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Second Substitute S.B. 218

Senator Curtis S. Bramble proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

House Sponsor: David Clark

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies provisions relating to community development and renewal agencies.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    modifies the definition of urban renewal to include environmental remediation;
             14          .    modifies the definition of base taxable value to mean, for a project on an inactive
             15      industrial site, the year after the date the inactive industrial site is sold for
             16      remediation and development;
             17          .    expands the permissible uses of tax increment to cover environmental remediation
             18      activities that occur both after and before adoption of a project area plan;
             19          .    provides an exception to blight study and blight hearing requirements for agencies
             20      that find blight based on a finding relating to an inactive industrial site;
             21          .    prohibits a taxing entity committee from disapproving an agency's finding of blight
             22      unless the committee demonstrates that the blight conditions the agency found to
             23      exist in the urban renewal project area do not exist;
             24          .    authorizes the taxing entity committee to hire a consultant to assist in the taxing
             25      entity committee's approval or disapproval of an agency's finding of blight, requires

             26      the taxing entity committee and agency to share the consultant's expenses, and makes the
             27      consultant's findings binding;
             28          .    modifies the amount of tax increment an agency board may provide in a project area
             29      budget for the agency to be paid for an urban renewal project area plan that
             30      proposes development of an inactive industrial site;
             31          .    makes an exception to a combined incremental value limit if the budget is based on
             32      a project area where a finding of blight is made because of the presence of a
             33      superfund site or an inactive industrial site;
             34          .    authorizes an agency to use certain tax increment funds for relocating mobile home
             35      park residents who are displaced;
             36          .    eliminates the requirement for consent from a taxing entity committee for the use of
             37      tax increment and sales tax proceeds for certain infrastructure and improvements in
             38      a community development project area;
             39          .    modifies a provision related to the collection of a taxing entity's tax increment if the
             40      taxing entity elects not to have its tax increment collected and used for other taxing
             41      entities;
             42          .    clarifies that a contest period applies also to a resolution regarding the use of tax
             43      proceeds;
             44          .    makes technical changes.
             45      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             46          None
             47      Other Special Clauses:
             48          None
             49      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             50      AMENDS:
             51          17C-1-102, as last amended by Chapter 254 and renumbered and amended by Chapter
             52      359, Laws of Utah 2006
             53          17C-1-402, as last amended by Chapter 14 and renumbered and amended by Chapter
             54      359, Laws of Utah 2006
             55          17C-1-405, as enacted by Chapter 359, Laws of Utah 2006
             56          17C-1-409, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 359, Laws of Utah 2006

             57          17C-1-410, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 359, Laws of Utah 2006
             58          17C-1-411, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 359, Laws of Utah 2006
             59          17C-1-412, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 359, Laws of Utah 2006
             60          17C-2-102, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 359, Laws of Utah 2006
             61          17C-2-106, as last amended by Chapter 254 and renumbered and amended by Chapter
             62      359, Laws of Utah 2006
             63          17C-2-110, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 359, Laws of Utah 2006
             64          17C-2-202, as last amended by Chapter 254 and renumbered and amended by Chapter
             65      359, Laws of Utah 2006
             66          17C-2-301, as last amended by Chapter 254 and renumbered and amended by Chapter
             67      359, Laws of Utah 2006
             68          17C-2-302, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 359, Laws of Utah 2006
             69          17C-2-303, as last amended by Chapter 254 and renumbered and amended by Chapter
             70      359, Laws of Utah 2006
             71          17C-2-304, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 359, Laws of Utah 2006
             72          17C-4-202, as enacted by Chapter 359, Laws of Utah 2006
             74      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             75          Section 1. Section 17C-1-102 is amended to read:
             76           17C-1-102. Definitions.
             77          As used in this title:
             78          (1) "Adjusted tax increment" means:
             79          (a) for tax increment under a pre-July 1, 1993 project area plan, tax increment under
             80      Section 17C-1-403 , excluding tax increment under Subsection 17C-1-403 (3); and
             81          (b) for tax increment under a post-June 30, 1993 project area plan, tax increment under
             82      Section 17C-1-404 , excluding tax increment under Section 17C-1-406 .
             83          (2) "Affordable housing" means housing to be owned or occupied by persons and
             84      families of low or moderate income, as determined by resolution of the agency.
             85          (3) "Agency" or "community development and renewal agency" means a separate body
             86      corporate and politic, created under Section 17C-1-201 or as a redevelopment agency under
             87      previous law, that is a political subdivision of the state, that is created to undertake or promote

             88      urban renewal, economic development, or community development, or any combination of
             89      them, as provided in this title, and whose geographic boundaries are coterminous with:
             90          (a) for an agency created by a county, the unincorporated area of the county; and
             91          (b) for an agency created by a city or town, the boundaries of the city or town.
             92          (4) "Annual income" has the meaning as defined under regulations of the U.S.
             93      Department of Housing and Urban Development, 24 C.F.R. Sec. 5.609, as amended or as
             94      superseded by replacement regulations.
             95          (5) "Assessment roll" has the meaning as defined in Section 59-2-102 .
             96          (6) "Base taxable value" means the taxable value of the property within a project area
             97      from which tax increment will be collected, as shown upon the assessment roll last equalized
             98      before:
             99          (a) for a pre-July 1, 1993 project area plan, the effective date of the project area plan;
             100      [or]
             101          (b) for a post-June 30, 1993 project area plan:
             102          (i) the date of the taxing entity committee's approval of the first project area budget; or
             103          (ii) if no taxing entity committee approval is required for the project area budget, the
             104      later of:
             105          (A) the date the project area plan is adopted by the community legislative body; and
             106          (B) the date the agency adopts the first project area budget[.]; or
             107          (c) for a project on an inactive industrial site, a year after the date on which the inactive
             108      industrial site is sold for remediation and development.
             109          (7) "Basic levy" means the portion of a school district's tax levy constituting the
             110      minimum basic levy under Section 59-2-902 .
             111          (8) "Blight" or "blighted" means the condition of an area that meets the requirements of
             112      Subsection 17C-2-303 (1).
             113          (9) "Blight hearing" means a public hearing under Subsection
             114      17C-2-102 (1)(a)[(iii)](i)(C) and Section 17C-2-302 regarding the existence or nonexistence of
             115      blight within the proposed urban renewal project area.
             116          (10) "Blight study" means a study to determine the existence or nonexistence of blight
             117      within a survey area as provided in Section 17C-2-301 .
             118          (11) "Board" means the governing body of an agency, as provided in Section

