue Code;
             1076          (d) amounts received by taxpayers under age 65 as retirement income which, for
             1077      purposes of this section, means pensions and annuities, paid from an annuity contract
             1078      purchased by an employer under a plan which meets the requirements of Section 404(a)(2),
             1079      Internal Revenue Code, or purchased by an employee under a plan which meets the
             1080      requirements of Section 408, Internal Revenue Code, or paid by the United States, a state, or
             1081      political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, to the employee involved or the

             1082      surviving spouse;
             1083          (e) for each taxpayer age 65 or over before the close of the taxable year, a $7,500
             1084      personal retirement exemption;
             1085          (f) 75% of the amount of the personal exemption, as defined and calculated in the
             1086      Internal Revenue Code, for each dependent child with a disability and adult with a disability
             1087      who is claimed as a dependent on a taxpayer's return;
             1088          (g) subject to the limitations of Subsection (3)(e), amounts a taxpayer pays during the
             1089      taxable year for health care insurance, as defined in Title 31A, Chapter 1, General Provisions:
             1090          (i) for:
             1091          (A) the taxpayer;
             1092          (B) the taxpayer's spouse; and
             1093          (C) the taxpayer's dependents; and
             1094          (ii) to the extent the taxpayer does not deduct the amounts under Section 125, 162, or
             1095      213, Internal Revenue Code, in determining federal taxable income for the taxable year;
             1096          (h) (i) except as provided in this Subsection (2)(h), the amount of a contribution made
             1097      during the taxable year on behalf of the taxpayer to a medical care savings account and interest
             1098      earned on a contribution to a medical care savings account established pursuant to Title 31A,
             1099      Chapter 32a, Medical Care Savings Account Act, to the extent the contribution is accepted by
             1100      the account administrator as provided in the Medical Care Savings Account Act, and if the
             1101      taxpayer did not deduct or include amounts on the taxpayer's federal individual income tax
             1102      return pursuant to Section 220, Internal Revenue Code; and
             1103          (ii) a contribution deductible under this Subsection (2)(h) may not exceed either of the
             1104      following:
             1105          (A) the maximum contribution allowed under the Medical Care Savings Account Act
             1106      for the tax year multiplied by two for taxpayers who file a joint return, if neither spouse is
             1107      covered by health care insurance as defined in Section 31A-1-301 or self-funded plan that
             1108      covers the other spouse, and each spouse has a medical care savings account; or
             1109          (B) the maximum contribution allowed under the Medical Care Savings Account Act
             1110      for the tax year for taxpayers:
             1111          (I) who do not file a joint return; or
             1112          (II) who file a joint return, but do not qualify under Subsection (2)(h)(ii)(A);

             1113          [(i) the amount included in federal taxable income that was derived from money paid
             1114      by an account owner to the program fund under Title 53B, Chapter 8a, Higher Education
             1115      Savings Incentive Program, not to exceed amounts determined under Subsection
             1116      53B-8a-106 (1)(d), and investment income earned on account agreements entered into under
             1117      Section 53B-8a-106 that is included in federal taxable income, but only when the funds are
             1118      used for qualified higher education costs of the beneficiary;]
             1119          [(j)] (i) for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2000, any amounts paid for
             1120      premiums for long-term care insurance as defined in Section 31A-1-301 to the extent the
             1121      amounts paid for long-term care insurance were not deducted under Section 213, Internal
             1122      Revenue Code, in determining federal taxable income;
             1123          [(k)] (j) for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2000, if the conditions of
             1124      Subsection (4)(a) are met, the amount of income derived by a Ute tribal member:
             1125          (i) during a time period that the Ute tribal member resides on homesteaded land
             1126      diminished from the Uintah and Ouray Reservation; and
             1127          (ii) from a source within the Uintah and Ouray Reservation;
             1128          [(l)] (k) (i) for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2003, the total amount of
             1129      a resident or nonresident individual's short-term capital gain or long-term capital gain on a
             1130      capital gain transaction:
             1131          (A) that occurs on or after January 1, 2003;
             1132          (B) if 70% or more of the gross proceeds of the capital gain transaction are expended:
             1133          (I) to purchase qualifying stock in a Utah small business corporation; and
             1134          (II) within a 12-month period after the day on which the capital gain transaction occurs;
             1135      and
             1136          (C) if, prior to the purchase of the qualifying stock described in Subsection
             1137      (2)[(l)](k)(i)(B)(I), the resident or nonresident individual did not have an ownership interest in
             1138      the Utah small business corporation that issued the qualifying stock; and
             1139          (ii) in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             1140      commission may make rules:
             1141          (A) defining the term "gross proceeds"; and
             1142          (B) for purposes of Subsection (2)[(l)](k)(i)(C), prescribing the circumstances under
             1143      which a resident or nonresident individual has an ownership interest in a Utah small business

