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S.B. 215






Chief Sponsor: Gregory S. Bell

House Sponsor: Michael T. Morley

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies county and municipal land use, development, and management
             11      provisions.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    modifies language relating to the purposes of the county and municipal land use,
             15      development, and management provisions;
             16          .    enacts provisions relating to a county or municipality's processing of a land use
             17      application; and
             18          .    modifies the standard that applies in determining the validity of a county or
             19      municipal decision, ordinance, or regulation.
             20      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             21          None
             22      Other Special Clauses:
             23          None
             24      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             25      AMENDS:
             26          10-9a-102, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 254, Laws of Utah 2005
             27          10-9a-509, as last amended by Chapters 257 and 289, Laws of Utah 2006

             28          10-9a-801, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 254, Laws of Utah 2005
             29          17-27a-102, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 254, Laws of Utah 2005
             30          17-27a-508, as last amended by Chapters 257 and 289, Laws of Utah 2006
             31          17-27a-801, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 254, Laws of Utah 2005
             32      ENACTS:
             33          10-9a-509.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             34          17-27a-509.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             36      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             37          Section 1. Section 10-9a-102 is amended to read:
             38           10-9a-102. Purposes -- General land use authority.
             39          (1) The purposes of this chapter are to provide for the health, safety, and welfare, and
             40      promote the prosperity, improve the morals, peace and good order, comfort, convenience, and
             41      aesthetics of each municipality and its present and future inhabitants and businesses, to protect
             42      the tax base, to secure economy in governmental expenditures, to foster the state's agricultural
             43      and other industries, to protect both urban and nonurban development, to protect and ensure
             44      access to sunlight for solar energy devices, to provide fundamental fairness in land use
             45      regulation, and to protect property values.
             46          (2) To accomplish the purposes of this chapter, municipalities may enact all
             47      ordinances, resolutions, and rules and may enter into other forms of land use controls and
             48      development agreements that they consider necessary or appropriate for the use and
             49      development of land within the municipality, including ordinances, resolutions, rules,
             50      restrictive covenants, easements, and development agreements governing uses, density, open
             51      spaces, structures, buildings, energy efficiency, light and air, air quality, transportation and
             52      public or alternative transportation, infrastructure, street and building orientation and width
             53      requirements, public facilities, [and] fundamental fairness in land use regulation,
             54      considerations of surrounding land uses and the balance of the foregoing purposes with a
             55      landowner's private property interests, height and location of vegetation, trees, and landscaping,
             56      unless expressly prohibited by law.
             57          Section 2. Section 10-9a-509 is amended to read:
             58           10-9a-509. When a land use applicant is entitled to approval -- Exception --

             59      Municipality may not impose unexpressed requirements -- Municipality required to
             60      comply with land use ordinances.
             61          (1) (a) An applicant is entitled to approval of a land use application if the application
             62      conforms to the requirements of the municipality's land use maps, zoning map, and applicable
             63      land use ordinance in effect when a complete application is submitted and all fees have been
             64      paid, unless:
             65          (i) the land use authority, on the record, finds that a compelling, countervailing public
             66      interest would be jeopardized by approving the application; or
             67          (ii) in the manner provided by local ordinance and before the application is submitted,
             68      the municipality has formally initiated proceedings to amend its ordinances in a manner that
             69      would prohibit approval of the application as submitted.
             70          (b) The municipality shall process an application without regard to proceedings
             71      initiated to amend the municipality's ordinances if:
             72          (i) 180 days have passed since the proceedings were initiated; and
             73          (ii) the proceedings have not resulted in an enactment that prohibits approval of the
             74      application as submitted.
             75          (c) An application for a land use approval is considered submitted and complete when
             76      the application is provided in a form that complies with the requirements of applicable
             77      ordinances and all applicable fees have been paid.
             78          (d) The continuing validity of an approval of a land use application is conditioned upon
             79      the applicant proceeding after approval to implement the approval with reasonable diligence.
             80          (e) A municipality may not impose on a holder of an issued land use permit a
             81      requirement that is not expressed:
             82          (i) in the land use permit or in documents on which the land use permit is based; or
             83          (ii) in this chapter or the municipality's ordinances.
             84          (f) A municipality may not withhold issuance of a certificate of occupancy because of
             85      an applicant's failure to comply with a requirement that is not expressed:
             86          (i) in the building permit or in documents on which the building permit is based; or
             87          (ii) in this chapter or the municipality's ordinances.
             88          (2) A municipality is bound by the terms and standards of applicable land use
             89      ordinances and shall comply with mandatory provisions of those ordinances.