             119      17C-1-203 .
             120          (12) "Budget hearing" means the public hearing on a draft project area budget required
             121      under Subsection 17C-2-201 (2)(d) for an urban renewal project area budget or Subsection
             122      17C-3-201 (2)(d) for an economic development project area budget.
             123          (13) "Combined incremental value" means the combined total of all incremental values
             124      from all urban renewal project areas, except project areas that contain some or all of a military
             125      installation or inactive industrial site, within the agency's boundaries under adopted project area
             126      plans and adopted project area budgets at the time that a project area budget for a new urban
             127      renewal project area is being considered.
             128          (14) "Community" means a county, city, or town.
             129          (15) "Community development" means development activities within a community,
             130      including the encouragement, promotion, or provision of development.
             131          (16) "Economic development" means to promote the creation or retention of public or
             132      private jobs within the state through:
             133          (a) planning, design, development, construction, rehabilitation, business relocation, or
             134      any combination of these, within a community; and
             135          (b) the provision of office, industrial, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution,
             136      parking, public, or other facilities, or other improvements that benefit the state or a community.
             137          (17) "Fair share ratio" means the ratio derived by:
             138          (a) for a city or town, comparing the percentage of all housing units within the city or
             139      town that are publicly subsidized income targeted housing units to the percentage of all
             140      housing units within the whole county that are publicly subsidized income targeted housing
             141      units; or
             142          (b) for the unincorporated part of a county, comparing the percentage of all housing
             143      units within the unincorporated county that are publicly subsidized income targeted housing
             144      units to the percentage of all housing units within the whole county that are publicly subsidized
             145      income targeted housing units.
             146          (18) "Family" has the meaning as defined under regulations of the U.S. Department of
             147      Housing and Urban Development, 24 C.F.R. Section 5.403, as amended or as superseded by
             148      replacement regulations.
             149          (19) "Greenfield" means land not developed beyond agricultural or forestry use.

             150          (20) "Housing funds" means the funds allocated in an urban renewal project area
             151      budget under Section 17C-2-203 for the purposes provided in Subsection 17C-1-412 (1).
             152          (21) (a) "Inactive industrial site" means land that:
             153          (i) consists of at least 1,000 acres;
             154          (ii) is occupied by an inactive or abandoned factory, smelter, or other heavy industrial
             155      facility; and
             156          (iii) requires remediation because of the presence of:
             157          (A) hazardous [or solid ]waste [as], defined [in Subsection 17B-4-604 (1)(a)(iii)(I), as
             158      last amended by Chapter 292, Laws of Utah 2005.] as any substance defined, regulated, or
             159      listed as a hazardous substance, hazardous material, hazardous waste, toxic waste, pollutant,
             160      contaminant, or toxic substance, or identified as hazardous to human health or the environment
             161      under state or federal law or regulation; or
             162          (B) solid waste.
             163          (b) "Inactive industrial site" includes a perimeter of up to 1,500 feet around the land
             164      described in Subsection (21)(a).
             165          (22) "Income targeted housing" means housing to be owned or occupied by a family
             166      whose annual income is at or below 80% of the median annual income for the county in which
             167      the housing is located.
             168          (23) "Incremental value" means a figure derived by multiplying the marginal value of
             169      the property located within an urban renewal project area on which tax increment is collected
             170      by a number that represents the percentage of adjusted tax increment from that project area that
             171      is paid to the agency.
             172          (24) "Loan fund board" means the Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund Board,
             173      established under Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 7, Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund.
             174          (25) "Marginal value" means the difference between actual taxable value and base
             175      taxable value.
             176          (26) "Military installation project area" means a project area or a portion of a project
             177      area located within a federal military installation ordered closed by the federal Defense Base
             178      Realignment and Closure Commission.
             179          (27) "Plan hearing" means the public hearing on a draft project area plan required
             180      under Subsection 17C-2-102 (1)(a)[(viii)] (vi) for an urban renewal project area plan,

             181      Subsection 17C-3-102 (1)(d) for an economic development project area plan, and Subsection
             182      17C-4-102 (1)(d) for a community development project area plan.
             183          (28) "Post-June 30, 1993 project area plan" means a project area plan adopted on or
             184      after July 1, 1993, whether or not amended subsequent to its adoption.
             185          (29) "Pre-July 1, 1993 project area plan" means a project area plan adopted before July
             186      1, 1993, whether or not amended subsequent to its adoption.
             187          (30) "Private," with respect to real property, means:
             188          (a) not owned by the United States or any agency of the federal government, a public
             189      entity, or any other governmental entity; and
             190          (b) not dedicated to public use.
             191          (31) "Project area" means the geographic area described in a project area plan or draft
             192      project area plan where the urban renewal, economic development, or community
             193      development, as the case may be, set forth in the project area plan or draft project area plan
             194      takes place or is proposed to take place.
             195          (32) "Project area budget" means a multiyear projection of annual or cumulative
             196      revenues and expenses and other fiscal matters pertaining to a urban renewal or economic
             197      development project area that includes:
             198          (a) the base taxable value of property in the project area;
             199          (b) the projected tax increment expected to be generated within the project area;
             200          (c) the amount of tax increment expected to be shared with other taxing entities;
             201          (d) the amount of tax increment expected to be used to implement the project area plan,
             202      including the estimated amount of tax increment to be used for land acquisition, public
             203      improvements, infrastructure improvements, and loans, grants, or other incentives to private
             204      and public entities;
             205          (e) the tax increment expected to be used to cover the cost of administering the project
             206      area plan;
             207          (f) if the area from which tax increment is to be collected is less than the entire project
             208      area:
             209          (i) the tax identification numbers of the parcels from which tax increment will be
             210      collected; or
             211          (ii) a legal description of the portion of the project area from which tax increment will

             212      be collected; and
             213          (g) for property that the agency owns and expects to sell, the expected total cost of the
             214      property to the agency and the expected selling price.
             215          (33) "Project area plan" means a written plan under [Part 4, Project Area Plan] Chapter
             216      2, Part 1, Urban Renewal Project Area Plan, Chapter 3, Part 1, Economic Development Project
             217      Area Plan, or Chapter 4, Part 1, Community Development Project Area Plan, as the case may
             218      be, that, after its effective date, guides and controls the urban renewal, economic development,
             219      or community development activities within a project area.
             220          (34) "Property tax" includes privilege tax and each levy on an ad valorem basis on
             221      tangible or intangible personal or real property.
             222          (35) "Public entity" means:
             223          (a) the state, including any of its departments or agencies; or
             224          (b) a political subdivision of the state, including a county, city, town, school district,
             225      special district, local district, or interlocal cooperation entity.
             226          (36) "Publicly owned infrastructure and improvements" means water, sewer, storm
             227      drainage, electrical, and other similar systems and lines, streets, roads, curb, gutter, sidewalk,
             228      walkways, parking facilities, public transportation facilities, and other facilities, infrastructure,
             229      and improvements benefitting the public and to be publicly owned or publicly maintained or
             230      operated.
             231          (37) "Record property owner" or "record owner of property" means the owner of real
             232      property as shown on the records of the recorder of the county in which the property is located
             233      and includes a purchaser under a real estate contract if the contract is recorded in the office of
             234      the recorder of the county in which the property is located or the purchaser gives written notice
             235      of the real estate contract to the agency.
             236          (38) "Superfund site":
             237          (a) means an area included in the National Priorities List under the Comprehensive
             238      Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 9605; and
             239          (b) includes an area formerly included in the National Priorities List, as described in
             240      Subsection (38)(a), but removed from the list following remediation that leaves on site the
             241      waste that caused the area to be included in the National Priorities List.
             242          (39) "Survey area" means an area designated by a survey area resolution for study to

