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First Substitute S.B. 232

Senator Sheldon L. Killpack proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Sheldon L. Killpack

House Sponsor: Brad L. Dee

             7      Cosponsors:
             8      Curtis S. BrambleDan R. EastmanJohn L. Valentine              9     
             10      LONG TITLE
             11      General Description:
             12          This bill enacts provisions related to the Military Installation Development Authority.
             13      Highlighted Provisions:
             14          This bill:
             15          .    creates a separate, independent, nonprofit body corporate and politic known as the
             16      Military Installation Development Authority;
             17          .    provides for an appointed board to govern the authority;
             18          .    provides for the authority's powers;
             19          .    authorizes an authority to develop military land, use tax increment, and issue bonds;
             20          .    exempts an authority from land use laws;
             21          .    provides a process for an authority to adopt a project area plan;
             22          .    provides for budgeting, auditing, and financial reports; and
             23          .     enacts provisions relating to an authority's dissolution.
             24      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             25          None

             26      Other Special Clauses:
             27          None
             28      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             29      ENACTS:
             30          63H-1-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             31          63H-1-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             32          63H-1-201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             33          63H-1-301, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             34          63H-1-302, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             35          63H-1-303, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             36          63H-1-401, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             37          63H-1-402, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             38          63H-1-403, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             39          63H-1-404, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             40          63H-1-501, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             41          63H-1-502, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             42          63H-1-503, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             43          63H-1-601, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             44          63H-1-602, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             45          63H-1-603, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             46          63H-1-604, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             47          63H-1-605, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             48          63H-1-606, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             49          63H-1-701, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             50          63H-1-702, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             51          63H-1-703, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             52          63H-1-704, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             53          63H-1-705, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             54          63H-1-801, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             56      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:

             57          Section 1. Section 63H-1-101 is enacted to read:


Part 1. General Provisions

             61          63H-1-101. Title.
             62          This chapter is known as the "Military Installation Development Authority Act."
             63          Section 2. Section 63H-1-102 is enacted to read:
             64          63H-1-102. Definitions.
             65          As used in this chapter:
             66          (1) "Authority" means the Military Installation Development Authority, created under
             67      Section 63H-1-201 .
             68          (2) "Base taxable value" means the taxable value of the property within a project area
             69      from which tax increment will be collected, as shown upon the assessment roll last equalized
             70      before the effective date of the project area plan.
             71          (3) "Board" means the governing body of the authority created under Section
             72      63H-1-301 .
             73          (4) "Development project" means a project to develop military land.
             74          (5) "Military land" means land owned by the federal government that is part of an
             75      active or closed federal defense and military installation.
             76          (6) "Project area" means the geographic area described in a project area plan or draft
             77      project area plan where the development project set forth in the project area plan or draft
             78      project area plan takes place or is proposed to take place.
             79          (7) "Project area budget" means a multiyear projection of annual or cumulative
             80      revenues and expenses and other fiscal matters pertaining to a project area that includes:
             81          (a) the base taxable value of property in the project area;
             82          (b) the projected tax increment expected to be generated within the project area;
             83          (c) the amount of tax increment expected to be shared with other taxing entities;
             84          (d) the amount of tax increment expected to be used to implement the project area plan,
             85      including the estimated amount of tax increment to be used for land acquisition, public
             86      improvements, infrastructure improvements, and loans, grants, or other incentives to private
             87      and public entities;

