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H.B. 131 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Jennifer M. Seelig

Senate Sponsor: Scott D. McCoy

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill amends the Access to Health Care part of the Medical Assistance Act in the
             11      Health Code.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    authorizes the Department of Health to contract with private entities for community
             15      based services for low income individuals and individuals who are underserved in
             16      health care to assist them with prudent and appropriate use of health care resources;
             17          .    establishes the purposes of the contracts;
             18          .    amends definitions;
             19          .    directs the department to maximize federal matching dollars for the purpose of
             20      funding additional contracts for services;
             21          .    establishes the criteria for awarding the contract; and
             22          .    establishes a pilot program for the contract for services.
             23      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             24          This bill appropriates:
             25          .    $175,000 from the General Fund for fiscal year 2008-09 only, to fund the pilot
             26      program for community based services.
             27      Other Special Clauses:
             28          None
             29      Utah Code Sections Affected:

             30      AMENDS:
             31          26-18-301, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 255
             32          26-18-302, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 255
             33          26-18-304, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 255
             35      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             36          Section 1. Section 26-18-301 is amended to read:
             37           26-18-301. Definitions.
             38          As used in this part:
             39          (1) "Community based organization":
             40          (a) means a private entity; and
             41          (b) includes for profit and not for profit entities.
             42          (2) "Cultural competence" means a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies
             43      that come together in a system, agency, or profession and enables that system, agency, or
             44      profession to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.
             45          (3) "Health literacy" means the degree to which an individual has the capacity to obtain,
             46      process, and understand health information and services needed to make appropriate health
             47      decisions.
             48          (4) "Institutional capacity" means the ability of a community based organization to
             49      implement public and private contracts.
             50          [(1)] (5) "Medically underserved population" means the population of an urban or rural
             51      area or a population group designated by the department as having a shortage of primary health
             52      care services.
             53          [(2)] (6) "Primary health care" means:
             54          (a) basic and general health care services given when a person seeks assistance to
             55      screen for or to prevent illness and disease, or for simple and common illnesses and injuries; and
             56          (b) care given for the management of chronic diseases.
             57          [(3)] (7) "Primary health care services" include, but are not limited to:

             58          (a) services of physicians, [all] nurses, physician's assistants, and dentists licensed to
             59      practice in this state under Title 58, Occupations and Professions;
             60          (b) diagnostic and radiologic services;
             61          (c) preventive health services including, but not limited to, perinatal services, well-child
             62      services, and other services that seek to prevent disease or its consequences;
             63          (d) emergency medical services;
             64          (e) preventive dental services; and
             65          (f) pharmaceutical services.
             66          Section 2. Section 26-18-302 is amended to read:
             67           26-18-302. Department to award grants and contracts -- Applications.
             68          (1) (a) Within appropriations specified by the Legislature for this purpose, the
             69      department may make grants to public and nonprofit entities for the cost of operation of
             70      providing primary health care services to medically underserved populations.
             71          (b) The department may, as funding permits, contract with community based
             72      organizations for the purpose of developing culturally and linguistically appropriate programs
             73      and services for low income and medically underserved populations through a pilot program to
             74      accomplish one or more of the following:
             75          (i) to educate individuals:
             76          (A) to use private and public health care coverage programs, products, services, and
             77      resources in a timely, effective, and responsible manner;
             78          (B) to make prudent use of private and public health care resources;
             79          (C) to pursue preventive health care, health screenings, and disease management;
             80          (D) to locate health care programs and services;
             81          (ii) to assist individuals to develop:
             82          (A) personal health management;
             83          (B) self-sufficiency in daily care; and
             84          (C) life and disease management skills;
             85          (iii) to support translation of health materials and information;