             243      determine whether one or more urban renewal projects within the area are feasible.
             244          (40) "Survey area resolution" means a resolution adopted by the agency board under
             245      Subsection 17C-2-101 (1)(a) designating a survey area.
             246          (41) "Taxable value" means the value of property as shown on the last equalized
             247      assessment roll as certified by the county assessor.
             248          (42) (a) "Tax increment" means, except as provided in Subsection (42)(b), the
             249      difference between:
             250          (i) the amount of property tax revenues generated each tax year by all taxing entities
             251      from the area within a project area designated in the project area plan as the area from which
             252      tax increment is to be collected, using the current assessed value of the property; and
             253          (ii) the amount of property tax revenues that would be generated from that same area
             254      using the base taxable value of the property.
             255          (b) "Tax increment" does not include taxes levied and collected under Section
             256      59-2-906.1 on or after January 1, 1994 upon the taxable property in the project area unless:
             257          (i) the project area plan was adopted before May 4, 1993, whether or not the project
             258      area plan was subsequently amended; and
             259          (ii) the taxes were pledged to support bond indebtedness or other contractual
             260      obligations of the agency.
             261          (43) "Taxing entity" means a public entity that levies a tax on property within a
             262      community.
             263          (44) "Taxing entity committee" means a committee representing the interests of taxing
             264      entities, created as provided in Section 17C-1-402 .
             265          (45) "Unincorporated" means not within a city or town.
             266          (46) (a) "Urban renewal" means the development activities under a project area plan
             267      within an urban renewal project area, including:
             268          (i) planning, design, development, demolition, clearance, construction, rehabilitation,
             269      environmental remediation, or any combination of these, of part or all of a project area;
             270          (ii) the provision of residential, commercial, industrial, public, or other structures or
             271      spaces, including recreational and other facilities incidental or appurtenant to them;
             272          (iii) altering, improving, modernizing, demolishing, reconstructing, or rehabilitating, or
             273      any combination of these, existing structures in a project area;

             274          (iv) providing open space, including streets and other public grounds and space around
             275      buildings;
             276          (v) providing public or private buildings, infrastructure, structures, and improvements;
             277      and
             278          (vi) providing improvements of public or private recreation areas and other public
             279      grounds.
             280          (b) "Urban renewal" means "redevelopment," as defined under the law in effect before
             281      May 1, 2006, if the context requires.
             282          Section 2. Section 17C-1-402 is amended to read:
             283           17C-1-402. Taxing entity committee.
             284          (1) Each agency that adopts or proposes to adopt a post-June 30, 1993 urban renewal or
             285      economic development project area plan shall, and any other agency may, cause a taxing entity
             286      committee to be created.
             287          (2) (a) (i) Each taxing entity committee shall be composed of:
             288          (A) two school district representatives appointed as provided in Subsection (2)(a)(ii);
             289          (B) (I) in a county of the second, third, fourth, fifth, or sixth class, two representatives
             290      appointed by resolution of the legislative body of the county in which the agency is located; or
             291          (II) in a county of the first class, one representative appointed by the county executive
             292      and one representative appointed by the legislative body of the county in which the agency is
             293      located;
             294          (C) if the agency was created by a city or town, two representatives appointed by
             295      resolution of the legislative body of that city or town;
             296          (D) one representative appointed by the State Board of Education; and
             297          (E) one representative selected by majority vote of the legislative bodies or governing
             298      boards of all other taxing entities that levy a tax on property within the agency's boundaries, to
             299      represent the interests of those taxing entities on the taxing entity committee.
             300          (ii) (A) If the agency boundaries include only one school district, that school district
             301      shall appoint the two school district representatives under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A).
             302          (B) If the agency boundaries include more than one school district, those school
             303      districts shall jointly appoint the two school district representatives under Subsection
             304      (2)(a)(i)(A).

             305          (b) (i) Each taxing entity committee representative under Subsection (2)(a) shall be
             306      appointed within 30 days after the agency provides notice of the creation of the taxing entity
             307      committee.
             308          (ii) If a representative is not appointed within the time required under Subsection
             309      (2)(b)(i), the agency board may appoint a person to serve on the taxing entity committee in the
             310      place of the missing representative until that representative is appointed.
             311          (c) (i) A taxing entity committee representative may be appointed for a set term or
             312      period of time, as determined by the appointing authority under Subsection (2)(a)(i).
             313          (ii) Each taxing entity committee representative shall serve until a successor is
             314      appointed and qualified.
             315          (d) (i) Upon the appointment of each representative under Subsection (2)(a)(i), whether
             316      an initial appointment or an appointment to replace an already serving representative, the
             317      appointing authority shall:
             318          (A) notify the agency in writing of the name and address of the newly appointed
             319      representative; and
             320          (B) provide the agency a copy of the resolution making the appointment or, if the
             321      appointment is not made by resolution, other evidence of the appointment.
             322          (ii) Each appointing authority of a taxing entity committee representative under
             323      Subsection (2)(a)(i) shall notify the agency in writing of any change of address of a
             324      representative appointed by that appointing authority.
             325          (3) A taxing entity committee represents all taxing entities regarding an urban renewal
             326      or economic development project area and may:
             327          (a) cast votes that will be binding on all taxing entities;
             328          (b) negotiate with the agency concerning a draft project area plan;
             329          (c) approve or disapprove a project area budget as provided in Section 17C-2-204 for
             330      an urban renewal project area budget and Section 17C-3-203 for an economic development
             331      project area budget;
             332          (d) approve or disapprove amendments to a project area budget as provided in Section
             333      17C-2-206 for an urban renewal project area budget and Section 17C-3-205 for an economic
             334      development project area budget;
             335          (e) approve exceptions to the limits on the value and size of a project area imposed