             1144      corporation;
             1145          [(m)] (l) for the taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2005, but beginning on or
             1146      before December 31, 2005, the first $2,200 of income a qualifying military servicemember
             1147      receives:
             1148          (i) for service:
             1149          (A) as a qualifying military servicemember; or
             1150          (B) under an order into active service in accordance with Section 39-1-5 ; and
             1151          (ii) to the extent that income is included in adjusted gross income on that resident or
             1152      nonresident individual's federal individual income tax return for that taxable year;
             1153          [(n)] (m) an amount received by a resident or nonresident individual or distribution
             1154      received by a resident or nonresident beneficiary of a resident trust:
             1155          (i) if that amount or distribution constitutes a refund of taxes imposed by:
             1156          (A) a state; or
             1157          (B) the District of Columbia; and
             1158          (ii) to the extent that amount or distribution is included in adjusted gross income for
             1159      that taxable year on the federal individual income tax return of the resident or nonresident
             1160      individual or resident or nonresident beneficiary of a resident trust;
             1161          [(o)] (n) the amount of a railroad retirement benefit:
             1162          (i) paid:
             1163          (A) in accordance with The Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, 45 U.S.C. Sec. 231 et
             1164      seq.;
             1165          (B) to a resident or nonresident individual; and
             1166          (C) for the taxable year; and
             1167          (ii) to the extent that railroad retirement benefit is included in adjusted gross income on
             1168      that resident or nonresident individual's federal individual income tax return for that taxable
             1169      year; and
             1170          [(p)] (o) an amount:
             1171          (i) received by an enrolled member of an American Indian tribe; and
             1172          (ii) to the extent that the state is not authorized or permitted to impose a tax under this
             1173      part on that amount in accordance with:
             1174          (A) federal law;

             1175          (B) a treaty; or
             1176          (C) a final decision issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.
             1177          (3) (a) For purposes of Subsection (2)(d), the amount of retirement income subtracted
             1178      for taxpayers under 65 shall be the lesser of the amount included in federal taxable income, or
             1179      $4,800, except that:
             1180          (i) for married taxpayers filing joint returns, for each $1 of adjusted gross income
             1181      earned over $32,000, the amount of the retirement income exemption that may be subtracted
             1182      shall be reduced by 50 cents;
             1183          (ii) for married taxpayers filing separate returns, for each $1 of adjusted gross income
             1184      earned over $16,000, the amount of the retirement income exemption that may be subtracted
             1185      shall be reduced by 50 cents; and
             1186          (iii) for individual taxpayers, for each $1 of adjusted gross income earned over
             1187      $25,000, the amount of the retirement income exemption that may be subtracted shall be
             1188      reduced by 50 cents.
             1189          (b) For purposes of Subsection (2)(e), the amount of the personal retirement exemption
             1190      shall be further reduced according to the following schedule:
             1191          (i) for married taxpayers filing joint returns, for each $1 of adjusted gross income
             1192      earned over $32,000, the amount of the personal retirement exemption shall be reduced by 50
             1193      cents;
             1194          (ii) for married taxpayers filing separate returns, for each $1 of adjusted gross income
             1195      earned over $16,000, the amount of the personal retirement exemption shall be reduced by 50
             1196      cents; and
             1197          (iii) for individual taxpayers, for each $1 of adjusted gross income earned over
             1198      $25,000, the amount of the personal retirement exemption shall be reduced by 50 cents.
             1199          (c) For purposes of Subsections (3)(a) and (b), adjusted gross income shall be
             1200      calculated by adding to adjusted gross income any interest income not otherwise included in
             1201      adjusted gross income.
             1202          (d) For purposes of determining ownership of items of retirement income common law
             1203      doctrine will be applied in all cases even though some items may have originated from service
             1204      or investments in a community property state. Amounts received by the spouse of a living
             1205      retiree because of the retiree's having been employed in a community property state are not

