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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2007, 8:00 A.M.
Members Present: Sen. Gregory S. Bell, Chair
Sen. Jon J. Greiner
Sen. Mark B. Madsen
Sen. Scott D. McCoy
Sen. Ross I. Romero
Members Excused: Sen. Lyle W. Hillyard
Pres. John L. Valentine
Staff Present: Jerry Howe, Policy Analyst
Bonnie Brinton, Committee Secretary
Public Speakers Present: Richard Hamp, Attorney General's Office
Roben Schafer, Citizen
LeGrand Bitter, Lobbyist, Utah Association of Special Districts
Ed McConkie, Chief, Bureau of Criminal Investigation
Clark Aposhian, Chairman, Citizens Concealed Weapons Board
A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the Committee minutes.
Chair Bell called the meeting to order at 8:20 a.m.
Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Sen. McCoy moved to approve the minutes of January 30, 2007.
The motion passed unanimously.
1. S.B. 137 Homeland Security Amendments (Sen. J. Greiner)
Sen. Greiner explained the bill.
MOTION: Sen. McCoy moved to pass S.B. 137 out of Committee with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Sen. McCoy moved to place S.B. 137 on the Consent Calendar.
The motion passed unanimously.
2. S.B. 138 Administrative Rule Criminal Penalty Amendments (Sen. H. Stephenson)
MOTION: Sen. Madsen moved to delete in title and body S.B. 138 and replace it with 1st Sub. S.B. 138.
The motion passed unanimously.
Sen. Stephenson explained the bill.
MOTION: Sen. McCoy moved to pass 1st Sub. S.B. 138 out of Committee with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Greiner absent for the vote.
3. S.B. 179 Immunity of Counties and Municipalities for Sky Diving Activities
(Sen. B. Goodfellow)
Sen. Goodfellow explained the bill.
LeGrand Bitter, Lobbyist, Utah Association of Special Districts, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Romero moved to pass S.B. 179 out of Committee with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Greiner absent for the vote.
4. S.B. 140 Identity Fraud Amendments (Sen. C. Walker)
Sen. Walker explained the bill.
Richard Hamp, Attorney General's Office, assisted in the explanation of the bill.
Roben Schafer, Citizen, spoke to the bill.
MOTION: Sen. McCoy moved to pass S.B. 140 out of Committee with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Sen McCoy moved to place S.B. 140 on the Consent Calendar.
The motion passed unanimously.
5. H.B. 39 Concealed Weapons Fees Amendments (Rep. C. Oda)
Rep. Oda explained the bill.
Ed McConkie, Chief, Bureau of Criminal Investigations, spoke to the bill.
Clark Aposhian, Chairman, Citizens Concealed Weapons Board, spoke to the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Romero moved to pass H.B. 39 out of Committee with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Sen. Greiner moved to adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m.