             90          [(3) Each municipality shall process and render a decision on each land use application
             91      with reasonable diligence.]
             92          Section 3. Section 10-9a-509.5 is enacted to read:
             93          10-9a-509.5. Reasonable diligence -- Application sufficiency and process.
             94          (1) (a) Each municipality shall, in a timely manner, determine whether an application is
             95      complete for the purposes of subsequent, substantive land use authority review.
             96          (b) After a reasonable period of time to allow the municipality diligently to evaluate
             97      whether all objective ordinance-based application criteria have been met, if application fees
             98      have been paid, the applicant may in writing request that the municipality provide a written
             99      determination either that the application is:
             100          (i) complete for the purposes of allowing subsequent, substantive land use authority
             101      review; or
             102          (ii) deficient with respect to a specific, objective, ordinance-based application
             103      requirement.
             104          (c) Within 30 days of receipt of an applicant's request under this section, the
             105      municipality shall either:
             106          (i) mail a written notice to the applicant advising that the application is deficient with
             107      respect to a specified, objective, ordinance-based criteria, and stating that the application must
             108      be supplemented by specific additional information identified in the notice; or
             109          (ii) accept the application as complete for the purposes of further substantive
             110      processing by the land use authority.
             111          (d) If the notice required by Subsection (1)(c)(i) is not timely mailed, the appeal shall
             112      be considered complete, for purposes of further substantive land use authority review.
             113          (e) (i) The applicant may raise and resolve in a single appeal any determination made
             114      under this Subsection (1) to the appeal authority, including an allegation that a reasonable
             115      period of time has elapsed under Subsection (1)(a).
             116          (ii) The appeal authority shall issue a written decision for any appeal requested under
             117      this Subsection (1)(e).
             118          (f) (i) The applicant may appeal to district court the decision of the appeal authority
             119      made under Subsection (1)(e).
             120          (ii) Each appeal under Subsection (1)(f)(i) shall be made within 30 days of the date of

             121      the written decision.
             122          (2) (a) Each land use authority shall substantively review a complete application and an
             123      application considered complete under Subsection (1)(d), and shall approve or deny each
             124      application with reasonable diligence.
             125          (b) After a reasonable period of time to allow the land use authority to consider an
             126      application, the applicant may in writing request that the land use authority take final action
             127      within 45 days from date of service of the written request.
             128          (c) The land use authority shall take final action, approving or denying the application
             129      within 45 days of the written request.
             130          (d) If the land use authority denies an application processed under the mandates of
             131      Subsection (2)(b), or if the applicant has requested a written decision in the application, the
             132      land use authority shall include its reasons for denial in writing, on the record, which may
             133      include the official minutes of the meeting in which the decision was rendered.
             134          (e) If the land use authority fails to comply with Subsection (2)(c), the applicant may
             135      appeal this failure to district court within 30 days of the date on which the land use authority
             136      should have taken final action under Subsection (2)(c).
             137          (3) Subject to Section 10-9a-509 , nothing in this section and no action or inaction of
             138      the land use authority relieves an applicant's duty to comply with all applicable substantive
             139      ordinances and regulations.
             140          (4) There shall be no money damages remedy arising from a claim under this section.
             141          Section 4. Section 10-9a-801 is amended to read:
             142           10-9a-801. No district court review until administrative remedies exhausted --
             143      Time for filing -- Tolling of time -- Standards governing court review -- Record on review
             144      -- Staying of decision.
             145          (1) No person may challenge in district court a municipality's land use decision made
             146      under this chapter, or under a regulation made under authority of this chapter, until that person
             147      has exhausted the person's administrative remedies as provided in Part 7, Appeal Authority and
             148      Variances, if applicable.
             149          (2) (a) Any person adversely affected by a final decision made in the exercise of or in
             150      violation of the provisions of this chapter may file a petition for review of the decision with the
             151      district court within 30 days after the local land use decision is final.