             1206      deductible as retirement income of such spouse.
             1207          (e) For purposes of Subsection (2)(g), a subtraction for an amount paid for health care
             1208      insurance as defined in Title 31A, Chapter 1, General Provisions, is not allowed:
             1209          (i) for an amount that is reimbursed or funded in whole or in part by the federal
             1210      government, the state, or an agency or instrumentality of the federal government or the state;
             1211      and
             1212          (ii) for a taxpayer who is eligible to participate in a health plan maintained and funded
             1213      in whole or in part by the taxpayer's employer or the taxpayer's spouse's employer.
             1214          (4) (a) A subtraction for an amount described in Subsection (2)[(k)](j) is allowed only
             1215      if:
             1216          (i) the taxpayer is a Ute tribal member; and
             1217          (ii) the governor and the Ute tribe execute and maintain an agreement meeting the
             1218      requirements of this Subsection (4).
             1219          (b) The agreement described in Subsection (4)(a):
             1220          (i) may not:
             1221          (A) authorize the state to impose a tax in addition to a tax imposed under this chapter;
             1222          (B) provide a subtraction under this section greater than or different from the
             1223      subtraction described in Subsection (2)[(k)](j); or
             1224          (C) affect the power of the state to establish rates of taxation; and
             1225          (ii) shall:
             1226          (A) provide for the implementation of the subtraction described in Subsection
             1227      (2)[(k)](j);
             1228          (B) be in writing;
             1229          (C) be signed by:
             1230          (I) the governor; and
             1231          (II) the chair of the Business Committee of the Ute tribe;
             1232          (D) be conditioned on obtaining any approval required by federal law; and
             1233          (E) state the effective date of the agreement.
             1234          (c) (i) The governor shall report to the commission by no later than February 1 of each
             1235      year regarding whether or not an agreement meeting the requirements of this Subsection (4) is
             1236      in effect.

             1237          (ii) If an agreement meeting the requirements of this Subsection (4) is terminated, the
             1238      subtraction permitted under Subsection (2)[(k)](j) is not allowed for taxable years beginning on
             1239      or after the January 1 following the termination of the agreement.
             1240          (d) For purposes of Subsection (2)[(k)](j) and in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a,
             1241      Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the commission may make rules:
             1242          (i) for determining whether income is derived from a source within the Uintah and
             1243      Ouray Reservation; and
             1244          (ii) that are substantially similar to how adjusted gross income derived from Utah
             1245      sources is determined under Section 59-10-117 .
             1246          (5) (a) For purposes of this Subsection (5), "Form 8814" means:
             1247          (i) the federal individual income tax Form 8814, Parents' Election To Report Child's
             1248      Interest and Dividends; or
             1249          (ii) (A) for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2002, a form designated by
             1250      the commission in accordance with Subsection (5)(a)(ii)(B) as being substantially similar to
             1251      2000 Form 8814 if for purposes of federal individual income taxes the information contained
             1252      on 2000 Form 8814 is reported on a form other than Form 8814; and
             1253          (B) for purposes of Subsection (5)(a)(ii)(A) and in accordance with Title 63, Chapter
             1254      46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the commission may make rules designating a form
             1255      as being substantially similar to 2000 Form 8814 if for purposes of federal individual income
             1256      taxes the information contained on 2000 Form 8814 is reported on a form other than Form
             1257      8814.
             1258          (b) The amount of a child's income added to adjusted gross income under Subsection
             1259      (1)(c) is equal to the difference between:
             1260          (i) the lesser of:
             1261          (A) the base amount specified on Form 8814; and
             1262          (B) the sum of the following reported on Form 8814:
             1263          (I) the child's taxable interest;
             1264          (II) the child's ordinary dividends; and
             1265          (III) the child's capital gain distributions; and
             1266          (ii) the amount not taxed that is specified on Form 8814.
             1267          (6) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(g), interest from bonds, notes, and other evidences