             88          (e) the tax increment expected to be used to cover the cost of administering the project
             89      area plan;
             90          (f) if the area from which tax increment is to be collected is less than the entire project
             91      area:
             92          (i) the tax identification numbers of the parcels from which tax increment will be
             93      collected; or
             94          (ii) a legal description of the portion of the project area from which tax increment will
             95      be collected; and
             96          (g) for property that the agency owns or leases and expects to sell or sublease, the
             97      expected total cost of the property to the agency and the expected selling price or lease
             98      payments.
             99          (8) "Project area plan" means a written plan that, after its effective date, guides and
             100      controls the development within a project area.
             101          (9) "Property tax" includes privilege tax and each levy on an ad valorem basis on
             102      tangible or intangible personal or real property.
             103          (10) "Public entity" means:
             104          (a) the state, including any of its departments or agencies; or
             105          (b) a political subdivision of the state, including a county, city, town, school district,
             106      special district, local district, or interlocal cooperation entity.
             107          (11) "Publicly owned infrastructure and improvements" means water, sewer, storm
             108      drainage, electrical, and other similar systems and lines, streets, roads, curb, gutter, sidewalk,
             109      walkways, parking facilities, public transportation facilities, and other facilities, infrastructure,
             110      and improvements benefitting the public and to be publicly owned or publicly maintained or
             111      operated.
             112          (12) "Record property owner" or "record owner of property" means the owner of real
             113      property as shown on the records of the recorder of the county in which the property is located
             114      and includes a purchaser under a real estate contract if the contract is recorded in the office of
             115      the recorder of the county in which the property is located or the purchaser gives written notice
             116      of the real estate contract to the agency.
             117          (13) "Taxable value" means the value of property as shown on the last equalized
             118      assessment roll as certified by the county assessor.

             119          (14) "Tax increment" means the difference between:
             120          (a) the amount of property tax revenues generated each tax year by all taxing entities
             121      from the area within a project area designated in the project area plan as the area from which
             122      tax increment is to be collected, using the current assessed value of the property; and
             123          (b) the amount of property tax revenues that would be generated from that same area
             124      using the base taxable value of the property.
             125          (15) "Taxing entity" means a public entity that levies a tax on property within a
             126      community.
             127          Section 3. Section 63H-1-201 is enacted to read:
Part 2. Creation of Authority

             129          63H-1-201. Creation of Military Installation Development Authority.
             130          (1) There is created a Military Installation Development Authority.
             131          (2) The authority is an independent, nonprofit, separate body corporate and politic,
             132      with perpetual succession.
             133          (3) The authority may:
             134          (a) sue and be sued;
             135          (b) enter into contracts generally;
             136          (c) buy, obtain an option upon, or otherwise acquire any interest in real or personal
             137      property within the boundaries of a military installation;
             138          (d) sell, convey, grant, dispose of by gift, or otherwise dispose of any interest in real or
             139      personal property;
             140          (e) enter into a lease agreement on real or personal property, either as lessee or lessor,
             141      within the boundaries of a military installation;
             142          (f) provide for the development of military land under contracts with the federal
             143      government;
             144          (g) receive tax increment as provided in this chapter;
             145          (h) accept financial or other assistance from any public or private source for the
             146      authority's activities, powers, and duties, and expend any funds so received for any of the
             147      purposes of this chapter;
             148          (i) borrow money or accept financial or other assistance from the federal government, a
             149      public entity, or any other source for any of the purposes of this chapter and comply with any

             150      conditions of the loan or assistance;
             151          (j) issue bonds to finance the undertaking of any development objectives of the
             152      authority;
             153          (k) hire employees;
             154          (l) transact other business and exercise all other powers provided for in this chapter;
             155      and
             156          (m) enter into a partnership agreement with a developer of military land.
             157          Section 4. Section 63H-1-301 is enacted to read:
Part 3. Authority Board

             159          63H-1-301. Authority board.
             160          (1) The authority shall be governed by a board which shall manage and conduct the
             161      business and affairs of the authority and shall determine all questions of authority policy.
             162          (2) All powers of the authority are exercised through the board.
             163          Section 5. Section 63H-1-302 is enacted to read:
             164          63H-1-302. Number of board members -- Appointment.
             165          (1) The authority's board shall consist of seven members.
             166          (2) Five members of the board shall be appointed by the governor as follows:
             167          (a) one member shall be appointed from recommendations from the Utah Defense
             168      Alliance;
             169          (b) three members shall be appointed, each of whom is a mayor of a municipality
             170      adjacent to a military installation; and
             171          (c) one member shall be appointed from the Governor's Office of Economic
             172      Development.
             173          (3) The president of the Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives shall
             174      each appoint one board member.
             175          (4) (a) Each vacancy shall be filled in the same manner under this section as the
             176      appointment of the member whose vacancy is being filled.
             177          (b) Each person appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve the remaining unexpired term of
             178      the member whose vacancy the person is filling.
             179          (c) If a mayor appointed under Subsection (2)(b) leaves office as mayor, a vacancy on
             180      the board occurs and the governor shall appoint another mayor, as provided in Subsection