             152          (b) (i) The time under Subsection (2)(a) to file a petition is tolled from the date a
             153      property owner files a request for arbitration of a constitutional taking issue with the property
             154      rights ombudsman under Section 63-34-13 until 30 days after:
             155          (A) the arbitrator issues a final award; or
             156          (B) the property rights ombudsman issues a written statement under Subsection
             157      63-34-13 (4)(b) declining to arbitrate or to appoint an arbitrator.
             158          (ii) A tolling under Subsection (2)(b)(i) operates only as to the specific constitutional
             159      taking issue that is the subject of the request for arbitration filed with the property rights
             160      ombudsman by a property owner.
             161          (iii) A request for arbitration filed with the property rights ombudsman after the time
             162      under Subsection (2)(a) to file a petition has expired does not affect the time to file a petition.
             163          (3) (a) The courts shall:
             164          (i) presume that a decision, ordinance, or regulation made under the authority of this
             165      chapter is valid; and
             166          (ii) determine only whether or not the decision, ordinance, or regulation is arbitrary,
             167      capricious, or illegal.
             168          (b) A decision, ordinance, or regulation involving the exercise of legislative discretion
             169      is valid if [the decision, ordinance, or regulation] it is reasonably debatable that the decision,
             170      ordinance, or regulation promotes the purposes of this chapter and is not otherwise illegal.
             171          (c) A final decision of a land use authority or an appeal authority is valid if the decision
             172      is supported by substantial evidence in the record and is not arbitrary, capricious, or illegal.
             173          (d) A determination of illegality requires a determination that the decision, ordinance,
             174      or regulation violates a law, statute, or ordinance in effect at the time the decision was made or
             175      the ordinance or regulation adopted.
             176          (4) The provisions of Subsection (2)(a) apply from the date on which the municipality
             177      takes final action on a land use application for any adversely affected third party, if the
             178      municipality conformed with the notice provisions of Part 2, Notice, or for any person who had
             179      actual notice of the pending decision.
             180          (5) If the municipality has complied with Section 10-9a-205 , a challenge to the
             181      enactment of a land use ordinance or general plan may not be filed with the district court more
             182      than 30 days after the enactment.

             183          (6) The petition is barred unless it is filed within 30 days after the appeal authority's
             184      decision is final.
             185          (7) (a) The land use authority or appeal authority, as the case may be, shall transmit to
             186      the reviewing court the record of its proceedings, including its minutes, findings, orders, and, if
             187      available, a true and correct transcript of its proceedings.
             188          (b) If the proceeding was tape recorded, a transcript of that tape recording is a true and
             189      correct transcript for purposes of this Subsection (7).
             190          (8) (a) (i) If there is a record, the district court's review is limited to the record provided
             191      by the land use authority or appeal authority, as the case may be.
             192          (ii) The court may not accept or consider any evidence outside the record of the land
             193      use authority or appeal authority, as the case may be, unless that evidence was offered to the
             194      land use authority or appeal authority, respectively, and the court determines that it was
             195      improperly excluded.
             196          (b) If there is no record, the court may call witnesses and take evidence.
             197          (9) (a) The filing of a petition does not stay the decision of the land use authority or
             198      authority appeal authority, as the case may be.
             199          (b) (i) Before filing a petition under this section or a request for mediation or
             200      arbitration of a constitutional taking issue under Section 63-34-13 , the aggrieved party may
             201      petition the appeal authority to stay its decision.
             202          (ii) Upon receipt of a petition to stay, the appeal authority may order its decision stayed
             203      pending district court review if the appeal authority finds it to be in the best interest of the
             204      municipality.
             205          (iii) After a petition is filed under this section or a request for mediation or arbitration
             206      of a constitutional taking issue is filed under Section 63-34-13 , the petitioner may seek an
             207      injunction staying the appeal authority's decision.
             208          Section 5. Section 17-27a-102 is amended to read:
             209           17-27a-102. Purposes -- General land use authority.
             210          (1) (a) The purposes of this chapter are to provide for the health, safety, and welfare,
             211      and promote the prosperity, improve the morals, peace and good order, comfort, convenience,
             212      and aesthetics of each county and its present and future inhabitants and businesses, to protect
             213      the tax base, to secure economy in governmental expenditures, to foster the state's agricultural