             1268      of indebtedness issued by an entity described in Subsections (1)(g)(i) through (iv) may not be
             1269      added to federal taxable income of a resident or nonresident individual if, as annually
             1270      determined by the commission:
             1271          (a) for an entity described in Subsection (1)(g)(i) or (ii), the entity and all of the
             1272      political subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities of the entity do not impose a tax based on
             1273      income on any part of the bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness of this state; or
             1274          (b) for an entity described in Subsection (1)(g)(iii) or (iv), the following do not impose
             1275      a tax based on income on any part of the bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness of
             1276      this state:
             1277          (i) the entity; or
             1278          (ii) (A) the state in which the entity is located; or
             1279          (B) the District of Columbia, if the entity is located within the District of Columbia.
             1280          Section 18. Section 59-10-201 is amended to read:
             1281           59-10-201. Taxation of resident trusts and estates.
             1282          (1) A tax determined in accordance with the rates prescribed by Section 59-10-104 for
             1283      individuals filing separately is imposed for each taxable year on the state taxable income of
             1284      each resident estate or trust, except for trusts taxed as corporations.
             1285          (2) A resident estate or trust shall be allowed the credit provided in Section
             1286      59-10-1003 , relating to an income tax imposed by another state, except that the limitation shall
             1287      be computed by reference to the taxable income of the estate or trust.
             1288          (3) The property of the [trust] Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust established in Title
             1289      53B, Chapter 8a, Higher Education Savings Incentive Program, and its income from operations
             1290      and investments are exempt from all taxation by the state under this chapter.
             1291          Section 19. Section 59-10-202 is amended to read:
             1292           59-10-202. Additions to and subtractions from federal taxable income of a
             1293      resident or nonresident estate or trust.
             1294          (1) There shall be added to federal taxable income of a resident or nonresident estate or
             1295      trust:
             1296          (a) the amount of any income tax imposed by this or any predecessor Utah individual
             1297      income tax law and the amount of any income tax imposed by the laws of another state, the
             1298      District of Columbia, or a possession of the United States, to the extent deducted from federal

             1299      adjusted total income as defined in Section 62, Internal Revenue Code, in determining federal
             1300      taxable income;
             1301          (b) a lump sum distribution allowable as a deduction under Section 402(d)(3) of the
             1302      Internal Revenue Code, to the extent deductible under Section 62(a)(8) of the Internal Revenue
             1303      Code in determining adjusted gross income;
             1304          (c) except as provided in Subsection (3), for taxable years beginning on or after
             1305      January 1, 2003, for bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness acquired on or after
             1306      January 1, 2003, the interest from bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness issued by
             1307      one or more of the following entities:
             1308          (i) a state other than this state;
             1309          (ii) the District of Columbia;
             1310          (iii) a political subdivision of a state other than this state; or
             1311          (iv) an agency or instrumentality of an entity described in Subsections (1)(c)(i) through
             1312      (iii);
             1313          (d) any portion of federal taxable income for a taxable year if that federal taxable
             1314      income is derived from stock:
             1315          (i) in an S corporation; and
             1316          (ii) that is held by an electing small business trust; [and]
             1317          (e) the amount withdrawn under Title 53B, Chapter 8a, Higher Education Savings
             1318      Incentive Program, from the account of a resident or nonresident estate or trust that is an
             1319      account owner as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 , for the taxable year for which the amount is
             1320      withdrawn, if that amount withdrawn from the account of the resident or nonresident estate or
             1321      trust that is the account owner:
             1322          (i) is not expended for higher education costs as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 ; and
             1323          (ii) is subtracted by the resident or nonresident estate or trust:
             1324          (A) that is the account owner; and
             1325          (B) in accordance with Subsection (2)(j);
             1326          (f) the amount withdrawn from an other state Section 529 college savings plan, from
             1327      the account of a resident or nonresident estate or trust that owns the account, for the taxable
             1328      year for which the amount is withdrawn, if that amount withdrawn from the account of the
             1329      resident or nonresident estate or trust that owns the account:

             1330          (i) is not expended for higher education costs as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 ; and
             1331          (ii) is subtracted by the resident or nonresident estate or trust:
             1332          (A) that owns the account; and
             1333          (B) in accordance with Subsection (2)(k); and
             1334          [(e)] (g) any fiduciary adjustments required by Section 59-10-210 .
             1335          (2) There shall be subtracted from federal taxable income of a resident or nonresident
             1336      estate or trust:
             1337          (a) the interest or a dividend on obligations or securities of the United States and its
             1338      possessions or of any authority, commission, or instrumentality of the United States, to the
             1339      extent that interest or dividend is included in gross income for federal income tax purposes for
             1340      the taxable year but exempt from state income taxes under the laws of the United States, but
             1341      the amount subtracted under this Subsection (2) shall be reduced by any interest on
             1342      indebtedness incurred or continued to purchase or carry the obligations or securities described
             1343      in this Subsection (2), and by any expenses incurred in the production of interest or dividend
             1344      income described in this Subsection (2) to the extent that such expenses, including amortizable
             1345      bond premiums, are deductible in determining federal taxable income;
             1346          (b) 1/2 of the net amount of any income tax paid or payable to the United States after
             1347      all allowable credits, as per the United States fiduciary income tax return of the taxpayer for the
             1348      same taxable year;
             1349          (c) income of an irrevocable resident trust if:
             1350          (i) the income would not be treated as state taxable income derived from Utah sources
             1351      under Section 59-10-204 if received by a nonresident trust;
             1352          (ii) the trust first became a resident trust on or after January 1, 2004;
             1353          (iii) no assets of the trust were held, at any time after January 1, 2003, in another
             1354      resident irrevocable trust created by the same settlor or the spouse of the same settlor;
             1355          (iv) the trustee of the trust is a trust company as defined in Subsection 7-5-1 (1)(d);
             1356          (v) the amount subtracted under this Subsection (2) is reduced to the extent the settlor
             1357      or any other person is treated as an owner of any portion of the trust under Subtitle A,
             1358      Subchapter J, Subpart E of the Internal Revenue Code; and
             1359          (vi) the amount subtracted under this Subsection (2) is reduced by any interest on
             1360      indebtedness incurred or continued to purchase or carry the assets generating the income

             1361      described in this Subsection (2), and by any expenses incurred in the production of income
             1362      described in this Subsection (2), to the extent that those expenses, including amortizable bond
             1363      premiums, are deductible in determining federal taxable income;
             1364          (d) if the conditions of Subsection (4)(a) are met, the amount of income of a resident or
             1365      nonresident estate or trust derived from a deceased Ute tribal member:
             1366          (i) during a time period that the Ute tribal member resided on homesteaded land
             1367      diminished from the Uintah and Ouray Reservation; and
             1368          (ii) from a source within the Uintah and Ouray Reservation;
             1369          (e) (i) for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2003, the total amount of a
             1370      resident or nonresident estate's or trust's short-term capital gain or long-term capital gain on a
             1371      capital gain transaction:
             1372          (A) that occurs on or after January 1, 2003;
             1373          (B) if 70% or more of the gross proceeds of the capital gain transaction are expended:
             1374          (I) to purchase qualifying stock in a Utah small business corporation; and
             1375          (II) within a 12-month period after the day on which the capital gain transaction occurs;
             1376      and
             1377          (C) if, prior to the purchase of the qualifying stock described in Subsection
             1378      (2)(e)(i)(B)(I), the resident or nonresident estate or trust did not have an ownership interest in
             1379      the Utah small business corporation that issued the qualifying stock; and
             1380          (ii) in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             1381      commission may make rules:
             1382          (A) defining the term "gross proceeds"; and
             1383          (B) for purposes of Subsection (2)(e)(i)(C), prescribing the circumstances under which
             1384      a resident or nonresident estate or trust has an ownership interest in a Utah small business
             1385      corporation;
             1386          (f) for the taxable year beginning on or after January 1, 2005, but beginning on or
             1387      before December 31, 2005, the first $2,200 of income of a resident or nonresident estate or
             1388      trust that is derived from a deceased qualifying military servicemember:
             1389          (i) for service:
             1390          (A) as a qualifying military servicemember; or
             1391          (B) under an order into active service in accordance with Section 39-1-5 ; and