             181      (2)(b), to fill the vacancy.
             182          Section 6. Section 63H-1-303 is enacted to read:
             183          63H-1-303. Term of board members.
             184          (1) The term of board members is four years, except that the term of the members of
             185      the initial board shall be staggered so that the terms of approximately half the board members
             186      expires every two years.
             187          (2) Each board member shall serve until a successor is duly appointed and qualified.
             188          Section 7. Section 63H-1-401 is enacted to read:
Part 4. Project Area Plan

             190          63H-1-401. Preparation of project area plan -- Required contents of project area
             191      plan.
             192          (1) Before spending any funds or entering into any lease or development agreement and
             193      subject to Section 63H-1-402 , the authority board shall prepare a project area plan.
             194          (2) Each project area plan under Subsection (1) shall contain:
             195          (a) a legal description of the boundaries of the project area that is the subject of the
             196      project area plan;
             197          (b) the authority's purposes and intent with respect to the project area; and
             198          (c) the board's findings and determination that:
             199          (i) there is a need to effectuate a public purpose;
             200          (ii) there is a public benefit to the proposed development project;
             201          (iii) it is economically sound and feasible to adopt and carry out the project area plan;
             202      and
             203          (iv) carrying out the project area plan will promote the public peace, health, safety, and
             204      welfare of the community in which the project area is located.
             205          Section 8. Section 63H-1-402 is enacted to read:
             206          63H-1-402. Public meeting to discuss preparation of project area plan -- Notice.
             207          (1) The authority board shall hold at least one public meeting to discuss the preparation
             208      of the project area plan.
             209          (2) The authority board shall give notice of each public meeting under Subsection (1)
             210      to affected entities.
             211          (3) Upon completion of the project area plan, the board shall provide notice of the time

             212      and place of the meeting at which it will consider adoption of the plan.
             213          Section 9. Section 63H-1-403 is enacted to read:
             214          63H-1-403. Notice of project area plan adoption -- Effective date of plan --
             215      Contesting the formation of the plan.
             216          (1) (a) Upon the board's adoption of a project area plan, the board shall provide notice
             217      as provided in Subsection (1)(b) by:
             218          (i) publishing or causing to be published a notice in a newspaper of general circulation
             219      within the authority's boundaries; or
             220          (ii) if there is no newspaper of general circulation within the authority's boundaries,
             221      causing a notice to be posted in at least three public places within the authority's boundaries.
             222          (b) Each notice under Subsection (1)(a) shall:
             223          (i) set forth the board resolution adopting the project area plan or a summary of the
             224      resolution; and
             225          (ii) include a statement that the project area plan is available for general public
             226      inspection and the hours for inspection.
             227          (2) The project area plan shall become effective on the date of:
             228          (a) if notice was published under Subsection (1)(a), publication of the notice; or
             229          (b) if notice was posted under Subsection (1)(a), posting of the notice.
             230          (3) The authority shall make the adopted project area plan available to the general
             231      public at its offices during normal business hours.
             232          Section 10. Section 63H-1-404 is enacted to read:
             233          63H-1-404. Land use laws not applicable.
             234          The authority is not subject to:
             235          (1) Title 10, Chapter 9a, Municipal Land Use, Development, and Management Act;
             236          (2) Title 17, Chapter 27a, County Land Use, Development, and Management Act; or
             237          (3) the land use ordinances or regulations of a county or municipality.
             238          Section 11. Section 63H-1-501 is enacted to read:
Part 5. Tax Increment

             240          63H-1-501. Authority receipt and use of tax increment -- Distribution of tax
             241      increment.
             242          (1) The authority may receive and use up to 75% of tax increment for up to 25 years, as

