TO: Members of the House Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Standing Committee
FROM: Rep. Roger E. Barrus, Chair
Rep. Kerry W. Gibson, Vice Chair
RE: Committee Meeting
DATE: Monday, February 11, 2008
TIME: 8:30 AM
PLACE: Room C445, State Capitol, Utah State Capitol Complex
- Call to order and approval of minutes
- The following bills are scheduled for consideration:
1. SB0110S01 Foreign Business Entities and Tribal Law (K. VanTassell)
2. HB0362 Motor Fuel Tax - Off-highway Vehicle Refund Amendments (B. Ferry)
3. HCR005 Concurrent Resolution Urging Congressional Approval of R.s. 2477 Rights-of-way Recognition Act (M. Brown)
Rep. Roger E. Barrus, Chair
Rep. Kerry W. Gibson, Vice Chair
Rep. Sylvia S. Andersen
Rep. Melvin R. Brown
Rep. Glenn A. Donnelson
Rep. Jack R. Draxler
Rep. Carl W. Duckworth
Rep. James R. Gowans
Rep. Neal B. Hendrickson
Rep. John G. Mathis
Rep. Michael E. Noel
Rep. Patrick Painter
Rep. Phil Riesen
Rep. Stephen E. Sandstrom
Rep. Bradley A. Winn
Committee Analyst: J Brian Allred, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel
Committee Secretary: Carrie Griffith