             336      under this title;
             337          (f) approve exceptions to the percentage of tax increment and the period of time that
             338      tax increment is paid to the agency as provided in this title;
             339          (g) approve the use of tax increment for publicly owned infrastructure and
             340      improvements outside of an urban renewal or economic development project area that the
             341      agency and community legislative body determine to be of benefit to the urban renewal or
             342      economic development project area, as provided in Subsection 17C-1-409 (1)(a)(iii)(D);
             343          (h) waive the restrictions imposed by Subsection 17C-2-202 (1); and
             344          (i) give other taxing entity committee approval or consent required or allowed under
             345      this title.
             346          (4) A quorum of a taxing entity committee consists of:
             347          (a) if the urban renewal or economic development project area is located within a city
             348      or town, five members; or
             349          (b) if the urban renewal or economic development project area is not located within a
             350      city or town, four members.
             351          (5) Taxing entity committee approval, consent, or other action requires the affirmative
             352      vote of two-thirds of all members present at a taxing entity committee meeting at which a
             353      quorum is present.
             354          (6) (a) An agency may call a meeting of the taxing entity committee by sending written
             355      notice to the members of the taxing entity committee at least ten days before the date of the
             356      meeting.
             357          (b) Each notice under Subsection (6)(a) shall be accompanied by:
             358          (i) the proposed agenda for the taxing entity committee meeting; and
             359          (ii) if not previously provided and if they exist and are to be considered at the meeting:
             360          (A) the urban renewal or economic development project area plan or proposed plan;
             361          (B) the urban renewal or economic development project area budget or proposed
             362      budget;
             363          (C) the analysis required under Subsection 17C-2-103 (2) or 17C-3-103 (2);
             364          (D) the blight study;
             365          (E) the agency's resolution making a finding of blight under Subsection
             366      17C-2-102 (1)(a)[(iv)] (ii)(B); and

             367          (F) other documents to be considered by the taxing entity committee at the meeting.
             368          (7) (a) A taxing entity committee may not vote on a proposed urban renewal or
             369      economic development project area budget or proposed amendment to an urban renewal or
             370      economic development project area budget at the first meeting at which the proposed budget or
             371      amendment is considered unless all members of the taxing entity committee present at the
             372      meeting consent.
             373          (b) A second taxing entity committee meeting to consider an urban renewal or
             374      economic development project area budget or a proposed amendment to an urban renewal or
             375      economic development project area budget may not be held within 14 days after the first
             376      meeting unless all members of the taxing entity committee present at the first meeting consent.
             377          (8) Each taxing entity committee shall meet at least annually during the time that the
             378      agency receives tax increment under an urban renewal or economic development project area
             379      budget in order to review the status of the project area.
             380          (9) Each taxing entity committee shall be governed by Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and
             381      Public Meetings Act.
             382          (10) Each time a school district representative or a representative of the State Board of
             383      Education votes as a member of a taxing entity committee to allow an agency to be paid tax
             384      increment or to increase the amount or length of time that an agency may be paid tax
             385      increment, that representative shall, within 45 days after the vote, provide to the
             386      representative's respective school board an explanation in writing of the representative's vote
             387      and the reasons for the vote.
             388          (11) (a) The auditor of each county in which the agency is located shall provide a
             389      written report to the taxing entity committee stating, with respect to property within each urban
             390      renewal and economic development project area:
             391          (i) the base taxable value, as adjusted by any adjustments under Section 17C-1-408 ;
             392      and
             393          (ii) the assessed value.
             394          (b) With respect to the information required under Subsection (11)(a), the auditor shall
             395      provide:
             396          (i) actual amounts for each year from the adoption of the urban renewal and economic
             397      development project area plan to the time of the report; and

             398          (ii) estimated amounts for each year beginning the year after the time of the report and
             399      ending the time that the agency expects no longer to be paid tax increment from property
             400      within the urban renewal and economic development project area.
             401          (c) The auditor of the county in which the agency is located shall provide a report
             402      under this Subsection (11):
             403          (i) at least annually; and
             404          (ii) upon request of the taxing entity committee, before a taxing entity committee
             405      meeting at which the committee will consider whether to allow the agency to be paid tax
             406      increment or to increase the amount of tax increment that the agency may be paid or the length
             407      of time that the agency may be paid tax increment.
             408          (12) This section does not apply to a community development project area plan.
             409          Section 3. Section 17C-1-405 is amended to read:
             410           17C-1-405. Tax increment under a project area plan adopted on or after May 1,
             411      2006.
             412          (1) This section applies to tax increment under a project area plan adopted on or after
             413      May 1, 2006.
             414          (2) Subject to the approval of the taxing entity committee, an agency board may
             415      provide in the project area budget for the agency to be paid:
             416          (a) for an urban renewal project area plan that proposes development of an inactive
             417      industrial site, at least 60% of tax increment for at least 15 years; or
             418          (b) for each other project, any percentage of tax increment up to 100% or any specified
             419      dollar amount of tax increment for any period of time.
             420          Section 4. Section 17C-1-409 is amended to read:
             421           17C-1-409. Allowable uses of tax increment and sales tax.
             422          (1) (a) An agency may use tax increment and sales tax proceeds received from a taxing
             423      entity:
             424          (i) for any of the purposes for which the use of tax increment is authorized under this
             425      title;
             426          (ii) for administrative, overhead, legal, and other operating expenses of the agency,
             427      including consultant fees and expenses under Subsection 17C-2-102 (1)(b)(ii)(B); or
             428          (iii) to pay for, including financing or refinancing, all or part of:

             429          (A) [the] urban renewal[,] activities in the project area from which the tax increment
             430      funds are collected, including environmental remediation activities occurring before or after
             431      adoption of the project area plan;
             432          (B) economic development[,] or community development activities in the project area
             433      from which the tax increment funds [were] are collected;
             434          [(B)] (C) housing expenditures, projects, or programs as provided in Section
             435      17C-1-411 or 17C-1-412 ;
             436          [(C)] (D) with the consent of the community legislative body and subject to Subsection
             437      (6), the value of the land for and the cost of the installation and construction of any publicly
             438      owned building, facility, structure, landscaping, or other improvement within the project area
             439      from which the tax increment funds were collected; and
             440          [(D) with the consent of the community legislative body and the taxing entity
             441      committee,]
             442          (E) the cost of the installation of publicly owned infrastructure and improvements
             443      outside the project area from which the tax increment funds were collected if:
             444          (I) (Aa) the community legislative body consents; and
             445          (Bb) for an urban renewal or economic development project area, the taxing entity
             446      committee consents; and
             447          (II) the agency board and the community legislative body determine by resolution that
             448      the publicly owned infrastructure and improvements are of benefit to the project area.
             449          (b) The determination of the agency board and the community legislative body under
             450      Subsection (1)(a)(iii)(D) regarding benefit to the project area shall be final and conclusive.
             451          (2) Sales tax proceeds that an agency receives from another public entity are not
             452      subject to the prohibition or limitations of Title 11, Chapter 41, Prohibition on Sales and Use
             453      Tax Incentive Payments Act.
             454          (3) An agency may use sales tax proceeds it receives under a resolution or interlocal
             455      agreement under Section 17C-4-201 for the uses authorized in the resolution or interlocal
             456      agreement.
             457          (4) (a) An agency may contract with the community that created the agency or another
             458      public entity to use tax increment to reimburse the cost of items authorized by this title to be
             459      paid by the agency that have been or will be paid by the community or other public entity.