             243      provided in this part.
             244          (2) Each county that collects property tax on property within a project area shall pay
             245      and distribute to the agency the tax increment that the agency is entitled to collect under this
             246      title, in the manner and at the time provided in Section 59-2-1365 .
             247          Section 12. Section 63H-1-502 is enacted to read:
             248          63H-1-502. Allowable uses of tax increment.
             249          (1) The authority may use tax increment:
             250          (a) for any of the purposes for which the use of tax increment is authorized under this
             251      chapter;
             252          (b) for administrative, overhead, legal, and other operating expenses of the authority;
             253          (c) to pay for, including financing or refinancing, all or part of the development of
             254      military land;
             255          (d) to pay the cost of the installation and construction of any publicly owned building,
             256      facility, structure, landscaping, or other improvement within the project area from which the
             257      tax increment funds were collected;
             258          (e) to pay the cost of the installation of infrastructure and improvements outside the
             259      project area from which the tax increment funds were collected if the authority board
             260      determines by resolution that the infrastructure and improvements are of benefit to the project
             261      area; and
             262          (f) to pay the principal of and interest on bonds issued by the authority.
             263          (2) The determination of the authority board under Subsection (1)(e) regarding benefit
             264      to the project area shall be final and conclusive.
             265          Section 13. Section 63H-1-503 is enacted to read:
             266          63H-1-503. State Tax Commission and county assessor required to account for
             267      new growth.
             268          The State Tax Commission and the assessor of each county in which a development
             269      project area is located shall count as new growth the assessed value of property with respect to
             270      which the taxing entity is receiving taxes or increased taxes for the first time.
             271          Section 14. Section 63H-1-601 is enacted to read:
Part 6. Authority Bonds

             273          63H-1-601. Resolution authorizing issuance of authority bonds -- Characteristics

             274      of bonds.
             275          (1) The authority may not issue bonds under this part unless the authority board first
             276      adopts a resolution authorizing their issuance.
             277          (2) (a) As provided in the authority resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds under
             278      this part or the trust indenture under which the bonds are issued, bonds issued under this part
             279      may be issued in one or more series and may be sold at public or private sale and in the manner
             280      provided in the resolution or indenture.
             281          (b) Bonds issued under this part shall bear the date, be payable at the time, bear interest
             282      at the rate, be in the denomination and in the form, carry the conversion or registration
             283      privileges, have the rank or priority, be executed in the manner, be subject to the terms of
             284      redemption or tender, with or without premium, be payable in the medium of payment and at
             285      the place, and have other characteristics as provided in the authority resolution authorizing
             286      their issuance or the trust indenture under which they are issued.
             287          Section 15. Section 63H-1-602 is enacted to read:
             288          63H-1-602. Sources from which bonds may be made payable -- Authority powers
             289      regarding bonds.
             290          (1) The principal and interest on bonds issued by the authority may be made payable
             291      from:
             292          (a) the income and revenues of the projects financed with the proceeds of the bonds;
             293          (b) the income and revenues of certain designated projects whether or not they were
             294      financed in whole or in part with the proceeds of the bonds;
             295          (c) the income, proceeds, revenues, property, and funds the authority derives from or
             296      holds in connection with its undertaking and carrying out development of military land;
             297          (d) tax increment funds;
             298          (e) authority revenues generally;
             299          (f) a contribution, loan, grant, or other financial assistance from the federal government
             300      or a public entity in aid of the development of military land; or
             301          (g) funds derived from any combination of the methods listed in Subsections (1)(a)
             302      through (f).
             303          (2) In connection with the issuance of authority bonds, the authority may:
             304          (a) pledge all or any part of its gross or net rents, fees, or revenues to which its right

             305      then exists or may thereafter come into existence;
             306          (b) encumber by mortgage, deed of trust, or otherwise all or any part of its real or
             307      personal property, then owned or thereafter acquired; and
             308          (c) make the covenants and take the action that may be necessary, convenient, or
             309      desirable to secure its bonds, or, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, that will tend to
             310      make the bonds more marketable, even though such covenants or actions are not specifically
             311      enumerated in this chapter.
             312          Section 16. Section 63H-1-603 is enacted to read:
             313          63H-1-603. Authority to purchase agency bonds.
             314          (1) Any person, firm, corporation, association, political subdivision of the state, or
             315      other entity or public or private officer may purchase bonds issued by an authority under this
             316      part with funds owned or controlled by the purchaser.
             317          (2) Nothing in this section may be construed to relieve a purchaser of authority bonds
             318      of any duty to exercise reasonable care in selecting securities.
             319          Section 17. Section 63H-1-604 is enacted to read:
             320          63H-1-604. Those executing bonds not personally liable -- Limitation of
             321      obligations under bonds -- Negotiability.
             322          (1) A member of the authority board or other person executing an authority bond is not
             323      liable personally on the bond.
             324          (2) (a) A bond issued by the authority is not a general obligation or liability of the state
             325      or any of its political subdivisions and does not constitute a charge against their general credit
             326      or taxing powers.
             327          (b) A bond issued by the authority is not payable out of any funds or properties other
             328      than those of the authority.
             329          (c) The community, the state, and its political subdivisions may not be liable on a bond
             330      issued by the authority.
             331          (d) A bond issued by the authority does not constitute indebtedness within the meaning
             332      of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation.
             333          (3) A bond issued by the authority under this part is fully negotiable.
             334          Section 18. Section 63H-1-605 is enacted to read:
             335          63H-1-605. Obligee rights -- Board may confer other rights.