             1392          (ii) to the extent that income is included in total income on that resident or nonresident
             1393      estate's or trust's federal income tax return for estates and trusts for that taxable year;
             1394          (g) any amount:
             1395          (i) received by a resident or nonresident estate or trust;
             1396          (ii) that constitutes a refund of taxes imposed by:
             1397          (A) a state; or
             1398          (B) the District of Columbia; and
             1399          (iii) to the extent that amount is included in total income on that resident or nonresident
             1400      estate's or trust's federal tax return for estates and trusts for that taxable year;
             1401          (h) the amount of a railroad retirement benefit:
             1402          (i) paid:
             1403          (A) in accordance with The Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, 45 U.S.C. Sec. 231 et
             1404      seq.;
             1405          (B) to a resident or nonresident estate or trust derived from a deceased resident or
             1406      nonresident individual; and
             1407          (C) for the taxable year; and
             1408          (ii) to the extent that railroad retirement benefit is included in total income on that
             1409      resident or nonresident estate's or trust's federal tax return for estates and trusts;
             1410          (i) an amount:
             1411          (i) received by a resident or nonresident estate or trust if that amount is derived from a
             1412      deceased enrolled member of an American Indian tribe; and
             1413          (ii) to the extent that the state is not authorized or permitted to impose a tax under this
             1414      part on that amount in accordance with:
             1415          (A) federal law;
             1416          (B) a treaty; or
             1417          (C) a final decision issued by a court of competent jurisdiction; [and]
             1418          (j) subject to Subsection (1)(e), the amount of a qualified investment as defined in
             1419      Section 53B-8a-102 that:
             1420          (i) a resident or nonresident estate or trust that is an account owner as defined in
             1421      Section 53B-8a-102 makes during the taxable year;
             1422          (ii) the resident or nonresident estate or trust described in Subsection (2)(j)(i) does not

             1423      deduct on a federal tax return for estates and trusts; and
             1424          (iii) does not exceed the maximum amount of the qualified investment that may be
             1425      subtracted from federal taxable income for a taxable year in accordance with Subsections
             1426      53B-8a-106 (1)(e) and (f);
             1427          (k) subject to Subsection (1)(f), the amount of an investment in an other state Section
             1428      529 college savings plan that:
             1429          (i) a resident or nonresident estate or trust that owns the account makes during the
             1430      taxable year;
             1431          (ii) the resident or nonresident estate or trust described in Subsection (2)(k)(i) does not
             1432      deduct on a federal tax return for estates and trusts; and
             1433          (iii) does not exceed the maximum amount that may be subtracted from federal taxable
             1434      income for a taxable year in accordance with Subsections 53B-8a-106 (1)(e) and (f) for
             1435      purposes of a qualified investment in the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust; and
             1436          [(j)] (l) any fiduciary adjustments required by Section 59-10-210 .
             1437          (3) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(c), interest from bonds, notes, and other evidences
             1438      of indebtedness issued by an entity described in Subsections (1)(c)(i) through (iv) may not be
             1439      added to federal taxable income of a resident or nonresident estate or trust if, as annually
             1440      determined by the commission:
             1441          (a) for an entity described in Subsection (1)(c)(i) or (ii), the entity and all of the
             1442      political subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities of the entity do not impose a tax based on
             1443      income on any part of the bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness of this state; or
             1444          (b) for an entity described in Subsection (1)(c)(iii) or (iv), the following do not impose
             1445      a tax based on income on any part of the bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness of
             1446      this state:
             1447          (i) the entity; or
             1448          (ii) (A) the state in which the entity is located; or
             1449          (B) the District of Columbia, if the entity is located within the District of Columbia.
             1450          (4) (a) A subtraction for an amount described in Subsection (2)(d) is allowed only if:
             1451          (i) the income is derived from a deceased Ute tribal member; and
             1452          (ii) the governor and the Ute tribe execute and maintain an agreement meeting the
             1453      requirements of this Subsection (4).