             460          (b) If land has been or will be acquired or the cost of an improvement has been or will
             461      be paid by another public entity and the land or improvement has been or will be leased to the
             462      community, an agency may contract with and make reimbursement from tax increment funds to
             463      the community.
             464          (5) An agency created by a city of the first or second class may use tax increment from
             465      one project area in another project area to pay all or part of the value of the land for and the
             466      cost of the installation and construction of a publicly or privately owned convention center or
             467      sports complex or any building, facility, structure, or other improvement related to the
             468      convention center or sports complex, including parking and infrastructure improvements, if:
             469          (a) construction of the convention center or sports complex or related building, facility,
             470      structure, or other improvement is commenced on or before June 30, 2002; and
             471          (b) the tax increment is pledged to pay all or part of the value of the land for and the
             472      cost of the installation and construction of the convention center or sports complex or related
             473      building, facility, structure, or other improvement.
             474          (6) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, an agency may not use tax
             475      increment to construct municipal buildings, courts or other judicial buildings, or fire stations.
             476          (7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, an agency may not use tax
             477      increment under an urban renewal or economic development project area plan, to pay any of
             478      the cost of the land, infrastructure, or construction of a stadium or arena constructed after
             479      March 1, 2005, unless the tax increment has been pledged for that purpose before February 15,
             480      2005.
             481          Section 5. Section 17C-1-410 is amended to read:
             482           17C-1-410. Agency may make payments to other taxing entities.
             483          (1) Subject to Subsection (3), an agency may grant tax increment or other agency funds
             484      to a taxing entity to offset some or all of the tax revenues that the taxing entity did not receive
             485      because of tax increment paid to the agency.
             486          (2) (a) Subject to Subsection (3), an agency may use tax increment or other agency
             487      funds to pay to a school district an amount of money that the agency determines to be
             488      appropriate to alleviate a financial burden or detriment borne by the school district because of
             489      the urban renewal, economic development, or community development.
             490          (b) Each agency that agrees to pay money to a school district under the authority of

             491      Subsection (2)(a) shall provide a copy of that agreement to the State Board of Education.
             492          (3) (a) If an agency intends to pay agency funds to one or more taxing entities under
             493      Subsection (1) or (2) but does not intend to pay funds to all taxing entities in proportionally
             494      equal amounts, the agency shall provide written notice to each taxing entity of its intent.
             495          (b) (i) A taxing entity receiving notice under Subsection (3)(a) may elect not to have its
             496      tax increment collected and used to pay funds to other taxing entities under this section.
             497          (ii) Each election under Subsection (3)(b)(i) shall be:
             498          (A) in writing; and
             499          (B) delivered to the agency within 30 days after the taxing entity's receipt of the notice
             500      under Subsection (3)(a).
             501          (c) If a taxing entity makes an election under Subsection (3)(b), the portion of that
             502      taxing entity's tax increment that would have been used by the agency to pay funds under this
             503      section to one or more other taxing entities may not be collected [from] by the [taxing entity]
             504      agency.
             505          Section 6. Section 17C-1-411 is amended to read:
             506           17C-1-411. Agency may use tax increment for housing costs in other project
             507      areas -- Funds to be held in separate accounts.
             508          (1) An agency may:
             509          (a) use tax increment from a project area to pay all or part of the value of the land for
             510      and the cost of installation, construction, and rehabilitation of any building, facility, structure,
             511      or other housing improvement, including infrastructure improvements related to housing,
             512      located in any project area within the agency's boundaries; and
             513          (b) use up to 20% of tax increment:
             514          (i) outside of project areas for the purpose of:
             515          (A) replacing housing units lost by urban renewal, economic development, or
             516      community development[,]; or
             517          (B) increasing, improving, and preserving generally the affordable housing supply of
             518      the community that created the agency[.]; or
             519           (ii) for relocating mobile home park residents displaced by development, whether
             520      inside or outside a project area.
             521          (2) (a) Each agency shall separately account for funds allocated under this section.

             522          (b) Interest earned by the housing fund and any payments or repayments made to the
             523      agency for loans, advances, or grants of any kind from the fund, shall accrue to the housing
             524      fund.
             525          (c) Each agency designating a housing fund under this section shall use the fund for:
             526          (i) the purposes set forth in this section; or
             527          (ii) the purposes set forth in this title relating to the urban renewal, economic
             528      development, or community development project area from which the funds originated.
             529          (3) An agency may lend, grant, or contribute funds from the housing fund to a person,
             530      public entity, housing authority, private entity or business, or nonprofit corporation for
             531      affordable housing.
             532          Section 7. Section 17C-1-412 is amended to read:
             533           17C-1-412. Income targeted housing -- Agency may use tax increment for income
             534      targeted housing.
             535          (1) (a) Each agency shall use all funds allocated for housing under this section to:
             536          (i) pay part or all of the cost of land or construction of income targeted housing within
             537      the community that created the agency, if practicable in a mixed income development or area;
             538          (ii) pay part or all of the cost of rehabilitation of income targeted housing within the
             539      community that created the agency;
             540          (iii) pay part or all of the cost of land or installation, construction, or rehabilitation of
             541      any building, facility, structure, or other housing improvement, including infrastructure
             542      improvements, related to housing located in a project area where blight has been found to exist;
             543          (iv) replace housing units lost as a result of the urban renewal, economic development,
             544      or community development;
             545          (v) make payments on or establish a reserve fund for bonds:
             546          (A) issued by the agency, the community, or the housing authority that provides
             547      income targeted housing within the community; and
             548          (B) all or part of the proceeds of which are used within the community for the purposes
             549      stated in Subsection (1)(a)(i), (ii), (iii), or (iv); [or]
             550          (vi) if the community's fair share ratio at the time of the first adoption of the project
             551      area budget is at least 1.1 to 1.0, make payments on bonds:
             552          (A) that were previously issued by the agency, the community, or the housing authority

             553      that provides income targeted housing within the community; and
             554          (B) all or part of the proceeds of which were used within the community for the
             555      purposes stated in Subsection (1)(a)(i), (ii), (iii), or (iv)[.]; or
             556          (vii) relocate mobile home park residents displaced by an urban renewal, economic
             557      development, or community development project.
             558          (b) As an alternative to the requirements of Subsection (1)(a), an agency may pay all or
             559      any portion of housing funds to:
             560          (i) the community for use as provided under Subsection (1)(a);
             561          (ii) the housing authority that provides income targeted housing within the community
             562      for use in providing income targeted housing within the community; or
             563          (iii) the Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund, established under Title 9, Chapter 4, Part 7,
             564      Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund, for use in providing income targeted housing within the
             565      community.
             566          (2) The agency or community shall separately account for the housing funds, together
             567      with all interest earned by the housing funds and all payments or repayments for loans,
             568      advances, or grants from the housing funds.
             569          (3) In using housing funds under Subsection (1)(a), an agency may lend, grant, or
             570      contribute housing funds to a person, public body, housing authority, private entity or business,
             571      or nonprofit organization for use as provided in Subsection (1)(a).
             572          (4) An agency may:
             573          (a) issue bonds from time to time to finance a housing undertaking under this section,
             574      including the payment of principal and interest upon advances for surveys and plans or
             575      preliminary loans; and
             576          (b) issue refunding bonds for the payment or retirement of bonds under Subsection
             577      (4)(a) previously issued by the agency.
             578          (5) (a) If an agency fails to provide housing funds in accordance with the project area
             579      budget and, if applicable, the housing plan adopted under Subsection 17C-2-204 (2), the loan
             580      fund board may bring legal action to compel the agency to provide the housing funds.
             581          (b) In an action under Subsection (5)(a), the court:
             582          (i) shall award the loan fund board a reasonable [attorney's] attorney fee, unless the
             583      court finds that the action was frivolous; and