             214      and other industries, to protect both urban and nonurban development, to protect and ensure
             215      access to sunlight for solar energy devices, to provide fundamental fairness in land use
             216      regulation, and to protect property values.
             217          (b) To accomplish the purposes of this chapter, counties may enact all ordinances,
             218      resolutions, and rules and may enter into other forms of land use controls and development
             219      agreements that they consider necessary or appropriate for the use and development of land
             220      within the unincorporated area of the county, including ordinances, resolutions, rules,
             221      restrictive covenants, easements, and development agreements governing uses, density, open
             222      spaces, structures, buildings, energy-efficiency, light and air, air quality, transportation and
             223      public or alternative transportation, infrastructure, street and building orientation and width
             224      requirements, public facilities, [and] fundamental fairness in land use regulation,
             225      considerations of surrounding land uses and the balance of the foregoing purposes with a
             226      landowner's private property interests, height and location of vegetation, trees, and landscaping,
             227      unless expressly prohibited by law.
             228          (2) Each county shall comply with the mandatory provisions of this part before any
             229      agreement or contract to provide goods, services, or municipal-type services to any storage
             230      facility or transfer facility for high-level nuclear waste, or greater than class C radioactive
             231      waste, may be executed or implemented.
             232          Section 6. Section 17-27a-508 is amended to read:
             233           17-27a-508. When a land use applicant is entitled to approval -- Exception --
             234      County may not impose unexpressed requirements -- County required to comply with
             235      land use ordinances.
             236          (1) (a) An applicant is entitled to approval of a land use application if the application
             237      conforms to the requirements of the county's land use maps, zoning map, and applicable land
             238      use ordinance in effect when a complete application is submitted and all fees have been paid,
             239      unless:
             240          (i) the land use authority, on the record, finds that a compelling, countervailing public
             241      interest would be jeopardized by approving the application; or
             242          (ii) in the manner provided by local ordinance and before the application is submitted,
             243      the county has formally initiated proceedings to amend its ordinances in a manner that would
             244      prohibit approval of the application as submitted.

             245          (b) The county shall process an application without regard to proceedings initiated to
             246      amend the county's ordinances if:
             247          (i) 180 days have passed since the proceedings were initiated; and
             248          (ii) the proceedings have not resulted in an enactment that prohibits approval of the
             249      application as submitted.
             250          (c) An application for a land use approval is considered submitted and complete when
             251      the application is provided in a form that complies with the requirements of applicable
             252      ordinances and all applicable fees have been paid.
             253          (d) The continuing validity of an approval of a land use application is conditioned upon
             254      the applicant proceeding after approval to implement the approval with reasonable diligence.
             255          (e) A county may not impose on a holder of an issued land use permit a requirement
             256      that is not expressed:
             257          (i) in the land use permit or in documents on which the land use permit is based; or
             258          (ii) in this chapter or the county's ordinances.
             259          (f) A county may not withhold issuance of a certificate of occupancy because of an
             260      applicant's failure to comply with a requirement that is not expressed:
             261          (i) in the building permit or in documents on which the building permit is based; or
             262          (ii) in this chapter or the county's ordinances.
             263          (2) A county is bound by the terms and standards of applicable land use ordinances and
             264      shall comply with mandatory provisions of those ordinances.
             265          [(3) Each county shall process and render a decision on each land use application with
             266      reasonable diligence.]
             267          Section 7. Section 17-27a-509.5 is enacted to read:
             268          17-27a-509.5. Reasonable diligence -- Application sufficiency and process.
             269          (1) (a) Each county shall, in a timely manner, determine whether an application is
             270      complete for the purposes of subsequent, substantive land use authority review.
             271          (b) After a reasonable period of time to allow the county diligently to evaluate whether
             272      all objective ordinance-based application criteria have been met, if application fees have been
             273      paid, the applicant may in writing request that the county provide a written determination either
             274      that the application is:
             275          (i) complete for the purposes of allowing subsequent, substantive land use authority