             1454          (b) The agreement described in Subsection (4)(a):
             1455          (i) may not:
             1456          (A) authorize the state to impose a tax in addition to a tax imposed under this chapter;
             1457          (B) provide a subtraction under this section greater than or different from the
             1458      subtraction described in Subsection (2)(d); or
             1459          (C) affect the power of the state to establish rates of taxation; and
             1460          (ii) shall:
             1461          (A) provide for the implementation of the subtraction described in Subsection (2)(d);
             1462          (B) be in writing;
             1463          (C) be signed by:
             1464          (I) the governor; and
             1465          (II) the chair of the Business Committee of the Ute tribe;
             1466          (D) be conditioned on obtaining any approval required by federal law; and
             1467          (E) state the effective date of the agreement.
             1468          (c) (i) The governor shall report to the commission by no later than February 1 of each
             1469      year regarding whether or not an agreement meeting the requirements of this Subsection (4) is
             1470      in effect.
             1471          (ii) If an agreement meeting the requirements of this Subsection (4) is terminated, the
             1472      subtraction permitted under Subsection (2)(d) is not allowed for taxable years beginning on or
             1473      after the January 1 following the termination of the agreement.
             1474          (d) For purposes of Subsection (2)(d) and in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a,
             1475      Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the commission may make rules:
             1476          (i) for determining whether income is derived from a source within the Uintah and
             1477      Ouray Reservation; and
             1478          (ii) that are substantially similar to how adjusted gross income derived from Utah
             1479      sources is determined under Section 59-10-117 .
             1480          Section 20. Section 59-10-1015.1 is enacted to read:
             1481          59-10-1015.1. Utah Educational Savings Plan tax credit.
             1482          (1) As used in this section:
             1483          (a) "Account owner" is as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 .
             1484          (b) "Higher education costs" is as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 .

             1485          (c) "Maximum amount of a qualified investment for the taxable year" means, for a
             1486      taxable year:
             1487          (i) for a claimant that is an account owner, if that claimant is a person other than a
             1488      husband and wife who file a single return jointly, the maximum amount of a qualified
             1489      investment:
             1490          (A) listed in Subsection 53B-8a-106 (1)(e)(ii); and
             1491          (B) increased or decreased for that taxable year in accordance with Subsection
             1492      53B-8a-106 (1)(f); or
             1493          (ii) for claimants who are husband and wife account owners who file a single return
             1494      jointly, the maximum amount of a qualified investment:
             1495          (A) listed in Subsection 53B-8a-106 (1)(e)(iii); and
             1496          (B) increased or decreased for that taxable year in accordance with Subsection
             1497      53B-8a-106 (1)(f).
             1498          (d) "Qualified investment" is as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 .
             1499          (2) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2008, a claimant that is an
             1500      account owner may claim a nonrefundable tax credit equal to the product of:
             1501          (a) the lesser of:
             1502          (i) the amount of a qualified investment the claimant:
             1503          (A) makes during the taxable year; and
             1504          (B) does not deduct on the claimant's federal individual income tax return; or
             1505          (ii) the maximum amount of a qualified investment for the taxable year if the amount
             1506      described in Subsection (2)(a)(i) is greater than the maximum amount of a qualified investment
             1507      for the taxable year; and
             1508          (b) 7%.
             1509          (3) A tax credit under this section may not be carried forward or carried back.
             1510          Section 21. Section 59-10-1015.2 is enacted to read:
             1511          59-10-1015.2. Other state Section 529 college savings plan tax credit.
             1512          (1) As used in this section:
             1513          (a) "Higher education costs" is as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 .
             1514          (b) "Maximum investment" means, for a taxable year:
             1515          (i) for a claimant that owns an account for an investment in an other state Section 529