             584          (ii) may not award the agency its [attorney's] attorney fees, unless the court finds that
             585      the action was frivolous.
             586          Section 8. Section 17C-2-102 is amended to read:
             587           17C-2-102. Process for adopting urban renewal project area plan -- Prerequisites
             588      -- Restrictions.
             589          (1) (a) In order to adopt an urban renewal project area plan, after adopting a resolution
             590      under Subsection 17C-2-101 (1) the agency shall:
             591          (i) unless a finding of blight is based on a finding made under Subsection
             592      17C-2-303 (1)(b) relating to an inactive industrial site:
             593          (A) cause a blight study to be conducted within the survey area as provided in Section
             594      17C-2-301 ;
             595          [(ii)] (B) provide notice of a blight hearing as required under Part 5, Urban Renewal
             596      Notice Requirements; and
             597          [(iii)] (C) hold a blight hearing as provided in Section 17C-2-302 ; [and]
             598          [(iv)] (ii) after the blight hearing has been held or, if no blight hearing is required under
             599      Subsection (1)(a)(i), after adopting a resolution under Subsection 17C-2-101 (1), hold a board
             600      meeting[, either in conjunction with the blight hearing or at a subsequent board meeting,] at
             601      which the board shall:
             602          (A) consider:
             603          (I) the issue of blight and the evidence and information relating to the existence or
             604      nonexistence of blight; and
             605          (II) whether adoption of one or more urban renewal project area plans should be
             606      pursued; and
             607          (B) by resolution:
             608          (I) make a finding regarding the existence of blight in the proposed urban renewal
             609      project area;
             610          (II) select one or more project areas comprising part or all of the survey area; and
             611          (III) authorize the preparation of a draft project area plan for each project area;
             612          [(v)] (iii) prepare a draft of a project area plan and conduct any examination,
             613      investigation, and negotiation regarding the project area plan that the agency considers
             614      appropriate;

             615          [(vi)] (iv) make the draft project area plan available to the public at the agency's offices
             616      during normal business hours;
             617          [(vii)] (v) provide notice of the plan hearing as provided in Sections 17C-2-502 and
             618      17C-2-504 ;
             619          [(viii)] (vi) hold a public hearing on the draft project area plan and, at that public
             620      hearing:
             621          (A) allow public comment on:
             622          (I) the draft project area plan; and
             623          (II) whether the draft project area plan should be revised, approved, or rejected; and
             624          (B) receive all written and hear all oral objections to the draft project area plan;
             625          [(ix)] (vii) before holding the plan hearing, provide an opportunity for the State Board
             626      of Education and each taxing entity that levies a tax on property within the proposed project
             627      area to consult with the agency regarding the draft project area plan;
             628          [(x)] (viii) if applicable, hold the election required under Subsection 17C-2-105 (3);
             629          [(xi)] (ix) after holding the plan hearing, at the same meeting or at a subsequent
             630      meeting consider:
             631          (A) the oral and written objections to the draft project area plan and evidence and
             632      testimony for and against adoption of the draft project area plan; and
             633          (B) whether to revise, approve, or reject the draft project area plan;
             634          [(xii)] (x) approve the draft project area plan, with or without revisions, as the project
             635      area plan by a resolution that complies with Section 17C-2-106 ; and
             636          [(xiii)] (xi) submit the project area plan to the community legislative body for
             637      adoption.
             638          (b) (i) If an agency makes a finding under Subsection (1)(a)[(iv)] (ii)(B) that blight
             639      exists in the proposed urban renewal project area, the agency may not adopt the project area
             640      plan until the taxing entity committee approves the finding of blight.
             641          (ii) (A) A taxing entity committee may not disapprove an agency's finding of blight
             642      unless the committee demonstrates that the conditions the agency found to exist in the urban
             643      renewal project area that support the agency's finding of blight under Section 17C-2-303 do not
             644      exist.
             645          (B) (I) If the taxing entity committee questions or disputes the existence of some or all

             646      of the blight conditions that the agency found to exist in the urban renewal project area, the
             647      taxing entity committee may hire a consultant, acceptable to the agency, with the necessary
             648      expertise to assist the taxing entity committee to make a determination as to the existence of
             649      the questioned or disputed blight conditions.
             650          (II) The agency shall pay the fees and expenses of each consultant hired under
             651      Subsection (1)(b)(ii)(B)(I).
             652          (III) The findings of a consultant under this Subsection (1)(b)(ii)(B) shall be binding on
             653      the taxing entity committee and the agency.
             654          (2) An agency may not propose a project area plan under Subsection (1) unless the
             655      community in which the proposed project area is located:
             656          (a) has a planning commission; and
             657          (b) has adopted a general plan under:
             658          (i) if the community is a city or town, Title 10, Chapter 9a, Part 4, General Plan; or
             659          (ii) if the community is a county, Title 17, Chapter 27a, Part 4, General Plan.
             660          (3) (a) Subject to Subsection (3)(b), an agency board may not approve a project area
             661      plan more than one year after adoption of a resolution making a finding of blight under
             662      Subsection (1)(a)[(iv)] (ii)(B).
             663          (b) If a project area plan is submitted to an election under Subsection 17C-2-105 (3),
             664      the time between the plan hearing and the date of the election does not count for purposes of
             665      calculating the year period under Subsection (3)(a).
             666          (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), a draft project area plan may not be
             667      modified to add real property to the proposed project area unless the board holds a plan hearing
             668      to consider the addition and gives notice of the plan hearing as required under Sections
             669      17C-2-502 and 17C-2-504 .
             670          (b) The notice and hearing requirements under Subsection (4)(a) do not apply to a draft
             671      project area plan being modified to add real property to the proposed project area if:
             672          (i) the property is contiguous to the property already included in the proposed project
             673      area under the draft project area plan;
             674          (ii) the record owner of the property consents to adding the real property to the
             675      proposed project area; and
             676          (iii) the property is located within the survey area.