             276      review; or
             277          (ii) deficient with respect to a specific, objective, ordinance-based application
             278      requirement.
             279          (c) Within 30 days of receipt of an applicant's request under this section, the county
             280      shall either:
             281          (i) mail a written notice to the applicant advising that the application is deficient with
             282      respect to a specified, objective, ordinance-based criteria, and stating that the application must
             283      be supplemented by specific additional information identified in the notice; or
             284          (ii) accept the application as complete for the purposes of further substantive
             285      processing by the land use authority.
             286          (d) If the notice required by Subsection (1)(c)(i) is not timely mailed, the appeal shall
             287      be considered complete, for purposes of further substantive land use authority review.
             288          (e) (i) The applicant may raise and resolve in a single appeal any determination made
             289      under this Subsection (1) to the appeal authority, including an allegation that a reasonable
             290      period of time has elapsed under Subsection (1)(a).
             291          (ii) The appeal authority shall issue a written decision for any appeal requested under
             292      this Subsection (1)(e).
             293          (f) (i) The applicant may appeal to district court the decision of the appeal authority
             294      made under Subsection (1)(e).
             295          (ii) Each appeal under Subsection (1)(f)(i) shall be made within 30 days of the date of
             296      the written decision.
             297          (2) (a) Each land use authority shall substantively review a complete application and an
             298      application considered complete under Subsection (1)(d), and shall approve or deny each
             299      application with reasonable diligence.
             300          (b) After a reasonable period of time to allow the land use authority to consider an
             301      application, the applicant may in writing request that the land use authority take final action
             302      within 45 days from date of service of the written request.
             303          (c) The land use authority shall take final action, approving or denying the application
             304      within 45 days of the written request.
             305          (d) If the land use authority denies an application processed under the mandates of
             306      Subsection (2)(b), or if the applicant has requested a written decision in his application, the

             307      land use authority shall include its reasons for denial in writing, on the record, which may
             308      include the official minutes of the meeting in which the decision was rendered.
             309          (e) If the land use authority fails to comply with Subsection (2)(c), the applicant may
             310      appeal this failure to district court within 30 days of the date on which the land use authority
             311      should have taken final action under Subsection (2)(c).
             312          (3) Subject to Section 10-9a-509 , nothing in this section and no action or inaction of
             313      the land use authority relieves an applicant's duty to comply with all applicable substantive
             314      ordinances and regulations.
             315          (4) There shall be no money damages remedy arising from a claim under this section.
             316          Section 8. Section 17-27a-801 is amended to read:
             317           17-27a-801. No district court review until administrative remedies exhausted --
             318      Time for filing -- Tolling of time -- Standards governing court review -- Record on review
             319      -- Staying of decision.
             320          (1) No person may challenge in district court a county's land use decision made under
             321      this chapter, or under a regulation made under authority of this chapter, until that person has
             322      exhausted the person's administrative remedies as provided in Part 7, Appeal Authority and
             323      Variances, if applicable.
             324          (2) (a) Any person adversely affected by a final decision made in the exercise of or in
             325      violation of the provisions of this chapter may file a petition for review of the decision with the
             326      district court within 30 days after the local land use decision is final.
             327          (b) (i) The time under Subsection (2)(a) to file a petition is tolled from the date a
             328      property owner files a request for arbitration of a constitutional taking issue with the property
             329      rights ombudsman under Section 63-34-13 until 30 days after:
             330          (A) the arbitrator issues a final award; or
             331          (B) the property rights ombudsman issues a written statement under Subsection
             332      63-34-13 (4)(b) declining to arbitrate or to appoint an arbitrator.
             333          (ii) A tolling under Subsection (2)(b)(i) operates only as to the specific constitutional
             334      taking issue that is the subject of the request for arbitration filed with the property rights
             335      ombudsman by a property owner.
             336          (iii) A request for arbitration filed with the property rights ombudsman after the time
             337      under Subsection (2)(a) to file a petition has expired does not affect the time to file a petition.