             1516      college savings plan, if that claimant is a person other than a husband and wife who file a
             1517      single return jointly, the maximum amount of a qualified investment as defined in Section
             1518      53B-8a-102 :
             1519          (A) listed in Subsection 53B-8a-106 (1)(e)(ii) for purposes of a qualified investment in
             1520      the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust; and
             1521          (B) increased or decreased for that taxable year in accordance with Subsection
             1522      53B-8a-106 (1)(f); or
             1523          (ii) for claimants who are husband and wife owners of an account for an investment in
             1524      an other state Section 529 college savings plan who file a single return jointly, the maximum
             1525      amount of a qualified investment:
             1526          (A) listed in Subsection 53B-8a-106 (1)(e)(iii) for purposes of a qualified investment in
             1527      the Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust; and
             1528          (B) increased or decreased for that taxable year in accordance with Subsection
             1529      53B-8a-106 (1)(f).
             1530          (2) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2008, a claimant that owns an
             1531      account for an investment in an other state Section 529 college savings plan may claim a
             1532      nonrefundable tax credit equal to the product of:
             1533          (a) the lesser of:
             1534          (i) the amount of the investment the claimant:
             1535          (A) makes during the taxable year; and
             1536          (B) does not deduct on the claimant's federal individual income tax return; or
             1537          (ii) the maximum investment for the taxable year if the amount described in Subsection
             1538      (2)(a)(i) is greater than the maximum investment for the taxable year; and
             1539          (b) 7%.
             1540          (3) A tax credit under this section may not be carried forward or carried back.
             1541          Section 22. Section 59-10-1204 is amended to read:
             1542           59-10-1204. Additions to and subtractions from adjusted gross income of a
             1543      resident or nonresident individual.
             1544          (1) In calculating state taxable income for purposes of this part, the following amounts
             1545      shall be added to the adjusted gross income of a resident or nonresident individual:
             1546          (a) the amount described in Subsection 59-10-114 (1)(a), if that amount is deducted by

             1547      a resident or nonresident estate or trust in determining federal taxable income;
             1548          (b) the lump sum distribution described in Subsection 59-10-114 (1)(b);
             1549          (c) subject to Subsection 59-10-114 (5), the amount described in Subsection
             1550      59-10-114 (1)(c);
             1551          (d) a withdrawal described in Subsection 59-10-114 (1)(e);
             1552          (e) the amount described in Subsection 59-10-114 (1)(f);
             1553          (f) subject to Subsection 59-10-114 (6), the interest described in Subsection
             1554      59-10-114 (1)(g);
             1555          (g) a distribution described in Subsection 59-10-114 (1)(h);
             1556          (h) a distribution described in Subsection 59-10-114 (1)(i); [or]
             1557          (i) an expense described in Subsection 59-10-114 (1)(j)[.]; or
             1558          (j) the amount described in Subsection 59-10-114 (1)(k).
             1559          (2) In calculating state taxable income for purposes of this part, the following amounts
             1560      shall be subtracted from the adjusted gross income of a resident or nonresident individual:
             1561          (a) the interest or dividends described in Subsection 59-10-114 (2)(a);
             1562          (b) subject to Subsection 59-10-114 (4), the amount described in Subsection
             1563      59-10-114 (2)[(k)](j);
             1564          (c) an amount described in Subsection 59-10-114 (2)[(n)](m);
             1565          (d) the amount described in Subsection 59-10-114 (2)[(o)](n); and
             1566          (e) an amount described in Subsection 59-10-114 (2)[(p)](o).
             1567          Section 23. Effective date.
             1568          This bill takes effect for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2008.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-20-07 2:16 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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