             86          (iv) to facilitate an individual's access to primary care services and providers, including
             87      mental health services; and
             88          (v) to measure and report empirical results of the pilot project.
             89          (2) (a) Grants by the department shall be awarded based on:
             90          (i) applications submitted to the department in the manner and form prescribed by the
             91      department; and [by]
             92          (ii) the criteria established in Section 26-18-303 .
             93          (b) The application for a grant under Subsection (2)(a) shall contain:
             94          (i) a requested award amount[,];
             95          (ii) a budget[,]; and
             96          (iii) a narrative plan of the manner in which the applicant intends to provide the primary
             97      health care services described in [this chapter.] Subsection 26-18-301 (7).
             98          (c) A contract bid for a service under Subsection (1)(b):
             99          (i) shall be awarded in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 56, Utah Procurement Code;
             100          (ii) must include the information described in Section 26-18-303 ; and
             101          (iii) is subject to Subsection (3) of this section.
             102          (3) [Applicants] (a) An applicant under this chapter must demonstrate to the
             103      department that [they will operate in a manner such that no person shall be denied service by
             104      reason of his inability to pay. This] the applicant will not deny services to a person because of
             105      the person's inability to pay for the services.
             106          (b) Subsection (3)(a) does not preclude [the] an applicant from seeking payment from
             107      the [patient] person receiving services, a third party, or a government agency [that is authorized
             108      or that] if:
             109          (i) the applicant is authorized to charge for the services; and
             110          (ii) the person, third party, or government agency is under legal obligation to pay [such]
             111      the charges.
             112          (4) The department shall maximize the use of federal matching funds received for
             113      services under Subsection (1)(b) to fund additional contracts under Subsection (1)(b).

             114          Section 3. Section 26-18-304 is amended to read:
             115           26-18-304. Process and criteria for awarding grants and contracts.
             116          (1) The department shall establish rules in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             117      Administrative Rulemaking Act, governing the application form, process, and criteria it will use
             118      in awarding grants and contracts under this chapter. [In awarding grants,]
             119          (2) When awarding a primary care grant under Subsection 26-18-302 (1)(a), the
             120      department shall consider the extent to which the applicant:
             121          [(1)] (a) demonstrates that the area or a population group to be served under the
             122      application has a shortage of primary health care and that the services will be located so that
             123      they will provide assistance to the greatest number of persons residing in [such] the area or
             124      included in [such] the population group;
             125          [(2)] (b) utilizes other sources of funding, including private funding, to provide primary
             126      health care;
             127          [(3)] (c) demonstrates the ability and expertise to serve traditionally medically
             128      underserved populations including persons of limited English-speaking ability, single heads of
             129      households, the elderly, persons with low incomes, and persons with chronic diseases;
             130          [(4)] (d) demonstrates that it will assume financial risk for a specified number of
             131      medically underserved persons within its catchment area for a predetermined level of care on a
             132      prepaid capitation basis; and
             133          [(5)] (e) meets other criteria determined by the department.
             134          (3) When awarding a contract for community based services under Subsection
             135      26-18-302 (1)(b), the department shall:
             136          (a) consider the extent to which the applicant:
             137          (i) demonstrates that the area or a population group to be served under the application
             138      is a medically underserved area or population and that the services will be located so that they
             139      will provide assistance to the greatest number of persons residing in the area or included in the
             140      population group;
             141          (ii) utilizes other sources of funding, including private funding, to provide the services

             142      described in Subsection 26-18-302 (1)(b);
             143          (iii) demonstrates the ability and expertise to serve traditionally medically underserved
             144      populations including persons of limited English-speaking ability, single heads of households,
             145      the elderly, persons with low incomes, and persons with chronic diseases;
             146          (iv) meets other criteria determined by the department; and
             147          (v) demonstrates the ability to empirically measure and report the results of all contract
             148      supported activities;
             149          (b) consider the extent to which the contract increases the applicant's institutional
             150      capacity;
             151          (c) consult with the state's:
             152          (i) Medicaid program;
             153          (ii) Children's Health Insurance Program; and
             154          (iii) other assistance programs within the Department of Workforce Services and the
             155      Department of Human Services; and
             156          (d) as funding permits, implement the community based service contract as a pilot
             157      program for which the department shall enter into contracts for services as follows:
             158          (i) two contracts in the amount of $50,000 each to be awarded to experienced and
             159      established applicants; and
             160          (ii) three contracts in the amount of $30,000 each to be awarded to applicants that:
             161          (A) are not as established or experienced as the applicants under Subsection (3)(d)(i);
             162      or
             163          (B) represent smaller community based approaches than the applicants described in
             164      Subsection (3)(d)(i).
             165          (4) Once a contract has been awarded under Subsection (3), the department shall
             166      provide technical assistance to the contractee to familiarize the contractee with public and
             167      private resources available to support wellness, health promotion, and disease management.
             168          Section 4. Appropriation.
             169          There is appropriated from the General Fund for fiscal year 2008-09 only, $175,000 to

             170      the Department of Health to fund the contracts for services authorized by Title 26, Chapter 18,
             171      Part 3, Access to Health Care.

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