             338          (3) (a) The courts shall:
             339          (i) presume that a decision, ordinance, or regulation made under the authority of this
             340      chapter is valid; and
             341          (ii) determine only whether or not the decision, ordinance, or regulation is arbitrary,
             342      capricious, or illegal.
             343          (b) A decision, ordinance, or regulation involving the exercise of legislative discretion
             344      is valid if [the decision, ordinance, or regulation] it is reasonably debatable that the decision,
             345      ordinance, or regulation promotes the purposes of this chapter and is not otherwise illegal.
             346          (c) A final decision of a land use authority or an appeal authority is valid if the decision
             347      is supported by substantial evidence in the record and is not arbitrary, capricious, or illegal.
             348          (d) A determination of illegality requires a determination that the decision, ordinance,
             349      or regulation violates a law, statute, or ordinance in effect at the time the decision was made or
             350      the ordinance or regulation adopted.
             351          (4) The provisions of Subsection (2)(a) apply from the date on which the county takes
             352      final action on a land use application for any adversely affected third party, if the county
             353      conformed with the notice provisions of Part 2, Notice, or for any person who had actual notice
             354      of the pending decision.
             355          (5) If the county has complied with Section 17-27a-205 , a challenge to the enactment
             356      of a land use ordinance or general plan may not be filed with the district court more than 30
             357      days after the enactment.
             358          (6) The petition is barred unless it is filed within 30 days after land use authority or the
             359      appeal authority's decision is final.
             360          (7) (a) The land use authority or appeal authority, as the case may be, shall transmit to
             361      the reviewing court the record of its proceedings, including its minutes, findings, orders and, if
             362      available, a true and correct transcript of its proceedings.
             363          (b) If the proceeding was tape recorded, a transcript of that tape recording is a true and
             364      correct transcript for purposes of this Subsection (7).
             365          (8) (a) (i) If there is a record, the district court's review is limited to the record provided
             366      by the land use authority or appeal authority, as the case may be.
             367          (ii) The court may not accept or consider any evidence outside the record of the land
             368      use authority or appeal authority, as the case may be, unless that evidence was offered to the

             369      land use authority or appeal authority, respectively, and the court determines that it was
             370      improperly excluded.
             371          (b) If there is no record, the court may call witnesses and take evidence.
             372          (9) (a) The filing of a petition does not stay the decision of the land use authority or
             373      appeal authority, as the case may be.
             374          (b) (i) Before filing a petition under this section or a request for mediation or
             375      arbitration of a constitutional taking issue under Section 63-34-13 , the aggrieved party may
             376      petition the appeal authority to stay its decision.
             377          (ii) Upon receipt of a petition to stay, the appeal authority may order its decision stayed
             378      pending district court review if the appeal authority finds it to be in the best interest of the
             379      county.
             380          (iii) After a petition is filed under this section or a request for mediation or arbitration
             381      of a constitutional taking issue is filed under Section 63-34-13 , the petitioner may seek an
             382      injunction staying the appeal authority's decision.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-26-07 11:43 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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