             677          Section 9. Section 17C-2-106 is amended to read:
             678           17C-2-106. Board resolution approving urban renewal project area plan --
             679      Requirements.
             680          Each board resolution approving a draft urban renewal project area plan as the project
             681      area plan under Subsection 17C-2-102 (1)(a)[(xii)] (x) shall contain:
             682          (1) a legal description of the boundaries of the project area that is the subject of the
             683      project area plan;
             684          (2) the agency's purposes and intent with respect to the project area;
             685          (3) the project area plan incorporated by reference;
             686          (4) a statement that the board previously made a finding of blight within the project
             687      area and the date of the board's finding of blight; and
             688          (5) the board findings and determinations that:
             689          (a) there is a need to effectuate a public purpose;
             690          (b) there is a public benefit under the analysis described in Subsection 17C-2-103 (2);
             691          (c) it is economically sound and feasible to adopt and carry out the project area plan;
             692          (d) the project area plan conforms to the community's general plan; and
             693          (e) carrying out the project area plan will promote the public peace, health, safety, and
             694      welfare of the community in which the project area is located.
             695          Section 10. Section 17C-2-110 is amended to read:
             696           17C-2-110. Amending an urban renewal project area plan.
             697          (1) An adopted urban renewal project area plan may be amended as provided in this
             698      section.
             699          (2) If an agency proposes to amend an adopted urban renewal project area plan to
             700      enlarge the project area:
             701          (a) subject to Subsection (2)(e), the requirements under this part that apply to adopting
             702      a project area plan apply equally to the proposed amendment as if it were a proposed project
             703      area plan;
             704          (b) for a pre-July 1, 1993 project area plan, the base year taxable value for the new area
             705      added to the project area shall be determined under Subsection 17C-1-102 (6)(a) using the
             706      effective date of the amended project area plan;
             707          (c) for a post-June 30, 1993 project area plan:

             708          (i) the base year taxable value for the new area added to the project area shall be
             709      determined under Subsection 17C-1-102 (6)(b) using the date of the taxing entity committee's
             710      consent referred to in Subsection (2)(c)(ii); and
             711          (ii) the agency shall obtain the consent of the taxing entity committee before the agency
             712      may collect tax increment from the area added to the project area by the amendment;
             713          (d) the agency shall make a finding regarding the existence of blight in the area
             714      proposed to be added to the project area by following the procedure set forth in Subsections
             715      17C-2-102 (1)(a)(i) [through (iv)] and (ii); and
             716          (e) the agency need not make a finding regarding the existence of blight in the project
             717      area as described in the original project area plan, if the agency made a finding of the existence
             718      of blight regarding that project area in connection with adoption of the original project area
             719      plan.
             720          (3) If a proposed amendment does not propose to enlarge an urban renewal project area,
             721      an agency board may adopt a resolution approving an amendment to an adopted project area
             722      plan after:
             723          (a) the agency gives notice, as provided in Section 17C-2-502 , of the proposed
             724      amendment and of the public hearing required by Subsection (3)(b);
             725          (b) the agency board holds a public hearing on the proposed amendment that meets the
             726      requirements of a plan hearing;
             727          (c) the agency obtains the taxing entity committee's consent to the amendment, if the
             728      amendment proposes:
             729          (i) to enlarge the area within the project area from which tax increment is collected;
             730          (ii) to permit the agency to receive a greater percentage of tax increment or to receive
             731      tax increment for a longer period of time, or both, than allowed under the adopted project area
             732      plan; or
             733          (iii) for an amendment to a project area plan that was adopted before April 1, 1983, to
             734      expand the area from which tax increment is collected to exceed 100 acres of private property;
             735      and
             736          (d) the agency obtains the consent of the legislative body or governing board of each
             737      taxing entity affected, if the amendment proposes to permit the agency to receive, from less
             738      than all taxing entities, a greater percentage of tax increment or to receive tax increment for a

             739      longer period of time, or both, than allowed under the adopted project area plan.
             740          (4) (a) An adopted urban renewal project area plan may be amended without
             741      complying with the notice and public hearing requirements of Subsections (2)(a) and (3)(a) and
             742      (b) and without obtaining taxing entity committee approval under Subsection (3)(c) if the
             743      amendment:
             744          (i) makes a minor adjustment in the legal description of a project area boundary
             745      requested by a county assessor or county auditor to avoid inconsistent property boundary lines;
             746      or
             747          (ii) subject to Subsection (4)(b), removes a parcel of real property from a project area
             748      because the agency determines that:
             749          (A) the parcel is no longer blighted; or
             750          (B) inclusion of the parcel is no longer necessary or desirable to the project area.
             751          (b) An amendment removing a parcel of real property from a project area under
             752      Subsection (4)(a)(ii) may not be made without the consent of the record property owner of the
             753      parcel being removed.
             754          (5) (a) An amendment approved by board resolution under this section may not take
             755      effect until adopted by ordinance of the legislative body of the community in which the project
             756      area that is the subject of the project area plan being amended is located.
             757          (b) Upon a community legislative body passing an ordinance adopting an amendment
             758      to a project area plan, the agency whose project area plan was amended shall comply with the
             759      requirements of Section 17C-2-109 to the same extent as if the amendment were a project area
             760      plan.
             761          Section 11. Section 17C-2-202 is amended to read:
             762           17C-2-202. Combined incremental value -- Restriction against adopting an urban
             763      renewal project area budget -- Taxing entity committee may waive restriction.
             764          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), an agency may not adopt an urban renewal
             765      project area budget if, at the time the urban renewal project area budget is being considered, the
             766      combined incremental value for the agency exceeds 10% of the total taxable value of property
             767      within the agency's boundaries in the year that the urban renewal project area budget is being
             768      considered.
             769          (2) (a) A taxing entity committee may waive the restrictions imposed by Subsection

             770      (1).
             771          (b) Subsection (1) does not apply to an urban renewal project area budget if the
             772      agency's finding of blight in the project area to which the budget relates is based on a finding
             773      under Subsection 17C-2-303 (1)(b).
             774          Section 12. Section 17C-2-301 is amended to read:
             775           17C-2-301. Blight study -- Requirements -- Deadline.
             776          (1) Each blight study required under Subsection 17C-2-102 (1)(a)(i)(A) shall:
             777          (a) undertake a parcel by parcel survey of the survey area;
             778          (b) provide data so the board and taxing entity committee may determine:
             779          (i) whether the conditions described in Subsection 17C-2-303 (1):
             780          (A) exist in part or all of the survey area; and
             781          (B) qualify an area within the survey area as a project area; and
             782          (ii) whether the survey area contains all or part of a superfund site or an inactive
             783      industrial site;
             784          (c) include a written report setting forth:
             785          (i) the conclusions reached;
             786          (ii) any recommended area within the survey area qualifying as a project area; and
             787          (iii) any other information requested by the agency to determine whether an urban
             788      renewal project area is feasible; and
             789          (d) be completed within one year after the adoption of the survey area resolution.
             790          (2) (a) If a blight study is not completed within one year after the adoption of the
             791      resolution under Subsection 17C-2-101 (1) designating a survey area, the agency may not
             792      approve an urban renewal project area plan based on that blight study unless it first adopts a
             793      new resolution under Subsection 17C-2-101 (1).
             794          (b) A new resolution under Subsection (2)(a) shall in all respects be considered to be a
             795      resolution under Subsection 17C-2-101 (1) adopted for the first time, except that any actions
             796      taken toward completing a blight study under the resolution that the new resolution replaces
             797      shall be considered to have been taken under the new resolution.
             798          Section 13. Section 17C-2-302 is amended to read:
             799           17C-2-302. Blight hearing -- Owners may review evidence of blight.
             800          (1) In each hearing required under Subsection 17C-2-102 (1)(a)[(iii)](i)(C), the agency