             336          (1) In addition to all other rights that are conferred on an obligee of a bond issued by
             337      the authority under this part and subject to contractual restrictions binding on the obligee, an
             338      obligee may:
             339          (a) by mandamus, suit, action, or other proceeding, compel an authority and its board,
             340      officers, agents, or employees to perform every term, provision, and covenant contained in any
             341      contract of the authority with or for the benefit of the obligee, and require the authority to carry
             342      out the covenants and agreements of the authority and to fulfill all duties imposed on the
             343      authority by this part; and
             344          (b) by suit, action, or proceeding in equity, enjoin any acts or things that may be
             345      unlawful or violate the rights of the obligee.
             346          (2) (a) In a board resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds or in a trust indenture,
             347      mortgage, lease, or other contract, an authority board may confer upon an obligee holding or
             348      representing a specified amount in bonds, the rights described in Subsection (2)(b), to accrue
             349      upon the happening of an event or default prescribed in the resolution, indenture, mortgage,
             350      lease, or other contract, and to be exercised by suit, action, or proceeding in any court of
             351      competent jurisdiction.
             352          (b) (i) The rights that the board may confer under Subsection (2)(a) are the rights to:
             353          (A) cause possession of all or part of a development project to be surrendered to an
             354      obligee;
             355          (B) obtain the appointment of a receiver of all or part of an authority's development
             356      project and of the rents and profits from it; and
             357          (C) require the authority and its board and employees to account as if the authority and
             358      the board and employees were the trustees of an express trust.
             359          (ii) If a receiver is appointed through the exercise of a right granted under Subsection
             360      (2)(b)(i)(B), the receiver:
             361          (A) may enter and take possession of the development project or any part of it, operate
             362      and maintain it, and collect and receive all fees, rents, revenues, or other charges arising from it
             363      after the receiver's appointment; and
             364          (B) shall keep money collected as receiver for the authority in separate accounts and
             365      apply it pursuant to the authority obligations as the court directs.
             366          Section 19. Section 63H-1-606 is enacted to read:

             367          63H-1-606. Bonds exempt from taxes -- Authority may purchase its own bonds.
             368          (1) A bond issued by the authority under this part is issued for an essential public and
             369      governmental purpose and is, together with interest on the bond and income from it, exempt
             370      from all state taxes except the corporate franchise tax.
             371          (2) The authority may purchase its own bonds at a price that its board determines.
             372          (3) Nothing in this section may be construed to limit the right of an obligee to pursue a
             373      remedy for the enforcement of a pledge or lien given under this part by the authority on its
             374      rents, fees, grants, properties, or revenues.
             375          Section 20. Section 63H-1-701 is enacted to read:
Part 7. Authority Budget and Reports

             377          63H-1-701. Annual authority budget -- Fiscal year -- Public hearing required --
             378      Auditor forms -- Requirement to file form.
             379          (1) The authority shall prepare and its board adopt an annual budget of revenues and
             380      expenditures for the authority for each fiscal year.
             381          (2) Each annual authority budget shall be adopted before June 22.
             382          (3) The authority's fiscal year shall be the period from July 1 to the following June 30.
             383          (4) (a) Before adopting an annual budget, the authority board shall hold a public
             384      hearing on the annual budget.
             385          (b) The authority shall provide notice of the public hearing on the annual budget by:
             386          (i) publishing at least one notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the
             387      authority boundaries, one week before the public hearing; or
             388          (ii) if there is no newspaper of general circulation within the authority boundaries,
             389      posting a notice of the public hearing in at least three public places within the authority
             390      boundaries.
             391          (c) The authority shall make the annual budget available for public inspection at least
             392      three days before the date of the public hearing.
             393          (5) The state auditor shall prescribe the budget forms and the categories to be contained
             394      in each authority budget, including:
             395          (a) revenues and expenditures for the budget year;
             396          (b) legal fees; and
             397          (c) administrative costs, including rent, supplies, and other materials, and salaries of

