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S.B. 262





Chief Sponsor: Mark B. Madsen

House Sponsor: Kenneth W. Sumsion

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill provides restrictions on the use of arbitration in condominium projects and
             10      community associations.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    prohibits arbitration in condominium and community association developments
             14      unless the relevant governing documents, bylaws, rules, or separate agreement allow
             15      arbitration;
             16          .    addresses the remedies for a party objecting to a prohibited arbitration; and
             17          .    makes technical changes.
             18      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             19          None
             20      Other Special Clauses:
             21          None
             22      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             23      AMENDS:
             24          57-8-38, as last amended by Chapter 90, Laws of Utah 2004
             25      ENACTS:
             26          57-8a-209, Utah Code Annotated 1953

             28      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             29          Section 1. Section 57-8-38 is amended to read:
             30           57-8-38. Arbitration.
             31          (1) The declaration, bylaws, or association rules may provide that disputes between the
             32      parties shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to Title 78, Chapter 31a, Utah Uniform
             33      Arbitration Act.
             34          (2) A dispute concerning a condominium may be submitted to arbitration only if
             35      allowed by the declaration, bylaws, association rules, or an agreement signed by each party to
             36      the arbitration or each party's predecessor-in-interest.
             37          (3) If a matter is submitted to arbitration in violation of Subsection (2):
             38          (a) any document arising from the arbitration that is recorded and in any way
             39      encumbers the property of any person who objects to the arbitration constitutes a wrongful lien
             40      for purposes of Title 38, Chapter 9, Wrongful Liens and Wrongful Judgment Liens; or
             41          (b) any person who suffers damage and objects to the arbitration has a civil action for
             42      actual damages, costs, and attorney fees against the person who institutes the arbitration
             43      proceeding.
             44          Section 2. Section 57-8a-209 is enacted to read:
             45          57-8a-209. Arbitration.
             46          (1) The governing documents may provide that disputes between the parties shall be
             47      submitted to arbitration pursuant to Title 78, Chapter 31a, Utah Uniform Arbitration Act.
             48          (2) A dispute concerning a lot may be submitted to arbitration only if allowed by the
             49      governing documents or an agreement signed by each party to the arbitration or each party's
             50      predecessor-in-interest.
             51          (3) If a matter is submitted to arbitration in violation of Subsection (2):
             52          (a) (i) any document arising from the arbitration that is recorded and in any way
             53      encumbers the property of any person who objects to the arbitration constitutes a wrongful lien
             54      for purposes of Title 38, Chapter 9, Wrongful Liens and Wrongful Judgment Liens; or
             55          (ii) any person who suffers damage and objects to the arbitration has a civil action for
             56      actual damages, costs, and attorney fees against the person who institutes the arbitration
             57      proceeding; and
             58          (b) the arbitrator's decision is not valid or binding on the parties.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-9-07 11:48 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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