             801      shall:
             802          (a) permit all evidence of the existence or nonexistence of blight within the proposed
             803      urban renewal project area to be presented; and
             804          (b) permit each record owner of property located within the proposed urban renewal
             805      project area or the record property owner's representative the opportunity to:
             806          (i) examine and cross-examine witnesses providing evidence of the existence or
             807      nonexistence of blight; and
             808          (ii) present evidence and testimony, including expert testimony, concerning the
             809      existence or nonexistence of blight.
             810          (2) The agency shall allow record owners of property located within a proposed urban
             811      renewal project area the opportunity, for at least 30 days before the hearing, to review the
             812      evidence of blight compiled by the agency or by the person or firm conducting the blight study
             813      for the agency, including any expert report.
             814          Section 14. Section 17C-2-303 is amended to read:
             815           17C-2-303. Conditions on board determination of blight -- Conditions of blight
             816      caused by the developer.
             817          (1) An agency board may not make a finding of blight in a resolution under Subsection
             818      17C-2-102 (1)(a)(ii)(B) unless the board finds that:
             819          (a) (i) the proposed project area consists predominantly of nongreenfield parcels;
             820          (ii) the proposed project area is currently zoned for urban purposes and generally
             821      served by utilities;
             822          (iii) at least 50% of the parcels within the proposed project area contain nonagricultural
             823      or nonaccessory buildings or improvements used or intended for residential, commercial,
             824      industrial, or other urban purposes, or any combination of those uses;
             825          (iv) the present condition or use of the proposed project area substantially impairs the
             826      sound growth of the municipality, retards the provision of housing accommodations, or
             827      constitutes an economic liability or is detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, as
             828      shown by the existence within the proposed project area of at least four of the following
             829      factors:
             830          (A) one of the following, although sometimes interspersed with well maintained
             831      buildings and infrastructure:

             832          (I) substantial physical dilapidation, deterioration, or defective construction of
             833      buildings or infrastructure; or
             834          (II) significant noncompliance with current building code, safety code, health code, or
             835      fire code requirements or local ordinances;
             836          (B) unsanitary or unsafe conditions in the proposed project area that threaten the
             837      health, safety, or welfare of the community;
             838          (C) environmental hazards, as defined in state or federal law, that require remediation
             839      as a condition for current or future use and development;
             840          (D) excessive vacancy, abandoned buildings, or vacant lots within an area zoned for
             841      urban use and served by utilities;
             842          (E) abandoned or outdated facilities that pose a threat to public health, safety, or
             843      welfare;
             844          (F) criminal activity in the project area, higher than that of comparable nonblighted
             845      areas in the municipality or county; and
             846          (G) defective or unusual conditions of title rendering the title nonmarketable; and
             847          (v) (A) at least 50% of the parcels within the proposed project area are affected by at
             848      least one of the factors, but not necessarily the same factor, listed in Subsection (1)(a)(iv); and
             849          (B) the affected parcels comprise at least 66% of the acreage of the proposed project
             850      area; or
             851          (b) the proposed project area includes some or all of a superfund site or an inactive
             852      industrial site.
             853          (2) No single parcel comprising 10% or more of the acreage of the proposed project
             854      area may be counted as satisfying Subsection (1)(a)(iii) or (iv) unless at least 50% of the area of
             855      that parcel is occupied by buildings or improvements.
             856          (3) (a) For purposes of Subsection (1), if a developer involved in the urban renewal
             857      project has caused a condition listed in Subsection (1)(a)(iv) within the proposed project area,
             858      that condition may not be used in the determination of blight.
             859          (b) Subsection (3)(a) does not apply to a condition that was caused by an owner or
             860      tenant who becomes a developer.
             861          Section 15. Section 17C-2-304 is amended to read:
             862           17C-2-304. Challenging a finding of blight -- Time limit -- De novo review.

             863          (1) If the board makes a finding of blight under Subsection 17C-2-102 (1)(a)(ii)(B) and
             864      that finding is approved by resolution adopted by the taxing entity committee, a record owner
             865      of property located within the proposed urban renewal project area may challenge the finding
             866      by filing an action with the district court for the county in which the property is located.
             867          (2) Each challenge under Subsection (1) shall be filed within 30 days after the taxing
             868      entity committee approves the board's finding of blight.
             869          (3) In each action under this section, the district court shall review the finding of blight
             870      under the standards of review provided in Subsection 10-9a-801 (3).
             871          Section 16. Section 17C-4-202 is amended to read:
             872           17C-4-202. Resolution or interlocal agreement to provide funds for the
             873      community development project area plan -- Notice -- Effective date of resolution or
             874      interlocal agreement -- Time to contest resolution or interlocal agreement -- Availability
             875      of resolution or interlocal agreement.
             876          (1) The approval and adoption of each resolution or interlocal agreement under
             877      Subsection 17C-4-201 (2) shall be in an open and public meeting.
             878          (2) (a) Upon the adoption of a resolution or interlocal agreement under Section
             879      17C-4-201 , the agency shall provide notice as provided in Subsection (2)(b) by:
             880          (i) publishing or causing to be published a notice in a newspaper of general circulation
             881      within the agency's boundaries; or
             882          (ii) if there is no newspaper of general circulation within the agency's boundaries,
             883      causing a notice to be posted in at least three public places within the agency's boundaries.
             884          (b) Each notice under Subsection (2)(a) shall:
             885          (i) set forth a summary of the resolution or interlocal agreement; and
             886          (ii) include a statement that the resolution or interlocal agreement is available for
             887      general public inspection and the hours of inspection.
             888          (3) The resolution or interlocal agreement shall become effective on the date of:
             889          (a) if notice was published under Subsection (2)(a), publication of the notice; or
             890          (b) if notice was posted under Subsection (2)(a), posting of the notice.
             891          (4) (a) For a period of 30 days after the effective date of the resolution or interlocal
             892      agreement under Subsection (3), any person in interest may contest the resolution or interlocal
             893      agreement or the procedure used to adopt the resolution or interlocal agreement if the

             894      resolution or interlocal agreement or procedure fails to comply with applicable statutory
             895      requirements.
             896          (b) After the 30-day period under Subsection (4)(a) expires, no person may contest the
             897      resolution or interlocal agreement for any cause.
             898          (5) Each agency that is to receive funds under a resolution or interlocal agreement
             899      under Section 17C-4-201 and each taxing entity or public agency that approves a resolution or
             900      enters into an interlocal agreement under Section 17C-4-201 shall make the resolution or
             901      interlocal agreement, as the case may be, available at its offices to the general public for
             902      inspection and copying during normal business hours.

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