             398      authority personnel.
             399          (6) (a) Within 30 days after adopting an annual budget, the authority board shall file a
             400      copy of the annual budget with the auditor of the county in which the authority is located, the
             401      State Tax Commission, the state auditor, the State Board of Education, and each taxing entity
             402      that levies a tax on property from which the authority collects tax increment.
             403          (b) The requirement of Subsection (6)(a) to file a copy of the annual budget with the
             404      state as a taxing entity is met if the authority files a copy with the State Tax Commission and
             405      the state auditor.
             406          Section 21. Section 63H-1-702 is enacted to read:
             407          63H-1-702. Amending the authority annual budget.
             408          (1) The authority board may by resolution amend an annual authority budget.
             409          (2) An amendment of the annual authority budget that would increase the total
             410      expenditures may be made only after public hearing by notice published as required for initial
             411      adoption of the annual budget.
             412          (3) The authority may not make expenditures in excess of the total expenditures
             413      established in the annual budget as it is adopted or amended.
             414          Section 22. Section 63H-1-703 is enacted to read:
             415          63H-1-703. Authority report.
             416          (1) (a) On or before November 1 of each year, the authority shall prepare and file a
             417      report with the county auditor, the State Tax Commission, the State Board of Education, and
             418      each taxing entity that levies a tax on property from which the authority collects tax increment.
             419          (b) The requirement of Subsection (1)(a) to file a copy of the report with the state as a
             420      taxing entity is met if the authority files a copy with the State Tax Commission and the state
             421      auditor.
             422          (2) Each report under Subsection (1) shall contain:
             423          (a) an estimate of the tax increment to be paid to the authority for the calendar year
             424      ending December 31; and
             425          (b) an estimate of the tax increment to be paid to the authority for the calendar year
             426      beginning the next January 1.
             427          Section 23. Section 63H-1-704 is enacted to read:
             428          63H-1-704. Audit requirements.

             429          The authority shall comply with the audit requirements of Title 51, Chapter 2a,
             430      Accounting Reports from Political Subdivisions, Interlocal Organizations, and Other Local
             431      Entities Act.
             432          Section 24. Section 63H-1-705 is enacted to read:
             433          63H-1-705. Audit report.
             434          (1) The authority shall, within 180 days after the end of the authority's fiscal year, file a
             435      copy of the audit report with the county auditor, the State Tax Commission, the State Board of
             436      Education, and each taxing entity that levies a tax on property from which the authority collects
             437      tax increment.
             438          (2) Each audit report under Subsection (1) shall include:
             439          (a) the tax increment collected by the authority for each project area;
             440          (b) the outstanding principal amount of bonds issued or other loans incurred to finance
             441      the costs associated with the authority's project areas; and
             442          (c) the actual amount expended for:
             443          (i) acquisition of property;
             444          (ii) site improvements or site preparation costs;
             445          (iii) installation of public utilities or other public improvements; and
             446          (iv) administrative costs of the authority.
             447          Section 25. Section 63H-1-801 is enacted to read:
Part 8. Authority Dissolution

             449          63H-1-801. Dissolution of authority -- Restrictions -- Filing copy of ordinance --
             450      Authority records -- Dissolution expenses.
             451          (1) The authority may not be dissolved unless the authority has no outstanding bonded
             452      indebtedness, other unpaid loans, indebtedness, or advances, and no legally binding contractual
             453      obligations with persons or entities other than the state.
             454          (2) Upon the dissolution of the authority, the Governor's Office of Economic
             455      Development shall publish a notice of dissolution in a newspaper of general circulation in the
             456      county in which the dissolved authority is located.
             457          (3) The books, documents, records, papers, and seal of each dissolved authority shall
             458      be deposited for safekeeping and reference with the state auditor.
             459          (4) The authority shall pay all expenses of the deactivation and dissolution.

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